For a Nice Suit of Clothes. ranting. OTCtwnfin- or Kiuicj Vcstlus X ., 1 tr-Vr-!(i A-l e .A -y Kindly mil examine my stock of Im ported and 1) nestle Woolens. A line stock to select from. . Butts made Irom the lowest prices to the bigu est grade. j, A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. THE DALLE- . OltEGO.V, The Dalles Daily Chronicle. BOnSCRirTION l'RIBE, One week ? 15 Ono month SO One year 6 00 MONDAY - - - - MARCH 26, 1900 Gold win Smith describes Queen Elizabeth as false and perfidious, heartless and selfish, capable at times of hateful cruelty, vain and indelicate, and a virago who "spat and swore and cuffed her would-be lovers when she was past middle age and the last traces of Iter youthful comeliness had lied." Yet she had remarkable arts of popularity when she chose to observe them and this marvelous bundle of contrarieties, who could discuss theology like a doctor of divinity and swear like a pirate, could present on occasion all the. grace of bearing and dignity of action that befits a throne. The CmtoNCLC has read somewhere a story that presents this last phase of her character in Gne relief. A Frenchwoman, who was attached in some way to the roval household. was detected in a conspiracy that 1 aimed at the assassination of the queen. The womnn was arrested and ordered into the queen's pres ence. '"Ungrateful wretch," said Elizabeth, "what should I do to a miscreant like you?" "Does your majesty," said the Frenchwoman," "apeak to me as a judge or an a queen?" "I speak to you," said Elizabeth, "as a queen." "Then you should forgive me," was the answer. "But," said the queen, "if 1 forgive you what assurance can you give me that you will not re new your attempts against my life?" "Grace," responded the French woman, "that bath conditions, grace fettered by precautions, is not grace." This bold response, It is said, so pleased Elizabeth that she promptly ordered the woman's release from custody and ever after bound her to her person by the ties of gratitude and affection. Tin: CinioNioi.i: 13 affected to tears through watching tho Oregonian's tender caresses of Joe Simon. In the light of a well-remembered past, what can it mean? Isn't there n prove! b about Herod and Pontius I'll ute clinking glasses to each other when they had made up their minds to crucify somebody? Or is the Orcgonian betraying Mr. Simon with a kiss that it may nail the little senator to the cross later on? ' fnf7 Tho Puerto liico relief bill passed tbo senate Saturday by n vote of 1IJ5 to 87. The vote was on party lines except that n fow Democrats and Independents voted with the Itepub licans. The bill was promptly signed by tbo president and took effect immediately. It turns over to the president for the use of Puerto Rico over $2,000,000 of customs receipts collected on Puerto It lean goods up to' January, lit last, and tuoli amounts M may hereafter accrue until other 1 wlic nroviifail by Inw. The passage of tlic bill Is n generous net (lono to n needy nn1 suffering people It ought to convince the Puerto Kicnns and our Amcrtcnn nntis, too, if they wore susceptible of conviction that the United States has no im perialistic intentions towards her new dependencies and no notion of ex ploiting them for her benefit. , "The Democratic paper nt The Dalles makes a prediction that the nominees of its political fnilh 'will serve Wasco county the next two years.' Any one who cares to test the value of the prophecy should watch the returns from "Wasco county the morning of June rth," s.tys the Orcgonian. The Observer says: "Mr. Moody has succeeded in tabling all tho oily schemes for leasing the public do main; and transferring it to gamblers; but no relaxation should follow on the part of the people. "Watch tho Salt Lake congress, next month, for some more funny business." The Sumpter people call it "erup tive disease." Moro folks still cling to the eat Her nomenclature, "Filipino itch." Ordinary l-'allliif; Kyeslclit Is by some regarded as alarming, by others, treated too carlessly. All eyes begin to fail nt -10 years of age; some have trouble a year or two before that time--the majority not until after. From 30 to -15 is the time you should consult a competent optician in order to start right, otherwise several dangers confront you, among which is that ter rible disease, glaucoma, which leads to total or partial blindness. It is estimated that GO per cent of all cases of glaucoma are duo to the "put tin? off" tiie use of glasses after failure begins. Scientific examination free by Theodoro II. Liebe, optician, nest door east of First National Bank on Second street. An Honest Medicine for La Urlnrie. George V. Wait, of Gardner, Me., gays: ''I have had the worst cough, cold, chilis nnd prip and have taken lots of trash of no account but profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's cough Remedy is ttie only thine that has douo any goad whatever. I have used one bottle of it and the chills, cold and grip have all left me. 1 congratulate the tnanu- f-'ctur rs of an honest medicine." For sale by itlakeley & Houghton. Dissolution of Partnership. The business heretofore existing under the firm name of Lane Bros., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. L. L. Lane will conduct the business at the old stand, nnd collect all accounts and pay all bills of the firm. All parties knowing themselves indebted to the firm are requested to settle as soon as possible. The Dalles, Or., March 1, l'JOO. L. L. Lane, lm-dAw N. M. Lane. Sain in Your Check. All countv warrants registered prior to June 3, 1S90, will be paid at my' office. Interest ceases after February. 2, 1900. C. L. PiULLIPB, Countv Treaenrer. For Sale. Turkey eggs. Price 00c a setting. In quire of Mrs. W. W. Kaweon, on 3-Mile. Long distanco phone 943. tnch21-2tvks Why pay f 1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. I'atton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for h years. Clark & Falk, ogente. mI7-2 We Put... every bit of twonty years experience and drug knowledge with every j Prcseription j that's compounded hbre. Is it any reason why j our prescription businoss , is increasing so vimifllv? . t j . Ask your physician if wo are reliable. BLflKELEY & HOUSHTON. Koliablo Proscriptionists t u.jt i DKFAKT I vol: unit $r!ti:nui.K. Fkom Dalles. AnntVK l-'BOM. Sidt Lake, Denver, Kt. Worth, (Imalu, Kun City, St. ljoule, Chicago ntul KaJt. rt Mill Si 65 1 Hi Mali 11:45 v. m. I'lyer 7:Ui p. ru. mum , iiiui, riiuMitii',, .MlnneniHilIs. St. l'nlll. Bpniiiuio Vljcr. iiii In th, Mlluivukee.l -1:3) h. hi Chlweo and Knst. S ni. t p. m. Kr.OM l'OKTLAND. Ocean Steamships. Kor tnn l-'rancln'o December 3. S, 13, IS, 2-5 nnu . Sp. m. Kx.&undny Saturday 10 1.. in. -I p. m. l.'x.buiulaj Columbia Uv. Steamers, To Astoria and Way Lundlng. fin. m. , Willauktik litvnn. 1:30p.m. Kx.fcunday'OreRon City. Nevberff,Ex.sundaj I Salem k Way Iviud's. 7 a. m, ' W I LL.V M E7TK AND J'am- 3:S0 1. m. Tues.Tlmr. mix Kivers. :Ion.,Ved and Sat. Orrpou City, Dayton, and Fri. 1 and Way-I-audlUKs. 6 a. m. TucTliur, and Sat. Willamette Uivkb. M:S0 p. m. l'ortlnm! to C'orvallls,i Mon. Wrd and Way-Landlngi. and Friday I SNAKE IltVKIl. Hlparla to Ixjwiston. I.KAVK Lkiviston j ilaily S:S0u. in. I.v rtlparla daily l.-.'J a. m. I'artles ileMiniK to co to lleppner should take No. 4, leaving The Dalles at 7:05 p. la making direct connections at Heppner junction Hoturnliig makiuKdlrcctcotiucction at Ueppuer junction with No. 1. milling at The Dalles at j:65 p m. No. v.-, tnrousht freight, east bound, does not carry passengers; arrives -J:i0 a. m., departs 3:60 a. m. No. l'l, local freight, carries passengers, cast bound; arrives l;aui. ni., dcparuh:15 p. m. No. 21, west bound through freight, does not carry passengers; arrives s:13 p ni., departs UiSOp. m. No. 23. west bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 5:10 p. m., departs 8:30 a. in. For full particulars call on O. 11. A: N. t'o.'s ajent The Dalles, or address W. H. HUni.UL'ItT, Oen I'd. Azt Fortliml. Or. Important Announcement to you.- For 30 days after April lt, I will sell all the Dry Goods, Clothing, lionie and Shoes, Hosiery, Hlnnkets, Hats and Caps, on a cut in price of 25 per cent, for Cash. Now i? ynnr opnortunity to get bar gains. Ihm't miss it. S. L. BROOKS, Succeseor to E. J. Collins & Co. T. BROWN HILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notary Puolio. Collections promptly nttonded to. Money to loan. C. E. Bayard's of fice, The Dalles, Oregon. p. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor, Second & Laugbliu. 'Phone 157 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and olds mturo in strengthening and recon structing tho exhausted digestive or fans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. Ho other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in- ftantly relieves and permanently cures yspepala, Indigestion, Heartburn. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea! BickHeadache,Gaatralgla,Cramps,ano1 all other results of Imperfect digestion. - Prepared by E. C DcWItt Co.. cfclcaf FBKD. W.WllJiON. ATTOttNBV.AT LAW, THE DM.1 Me, OREGON Oftloe avei Vint Wt. Bin. Complete of Drus at M. Z. DONNELL, THEjDRUGGIST. BI?OS ( Wagon and Cnrringo Work. Fi3h Brothore' Wngon. x Third anil Toffrn'mi Phnnn"1;Q k, 1U11U UUU UUUUk Mill 1 11UIIU AiJJ H' 1 ..GflflS. fMM- Bufcehers and Farmer's "..Exchange.. Keeps on ilraucht tho celebrated fOl.L'MIlIA I1KKU, HCkiioivl eilKitl tho be-st bit-r In The Dulles, HtthouMiiil pilee. (,'omo In, try It nml be ronvluceil, Alio tho Finest bra nils of Wines, l.l-juor nnd Cliturs. Sandwiches of nil Kinds always on hand. C. F. Stephens ...Dealer In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes. Huts, Caps, Notions. ARt. for Vi, 1.. Iouk1us Hhoe. Telephone No. 88. Mtfctcoiiiiat., The Dalles, Or, Just What Nuw ideas in Wall Paper hero. Such wide variety aa wo nro showing riavur be fore graced a Binule stock. Jteul imltii. tion creton effects ut ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful coloring, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of houso paints. D. W. VAjUSE, Third St. B B HUNTINOTON H IVIUOM HUNTINGTON WILSON. ATIOKNEYH AT LAW, Oxce ortr Flnt Nat. Iiank BlecKiit ...AND... Horsssnoers mi1 Jm ' 1 le.iuur.t IowIiir n-hfiliilr, M hciliilo without Str. ncBiitntor. (t.lmllcil Uiullni?.) Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. DOWN, I.v. Diillos nt S A M. Tlll'MtllV 111-. I.v. l'ortl.iiiil lit 7 A. M. Moiulny . .Wdliio'iiiiy . . rtlilny Arr. DiiIIch lit 5 i-. Mi !, TIM mlu y .... I Haturiiiiy. .. . i , ii.t.ii.iini ft, atfi'v. M. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE R Tmvcl by tlu- Htcumcr nt tho ItOKiilntor I.liu. - tj' tons tho liqst ROtvlcn possible. lMrtbiml Olllco, Oiik-Htrcot Dock. W. k , a . C. J. STUBLING- Wholesale and Retail Vines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WmSKEYJnini '-V7f to iflMH) jwr uullon. (4 to 15 yoarH old.) " iTlPORTED OOMAO from $7.00 to lLM)0pwirall(jiT. (11 to tiO yt-itrH olil OALirORNIA BRANDILB liom ;i.LT. to iHl.OO per BiTlon. 1.4 to 11 yenro old. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUOHS SOLD. OLYMPIA BEER on tlnuiKht, niul ImportKil Alu mid I'ortur. ill- 3 " I: JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIG-ARS. asco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ru kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S?m?"i1'fbbi Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton n lour. We eell our uooda lowor tliim uny hnnso in tho tnulii, mid if you don't think to call nnd uut our jinca nnd lie convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wlioa.t, Barley and Oats. Grandall & Burget DKALKKS IN 0jeS All kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes 1 Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. Tho Dalles, Or. m PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKAN8ACTA KNKltAIillANKINd IIUblNKti Lottcra of On.'dit issued aviillahlo In tho Easttirn Htr.tee. hiKht ENchnngo and Tulegrnphit Transfers sold on Now York, Cliicuu'O, bt. Louie, ban FrAiicisco, Portland Ore gon, benttlo Wash,, nnd vnrloiiK points '"Oregon and WiiHhmgton. Collections nmdo at all iiointe on fav orahlo tonus. kerviia: Ruloien VITALITY , uuo i vuun AND W1ANHOOD Cures Iinpotency, Nljht Etnisalonn nnd "nuiiK uiBeaecH, nil ellccta of uc f. uhusc, or exccBB and Indlfi crctlon. AiiorvotoitluuiHl WimhI bulldoi-. Urlnns the pink r;low to pale checks ant' rcfltores the lire of youth. liv lTinll Kili Tnnr- luivi 41 fAl ttlJt MX too to euro or rouiudtlio mouoy. NERVITA MEDICAL r.ft Clinton ft Jsokwn tf OHIOAQO, IU. REGULATOR LINE. I Pnruana i Dotnrin Unn n. A in inn urKiiiiuor i.iiio win run jor Itio i tlic C(iiiimuy rnurvliiK tho rluiit in i a notice. ennwj Str. rinlli.n ni... A "iiy, J (TollPlilnir nt .ill iv.... . fi ") ' oiiiu.) y DOWN. I.V. Diilli-t nt o:r.o ,. M. Monday . . Wfilm-ailiii' . I'rlOiiy...... Arr. I'orlliiuil (Ulll'Cttlllll) i .. i. 'a 'v. I'oillami S TlmrninT A llllltllay'S ATiDnlljifl (incciuiii) A . Tho Company will umlcnvnr to Klvc Us tt. Tor fiitthur Informiitlon mlilreis -ifli- C. ALLAWAY, Oon. Agt. . Vnl Ulats nnd Olympm Hour in bottlea ThiB Flour m riinnufucturi'd exjiniaEly for fnmll; tiou: ovury pack in L-uiirniitooil to uive Biitisfitetiot). C. S. Smith, tiu: Jp-to-dateQroeer Fresh Kggfl nnd Creamcy Itiittor a specialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J. i). Hciiknk, I'rcHlilunt. II. Jl. UK'',' pirst national Bank. THE DALLES -. - - OKauu.' A General Banking Business trnneactrd Deposits received, suhject to bigM Colleotiona made and proceeds nroinptij remitted on dv of collection. r Mi. iii.aav New York, Han FrimoUco and W i 1 4iUlU d. p. THor"oT. fio-r Eo. M. Wilmaim, Go. A. I-"""' Hi M. Bmall.