The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 28, 1900, Image 4

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    Asthma's Clutch,
I writes, "I never full to relievo my
children from croup at once hy using
I One Minnte Coituli Cure. I would lint
The Mitl'crer from Atluna is constantly feej snf. without it." Quickly cures
wheezing, paspliis. hacking and clenrhiR j onutfh!", cold?, prlppu and all throat and
the throat. When a storm npproaches, Inngdisoajea.
when tlicro is a cloud of dust, when
a room Is being swept, I Notion of litssuiutinu.
or when there is a bad j N ig , b , t t,)0 firm
odor, breathing ho- , ... . , . , ,
comes most (HtHcult. ' ruits & Johnnnscn 'ma Una day been
Often It seems aa dissolved by mutual consent, P. F. Fonts
though Mimeonc was
clutching tlic
sulTercr by
the t hroat
retiring from said firm. The business,
heretofore conducted by the said Eouta
& Joliannsen,wlll from now on be owned
with a tcrri-land mnnnaed by C. P. Johannsen. The
blegrasp. The Laid Johannsen will col'ect all accounts
pcnoMng sen- , , fl aud , . j, bUle duo
satlon is al- , '
able. The Dated nt The Dalles, Oregon, this
troublesome-! inn, ilnv nt Mureh. 10(10.
times lasts only a few minutes and again . F pnI.TS
hangs on for many days. There is only one A',,,
safe thing to do, and that is take Acker's 1 mlO lm C. P. JoiiAsysu.V.
English llemedy for Throat anil l.ung'l rou
hies. Just wliat this medicine acconipltshea
is shown by the following letter from Mr. N.
31. Andrews, a prominent resident of Spring
field, Ohio, who writes :
"ll II. JoolmO Oi., Arte lent:
"Gentlemen. It affords me a great pleasure
to assuro you that 1 have received both im
mediate and permanent relief from throat,
bronchial and asthmatic troubles by using
Acker's English Remedy, taken strictly ac
cording to directions It is si to
SoM at tic. We. ami Sin bottle, throughout the t'ultoj
FUtrs and Canada ; andln Knglaiid,nlls.Sd.,Cs.Sd.,
U.M. It you art not satUtietl after biijtns, return tho
bottle to your druggist ami get your money brck-
We authorize the nbore guarantee.
W. II. UOOtCVt: Jt CO., I'rpprieion, Xetv I'oik.
Blakeley & Houghton.
Ho el by the weight ot theories, he steps
Upon the stage, ntul glanccsnt the crowd,
A smile of self-approval In his face,
And on his b.ick the burden of Democracy.
V hi made him dead to argument m.d smsc
A thing that reasou.s not and never learns?
1'ersWlent most when mostly In the wroiie?
Who loosened and et fnx- this nimble J-iV.'
Who gave perietiial motion to this tongue
Whosu hands set ti)i the wheels within
Drain .
Is this the man the Populists made aril gave
To be the ruler over thN fair land''
To sit la the Whit House and light
The fistlvc heeler, when he lain would loot
The treasury of cur UiicIoSmiu?
Is this he dreamed, who won for
The piirtless boon of liberty?
Of all the quacks who advertise ttcir wares
And luro tue simple rulic to invest.
There Is no smoother character than this.
What gulfs between him and our Washington!!
Sliveof I'opulitic follies, what to him
Ar expanding commerce, the muslo of the mill,
The perplexities of rllroid short of c irs.
The tradesman's hapn laugh, as he deftly drops
A Ii indful of gold lu lili ample jaw,
Tt.e fanner's smile of self-approval
At his expanding home marVet?
Through this sad shape theoihce-seeVer.s loiK
And dream of days to Mine when the joor voter,
Humbugged, betrayed and eternallydono up,
Hhail ovn unto them the public purse.
O Fusionlsts and free sliver cranks of every
O Anarch pud Altgeld, and Sixteen to One;
O Teller, Jones and Charley Towne, and all
The maniac tribe who preach unsound finance,
What excuses will jou moke unto this man?
How ajsuer his burning question In that hour
When all the polls have closed and nimh'eclerks
Hnre counted up the ballots, and all who run
May reid In letters large this fatal legend,
'Lincoln's boy orator has -got it in the neck!' "
Stockholder Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that there will
be an annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria
Navigation Co., nt their ofiicJ Saturday,
April 7, 1900, nt 2 p. m., for the purpose
of electing seven directors, and trans
acting such other business as may prop
erly come before said meeting. By
order of the president.
The Dalles, March 15, 1000.
L. E. Ckowk, Secy.
Experience is the beat Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to
gi,ve itiiuK'ilUt-j relief money refunded.
25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton
Uuren flcmlnclie Quickly.
Baldwin's spatkling effervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure
for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness,
brain fatteuH. 10 and 25 cents. Sold
by Clarke A Falk, druggists. jan24-6w
Rev. V. E. Sitzer, V. Canton, N. Y
writes, "I had dyspopsia over twentv
years, and tried doctors and medicines
without benefit. 1 was persuaded to uso
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me
from tin start. I believe it to be a
panacea for all forms of indigestion." It
digests what vcu eat.
-Magnitude of the Tusk.
London, March 27. Spencer Wilkin
son, in the Morning Post today, warns
the public against blinding themselves
to the magnitude of the task which has
yet to be performed in Suutli Africa. He
then refers to the fact that an immense
distance has to he traversed, and points
out that only the smaller portion of the
Free State has yet been touched by the
British advance.
"It is quite possible," he eays, "that
the Boors may be able to prolong the
citupaign for several months, and the
British advance, though it ujupI have a
crushing eflVct, Can bo carried on only
by the persistent exertions of those in
the field and of those at home. Another
t83k which does not appear to grow
easier on nearer acquaintance is the
settlement of the districts disturbed by
rebellion. The pacification of these
must be difficult, owing to their vast ex
tent. Little cm be done until. Sir Alfred
ililner is authorized to announce the
government's decision as to how rebels
hlioultl be treated and how lojul colonists
ure to be compensated for losses. There
should be, of course, no policy of revenge,
nor will the government forget that its
first duty to itself is to vindicate its au
thorily. The sooner these decisions are
announced, the sooner will the trouble
Winston Chirchlll, in n dispatch this
morning 'rom Cape Town, urges a gener
ous and forgiving policy towards the
rebels inste id of yielding to the demands
of the loyalists for severe treatment. He
"The Dutch tralto' is less black than
the renegade British-born burgher, but
both ure the result of our own mistakes
and of crinns in Afrc.t in former years.
Unless actually caught fighting, rebels
should he tie del with the utmost
leniency and gonerosit." j
Clarke & Falk liaye received a carload .," 'J u ,uj tuw
' ,.. I '"uM lx Cleanliness,
of the celebrated James h. Patton ,. ni.
.... , . , . I AilJ'O vicuui siuin
Ordinary Failing Kycslclit
Is by some regarded as alarming, hy
others, treated too carlessly. All eyes
begin to fail at -10 years of age; some
have trouble a year or two before that
time the nntjority not until after.
From 30 to 4o is the time you should
consult a competent optician in order
to start right, otherwise several dangers
confront you, among which is that ter
rible disease, glaucoma, which leads to
total or partial blindness.
It is estimated that 90 per cent of all
cases of glaucoma are due to the "put
ting off" the use of glasses after failure
begins. Scientific examination free by
Theodore H. Liebe, optician, next door
east of First National Bank on Second
Dissolution nt I'nrtiierslilp.
The business heretofore existing under
the firm name of Lane Bros., is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. L. L.
Lane will conduct the bueiuees at the
old stand, and collect all accounts and
pny all hills of the firm. All parties
knowing themselves indebted to the
firm are requested to Eet'.le as soon ns
The Dalies, Or., March 1, 1900.
L. L. Lank,
lm daw N. M. Lank.
Klftiiiarck'a Iron .Serrr
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found whero stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities nnd the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop svery power of
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley
& Houghton's drugstore. 2
tug Columbia PacKing Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
Clarke & Falk have on salo a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
Use Clarke A Falk'e quinine hair tonic
to keep dandruff from the head.
A full line of Eastmnn films and sup
plies just received by Clarke A Falk.
You will not have bolls if you taku
Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your grocer for them.
Floral lotion will euro wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo is un
equalled for piles, injurieslltind skin
diseases. It is tho original Witch Hazel
Salve. Beware of all counterfeits.
To secure the original witch hazel
salve, aik fjr DeWitt's WltchJIHizel
Salve, well known as n certain euro for
piles and skin diseases. Beware of worth
less counterfeits. They are dangerous.
Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Intl., says,
"DeWitt's Little Early Risers always
bring certain relief, cure my headache
and never gripu." They gently cleanse
and iuvigorntc tho bowels aud liver.
"I used Kodol Dyspepsia'iCure in my
family with wonderful results. It gives
immediale relief, is pleasant to take aud
is trulv tho dyspeptic's best friend,"
says E. Hartgerink, Overisel. Mich.
Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to
Eggs retail at 12U cents per dozen at
Maier & Benton's.
Clark & Falk's drug stock is new
fresh and complete.
Bicycle sundries nnd fishing tackle at
Maier & Benton's. " lotf
Ladles and children's sun bonnets, 25c
at New York Cash Store.
Ash your grocer for Clarko & Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Peters New Victor smokeless shells to
bo had only at Maier & Benton's. 1i lotf
M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says,
"DeWitt's Little Early Risers ure the
very best pills I ever used for costiveness,
liver and bowel troubles."
Bagley Bros., havo purchased a
thrjughhred Jersey bull, registered
stack. For particulars apply at resi
dence on Tenth street, near the fair
grounds. Phone .'i85. 3 6-lnio
Wm. Orr, Newark, O., save, "We
never feel fafe without Ono Minute
Cough Cure in the house. It saved my
little hoy's life when he had the pneu
moiiia. Wo think it is the Ie8t medicine
made." It cures coughs and all lung
diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and
gives immediate results.
A girl to do general house work in a
small family. Apply at this office. tf
A fine shirt needs lino laundry work
to make it look nice and wear well.
Just the samr, with your other garments.
We do not use any injurious chemicals
do not rot out your linen and can save
you 20 per cent of tho wear your gar
ments usually sustnin.
Glad to have you try our work. No
laundry too small.
Dai.i.ks Laundiiy Co.
'Phone brings the team. :il-2w
trade marks
Copyrights &c.
Anrono sending n sketch nnd description ma
otilcltlr nicertnin our oDlnlon frco whether a"
Invention In probably patentable. Coimniinlr
tlon-1 Mrictly continent lal. Handbook on I'atcntc
lent ireo. uinesi nircncy ror recurm? patent.
l'atct.M taken ttirouuli Jlunn & Co. recclri
tptciai notice, wmiout cnaree, initio
Scientific American.
A hnmlfomclr llluntratcil neekl7. Lnreest fir.
filiation of any rclentlUn journal, 'rerun. f3 a
reir: four months, 1. hold by all ncirtncalerx.
MUNN & Co.3,B'-. New York
Uranch onico, (35 Y SU Wajlilnuton. V. ('
Kgt for Sttlo.
Full blooded, barred Plymouth Rock
eggs, per setting $1.00 and $1,50, For
particulars call on or address,
t?ANI)j:h8 Buoh.
Box 047. The Dalles, Or.
Mrs. Harriet Evane, Hlnedale, 111.,
clemnKf .lootbe and beaU
llio dUcatcd membrane.
It cure catarrh and drives
away a cold' In the head
Cream IJalm Is placed Into the noitrlli, tprttdi
over the tnembrano and I absorbed. Relief U lm
mediate and a euro follows. It Is not drying doe
not produce sneezing, Large Bize. 60 oents at Druy-
glit? or by null ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall.
U!Y f.rJTUEIlS, S3 Warren Street. New York.
to you.
For 80 days after April 1st. I will sell
all tho Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and
bhoes, Hosiery, Blankets, Hats and
Caps, on a cut in price of
25 per cent, for Cash.
Now is your opportunity to get bur
gains. Don't miss it.
Kuuceeeor to E. J. Collins & Co,
March m, lux). I
Notice U hereby clven that the following
named settler hits Hurl notice of hi.- hitimllon t
make llnal trno! In Uiort o( hit claim, anil
thatsalil tiroot will bo mndo before the rcitlMtir
and receiver nt The Dalles, OrcKC-u, Satmday
Mayo, IWU, viz.:
Hoinrich Lubhing.of The D.illes.Or.,
II. K. No. H7J, for tho NV',, uftltm 17, town
ship 1 north, raiiKO I'J eatt, W. M.
H.! names the follow Iiik wltiuwei to move
his iMulliuioni resldcnro upon, ami cultivation
of oald land, viz.:
John HtcKiiinii, Henry Itlddclt, Mlehaol Doy.e,
Charles Itllinctt. nil of Thu llanraMlixwm.
niat'JI-ll ' HCKlater.
Notice Is hereby clvcn that Ihc undersigned
has been dulv appointed by the county court ol
the state of Orexmi for Waro eoimtv, cxeeiitor
wllh the will annexed of the hut UI! of Mary
Jane llwaloy. deeeascil. All pernns It.ivjiiK
claims asalnst -said estate arc heivhy untllled;to
present them tome with the proper vouchors at
tnv olllce In The Italics, (jrri.'oli, within six
months from the date thereof.
Dated Feb. t'l, two.
fcb'.'l-lt Kxeeiilor.
Notice Is hereby ulveu that the iimleisK'iicil
has neon iippolnled by the county court, of the
state of Oregon, for Wasco eouiity.adnilnlstiiitor
fortlic estate of Patrick llrown, defeased. All
persons havliiK claims iirhIikI said cstito ate
lierebv notified to present said claims, property
verlllcd, to me at the olllcu of rilmiott it Slnnott,
In Dalles tlllv.Ore., within six months from the
date thereof.
Dated January 25, UW.
an'.rr-ll Adnilnlstrator.
I.Asn Uffick at Vancoi'vkii. Wash ,
March 'Jl, HM. j
Notice Is herebv ulveu that the IciIIohIiik
named settler has tiled notice of his Intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, anil
that slid proof w ill lie made before W.ll. I'rcsby,
I'ntteil .States Commissioner for District of
Washington, at his olllce In (lolileudale, Wash. ,
on Monday. May 7, I'.lK), viz:
John G. McDonald,
II. V.. No. nwt for the northeast quarter section
16. township.'! north, range t:c east, W. M.
He names ttie following wltne ses to prove his
cniittiiuotis rvaldciicc upon, nnd cultivation of
salil laud, viz:
tianiuel 1.. ('oiirlnex, Harry I'eiiuingtoii, KM
(i Copelaud, of Ilartlaiiil I'. (., Wash., nud
Nelson 11. lltixiks, of (ioldeiiilale Wash.
W. It. Dl'NllAlt,
mat'-'s-i Ueglster.
Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned
has been duly apioltiteil administrator of tho
estate of J. o. llalilwin, ncreascd, All er.niiH
having cliims against suld estate ate hereby
notllled to present the sauie, properly vetllled,
to me or to my attorneys, DufiirA: Meuefie, In
The Dalles, Oregon, within six months from the
date of this notice.
Dated thisllth day of Kvbruiirv, pjro.
K. II. MKItltll.r..
Administrator of the citato or J. C. llalilwin,
dcetirsed. fcbl7 Ii
Land Offick at Tub Dali.i:s, oi:kiion,i
I'ebruarv M, I'.W.i
Notice Is hereby given that tbo follow Ing
camcd sctllcr has lllid notice of his Intention
to make llnal proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will lx made hiforcthc Ueglster
and ltieelver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur
day, April 7, 13(0, viz:
John Frederick Walthor, of The Dalles
II. K. No. W, for the NW( Kvc. II, township
1 south, range l'Jeast, W. M.
He names the following wltnrsscs to prove
his conlluuoiis residence upon and cultivation
of said Nnd, viz:
W. Wolf, John Obiist, l'rank Obrist, William
Obrist, all of The Dalles, Orgo-.
fcbas-l JAY 1. I.I'UAfi, Keglster.
V. S. Uso Offick, nt Tiik Du.i.ks. Oiik.,1
Kkiikcakv u, l'.). j
Notice Is hereby given that tho following
named settler has tiki! notice of his Intention to
make llnal proof In support of his claim, anil
that salil proof will bo made before the Iteglaier
and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Wednes
day, April I, lUOO.vIz:
William C. Clark, of The Dalles, Or.
Homestead Klltry No. 027 1, for tho HWU, tcctinn
11. township 1 outh, range 11 east, W. M.
lie name Hie following witnesses to prove Ills
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said laud, viz:
Albert Turner, Charles f,otoii, Charles Knilth,
f. A. Ulbson, all of Ihc Dalles, Oregon.
, . , JAY I'. I.UIJAB,
''' 1 Heglstcr
Sheriflf's Sale.
Public. Collections promptly attended
to. Money to loan. G. E. Bayard's of
fice, The Dalles, Oregon.
Hy virtue of an execution !u-d out of the
Clicult Court of the HI'ite of Ortgou for Wasco
Counly.ln a suit therein pending wherein Smith
hruuen U plaintlll' aud Duieliuo Davis, Mrs.
Cora K. Corum. Mrs. I.lzzlu J. J'arrls. hllas K.
'avis, WJIIImn 11. Davis, Mrs. Tina ilahonev,
d. IJiUKhlliMiilrnlnlitriitor of tlio vAtiitoitf Hlhis
iiiiki invvorvn, ctiu UVIVIKJIIIUI, (II 11)0(11-
n-ctwi ami cominiuidliiK mo U cll certain rvn
nruiKLTtV tltfrHn fiVwtrfr) il I nil I l( i .',.t....t.
KM., on the """"
until iiuv or Ai.rii. i ono
........ -
at the Court llousodnor in Dalles City, Oregon,
sell at public salo to the highest bidder foi cash
In hand all of tho ,! each and all of thu
abovo named defendant in and to tho following
described trucls of laud situated In mid County
to tntlilv the several Minis herelnafler named,
towlt: Tito north : halt of tho norllinost ourler
...i.. .w ,iUII .., i,. i:otwieasi iMiartur ami
Iho southeast quarter of the northeast ciuarti-r
and tho northeast iiuarter of the toutliemt iu ir
ter of section II, township a north, range yj
east, . M., to satisfy tho sum of ? 10 S7 and in
terest at ii per cent per annum from March I.Mh.
1'JWJ. and tho sum of !).) ami interest thereon
nt 10 ier cent iter annum from said date, anil
tho sum of IIJll.ui nnd Interest nt 10 percent
per nullum from said date, and f.m.U) attoriiey'a
fees, und 110.10 costs and disbursement and
interest thereon from said date at fi jut cent
tier annum nud the accruing costs, and tcnin
and interest at the raloof 10 j.ercent per milium
from said da e, and and Interest thereon
at 10 per cent iwr annum from said date; and
thesonthwest quarter of tho northeast quarter,
mid the northwest quarter of tho southeast
quarter of said sect! m II, township .' north,
raiigo ja tan, 0 satisfy the sum of uiitt
Interest thereon at the rata ofCH.-r cent per
unnuin from March IS, law, mid the unsatlsllcd
uniniiiAj in .am Ollllin 111 1 JILUJi Sa))O0. Slh 10
fisy.y.0, wiM and MdMciWrS It u till
wch resc lively, as aforesaid! and also lot 1,
or block y of Iol les City, Oregon, to satisfy tho
sum of ICJ.5J mid Interest thereon at Iho rato of
b per cent pct milium from March 1,',, lcfw,
and tho ttnsHflsllwl K)rtlous of snd sums li,7i.!
iij, nun fir,,
mid tho interest Upon each resiiectlvi-lv. as
"foresaid. Hald mle will be (orcasl, Ju hai i to
the hliihest bldier.
Dfltttl this 17th day of Mirch IWS). r
lil'.'l-l fiheiltrof Watco'eoonlv'f'ii-
BB i A " l " " A" "li I l " i S
I f f i
I I ; f f ' 1
I f f J
l f Chronicle, '' 1
I(: fs Job Printers.
isE h K 1
si I
I ? M
at i ;
t! ' A " 1
1- : ! W W 1
f h i 6 : I
r i : f ' : i
IS? ' I Gl
n ? $ 1
IRCT .i . Al
Pi I
ciSbiiipb heels
LssssWV 1' ' lSSSSSSSSSSfl
and Motors
Circulnre and ar'iculara fttruUhed on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent,
.MANI'lAlTfltlllt OK
High-Grade Stock -Saddles
and Shop-Made Harness.
iii;ai.i:ii in
Tents, Vii(nn Coverp, and nil articlea UBiiallv
kept in a liral-clasn liarncoH ohop.
Moody's Warehouse,
This Stamp a Guarantee
of Quality.
IT xl Tl 'P
niniiTiiniin iimmvvvm
r m n isfliita Piiiiifii! A
SOUTH and EAST via
Yellowstone Park Line.
Tin: dinino (;.it hoi ti: nto.i i-outland
'io Tin: i:ahv.
HlONi: 1'AltK
11:15 A. M.
No. t.
Union Dspoi, nnttaod I sis a.uuvk.
No. I
Fast mall for Tacoma,
K-attlc, Olynipla, (irayV
llatbor nud Koitth lleud!
imiiiih), niiiKiiuo, nois
laud, II, C, I'iiIIiiinii,'
Mcow, Iwlstoii, luf-i
falolliiiiiiiiiliiiiiKcouii-' .ri;.7) I'. M.
try, Helena, Mliineaiio-1
tit. I'alil, Oinalia,
hansas City, Ht. Louis,
CIiIciiko anil all points i
east and Koutlieasf. ;j.
ii, m I . M.ifor laeoiiia mid heatllo 7iW) A, M.
Shasta Route
Trains leave Thu Dalles for l'orlUnd swl iJ
stations nt l;'.'o n. in. mid :i p. in.
I.eavo I'ottlaud
" Alhiiny
Arrive Ashland
" Kacriiliieuto . .
" Kan Krunclsco
i .warn w'r
p-.:i a in
,;r) Ji III
7 l l HI
8:151 B
ONE FOU A DOtl. (111 I ft
J'iiIIiiiiiii first class nud lourltt sleoisirs to
w&j'tt 1'uul"",i SIUs,mrl "WSniS
uWlXuiv""1''" "e,'"t "
llaKirano checlieil Code.itlnalloii id tickets,
ticket 'o.'.Vn1-3:' .V 'orH.U vo m7,u.r,
wrlto l"';c,,IK t:"r fwvi'tloiis, etc., call on or
slant (ieiiernl I'asseiiKor Aoiit, Morrison
hlrect, corner TlilrcVI-ortliiiHl, OrcKOll.
OmcoovKJ,.tN.t.l'i!kK UAU,KH' WUOtt
lltKD. W.WlliiON,
OUiconvc, First Nat. UiUk. "AW,BH' 0UE(10N
Arrive Ogdon
" Denver.....
" Kansas Oily.
" t'hicnjo ....
Arrive Uis AukcIcs . .
' Kt I'aso
11 Fort Worth..
City ol Mexico ,
" Houston
" New Orleans ..
" WiisliliiKtuii. . . .
" Nuw York
! i!S!S
(mm a in
;,i a in
: loam
1 .ii p m
():,;) a m
ti.,a ia
I ,) a m
i i S a m
i),)Ja in
' i:ipm
1:00 a w
I'nllmiiii and Tourist cars .o?d i;IW
;lmlrcnrs HuoriunoiiCo to OKdeii ',"ueWoc
mid tourist oars to ChlciWi Ht imi"
leans mid WasliliiKton-
ConnwithiK at Hint KrniioK'o will' JfB1
steamship lines for "'"''"V'Smffi.
I'lillli.idiies, Cuntrul nnd Hoiilh AmitK-
fieu ogont at Tlio Dalles station, or aiiu
Gouoral 1'nsseuKer l'"'tUnJ'
in,,.,... .i TIIK DAW.&"
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