OUR ASTORIA GUESTS- Itadies' Shirt Waists Tlio linn wo now Imvo on sale is beautiful in tho xtrfint'. T,s ia "10 "nu lnnt f,rovl,(I 80 entlsfnctoiy Ust ecftsuii to our customers, nrnl you will find Unit 8l0Mro hm tniiRht tho mnuufaetnrer improve ments tlmt will be beneficial to the wearer, both in ninkcrtl Htylu. fancy Jleekmear Oiiniif tlm requisites with protty Shirt waists Is nobby Stocks, Howb, etc. These we have in a great variety of styles. Belts & Belt Buckles Tliu protty Holt Huckles that you hear bo much about, we have just received anil are showing in con necti'jn with the largest line of iiclts end licit Uuck leg over shown licro before. Wash fates We nro i:oiiitnti y nddinp; to our already com plete etorl: of duiiity and serviceable Block of Fummer Wash KUirim which wo invito you to como and in BjHCt at any and all timed. Still a'Gorain' That a what they are. It was onr old friend, I atrick Henry, who remarked upon an historic occa fiion, 'The next (rale that sweeps from tho north will hrin to our ears," etc. Now, every tlmo ynn hear the roar and rattlo of a freight train, lot tho idea strike von that we are Retting moro new Roods. Hero aro a few specimen nuggots from the last new lot: TWO LINES of Men's all-wool Cheviot Suits in black and bine, staple all tho year round. Our price i5 00. FIVE LINES of Men's Fancy Worsted .Suits, in all the latest pat terns, direct from the factory. Our price .10.00. SIX LINES of Men's Cassimore SuilB in stripes and sheiks, with the new style double-breasted vests; equal to any custom-made trarment ever put together. Our price $10 and $12.50. Several lines of Worsted, Cheviot and. Oxford Suits at prices ranuiiiK from $10 to .$L'5. These lines includo tho best products of the Eastern markets. They aro not Inught in quantity, but they cover a (election that would do credit to any city in tho United States. SEE WINDOWS. All GooiIb Mnrkocl In Plain Flfjtiros. PEASE Sl MAYS fee Dalles Daily Chronicle, Telephone No. 1. MMMUil) - - .UKUM L'H, 1UIIU m (01 A - h:rveil In 1 I mm r i KELLER . lib X WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. "lie opening of tliu Turin exposition is tltil fur Amll 1.1 Tho regular UVdncclay evening dunce fill be lie il at tin, lixliiu-i Men's corduroy trausctre tho ironuino imrnrrftd l....i..,t. i t t 11 ItlMllIu IX VjU, H Jailt George, of Portland. him d . i 1 w a now trial in the case of tho state! "rraiiK i;. .McDan o . . The Ciiuonici.i: is indebted to tho U.L7 I II il'HItl nit I n I.. .1 An Astoria limn linn u rnmn mumnul Ilh ciirar wrniiuorH and i.nrdor.wi wth J'eUly admired. Children's u'iml, nidi IIIIIIIIIPB rillWfirii in t.viiin Tom 39ViMto irt .i ii Lionel V. J. Rrvan 1a Mllml m annAir -Miuiuii in nrrnw nt ill n n nlln t) .on ... . v . ........ .,k ;ovip. m.nnu at Dayton "llioeveiiino. ir,. ...in ,. TL " "... fHCO WM urimnu oil mo li :iu "hi iun M. AlOdor, thill fiiiirucHlo.I u ltl. .l,n,l ftiBBis the nresonnn of 11 ntrllitlr nnr. U1H1IAM II... i " nioott of Alvord nod I ireei ti ."Kuruu 1,1 "ttenuated form to oinir BIIII. An annl ii f iiiu wrtfiriiri iiriinu nil witfti n . " .l L' r 1 1 1 11 1 1 t tirt.l,i t . t "i'H.uu ,,t Corvallis, shows tint (a "ro,,,'ct l,nB 1,1 Per cent ol i io juice, ns ngainst 0.15 po r tho IiHtiartRil About 40 stalwart youpK Tonnesseo- Ih... i Vl,n Arlington Kecord. m . n I ' tl,olr ,,omefl in Giliittiu ion h , . "B t,0U,,tieB' -Knatern Ore GJ 7i,ll' up with the best tau,, ' KaBt nnd Southorn Sow dll"!'! eoneon ')enB next Sunday. ;o, ,'lut th.l9 legltlmato nowc Item 'torch ,,U8t,,t VourseK from II .on , '"U ,,ttyKO off flshing. r jte ' , aug on StindBy leave tQU Kr"nu (Saturday night Uc. m m 0ftry start Sunday mot n- "wSSirf"""? " ttMU ot ,,umor llKlte up H"Jlu and nr.mn..,.. .n. .i.. ' r vuuurinin ui uiu Seattle Times. A recent bit of a jjl:e that appeared iu that paper was the statement that the Portland O.'ej,'oniau is ii Republican paper. Tho Oroninn is about as much of a Republican paper as tho Seattle Times or Spokane Spokes-man-Review. Lincoln County Times. At Moro last Monday .Tude Lowell sentenced McGonfcle. the man who was arrested some time ago for forcitn: a check on Scott. Co., of Grass Valley, to two years in the penitentiary. McGoniyle pleaded guilty. As the jury had been excused on account of the prevalence of smallpox iu Moro, .Indue Lowell, after transacting some business of minor importance, adjourned court until April 23. The Students Literary club will meet tonight and not Friday night an was reported a couple of days aj:u iu the room bade of Justice Brownhiil's oflice. The subject for debate will he: Re solved, that capital punishment should be abolished. AH members are requested to come prepared to put up the small amount of money that is needed to wind up, if it be so determined, tho business of the club for tho season. Sovon citiziins of the Cascade Locks came up on the bout last night witli two wauuns and teams and coinplelo camp inn equipments, mid left today at noon hound for tho Klamath country whero they co to seek locations suitable lor stoukraising. They were, J. F. Atwull, Guy lllackwood, Jim Gordon, Link Harpham, Charles Grey, Jack Carey and J. Homer. They will o by way of Warm Springs and Farewell Bend. Mr. Atwoll's principal business in Klamath county is to look after 6ome mining property owned by his brother J. W. Atwell. "I have lived 33 vears in Eastern Ore-' Hon," said Jim Grey, of Victor, to the CuuoNici.K man this morning, "and I have never seen tho soil so well satur ated with moisture nor the grain crou so full of promise of a big harvest us they are at this moment. I have three hundred acres sown to fall wheat that looks as fine as any I ever saw iu my life; audit Ib the same all over the Wupanlthvllat." Mr.JGrey says there was a hard frost on the Hat night before last that lie fears may have injured the fruit prospects, However, Jim uover worries himaolf about crossing biidges until he i mis up against them. He is u sound money Democrat, lias a healthy liver, trusts in God, rends Thk Ciiuoxi ui.k and votes tho Republican ticket. Sheriff Kelly learned today from Du fur that H. Elmer Nolaud, who was re ported yesterday as having disappeared with tho Dufur Dispatch man's horse and liturgy, und an unknown amount of the Dispatch funds, had left the horse and buggy at Lnno Smith's at tho Twolvo-milo house, on the .Canyon City road. Nolaud arrived at Smith's at 3 o'clock Thurtday morning. Ho secured a bed und asked the landlord to call him early. In the morning, leaving the horse ifnd buegy behind, Noland Eecurnd a ride to The Dalles with a man by the name of Ring. lie got off at tho brew- cry and told King he would see him later at the feed yard, nnd that is the last feen of him, except that he is known to have made for the railroad track and of course must have left town as he is too well known here to make his stay desirablo to himself. How much of the Dispatch funds Nolaud got away with is not known. Tli I'ulkH oil the ItluU. A delightful little musical, attended by somo thirty or forty persons of both sexes, was given last night at the home of Mr. Geiger on the bluff. The event was initiated by Mrs. Groat and Mibs Georgia Sampson in honor of tho pres ence hero of Mr. A. A. Gilholisen, a former Dalles hoy, who has gained a well-deserved reputation as a vocalist, and whore tinging of a generous number of selections was highly appreciated. Miss Sampson presided at the piano and Mrs. S. 1L Huntington, Mies Myrtle Michell and Miss Dawson contributed to the pleasure of the evening a number of vocal and instrumental selections. Mrs. Eddou recited a comic poem and in re sponse to a hearty encore gave another, describing the blundering but success ful efforts of a bashful lover in popping tlie momentous question that resulted in two souls with but a single thonuht and two pairs of lips Unit acted with one impulse. A eon of the Emerald Isle told in Irish numbers tho way they do their sparking in the laud of the shamrock, and Mrs. N. Harris delivered, iu fine voice and gesture, an amusing transla tion from Schiller, repeating it, at the request of the company, in native Gor man. A dainty refection closed the program and the company broke up on the vergo of midnight after having voted tnat the folks in the noighbord of Al vord and Lauglilin streets, on tho bin 11', when they got together, know how to enjoy themselves about as well as any other folks. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Siguature of Fur Snle. 40-acro tract, 34 miles from Tho Dalles, -i-room house, barn, all fenced, orchard of 800 trees, running wator, good rango fur cattle adjacent, 10 acres bottom land fine for berries or garden. Priiu reasonable, teruiB easy. Call at this olllue. ui2l-dwlmo for Jtt'iit, A furnished cottage of 4 rooms suit able for housekeeping. Apply at the European House, ui273t AvtnrUiin l)llRhtl With Thflr Vilt Ktirirlrc1 llryonrt Mmnarr ot, tho l'mgrKU Made on the i'oitngc. Whatever reflections The D.illes people may cast upon themselves for any real ii liiiiuini riiui it;uiiniia in tiic uiafcici ill the reception accorded tho visiting Astorians, it is beyond question that the Astorians themselves were pleased and delighted. The banquet last night at tho Umatilla House may tiave been lacking in formal ities, for tho time for preparation waB short, but what it lacked in theso re spects was amply compensated for in the evident enjoyment ol the guests. Fred Wilson did himself proud ns toast master and nearly everybody had some thing to say contributory to the enjoy ment of the guests or apropos to tiie occasion. This morning a committee of twclvo Astorians, accompanied by Ex Governor Moody and N. Whealdon, crossed the river and drove up to inspect the work in progress on tho portage road. On their return the Astorians expressed themselves to The Cimonicle as "de lighted and eurprised beyond measure" at the amount and substantial character of work that hag been dona or is in progress. At 1 p. in. tho visitors boarded the Lurline for the home trip. Mr. Fisher, of Fisher Bros., had purchased two tons of wheat at ttie Wasco waictionse for chicken feed, as not a pound of that cereal is raised in Clal?op county. In honor of the event Mr. Fisher had the front deck of the boat adorned with a big eign on which was the legend, "The First Shipment of Wheat from The Dalles to Astoria." Just as tho Lurlina moved away from her mooring the crowd on board gave three hearty cheera for Astoria, which was followed by three cheers and a tiger for The Dalles. The boat's whistle blew long and loud and this was responded to by two locomo tives iu the car shops; and thus amid cheers and waving of hats and handker chiefs from those aboard and a big crowd on thore, the Lurline sped on her way to Astoria. It is pleasant to note that no single incident marred the pleasuro of the occasion. The weather put on its best bib and tncker and the vieitors took full advantage ol it to view a city that has many interests that aie mutual to those of their own. Much that they caw seemed a revelation to them. They were not prepared to see stores that .vonld do honor to a city of 100,000 inhabit ants. Ono gentleman who inspected the big piles of wheat at the Wa3co Ware house, said he never saw as much wheat at one time in his life. Good results are sure to follow this visit of tho Astorians. But even if no mateiial results should follow, The D.illes people aro delighted to have made the acquaintance of the Astorians, and The Cmtoxici.E is assured that the feeling is mutual on the part of the Astorians. DallfH I'uldlc SuhuulN. Following is tho report for the quar ter (-1 weeks) ending March. 23, 1900. TKACHKBS. Kant Jltll 1'rtmary. Miss Nun Cooiicr 1A, Mlh3 Huberts SA, Court Mrcct. MihS Doutlilt Miss K Cooper MlesMurtiu Miss Wren n Academy l'ark. Miss I'lilrniuii Miss Fllim Mis. Roche Miss Hull , lliijh School. MnUlaldwin Miss U. r.iiitonl MissT. Itiiitoul Mlssilielioll 11, i$, Depattment Miss uiu .Mr. Nclt , mill 111! und &A ...1st . . .1M ,..,M, . ,-lth 1st ..2B-3A ..4A-5U! Ml' .. . Ctll .CA-7H ... 7th ...bill Totals ay 3i 10 IS V 6S 00 -Its i-A 41' -13 B3i SI 33 1) IA 51 im'ini ntt T'JTlrai-oii I! 37 Number of days of school, 20. Per cent of attendance on number be longing, 95. School holidays, none. J. S. La.sdkus, Superintendent. I'KOl'I.K YOU AI.I, KNOW. T. A. Smith and daughter, of Wana- nltia, were in town last night on their way to visit Mr. Smith's mother at Junction Citv, Or. John Roth, the well-known populist Tygh Kidgo statesman, is in tho citv. John's political environment reminds one of Moore's Last Kuse of Summer. He blooms Jpopulistically alone out on the ridge. Robert Lowe, of Fairfield, came ino town this morning with Mrs. James U arson, a native of the Oikuey Islands and an old-time friend of Mrs, Lowe, with whom she had been visiting for a few days, Mrs. Garsou took the boat for home. A. S. Holmes, of Cross Kevs, G. J, Fanning, of Warm Springs, M.'W. Hind man, of Sisters, L, F. Uuidoin, of White Salmon, F. G. Uuskuhl, of Kings'ey, A, W. Cooper, of Goldendule, and J. H. Koberg, of Hood River, are registered at tue Umatilla House. Subscribe for Thk Chkonick. iff'1"' ! KWmimmSSr II (Hll'H MHHIIIHH. H-HII H.i)ll,l.llllHHil mm mi fin n until nn.im.ii AVgcJablePrcparalionforAs simiiating (heFoodandRegula ling (he Stomachs andBowcls of UN tMMlSim III 1 JUI Promotes Digcs!ion,Checrfur ness andltest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor"IineraI. Tfox Narcotic. j3r.4fie QfGUfirSAI'.UnPtTCHXR sflx.Smjuz AnueSfttt c Birtatcn&hSoia, litnpSeed.' Clatftei .Oiffar ItSibryun fUmr, Aperfccl Remedy forConstipa Tion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOHK. CXACT COPV OF WRAPPER. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A A ASP In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTOR THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. Mm Waft .tj .ay S.1 f -" f'ifVf HSU It is very unusual for c regular physician of good reputation to publicly endorse a p:opiistr.iy rciri'.ily. V.'e have often heard of cases whero doctors have secretly prescribed Acker's English Remedy, but it is most gratifying1 to receive the lollownn; voii.ntarv letter from C. F. Smith. M. D., the most successful plivi.ic.an of Oler.n, N. Y. : "Messrs. Y. II. II-oker ft Co., New York City: I with to add ray professional testimony to the value of your English preparalkn known as Acker's English Remedy for Asth ma, etc. In several instances, after I have tried my utmost to give even relief, I have prescribed your remedy, and it has acted almost like a miracle, not only relieving, but permanently curing every one of the patients. Ieu dorse the preparation as one of the most valuable ndditions to the prac tice of medicine." Such a frank endorsement as the above is phenomenal. Coming from so uistinguislieU a member ot tue medical profession, it carries with it an assurance which the public will be sure to avail themselves of. It isrec ommendations like this which make it possiblo to give the broad guaran tee that is a partof every sale of Ack er's Enclish Remedy for CoukIis, Cold, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. It must either do all that i3 claimed for it, or your money will be refunded. Do you . know of any other medicine sold on those terms ? Do you know of any other medicines which prominent doctors regularly prescribe in their own practice as being better than prescriptions they write themselves ? These facts aro well worth considering. They are of especial interest to those with sore throats and weak lungs. Sold at sjc, 50c. und $i a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada ; and li Eng-' land, at is. 2d., ss. 3d,, 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back, h'e authorize the above iuarantct. H'. IT. 1100KF.U & CO., PtojrUtors, Xcw Voik. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUG-HTON. Spring is Here and So Are We, with l'ui.i, i.i;;i: of Elegant Stock of Wall Paper to Select From. PAINTS. OILS, HRNi SiES. Washington Street, between Second und Third. ENAMELS, BRUSHES, ETC. H. GLENN & CO. ril'JtlNO STVI.KS Fedora Mate, be&t values nt 2 50. iU PO and $5.00. a iw ou display nt A. M. Williams &Co.'n Motive. The Hathhone .Sisters nre rt quested to meet at their hull next Thursday even injr. A full attendance is requested s business of importance will come hi fore the meeting, ni27-2t Mns. T. J. Dkivkk. Blcyles repaired ut Maier & Hen ton'u. ,M5tf I'm- 8.1. UO Cat.li And one dollar and fifty weekly you ean purchase a twenty-llvo dollar wutcli or diitmoiid ut Hurry O. LlebcV, in the Vo;t block. Watches, diamonds, clocks, jtnvelry ami silver ware at most reasonable prices. !! 8 lit NiiIIoj, Livery stable f ir s.lo at Contervlllo, Wash., $100 per mouth business. Will sell at a bargain. iu27-lm A. It. OiiAiiAM. l'or Hal 11. Turkey eggs. Prlco dOo a setting. In quire of Mrs. W. W, lliiwBQii, on 3-Mile, Lous distance phone ft 13. m21-2ivka Pure silver liseed Wymidott eggs can be secured at J. II. Cross' grocery store for if! pei 15. feh28'lmo wkly Clark & Fulk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this.