Little Pimples Turn Cancer. BUSINESS LOCALS. Cancer often results from nn im purity in the blood, inherited from penernttons back. Few people nro en tirely free, from some taint in the blood, imd it is impossible to tell when it will break out in the form of dreaded Can cer. What has appeared to be a mere pimple or scratch has developed into the most malignant Cancer. "I hnct a severe Canear which was at flrst only a t?r blotches, that I thought -would goon paty nvray. i -nus treated by able physicians, but In spite of thelrcflort the U:in cersprcf.d until my con dlttcnbec.inie.i'.irniiiif:. Alter many month.-! of treatment anil growing steadily worse. I de cided to try S. S. S. which was So stronuly recommended. The llrst , bottle produced nn im- '.' provcaient. I continued 1..- 11..!.... .1 i four months the last lit tle scab dropped off. Ten rears have claused. ad not a sign ot the disease has returned." 11. Williams, Glllsburg, Miss. It is dangerous to experiment with Cancer. The disease is beyond tho skill No Itljrtit to tlRllncA. Tho woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friend?, but one who would be attractive llllldt l?i.ti llrtr llrtnltli If al.,1 t is tvctlr sickly and all run down, she will bo to keep dandrulT from tho head Clarke & Falk have on sale n fall lino of paint and artist's brushes. Use CInrkoei Falls's quinine half tonic Sheriff's Sale. ii t-iriiin .if mi I'urnttim (avmi'iI out o( the ('Itcnlt Court of tho State of OttROti for W'neo Countv.tu a Milt therein pending whcielu Smith ... .. . . ... ......it1 .....I l.....l . n.. ll-.i-tu M,u J nervous and irritable. If she has con stipation or kidney trouble, her linpnio I blood will cause pimples, blotches', skin .eruptions ami a wtetched complexion. Electric Hitters is the ben medicine in the wotld to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It Hives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It wil make a Rood-lookinji, charming woman ota run-do vn invalid. Oulv 50 cents at lHkt'ley & Houghton's drugstore. of physicians. S. S. S. is the only cure, because it is tho only remedy which .goes deep enough to reach Cancer. SsSSoThe loo A Urn il (,'oukIi .Mcdlclim for Children "I have no hesitancy in recommend, in.; Chan berlain's Coiii;li Kemedy," says F. 1'. Moron, a well known and popu ar oaKor, oi retensnurv', a. "n o have tdvon It to our children when troubled with bad coughs, also whoop ing cough, r.nd U has ahvaj s given per fect satisfaction. It was ircouimetided to me by a druvrjiist as the best cough medicine for children as it contained no opium or olhcr harmful drug." Sold by Ulakeley & Houehton. Mrs. Calvin Zitnn,erinan, Mileaburg, a., says, "As a speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and sore throat 0.:e Minute Cougl Cure is umqualed. It is pleasant i for childien to take. I heartily reconi- (Swift's Specific) is tho only blood i eu h to niotners." n is tne only remedy nuaranteed Purely Vegetable, All others contain potash and mer cury, the most dangerous ot minerals Harmless remedy that produces im mediate results. It cures bronchitis, try, tne ui "Sf7.uV ' 1 pneumonia, crippe and throat and lung B.?oki" aS8S ?.-d'""t8 i diseases. It will prevent conniption. mailed freo by Swift Specific Company Atlanta, Oreorgia I'KOl'I.U YOU ALL. KNOW. prevent consumption. Eires Fur Salt). Full Weeded, barred Plymouth Hock e?gs, per setting $1 .00 and $1.50. For particulars call on or address, SAxnnts Bnos. 1x617. The Dalles, Or. J. A. Gulliford, a wealthy citizen of Dufur, wao in town today. itev. U. U. layior returned la't night Ksmrifnr.i is Hip lipst 'IV.-udmr. tu from a protracted business trip to Port- j Acker3 Knj.liat, Kemedy in any case ( cough?, cold or crpup. Should it fail to give immediatj relief money refunded. 25 ots. and 50 cts. Ulakeley & Houghton Druggists. Catarrh Cannot ho Cured with applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ih taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a ouack medicine. It was was prescribed by one ol the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular piescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 Ills Life U us Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he eays : "I was taken with Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia. My lungs becanio hardened. I was so weak I could'nt even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gavo great relief. I continued to ue it, and now am well and Btrorig. I can't eay too much in its praise." This marvelous medicine is tho surest and quickest cure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at I5Iu1:pIv fc Houghton's diugstore; every bottle guaranteed. Notice of DH.olutlon. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Fonts & Johannsen has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, P. F. Fouts retiring from said firm. The business, heretofore conducted by the eaid Kouts & Johannsen, w ill from now on be owned P. Johanneen. The said Johannsen will collect all accounts due said firm find will pay all bills due therefrom. Dated at Tho Dalles, Oregon, this lUth day of Match, 1000. P. F. Fours, nilO-lm C.I'.JoiIANNHKN laud. A. L. flodson, of Goldendale, was in town last night the cuest of tho Uma tilla House. Mijs .Mary Perry left on last night's train for Elgin uhere she will visit friends for a short time. ' Miss Rose D. Michell find rW sister, Miss Myrtle, arrived home Sdtuiday nitrht after n delightful trip through the South and Etst. .T. "N. Weddle, of Suplee, Crook county, is in the city on his way home after having been operated on at the new Walla Walla in.'pital for appendicitis. Harry Curtis lei t this morning for his father's i-heep camp in Klickitat county, when, Iih will remain through the lamb ing season, and returniiii.' will retime his law studies in Judtie Bennett's of fice. Sam Stark, who has been studying law in Judge Bennet's office, is at present on his father's farm at Mosier. fcMtn expects to offer himself for exami nation for admi-sion to the bar at the May term of the supreme court in Pendleton. Mrs. L. W. Curtis, of Orand D.ille, attended the funeral of th; Orrgon toldiere who died in tho Philippine in surrection, which look place yesterday. Her brother, John 11. Kenton," who died in Manila more than a year nno wi3 one of the dead heroes. A full iine of Uasttuiti) films and sup plies just recoivtd by Clarke & Falk. You will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure fur boils. Clarke A- Falk's flavoring extracts are tho-hest. Ask your croeer lor them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salve is tin equalled for piles, injuriesJSund skin diseases. It is tho original Witch Ilu.el Salvo, lleware of all counterfeits. To secure the original witch hazel salve, ask for DeWitt's Witch;ilizel Salve, well known as a certain cure for piles and skin diseases, lleware of worth less counterfeits. They are dangerous. Lewis Ackcrman, Goshen, 1ml., says, Mr. i:. Kronen It pl'ilntlll' ami llnielliiu liavtc M r,ir I!, i mimi. Mm. l.llo .1. Karri". Mini D.ivK Wllllum II. l'avl", Ml. Tlim Miilmncy, KllleH 1'avK Mrs. Annette V. MeNonl, and II. .S. buiKlilln.mlmlliMratorof Ihu I'Mntoot Hllits v Iwu ilf..ivr.l. tire ilpfpllilillltl.. to Uie Ul- tcrlcd ami eommiitiillng me to yell cettaln leid pioictty therein ilcvcilDui, 1 wu at . oereK, 1'. M on the UOili diiy or April, IUOO, at the Court House dmn In IMlUs illy, ok-roii, sell at public ude to the lilKlie-t bliMcr foi (-isli In hand nil of the luteicU of eieh mid all of the above named iWcmhinlo In and to the follovln dcvctlUctl trcctsof land Mtuntul In alii County to mtlMv t io texeral Mimi heiclnnfler namul, tow-It- The north halt of the nnrthueit ipurler nr.d the north half of the tiotlheiut nuatler anil the fonthcaU qnutlerof the norllieat quarter and the nottheit ounitcr of the niutlieai qu ir ter of section II, township 'J north, ininte I'J oat, W. M., to satisfy the sum of and In (crest at 0 per cent per milium from Maieh I'dli, Utm. and the nm of f.HU'.'.M ami Interest thermit at 10 percent p?r luiiuini from until date, iiiul the sum of Jlill.'.lt ami Inteiest at 10 porrent l er annum Iiom said date, and f:).lD attorneys fees, and l(i. 10 roils and disbursements and Interest thereon from said date at 0 per cent per Milium nut! the hcciuIiii: rents, and JfiTl.Jl mid I11tere.1t at the rale of ID per rent par annum from said date, and ? l:iiV, is and Interest thereon nt lu per rent per annum from said date; and the southwest quarter of Hie uotthemt quarter, and the northwest quarlcr of the southeait ..iMittor ff c 4 I K.vll hi II. ttm-iivhlii 'i north "DeWitt s Little Larly Risers always j ranue 12 can, to satisfy the. sum of !3.ut and bring certain relief, cure my headache and never gripe." They gently' cleanse Late, Arrivals at Now York Cash Store, Over 1000 handkerchiefs to sell from lc nn. Brownie suite, ages 4 to 12, at 50 centp. Little boys' whilw shirts ages 0 io 12 with these they weav the white linen collars just like papa's. 15 ys f incv white waists and mothers' friend waist. Lidles sunnier under. ear, sleeveles?, wing" sleeves or Ion,' sleeves. See win dow. We have just received and put on sale (i large shipment of gr mite ware direct from the factory. New Yoik Cash Store. nnd invigorate the bowels anil liver. "I used Kodol Dyspepsia'Curo in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is trulv tho dyspeptic's best friend," says K. Ilartgetink, Overisel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Stockholders Meeting. Notice is hereby given Mint there will be an annual meeting of the stockhold ers of The Dalles, Portland A Astoria Navigation Co., at their ofiicj .Saturday, April 7, 1000, at 2 p. tn., for the purpose of electing seven directors, and trans acting such other business as may prop erly come before said meeting. By order of the president. The Dalles, March 15, 1000. L. K. Cnowi:, Secy. Kggs retail at 12 L cents per dczsn at Maier iv Benton's. Clark A Falk's drug stcck is new fresh and complete. Bicycle sundries and fishing tackle at Maier & Benton's. :i 15tf Ladies and children's sun bonnets, 2oc at New York Cash Store. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's puro concentrated flavoring ixtracts. Peters New Victor smokeless shells to be had only at Maier & Benton's. I! Iotf M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers aro the very best pills I ever used for costiveness, liver and bowel troubles." B.mley Bros., have purchased a thrjuulibred Jersey hull, registered stcck. For particulars apply at resi dence on Tenth street, noar tho fair mounds. Phone .'185. .'iO-lmo Wm. Orr, Newnrk, O., eas, "We never feel fafo without One Minute Cough Curo in the house. It saved my littlo boy's life when he had tho picu monia. We think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and all lung diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and gives immediate results. lnteieit thereon at the rata of 0 per rent per annum from March 15, 1WM, mid the unmtMlcd hnlaneoof said sums of H.MI.ftl.::(iiMMlli.ll). fM'.V.O, ?G7I.'J1 and tllilVi.ts aril Interest upon tach respccllvely. us afoiesald; and also lot I, of block 11 of liidlcs City, Oregon, to sntUly tho sum of ?0'.i.5) and Interest thcicon at tho rate of ll per icnt per annum from Mutch lfi, IfOl', and theunsitlilleil huUoiih of snld sums, til"!. tlXlj.if, t.W.lM, fM'JO. tlJU.y-l and till. I'J. and the Interest upon each respectively, as aforesaid. Snld ude will he for cash In hand to the hlithest DliMer. Dalid this 17th day of March. IM'O. IIOIIIIKT KKI.hY, inSl-t Shcrlll'ot W'asco county, Or. NOl'lCK FOR PUBLICATION. Oiticcat Tin: I).i.i.i:n, Oukoon,; Match lu, 1MM Notice 1" hereby elvcn that the followini; named settler has il to 1 notice of his Intention to noikc llmil proof In support of his claim, final IhutSHlil iroof will In1 made beforo the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on .uatunhiy May .", !'.., viz.: Heiurlch Lubliirig,of The Dalles, Or., II. V.. So. so, for tho NW1,', frctlon 17, town shin 1 north, range pi east, V. M. He names the following witnesses to piove ins ronuiuious resilience uion,iimi ciiiuviuion of said hind. vl.. John .Stcginnti, Henry Itiddell, Michael l;oy!c, cuarics uiiiiictt, an 01 uiu iinin-s, Oregon. I AY 1' I.l!tA.. mar'JI-ll Itcgbtcr. Hi 4 t ! ad 'St , 2E 't f 1 1 1 1 ' -S Tho rJallaa, Or. The Chronicle, Job Printers, i 1 tl"! 1 1 13 l pi is 3J !1 La: llliliintiilllltTMrtf l!i-iJritll4t-Tti NOriCH FOB PUBLICATION. I..VKI1 OFHCK AT 1 111: DAI.I.K1, OllM.ON.I l ebniiiry X, 1W Notice is hereby given that the follow lus nnmrd settler has llkil notice of his Intention tomiiLe tlnnl proof In support of his rl.ilm, and that said proof will he made btforolhe Iteghlcr nun lueciver ill I lie Dalles, tircgon, on b.illli-d-iy. April 7, lBCO, -U: John Frederick Walther, of The Dalle Oregon, II. K. No. .Kill, for the NWi( Svc. II, township 1 south, range l'Jeat, W. M. lie iiiimcs Hie follow itij; wllnisses to prove ins ('uiiiiiiions resilience upon nun eillllV.illon ui sum i-)ini, vu: W. Wolf, John ObilM, Frank, William Obrlst, all of The Dalles, Ortgor:. feb'JvI JAY 1'. I.UC'AS, Kcglstcr. Dryinfr preparations 6imply dovel op dry catarrh ; thoy dry up tho secretions, which adhcro to tho membrauo and decom pose, causing n far moro Borioustroublothan tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all ilrv- ,UK niiiuiams, mines, smoKes aim enuus an(i mariaired bv Ci hcala. Ely's Cream llalin ia such a remedy and will curo catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo -will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggisis cell tho COc.Eizo. Ely Brothers, GC Warren Kt., N.Y. Tho Balm cures without pain, does not irritato or causo sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry Burfaco, reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fover. Wanted. A jzirl to do general house work in a small family. Apply at this r.ftice. tf Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch2o-ii A FINE SHIRT A fine shirt needs fine l.iundrv wnrk to make it look nice ami wear widl Just the samr; with your other garments. We do not nee any iiiintious uhcniieaU do not rot out your linen and fail sirn ...... nn . ..- . . 1 yuu iv per tern 01 tno wear vour gar mints usually sustain. UI.1U to Have you try our work. No laundry too email. Laundry Co. 'Phone 311 brings the team. .ll-2w NOTICK FOU PUBLICATION, i:. S. hA.ND orncK, at Tin: D.u.i.Ky, ohk., I-'KIIIU'UtY u, 1!H). i Notice Is hereby given Unit the follow Ing lmrniil settler basilied notiro of his Intention to make llnnl priKif In snpKirt of his chum, anil that snld proof will be made before the Iteglsicr and Kectlvcr nt The Dalles, Oregon, on Wuims day, April I, ItHiO, vl-t William 0. Clark, of The Dalles, Or. Homestead Kntry No. .",27 , for the SW-., section 11. township l south, range II east, W. M. He names tlinfolloivlmr wltm conlliiuoiis residence upon and cultivation of said land, vl: Albert Turner, Charles firnson, Charles .Smith, (.'. A. Ulbson, ull of Die Dalles, Oregon. . . , . JAY 1'. I.Ui'AS. febS i Keclster Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated .lames K, Patton strictly pure liquid paints Du'l Heidache, I'aini in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverlehnces, 'Pimples or Sores all posit ivo evidences. -ot impure blood. No matter how it became eo il must io purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed to curo Scrofulous or Syphilitic poifons or any other blood liieaiee. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle nn a pmltivegiiHrantee. Ulakeley & Hough ton's drug store. Rev. W. E. Sitzer, W. Canton, N. Y., writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty yeare, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. 1 was persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Curo and it helped me ironi the start. I believe it to bo a panacea 'or all forms of indication." It digests what yen eat. JlUmnrck'a Iron Metre Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous enemy are not found where stomach, liver. kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop avery power of brain and body. Only 25o at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. 2 tub GolumBia PacRjfig Go PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTUUKKaOJ' Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON j)RIF.D BEEF. ETC. Mica I llmrm h load lURCASE 1 B helps the team. Saves wear and expense. Sold everywhere. M Wmm made jiv gfw SPA TANRARD OIL. SO. mVJ ADM INIdTUATOIt'8 NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned h:ui been duly appointed administrator of the estate of J. O. lliililwln, oeecased. AH ktsouii having chillis iigniust said citato are hereby nolllleil to present tho same, properly, lo moor to my iittorneys, Dufur A: Menefte, lu The Dalles, Oregon, within six months from the dalool this notice. Dated this 1 llh day of February, Won, ...... -MI'.ltltlM., Administrator of tho estate of J. (,', Ilalilwln, ileciiiKil. fcblT II EXKOUTOIPS NOTICE. Notice li hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by tho county court ol the state of Oregon for Wioeo counlv, cxicutor Willi the will annexed of tholast -will of Mary .lane lliez ley, iliceaseij. All persons having chilms iigniust said estate are hereby nollllcd'to r"-"", i"v.u i.iiiiw wiui iiioproper vouchers at my ollleo In 'Iho Dulles, ongon, within tlx lift' WIIIU lllCrCOl. Dateill-'cb. VI, 1'JW. ,. . H. HL'.VllNilTON, ftl,-!'-11 Kxeculor. A DM IN IS rUATOU'.S NO 1'ICE, Notice Is hereby given that tho unileiUgmd lias been appointed by tho county conn, of the state of regou.for Wasco eounty,.nlmliiItriitor fortheestnte of I'atiiek Drown, deceased " 1 persons hay ng elntuis iigaliut said ututu in iiercby nollllcd to present s.ild claims, proptr y .iHte HicTeof.5' "U" ,x """,tl"1 r"' Dated January '.'5, lyoo. IHH.IA C. IlitOWN, and Motors JIANCKACTUIIKD IIV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars and pnr'.iculars furnished on application. lp. S. GUNNING, Agent, '"'( THE DAI.LF.S, OREGON' C. C. COOPER, M.NtT.u'ri:iii;i: or High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. di:ai.i.ii in Tents, Wnsron Covers, mid all articles usually Kept in a llrat-clasa harness shop. Opposite Mood 's Wiirchouse, THE DALLES, OHMOX. Thin Stnmp u Guarantte x MAKER J of Qunllty. Mnilflimm Tlnn;?1 south and east ... Ill II II II IJ I'll LJ'IIIIIIII m u fi.fl. iinui uioiii 1 auiiib mm I iiiii7-II Admlnhirntor. BO YEAR8 EXPElllENcr TnADE Marks Jebiqns GaavmnuTo JL -.1ri0no ,en.rtl ' ft "Well niul description m' finlcklr (ueertnlii our opinion froo wlietl lit ivontjon U probably nntenUb 6. 'uww uiilrl tloiisurlctircoiiUdoiitfal. llaudtKiolcoitl'Xuti sent frep. Oldost ngBiicy for BwurluV uutwit.. ' tttttalnotUt, nltlioutehiwrinlLo reeeW8 SckNdf ic American. A handsomely lllutrtBd weekly. I.nmet elr. ruUtlo.n of any acientlUn lournkl fn.VT.Tl Yellowstone Park Line. ff m Shasta Route l . .1 1 m Bit Till- D1NIN71 fill, nni-i, .,, I rillllH 1CMVO ThO D.IIICS lor roruanu . ' ''' iwuu.AMi siiuionsnt liiUn. in.nnii;ii. 111. TO Till; M Till; O.NI.V DIKHCTI.I.Nl; TOTIIK VIII.I 0V KlONi; I'AKK m:vi:, 11.14 A. SI Ko. I. 11, SO 1', .M, Union Depot, Firtliana I sis1 AlilllVK. 361Broadv L. ... "III umo. tsa y Bt, WMliloifon, II. JJ. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Oaicoover French & C'o.'a Hank l'hono ?' THK DAI.I.K'j, Ol'.K'iON ,. ' "''inllforTiieomii, .v, 1 Hiilhorniiil Hoiitii Ik-nil (oiiits, hpoliiine. Iloss-I ''"" il.f., I'lilliiimi, Moscow, U.()ni 1f.'j al olluiiip jninii,K conn- r,;M I'. i. try, llelenii, Jiliincup.,.1 '' ' hi. I'mil, 011111I111, uiiifcin city, hi. Umh , l-lilcii;o 11111! nil t.oln tH I eaMiiiid niiiilieiKt. v 1 , I'liitet Koiinil Hxprecs JUT llll' l l ll filial k.iollll.! H.M, . mini i,,i, ; v." " '.'' a. .u. kkiio cueckeii to 1 entlniilloii of llekel writo" V""K ';"r vatlons, etc., cull ,l ,li A. D. CHARLTON, AhilMimt (icncriil I'luseiiKur Axent. iiorrUm. htrect, comer Thlr.,Vortrn.i; OreKon. Leave forthim! " Albiuiy Arrlvo Aslihind , " HweriiiiH.-nto . 41 Hun l''rniieUcn Aillve OkiIoii " Denver " luiiisiistllty. " t;h,iMt;o ..... s : 11 in 1 'M 11 in l u II in nn) p 111 t I' pi" !i nam i:(K) 11 111 , .'lam , 1 1 a in 7;WP 10;WpB ll:30t i;iB 8.IH3 I1:ISi8 9.00l Arilvo l-iis Augoles .. " 111 I'mo " Tort Worth... " City of Mexico " lloiuton " New Orlemis . " JtSlll IIKtOII I 'opm 0 ( p m ii ,ni 11 in , 11 tn 11 in 1 mi 11 in , ii ii 11 in c, Mum NuivYork,.., 1- l;M'" 4:00 li-llp . .... Inllil I'lilliiinii nnd Tourist curs on '.t,ti, Clmlrcars Hacrniiieuto to OK'lei ."j(e0P mill Imirlat lura to ' 1 1 1 I'll 1TO. hi IMII'l ' IR. Aim w"FORADO. I A rind lourlst oars to C'IiIchko, hi li'"'i leans ami WbhIiIiikIoii. nt Bull Kriuicl'CO with Jj oral CliH'' full limit 1 111 steamship linos for Hoiiohllu, JM'a; riilllmilhea, Cenlrrtl and Hoiith Seo aKcut at.Tho Dulles stntlon. f iin C. H. MARKHAM. General Passenger Attent, Voi JH- UKIHHNIMIlirFKK Phyaioiau aud Surueou, u. ... ........, 0ivi.n to lurswf1 niwiaiaiwiiHVMn"" . .. .c ''CO.mia.i'i 1. j j:nv anu i, iw.