APRIL FOOLED. Almont incredible tit it niny appear, tliero nro , i ,flS uoinu people hotoabouts who have not yet bongl't enoils of u. Not many, you understand only 'mv Saw it'H had enough to bo the victim of a prne liPHHDko oii "All Fools Dny ;" hut to continue to ig ' ,,. 'onr claims 1b to make evory day in tho year nn Anril 1ft for you. Worse, indeed, becuiso tlio joko mavrnuoo yon 10 ,oso only your temper, whllo to ntold us Ib to loao your money. Remember, will you, Hint The foollshoBt kind of a fool, we fear, Ib the fool whoso April lusts all the year. Here is Wisdom.- $10.50 TVTTT'.'W'P! All-wool, black or blue ffiavt choviot guitHt roum cut latent Htylo, fqual to any dfc rf $7.50 suit In the city pU.JJ ARK W1NIIOWH. "WTTWR All-woo) Caseimere Suits, jyiJi in R, Uie ,fttogt ,wtt6rne. new Koodo this season ; equal to any c.lieny eastern-made suit at twice the amount; our price N1CIC WINDOWS. iirpiW'g Fancy Worsted Suite, in U j)utjt cuuk nn(J RtripeR, 1,0 Myle, with double or single-breasted vests; worth in Uib regii- dry tr lar wny 10.50. . . P 'OKJ Kltt: WINDOWS. "ivyrT'WCJ All-wool bine Serito and O KruJ, Cay Worsted Suits, made with JiHiid-woiked button holes, raised arm puucu ihuuiucid, mil reinforced throughout; warranted to pivo literal Batisfae- tien SKK WINDOWS. 4 V t n it i i nil $15.00 Tailor Suits. Our first invoice of these nobby garments has arrived and is now on sale. Wo invito your presence to pass judgment upon these goods, as they are the latest cut, stylo and finish that the leading suit house of Now York City has been able to turn out. They were somewhat delayed, owing to the fact that these garments were made to our order and could not be turned out hurriedly; besides their workmanship will stand the most rigid inspection. Separate Skirts Are also among this shipment, and are in perfect keeping with the suits in stylo and workmanship. One of these garments worn with our late shirt waists is just the thing during these delightful spring days. All Goods Marked In Flnln Figures. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily CltfoiieJe. Telephone A'o. i. WllDNKsDAT - - - APRIL , MOO uvsters Hcrved in every ntylc liy A. KELLER WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. The May Designer now ready at Pease & Ways'. (Seventeen head of rnge horses were ihlpped this morning on Uie Dalleo City forCorliutt Landing. The regular meeting of The Dalles Hook and Ladder Company at 8 o'clock tonight in the city hall. Free with every mnu's suit, -one pair No lingofcneo pants stretcher. See reuse & Mays' window. The McGet) underskirt for ehnrt ladies can be had only at A. M. Williams & ko. i. Ask to see them. Cuinpliell A Wilson have determined tocloBeout their entire slock of millinery, between now and (lie first of Juno. Call and (ret our prices. April 4 4d-12w EyerythhiK in the millinery line at toslng out prices. 'Pattern hats ut re ted prices ut CampUl) & Wilson's Millinery parlors on Second street. Til Skmi-Wkekly Cjiuokiclk did not o to press yesterday on account of an eeideiiia) bieak in the muchiuery of I'm cylinder press causing a delay of one day, The Indies of the M. E. church will nave on bhIo pies, cakes and other sweet weals in the vacant store east of A. M. "'Minimi & Co.'s Saturday week, the day before lister. A visitor at the White House in 1804 M: "Wo I Buffalo believe in Abra hn Lincoln and Almighty God." Vcl," enid Lincoln, as he sped his ue8W "you are half ritsbt." Uagiwy Jlro8 ( o( Ul0 CUy Drtirjl( (ue dllinK ,U) bust milk at $2.00 a ouart uer WOlltll : Illl-HM l.li.lu 'J flA . ,... la i, ' 1 I'HUP, U.UV , 1MU jUUIIP, ti.UO; llin ii r. r.n. on,, Pr j.int. 'Phone U83. mehilMw Keinumember Professor J. M. Wood, e blind violinist's concert ut the Wwln Opera House tomorrow night. A(lai Bslflli i-,l. . tie i , r. i.. vpu m tti uuu jo uciuo. nr . . . . - I'lugraui see huud-bllls. "J u . . . opeaklnir of Tho Dalles the Telegram "uy and tri:tlif.ill.. ........ ce er e, Fi gives a fine light, has been purchased by the Regulator company and is in tended for U6Q at the boat landing. May Designer at Pease & Mays'. The social session of Portland lodge. No. 142, B. P. G. Elkf, announced for next Thursday evening to which a number of Hallos Elks were invited, lias been postponed on account of the death of a member ot tlie Portland lodge. (Jus Itudftrotn, of the. K. barber shop. You can't buy them. Pease & Mays' are giving tliem aruv with every man's suit. No Bagoknee trousers stretcher. W. M. Hastings, of Boyd, aeks Tiic Ciinotticix on his Mmlf to sincerely thank the numerous frfejids and neigh bors who so thoughtfully and generoue ly contributed to the comforts and necessities of himself and family upon the loss of his home by fire a few weeks ago. . Married, last evening, nt the rosidence! ofT. J. Driver of this city, Record Ned Gates officiating, Mr. E. W.Geibbl son of an old time resident of Hood, River valley and nephew of Jud Fish of the Umatilla House, to Miss Christina Cooper, daughter of David Cooper, the well-known fruit raiser of Ualuwiu pre cinct. The Great Barlow Minstrels embrace a number of the best-known entertainers on the minstrel etage. Under manage ment of Harry Ward this merry baud of corkological artists has already won an enviable reputation on the road, and will come endorsed by a number of big cities in which their performance has been given this season. Nearly all the members of the Great Barlow Minstrels are members of tho Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and their appearance in cities where Elk lodges exist is the signal for a gen eral good time with the local and Min strel Elks. Tho Barlow Minstrels have entertained in nearly every Elk lodge room in the United States. Prof. E. R. Lake, of tho state agri cultural college, recently visited The Dalles for the purposa of investigating the mortality among sheep in this vicinity. Ho found tho loco weed and larkspur, but in both catea the plants were too far matured for use in experi ment. The matter will bo made the Biibjtct of investigation next year. Ladies, call at A. M. Williams & Co.'s cloak department and see the most tle gaut tailor suit oi tho season. This suit is made of black Venetian, new shaped short jacket, double-breasted front, with reveres appliqued in white satin ; the skirt made with double box plait back, Without any exception the most stylish 'IH..i Militia "go right along and be the center ofYlookiug garment in the cily. Km, i i , 1 l)0rtlo oI luo Ilud The iato nows from Rev. U. F. Hawk's ltii. '"'K outwoen the Cascude and u,0 bov, who is at St. Vlncont's Hos 'uu llin iiiii,, rni. i-w..n. I. i... I . .. !... t. i auu uuiicb uau i A) tal. is altogetner encouraging. v i T confidently hoped that the physicians Gas LauiD Co. have have reached the seat of the lad e dls on "lUlllltulllR. """'ibilated by any ,de issue. o Economy f'weu one of their street lamps on trial ease at last. He Is Improving all the " b'ho ui me Mctnerny corner, time, ne eais wen uuu viwti nv.. ... fecond street. The lamp, which I bis temperature that reached as high as j i iiii last V the Tl ,llo. f Moody Interests bad been entrusted to ) the care of W. J. Furnish, and ho sue-' ceeded In causing the choice of a dele- gasion favornblo to the renomlnatlon of tho present incumbent, t ne convention will support W. U. Ellis for circuit court judge of that district. ""v The geuorul commlttco appointed at tlio Monday night's banquet to arrange for perpetuating tho Students' Literary Club nnd reorganizing it to undertake tho work of opening u reading room, gymnasium nnd other things along these lines for tho young men of tho city, have appointed to meet this after noon. The members of tho club will meet tomorrow night at 8 o'clock sharp in Justice Brownhlll's office and appoint a committee to confer with tho general committee and incidentally discuss waye and means for carrying out their object. Tho young men of the city are taking a lively interest In this matter and the project seem certain to get the ir hoarty support. The meeting tomorrow night will bo free to all who aro interested in the wellfaro of the young men of the city and in the project of affording them the opportunity for wholesome and healthful amusement and improvement mentally, morally nnd physically. Apropos of the reported intention of "Cyclone" Davis to visit Spokane in tho near future, the following from the Helena Herald may bo of interest: "Cyclone Davis is coming to Montana to address the Populists of ths state. The question naturally arises as to which branch of the Populist party Cyclone adheres. For Populism, like ancient Gaul, 'est omnia divisn in partes tres. Quarum unam partem incoiunt Middle- of-the-Roaders. Alia, tho Dabs Social ists. Tertia, qui in lingua ipsorum Fusionlsts, nostra Sally-in-the-Alleys nppellautur. Haec omnes in language, notions and nostrums inter ee differunt.' Now with which of these three branches of Populists will the Cyclone affiliate? Will he incolit with the Middle-of-the Roaders? Will he herd with the Debs Socialists? Will he cleave to the Salley-in-tho-Alipye, or will he simply let them inter so differunt7 These are grave questions, and entirely too tough for the Herald to solve. So we leave the whole subject for the Hon. Cyclone to settle. Dissimilia diEsimilibus curantur." Last fail Ben Southwell, of Endersby. noticed that the bees in four hives out of some forty had died and that others were giving sigus of decay. On examination he found that the combs in the dead laves had been burrowed throughout aa if by a cut worm and that the honey had all been coneumed. On closer examma tion he found the hives full of little worms varying in Eizo from a mere pin point to three-einhts of an inch. He placed a number of worms in a glass jar and determined to watch tlio develop ments. In short time the worms covered themeelves with cocoons like those of the codlin moth. Three days ago one of these hatched out and Mr. Southwell left it today at thiB office together with a number of cocoons apparently ready to hatch, where they may be seen by any one interested in bee-keeping. The hatched moth is about halt the size of a tame bee an J resembles it in color. Mr. Southwell believes there is no way to get rid of the pest, once they attack the hives, but by carefully going through each hive and destroying tho worms, by hand. 104 and 103, has been normal for over a week. inc Hottest city election in vears was held in Goldendale last Monday when A. M. McLeod, formerly of McEachern t McLeod of this city, waB elected mayor, beating R. D. McCully an oid resident of the plnce nnd present major by seven votes. The question at iesue was license or no license. For the council only one no-license man was elected and Golden dale will continue to be a wet town for the ensuing year. Patrick Conroy of Grade, Wheeler county, who past through here a couple of months ago on crutches through tlie effects of rheumatism, has returned from tho Bryan Springe, California looking halo nnd hearty and as nimble as a twelve-year old. Ho expects to remain here til! he makes up his mind about reembarking in tlie siieep business which he was compelled to abandon because of his illneee. John Brookhouee, of Dufur, returned on the boat last night from Albany, Hiringing witli him Ellis, a 3 year-old trotting stallion, which lie purchased from George McKnight, the well known Linn county horseman. Ellis is a dark Hirown, almost black, colt of fine form and great promise. He was got by Al- tago, 1st dam, Saddle B. (2.28) by Rock wood; 2nd dam by Brlgham; 2d dam by Black Stranger. F. H. Rowe has returned from a busi ness trip to San Francisco. He has sold out his stock in trade here to parties who are moving it to Shaniko. Tlie Lyle branch of tlie Rowe Manufacturing Co. will remove their box and plaining machinery to San Francisco, where they have located their headquarters on Bry ant street, between Fourth and Fifth. Tho saw mill will still be operated at Lyle and the product shipped to head quarters. The family of Mr, Rowe will remain here for some time. Through the courtesy of Mr. 0. L. Phillips Tins CimoMci.ii is tho tecipient ofn quarter dozen cans of minced clams from the Sea Beach Pickling Works of Wurrenton. They were brought hero by tho visiting Aftorians and are part of tho "First Through Shipment of Minced Clams from Astoria to the Entrepot of the. Inland Empire." From past en counters with this delicious b!-valve on his native tienth, ns it were, we have a strong piemonition that the minced article from Wurrenton will have a strong nihility for the editorial uppotite and possibly contribute needful nourish ment to tho vacuity where the editorial brain ought to be. Of the Umatilla delegation elected I Thursday at Pendleton to attend approaching Republican state and die trict conventions, the East Oregonlan oays: Tho state delegation, chosen Is a straight Mood v delegation, and the vote of this county in the tecond district con- v New patent painlori' and paper greeslonal convention will be cast solid Vnger8 tails at the New York Cath for The Dal lea' man. Thla la one of the pto absolute conclusion! that may be drawn j Clark & Falk are never close! Sunday from the result of the proceedings, Tlie JDon't forget this. Notice of Dlaaulutlou. Notice is hereby given that the firm of FoutB & Johannsen has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, P. F. Fouts retiring from said firm. The business, heretofore conducted by the said Eouts & Johannsen, will from now on be owned and managed by 0. P. Johannsen. The said Johannsen will collect all accounts due said firm and will pay all bills due therefrom. Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 19th day of March, 1900, P. F. Fours, mlO lm 0. P. JoiiANfsrcx. Notice. Ill older to coreect n mistaken idea that has gained circulation In somo way unbeknown to me, I desire to inform my mauv patrons that I am not interested in any manner, whatever, in tlie firm of J. E. Adcox & Co. I am at my old stand, located in the Vogt Block, and continue to carry tho largest and most complete line of diamonds, watches, jewelry and silverwnro in the city, Haiijiy 0. LlKltK, n20 3dlw Jeweler k optician. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. In Kind Yov Hin Always Boughl Bears the Signature of Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, nnd which has been, in use for over 30 yenrs, has home tho signature of and has been mado under his pcr- !y-jjz- sonal supervision since its Infancy. f'&tCfUM, Allow no one to deceive you in this All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" aro bufe Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of? Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Costoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CCNTJtUR OOMMNV, TT MURRAY STtltCT, MCWVOBK CITY. It Has Never Failed Mr. C. S. Pcaslee. the well-known druggist of Morgan City, La., is highly thought of in his neigh borhood because of ins skill ana caie in filling scnptions. inc nest physicians in the place their patients to liU r.tor'whe:-ever they can. thmji which Air. Pealee mavsnvcan l"e depi r.pan absol. tch hi a letter to V. II. Hool; C New Voik City, proprietors of Acker's ; K jiiieil'. he ay. " In all my niauyyeais' i p.cj a ; a tl ugtjist. 1 1 avc never handled i ciuooi au- nature th-it s:avc such conmlut fac ion as Aeu r'n JiiifiJish Remedy for Throat a i t Linjr Trotibh s. I have sold hundreds of yj lifts, and have yet to learn of a single case wli ro it failed to euro. In . roup, n acts with a cer tainly that ir. really niar vcloii My wife docs not take much stock in medi ciii", but she has absoluto faith in Acker's English Remedy, always having it at her cjbjw m case the cliillrcn arc attacked by croup at night. It is a positively harmless rem edy, as I can personally tcs'ify. I know of a little girl who accidentally drank a whole bottle. She was, of course, sick at her stomach lor a short time, but the sickness passed away, and then the child was in better health thaw ever before. I can understand why Acker's English Rem edy is so efficacious, because I am a druggist. It is not a mere expectorant, but a strengthening, invigorating tonic as well. While it heals the irritations of tho mucous membrane, it also builds up the constitution an I purifies th blood. I endorse it absolutely." Sold at 25c., 50c. and$i a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada; and in England, at is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. Od. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, nnd get your money back. Wc authorize Ihe above guarantee, ir. . HOOKER it CO., Proprietors, Xcw York. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUG-HTON. Ple; vsVS sena ended -rP- Ens sh yrSESfSi i&Pi bl . eS: mmim iFmm Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milesburj:, a., say?, "As a epeeily cure (or eouyhe, colds, croup and sore throat Or.e Minute Cougli Cure ia uuequaled. It is pleasant for cliihticn to take, I heartily recom mend it to mothers." It ia the only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, urippu and throat And hum diseases. It will prevent cotnumpthn. Sick Uendauho absolutely nn 1 perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink, (.hires constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work hi, d happy. Satisfaction gnaranteeil 01 money back. 'Jo ute. and 50 ete, Klakeley It lioueliton DruieK No Bagoknee. lour trousers onee pressed nlwiiys pressed. It takes u minute. Iteet pants etretehers in the world. Seo Penso & Mays' window. One of tho best nnmbors of tho year of tin May Downer now ready for did tiibutiou at lVaso & Mays'. Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. l'atton etrietly puro liquid paints Watch tills paper (or date of big mus lin underwear sale at the New York Gash Store. Fresh nrueked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse, Finest kind of chicken feed. nieli25-t I'aint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last, Clarke & Falk uavu them. Subscribe for Tun Chuoniuk. VOGT Opera House F. J. CLARKE, Manager. One flight Only SATURDAY iihii nn THE GREAT Barlow... Minstrels MiiiuiKCinent Hurry Wiml. 35 White Artists 35 New I-'IIIHT 1MIIT tKlMTII.MICS HONCIH It A NOUS New 2 Brass Bands 2 See tho Grand Street Parade Prices, 1.00, 75i 50e and Mo, ItCkerveii Heats on nule at Clurko .V I'ulk'B l)rui is tore.