COUNTY SCHOOL FUND8- APRIL FOOLED. Almost Incredlblo ne it may npponr, Ihoro aro imilitlcPB P"iu f'oojdo heieabouta who have not yet I'oiicht k-'"'"18 u8' Not ""lny, you "nJcr8ttl only a h'w' Sow U'h bad onougli to bo tho victim of a prae iirnMokooii "All Fool i) Day," but to continue to i(f inrii our claims Ib to mako cvory day in tho year nn ( r I jut for you. Worse, indeed, becuiso the joko m iv cause von to loee only your temper, while to avoid uh Ih' to Iobo your money. Remember, will you, that The foolishost kind of i fool, we fear, Is the fool whoso April lusts all tho year. Here is Wisdom.- MTTIN'S All-wool, black or blue irAAJx- j cheviot Suits, round cut, ntt-Ht Btylf, equal to any d t- rr r0 Htm m uio city w BKK WINDOWS. 7 MPTO'S All-wool Caseimere Snitp, xixnxi n ,n n), t,(e Rt)8t tmttern. equal to any new goods this season ; cheuy castcrn-mBdo suit at twice tho amount; our price HER W1N1MMV8. $10.50 lyrpwiq Fancy Worsted Suite, in IVIE j)oU c,u,ck nn,j etripeg( )lt0 stvlf, with double or single-breasted $7.50 VCHlS; worm in kugiciH- lur way $10.50 HEK WINDOWS TVrP"NPS All-wool blue Surgo and KrBV Clay Worsted Suits, made with hand-worked button holes, raised and padded shoulders, stayed ntwl teinforced throughout; warranted lo give literal satisfac tii n NKK WINIIOWH. 11 I null it il $15.00 Tailor Suits. Our first invoice of these nobby garments bus arrived and is now on sale. Wo invite your presence to pass judgment upon these goods, as they are tho latest cut, style and finish that the leading suit house of New York City has been able to turn out. They were somewhat delayed, owing to tho fact that these garments were made to our order and could not be turned out hurriedly; besides their workmanship will stand the most rigid inspection. Separate Skirts Are also among this shipment, and are in perfect keeping with the suits in style and workmanship. One of these garments worn with our late shirt waists is just tho thing during these delightful spring days. All Goods Marked In Plain F!uros. PEASE & MAYS Hupnrlntntutntit Oilln-rt'n Iteinrt of Ap portionment Alntlo April 2, 1000. Amount apportioned, $5730.40. Total numbor children between tin ages of 4 and 20, 4408. Per capita distribution, $1.30. Warrants have been mailed to tho several school district clerks na fol lows : DIRT. CI.RRK AMOUNT 1 TC Benson 188 50 2 M 11 Nickelsen 189 80 3 L Henry 301 30 4 V 1) Hinrichs 103 80 5 C 1) Henrlcli 10.) 30 0 -Wm II Edick 42 90 7 J II Feak 100 10 8 V T McCluro 28 00 9 A Y Marsh 27 30 10 .1 W Johnston 50 70 11 James Cameron 30 40 12 C L Schmidt 1904 50 13 W II Sharp 33 80 14 M M C;6h n.' 33 10 15 August Deckert 20 80 10 Win Brookhouse 19 50 17 M I) Farringlon 52 00 18 Leon L Dis 28 GO 19 No report 20 George Itiee 70 20 21 0 II Southern 91 00 22 0 B Connelloy 57 20 23 T F Gray 30 40 24 M D Adams 48 10 25 0 I, Walter 35 10 20 Wm Means 24 70 27 .IWNolin 54 00 28 W J Harriman 42 90 29 G W Johnston 175 50 30 Henry Hudson 59 80 31 II W Powell 10 93 32 W H Odell 29 90 33 BHIIajnes 52 00 34 Orrin W Moore 29 90 35 W L Hendricks 16 90 36 James LePuc 44 20 37 GW Jordan 26 00 38 Henrv Bolton "98 80 39 F M Warner 53 30 40 F E McCorkle 50 70 41 V C Young 29 90 42 E N Chandler 115 70 43 Joseph A Knox 22 10 44 J M Led ford 33 80 45 J I West 31 20 4G-OLPaquet 7! 50 47 N W Flinn 37 70 48 J H Chastain, Jr 100 60 49 F S Fleming 53 30 50 Frank.Irvirie 156 00 51 K F McDonald 52 G L Carroll The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. J. THUItl)AY APRIL 5, 1900 I Oysters . MTVll 111 every Btjle by A. KELLER WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Pendleton has several cast's oi small pox. Tim Prohibition county convention meets tuinorrow at 10 a. m., in the county court houte. Tlio Washington Republican statu conrvntuii met today at Ellensburc to elect delegates to the Republican na tional convention. The ladies of tho St. Paul Guild are :i-aring (or their usual Easter sale nil entertainment, which will occur ilurlnn Kisster week. Campbell & Wilson have determined -vi uu, uil'H CUUIU RiUClk Ul lUllllliUI , between now and the first of June. Call Mil vet our prices. April 4 4d-2w At thu request of President J. F. Moore, of the board of lire police, we nniioiiiicu a special meeting of the board nt Saturday night In the council rooms, at 8 o'clock. Hagluy Bros., of the City Dairy, ure L selling tho best milk at $2.00 a quart per month ; three pints, J3.00; two quarts, H.OOj tlnce quarts, 15.50; cream, 20c I Per pint. Tuoim 385. mchSM On tomorrow evening Cedar Circle will celebrate tho third anniversary of "ie W onion of Woodcraft. All members t the order and a few invited guests bo are soon to be members will please "tend the occasion. Mrs. Grant, tho widow of the general, banned jittlo during the last few years. s'ii! leads a very busy life and Is ut prea nt collecting for publication a number o'lier husband's letter. Mrs. James U. "lalnu is also collecting her husband's '''Here for publication in a biography. McDonald, a former business man oiMabton, Wash., is in the city looking 'or a lucallon to go Into business. Mr. McDonald's main object In comii-g here "or the benefit of tils health, which ie mpnirod tluough the malaria of the '"gated region, Mr. McDonald'o fam ily is expected hero In a few days. A young Dano, about 20 yours of age, J lias been workiog (or Dr. N. G. "'"lock on his fruit farm on Blalock Ial In the Columbia liver, near Arling n, was accldentajly shot Sunday even , I" I tie left thigh while cleaning Marhu rifle, The bullet passed "ugli the leg, severing the feuiorial "le'y, tinally lodging iu the interior ol trunk. The wound was compressed by tournequets and the flow of blood was checked considerably, but before medical aid could reach tho wounded man he died from loss of blood. "Tho PopuliBts carried the election at Wallace, Idaho, last Monday." This simple announcement ia a complete commentary on the tendency of these disciples of unrest. Wallace anarchistic Wallace Populist is the same as if the dispatch read, "Pandemonium Popu list." It is a hard saying. Alas, that it should be truel Chrisman Bros, had weighed at tho stock yards two or three days ago tweutv-three head of beeves that aver aged 1,418 poundB each. They were sold to an Astorian party at a price that would have realized overi05 apiece, but! as there was some hitch about the pay merit, Chrisman Bros, sent them back to pasture and will use them iu their own Lusiness later on. "Who haB this tobacco-3,000,000 pounds in Puerto Rico," asks Congress man Cannon and answers : "I will tell you. Tho merchants have it ; and I am told that the tobacco trust of tho United States has it, and sends some of these poor Puerto Rican-American people, if not American people, over here to work for 'a fair show for Puerto Rico." Three million pounds at 35 cents a pound $1, 500,000, If they could import it today they would have that duty to pay." Justice Brewer and Justice Harlan, both members of the United States su preme court, stand side by side in in telligence and ability with the other seven members of that august body, In no particular, however, do these two men show their real greatuees and in terest in humanity any more plainly than when on every Sunday they stand before a large class of young people in the Sunday school and Instruct them in the things pertaining to the better life. With the good feed that this winter has produced on ranges, says tho Lake County Rustler, it would not be surpris ing If tho output of the Oregon sheep for tho year 1900 would run close to 25,000, 000 pounds, and if prices go to tho limit which they now mjciii, this will mean over $5,000,000 that wllfbe brought into the state from outside sources, which will bo over $10 for every man, woman and child in the state. Surely the wool industry is a great thing for the state of Oregon. The municipal elections In Nebraska last Monday resulted in Republican gains all over the state. Iu Lincoln, tho home of the "Boy Orator of the Platte," they swept everything before them. In Kansas tho Republicans were generally successful. In Wisconsin wherever party lines were drawn the Republicans generally won. In Chicago thu Republicans elected nineteen out of thirty-five aldermen. In Missouri "the results on the whole wcro favorable to the Democrats." Texas remains Demo cratic. The following la a summary of the Nsri businees transacted at The Dalles U. S. land office for the month of March : Cash entries, 17; homestead entries, 98; desert land entries, state 4; school selec tions, 5; final homestead proofs, 22; final timber culture entries, 2; total re ceipts from fees and commissions, $1, 752.41 ; total receipts, $4. 149 20. As many as tw(nty-ono homestead entries were made in three days during the month, and the month of April opens with eight liomestead entries on the 2nd. Tho total number of acres entered during March is 10,559. The well for the scouring mill is down 10 feet and further boring has been suspended. Tho water rises to within nine feet of the top and tho contractor mining the hole to take in an iron 24 70 55 90 53 Charles GosBen 42 90 19 50 10 90 62 40 45 50 24 70 5 20 54 F J Reese 55- II W Cooke . . 56- M F Bird .... 57- J C Winglield 58- C C English.. 59- .I G Bolter ... CO No report 61 J I Miller 07 50 02 No report 63 J E Kennedy. . 04 11 Stoneman . . 05 A C Martin 52 00 29 90 02 40 M iirrli'd. pipe that will be sunk to tho deptli oi ixly feet. The pipe ie expected to stop the waste of water ko that it will flow. tie drill went through the same forma tions that have characterized the Electric Light Co'b will, the Brewery well and that of Seufert'e, opposite the mouth of 3-Mile creek. The pressure on the Senferts well ie said to be twenty-live pounds and with sixty feet of piping the contractor expects a good flow, and, in any event, an abundant supply to meet all the needs of the scouring mill. The Students' Literary Club will hold a meeting tonight, In the room back of Justice Brownbill's office, to discties plans for perpetuating tho club along the lines adopted in some cities by the Y. M. C. A. Tho meeting is fixed for 8 o'clock sharp. Every person in the city who is interested in affording the young men the opportunity of spending their leasurtt hours in healthful and innocent recreation, surrounded by in fluences that will contribute to their intellectual, physical and moral welfare, will be welcomed at the meeting and will have opportunity to give the mem bers of the club the benefit of their counsel and experience. I The Democratic county convention I moots hero next Tuesday. The follow- ing persons are talked of as Democratic ; nominees for the several county ofllces: For sheriff Tom Ward is the only name mentioned. The sumo may be said of Louis Heppner for clerk. For county judge three candidates are talked of, namnlv, George C. Blakeley, S. B. Adams and R. F. Gibbons, For county I treasurer three candidates are spoken I of, namely, II . O. Nielsen, W. II. Web ber and Harry Llebe. For county com missioner the name of W. J. Harriman, of Endersby, is talked of. These are all good men, and if by any species of po litical revolution any ono of them should chanco to squeeze through, the county would probably not suspend businees on. his account. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says, "DoWitt's Little Early Risers are the very best pills I ever used for coetiveuees, liver and bowel troubles." , Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. At the home of Mrs. G. L. DeWolf, on Union street, last evening at 8 o'clock, Rev. D. V. Poling officiating, Mrs. Ar mnntha DeWolf, of this city, and Dr. J. G. McLeod, of Newhall, Calif., were united in marriage in tho presence of tho following relatives and friends: fMre. G. L. DeWolf, Miss Lillie De Wolf, Mies May DeWolf, Mrs. C. E. Dawson and daughters, Ermo and Nova, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stephens. Tho rooms were tasefully decorated with Oregon gripe and cut flowers. R Dr. and Mrs. McLeod will leave in a llfew davs for their home in California. Captain Orinsby writes to J. V. 'Leary, of this city, that ho has had as et no instructions from Washington elative to the pasturage of eheep in the aEcades during tLe coming summer. The captain says: "I eoe that sheep and cattle aro to be admitted to the re serve in Eastern Washington. As sheep are excluded from the reserve north of Wtiite river, there is not the shadow of a reason why they should not go in south of there. The secretary of agri culture Is opposing all sheep crazing, and a number of 'Scientists' are to be sent out this summer to 'investigate' and report. It is not hard to te'l what the report will be. As soon as 1 lit ar what tho decision is I will ask (or a meeting of those interested end make it known to them." CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Boughl Boars the Signature Nutlet). In older to coreect a mistaken idea that has gained circulation in some way unbeknown to me, I desire to Inform my many patrons that I am not interested in any manner, whatever, in (lie firm of J. E. Adcox k Co. I am at piy old stand, located in the Vogt Block, and continue to carry the largest and most complete line of diamonds, watches, jewelry and silverware In the city. HAllltV C. Likiie, iii20 3Jlw Jeweler & optician. New patent hangers' suite Store, painters' ami paper at the New York Cash Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk' pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, ami which has foceu. ia use for over 30 years, has borno tho slgnatnro of and has been made under his pcr- ly. J1- . sonal supervision since its infancy. GCtCtilt Allmvnn mm to deceive von in tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" aro but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY STHCCT, HEW YORK CITY. It Has Never Failed Mr. C. S. Peaslec. the well-known druggist o Morgan City, La., is highly thought of in his neigh borhood because of his skill and care in filling pte scriptions. The best physicians in the place send their patients to hU storc'whcEcver they can. Any tiiinir which .Mr. I'easleo mavsnvcau be depended upon i.bnoh.toly. In r. letter to W. II. Hook C j., Xew York" City, proprietors of Acker's En; Rjincdy, lie says. ' hi 'all my many years' tx iicj a s'a tl Mg;ist. I l ave never hniulled a r ff :ui- nature th-.t pave such complete t t.te ion as Acl.i r's English Remedy forThroat a i.i Lu y Troubles. I. have sold hundreds of hi ikr.. fid have yet to learn of a single case v.1! i io it failed to cure. In croup, n acts witn a ccr t limy that is really mar vel, u-'. My wife does not take much stock in medi ci'ie, but she luis absolute faith in Acker's English Remedy, always having it at her elbow in case the children arc attacked by croup at night. It is a positively harmless rem edy, as 'I can personally tesiifv. I know of a little girl who accidentally drank a whole bottle. She was, of course sick at hir stomach lor a short time, but the sickness passed away, and then the child was in belter health than ever before. I can understand why Acker's English Rem edy is so efficacious, because I am a druggist. It is not a mere expectorant, but a strengthening, invigorating tonic as well. AVhile it heals tbo irritations of the mucous membrane, it also builds up tho constitution and purifies th3 blood, I endorse it absolutely." Sold at 25c., 50c. and$i a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada; and in England, at is. sd., 2s. 3d., 4s. Cd. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. It'e authorize the above guarantee. II'. . HOOKl'tl it CO., Proprietors, Xew i'01 k. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milosl uru, a., biivp, "As 11 epeedy cure for coughe, colds, croup and soro throat Or.e Minute Cough Cure ia unt qualed. It is pleasant for childien to take. I heartily recom mend it to mothers." It is tho only harmless remedy that produces im mediate roeulte. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, urippo mid throat and lunc diseases. It will proveut consumption. Sick Hemlaclio absolutely an.l perma nently cured by using Moki Ten. A pleasant herhdrink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money luck. .5 cts, and M cts. Blakuley & Houghton Diuggist'-. No Uagokiieo. Your trousers oueo pressed ulwvys pressed. It takes a minute. Beet pants stretchers in the world. See I'uaeu & Maya' window. VOGT Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. One (light Only SATURDAY npni 7in One of tho bust number of. tho year of the May Dofigner now ready for dis tribution at l'eaee & Mays', Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James K. Pat ton strictly puro liquid paints Watch this paper for date of big mus lin underwear salo at the New York Cash Store; Freeh cracked Nebrasku corn at the Wasco warehouse, Finest kind of chicken feed, mcli25-ii Paint your house with paints that are fully uuarunteed to lust, Clarke & Falk have them. Subscribe for The Cmuoniuu, THE GREAT Barlow... Minstrels Mmineenu'iit Hiiny Want. 35 White Artists 35 New nil ST I'AICT IIIISTU.MKH HONOH IIANOKH New 3 Brass Bands 2 See the Grand Street Pamela Trices, ifl.OO, 75c, 60o and 25o, Hebervcl Send on wlu ut t'liirko A l'ulk'n DriiB Btore,