The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 03, 1900, Image 3

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Almost incredible ns it may nppoar, there aro
.innbtloss eomo pfoplo horcabouts who have not yot
boiight coeds of us. Not ninny, you understand
only n lew.
Now U'h hnd enough to ho the victim of a prnc-
lira! i !;!' n "A" VooB Dn-V " ,,ut t0 conll'l to ig
nnro our claims Is to make evory day in the yenr nn
itirlt 1st for von. Worse, indeed, because the joke
unv entice voti to lose only your temper, while
avoid us ia to loso your money, Remember, w
you. that
Tlio foolishost kind of a fool, wo four,
Ib the fool whose April lasts all tho yenr.
Here is Wisdom.
IWP.Tir'S All-wool, blnck or blue
Choviot gt8t rounil cutt
lntcHt style, tqual to any die fr
7."i0 stilt in tho city pU.JJ
ntcic WINDOWS.
MFTC'S All-wool Cassimere Suite,
jn a thu )nteBt ,)lltterne.
new goods this season ; equal to nny
cheny eastern-made suit' .
nt twice tho amount; RIO 50
our price .
TVTP.WS Fncv Worsted Suite, in
iyj.ux'. j)otl c,J(,ck nn(1 8lrpeB) ntt)
style, with double or single-breasted
vests j worth in the refill- Aty
lur way $10.50 J 0J
TVT PINT'S All-wool bluo Serge and
O Rrny clfty Wor6tcd Suits,
iniulo with hiind-wotked button hok-B,
raised nnd paddod shouldere, stayed
and leinforced throughout; wnrrnnted
to give literal eatiefac- QQ
Itadies' Shirt Waists
Tho lino wo now have on sale ia beautiful In tho
extreme. This Is tho line that proved bo satisfactory
last eeason to our customere, and you will find that
experience has taught tho mannfactnror improve
ments that will be beneficial to tho wearer, both in
mako and stylo.
Fafiey fleekmeap
One of tho requisites witii pretty Shirt waistB is
nobby Stocks, Hows, etc. These we have in n great
variety of styles.
Belts & Belt Buckles
The pretty Belt P.uckles that you hear no much
about, we have juet received and are showing in con
nection with the largest line of Belts and Belt Buck
les ever shown here before.
Wash fates
We aro constantly adding to our already com
plete Block of dainty anil serviceable slock of summer
Wash Eabrica which we invite you to come and in
spect at any and all times.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. J.
- APRIL 3, 1900
kcrved la
ntjlu by
The regular monthly meeting of the
common council will bo held tonight.
Don't fail to eeo the new tailor gowns
at Pease & Mays for they are Btunning.
Those tailor gowns nt Pease & Maya
are the latest, bo of coursu they are juet
We have them to suit all both in price,
slmdo and quality. Pease & MayB new
tailor gowns.
Just in time for you to wear with that
nesv hat you juet bought. Those tuilor
gowns at Peabe it Mnys.
The Lndles Aid Society of tho Congre
gational church will meet tomorrow
afternoon at the" residence of Mrs. N.
Four thousand employes of the Nn
tlonal Tubo Company received an in
crease of (en per cent in wages, begin
ning on the 1st.
The employes ot the Grand Trunk
Hallway received nn advance of ten
cents n day, beginning on the 1st.
Thousands will profit thereby.
Dagley Bros., of tho City Dairy, nro
soiling (ho best milk at f 2,00 a quart per
month; three pints, 3.00; two quarts,
H.OOj three quarts, $5.60; cream, 20c
Per pint. 'Phone 383. muh3Mw
The old Purry Watkine ranch was
fold at miction yeBtcrday under the au
thority of tho county court by the ex
wutor of tho Wutkii-.B estate, C. K. Bay
ftnl ft ... - ...
i was uongnt uy u. W. iSmerson
'or N00O.
rite nuw wngo rcale nnd nine-hour
work day to the employes of the typo
founders of tho United States went Into
effect on thu let, The advance in wages
amounts to from 1G to 20 per cent over
Hie fornior scale.
Among tho wingers with 'the Great
jwlow Mlnetrola ia found the great
Notch Imlladlet, Mr. Archie Hood, who
Possesses a remarkable tenor voice and
'oIUi hlH undienoe apell-bound during
wo rendition ol his bnllada.
Mrs. lloxter will lecture In tho
oiiKregtttlonnl church tomorrow, Wed
nesday uveulng, nt the usual hour, In
"'0 interoat of the Portland Refuge
"owe. All who are Interested in thia
very Important work are requeated to
"e present.
I'rofesaor J. M, Wood, the blind vio
linist, wi10 WftB bwe b ,63 when g bpy
01 W, mid later was well known ai a
violinist after he had lost his eiuht
through the blunder of a quack, is in
the city and made arrangements for
giving a musical. entertainment.
A grand concert will be given by Pro
fesior J. M. Wood, the celebrated blind
violinist, gultariet and Eerio-comic vocal
ist, HBsleted by A. M. White, nt the
Baldwin Opera Honeo next Thursday
evening. General admission fee will bo
placed at 25 cents and children at 15 cents.
A minstrel baud miut be a credit to
the organization. This year the Great
Barlow Minstrels have engaged Mr. Joo
Norton, tho celebrated band leader, to
direct the band of the organization, and
those who are fortunate enough to hear
it, will be delighted with the quality of
Governor Geer Intends to take oflicia
action in the cases of several boys of the
Second Oregon who were court-martialed
and tined $1(1 eacli for taking part in a
battle without leave or ordeis. The
governor maintains that tho boys bo
diBtinguiBed themselves by their bravery
that the dries for disobedience should be
Tlio pioneer resident of Shauiko ia
Julius Wiley, a former Dalles hoy,
whom, in defiance of JiIb youth, the
Sbanikites dub "Old Man Wiley," and,
probably out of deference to hie good
looks, 'Piiuco of Shaniko." According
to the "Old Man's" instruction hie full
title must bo put on alt papora and let
ters intended for him, else he won't
take them in.
From a private letter we learn that
B. S. Pague, so long and favorably
known iu Oregon in connection with the
weather bureau, ia now located at De
troit, Mich., where he servee the bureau
in the same capacity and grade. The
people of Oregon have a warm corner in
their hearts for B, 8. Pague. A more
gentlemanly and obliging public officer
hiui he would bo hard to tind.
Mesers. Coburn& Baldwin, part own
ra of the Great Barlow Minstrels, are
wo of tho beet known musical perform
ers in existence Mr. J. Arthur Coburn
is considered tho cleverest cornet virtu
oso in the minstrel profession, and iu
conjunction with hia partner, Low Bald
win a clover comedian, they produce a
refined musical skit that never fails to
brings rounds of applause to their credit.
Divine servicea will be held at Zlon
Lutheran church Monday, April tUh,
nt 8 p. in., instead of Sunday at 2:30
p, in., as was announced from tho pulpit.
This change Is made to give the Germans
and all who may attend, the opportunity
to hear the Rev. A. Schoeuberg, from
Mucksburg, Oregon, president of the
German Oregon Synod of the Lutheran
church. All cornel W. Brener.
In the county court yesterday the
viewers report on tho application of J.
W. Hudkey and others for a county road
in the Mosier neighborhood wae taken
under consideration and rejected. W.
H, Tayor, Alex. Anderson and Andrew
Farquhar were appointed new view
ers to report on the 20th instant. F. W.
Silvertooth was granted license to sell
liquors at retail in the town of Shaniko.
Speaking ol the prospects of the con
gressional candidate tho Telegram says:
The probability is that a majority of the
delegatee aro for Tongue for eccond
choice, on account of his experience
and ability, in which case he will come
out a winner. Though not personally
popular, ho is a "stayer," and a hard
man to throw down. In this, the Second
District, Moody will apparently have no
opposition, and as hia nomination is
equivalent to hia election, he can make
his headquarters on Easy street.
In tho matter of penmanship Senator
Tillman, of South Carolina, enjoys the
unusual distinction of being ambidex
trous. Ho is also able to wnte with both
hands at the same time, and occasional
ly, when hard pressed for time, gives an
exhibition of his ability in this direction,
much to tho delight of visitors in the
gallery. He is nlso nmbilinguous. At
nny rate any one who carefully reada the
Congressional Record must conclude
that the senator's tongue ia hung in the
middle and talks from both ends.
Wm, J. Bryan will speak in the
exposition building tomorrow (Wednes
day) at 8 o'clock p. m. A considerable
number from Tho Dalles and vicinity
will go dowu to Portland to hear him.
Some of tho faithful left nn this morn-
jug's boat and Judge Bennett departed
on this afternoon's train. The D. P. &
A. N. boat line have offered a $2.00 rate
for the round trip, with the privilege of
returning on Thursday's or Friday's
boat. Tho O. R. & N. railroad offers a
rate of $3.50 for the round trip.
He was just a common drunk, and
from tiie country at that, which makes
it doubly certain he was well soaked, for
the Juice of John Barleycorn does not
flow so freely In tlio country as it doee
in town nnd it is ti longer time between
drinks. He was inclined to be hilarious
to u degree incompatible with munici
pal dignity nnd in violation of the ordi
nance in such casos made and approved,
and so tho nightwatehnian gathered
him iu. And he went back to the coun
try this morning $3 poorer, but probably
!f;i 50 wleer.
The announcement of tho teachers'
excursion to Hood River vnlley next
Saturday is hulled with delight by tho
teachers and others. Principal R. It.
Allan), of thu Dufur schools, asks for
room for fifteen or more teachers and
pupils, Gilford, the artist, will accom
pany the exclusion with hie large cam
era. Thoee desiring to do so may ar
range with Mies Mlchell and Mrs. Gil
bert regarding what shall be taken by
each for luncheon Carriages will he
provided only for those that Inform
Snpt. Gilbert or Supt. Landers on Fri
day next. Rouud trip $1.
"We aro iu the middle of the lambing
eeaeon over our way," ald A, L, Bun
nell, of Centerville, to the Chkoniolk
man today, "and I never taw anything
to equal it. I counted the lambs that
were dropped by tho first hundred ewes
and they amounted to 170. I am cer
tain the averago number of lambs
dropped will bo hilly 150 to each hun
dred ewes. Of course we cannot savo
all of thorn, but I believe tho increase
from my entire band will not be less
than 125 per cent. Tho ewes aro iu
prime condition, tho Iambs are vigorous
and tho weather ia as good as wo could
aok if wo hnd tl o making of it."
Commissioner N. O. Evans attended
court yesterday, after returning from
tho sick bed of his mother at West
Liberty, lown. Mrs. Evaiislis'nenrly 70
years old. Sho had had three paralytic
attacks beforo tho visit of tier son and
ono while he was there. The parting
from her as ho left for hia return homo
was the hardest things Mr. Evans hnd
to do in hia lifo. Yet the attendant
physicians held out Hie hopo that she
might experience a partial recovery and
llvo for years. When Mr. Evans left Iowa
vegetation had not started and every
thing was frozen as tight as a brick.
When he got to Hood Kiver his little
girle were gathering buttercups nnd nil
nature was putting on ita early epring
The supreme court has affirmed the
decioion of the circuit court of this dis
trict in the case of the State vs. Otis
Savage, who was tried hero about six
years ago for larceny of $14,000 from the
offico of tho Pacific Express Company
in this city and eentenced to four years
in tho penitentiary. An appeal was
taken by Savage's lawyers, Meesrs.
Huntington and Wilson, to the supreme
court, but through the neglect of the
attorney-general no action was taken
till a few weeks ago, when the move
wae made that resulted as ubove. Sav
age has been out on bail all the lime
and is still at large. His lawyers talk
of a further appeal ba-ed on grounds
outside those just passed upon by ttie
supreme court.
Tlio Club Perpetuated.
The banquet given last night by the
Students' Literary Club appears to have
been enjoyed by all who took part in it.
Between fifty and Eixly perBona of both
eexes were fpresent. The program as
reported yesterday waa followed in the
main, but ncvernl speeches wero added
that were not down on the bills. The
members of the club, through Timothy
Brownhill, who is justly considered the
father of tho club, sprung a little sur
prise upon tho guests in the f.jrm of a
suggestion that tho club, instead of dis
banding or even temporarily discontinu
ing its meetings, should perpetuate the
institution in some form along the
lines of the Y. M. C. A. The main ob
ject of the movement ia to throw around
the young men of the town wiio choose
to avail themselves of it, a healthy,
wholesome, Christian influence. It is
intended to have a public reading room,
supplied with the best magazines and
papers of the day, that shall be open at
alt times to anybody and everybody. A
gymnasium is also part of tho plan. At
the meeting last night the chairman,
Mr. John Gavin, appointed the follow
ing gentlemen as a general committee to
submit plans and suggestions to a com
mittee of the club: Rev. U. F. Hawk,
Rev. D. V. Poling", Hugh Gourlay, C. L.
Gilbert and Timothy Brownhill, chair
man. Tho suggestion of a club for the
literary aud moral benefit of the youn;
men met with the hearty endorsement
of all the epeakere, particularly tho min
isters, who promised their earnest and
cordial aid and sympathy.
OruDd KuHter Opening.
Mre. Jayne desirea to inform her lady
frienda that alio will haven grand Easter
opening of the very latest styles in Indies
and mieaea trimmed hata and bonnets
at her millinery parlors, near Second
and Union, next Wednesday and Thurs
day. An inspection by tho ladies of The
Dulles is respectfully solicited.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
I'ruhlbltlou Hully.
Tho ProhibitioniaU of this county and
all who sympathize with tho caino are
requestol to meet nt the county court
house next Friday nt 10 o'clock a. in,
to elect delegates to tho etato convention
and transact any other business that
may be deemed advisable.
By order of the committee.
I. ust.
On Sunday, a pair of rimless, gold
bowed eyeglasses, Finder will please
loave thu same at thia office. u'J 3t
Why pay $1.75 per gallon fir inferior
paints when you can buy James K,
Pa Hon 'a sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark St
Falk, agents. uiI7-2
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought and which has been
in uso for over 30 years, has borno tho signature of
and has been mado under his pcr-
S2- sonnl supervision sineo its infancy.
4C6Uwi Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Just-as-good" nro but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experienco against Experiment
Cnstorfa is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pare
goric, Drops aud Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
And allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach und Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend
Bears the Signature of
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Judge Mays went out to his ranch at
Tygh this morning.
R. J. Gorman wont on a business trip
to Portland this afternoon.
Dad Butts went down on tho boat this
morning on an official trip to Hood
Miss Short and Mies Masters, of Gol
dendale, are visiting the family of Sim
eon Bolton.
The following names are registered nt
tho Umatilla House: G. A. Ward, Wa
pinitia; .1. B. Kennedy, Tyth ; W. G.
Morris, (Tveh.; C. L. Morris, Tygh ; G.
F. Hall. Viento; C.N. Gilman, Grass
Valley; J. W. Hicks, Hood River; Rufe
Byrkett and daughter, White Salmon ;
W. J. Lauder. Sherar'e Bridge; J. W.
Buck, Hood River; Frank Graham,
Centerville; Chas. Dunham, Hay Creek ;
Frank Fultnn, Biirgs; John Fulton,
Bigus; R. L. Kennedy, Waeco; Bert
Majers, Shaniko.
About Shoe.
The great eecret of our shoe sales lies
in the fact that we give what we adver
tise, and more, and it doesn't take tlio
people long to tind it out.
A soft, plump dongola upper with
medium heavy soles, veeiiiit' tops and
nickel evelets. Any size. All for $2 25.
Somo stores would get $11 00. Sou win
dow. A. M. Williams & Co.
Ills I.lfo U'H. SllVt'll.
Mr. J. K. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately hud n wonderful
doliverauca from a frightful death. In
telling of it ho says; "1 was hi ken with
Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia,
My lungs hec.imo hardened, I was so
weak I could'nt oven sit up iu bed.
Nothing helped me. I expected to soon
dlo of consumption, when I heard of
Dr. King's New Discovery. Ono battle
!g.ivo great relief, 1 continued to uso it,
and now tun well ami strong, 1 can't
say too mueii in us praise." this
inurveloii3 medicine ia tlio surest aud
quickest cure in tho world for all throat
and lung trouble. Regular 50 cents
and tl.00. Trial bottles freo at lllakeley
ik Houghton's (inigstoro; every bottle
W mi I ml.
A girl or women that Is a good cook
and housekeeper. Good wages to tho
right party. Inquire at 282 Third
treet. ' inlO-tf
dark & Falk are never closed Sunday't forget this.
Notice is hereby Riven that for the
purpose of making an examination of
ail persons who may offer themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, tho county school superin
tendent thereof will hold a public ex
amination at the court house, Tho
Dallet?, Oregon, commencing Wednes
day, April 11, 1900, at 9 o'clock a.m.
and Continuing until Friday, April 13th,
at 4 o'clock.
Wednesday Penmanship, history, or
thography, reading.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, school law.
Friday Geography, mental arithme
tic, physiology, civil government.
The foregoing for county papeis.
Commencing Wednesday, April 11, at
9 o'clock a. in., and continuing until
Thursday, April 12th, at 4 o'clock:
Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra
phy, rending.
Thursdaj Art of questioning, theory
of teaching, methods.
Tiie forejioing for primary certificates.
Dated this olst of March, 1900.
C. L. Gii.ukkt,
31 td County School Supt.
Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milesbnrg,
n., says, "As a speedy cure for coughs,
cold?, croup anil sore throat Ono Minute
Cough Curo is unrqualed. It is pleasant
for ehildieu to take. I heartily recom
mend it to mothers." It is the only
harmless remedy that produces iin
mediate results. It cures bronchitis, -pneumonia,
urippo nnd throat anil lung
diseases. It will prevent consumption.
Opera House
F. J. CLARKE, Manager.
One flight Only
Bpril Id
Miiiiiigoment Hurry Want.
35 White Artists 35
11 Fill ST I'.VItT II
New sr New
2 Brass Bands 2
See tho Grand Streot Pamela
Prices, 1 00, 7fn 50u and 25o.
Kckcrvoi Beats oil knit) nt Clnrku A: I'lilk'n
UniK Store,