: i . . .. t'-T--v v-v For a Nice Suit of Clothes. I'unUns, Ovcrcoalln- or Kdticj Vestlug. Kliuliy rail nna examine iny stock of fin--ported and D estlc Woolens. A line stock to elect from. ., , , . Bults made from the lowest prices to the high est grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. HIE DALLKv, DllEOO.N. The Dalles Daily Ghroniele. SUBSCRIPTION TRICE. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 TRIDAY - MARCH 30, 1900 AN ALMOST HOPELESS MUDDLE It seems there is a clash between the Oregon and "Washington and Idaho representatives over the pro ject of improving the dalles of the Columbia. The Washington and Jdaho representatives favor a portage road on the Oregon side of the river. Messrs. Tongue and Moody are op posed to a portage road, the former on principle, as being the opening "wedge for government ownership of Tail ways; the latter because he be lieves a portage road would not afford much relief on account of the cost of transferring freight and be cause it would tend to prevent the building of a canal or boat railway, which alone would permanently meet the demmds of the tributory ttatlic. On the other hand Representative j , ; . , leges equal to those enjoyed by the ..... . ' most favored 4i built and not operated, its vcrv construction would accomplish the state. And why not? Our experi ence with the little state portage at the locks lcikds us to believe that the people of Oregon would get back, in the form of cheaper freights, the whole cost of construction within a i- year. IXVITED TO A JSAnMECIOE FEAST. 0.R.&N. i Whatever modifications of exist ing tariff lavs may be demanded by present conditions the Republican party is not ready to have the whole American system tumble about our cars like a house of cards. Yet this is precisely one of the things indirect ly involved in the Puerto Kican tariff bill. American producers have no dread of Puerto Rican competi tion. It is that of the Philippines they fear, and with good reason. If congress has no power to impose tariff restrictions on Puerto Rican products they can impose none on those of the Philippines. If they can impose no restrictions on Filipino products they can impose none any where, and the whole system of custom duties falls to the ground. This is no idle dream. Every in telligent free trader in the land knows it. Every well-informed Re publican knows it, or ought to know it. Hence the bitterness of Demo cratic opposition. Hence the obsti nacy of Republican persistence. Only a word is needed to place this matter in its true light. Under the treaty recently negotiated with Spain, that country is to enjoy in the Phil ippines for ten years the same trading privileges as the United States enjoys. If the constitution goes to an Amer ican territory befoie It is sent there by congress the constitution is already in the Philippines. If it is there it has carried with it the right to free trade with the United States. It follows, therefore, that if we can place no restrictions on our exports to the Philippines we can place none on Spanish exports to these islands. But the United States has treaties with all the great nations of the earth which guarantees to them, in all United States territory, trade privi- nrr.iRT 1 timk sciikdulf.. 1 AnruvR FOU i'KOM DALLKS. j Fl'OM. Knst (Suit I.nkt, nearer. ft. Knt Mull Worth. Oninlin, Kim- Mull 11:15 1. m.i ms City, St. Units,' 3:53 p m j Chicago ami F.iiat. , Sunk mie Walla Walla, SpokancJ Spokane f'lycr MlmieniHills. bt. 1'iitil,1 Flyer. 7:0) p. in. i) ulut li, Milwaukee, -HSM a. in Chicago and East. 8 p. in. 1 p. m. From Portland. Oocsm Steamslili3. For San Francisco December 3. S. 13, IS, 23 ml . Sp.m. 4 p. m. Kx. Sunday Columbia Uv. Steamer. Ex.Hundaj To Astoria nnd Way Saturday Landings. 10 p. m. I 6 a.m. 1 Willamkttk Rivkr. -t:S0p. m. Ex.bundaylOreRon Cltv. NewbcrB, Ex.Hunday Sulcin & Way Utnd's.j 7 a. m, 'Willamette and Yam- 3:30 p. m. Tues.Thur., hill UirKRs. !Mon.,wed and Sat. Oregon City, Dayton,, and Frl. ; and Wny-ljunlinga. i 6 a.m. Willamette Tttvcn. 4:S0p. m. Tue..Thur,Portland to Corrallls,i ilon. Wed and Sat, j and Way-Landings. aud Friday ! B.vake River. j Leave I.v Rlparlai Rlparia to I-cwlstou. I.ewiston dally dally 1.2a a. m. I b:S0u. m. ' I rartlcs dcMnnc to so to Ilenimer should uiko io. 4, leaving I he Dalles ut 7:u.i p. m making direct connection!, at Heppuer Junction Ucturulng makiugdlrectconuecttin at Heppuer Junction with .No. 1, urrlvlug at The Dulled at -:65 u in. N'o. !, throught freight, cast bound, does not carry passengers: arrives V:J0 a. in., departs 3:50 a. m. No. 1M, local freight, carries passengers, cast bound: arrives 4:;ai p. m., departs 8:1.') p. in. No. 21, west bound through freight, does not carry passengers; arrives :15 p ui departs 0:.Dp. ra. So. 23, west bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. m., departs 8::M a. m. For full particulars call on O. R. & X. C'o.'s agent The Dalles, or address W. II. HUKMIURT, den Pas. Ast., Portland, Or, F- S. Gunning, end desired. The Chroxicli: agrees so far with Mr. Cushman. It re members the service rendered the country tributory to The Dalles by the little portage at the Cascades. But is there any hope that the gov ernment would construct a portage road? There's the rub. And if not, would not the advocacy of such a measure, as Mr. Moody thinks, tend to defer the building of the canal r The boat railway we pass as vision ary and impracticable. The cost of operation would be little less than that for breaking bulk on a portage. It was never better than a dream, of some crack-brained government engineer. The government will never construct the boat railway. A canal is the only permanent improvement the government is ever likely to undertake. A canal will be Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. nation. If, therefore, Spiiin has the right to free trade with ! the Philippines all these nations have ; the same right, and if the Philippines have the right to free trade with the United States all the lending nations! of the world have the right to free i Cor. SgcqUu & Laoplin; 'Phone 151 trade with the United States through j the Philippine'. As one has aptly ; said, 'this is the Bcrmecidc feast to which Republicans are invited. Who among us will accept the invitation?" fury P1 Complete Cipe of Drus at M.Z. DONNELL, THEaDRUGGIST. JkJlTATAJArAyATAJJkJA IATJW'Ali IT JCT B?OS. GENERAL 5 Biacksmnns AN D Horsesnoe is ' Wagon and Carriage Work. !' Fish Brothers' Wagon. irUiinil mil) TnfT.tiiiAt Til, Amid all the froth and and' falsehood and ignorance and rank and unjust partisan denuncia tion that have been poured out upon a long-suffering people over this discussion of the Puerto Rican tariff bill, no living soul has attempted to suggest any measure for raising the revenue needed for the conduct of the government of the island that approaches the gouernmcnt tariff bill built in practicability, adaptation to exist- We Put... sometime but, judging from experi ence, not in the lifetime of .1113- man now living. And the people want'ers relief now, not after they ate dead. A right ot way adapted to any of the improvements hitherto suggested has been procured by the govern ment, but no river and harbor bill, we are told, will be passed at this session of congress. The whole buy ing conditions and generosity to the "jlorm-swept and starving" island- every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Proscription that's compounded here Is it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. Suteheps and Farmers ..Eehancje.. Keeps on draught tho celebrated C01.UMI1IA ItKEIt, iicknow! edced the best beer in Tho Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try it mid be convinced. AIo the Flneit brands of Wines, M inor and Cigars. Sanduitches of all Kinds always on baud, (W VMM W r- T- pl.i . .Doalor In. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Iryinjr preparations simply dovel op dry catarrh ; thoy dry xip tho (secretions, iviiicu ntihero to tno xncmurono and decom pose, causing a far more Hcrious trouble thnn tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry iug iultalauts, fumes, smokes and snufff) nnd mo that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a romedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head r BLJiKELEY & JMiTOJI, Jleliable Prescriptionists ness is in a hopeless muddle and the easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo lq!l nf nrmiS uinnnfr tlin rli.lf.iinfns 1 "miIe1 for 10 cents- All drtlfRistS KOll tllO , cittsn or arms among the delegates coc.eizo. Ely Jlrothors.fiO Warren Kt.,K.Y. llocs uot help it a bit. Tin: Ciilto.s'-1 'J-'Uo Jialm cures without pain, does not irriiuto or causo sneezing, it sprcaa? ltseil over an irritated aud angry surface, rollor ing immediately tho painful inflammation. ' With Ely's Cream Jfalta youaro armod against ritual Uatarru aud liny i over. ici.i: is for anything that Hill give relief tho soonest. A portage road would meet the demands of tinlflc till a more permanent improvement would he constructed. Jt, might oven be built by tho government or by government aid as a necessary ad junct to the construction of n canal; but if the government will do nothing to .give relief within a reasonable falare Thk Chhonici.e would urge, ImI it advocated years ago, the con struction of a portage road by the Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Jlilesbur:, a., siiyp, "Ah a a needy euro lor coughs, colds, croup and sore throat One Minute Conifh Cure is unequaled. It is pleasant for childien to take. I heartily recom mend it to mothers." It is the only hartuleia remedy that producea im mediate resolta, It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and Inns diseases. It will prevent consumption. Subscribe for Tuk Chkonick. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartifloitlly digests the food and aids .nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or tans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. Wo other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It In atantly relieves and permanently curat Dyspepsia, Indigent Ion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Bour Stoaoach, Nausea. SiokHaaa1ache.OnlaiaClFatnMi.aii allckerrilUoflnperfectdlfstieB. preawraa ay c. c. DeWItt Ce., Ciesjt !5 Hoots, Hhoei. Huts, ( npg, Nutlou. AkI. t j for W. 1 DoubIiis Hhw. i Str. Ropritlator. REGULATOR LINE. ? Dalles, Portland & Astoria i u StrmnorN of tho ltCKUlntor l.lno w ill run na i-r n.. . , IowIiik M'linlulo, tho Coniiuitij- renervltiK the rlgiit t0 P,, A fctunlulu WttlllMIt notice. jj P ninvN. fi, I.v. IMllo I.v. lMllos I.v. l'nrtlaml t) nt.s.v. jt. il a. M. E Tnwiiny Muiiilny H.TIiuimIuv . .Wiilm-'ii'iy I Hntunliiy 1; rlilny 1 Arr. I'oftlaml , ut o r. u. Arr. Dulles it 6:!J) v. u. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. IiOWK, I.V. KlllIcK "t h a. N. Muiiilny Wcillimiluy l'rldity Arr. l'ortliiiiil itt r ! it. Str. Dallos City. I i , 'v.riirtlaiHl J t7'IH A. M. Tuesday ' TlturnUy) Hatunui Arr.liolif',, lit ri:S0 f. h. I FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, C, Tmvol by tin? Steiimom nf tliu ItCRuUtnr I.itic. Thn CointMjiiy will oiiUonvnr to Kv Its nat. X J' rons tho best norvlaiponslliio. l or further lnformiitliiu iiUilrvxH pl J Ij'l'ottlmutOlllccOiil.-Strcctliock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Oen. Agt. C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agencyfor the Q- reate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey, WHISKEY Jri)inj:.75to JfO.OO (Mir utillon. (4 to 15 yuara old.) ' xMPOETED 00QNA& from $7.00 to $12.00 pr Knllon.Jll "to 'M yt-nrH old.' OALirOKNIA BRAMDIEB Ironi VU'h lo (1.00 per yallon. (4 to 11 yenre old7 ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on draught, nnd Val Blatr. and Olympia Beer in bottlea linportud Alo mid l'ortur. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot p 11 kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, "l'feed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOIl FlOUr 1 '"H ''our IB manufactured exprcsBly for family tine : every Buck in (mtranteed to give Bittiefactlon, Wa Hull our poode lower tluui any Iiouho in the trade, and if you don't think so call and yut our pnete and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. dkal.i:i:. IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies! Grandall & Budget UNDERTAKERS xP EMBALMERS Tho Dallos. Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. Just What Yoa mant. Imp dA PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakeiy, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. New ideas in Wnll Paper here. Such wide variety as we are allowing never be fore trnced a Hingle otock. iieul imiia tion creton effects at ordinary prices, Good paneis at clicun nanur nrixJu' Elegant desiuiiB, tasteful colorings, yours f jr a small price, at our store on Third treat. Alio a full line of house paints D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Mulaa for Hule. One span of mules, 5 years old. for ale. Weight, each about 1000 pounds. For particular! address M. K. Mol.enn 3 14 ltn Four milsi Mat of Klmlv r.'-j Rstor V ( ALITy, LOST V'GOR j Ctiren Iuipotcncy, NU'ht Eml:,,lonH and v.aatintr uifierisei, all 'jlTccta of uelf. ttuube, or exctta and India cretkm. Ajioi-votoiilcuiid Mlooil biilhlcr. lrlii(fa thu ffWL rt-atoffs the lire of vottth y!! By inalliOf jut box; 5 hoxea lor JH55..10; with it M'rltUm miimiii- luu io euro r relutid tho inoiioy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson sts., CHICAGO, ILL. FRENCH & CO BANKERS. rilAMBACT A KNKKA1. BANKING JIUKINKB Utters of Credit issued available in the liastern SUtes. oiunt change and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, dhlcago, hi. Louis, San Francisco. PortUurf Hon, beattle Wash., and various poluu in Oregon and Wash notnn ' Collections m mi aii ui. orahle terms. " C. S. Smith, Tin: (Jp-to-dateQroeer Frush Kbbs nnd Cri'iuno-y lhttter a Hieuialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270; . H, HCIIBNK, l'rvlUuul, First national Bank. ...nnll THE DALLES - - - uk" A General Banking Business trwrtc Deposits received, auhject to BigUt Oolleotlona made and proceeds nrompn remitted on day of oolloction. ght and Telegraphic Exchange soiu -Mew York, Han Francisco and von land. niRKOTOKa D. P. THOMrao. Jmo. H. w"T U, M. 0IALI..