The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 31, 1900, Image 3

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    todies' Shirt
The lino w now ,,nVD 00 Bn,u 19 Hf8nl"nl I" ttio
extreme. This la the lino thnt proved ao satisfactoi y
last et-nsoti lo our customers, and you will And that
cxpoilenco lias taught tho manufacturer Improve
inenta Hint will ho beneficial to tho wearer, both In
niakonnd stylo.
faney fleekuieaF
One of tho requisites with pretty Shirt waists is
nobby Stocks, Hows, etc. These we have in a great
variety oi styles.
Belts & Belt Buckles
Tho pretty Kelt Ruckles that you bear to much
about, wo have just roceived and are showing in con
nexion with tho largest lino of Kelts and Kelt Buck
jee ever shown hero before.
Wash Fabfies
We arc constantly adding to our already com
plete block of dainty and serviceable stock of summer
Wash Kabries which we invite you to come and in
spect at nny and all times.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Flguros.
The Dalles daily Chronicle.
Telephone -Yo. J.
SATUKIMY "t MAKCTl Til ,1900
nerved lu
fctyle by
New spring neckwear at A. M. Wil
liams & Co. s net arrived.
See Pease A Maya' window display of
!5 cent neckwear. Wonderful !
Tonight is the regular monthly meet
ing of the water commissioners.
Miss Madge Warren, of Hood River,
has opened a three-months school on
Mill Creek.
License to wed was issued today to
lioscoe K, Miller and Mary M. Jochinsen,
eoth of Hood Iliver.
Say 1 Have yon soen that eletrant lino
ol neckwear that Pease & Mays are
allowing lor 25 c;nts?
Ed Wlngato says the remainder of t
bonde, not yet taken up by subscribers,
will be delivered next Monday.
Sing It. The best that ever bappenld.
iour choice of that elegant line of ne
wear for 25 cents. Pease & Mays.
According to the BBreement ainon
the business men of The Dalles, collec
tion day will fall on Wednesday of tbe
coming week.
Grass Valley folks call it the "scab"
and when one of them lias tbe smallpox
f'slit bad thoy say bo Las "broke oat
until further orders."
Wasco has a quarantine ordinance
"lialnet the world in general and against
Moro In particular. They chargo ilvo
dollars for breaking the quarantine.
Hagley Jiroa , of tbe City Dairy, arc
filing the best milk at $2 00 a quart per
nonth ; three pints, 13.00; two quarts,
WOO; three quart?, ifO.GO; cream, 20c
Pint. 'Phone !)85. mehSMw
Umatilla county Republicans have a
Plank in their ,,intform favoring an
amendment to the present tax laws,
making taxes delinquent In October of
eeh year instead of April 1st.
Tin: Ciikonioi.k takes pleasure In an
nouncing that Rev. U. F. Hawk has
recovered from bis late Indisposition.
'Ie has been on tlje street for several
"aye and expects to occupy his pulpit
Tbo carpenters are making a good
enowing on tho scouring mill building,
"'"'eh In rising rapidly. Tbe well Is
"own over 100 feet and after ten feet
,noro nrteslau water will be expected
at)y moment.
Throo boys of about ten vatra war,
"Mled tlih morning by Marabl
walk. Aa tbe lads insisted that they
did not know tbey were breaking the
law, the recorder discharged them upon
la promise that they would not repeat
lihe offense.
i lit. lie v. a. Wistar Morris will con
duct services at St. Paul's Episcopal
church tomorrow at 11 a. in., on which
occasion ttie holy communion will be
administered. The bishop will preach
at Hood River in the evening.
Ed Smith, of GraBB Valley, who ad
vertised about ten days ago in Tbe
Dalles papers for tbe recovery of a team
and buggy that be bad let out on biro to
u stranger, found the buggy and harness
last week three miles east of this city.
The tingle-trees were found broken and
the horses bad been turned out on the
At the regular weekly meeting of the
high school graduates of theclass of 1900,
held lust night in the high school build
ing, tho twenty members of the class
recited in consecutive order a delegated
section of Webster's Bunker Hill, ora
tions. The recitation formed the bvth
6efH of tho evening and was qnite sue
'cetsfully executed.
Sherman county votes for Al Luke.
ere is what the Grass Valley Journal
eda'B about Win : "A. ft. luko uas many
aduirera in Sherman county who are
glajl to learn of bis nomination for
conty clerk, of Wasco county. Mr.
Lake is o jolly fellow, thoroughly re
liable, and fully competent for anything
be tackles. We predict his election by
a handsome majority."
Moses Pike died at Goldendale last
fTuesday and was buried Thursday. He
had reached the advanced age of 84. He
was a pioneer and former resident of
Yamhill county, from whence ho came
to Klickitat county about twenty-five
years ago. He wasjiD earnest and de
vout Christian jf&n. 'mn who had tbe
esteem of everyone who knew him. The
deceased was father of Col. E. Pike, of
The largest merchant tailoring house
in the world is operated by the Royal
Tailors, of CblcBgo. They oiler $10,000
(and wo guess thoyscan pay it) for evi
dence that they sell nuy "ready-made"
clothing. Everything ie made strictly
to moasure, at just about "ready-made',
prices. A. M. Williams & Co. are local
agents for the Royal Tailors. They
have a splendid ebowir.g of fashionable
patterns for the spring and summer.
Quiet reigns over the Democratic pri
maries being held here today. There is
only one ticket in the field, or rather
ono ballot at each voting place, with
about twice the number of names on It,
so that voters might have a choice of
iiameB, Tho vote Is light and little in
terest la manifested, except among tbe
few standard-bearers, without whom
Democracy in The Dalles would only be
a memory! The polls will not close till
Ry W. Logao, a Dalles boy, son of
Dr, Hugh Logan, passed bis unai ex-
That's what they are. It was our old friend,
Patrick Henry, who remarked upon an historic occa
sion, "The next gale that sweeps from the north will
bring to our oars," otc.
Now, every time you hear tho roar and rattlo of
a freight train, let tho Idea strike you that wo are
getting more new goode. Hero are a few apceimcn
nuggets from tho laot new lot:
of Men's all-wool Cheviot Suits in black and blue,
staple all the year round. Our price $5.00.
of Men's Fancy Worsted Suits, in all tho latest pat
terns, direct from the factory. Our price $6.00.
of Men's Cassimero SuitB in stripss and checks, with
the new style double-breasted vests; equal to any
custom-made garment ever put together. Our price
$10 ami -tlL'.GO.
Several lines of Worsted, Cheviot and Oxford
Suits nt prices ranging from .$10 to .$25. These lines
include the best products of tho Eastern markets.
They are not (might in quantity, but they cover a
selection that would do credit to any city in the
United States.
tnination this week at tbe Portland
fedical College and will secure his
iploma asilootor of- medicine" next
Monday night. For the past seven
months Uiy has been house surgeon at
St. Vincents Hospital, quite an unusual
honor for an undergraduate. It is Me
intention to remain in the hospital till
he serves out the period of two years.
Ray's numerous friends and former com
panions here will be pleaeed to learn of
his success.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Gifford and little
son have returned from a two month's
trip through the South and East. The
partv took in many of the leading cities
and Mr. Gifford never missedan oppor
tunity of visiting the principal studios
and picking up whatever pointers there
were to be had. Mr. Gifford comes
back to The Dalles better pleased with
the place than ever. If ho eaw better
countries he experienced no climate
equal to that lie found at home.
Mike Dichtenmuller, of Mosier, a
veteran farmer and fruit raiser of that
place, was in town today. Mike is an
old hnd highly esteemed friend of Thk
iikoniclk. Tho last time we met him
life was almost stone blind from a
caaract. He underwent an operation
onlpne eye about two months ago that
enables him to read and write without
difilpulty. He will have the other eye
opeuted on when the cataract is ripe
andthen, as a friend good-naturedly
BtigeBted to him, ho may possibly aee
nrore tuan ne wains to.
J. W. Wilson, who is well known here
as a former employe of J. O. Mack and
Chas. J. Stubllng, arrived in the city
yesterday from San Francisco, whero he
has resided since his return from the
Handwicb Islands two months ago. Mr.
Wilson left the islands chiefly through
dread of the bubonic plague. While
there he was in the employ cf J. H. Mc
Donough, formerly of tho White House
saloon in this city, and later in tho sa
loon business at the Locks. McDo
nough ie running a hotel at Ililo and Is
doing well every way and making money.
Of the Umatilla delegation elected
last Thursday nt Pendleton to attend
the approaching Republican state und
district conventions, the East Oregoniau
says:' The state delegation chosen is u
straight Moody delegation, and tho vote
of this county in tho second district
congressional convention will be cast
solid for The Dalles man. This Is one of
the absolute conclusions that may be
drawn from the result of the proceed
ings. The Moody interests had been
entrusted to tho care of W. J. Furnish,
and he succeeded in causing the
choice of ft delegation favorable to the
renomluation of tho present incumbent.
The convention will support W. R.
Ellis for circuit court judge ot that
A very happy gathering mat at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. James Snipes
last evening, it being the occasion of
their twentieth wedding asualveraaxy,
alio the birthday of Mr. Snipes. Many
beautiful and valuable presents wcro re
ceived by tho bride und groom, and a
special and very unique poetical design
was presented to Mr. Snipes commemo
rative nt his birthday. Tho first part of
the evening was pleasantly spent in
music and. a cucsaing game, which all
seemed to enjoy. After refreshments
had been served by Miss Bessie, the re
mainder of tho evening was spent in
playing charades, with much merriment.
At a lato hour tho guests departed,
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Snipes many
happy returns of the day.
Tha second asaiatant postmaster gen
eral has assured Representative Moody
that bo will, in rcadvettising or reletting
star route con tracts in bis district, incor
porate into contracts provisions making
it the duty of the carriers on tho star
routes to deliver the mall of persons
along the route in boxes to bo erected
along the lines, where such service is de
sired. This will practically establish a
syetem of free rural delivery along such
routes, which will be of special advant
age to all the farmers and ranchmen
along the numerous stage lines through
out Eastern Oregon. Mr. Moody thinks
it will also be practical benefit to people
along the mail routes in Clatsop, Colum
bia and the eastern part of Multnomah
county. To secure the benefit of thia
new service, persons along these routes
must erect suitable boxes on the road
side and direct their postmaster to de
liver the mail to the carrier for their re
spective boxes. Star route carriers will
be required to receive from postmasters
all mail matter so ordered, depositing
it in tho proper boxes, such service to
be without charge to tho patrons. The
carriers will also be required to collect
mail from the boxes along ttieir routes.
KemomtrantH Consider tlie System In
adequate ami Too Exrnlve--Miy
Iuvake Litigation.
The following is the remonstrance
which has been presented to the com
mon council by eevtnty-nlne of the
leiding taxpayers of the city against the
nibnosed eewer system. After the
usual address and preamble the objec
tions are presented as follows :
First We object to said proposed
sewer system on the ground that said
system as contemplated will not serve
the purposes for which it is intended;
that the main sewer running east and
west and emptying into tho Columbia
river at a point near Union street will
not have sufficient fall to carry away the
sewerage in times of high water in tlie
Columbia, and that it is a well known
fact that when the Columbia is high an
eddy exists about whero the Eewer will
empty as contemplated, and that by
reasou of such eddy the discharge of
such sewer will be obstructed by sedi
ment forming aDd prevent tlie proper
working of the same.
Secoud We do not believe the finan
cial condition of the city and the tax
payers therein warrants the expendi
ture of so large an amount ot money at
the present time; that taxes are already
as high as tho community can well
afford and that if the proposed eewer
system is carried to completion there
are many poor people in the city who
will be called upon to pay their sewer
assessment who do not or will not have
the moans to pay tho same and that it
will be necessary for tbe city to take ac
tion or make levy of tin property upon
many of its citizens.
Third We are opposed to tho pro
posed system upon the ground that in
all likelihood the city will be involved
in litigation on account thereof, which
will be both expensive and long delayed
and the result a matter of much doubt.
Fourth We are further opposed to
said proposed sewer system on tho
ground that it is proposed to raise all
the money at one time, and wo think
that it would bo better for all concerned
if some plan could be devised whereby
tho building of tho sower could be car
ried on fro'ti time to lime and each por
tion be built now m is absolutely necus
sary and when other portion aro neces
sary to be built tho same can be done,
thereby lessening tho burden to bo put
upon the people, as will be the c.ise If
the whole amount Is to bo raised at
In presenting this petition wo do so
realizing that your honorable body is
desirous of acting for the best advantage
of this city an i that your overy inten
tion is so lo do; but at tho same lime
we further realize that tho matter is one
of vtnwt iinportaiico to tbe taxpayers of
Dalles City and tho subject ouo which
should be handled with great caution as
the amount of money to be expended is
very great for a city already as much in
debt as this one is,
Tim is compelled to own
that it undertook a larger contract than
it was a ware of when it promieed to pub
lish the above remonstrance and tho
answer in one iiiua. The length of the
answer, the difficulty of "boiling it
down" and tha prws of other matter
render It pecemry to defer the answer
till nx week.)
t . ti'l.iUHMtU' H'ltllt littoimln H'lliltliU MitillH'llllum I ....
r i .,- , - - fc3: ,1.j.."r-
iin'iii'fiTioi ti ml li'iiimlmii't
AVfcgetable Preparationfo'rAs -similating
ting Ihc Stomachs andBawels of
Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opuim.Morpiune nor Mineral.
Hot "NArc otic .
PmtfJan Seat'
OxlttU SJir -
tfklnyfvH- rttpnr.
Aperfecl Remedy for Cons lipa
Tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
....Follow the Crowd....
Do you remember fhe advice given by Mr. Pickwick when
asked what to do in a time of great excitement? "Jn
such cases do as the mob does." ,,JJut," said Mr. Snod
grass, " What if there be two mnbs? " " Shout with tho
largest," eaid Mr. Pickwick. Volumes could not have
said more. If you, gentle or ferocious reader, want to
buy a Spring Suit or Oveicoat the crowd at our place will
tell you where to buy them.
MEN'S All-wool. Wack or blue
latest stvle. faual to any dt "V"
$7.50 suit in the city ipJ.JJ
LIEN'S A"'wol Cassimere Suits,
III Ull uie iniuiu puusiiie,
new goods this season; cqjal to any
i . . .,:.
at twice tho amount ; QM Q gQ
our price v--v.w
Notice is hereby given that for tho
purpose of making an examination of
all persons who may ofl'er themselves as
candidates for teachers of the schools of
this county, tho county school superin
tendent thereof will held a public ex
amination at the court house, The
Dalles, Oregon, commencing Wednes
day, April 11, 1900, at 9 o'clock a. m.
and continuing until Friday, April 13th,
at 4 o'clock.
Wednesday Penmanship, history, or
thography, reading.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, fchool law.
Friday Geography, mental arlthmo
tic. physiology, civil governmant.
Tho foregoing for county papers.
Commencing Wednesday, April 11, a
9 o'clock a. in., and continuing until
Thursday, April 12th, at 4 o'clock ;
Wednesday Penmanship, orthogra
phy, reading.
Thursday Art of questioning, theory
of teaching, methods.
The foregoing for primary certificates.
Dated this Hist of March, 1000.
C. . (jii.iiKur,
31 td County School Supt.
Oranil EmiturOptiiiliiK.
Mrs. Jayne desires to inform her lady
friends th.U she will have a urn ml Kaster
opening of the very latest styles in lailios
and misses trimmed hats and bonnets
at her millinery parlors, near Second
und Union, next Wednesday and Thins,
day. An inspection by tho ladies of The
Dalles is respectfully solicited.
Your money back if you don't like it
Fels Nawtha soap, at New York Cash
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
A n
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
MEN'S Fancv WmeT Suit?, in
both check and stripes, lato
style, with double or single-breasted
vests; worth in the iegn- d
lar way if 10.50 p '0J
TVTPVNHS All-wool blue SerVe and
atxi gray Clay Worsted Suits,
made with hand-worked button holes,
raised and padded shoulders, stayed
and teinforced throughout; warranted
Smn"'!''8"!:. .$15.00
Will Viu Help?
The Salvation Army has now 10,000
salvation soldiers in India, who, with
30,000,000 of poor heathens aro on the
verge of starvation. Thousands and
tens of thousands have nlreadv iuc
cumbed. Will you help io eavethciu
by giving something? by taking part in
the self denial effort of tiie Salvation
Army? You are Invited to attend tho
half night of prayer tonight. Como and
let us wait upon the Lord.
Your servant in Jesus' name, J. P. Simpson.
Eisffk Fur Snlct.
Full blooded, barred Plymouth lock
o?gs, per sotting $1 00 and .f 1 .50. For
particulars call on or nddresf,
S.xi)i:us llitos.
Uox 017
Tin. Da'lee, Or.
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
l'cir l$ Cath
And ono dollar and llfty weekly
you can purchase a twenty-llvo
dollar watch or diamond at Harry C.
I.lebo's, in tho Vojt block. Watches,
diamonds, clock, jewelry and silver
ware at most reasonable pi Ices. !t-S 3i
Livery stable for s ilo at Ceiiterville,
Wash., f 100 per month bntlness. Will
sell at a bargain.
iii27-1 m A. H. Ghaiiam.
Clark k Falk aro never cloae.l Sunday
Don't forget Mill.
"es ior riding bicycles on tbe eld