ft aaaai , ., . . - I I ... ' i , I - I For a Nice Suit of Clothes. l'antlns, Ovctcoatln- or Fancy Vesting. Kindly call imd examine my stek of Im ported and J ucstlc Woolens. A fine stock to select Irom. ., ... Suits made from t he lowest prices to the high t grade. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. SAI.LE: . OltKOON. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY MARCH 20, 1900 WHAT THE FATHERS THOUGHT In support of the doctrine that congress has power to provide such laws for our territories as may be b deemed fit; that the constitution does not 'run" in them and never did "run" till congress brought it there; that congress, therefore, is not restrained by the constitution from passing any tariff laws for the gov ernment of Puerto Rico it mry consider applicable to existing con ditions, and that the founders of our government never did consider cong- ress so restrained, The Chiionicle submits the foll6wing facts of history : By the act of March 26, 1804, for the government of the district of Louisiana, all power executive, judicial and legislative was lodged in one person, in the governor of the territory, a thing impossible in any place where the constitution is in force. The act of March 3, 1805, for the government of the same territory, reads: "The legislative power shall be vested in the governor and in tbi '-e judges or a majority of them, who shall have power to establish, inferior courts in the said icrrito.y and n r scribe their jurisdiction and duties and to make all laws which they rray deem conducive to thegocd ,ove..i ment of the inhabitants thereof." Could that have been done under the constitution? If the constitution "ran" in the territory how was it possible to combine in the same persons the power to make laws, to adjudicate laws and to execute laws? And let it not be forgotten that this yt&a done in this case under no less a leadership than Thomas Jefferson, author of the declaration of inde pendencc. There is no part of the constitution better known than that which pro vides for trial by jury in all cases involving more than $20. Yet in two provisions of the acts already referred to, the language of which is identical in each act, the right of trial by juiy was limited to $100, notwithstanding that the seventh amendment to the constitution that fixed the sum at $20 hud been adopted some years before. Thus those who helped to make the con stitution, and who assisted in the adoption of the seventh amendment said that a jury could only be de. manded in Louisiana in cases where in $100 was involved. Is it not clear as sunlight that theso men be lieved that when legislating for ter ritory belonging to the United Slates they were not limited by the pro visions of the constitution? Once more. Congress in Morch 3, 1821, passed a law for the govern ment of the territory of Florida, vesting all military, civil nnd judicial power in such person or persons as the president should direct. Under tbe authority of this aot President Monroe appointed Andrew Jackson governor. The only laws that bad then been extended by congress over Florida were the revenue laws and those forbidding the importation of pcuplo of color. A federal judge, Elcgius Frouicntin by name, was "authorized and empowered to ful fill the duties of his office according to tho constitution nnd laws of the United States." In the exercise of his authority Governor Jackson came in sonfltct with the Spanish cx-gov crnor of the territory over the question of the possession of some papers rolating to the title to land. Jackson put the ex-governor in jail, had bis house searched and took the papers. The cx-govcrnor applied to the federal judge for a writ of habeas corpus and the judge, believimj in the newly resurrected hercsay that the constitution, of its own force, follows the flag, granted the writ. But that did not release the ex governor. Jackson, who was legis lator, judiciary and executive all in one for the constitution, we repeat, did not "run" of itself in American territory m those days cited the judge to appear before him and answer for "open contempt of the orders and degrees made by me," as the citation read. The controversy was finally submitted to President Monroe and the president, by John Quincy Adams, secretary of state, informed the judge that his com mission applied only to the two laws extended by congress; that the presi dent "thought the authority of cong ress alone competent to extend other laws to the newly-scquired tcnitor ies" and that he "could not give to the judge n jurisdiction that could only bo conferred by them." The judge's explanation of Governor Jackson's position ought to be inter esting reading for end-of-thoeeuturj disciples of Old Hickory. Writing to Adams, Judge Fromcntin said: "But again, says General Jackson, the writ of habeas coi,jjs is no ex tended by law to this lerritory, and I must confine mv&e'f to the jurisdic tion given by the act of congress in ilie only two cases mentioned in the act, to-wit: the revenue '-.ws and the importation of people of color." This is what Andrew Jackson thought and President Monroe de cided the controversy in harmony with Jackson's contention, and Tin: CiinoxiCLi: submits it in nil candor, as good, sound democratic doctrine that modern Democrats and alas! that we should havo to say it not a few Republicans, through ignorance or for political reasons or both, have abandoned for a doctrine that we supposed had been shot to death inthe civil war. So fully did the Democratic legis lators of Andrew Jackson's day rec ognize the laws he had passed in his legislative capacity for the territory of Florida all lextra.coustitutional as they were it took an act of congress to repeal some of them that were found objectionable to that body! Let us charitably hope that certain Democratic and Republican editors arc unwittingly but not will- lully ignorant of these things. A little knowledge would stop their senseless rant about the monorchia! and imperialistic tendencies of the administration and its supporters. 0.R.&N. THE CLKANHINO AN I J UKALINO CUBE I'OU CATARRH CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Kaay and pleasant to line. Contains no In jurious drug. It Is quickly absorbed. (Jive Kelief at once. IX COLD 'N HEAD Heals and 1'rotecU tho Membrane, liestore the Senses ; of Taite and Hmell. large Hrze, 60 cent at DriiLMltttor l.y mall; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. ELY UHOTIIKMS, 60 Warren Btreet, New York, Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milesburg, a., save, "As a speedy cure (or coughs, colds, croup and sore throat One Minute Cough Cure is unequalud. It is pleasant for childten to take. I heartily recom mend it to mothers." It is the only harmless remedy that producos im mediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It wlll.prevent consumption. Subscribe for Tits Gmkoniok. DK1 AKT TIMK SC11KDULK. AlUUVIt i on from Dallks. Fiiom. Knst Suit !.nkr, Denver, Kt. Fnt Mull Worth, OniHlia, Kan- Moil 11:15)1. m. iis City, Ht. 1-ouls, S:M m Chicago nnd Knat. Bi kime Wnlla Walla, Bpolmuc, Sinikiino l-lyor Minneapolis. St. l'nul, Klyer. 7:C" i. in. iu lu tb, Milwaukee, V.'ita. la Chlctmo and East. 5 m. 4 v. m. FnOM FOHTLANH. Ocean Kteitmstiipi. For San Francisco December s. 8, is. is, n and -". 8 p.m. 4 p.m. Ex.sund.iy Columbln Kv. Steamers. Kx.smidn) To Astohia and Way Saturday Ijiudliig. 10 p. ill. i 6 a.m. I Willamette River. -USOp. m. Ex.SuiulaylOrcfron City, Kcwdctk, Us.Bunday I Salem i Way LHiul'b. 7 a. m, IWillamktte and Yam-' 3:30 p. m. Tues.Thur. niLi. ttiVKtts. 'Mon.,wed nud Sat. I Orejjon City, Dayton,! and KrI. ( and Wny-Umdlugs. j 6n. m. I Willamette Iuver. l:H0p. in. Tue..Thur,il,ortln"(l to Corvitll" Mnn. Weil and Sat. nud Wny-ljindtiigs. jand Friday I Snake Utvcn. Leave Lv Ulparla Klparla to Ixswlkton. Lewisto.n daily dally l.'Jn. m. S:SL'n. ni. i Parties deslrinc to co to Ilciwtier should tuuo ao. 4, leaving 'ino uniies at 7:00 p. m makiuL' direct connections nt Heinmcr Junction HeturnliiB makint'dlrectconueeuon at Heppncr junction Hitno. 1, arriving nt iuu uuuesiu j:oo i. in. So. 21. throucht Irctcht. east bound, does not carry passengers! arrives '.'iSO a. in., departs in. No. '.'1, local (rclght, carries pascngers, east bound: arrives 4:j p. in., departs 8: IS p.m. No. ul. west bound thrniicti freight. iIimj.i not carry passengers; arrives 8:15 p m., departs y-.M p. m. No. 23, west bound local freight, carries pa.v seugers; arrives 5:15 p. m departs 8:00 u. m. For full particulars call on O. It. & N. Co.'s agent The Dalles, or address W. II. HUHMIURT. Gen Pas. Act., Portland, Or, p. s. Gunning, , Blacksmiih, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor, Second & LaugMiu. 'Phone 157 We Put... ever' bit of twenty years experience and drug knowlodgo with every Prescription that's compounded here. Is it amr reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLRKELEY & HOUGHTON Reliable Prescriptionists Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItarMflrtl11tf1lrraiitii.liAfAftilll4a Nature Id strengthening and recon itructtng the exhausted digestive or fans. It Is tho latent discovered digest- tit ttllfl tnnlft. fin nt.hav nnniMtlni, mb approach it In efficiency. It In nmuvij relieves huq permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. af iwn-mwue.uMtraigia.uraupM uutuer rMuiutuiimpenectaiff SHteB. . freesreS ky C. C DeWItt Ce.. Clcee Complete of Dm at M. Z. DONNELL, THE-DRUGGIST. e. van AXM!eim trv LlRflE GKXKI'.AI. BlaGRsmitns ...AND... Horsesnoers n 5 5 w 3 '2 1 'S "3 Wagon and Cnrrlago Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. R mhiml nnH TfifTiMinn., ntiniin"! Tfl w, iiiiiu auu jgmi.miii, riiuuo.i'js ey. 0 ..cjifls. Butehers and Fapmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on dratifrht the celebrated COl.L'MHIA l!Ki:il, iicknnw: cdRed the best beer In Tlio Dnllcs, at tin: usual price. Come in, try It and be rouvliieed. Ahn tbu Kinet brnud!) ol Wines, I.I r nor and Clears. Sanduxiehes of all Kinds nhiiys on Inmd. C. F- Stephens ...Dealer In.. tpy Goods, Clothing, Cents' purrnishings. Hoots, Slioes. Huts, Cap", Notlnus. Act. lor W. I.. UoiiBlas Blioe. SWsss,88- The Dalles, Or, Just What You uaant. If if New Ideas in Wall Pftpor here. Suoh niuu Totioi; hid diiuwiiii,- never U8" lore uraced a aluyie etock. Keal Imita- linn tfitirr n ffn it '. a . , I , b.wu vtiww.D hv uruiimry iricea. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours fir a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Male fur Hale. One span of mules, 5 years old, for sale. Weight, each about 1000 pounds. For particulars address M. K. McLkod. 3 14 1m Four miles east of Kinualev T i . , i-i-n nititi ,r Str. RoBiilntor. REGULATOR LINE. Danes. Porilena & Astoria Heiv.Go StemnorN of tho HcKiiliitor l.lun will run ,,s ,icr JS IowIiib (oh ilulo, tho ComiMiny rcscrvltiB tho rlrlit in I Mlinliilfwllhnihiiiitlcii. B 110 Bh,B3 1 IKIWN. , l.v. Dulles lit 8 A. M. Tue.idiiy . . . .TlmiMlny .... H.itunliiy. .. . Arr. I'nriliiiid , nt i r. m. l.v ur. l'nrtl.iiid at 7 a. M. Mniiiliiy . Weilne'itny . ,.1'rliliiy Arr. Ifiilles atfi.W f. M. Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. i Str. Dallas city. DOWN, l.v. Dulles at H A. M. Monthly. . Wednesday , . Prlrtny ....... Arr. I'lirtlaiid ut r r. m. I.v.l'orilami J t 7:t)0.. ' Tlnirwiajj Arr.Dniit',, FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, , Travel by the .Steamers nt the UeRUlator J.J lie. Tho (Jniniiiuiy will ondcnvtir tn g.ve it, ..... j! ' runs tliu best rervlee i.tmlblo. l'or (urlhur liilormiitlon address 1,11 3 E," l'ortlnud Olllco, Oak-Htreot lMi:l;. VV. C. ALLAWAY, Qen. Aet. C. J. STUBLING Wholosalo and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHIBKEY from $li.7 to if(l.Oi) pur imllon. (4 to 16 ytmre oUI.) ' pli'OUTED OOOlfAO fi""i ".l)0 to 12.00 per millon? (11 "to 20 ft-nrH oliTT 0ALIF0ENIA BRANDIISJroin a.26 to jll.IiO per gallon. (4 to ll yi-nrp old.' ONLY THE PUEEST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on draught, nnd Vul lilntr. and Olyinpia Ik-er in llottlej Imported Alu and I'ortur. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIG-ARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kmde Headquarters for Feed Grain oi pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, s?1i1!lk feed Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle- tOIl FlOUr ''l'B ''our ,B mnnufneturod expressly for family ' ubo: evurv suck la guaranteed to give Biitiafactinr.. We noil our goods lowur than miy Iioiihh In the trade, and if you dou't think so call and gal our prices und he convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. DEALEltS IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall & Burget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dallos, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Taney Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer. Hcitoft. VITALITY, AND MANHOOD Cnrca Impotency.NluhtEmiKriioiiH and ll 1 ,11 1 1 , . - uhiiBc, or excess and India, cnitiou. Axiurvotonluuml bloodljuiltlor. Urliij;8 tha pink glow to irilccheckHfinf rcstorcH the lite of youth. II v mn.ili4ti. mr l.n v tt iw.v..c ilit) IVMXm ...til. ..... too to euro or refund tho money. WERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson su., CHICAGO, ILL. C. S. Smith, TIIK FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANHAUl'A KNKKAbJIANKINO IIUHINEB Utters of Credit issued avallahle In the H iKltlMn Qi.l HIht iikohnngo nnd Tolecraphic Translors sold on New York, Ol.lcaio, Ot. Louis. Sun KrAiin D.n W.H...l r' gon, Seattle Wash and 'various points In Oregon and Washington. oribKS mBdBt PlDt' 00 fav" iip-to-dateCjroeer Fruah Eggs and Crcntnory Butter u specinlty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J.H. HOIIINK, I'rtMlOout. "' 'Stil. First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OBbW A General Banking Bualneas trauBactcO Deposit! received, subject to bifc'lit rlt or Check. Collections made and proceeds prompiv remlttad on dav of collection. Sight and Telwrraphlo Exchang? bow ob New York, Ban Franoisco anc -ow land. D. P. T-omSoJ?0 j2o?8. Eo. M, WiLLum, Qo. A . U a, M. BIALL. t