todies' Shift Waists Tlio linn wo now have on sale 1b beautiful in tlio extri'iiifr TIiIh ia the llnu Hint proved bo satisfactoiy lust Pfiieon to our customers, and you will find Hint oxpofionco has tti tiIi t tlio mnnufactnror improve ments that iH l boncileial to tlio wearer, both in tnako nfiil Hlylo. faney fleekoieaf Out! of tlio requisites with protty Shirt waists is nobby Stocks, Hows, etc. These wo hayo in n grout vnrioty of styles. Belts & Belt Buckles The pretty Belt BuckloB that you hear so much about, wo Imvo just received and are showing in con nection with the largest line of Bolts and Belt Buck les ever shown hero before. Wash fairies We are constantly adding to our already com iilete stack of dainty and serviceable Block of summer Bjieet at any and all times. Still a'Gomii)' Thai's what they are. It was onr old friend, Patrick Ilonry, who remarked upon an historic occa filon, "The nest gale that sweeps from the north will brim; to our ears," otc. Now, every timo you hear the roar and ratllo of a freight train, let tho Idea strike you that wo are gettlngmoro now goods. Hero are a few specimen nuggets' from the last new lot : TWO LINES of Men's all-wool Cheviot Suits in black and blue, staple all tho year round. Our price $5.00. FIVE LINES of Men's Fancy Worsted Suits, in all the latest pat terns, direct from the factory. Our price $0.00. SIX LINES of Men's CaBsimere SuitB in stripss and checks, with tho new stylo double-breasted veets; equal to any custom-made garment ever put together. Our price $10 and $12.50. Several lines of Worsted, Cheviot and Oxford Suite at prices ranging from $10 to $25. These linos include the best products of the Eastern markets. They are not bought in quantity, but they cover a selection that would do credit to any city in the United States. SEE WINDOWS. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE &, MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No 1. I ' ll V MARCH 110, 11100 A - served In J Oysters ? 2 KELLCR j WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. See lVii'c & Mays' window display of .J Cent lli'('kvt!iir. Wniw i-rfiil ! Klilw J. W. Jenkins, of Hood Uiver. is eomltipti! g a protruded meeting at Moii'r. Say! Have yon seen that decant line nf twt.tUi.- .1.... I . p -i r . HBiH-iii nun j ohuu oc imiys uro Showing for 'S CdiitaV Fifty men uro now enmloved in build- ingn protection wall on tho islaml a tho D'JUtli of the Cascade locks. The O l: & N. Co. todav handed a clitckto tho Miuriir'for their tuxes for 1SW amounting to $8,2o0.57. SlUK it. Thu hunt tlmt. Vuur cli .ice of that elegant liuo of neck wear for 25 cents. I 'tuihn A- Mil I'm. ii fnrmcr p 1 1 1 1 ! u r-1 nf 'll0G"u-fchpire, wub today admitted 10 full cUI.eWliin bv Judiro lirailehuiv. Furtv.fuiir Indian massacre ut tho Cascades took I'laa-. The number of whites killed on that day was twentv.two. It hue cost I trim! lilvnr in ilnti. Jn7 7D ' care fur hur miallpojc patients. It is nought they will bo roudy to loavo tho ,l03'ital by the end of this week. Iwo car loads of hot's from Nebraska He' fed at Hhe stockyards today. Their Lsiy ttaBTroutda'.f, where the Union 'tat Uo. payH6'u cunts for them, do. livercd. W. II. I) . ,.u ,.r iir i i. iiiiiiiiiiii,, mullein '"otoin, today. 18 head of beeves and head of block hogs which bo sold to WjduT. Ilouney, of Hood Rivur, for !, cetP, round. It pit no In t fklmi.l it...- l.j. . nun c iu ii u luim built nti 8 6jlll 111 bed at St. Vincent's hospital, tlioii'M to lm ublo to bo around In u days. Mr. .lacobeon has been in 1,10 hospital now for six weekB. lm!v IU"Ufl u'lltollofio vo about w,0)0 bushels of wheat carried over or thu furniers from last year's crop. itom i, "'""WowWy more than was in w liuro at this time a yer ago, The Giaeicr eays Jas. Parker, of Hood 'ver, will K0 t0 Nouie Blonj wilh Dri JJH of this city, Tho doctor basse. 7r"8Portation on tlio first steamer leaves Portland for Nome, which be about the 15th of May. There is jay tiie CIan j0iinaton, of ol ii .' ia the ,l,,ne of fix brothers t ill b c,mity l,,ere never a boy 1 Wam "otter half preieuted biro with ono yesterday morning. The youngster is a whopper, too, weighing eleven pounds avoirdupois without a Blitcli of clothes on. Here's to you, Sam. Long life to the kid and mote power to your elbow. A telegram from Pendleton Bays that n oolid delegation for M. A. Moody was elected at the Republican county con vention of Umatilla county yesterday. According to present appearances noth ing short of a revolution can prevent Mr. Moody's re-nomination. Tho Glacier man Bays tho late Ropub lican convention waB a "full" conven tion, and tlio Glacier man knowB, for he was here and be took it all in. But, with charming consideration, ho ex plains that it was not "full of anything more limn enthusiasm." Sheriff Holder, of Sherman county, and his deputy, L. Baruum, passed through town today with Berch McGon lgle, who was sentenced at Moro last Monday by Judge Lowell to a year in the penitentiary, for forging a check on Scott & Co., of Grass Valley. While in Portland Colonel Bryan said to an Oregonhm reporter: "I am very much pleated to pee the Oregnninn op pose the Puerto Rican tariff bill." It if hoped thu Oregon ian will not got too much stuck np after receiving from such a source, audi exalted praise as that. J. H. Ktibanks.of Wapinitia, brought into town this morning two thirteen month's old calves that tipped theBeales at 1770 pounds. They were purchased by Clyde T. Bonney, of Hood River, at l'4 centB, bringing Mr. Kubauks $75.22 or $!I7.0I each. How is that for Wasco county calves? Speaking of tlio Republican county ticket nominated here last Friday, the Hood River Glacier says: "The ticket, taken as a whole, is made up of repre sentative cltineiiH, and the Glacier takes no riek of being considered a faleo profit by predicting tho election of the entire ticket bv tlio usual majority." -s Tho Glacier Bays: "Ono day lattVgo home and beliavo hinisolf week five men eat down to dinner at the Mt. Hood hotel, Hood River, whoso united weight was 1,335 pounds. Their names and weight aro as follows : Hale, of Hale & Smith, railroad contractors, 220 pounds; JInyos, tie inspector, !U0j L. D. Blount, 275; S. W. Arnold, 280; Joe Phillips, 00. ( ' Hope springs eternal in tlio human breast, oven if that human 1h a Demo crat. Tho Democrats will hold their primaries hero tomorrow and they are already meeting In little groups and planning little schemes and Betting up little plnB and holding little conferences Just the same as the Republicans do and as if they actually thought thoy were going to elect somebody. Tho annual report of Wnseo county school superintendent for the year end ing March 5, 1U00, shows tho number of persons between four and twenty years of age residing in the county to be 4400, an exact increase of 100 over laBt year. The apportionment of county scfcooi funis in tiie county treasury will be made upon this basis and sent out to the several school district clerks Mon day, April 2nd. The postal department has made a wise provision in its order that all money orders may be presented and cashed at offices irrespective of the des tination named. Postmaster II. II. Riddell has just been advised to this ellect. Heretofore it has been necessary for the recipient of an order to cash it at the office named, as destination. Now all that is necessary to be done is for the recipient to establish hie identity. The new Bteamer Reliance, that is being built at Sopplo's yard for The Dalles, Portland it Astoria Navigation Company, is ready for launching, says tlio Telegram. She will be slid into the water early next week. As long as the good weather continue the boat will be kept on tho ways, as it is handier for the carpenters, All that remains to be completed is tho cabins. Her engines aro all connected up and the piping lias been about completed. L. S. Davis intends leaving in a couple of days for tho John Day country where he will spend the summer hunting fossils for two German and California educa tional institution. Hu expects to bo joined about the first of May by Dr. J. C. Merrimau and two students who will engage in tho work in tho interest of the State University of California. Mr. D.iviB will assist Dr. Merrimau for about two months, tho time the doctor has allotted for his stay. Matt Brown arrived in town from over the liver yesterday morning with $20 of hard earned money in his wallet. Ho arrived iu tho calaboose last night with his exchequor reduced to $1.50. Ho appeared penitently beforo Recorder Gates tins morning charged with being drunk and disorderly and was lined $2, a sum fifty cents in excess of his capital. Tho recorder good natnredly euspended tho lino on condition the prisoner would torn of tho river. Some men in tho eklff near by immediately camo to their as sistance. Thu anchor was drawn up and the man came up with it. Ho was turned over a barrel and worked with till be came to. Up in tho Cathlamct country, says the Astorlan, tho old settlers dote on State Senator .1. G. Megler. In fact, he ia the Andrew Jackson of the district, as far as tho sympathies and respect of. tho old-timers go. A good story is told on "Uncle Joe," illustrative of his stand ing among tho people in that particular neck of the woods. An old logger came into Cathlamet the other day and ap plied for citizeenhip papers. Tlio judge proceeded along tho customary lines of inquiry to establish tho eligibility of the applicant, asking, among other tliin, who was the chief executive of the na tion. Tho logger scratched an ankle with the sole of his hob nailed boot for an instant and replied : "I dank he bane Joe Megler." The Telegram asks the question: "Who will be president of the Sta'.e Board of Horticulture?" and proceeds to answer it by stating that Hon. E. L Smith, of Hood River, according to cur rent report, has been decided upon for the place. This will be good news for Eastern Oregon horticulturists. The CiiitoNicLF. haB the honor of first sug gesting Mr. Smith's name. As the Tel- egratn says: "Those who know Mr. j Smith best say he is just the man for the place. He is wide-awake and of the up-to-date modern school. For two years he.was president of the State Hor ticultural Society, and while in thi- position made an enviable record for himself." This is one of the rare cases where the office has sought the man. The Ciibonicle hopes Mr. Smith will see his way to accept. This morning James E. Fait, of this city, received from Charles Li Salle, United States secret Eervice agent at Seattle, a voucher drawn on the United States treasury for 25 as a reward for giving the information that led to the arrett and conviction of fielding John son for counterfeiting. Mr. Fait is night barkeeper in Stubling's saloon. John son came into the saloon and commenced bucking a nickle-in-the-slot machine. One of the nickles stuck, and Mr. Fait suspecting there was something wrong telephoned Sheriff Kelly who prompt'y put Johnson under arrest, and upon searching him found a sock about three fourths lull of bogus nickles, amounting to over $I!0. Johnson was subsequently convicted of counterfeiting and sentenced to a year in the penitentiary. The $25 received by Mr. Fait is tlie standing reward in such cases. It is well known that a remonstrance, signed by numerous influential citizens, haa been presented to t he council con demnatory of the proposed sewer system on the ground of its cost and for other reasons. The council had the remon strance sent to W. J. Robeits, of Spo kane, who drafted tho system and made the estimate of cost. Mr. Roberts 1ms replied quite fully. The press tf matter today prevents the publication of these two documents but, as every property owner in tho city, and especially those b3low,'tho blufl', are Interested in this mitter, Thjj Oimoxioi.i! will print both tomorrow. The Chkoxicle doe? not at present feel competent to discu9 thU sewerage question intelligently. It will orint these documents in order that the cilizms may have an opportunity of knowing the best that can bo said on both sides, and as the matter uuilit to bo discuseed The Chiionicm: will throw open its columns to auvorio who has l anything to say on wither side. CAST0R1A Age(able Pr eparUtonfor As similating iheFoodnndRegula (ing ihc Stomachs andBowcis of Promotes Digcstton.Cheerfur ness and Itest.Contains neitlier Opium.Morpltine nor'Mineral. Hot Narcotic . Srtr a OldJkSAHUEL PtTCHKR Umpkm Seat' AbcSfuta AaueSeutt CttttfM.ftiog? ltinl-rjrfrn r7anr. Apcrfecl Remedy forConstipa non, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions.Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOHIC. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the i Signature yW V In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. ...Follow the Crowd.... Do you remember the advice given by Mr. Pickwick when asked what to do in a time of great excitement? "In such rases do as tho mob does." ''Hut," said Mr. Snod grass, " What if there bo two mobs?" " Shout with the largest," said Mr. Pickwick. Volumes could not have said more. If you, gentle or ferocious reader, want to buy a Spring Suit or Oveicoat the crowd at our place will tell you where to buy tljem. THIS BRINGS 'El MEN'S AU-wool, black or bhie MEN'S f"lly Worsted Suit's, in vnuviui cmi, rouuu uui, latest Ftvle, equal to anv dK $7.50 suit in the city pU.WJ SEK w i.vimws. both check and stripes, Into style, with cionblc or single-breasted vestn: worth in the lar wav $10.50.. U III QllilW'UiLitCltlt lh.e.T:..$7.50 ski; W1NIHMVS. . . , . iTVrFnKr'K All-wool bluB Serge and MEN'S All-wool Cassimere Suits, j gray c,av Worsted Suits, ju uii mo ian at iMiieuis, i irm,io with liatut-worked button holes, new goods this season; equal to any cheay eastern-made sou at twice the amount ; 1 f KC our price ipJ.KJ.VKJ !Ki: WINDOWS. raised ami padded shoulder8, staved and reinforced throughout ; warranted to give literal satisfac tion. $15.00 RKK WIMIOIVS. PEASE & HAYS, The Republicans of Gilliam county not in convention yesieiuay anu nom nated tlio following county ticket. Ono who knows that county woll Bays it is verv strong ticket: Sheriff, I'erry Ham, l.onu llockj clerk, H. N. Fnizer, Condon; assessor, Myron Clarke, Lone Rock; superintendent of schools, Ilonry Crass, Arlington j treasurer, h. JJ. Barker, Condon; enrveyor, Robert H. Wahlii, Condon ; coroner, A. H. Ruedy, Arlington; commissioner, J. A.Ward, Olex. Two men traveling up tho Columbia in a ecow met with quite an adventure last week, says the Giacler. When near Cameron's boom at tho mouth of White Salmon, the wind calmed, and the men put an anchor into a email boat and towed the scow towards the shore. In attempting to cast the anchor the chain got wound round the leg of one the men, and when the anchor was thrown over board it took the man along to the bot- Tho Aiiiuireil Cruiser. The bottom and heel of this shoo Is covered wilh " perfection circloltetes, which are made from chilled steel, ho that it is almost impossible to wear through thu soles. Tho vamp Is ol tho best veil stock, a plump dongola lop with outside buck stay, vamped with three rows silk. Wo present our "Armored Cruiser" shoe to our customers with tlio full as surance that it is the best shoe leather will produce, We have them in all sizes for boys, ouths and little men. A. M. Williams & Co. Spring is Here and So Are We. WITH A tat.I. l.lN'U OK Elegant Stock of Wall Paper to Select From. PfiP, OIL Washington Street, between Second and Third ENAMELS, BRUSHES, ETC. H. GLENN & CO. Subscribe for the Chronicle. Advertise in the Chronicle Those knee protectors (or cnlldren have arrived at New York Cisli Store. Your money back if you don't like it Fels Nawtha soap, at New York Cash Store. REGULATOR LINE BFIYAN EXCURSION From Tlio 1 1 11 1 1 -h In I iiilhmil mul llii Hun :i.(IO fur llio K'lin'ut Trip, Arrangements have been madu with tho Railway Co., whereby tickets will bo honored for return by train No. U, leaving Portland at 8 p, 111,, same day. Hero 1b an opportunity to hoar the great orator. Tho above rates will be in oliVct for party of not less than twenty-live. W. C. Al.l.AWAV, General Agt, Watch this paper for date of big mus lin underwear sale ut the New York Cash Store. New patent painters' and paper hungers' euits at the New York Cash Store. Km- sr.. no And oiiu dollar and fifty you can purchase a weekly twenty-livj dollar watch or diamond at Hairy C, Liebu's, in the Von block. Watchos, diamonds, cloelse, jewelry and silver ware at most leasonuulu prices. !I S !it Livery stable fir s.ilo at Centervllh', Wash., iflOO per month business. Will sell at a baigniu. ni27-lm A. It. Guaham. I' 11 1' Hull). Turkey egge. Price dOc a setting, In quire of Mrs. W. W. Itawsou, on !1-Mili, l.oug distance phone Olli. ni'Jl-'.'vvks Pure silver luted Wyaudott eggs can be secured at J. II. Cross' grocery store for $1 pei 15. fel'28.1mo wkly Clark & Falk are never close! Sunday Don't forget thii.