The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 28, 1900, Image 1

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    TI)c Dalles
NO 194
emtal DeiiarlHiciils Are Wrestling
Willi ProMom,
Controversy Over Alleged Evil Effects of
Sheep (IrnziiiH (las Become So
Hitler That Agricultural and
Interior Departments Will Make
nil i:li.-iustive Investigation With
n View to Finding Remedy.
Washington, March 27. Secretary
Wiljon.of tliii Department of Agriculture,
Ijhb received n cnnirr unication from Sec
retary Hitchcock, of tlio Department of
the Interior, asking Ilia aid in solving
tlie prnblcni of grazing in the western
forest reserve!). The Division of Forestry
will comtiieiicu immediately nn investiga
Hon which will litHt eevunil months.
The controversy over the alleged evil
effeclH of Hhucpgrazliig has involved
western o.Utlunien, woolgrowera and far
mers in a bitter war for many years, and
the recent increase of irrigation has
Killed to tlio bittorness. Government
action m the mutter lias been hastened
by the establishment of foroet reserves
In view of the injury to the forests in
many sections from overgrazing, all re
serves except those in Washington and
Oregon, mid the lfliick Mesa Reserve, in
Ari.'iiKi, which is to bo opened to 800,
000 sheep lit I! cents a head, are closed to
sheep by n it order IsBiied last May. Title
step Ims raised a storm of protest from
woolgrowuru, who insist that no harm is
done by grazing under proper restric
tions. Mini y tire reported to have driven
their herds into thu mountains last
euinnior in defiance of the law.
Against tlio shoupowuers arc arrayed
tlieenttluuicn and farmers, and especially
me irrigators, who claim the practice
means disaster to agriculture in the low
lands. Theso argue that Hboep destroy
the forest cover in the mountains and
thus diminish the water supply. They
lire said not ouly to eat the young growth
which is to perpotuate the forest, but to
tramp down inuumorablo Boedlings and
destroy thu layer ot leaves necessary to
keep tliu toil in good condition. Shoep
liorilors urn nccueod of burning largo
areas In order to seounui growth of grass.
While tlm government will decide the
matter only in tlio case of the forest ro
serves, tlieeu include a large part of all
tho summer ranges ol the western sheep
wieiny statue, and tho results will bo of
great importune to thu American wool
growing industry. As no general rule
can be applied, each reserve will be stud
ied separately.
The first step of tho Division of For
lry will ,a to collect impartially the
testimony on both sides. LIhIb of, ques
tions will bu eont to thousands of snoop
rnen and their opponents. About July
1 n examination of the reserves will be
B"i' A iiiunbor of botanists, irrigation
"ports mid similar scientific men will
be secured from all partB of the United
btatC9 nd thoy will spend aevoral
jnonths In tho tleld. In addition, all
"eld parties of tho Division of Forestry
engaged in other work in the Interested
ttglons will be required to give time to
the sheep question also.
Secretary Hitchcock has aekod tlio
"apartment ol Agriculture to give special
Hentluu to the following phases : lUla
"" ol grazing to taxation and the gun
, ' Pro9perlty of apeclfled locilitles, ro
Hon of graJng t) forest flree.relatlon to
""gallon and wator supply, effects of
grassing by diireront kinds of stock, mod
w grazing and ovorgraising.
Knows the merits of the
$50. $35. $25.
Mtiny now feature, lor 1000 which you cannot oUbrd to overlook.
Complete Line of "1900" Sundries.
General Wheeler Writes of the Fili
pinos as He Saw Them.
commendatory tone regarding the
American occupation. "Everything"
the correspondent says, "is better since
the Americans took buld, Trade is bo-
ginning to flourish and work iB being
taken up in all parts of Luzon. There
is beginning an era ot prosperity and
good feeling such us was never known
here. There Is remarkable activity in
tlio gold miuing and coal mining indus
tries. "If the United States congress shuns
the mistake of excluding the Chinese,
the Philippines soou will be the jewel of
the American dependencies. The
Chinese are necsnary to the industries
of the archipelago.
Ilia Lire Wan HbvimI.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately had -a wonderful
deliverance from u frightful death. In
telling of it lie save: "I was taken with
Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia.
My lungs became hardened. I was bo
weak I cauld'nt even sit up in bed.
Nothing helped me. I expected to soon
die of consumption, when I heard of
Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle
gave, great relief. I continued to use it,
and now am well and strong". I can't
say too much in its praise." This
marvelous medicine is the surest and
quickest cure in tho world for all throat
and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley
& Iloughton'8 drugstore; every bottle
I'uertu Itlonn Mill.
Washington, March 27. The House
today, without preliminary businese, re
sumed consideration of the army appro
priation bill. Talbert, tho first speaker,
complained of the vaat extravagauce in
volved in the bill.
Pierce, who stirred up something of a
hornet's nest luBt Saturday by bringing
to the attention of tho House nn inter
view in n local paper witli an alleged
Republican representative, charging
that the Puorto Rlcan taritT wna the
result of a bargain for campaign funds,
rend that newspaper's affirmation of the
accuracy of the interview. He also read
Hunna'B denunciation of the Btory that
the Puerto Rican tariff bill was framed
for the purpose of raising a Republican
campaign fund, and challenged investi
gation of the charges. Steele engaged
Pierce, and there was a sharp exchange.
Steele said he would not believe the
anonymous Republican Congressman,
who la believed to have told the etory, on
No ltlglit to UgllncHt.
The woman who is lovely in face,
form and temper will nlways have
friends, but one who would be attractive
muBt keep her health. If ebe is weak,
sickly and all run down, Bhe will be
nervous and irritable. If Bhe has con
stipation or kidney trouble, her impure
blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin
eruptions and a wretched complexion.
Electric Bitters ib the best medicine in
the world to regulate stomach, liver and
kidneys and to purify the blood. It
gives strong nervee, bright eyes, emooth,
velvety Bkin, rich complexion. It win
make a good-looking, charming woman
of a run-down invalid. Ouly 50 cents
at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore.
(Startling Claims.
Eighty-five per cent of all persona de
dared incurable or given up to die by
physicians can be cured, or their Uvea
greatly prolonged by the beneficent
powers of tho "Perfected" Oxygenor
King. This startling assertion is eus
ceptible of f proof. We have it In the
form of letters from all elaeses of people
"residing far and near" who ore de
lighted to testify to the marvelous cura
tive powers of this latest and moBt per
fected home oxygenating instrument.
For sale by J. M. 1'illoon, the Dalles,
Paint your house with
fully guaranteed to last,
have them.
paints that are
Clarke & Falk
"irmnii iiraUm AmarluMiia.
Ukhmiin, March 20. A Record opeolnl
,yj8: T'' Unman Wesaur Zjltung
PU'Wahua today a letter from n German
lent ' wl, 6Bye " expf88UB t
1,01,1 Prevailing among the German
"Went., which is renmrkablo for Its
$ i .oo per month.
Strictly firat claaa local and long
distance telephone service within
your home.
Lines do not croaB-talk. Your con
versation will be kept a secret.
No coBt for installing.
You get the standard Huniiing
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and night ervice.
We will occept your contract for
ten vonrs and allow you to cancel
same on giving ub thirty days writ
ten notice,
New York, March 26. Under the
caption "What To Do With the Philip,
pines," General Joseph Wheeler con'
tributes to this week's issue of Leslie's
Weekly a long article on the situation
in the islands as ho observed it during
his service there. He says in part:
"I believe that the back of the re
bellion in the Philippines ia broken;
there will be little more to do in a mil!
tary way. There will be Eome guerrilla
warfare, but it will not amount to much
Aa for Aguinaldo, I do not consider him
a patriot. He was righting for a great
prize, iriad ne won, ne would nave
been a powerful emperor, a mighty
"As far as possible, I believe that we
should establish civil government in the
Philippines. I am in favor of a terri
torial government and I see nothing
incongruous in making these various
islands into territories. The group
should be divided into three or four
territories, net oniy because of the ex
tent of the islands, but because of the
antagonisms existing between the differ
ent peopiea. Some of these t'ibes have
been our devoted friends, and it would
be most unfair not to give them the
right of self-government. Many of them
are already tit for self-government in
local affairs and under territorial gov
ernors appointed by the United States
thy would get along very well, I am
"I consider the Filipinos a very su
perior people a people with great pos
sibilities. They are ambitious; many of
them have been finely educated in Eu
rope; they are not to be spoken of in
the same breath with the Africans, so
far as their possibilities gj. They are,
too, easily governed and with the fair
treatment which they shall receive from
ub we shall have no trouble witli them.
They appreciate consideration, I have!
found, but they are sensitive and are
unwilling to be treated aa inferiors.
They are a little distrustful of us.
"On the question of ultimate annexa
tion or tho remote future of the Phil
ippineswhether statea wouM be erect
ed there or not m caee we annex the is
lands I am not yet prepared to speak,
but 1 do think that we o-ve much to the
many citizens of the islands who are
not tilipinos and especially to those
Filipinos who Have been friendly to us.
If our armies were to be withdrawn
from the islands, tiie natives, who have
befriended us, would besubj'cted to all
sorts of persecutions, and many of them
would meet death, all on acc unt of
their kindness to us."
Some lery Jtepdsone
5'IK Uai8t6 fteve Ju$t Arrived
lteiuurkitultj Cures of ltlieuuiatlmn,
From the Vindicator, Ruthcrfordtou, N, O.
The editor of the Vindicator has had
occasion to test the efficacy of Chamber
lain's Pain Balm twice with tiie most
remarkable results in each case. First,
with rheumatism in the shoulder from
which ho Buffered excruciating pain for
ten days, which was relieved with two
applications of Pain Balm, rubbing the
parts aftlicted and realizing instant
benefit and entire relief in a very short
time. Seoud, in rheumatism in thigh
joint, almost prostrating him with severe
pain, which was relieved Ty two appli
cations, nibbing with the liuiment on
retiring at night, and getting up free
from puin. For sale by Blakeley &
Danish IhIhuiU Are Our.
London, March 27. A dispatch to the
Exchange Telegraph from Paris says the
sale of the Danish Antilles to the United
States baa practically been completed,
Voloauio Kruutloua
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of joy, Buckleu'e Arnica Salve cures
them ; alao old, running and fever sores,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drives out pains and aches,
Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Blakeley & ilouguton, drug-
(lists. 2
Early Rose potatoes at Maier & Ben
We have finished sorting them and are now
able to show them to you conveniently when yon
call. We do not think that you will be disap
pointed when we say that you can come expect
inc. to see the very best silk waists any store ever
offered to their customers at
$3.50, $4.00 and $4.25.
These waists are made up in this season's most
popular styles, of India silk and satin, with cord
ed front and back, new shaped cuffs and collar,
made with fitted waist lining. These colors
blue, red, light green, rose, lavender, cerise, tur
quefse, purple, tan, golden brown, black and
magenta. Sizes 32 to 44.
Do not forget that we carry a line
of Misses' and Children's White
Confirmation Dresses, $2.50 to $10.
Utyite Dresses
A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and
Seed Wheat, Seed Oats,
Seed Rye, Seed Barley,
Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn
King Philip Corn,
Stowell's Evergreen Corn,
Early Minnesota Corn,
Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Corn,
White Hominy Corn,
Early Rose Potatoes,
Burbank Potatoes,
Spring Vetches,
Brome Grass,
Cheap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, Bee Supplies.
A magnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of
which will be sold at close prices for CASH at the Feed, Seed
and Grocery Store of
Law Union & crown Fire insurance Co.
CAPITAL PAID UP $7,500,000. ASSETS $20,128,035.
Surplus be)ond all Liabilities in United States
$621 ,155.28.
'l'honc 141.
The Dulles, Or.
Dull Headache, Paini in various parts
of the body, Sinkini: at the pit of the
etoniach, Loss of appetite, Feveriehness,
Pimples or Sores all positive evidences,
of impure blood. No matter how it
became bo it must bo purified m order to
obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elexir baa never failed to cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on
a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Ten. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and happy, Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. 25 cts. and 50 cte.
Blakeley &, Houghton Druggist".
A girl or women that is a good cook
and housekeeper. Good wages to the
right party. Inquire at 282 Third
street. mlC-tf
Girl wanted, to do general housework.
Inquire at this office. mch20-lwk
The "Kingsbury" stiff hats, 100o
block, are ready for your inspection,
(at the New York Cash Storo, and tho'S
('price is only $3 00, To these who'i
Ruave worn them they need no intro
C,ductlon, as they know them to le
equal to any 1(4.00 hat in the market.
C aud always up-to-date. See window.
rk . . . ,
Cutarrli Cannot he Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must tako inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall'u
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of tiie best
physicians in this country for years, and
ia a regular piescription. It i a composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on tho mucous surfaces, Tho perfect
combination of tho two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh, Send for testimonials,
F. J. Ciik.nky & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrnggleta, price 7flc.
Hall's Family Pilla are the best. 12
A. Quad Cough Modluluo for ChllilrcB
"I have no heaitancy in recommend
inj; Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,"
says F, P. Moral), a well known and
popular buker,ofJPeterstiurg, Va. "We
have given it to our children when
troubled with bad coughs, also whoop
ing cough, and it has alwajs given per
fect satisfaction. It was ircommendeii
to me by a drugKiat as the best cough
medicine for children as it contained no
opium or other harmful drug." Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse, Finest kind of
chicken feed, mch2d-it
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