Crippled by Rheumatism. Those who hnva Rheumatism find themselves proving steadily worse nil tho while. One reason of this is that the remedies prescribed by the doctors contain mercury und potash, which ul timntoly Intensify the disenso by cnus ing the joints to swell nr.d stiffen, S reducing t severe aching of the bones. . S. S. has been curing Rheumatism for twenty years even the worst cases which seemed almost incurable. Cnot. O. E. Hughes, the popular railroad conductor, of Columbia, S. C, had nn experi ence with Rheumatism vrhlch convinced him that there 'j only one cure fur '.lint painful dis ease. He fcays: "I was a fjreat suflerer from mus cular Khcumatisrn for two years. I could act no permanent reflet from nny medicine pre scribed by my physician. 1 took about a dozen bot tles ot your S. S. S., and now I cm as well as I over was lnmy life. I cm U. wi,.. n..vr1lr.lnn cured me, and I would? TwnmmcnH it tn .inrrnnn "1 suCcrlng from any blood disease." Everybody knows that Rheumatism is a diseased state of the blood, and only a blood remedy is the only proper treatment, but a remedy containing potash and mercury only aggravates the trouble. S.S.S.ri; Blood being Purely Vegetable, goes direct to tho very cause of the disease and n per manent cure always results. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed to con tain no potash, mercury or other dan gerous minerals. Books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. ttemarlmlile Cure of I'.Iiruniatlsni. "From the Vindicator, Rnthcrfordtiti, X. C. The editor of the Vindicator has had -occasion to test the efficacy of Chamber lain's Pain tt.-.lm twice with the most remarkable result? in each ease. .First, witi. rheumatism in the shoulder from 'which lie suQVretl excruciating pain for tea days, uhichwn-i relieved with two applications of Pain Balm, nibbing the pnrts cfliicte't ntul realizing instant beniitit and entire relief in a very short time. Second, in rheumatism in th'trh joint, almost prostrating him with severe pain, uhich v. a relieved by two appli cations, uibliiiiL' with tiie liniment on retiring at ufcht, and getting up free from pain. For sale by Blr.keiey & K'jnhton. Startliug Claims. ll airy-five per cent of id! persons de clari'i' 'incurable ur given up to die by physicians can be cured, or their lives yre:rt'y pruionued by the beneficent powers nf the " Perfected" Orvgenor Kim:. This startling nsiertiun is sus ceptible of proi.f. We have it in the fi rm oi letters from all ctesees of people "i -tidiig far and neat" who are de ILIited to testify to the marvelous cunt t'y powers of tLiniateat nrd most per fefed bome oxvenating instrument. l or SRle iiy j. M. f ilioon, me tuilee. Or. ml-lwd2 An Unneit 3I-cll' 1 ito fur I.a trippe. tii ur-v V. Wait, of Gardner, Me , Bay-: 'I Java had the worst ough, coM, i , i ; d und grip twid have taken lots of traMi of no account bnt profit to the vendu. Chamberlain's eouli Remedy is the only thlntt that ha? done any jo d Vthatver. I have used one bottle of it nud the chilli, ' d and riji have till ! '? me. 1 cor.cratuiatu the maiiu- fjct.'.i iof an honest medicine." For) eale v iV.iu-.'ley & Houchton. ".'utlLu of Dixsotutlon. KoticB is hereby given that the firm of Funis & Johannaen has this day been lisanlvd bv mutual consent, P. F. Fuutt 1 i retiring from said firm. Tho bnsino., I heretofore conducted by the said Eoate j & Juh.tunseu.wiU from now on be owned j nud mnnnged by C. P. Johannsen. The . said Johann-eii will sol'eet all accounts j duo said firm nnd will pay all bills due therefrom. Dated at Tho Dalles, Oregon, this lOtli day of Mutch, 1100. P. F. Foi'TK, 0. P. Joiia.n: sn.v. tu 10 lm Siliicl:liiililir.s .11 f ting. Notice is hereby given that there will be nn annual meeting of the stockhold ers of The Dalles, Portland & Astoriu Navigation Co., at their ofllcj Saturday, April 7, 1000, at 2 p. in., for the purpose of electing seven directorH, and trans acting 8if:h other business as may prop erly come before suit! meoting. By order of the president. The Dalles, March 15, IfJOO. L. E. C'nowK, Secy. " with I u Kuur Gbectt. 'All fjontv warrants registered prior to June 3, 180(1, wll lm paid at my office. Interest ceases after Fabruurv. 2, aWUG. 0. L.,' Conntv Treasurer. I Why pay f 1.75 por gallon fur inferior rpalnte when you can buy James E. fPatton's sun proof paints for $1,50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Jfa'k, ugojitB, mI7-2 Did you ever hear how Mr. , of street came to buy a wheel for his wlfot Well, ho came home one evening, and saw her sitting ou tho balustrade of tho porch, as shown In the picture. He made up his mind then and there that she would look Just too sweet for anything on n bicycle. And she does. ISut the kind of bicycle has good deal to do with looking sweet. So If you want to look sweet, buy your wheel as did Mr. ) of the agent for 1 CRAWFORDS J Golden Eag-le, $25 Crawford . . . $30 Cleveland, . $40 and $50 We have bandied the nbove line of wheels for several years. The guarantee on the above wheels are such that no one need to hesitate to buy either of them. flaief & Benton Sole Agonts. DH-uiliuliiti of rartnorxlilp. Tiie business heretofore existing under the firm name of Lane ISrcs., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. L. L. Lane will conduct the business nt the old stand, and collect all accounts and pay all bills of the firm. All parties knowing themselves indebted to the firm are requested to sef.le as soon as possible. The Dalies, Or., March 1, 1900. L. L. Lank, lmd.uv iwM. Lam:. llisuiiircic't Iron Mnivn Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If yuu wiiiu l tie qualities and the success they brinir, use Dr. King's 2.i-.v Life i'llte. They develop every power of brain and body. Only L'6c at Illakeley i5; Houghton's drugstore. Kev. W. E. Sitaer, W. Canton, N. Y., writes, "J had dyspepsia over twentv years, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. 1 vvas persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure autl it helped me from tho start. I believe it to he a panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It digests what y.n eat. Cure r.caduclin Oufultly. Bahlwin'a sparkling effervescent Cel ery godn. A harmless and i (Tective cure for headache, nei vonsnesc, sleeplessness, bra I u fatigue. 10 and -5 cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24Qv Wanted. A girl to do geueral hau:ework. In quire of Mr?. A. H. Thompson. in21-3t for lliiiit. A furnished cottage of -1 rooms suit able for hf'iiii'keeping. App'y at tH European Hunte. iiii!7-.'it '.Vaiittfd. j haute work in:, small family. Apply nt thia ofliee. t: , Clarke & Falk have iec?ived a rarload ' of the celebrated James E. Puttun 1 strictly pure liquid pain:-1 i Big nsiortment of b n 1 hows ami inch scarf vies for gentiomen, lo cents at the New York Cash .Store. Paint your house with points that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTUl'.KKHOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD BEEF. ETC. Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which In agree ably aromatic It is reteived through (he nostrils, cleanses and heals tho whole nur faco over which it diffuses iteolf. Druggista sell tho 50c. size ; Trial size by mail, 10 conts. Test it and you are euro to continue tuo treatment. Announcement. To accommodate those who aro partial to tho uso of atomizers in applying liquids into tho nasal passages for catarrhal trou Ma, (ho proprietors preparo Cream Balm iu liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream Balm, Price including the praying tube is 75 cents. Ihruggiata or by molL Tho liquid form embodies tho med icinal properties of (he solid preparation. . TUB OQlUmDia PSGKlDO 69 BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke & Falk have on sale n full line , of paint and artist's brushes. Uee Clarkoo: Falk's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the bend. A full 'due of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke it Kulk. You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are tho best. Ask your grocer for tbeni. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is un equalled for piles, itijurieBnnd skin diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel Salvo, lleware of all counterfeits. To secure the original witch hazel salve, ask for DeWitt's Witchllizel Salve, well known as a certain cure for piles and skin diseases, lleware oi worth less counterfeits. They are dangerous. Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., says, "DeWitt's Little Early Kisers nhvayx bring certain relief, cure my headache and never gripe." They gentlv? cleanse and invigorate tho bowels nnd liver. "I used Kodol Dyspepsia'CCure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleaaant to take and ie trulv the dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Hartgcrink, Overisel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot Liil to cure. Egs retail at 12 ls cents per dozen at Maier & Benton's. Clark A Falk's drug ptcck is new fresh and complete. Bicycle sundries and fishing tackle at Maier & Benton's. 3 lotf Ladies and children's tun bonnets, 2uc at New York Cash Store. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring iztrncte. Peters New Victor smokeless shells tn be had only at Maier & Benton's. S lotf M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., say?, "DeWitt's Little Early Bisers are the very best pills I ever used for costiv enes, liver and bowel troubles." Bagley Bros., have purchased u tbroughbred Jersey huil, registered stock. For particulars apply at resi dence on Tenth meet, near tint fair mounds. Phono USo. .. (i-tnio Win. Orr, Newark, O., says, "Wo never feel fafe without One Minutu Congh Cure in the house. It caved my little boy's lifts when he had tiie pneu inoniii. We thin!: it is the test medicine made." It cures coughs arid all lung dlee.j.?os. Pleasant to take harmless and gives immediate results. Mrs. Harriet Ev.uif, Hinsdale, lib, wrhes, "I never fail to relievo my children from croup at once ty using; One Minato Cough Cure. I would not feel safe without it." Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all threat and lun,j diseases. Experience is the bent Teacher. TJio Ackur'a English Remedy in any caao of coughs, cold or cronp. Should it fail to give immedittJ relief u.ouoy refunded. 25 ets. and 50 eta. Biakeley & Iioiighton Druggists. i Early Bose otatoo.- at Maier & Ben I ton's. 00 YEAKS' EZXPEH1EMCE to rA r3 a JS' Thacs Mahkq JuDicris Copyrights &.c. ,hti irri'ilftrr. '.' I nnrt i.eiThill..n nm qi.1- ':iy "'.'ilii f-ur oiii . n fiu ivlii'thrr a ni7".iii'.T' It .r'i! i.,i7 v iicnt.ibte. I omrniiiilcf lli.i. i iii.."ly-u.i!)i..iil! I. 11 ii'.ilbocknn I'atenU 'w'H !r.". OMctt ni. ti' . I.ji fcccminc I'aU'lUl. l'.ii"..ta taiK.u tiii'i'icii 3liinn i Co, roselTi lixtlatnrjtttt, nlUn.ut clinrxo, In tho A li.innmclr llli)trntcil weeklr. I.ireett clr. ftllidlim of mir i-:uiitiu! Terms, f 3 a ye n'! limr rmmtln, tl. HulU liyull nairailcnlera. ltrancli utftei it'j V Hi.. Washington. U. C Important Announcement to yon.- For 3U days after April 1st, I will sell all tho Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots und Shoes, Hosiery, Blankets, Hats nnd Caps, on a cut in price of 25 per oent. for Cash. Now ia votir onnnrlnnitv tn en I Intr- gains. Don't mlea it. S. L. BROOKS, Suucesior to . J, Collins & Go, T. BROWN HILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Nnlarv Public. Collectioni nrnrnntlv ultnrwlnit to, money to loan. V. , uayard's of fice, Tho Dalles, Oregon, 3 ea r NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. land cmicE at Tin; i,5: ..... ..-..! i...... !... II... fullim-tlli. i iMiure i imi'iiy Kiivii ......... ...p ' immed ottUr lun llle l notice of tits. Intcutlnii lo mnke llnnl I'rmtt 111 su)rt nt Ills claim, iiml I ...r ...111 V... I.i (..iriirii Mil. rPLWflr I mill nui I'iimm .iii ..v....v. "O- I mill receiver nt The IMltw, Uregon, nn Siitunluy ! Mnyn, I'.w, vl.: I Helnrieh Litbhing.of Tho D.illes.Or., II ! V. l7.i. fur tin. W... M'l'tloll IT. town- I slilii 1 mirth, niiise Vi emt, W . M. ! Hoiihiuc- the following ulluesn't to lunve ; his cnntlimott resident e upon, unit cultlviitlou ' of miUI liuul, vU. . ......... ... . I 1.1... U Il....rr I! ilili.ll. MlpllllL'l IIOViC. I'lll. .....s ....I.J - - - - - Charles Kllmert, nit nt The lmllfs, (Irepoij., I,V 1' l.lM'A.. m..j.H Heglsler. EXECUTOB'S NOTICE. Notice N hereby given that the undersigned hns been dulv iiiiolnlcil by the cniinty court nl the state of Oregon for Wueo cmintv. exteiltnr with the will annexed of the last Hill of .Mary June lleesley, ilcceeit. All iiernn hav ng elnlm.H nguliist nuldeUate are hereby present them tn me with theproper vniicliern nt i inv mace in i ne iiiuii"., inrHi'iii 'ii. ' mimtlis from the date thereof. Ii . ....I T.'.il. .11 If .111 i j). S. HU.NTlNf.TO.V, j fcb2I-ll Kxeuutnr. i A DM I N I ST II ATO K 'S NOTICE. ! Notttc l hereby given that the umleislgned h:is mi'ii nppolnleil by the county court, of the. t.ite of Oregon. for Vaeo county, administrator ' forttie estate of I'atrlok Ilrown, deceased. All ler.M)iis having claims iigiiltist siild estate lire . hereby untllied to present Mild ehilms, properly I verllieii, to me at the olllce of Hltmntt A. Hlimott, in Dulles I'll , Ore., within six mouth from the date thereof. tinted January 25, H00. I DKl.tA ('. IIUOWN, i nnST-it Admlut.Uriitor. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. I(.lD OFFICII AT VASrOCVIU:, W.VMII , Mnrcti 'Jl, P.iW. j Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his Intctitlim to mnke Until proof In support of his claim, hiiiI that . lid proof will be niiule before V. H. 1'iesby, Tnltcd Htnte.i Oommlsslouer for District of Wiislilncton. nt his ol'lee In (iolitomlulc, Wash., on Jlimiluy. May T, l'.xo, viz: Johu G. McDonald, II. i:. No. ?Cl':Hor the nnrthcait iiuarter section u, townsinp u nnrtn, range i.i e.isi, . ji. j Ho iminea tae ftilliiwlng wltne-sci to prove his continuum residence upon, mid cultlviitlou of j said laud, viz. Samuel I. Courtlier. Harry Pennington, KM (", ( oieliiiiil, of lliirtlaml I'. 0.. Wnsh., ami 1 :.elon li. llrookn, of Ciulileiuliile v. ali. W. It. IlCNT.AIt, mui2-l Kcglsler ADMINISTKATOU'S NOl'ICE. Notice 1 hen'hv clvcn thnt the uiiilersieneil hs lieen ilnly upj ml n ti it iHlnilnlstriitiir nl the, estate nl .1. f. Ilalilwln, neccieil. All 'rniis , Inivlu? cl-iinis n'iilnit filli! eatnte urc lierehy 1 notllleil tn ircei.t the Mime, pniierly erllieil, In ir.enrtu my attorneys, linfur.l- .Meneii', in i nie waiieii, uiei;uii,wiiniii aix imiimis mini me il.'iteof till- niillce. Dated Ihls llth liny u( rubtiutrv. liO. I' II ML 11, If I,r. 1... ..1. I f. 1 1 .. I I .. It. ' lllllilllllutlllkiJI .11 ...V .flllliV Wl tt . Jt Jl'llll.llll ilertusisl. fuhn Ii NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. IAjm Orncn atTiik bMiv.x, Oiskiion.i - i'ebrunrv '.'C, lute. ( Nollco If herehv given thnt tliu rollnwlnx uemtit fcttler him lll(j iinllre nf hl tnlvntloii tn mnke Hunt proof in jj ort of hi claim, n ml thnt mlii iniK't will Ih- mmie Ufmuthe lieRblor nndikceivcrstThe linllex, (iksoii, un sulur clay. April 7, lai-0, vte: John Frederick Waither, of The Dalles Oregon, H. E. No, 53-., for tho VWH See. 11, towtuhiii 1 smith, xaMnpi b) eatit, W. M. lie iwimeo the following it 1 1 minted to jirme hU enuUuuou ivkltienec upon and oulttvittlmi of lt! Inn!, vl: w. Wolf,.iohu Obiint, rmiik obrtut, William Obrlst. nil of The Dalle, ongo':. teUJS-t JAY 1'. M7CA6, KcgUtcr. NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION, t'. 8. Lank Offick, nt Tub lui.uw, oiib.,1 KKIIKL .Uiy V, 1'JilU. i Notice i hereby given tlml the follnw'nK nnined uttler boa lUwi nntlco ot liin intuiitimi tu mnke final iiroof in xuiiport of hl plana, nnd that mid proof will be mnde before the IttKttier hiiiI i(ecvr at The I;alie, Ureiiun, on Waiacn day, April -I, U.0,vU: William C. Clark, of The Dalles, Or. Homted h'titry No, m, tor the awu MWtimi 11, towiijhlp l Kiiutu, riiiige ll witt, W. ii. He nimt? tin1 following witriewMM to prove liU eoiitlMii.iia rexlacnee uHn and oiiltivuttuti of ! ?l ! I lltlllj. xjy. : I Albert Turner, (ilmrlet. tlri-.on, Onirics Smith, ! ('. A. (Ubsoii, all of the built, Uresron. , r , , JaY 1 Cc ak, f-h.'.-. I iii-slMcr Sheriff's Sale. Il !rUin! nn twculion Imu.-il out (,r 4C flienlr Court of theHtiitc of Orrgon inr llm ' ntiii ,iti a milt thurelii ridini u herein ';inlth ! ri;.ie i H jil.ilntill' mill Knieluir- lnvi. .Mr,, i urn i:. ( nriim. .Mm. I.izIe J. I'urrin, Mli h. , 1 . H. SUllliim II. KiivU, Mrs. Tlim MHl.nm i, Klhci: Dnvh, itr, Annette I". McNeill, nnd II LMiifthllu, uduilniMNitnr of llieentateof Hllnn I W. iinvN, Hre rijler.rtiintfl, tn im-ill ' mill I'liniin iiifll.i.- ..... .. ..11 ...... .. pniK-rty therein ite-erlb.d, I illl itt o elM k, 1'. y. on the :;o;i day of April, I duo, at the Court Hiiiiik- door III Dulle--. city, (jreenn, sell iippnhllo aiile to the hlshest bidder foi (vmh In Imnil all of the Interest of oich nud nil of tiie nbovo niuntd d-'feiidiiiit.'. Iti nud to the following dfteilbed tmeli. of himl hltuated In unld t; ity !" IM11."s',mt''0 ,!.vernl sinus lieielnnlter nuinul, tiulll' Thfl linrtli ,1... .. ....I.. . . ' mid the north hnlf of the rnrtlie:nt oimrtur nnd i the niutheiut iiinrlerof lliu nortlienU nuurliT nun nio nortiieiist ipinrter of the toutlieaM mi ir ter of teotloii 11, towii,)il. :i uortli, immo n eHHt, . Jl to tutlufy the num of f 10 7 mill In terosi ut ii per cent per nuiiurii from Miueh i;itti, i'joo.niid the nm of fw.'.2) nud lulereu thereon ... i" iier iiiiiiiiiu iron) sain unie, nud thuhuin of fail.'Jl mid interest nt 10 per cent per milium from said ihito, mid :n.u attoruoy'H K-e, nud 1 10. 10 cot mid dl.liurseiiienlii and Interest thereon from mid dntu nt 0 per cent per iiniiuin mid the uccrultig eot, mid ?(l71.l!l nnd Interest nt tlieMloof 10 per cent per milium from tali! dnte, mid i.min mid Inteicu thereon at 10 per cent per iiuniim from mild ilntu: mid thoKoiithwuit riunrter of lliu uorthenit iiuarter, mid the northwest nimrier of tho southeast uuiirter of tnid keetl ui II, township north, ruiige 12 vast, to satisfy tho sum of nud Interest thereon ut tho rnta ofr.iier cunt per iiiiuuin from March 15, luoo.imd tho uiikutlsltiil Iwiliincu of nn Id suinH of llzll.iK), CM) 00. JIG 10 l'.y.o, 7i.yi ami rina'Attt ,, ' ' i cuoh reiKtivcly, iin nforesnld; and nlo lot I, u""i" .,""'u V,l ' 'eou, lo nt sly tho Mini of llJ.55 nud Interest thereon at tho rata of " Vs' wt l;f, Hiinuui from March 15, itoo, (trill t lift liMUdtluf bxl I,.... .f . ..I. a . ' - . litiu thii llllnrf'Ht iiftrm inl r.-, i ..,.7 .7 V Dated this 17 Iti day of March, I0O0, " rv a nose. KILLS wh dajr uvttinr TUmora Pliapln, Prneat IlillanaftMtf. P.lf . i. .. ,i: , IJura ll.ada.hV b,I OwSja. VL"C '."H' ? mail Mimria f,.",rr; "I, f u, utotiuu. ub. eosANKTcdrphiii. P 5 .!! 3; ' a . ! 1 1 I! '31! I I 0 'A .311 ! 31 1 1 1 21,' a? : t 4 3flUUUimuiHIUilULIiniiUllUUJJlllilL'UJm"UUir'UUUUUlU lui'uiuJt HiViiiiliiTlliriiltlfiiiittiiiriiir rillll.tiHtrlItIfrtttitfiii, iVlilffl itMr i i T jm impulse St .Nl l'Al'Tt'Kl.'I) IlV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLti FOH DRIVINC GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circulars und par'Vnlnrp furnished on application. P. S. GUNNING, Afrent, u n:tfi C. C. COOPER, ii. i r.HTi khii or High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. IJKAI.KIt IS Tentn, Wttnon Oom-i?, and nil article tn-pi. ill ii uri-i t'IRMu Uttll.L'bM bliop (ippi-ltc .Mo.jiI i Willi hnn i , THE WW, 11 Yellowstone Park Line. TIIIC DINING cut I'.or iK -.M poltThANI) to Ttiii i;aht. Till: O.NI.Y DIUIICT 1,1 NIC TO Til K Vlil.l.OW HIONi: I'AUK i.iuvi: UalonDspot, nrthaod I sis AlllllVK. No. limt until for Tiirnnm, No, l K-attli), Olyinpln,(irny'K Hiiiliorniid Kouth llend PointH, Kp.iknne, itovs-; liiud, ll. ; I'uiiiiuiii, Momuv, U'wlstou, lluf filliillmiipiiiliilliK eouu- fi.Sl) 1', M, try, ilelenii, Mliuieiiiio. Jli Ht. I'uill, Oliiiilm, Kiiumm City, Ht. Uiulx, (ihluiiKo and nil point 11. la A, M, No, I. i ' i n i ii vii i . io, y, 1 1. ' ii1, 1 V.K01 h"uud i;xiurt n.M I. M.,for 'liieomii mid henttle i 7Ul A. M. Miv.iiiv.iimu pointiij rillliimu llrst cliiHs mihI tonrlit KleetwrM to iliiKKiiKe fiheekiil to ilcitlnatlou of tlckelH "rite lut,lllK twr "-'ervutlouH, etc,, call on oi A. D. CHARLTON, Ahklxtimt (iencnil IMaaeiiKitr Aiieut, 'i Mnrrlaon Hueet, comer Third, I'ortlliud, OrcBon. 11 HUMINOTON u 1LaaH A'HOKNKVK A'i' LAW, oaicoMrnr.tH.t.ffi I,A,','KHl OKEUOt" WKKU. W.WIlJiON, I? ATTOItNKY-AT LAW, IFllill Fiiii.i OOlooov.. Vint Nat. "A'I,K8' 0RKG0N T U A Tho X Dollco, la Chtonicle, Oh, Job Ptintets. THE HA!.' ' -. tiRKGON .i , Thlo Stnmp C'.mranteo Jt rt a1 c . MA KIR AJ usually ! 0I1EG0X. of n v. SOUTH and E.AbT via Sieilpi Pee Shasta Koute Ti.iIuk leave The Dalles 1'ortUnJ J ' MtatloiiNiil Ir.'i a. ia. ami . P ll: l.envo I'lirtlnml '"' ,J:?!pS " Albany ' 1U" 1 Arrive Anhlaud 1' '' n$ rinnriiiiuinto ,. "'I' ".' j:,UB ii .......-......1.... 1 . It 111 a,.'-" oiiu r hiiiuisui' - - - . - Arrive Oidoit ''' I! !',! '.ViiiS " Dmivor . ,.,,V f:tfio KiinmnOlty.. ,"' J'siiB .1 I !l ' i lull" Arrive LonAiigelefi ... l -JJI 1 c,oupU run Minin , , , o:,di City of Mexleo . 1 j:00H " Houatou ,!;( c:alpi" ' New Orleans . ! - " O'U" WanhliiKton .. '- I" y)jp new xorn - riillinau nud Tourist enr Kl Chair earn HiKiramento to ) lea '"V. niidtourlatoaratul'lilciiKUi ' uu" CouucotliiK at Siiu, rKriiiic-eo wUh HU-amMlUji iTiioh for "'''"'VnVViiicrlW. rnilippiueH, Licuirni nun n fico iiKeut at The DalloM xhitloii. ' uu C. H. markham. Gouoral I'ciiKer ARcnt. iwtlj'( JJ . 8TUfDEVANT, Dentist. Ofliee oyer Kreiieh A and IfiOlorS I'liuue c,