For a Nice Suit of Clothes. ranting. Ovcrcoalln-or Fancy Vcstlnjr. Klnflly rail nnd examine my stoct o( Im ported and D ii:cMic Woolens. A fine stock lo elect from. , , , Suite madcfromthe lowest prices to the high est grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. IDE DALLES OlsEGOX. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. BUB9CKIFTIOX TKICE. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year , 6 00 .MONDAY - APRIL 2, 1900 THE OREGONIAN DID FALSIFY TEE REPORT. The Oregonian takes Tin: icle to task for charging Chkox it with having "edited" its correspondent's report of the "VYasco county Repub lican primaries by adding a clause, which was not in the original, and which falsified the report to the ex tent that it injected into the primar ies a feature that "Wasco county Re publicans of all factions sought to avoid. The clause was : "The 31c Bride influence failed utterly to ma terialize." The Oregonian tries to deny this by saying: "This, it is hardly necessary to say, is not true." But The Chronicle reaffirms that it is true, and The Chronicle has seen the original and carefully com pared il with the dispatch as it ap peared in the Oregonian. The Ore gonian did falsify the report. It had no more right to inject a clause into the report that made it appear that McBride's friends failed to material ize than it had to add that Mitchell's or Ellis', or Pennoyer's friends failed to materialize. The added clause could create no other impression than that Mr. McBride's friends had been whipped into silence and that Mr. Moody's triumph meant Mr. Mc Bridj'a defeat; whereas, hardly any thing could have been farther from the truth. The Chronicle said at the time and repeats now that Mr. McBride's friends frankly conceded a solid delegation to Mr. Moody, and that Mr. Moody's friends made it a point to commit no act that could be justly construed ns unfriend ly to Mr. McBride. There was no concerted agreement of any kind but this was the situation exactly, and the head and front of the Orcgonian's offense was that the falsification of the report was a slap in the face to both factions and an effort, whether intended or not, to resurrect u fac tional strife that Republicans here have been trying to keep buried. The Oregonian is conceded the full right to "control the utterances of its correspondents." It may "reverse, add or curtail" all it wants to for anything The Chronicle cares, but the readers of the paper are entitled to Homething better than "revi&ious" , in.. ii .t . . , and "additions" thnt are fulso and that only display the rabid and un reasoning personal bitterness of it's editor. Tho Oregonian would like Tin: Ciuto.Nici.i: to point out who among the nine delegates to the state con vention are "under the McBride in fluence. " For tbe information of tbe Oregonian The Ciiusiclk will my it does not know. And if the Ore goninn ia particularly anxious for further ioforattion Tub Ciiuokioi-k will lay it does not care. Tho question has never been asked here, to The Chronicle's knowledge. It ii certain The Chronicle never asked it. The Chronicle has full faith in every member of the Wasco county delegation. Neither they nor i we arc electing senators at this time nor losing any sleep over the matter. ' We shall cross that bridge when we conic to it and like good Republicans quietly nnd gracefully submit it to the expressed will of the majority. Moreover, and finally, The Chron icle is not the organ of Mr. MclJride nor of anybody else. It wears no man's collar. Its political opinions arTTThosc of its editor and he follows the light ns he is given to sec the light, neither asking nor expecting political favors from anybody. The Chronicle is not the organ of any body or anything. It is the mouth piece of no faction. It is in the secrets of no faction nor does it ever want to be. But it is n Republican paper and not a political corsair like its critic. In view of the well-known fact that conspicuous members of the Democratic party, more notably Congressmen Lentz and Seizor, are making frantic efforts to create part3 capital over the events that have led to the restoration of law and order in the Coeur d'Aleucs, the Spokesman-Review, that supported Bryan four years ago, wains that gentleman in all candor and conviction that if by unhappy mischance men .'ike Lentz and Sulzer and B03 ce inject even a small tincture of their an archistic sympathy into the next national Democratic platform that the blunder will lose Mr. Bryan the electoral votes of Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana nnd California. Sound counsel this; but the trouble is that the forces of unrest whom Mr. Bryan seems particularly anxious tD placate will never give him their support unless he stands on a plat form that is strongly tinctured with "anarchistic sympathy." A leading Populist paper of the state of Washington warns Brother Bryan to be careful what he says in that state about expansion and the open door in China. Vulcauic ruitiuua Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running nod fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warte, Cute, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Brit F le cure on earth. Drives out pa!i9 nnd aches. Only 25 ct?. a bo. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, dmy cists. 'J Mrs. Calvin Zitmucrman, Milesburp, a., save, "As u speedy care lor coughs, colds, croup and sore throat One Minute Cough Cure ie unequaled. It ie pleasant for childt en to take. I heartily recom mend it to inotlierH." It ie tbe only harmlees remedy that produces im mediate resulte. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, erippe and throat and lung diseasee. It will prevent consumption. ' Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which ia agree ably aromatic. It is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists sell the 50c. sizo ; Trial size by mail, 10 cents. Test it and you are sure to continue tho treatment. Announcement. To accommodate those who aro partial to the use of atomizers iu applying liquids into tho nasal passages for catarrhal trou ble, tho proprietors prepare CroaniBolm in liquid form, which will bo known as Ely's Tilrini1 dmnm "Holm Trir Innlnfllnr, il.n nmvinrr tiilin ia 7ff!flntH. DriifmRtH nr liv ' i du j mail. The liquid form embodies tho med icinal properties of tho solid preparation, j, I'or Sale. 40-acre tract, 3ia miles from The Dalles, -1 room house, barn, nil fenced, orchard of 300 trees, running water, t-'ood range for cattle adjacent, 10 acrce U"om ,a,,d (??e for berrieB or H?rf!cn (Price ruaionabie, terms eaey. Call at this office. ni2l-dwluio VaU iu Your Cheeua. All countv warrants registered prior to June 3, 1890, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases nfter Februnrv. 2. 1WK). C. L. Philips, Onnntv Treasurer. Watch this paper fur date of big mus lin underwear Bale 'at the New York Cash Store; New patent painters' and paper bangers' suits ut the New York Cash Store. Freab cracked Nebraska corn at tbe Waaco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. uicL23- DU1 yon ever hear Iiott Mr. , of street came to buy a vrhcel for his wlfof Well, he oiwic home one evening, nnd snw her sitting on the ualustrotlu of the porch, as shown in the picture. lie mnclo up his mind then nnd there thnt she would look Just too sweet for nnythtnp on a Bicycle. And she does, llut the kind of bicycle has neood ileal to do with looking sweet. So if you want to look sweet, buy your wheel (as 111a Air. ) or me nucni ior V CRAWFORDS J Golden Eagle, $25 Crawford . . . $30 Cleveland, . S40 and $50 We have handled the nbove lino of wheals for cevernl years. The guarantee on the above wheels are such that no one need to hesitate to buy either of them. JWaier & BeDton Sole Agents. p. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. Second & Laibliii. Tiioiic 157 We Put... every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. Is it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLAKELEY & PWJON. Reliable Prescriptionists Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids nature in strengthening nnd recon Btructing the exhausted digestive or gans. It lathe latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn. Flat.tllnnrp. Knur Rfnmanh Nmiua SlckHeadache.Gastralgla.Crampa.and all other results of imperfectdlgestion. . PreDard by E. C. Of Witt A Co., CblctJflo. Html A black boreo weiuhinK ahmu 1250 jk)iiik1h nnd branded 2o 011 (tin Jolt shoulder. Sftiuo strayed from Um farm of John Brook house, which Iu situated six miles beyond Diii'nr Liberal re ward offered for information rfaardiuj recovery. Address 5. it. WlXA.SH, uini7-lmw Dufiir, Or. ONE FOR A DOSE. Dll I ft p,!'iwV(rVu;tio!s: iLLu lUmoT Plnplra. Vtomt 1 Jr.U BcMJry flutai wuli -Ill i ",V"',nV"Por"'!'"! fatltw Complete Cipe Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THEDRUGCIST. ct-a;a't a: a; AyKrypCTg;. -rj its 1 GKNKUA1. BiaGKsmiins .AND. Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothors Wagon. ITIhinil mill TnfOnnnn DlinnrMffl E' 5, limu mm jcuoiiu, ruumijiau :q MTTr?,rTryJ.TUjriY'rr,?TlirfcTijr,2.viT ..gjuis. m- Batehers and Farmcps ..Exchange.. Keep" on draught the celebrated COLL'MlltA ISEEIt, iicknou-:-edstd the best beer In The Itollet!, lit the usmil jirlee. Come In, try It mid be convinced. AImi the Klnent brands of Wines, I.l-jtiur and Clt'ius. Sanduiiehes til all Kinds (ilwityH on band. C. F. Stephens ...Dealer In... Dy Goods, Clothing, llootn, Shoes. Huts, C'nps, Notions. Act. iui 11, 1.. jjiiukius miuu. Telephone No. iS. 131 Eecnnd Ht.. The Dalles, Or. 1 Just What You mant. M New ideas in wall Taper bore. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a einfle stock. Iteal imitn tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant desiis, tasteful colorinus, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints D. W. VAUSE, Third St.' Pure allver laced Wyandott eggs can be secured at J. H. Cross' grocery store for 1 per 16, feb28lmo wklv riorsesnoers ijn ubcrlbe for Tue Cuuo.sici:. Dalles, StcnmiTK ImvliiR Mihnttilo, .,.l,.lil.. ulllnnll Str. Regulator. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. ' IHIV'N. , I.v. Dulles lit S A. M, 'Tm-siinr , TUuinliiV Satunlny. . . ' Atr. rortluml , nt 6 r. m. rv. I.v. 1'ortliunl nt 7 A. M, . Monthly .Wi'iliieMtMy . . . . Krhhiy Arr. Iiiillus tit f::!0 1'. Ii. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, STriivcl by the Stimmers of thu IteRUlutor l.tno. rons tin- host servli-e iosslblo. C, l'ortlniul onicc.Onk-Strwt Duel:. W. C. J. STUBLING Wholosalo and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. A gene 3.' o leGreate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey, WHISKEY from f-.7Bto $.00 pur Kiillon. (4 to 16 year'a old". ) MPOBTED 00GNA0 from $7.00 to t-12.00 per icallon. (11 to20j'tar8 old OALirOKKIA BRAKDIEB from 3.t.'f) to 0.00 perVallon. (4 to 11 yms"oUi7 ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on draught, and Imported Alo and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, feed Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle- toil FlOUr l'a onr 18 manufactured expressly for family IA upe : every Back is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our poods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so call and tot cur prices aud lie convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Grandall & Burget DEALERS IN JS, All kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes 1 Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc! Tho Dalles, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. ftERVETA: fUHofti VIV'ALITY. lost nc;rn AND MANHOOD Curcr, Impotcncy, Nltfht EmlsaionB and waiinir uineaas, all effects of aulf ubiiBe, or exceta and indln crctiou. A nurvo tonic uiul blood builder. Urlncn tho pinic flow to pnla cheeka anc 1'f.tltnpna 41... ..r .1. UvmallSdl'.niT lmv C 1kiv.,u .i.-.uu, vara u written KUiintn. teo to euro or rcttiud tho money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, IU. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. THANHACT A KNKUAI, UANK1NO HUtlNKW Lettera of Credit issued available in the HrtaTtl Bold Su N?w York- oiS, bt. Louis, 8n Franc sco, 1'ortland Orai jton, Seattle Wash., and various polnu in Oregon and Waahington. LiOllftf'tlnna tnarln A. ,.11 I REGULATOR LINE. Porllanfl & Astoria U. Co of th6 KcKulutor l.lno will run us iCr thui 1 tho Comimny rcorvliiK thu rlclit ti n... imtlnn. BMUgO Str. Dnlloa city. .3 tin U'V. I.v. Dnllos lit h A. M MolKlny . Wrliii"hiy . FrltlHy ...... Arr. l'ortliimi ut C r, i. 1'V.I'nrtUntfS im wrMlllr 5 Hntniil.t'J Arr. DnliCTa in 11. .iu , u Tho Compiiny will tmdouvor to rIvo Hi nai-'i For Ittrthor lnlormatlou uUilrcss r,'u""r''i-, C. ALLAWAY, Qen. Agt. Val Blatz and Olympia Beer in bottlet C. S. Smith, Tin: Up-to-date (Jroeer Fresh Egijs and Creamery Butter a specialty. 'Phone 270. 2d Street. J. H. HCI1INK, rrwiiauni. First national Baok OREGON THE DALLES A General Banking Business transw isaeM DepotiU received, auhjoci w . OolleeUoBi made and proto ft P"mi7 remitted on dv of oolloction. Hliibt and IWicExohaage rk.SanTranclscoanu w New York . nmOTOa D. P. TMOMraoii. Jo. . Eu. M. WjtUAna, Go.A.bii 11, A!. UKALl"