todies' Shift Tim lino wo now Imvc on oulo extreme. I'hls la I ho imu nun provou list eonsou to '"" ciHtomiT., mid you will find Hint fxpoiieui-o Inn taught tliu itiunu ftinttiror improve inentH Unit w"l 1,0 I'u'H-'lclnl to tlai wearer, both in mslionin! stylo. fancy fleekoiear Ono of 1 1 to requisite!! with pretty Shirt wnista ia nobby Stock!', Hows, uto. Thcno wo have in it (.-rout variiiiy of Btyloa. Belts & Belt Buekles Tho protty Molt Ituuklun tliat you henr ro much about, wo Imvo just received nnd nro showing in con nccll'jn with tint largest llnu of Holts ami Holt Duck ies ovor shown lioro hoforo. Wash fahries Wo nro constantly milling to plete stock of dainty anil Ferviceablo Wash lO.ttiriu-J which wo invito yon to count and In sped at any and all Union. All OoocIb Marked In Plain Klfturos. Lis udiitij ndiiy biUJoniBie, 'J'eleiitwui' No. J. .MONDAY - - - MAKUil till. lflllO i,.'iveil In every stylo by A. KELLER WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. TlieGolilemlalo folks will assemble in hum meeting tonight to nominnto a full city ticket. Walter A. Kcavis wai ono of thti nail- fcwer at the soldiers' funeral vuaterdav iu I'ortlaml. Tho city bastilo had one occunaul hint ilit. Charge; drunk unci disorderly: ttoneiiientj 2, cash. The CrluoNiri.K is indebted to tho courtesy of Senator Mulirldo for valu bleilociiineutH received, Gmml oiienillL' Of Hiintm- nnUnrn luitu Mil bonnets Wednesday, March 28th, "Mrs. Phillips' millinery parlors. 20-27 Two cars of cattle, from Payette, Haho, were feil at the stockyards today. Tlicy aro dejtined for tho Portland market. Freiubt for 'vely rate and large qualities leave tho co warehouse daily for Prlncvillo U other points. We rpLrnt lnLn.n ... .i... . . " - "...ill HUUI lliu viuiuun w'e stago driver that Mobch l'ike, of 'Mt city, tho venerable fnthor of Col. ti i 1 ,yil, at 11,0 loi"'t of death. t'001,1 gentleman must ho well ulong In the clKutlca. T''very Intuit iu local politics ia that " IK'moenita cay thoy aro going to wnlnalna man that will i.,u Units 'oronor. Hut thoy wont do it. Old gory l.ln.stlf, with old Kick ut his u,. ooiil.l .,ot heat lintta, Ji?' U', r' H,uvlt WIIB uiml,1 to ocun '"8 n.lpit owing lo,m annoying ut- ei! ' l!cl:""",ox wl,I(l1' " contract 0'" Ilia little ton on his last visit to ' , ,luv' " V- lUlUV Mr' "l'ljU in tho morning and Ilev. Wifionin tho evening. cifcf?;,,I,,I;clork 1,011011 iitem I)a,lBB' Wl, ll,lV0 notyot hiZ 0I" n,y d,y ' ",o wBk. to af' "rl'ose, exoopt Salnrdny, and dei . "y "fl ,nr nH PomIWo, be In i ?"UUy ,,eo,,U' w,, wU1 lucll 'dftrk'B mcaon 'y 'e'lrotloi!IUI,'b0rfl MP t0 U' hsttiay of " Uturnry Club will meat olJniii "Vuni"Kln tho room back vrlll fl Hrow'HI' office. The club That JIT tho l"68'? Reolved, boll(u!!, PnW"nMU should be 1 u .1 ful1 ondnco la requont wo member will decide t the Oysters Waists Is lieniHifnl In tho Still ho imtisinctoiy our already com Htock of dimmer PEASE mcutiui; tho (jnoslion of discontinuing tliu meetings until next fall. Itugiutration proroedn at a slbw but steady pace. J.cph than half of the votoru of The Dalles have reL'isUired. The progress is believed to bo Htlll slower in the country where como people, aa we are told, have lot a foolish notion that the law is some kind of an imposition upon tho people instead of a remedy to prevent repenting and fraudulent voting. Maud S, tho fleet heeled pot of the American turf for years, who died in New York city, tho 20th insl., is to have a U' in ml funeral befitting the noble ani mal, which by her swiftness as a trotter and beauty of symmetry, wau tho ad mired of all admirers uf tho race course in thin country. The Vanderbllts will iiIho erect a monument lo her memory, II. O. rroobstol, of Sherman county, uhipped on the Regulator this morning to Portland It! head of draught horses tbut would average probably over 1500 pouudu each. They vioro all broken to work and were, altogether, the finest lot of horses that have been shipped from hero iu a long time. Mr. l'roobstel ex pects to leulittc $350 a span for some of them. While crossing the Columbia, Sunday, Messrs. I'rathor and llansberry saw a corpse lloatinu down stream. After landing the passengers on tho Hood Iliver side, Haneborry thought to bring the corpeo to shore. After sailing down below tho White Salmon dock ho die covered the ghastly remains, which proved to be tiic remains of somebody's dog. Glacier. It is understood that tho O. R. & N. lias begun preparations for tliu improve incut of the main line between Pendle ton and Umatilla. Some mouths ago, ongineors laid out the work, which will consist iu straightening grades and otherwise Improving the roadbed. It is claimed thai something like 500,000 will bo expended iu tho woik, which will probably bo dono by contractors. Tho following personal appears in tho Walla Walla Union of tlie22ud Inst. ; Dr. Doc Sing, a prominent Chinese merchant of The Dalle?, Or., is iu the city on u visit to his brother-in-law?, .Shoo 1'ly and Charley Lee. Mia. Doc Sing la ut present in China at the head of a missionary society. Mrs. Doc Sing was born iu Walla Walla and was edu cated in the public Echoola of thin city ttnd iu Tho Dallos, Or. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Williams mid son Ed, parents and brother of Mrs. D. V. Poling, havo arrived from Wullu Walla with tho intention of residing perma nently In caso the climate lo agreeable to Mrs, Williams' health which has been impaired through recent attacks of pnemonia, Mr. Williams was formerly ahorjlTof Polk county where ho la well mid favorably known. The family have rented the Bulger rendeuca on Fourth atreot. Tho city of Walla Walla has contract ed with the lllulock Fruit Company, aCorain' lliul'o what they art). It was our old friend, Patrick Henry, who remarked upon an historic occa Bion, "Tho next alo that sweeps from the north will brin? to our ours," etc. Now, ovory timo you hoar (ho roar and rattle of a freight train, lot tho idea strike yon that wo aro getting more now goods. Hero are a fow specimen nuggola from the Inut new lot: TWO LINES of Men'n all-wool Cheviot Suits in black ami blur, Htaplo all the year round. Our pr,co .fC 00. FIVE LINES of Men'a Fancy Worsted Suits, In all tho Intest pat terns, direct from the factory. Our price i.00. SIX LINES of Men's Casslmero Suits in stripes and shecke, with tho new stylo douhlu-brcaatcd vests ; equal to any CDBtom-.nado varment ever put together. Our prieo tlO and $12G'J. Several lines of Worsted, Cheviot and Oxford" Suits at prieoo ranging from $10 to $25. These line9 includo Iho hot-t products of the Eastern markets. They nro not b.iught in quantity, but thoy cover a selection that would do credit to any city in tho United States. SEE WINDOWS. AYS whoso lands are west of town, to take all the sewerage flowing from tho outlet for a period ot S3 years. The company, as a guarantee of good faith, has given tho city a lion on itB land for the time mimed. The IJlalock Fruit Company intends to use the water from tho sewer lor irrigating and fertilizing purposes, and are muking extensive arrangements accjrdingly. There has been so much inquiry for t he Tom Bruce call story that the Journal will havo to tell it. Hnvs tho Salem paper of that name. One Sunday morning, soon after Tom was elected a Baptist deacon, bu got all dressed up to go to church before feeding a fine suck ing calf he was raising. The calf bucked its head into the pail of-milk and nearly ruined Tom's suit of Sunday best. It was thou his political enemies fmy lie exclaimed: "If it wasn't for tho love of God Bproad about in my heart. I'd smash your d -d head off." Hero is tho way the Heppner Gazette eizeB up Joaquin Miller: "Mr. Miller does not stutter in his speech, but lie dues in writing his name. You ought to see his signature on tho Palace hotel regialer. It is fac simile of some of the Klondike trails he had to follow. He first makes a break towards the bottom of the well, then takes a turn toward tho county jail, then u dasli toward the First National bank, four dips toward Iiawdog ridge, nnd wanders ofl'iu a free-and-etiBy toward all points of the com pass." Twickenham's new paper is announced to appear next Wednesday. As tho town of Twickenham consists of a post office and school house on the banks of tho raging John Day, it was profanely hinted that the publisher would have to use the school house for au office but the last grapevine telegraph announces that a shack has been built for the paper's accomodation. 'Iho paper will bo tho oflicial organ of Iho Twickenham townsito boomers in tho coming county seat contest. When the fight is over and Fossil has won, the little paper will wrap the drapery of ila conch about it and lay itself down in everlasting sleep. Mayor Kuck and Councilman Gun ning went down to Lylo yesterday to ex.unino a gravel bed at that place and figure on the coat of bringing the gruvol hero on scons for uso on the public streota. They found a largo bed of good, clean gravel about three-quarters of a mile back of tho river," and entered Into arrangements for ascertaining tho cost of tho ntuff laid down here, They ex pect the cost to reach about a dollar u load laid down on the street, or about tho Bamo as crushed rock. The only gravel attaiimblo on this sido the river ia so mixed with clay as to be undesir able except fur stroots with good sub Btratum of broken rock. Tho mauy friends of Mr. A. McAdam, of Pease & Mays, will bo glad to learn that ho is eo far recovered from hid late dangerous illness as to be ablo to spond a couple of hours every day in tho atoro. M Ho looks forward hopefully to complete restoration from a condition that physi cians at ono time considered alarmingly critical. Mr. McAdam desires that Tun CiutoNiCi.n shall, on his behalf, ttinnk the many frienJs and acquaintances who hou'cri him so much kindness during his illness and manifested in so many wayn their desire for his recovery. His gratitude is intensified by t ho fact that he was a omparativo stranger here when ho was laid upon a sick bed. Antorlaii nro Cfiinlnc- Duo notice has been received hero that about eighty of tho citizens of Astoria, principally business men of standing in that city, made all necessary arrangements to mako tliu contemplated trip to this city. They havo chartered the steamer I.urline, will leave Astoria this evening nt 8 o'clock and expect to arrive in Tho Dalles to morrow against neon. In order tT give our visitors a fitting reception the Commercial Club prompt ly appointed the two following com mittees: On arrangements Chas. L Phillips, Fred W. Wilson, T. A. Hudson, E. O. McCoy and Grant Mays. On re ception H. L. Kuck, M. f. Nolan, P. H. DoIIuff, E. Schanno, F. A. Seufort, F. L. Houghton, 1). M. Ficncb, J.S. Schenck, J. S. Fish, Kobt. Mays and J. M. Patterson. It is desired that the names of tho reception committee in Tnc Ciiroxici.k shall be contiderad as an official notice to these gentlemen to act. The program, as at presont arranged, is a9 follows : The reception committee accompanied by tho band, will meet the Astorians at the boat binding and es cort them to the Commercial Clnb room where a formal reception will be tend ered them. In the afternoon tho visi tors will be shown oyer tho town and its environments, and at niuht, If arrange ments can bn made for it, a banquet will bo given them at the Umatilla House. Wednesday morning they will steam up the river tf Big Eddy and in spect the pjrtage road, leaving in the early afternoon for home. From a dispatch received just as we go to press we learn that oQ ladies will join in the excursion. Whether the 30 ladies are included wit!) the SO excur sioni3te originally repoited.or are ad ditional to that number, we havo not learned. I5ut the ladies, God bless thorn, aro welcome if there were a thousand of them. ExcurKlnn I'.ir tliu Tenchers. Superintendent C. L. Gilbert has com pleted arrangements for an excursion for the teachers of Tha D.ille3 public schools and vicinity, and their friends and the friends of education generally. The day fixed is Saturday, April 7tb. The destination is Hood Kiyer valley. The D. P. & A. N. Co. have given a rate of 50 cents to Hood River landing where wagons will meet tho excursionists and take them to Pine Grovo schoolhouse, thence to Odell Echoolliouse, thence to Crappsr Bchoolhouse where luncheon will be Bpread in a beautiful oak grove. From there they will be taken to the Barrett schoolhouse, thenco to the Franklin schoolhouse and then to Hood River. The rate for the wagon trip will be 5U cents making the round trip a dollar. Excursionists will bring well-filled lunch baskets along with them as the Hood River ozone is peculiarly con ducive to a healthy appetite. The main object is needed recreation for tho teachers, nnd as a minor object the obtain ment of' a picture of every schoolhouse in the country for the use of the super intendent in his office, hi Imparting in formation about t Item to inquiring teachers audotheia. To this cud ex cursionis's aro re.pj'ated to bring with them every available camera and ko dak that thsy cm beg, borrow or other wise get po?session of. The Miller Drfrhy, Spring block, now on display at A. M. Williams & Co. CASTOR 8 A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Siguature of Mlllluory 0it)utiiK, Mre. Marie Polrnno will liuve n grand opening of epring and euuimer uiillinory on Wednesd.iv, March 22tii. Her numerous lady friends are invited to at tend. iu':0-3t Girl wonted, to do general housework. Inquire at title office. iuch20-lwk ASl'gclablc Preporationror As similating HieFcedfliulReguIa lind ihc Stomachs and Bowels of Promolcs Digeslion.CheerfuI ness and Itest.Contains neilher OpitinxMorphine nor Mineral. Not Hi arc otic . 7iv,?i afOhZJlrSAKUELPtTaiSR PmyJaii Seed'' Mx.Smna tiocblU &Ja -AaueSmrU t Jiffteminl -Hi CtotainhSala VtinftSttd.' (fvittd Stiaar HSiletyimi. timer. Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach, Diarriioea Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ncss and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK". CXACT CCPV OF WRAPPER. It is very i!at,.s::al for a vegnisr physician of good reputation to publicly endorse a propricta'v rcr.udy. VTc have often heard of cases where doctors have secretly prescribed Acker's English Remedy, but it is most gratifying to receive the follow:::, voltintn; v litter from C. F. Smith. M. D., tin most successful pliVMcianof Olecn, N. Y. : "Messrs. Y II. II oker z Co., New York City: 1 whb to add nry professional testimony to the value of your English preparalicn known as Acker's English Remedy for Asth ma, etc. In several instances, after I have tried my utmost to give even relief, I have prescribed yourrcmedy, and it has acted almost like a miracle, not only relieving, but permanently curiag every one of the patients. I en dorse the preparation as one of the most valuable additions to the prac tice of medicine." Such a frank endorsement as the above is phenomenal. Coming from so distinguished a member of the medical profession, it carries with it an assurance which the public will be sure to avail themselves of. U is rec ommendations like this which make it possible to give the broad guaran tee that is a part of every sale oc Ack- er's Ensrlish Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. It must either do all that la claimed for it, or your money will be refunded. Do you know of any other medicine sold on those terms ? Do you know of any other medicines which prominent doctors regularly prescribe in their own practice as being better than prescriptions they write themselves ? These facts aro well worth considering. They are of especial interest to those with sore throats and weak lungs. Sold at 15c, 50c. and $t a bottle, throughout the United States nnd Canada ; nnd In Eng land, nt is. 2d., :s. 3d., 4s. 6d, If you are not satisfied after buying, return tho bottle to your druggist, and get your money back, We authorize the cimc guarantee. W. IT. UOOKEIi & CO., rroprklori, A'cio Voil;. For Sale by BLAKELEY & HOUG-HTON. Spring is Here and So Are We. Elegant Stock of Wall Paper to Select From. HIIT5. mi ENAMELS, BRUSHES, ETC. Washington .Street, botMeen Second nnd Third. Attention, l'liiimis, Don't let your old worn out machinery llo In tho fenco corner any longer. Tako it to Fletcher Faulkner, The D-illes junk dealer, and get the caeh for It. Highest cash price paid for cist and wroulit iron, rubber boots and ehoee, bicycle tires, etc., brass, coppor, zinc, lead, pewti'r, old woolen rage, beer bottlea aud ll.iskf, hoi'eu manea and taih, and bones of all dcsciiptiom;. IVicu paid (or caat iron, -10 centa per 100 lbs. One door west ol J. II, Worsley V, Second St., The Dalles. m21-lmo. IVilllU'll. A Klrl to do general housework. In quire of Mre. A. R, Thompson. in'-'l-iSt Paint your house with paints that are (ally guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk Lave them. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the t Signature fiyi In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CCNTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. f-- r with a rui.i. m.nj: or 0 tfflDurcnEQ 1 m kh B-a Ea 1 wa n m r SH "Ti n-' n : a xjliu I J fl H 4 H, GLENN & CO. Slrayi'il, A black horaj weiyhlns; about 1250 pounds end branded 25 on the let b shoulder. S.uiie str iyert (roin the farm of John I'rookhouss whic'i Ia situated six miles beyond Tutor. Liberal re ward ollered for information regarding recovery. Address S. II. WlN.VNS, mai7'lunv Dufnr, Or. l'or S.T.OO And ono dollar aud lift y weekly you can purchase 11 t'. enly-livo dollar watch or diamond at Hairy C, Liobo's, in the Yo;t block. Watches, diamonds, clocks, jewelry ami silver ware at most reasonable prices. 3 8 3c IiicyleB repaired at Maier & Ilea, ton's. 3-15U Subecrlbe for The Chronicle.