The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 24, 1900, Image 4

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Pimples Turn
to Cancer.
Boncrations back. Few peoplo are en
tirely free, (rom some taint in the blood,
and it is impossible to toll when it will
break out in the form of dreaded Can
cer. What has appeared to be a mere
f imple or scratch has developed into
he most malignant Cancer.
"I had a sovcro Cancer wUtch vras at flr:
only a tevr blotches, that I thought would
treated by several nble
physicians, but in spite
of their efforts the Can
cer spread until mycon
ditton bocamealrtrmlnjr.
-liter many months of
Ircatmcnt and (-rowing
Jsteadllv worse. 1 de-
ciucn to iry o. o. o.
which was so stroncly
recommended. The first
bottle proauceit an Ira-
firoTeraent. I continued
he medicine, and in
four months the last lit
tle scab dropped off.
Ten veara have elansod.
na not A sign or, me disease nas return eu.
B. F. WltLIAStS,
GUUburg, Miss.
It is dangerous to experiment with
Cancer. The disease is beyond the skill
of physicians. 8. S. S. is the only cure,
because it is tho only remedy which
goes deep enough to reach Cancer.
(Swift's Specific) is the only blood
remedy guaranteed Purely "Vegetable.
All others contain potash and mer
cury, the most dangerous of minerals.
Books on Cancer and blood diseases
nailed free by Swift Specific Company,
Atlanta, Georgia.
J. P. Mclnerny went down on the
boat this morning to Hood River.
Jriobert liinea. a well known ware
houseman of Heppner, was in town
J. Taylor Hill, a wealthy stockman of
Prineville, arrived in town todav on his
way to Portland.
Mrs. Polk Maya and family have gone
to their farm home in Wallowa county
lor the summer.
J. W. Gum, special agent of the Liver
pool, London A Globe Fire Insurance
Co., is in the city on business.
Frank Huott, of 8-Mile, was in town
today. Frank is making a good living
tramnini with the scattered ranchers in
Crook and Grant counties.
Tho Misses Rose and Mvrtle Michell.
I who recently visited the South and East
as w in
1 in cnniii-iriv with th Nntinnnl FMIlnrlnl
1 Association, are e-cected home on the
evening train.
Ira Henderson, of Columbus, whose
height is G feet 8 inches in his stockings
nnit who is said to be the tallest man in
Washington, is in the citv accompanied
ny airs, Henderson. We, however,
have a "baby" out in the Hakeoven
country who comes within an inch or so
of Mr. fjHfidersuri'a height and who es
ceeiiF mm in avoirdupois over one
hundred pounds. It's a cold day when
Wasco county gets left.
Christian Science meeting in small
K. of P. hall every Sundav morning at
11 o'clock.
Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. L.
Clifton, pafitor. Regular services at 11
a. rn. and 7:30 p. m. Young people's
meeting at 6:30 p. m. Sunday gchool
at 10 a. m.
Christian church Ninth and Cdtart
street", Rev. G. Rushing, past.
Preaching morning and evening, at if
a. in. and 7:30 p. ni. Sunday school at 10.
Christian Endeavor atG:4 p. m.
Lutheran church Rev. W. Brenner,
pastor. English services both morning
and evening at usual lime. German
services in the afternoon at 2:30 p. in.
Snl.ject, "Christ is SuAVing." Young
People's meeting at 0:30.
Congregational church corner Fifth
and Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor.
Morning service at tl ; subject, "The
Soul's Re:al! from an Atheistic Prc-
posal'ny tl e pastor
Sunday school at
uiiuiur r.nueavor, 4 p. m.;
Christian Endeavor, 0:30. Evening
service at 7:30 p.m. at which time a
male (jUJitel will sing.
Methodist Episcopal church Corner
Fifth and Washington, Rev. U. F.
Hawk, pastor. Services at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m. Sundav school at
10 a.m.; class meeting at the close of
morning service; Junior League at 3:30; j
Aptvortli League at 0:30, The theme
for morning discourse will be "The Seal
of tho Covenant." In the evening the
pulpit will be occupied by tiie pastor of
a sister church. Mr. A. A. GllhoUien, a
baritone singer of considerable promi
nence, will favor the audience with a
for Hale.
Turkey eggs. Price 00c a setting. In
quire of Mrs. W. W, Kawson, on S-Mlle.
long distance phone 043. inchSl 2wke
Clarko & Falk baye received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Patton
strictly pure liquid paints
' DispatcS From Bntowan.MHe M
the Relief or the Garrison at Mafc
king is Now Further Off
Than Ever.
Kruger is Said to Have Issued Proclama
tion That 'England Is In Dire Dis
tress and That Russians Occupy
London, March 23 Colonel Plnmer
apparently has retired to'Crocodile Pools
and Mnfekingseetn8 farther off than ever
from relief. This news was contained
in a dispatch from Bulnwayo, dated
March 10, and published in the second
edition of the Times. These advices add
that the base hospital has been brought
back to Gabcrones, though the corres
srondent further says it is thought the
object of tho Boer demonstration of
March 15 and 1G was to cover the re
moval of the siege guns from Mnfeling.
General French's activity in the Orange
Free State may well be preliminary to
a forward movement by Lord Roberts,
with the main army.
A dispatch from Bloemfontein, dated
March 22, says that President Kruger,
is reported to iiave issued a proclamation
declaring that Great Britain is in dire
distress and that the Russians have oc
cupied London.
A Springfontein telegram published
in the second edition of the Times, says :
"The apparently submissive attitude
of Free Staters should be accepted with
caution. The large proportion of obsolete,
inferior weapons being turned in by
them to the British isgiving the inipree
eion that large stores of modern Maueers
are being concealed."
The "Outlook" special correspond
ent at Cape Town says :
"Feeling is runningstrong against the
leniency with which the rebels of Cape
Colony and Natal are being treated by
the British authorities."
Nkw Yohk, March 23. A dispatch to
the Tribune from London, March 23d
6 a. m.,, says: No confirmation has
been received of a very sensational
rumor emanating from the Boer camp
at Krnnnstad that General Gatacre and
his etaiT. with a number of guns, have
been captured by Commandant Olivier
As a matter of fact, a News telegram
from Springfontein shows the British
general to have been there at a dato
later than that of his alleged capture.
London March 23. According to a
special dispatch from Cape Town, dated
today, General French's cavalry brigade
is fighting eastward of Bloemfontein.
III Life IVn laved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful
deliverance from a frightful death. In
telling of it he says: "I wan taken with
Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia
Jiy inriifs uecimo hardened. 1 was so
weak I could'nt even sit up in bed
Nothing helped me. I expected to soon
die of consu mptiun, when I heard of
Dr. King's New Discovert'. One bottle
gavo great relief. I continued to use it,
and now am well and strong. I can't
say too much in its praise." This
marvelous medicine is the surest and
quickest cure in the world for all throat
and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakelev
A Houghton's drugstore; every bottle
Notice of I'W.nlutlon.
Notice Is hereby given that the firm
of Fouts A Johannsen has this day been
dissolved by mutual consent, P. F. Fouts
retiring from eaid firm. The husinetp,
heretofore conducted by the Eaid Eouts
Jhannsen,will 'from now on bo owned
and managed by C. P. Johannsen. The
said Johannsen will sol'ect all accounts
due said firm and will pay all bills due
Dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this
10th day of March, 1000.
P. F. Fours,
rnlO-lm C. P.Johan.shk.v.
Rev. W. E. SiUer, W. Canton, N. Y
writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty
years, and tried doctors and medicines
without benefit. I was persuaded to use
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped toe
from the start. I believe it "to be a
panacea 'or all forms of indigestion," It
digests what ycu eat.
Clarke A Falk have on snlo a full line
of paint and artist's brtiahee.
Use Clarko Falk'squiuine hair tonic
to keep dandruff from the head.
A full line of Eastman films ami sup
plies just received by Clarke A Falk.
You will not have boils If you tako
Clarko & Falk'a sure cure for boils.
Clarke A Falk'a flavoring extracts are
tho beat. Aak your grocer for them.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Glurki
A Falk.
DoWltt's Witch Har.el Salve is tin
equalled for piles, injuricslJund skin
diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel
Salve. Bewaro of all counterfeits.
To secure the original witch hazel
salve, ask for DoWitt's WitchJIHt.u
Salve, well known as a certain euro for
piles and skin diseases. Beware of worth
less counterfeits. They are dangerous
Lewis Ackerman, Goshen. Ind says,
"DeWitt's Little Early Risers always
bring certain relief, euro my headache
and nevor gripe." They gently; cleanso
and invigorato the bowels and liver.
"I used Kodol DyspepsiaHCure in my
family with wonderful results. It gives
immediate relief, is pleasant to take and
is trulv the dyspeptic's best friend,"
SHva E. Ilartgorink, Overisel. Mich.
Digeats what you eat. Cannot fall to
Vtocklioldtira Meet Iiir.
Notice ia hereby given that there will
be an annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of Tho Dalles, Portland & Astoria
Navigation Co., at their oflic3 Saturday,
April 7, 1900, at 2 p. m., for tho purpoee
of electing seven directors, and trans
acting such other business as may prop
erly come before said meeting. By
order of the president.
The Dalloa, March 15, 1000.
L. E. Ci'.owk, Secy.
Eggs retail at 12!2 cents per dozen at
Maier & Benton's.
Clark A Falk's drug stock is new
fresh and complete.
Biaycle sundries and'tiahing tackle at
Maier A Benton'e. .' lotf
Ladies and children's sun bonnets, 25c
at New York Cash Store.
Ash your grocer for Clarke A Falk's
pure concentrated flavoring rxtracte.
Peters New Victor smokelesn sheila to
be bad only at Maier A Benton'e. 3 lotf
M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says,
"DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the
very lieat pills I ever uaed for costiveuess,
liver and bowel troubles."
Bigley Bros., have purchased a
throughbred Jersey bull, registered
stock. For particulars apply at resi
dence on Tenth street, near the fair
grounds. Phone 381. 3 G-lino
Wm. Orr, Newark, O., says, ' "We
never feel fafe without One Minute
Cough Cure in tho house. It saved my
little boy's life when he had the pnen
monia. We think it ia the heat medicine
made." It cures coughs and all lung
diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and
gives immediate results.
A girl to do general house work inn)
small family. Apply at this office. tf
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at tl e
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mcli25-if
A flno shirt needa fine laundry work
to make it look nice and wear well.
Just the saimi with your other garments.
We do not ure any injurious chemicals
do not rot out your linen and can save
you 20 per cent of the wear your gar
ments usually sustain.
Glad to have yon try our work. No
laundry too small. Laundiiv Co.
'Phone 3-11 brings tho team. 31-2w
me ColumDia Packingco.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
Imica I
Axle J
I helps the team. Saves wear and 1
cxiieusc. Sold everywhere. M
Sheriff's Sale.
lly virtue-or an cxwillmi UmiciI out of Hie
Cltcult Court of IlieStiiU! of Ort-tnti for Uhmo
(' a suit therein pending wherein Mnltli
Kronen li plalntllV iiliil "'incline. liijvla. .Mm.
:ora K. Comm. Mrs. IJmIo J. Karri, hllas K.
Davis. William II. lnvls, Mrs. Tina Maliimev,
Killer Davis, Mr. Annette K. McNeill, nil; 1 11.
3. Lauglillii, administrator ol Ihoi'-tatool hlliut
V. Davis, deceased, tuo defendants to me ill
reeled and minni'itnllng mo to sell rcrta n reiil
iirinrl therein ilcsertlnd, I will at 'J ortti'K,
1 M., on the
SOIIi day ur April, IIMIO,
nt the Court House door In llalles I'lly, Oregon,
sell at nubile sate to the blithest bidder foi cash
In hand all of the Interest of ouch and all of ho
above named defendant In and to the followhiK
described tract ot land situated In said County
to satisfy t:ie several sums hereinafter named,
towlt: Tho north half of tho nortliHt'-t ciuartcr
ami tho north half of the northeast ipiarter and
the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter
and the northeast quarter of tho southeast qirir
ter of section II, township ',' north, Illinois
east. W. M., to satisfy tho sum of $10X7 and In
terest at tl per rent per annum from March l.'dh,
m. mm tno mini oi fw -..J aim uiieresi uiiriim
nt 10 percent per minimi from said date, and
thosiim of HJII.'.il and Interest at III percent
rer annum from Mild date, and .W.(X attorney's
ivt'i. and t(U() costs and disbursements and
Interest thereon from said date at li per cent
lr annum and the accrulm; costs, ami ii7i.ji
and Interest nt the raloof tl) percent per annum
frnm snlil ilntn. nml Slav,. IS and Interest thereon
at 10 per cent per annum from said date; anil
thOMmthwest quarter of tho northeast quarter,
and the northwest nliarlcr of the southeast
quarter of said sect! in II, township 'J north,
ranjro VI east, to satisfy tho sum of tll.n) and
(uteres: thereon at the rat2 of 6 per cent tier
annum irom Jiarcn u, iuv, ami me uiishiishcu
balance of said sums of sr'U.K, .W(W, 116.10,
f'M.j'ii. tfi7i.-il and Sl.' ami interest upon
each respectively, as aforesaid; and also lot I,
of block oof Dalles City, Orccon, to satisfy tho
sum oi fd'J.Si nml interest inereon at mo raie in
0 per cent per annum frtim March ir, 1IW,
and the unsatisfied portions of said sunn. IH71.-
21, liatt.M, J.XW.U), lOCia), ll'ill.K! and llii. H,
and the Interest upon eaeh rcsiiectlvely. as
afori'Milil. Haid sale will be for cash In hand to
tho hlRheU nldilcr.
Dated this 17th day of March, lmw.
m'"M Shcrln'of Wasco county, Or,
Land Offick atTiik 1ai.i.k.Oiikoon,(
March 10, limf
Notice Is hereby clven that the followlnu
named settler has lilul notice of his Intention to
make final proof In supiort of his claim, and
that said proof will ho made before the register
anil receiver at ine imiicj), urcKon, on Raiuruay
.Mny r.Kv, viz.:
llelnrich Lubhing.of The D.illes.Or.,
H. K. No. IS7J, for the NWJ-i, section 17, town
shin 1 north, range VI east. VV. M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
Ms continuous resilience upon, ami cultivation
of Mid land, viz.:
John StcKinan, Henry Klddcll, Michael Doyle,
unaries Humeri, an oi inu uaurs, mcgou.
I AY T. l.UCAa.
mafJI-ii Kcgistcr.
Land Offick atIiik Dalles, OinciiOM,'
Kebruiiry i.'C, iwe.t
Notice Is hereby r.tven that tho followlni:
namcd setller lias lilts', notice of his Intention
to make filial proof In support of Ids claim, and
that said proof will lie made btforellio ItcKlster
aim iicccivcr at ine i-aiics. urcKon. on batur
day. April 7, I900, U.
John Frederick Walthor, of The Dalles
11. K. No. 5.W3, for the NWlt Sec. II, township
1 south, ranxe hi cast, V. M.
He mimes the followim.' wltiif sc.s to nrovo
iiiseoiiiiiiuous resilience upon nun cultivation
of salt! Nml, viz:
'V. wolf. John Ob! st. r rank Obr sr. Wll lam
uorist, an or ino Danes, tiri-xoi:.
fcliS-l JAY 1'. 1.UCAH, IttitUtcr.
V. 8. Land Offick, atTiu: Dai.lks, Ohk.,
Notice Is hereby bIvcii that the followlne-
uanusl settler ha.stlUsI notice of his Intention to
make Dual proof in support of his claim, and
that said pnoI will bo made before the Iteulsicr
ami ueceiver at ine Dalies, urexon, on '.Vednes
day, April I, HXXJ.vI-:
Williani C. Clark, of The Dalles, Or.
Homestead Kntrv No. fori, for thoSWl-.. section
11, township l ninth, ranxc II east, W, M.
He names the following witnesses to nrm-n liiu
(ontinuouH residence iiK)ii ami cultivation of
said land, viz:
Albert Turner, Charles 'iosson, Charles Kmlth,
C. A. (ilbsou, all of 'Ihu Dalles, Orevou.
JAY I'. I.Ul'AS,
MM I Iteiiister
Notice Is berehv clven that tbn iiitili.rkleiu-.!
has U'C'li dulv aimoluud adiiilnislrutor nl tho
estalo of J. (J. lluldwln, oi-eenusj. ,u irsona
Imvliifr clilms aualntt said estate are hereby
notified to present the same, properly verllltd,
in uiuorui my aiiorncys, lillllir .V .sicncil-e, in
Tho Dalles, Onuon, within six mouths from the
iiaicoi mis nonce.
Dated this lltli day of February, laoo.
K. H. JIKUltir.h,
dectuscd. febl"-ll
Notice Is hereby Riven that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the county court ol
the stato of OreKoii for Wasco county, o.xtcutor
with the will annexed of tho last 111 of llrv
Jane Ueezluy. deceased. All H;rsons havlin?
claims vcalnst said estate are hereby iiotllleil'to
present them to me with (Improper vouchers 'at
ntr nMlna 1. Tl... . . i.,.,.. .
"""- ' l'llli IIK" Wlllllll nl.
months from the dale thereof.
Dated Feb. SI, I1W.
'el.'l-ll Kxecntor.
Notice Is herein- iriven Hint Hw. ii,in.
hari been aplnfcd by tho county court, of tho
n.o.uvi jivKuii,uir iiuuijeoiiuiy,aiimilllsrator
fortho estate of Patrick Hmwil, dweawd. All
ikjmoiis havltiR claims iijriilnst said eiUto are
hereby notllled to present said claims, proptrly
yerllled, to mo at tho ofllco of riliiuott it hliiuott,
In Da les Clly.Orc., within tlx monthi from the.
dato thereof.
Dated January 23, Vm.
TriApc Marks
OostvniaMTB Jkr..
Anronn wndlng a sketch and description ma
qiilcUlf oscerUIn our opinion freo niiether
iiTantlon a probably iiatenublo. Communlc
lions irlctjrcont)ilenlll. Handbook on I'atentV
wilt froe. Olilest airency for sccurlim patents.
I'atei.U Ukn tGrouih Munn AWreWvo
tfictal rwtk, without cbame, in tho vvv'"u
SckMific nmam.
A handsomclr lllnitrated WMklr. I.srgest dr.
mlallon of any fclwtldo Journal, Terms, $3 a
t2Ar1f2Sr Bow brail nswadeilers.
Ofllco over French b Co.'a Uank
Circulars mid pnr'.icnlare furiilahcd on application.
F. S. GUNNING, Agent,
MANLTACTt'ltlllt Ol'
High-Grade Stock Saddles
and Shop-Made Harness.
TontB, Whkoii Covers, and nil articles usually
kept in n lirat-clnsa ImrnoeH ehnfi.
Aloody'a Warclioiite,
Yellowstone Park Line.
Tin: iiinino ;au Horn: kuom I'outi.and
Till: ONLY JllltliCT MNK totiik yki.low.
HI O.N l: 1'AltK
No. '.'.
Union Depot, Firth and I sis!
No. 1
iiiuuur unn ooillli iiciki,
lioliiU, Kpoknnu, ItukN.
land, II. u 1'iiUniuii, 1
Mom-ow, U-whton, lliif-i
Jalolliinii.inlnlnKcoiiii.l 5;.VJ V, M.
try, llclcnu, illniifaiii).,
l. Bt. Paul, Oiniilm,1
KaiitHN Clly, Ht. Julall
CIiIcoko and all polntHi
cast anil miiiihi.uMt v..
U;1S A.M.
No. i.
I'liijet Komnl ICxprt-kHl
for 'luconia and boattlo 700 A. M.
ud liitctmcdlato polutu
lliSO 1', M
l'lllllimn OrMf.,lDub .... .
IKS i::?? ?.' ..
InLnl u .1. . I. ' """""llii 'IVrUII IUVOI latlOr.
wrlto "0;'1"K t:"r rwwvmiuiw, to call im or
Afcilntant (iuiifral Pa!oiniKcr AKeut, li MorrUou
Hticet, corner Tlilrd, Portraiid, Ore2'iii.
I HBipl f
Norn Pali;
f."jL'J-ill tot for
NNO OO.PkUa.i'a.
Job Printeps.
and Motors
This Stamp a Guarantee
of Quality.
SOUTH and EAST via
Souinera Pacific Eo.
Shasta Route
Trains Icnvo Tlio Dallea for I'ortl.mJ "'i'1
Btatlons nt Ui' u. m. mid :i p. in.
Leave Portland, .....
" Albany
Arrive Adliland
" Hacraiiiviito
" Han KrancUco . . . .
.ia:C0 a m lu:Wp
.tiisurn HiMjjJ
. ftiinipi'1 ii)82
. 7il.-pm :i:,B
Artlvo Ogdou ......
" Dun vor ......
" Knniuia City .
,. 6; Ham tt'to
V. o:im :?
7-i'mlii 7:i'w
7ii5u..i !
Arrlvo Loh Aligulca .i l!V I""
KMawi7 : I' in
Fort Worth i:anum
" City ol Mexico uiMain
Ilouttoii.... litwani
New Orlt'on (iri'iiim
" Wtt.liliiHton (Ill' a m
" New York ..UsMi"''
7:00 n
i.:00 b
VI-U "
I'lillnmsi ami TourUt cars on u ' '$L
Chair car Haoramento to Oudeii mi'l Jo7i
mid toiuUt cara to ChlciiKO, Ht l"' "-w
tir..ui.i. .......
iviiiii nun unillHHluii.
Coiiiit-fltliig nt Bun KrancUco wl f
(iW.innhlp IIiioh lor Honolulu. Jl" '""
llillli,,,l,,ia l-oiilml unil Hon til AlllCI JCU.
See agent at Tho Dallea utatlon, or aildrcw
(leueral Vtnvnget Agent. I'uitlandt 0t'
Physiciau aud Suroo ,
BpeeUl atUiiitlon given to mnsery.
HoomnainudW, TO.8i VogtB