Iteitihllcn County Convention, Wash Fabrics, Flounces, Tuckings and Puffings, Our stock of Silks, Satins and Velvets is more complete than ever before, and Dress Trimmings of every description are now on exhibition. We would deem it a great favor if you would come in and look these various lines over while they are yet complete. All GocuIb Murk od In Plain FlKuron. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. J. SATURDAY - - - MARCH 24, 100 e I Dieters "tiorved In every style by JVIUI V KELLER WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. I'M. Wiimnte spent thu day delivering Hie $20,W0 worth of bonds of the now KoarinK mill to thu subscribers to that enterprise. Special services will bo hold in the Cilvery Ilupttat church overy night from tonight, Mnrch 24 to March 31. Preach fog liy Elder 0. V. Bailey. K. 0. Warren, who travels for ttio Portlrnd Cracker Company and who formerly lived in Dufur and is well known hore, waa taken auddonly ill of pneumonia a few days ago in La Grande, A new tele-phono compauy wan or Kanizeil recently at Waldron, for the PJrposo of building a line from Waldron to Fossil, and thonce to Mitoholl. It ie expected that the line will bo com pleted by Juno 1. John Hollonbock, a victim of the cup whoso contents "bito like and adder and and ating like a sorpent," wbb brought wforo Recorder Gotes this morning charged by Nightwatchman Phlrman Willi being drunk and disorderly. Two dollars, cash, settled the bill. 1'roperty onncra on Feriural atreet on he liliifi'nru laying a new sidewalk on Jue cast side of the streot-from Alvord to ay, A coating of gravel 1b being placed on tho n.nyi, Macadam and n fine '"oronghfare, apart from its unavoidable teepneaa in places, is the result. 'Kin tlio Glacier wn Innrn flint. Hum. misaiouor N. 0. Kvans arrived at his W homo at West Liberty, Iowa, to find " s mother still allvo. She is vorv low Willi paralysis and slight liopo is enter " nei of lir recovery. This is her stroku of paralysis and she- is 72 .ears of nKi, Mr. Woloh has secured n sufllciont nuinher of names to msuro tho success oi llio proposed excursion to Tho Dalles, ays Hid Astoria News, and is to bo fonitraluiated for his ouergetio effort. About 70 citizens have promised to u Ull trip, and the party will bo one will onablo Tho Dalles people to PPreolnto tho fact that Astoriaue aro -'-.y in nivor of tho portage road. h.nViry ,,lon8ftnt birthday party waa "7 -Wlit at tho residence of Mr., jn Mrs. William Brune, norois the "w, In honor of the twelfth anniversary birth of their only daughter, Miss hnl u' "ly "iX UtUe Mt W6re Pre8e0t i they i,ad as much fun as if there had ARE NOW PREPARED to show our cus tomers a full line of the Choicest of Cotton Shirt Waists, Laces and Embroideries, PEASE bsen tixty. The littlo hostess whb the recipient of numerous picsentB from her littlo gucRta and their and her own paronts. The guests wero JoBeplin and Verno Curtis, Fay Korlck and Victoria and Alma Brune. Charles E. Hicks, a newspaperman from Pendleton, is in the city and made this office a fraternal visit today.Mr. HickB hao completed an-nugcriTents for publishing n nr yiiiiiipTTfTTlii' new town of BliBiiiWJ 'And expects the first issue to appeal.BlmultaIJuousy., with jijfs eum pletion of tho Columbia Southorn to that point. "ljjfe papuVtwill be called the Shnniko Illahev, andf euphony will in sure circulation the Shuniko Illutiee ought to nval the Crjgonian. Mr. Hicks ia an experienced newspaper man and happily for himself and the future of hie paper he is a staunch Republican, and In this regard will be in complete harmony with the Shaniko environ ment. AnturlmiH Comliic. Tl'e following letter, which explains itself, was received here this morning. A mooting of the directors of the Com mercial club Iihh been called for tomor row noon to make arrangements for the reception of tho AetorlauB. The club rooms will bo thrown open to the visi tors, and tho club will do all in its power to give thorn a fitting welcome, but as a little-money will bo neoded and tho club is not in a particularly ple thoric condition at preeeut, the liberal ity of the citir.ens may be appealed to for additional help. Let us take pride In giving tho Aatoriaus a gonerous wel come : Ahtohia, March 22, 1000. Mr. Frank Menofee, Secretary. Dalles Commercial Club: i'n. tin imriKiRH of liRi'oniliiL' better acquainted with our Sister City aud the Columbia river nna its improvements, the Astoria Chamber of Commerce and the Astoria Progressive Commercial Association have arranged an excursion nut which will reach vour city about noon on the 27th inst., (about HO in tho party) leaving mo wanes iur Astoria, at 1 p. m. onnho 28th. B. Va.nduhkn, Pres. Astoria Chamber of Com. J. L. Pakkkk, Pros. Astoria Progressive Com. As sociation. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of Wuiltcil. A girl to do general housework. Ii. qulre of Mrs. A. It. Thompson. m21-3t Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget' -this. & MAYS An InturnHttiic l'l-rHouullty Gimp. Communicated. Tho removal by death of Mrs. Mar garet M'Kuy, at Pendleton, hajlpi from earth one of the most interiWng personalities. A lady by grace of birth and kculture, of exquisite refinement though of retiring modesty, she graced every circle she ever entered. She waa born in tho Red River coun try the decendant of a long line of governors, rulers and explorers. The name of her ancestors is borno by frozen rivers and frontier posts of tho extreme Northwest. At the time of her girlhood Fort Garry, now Winnipeg, was the eeat of the best efforts to establish civiliza tion in those remote regions. The "Bishop's school" at Fort Garry waB oflicered by the most skilled of English teachers, aud to that school the young Mise Campbell was sent. Her exquiBite pen.nanahlp had often attracted tbe at tention of the present writer. I spoke of it .to her once. She said in reply, "1 have been whipped more often about my writing, than about anything." So true ia it that as the years change, so do manners change and teachers too. It would bo hard to conceive of any instructor trying to put arguments into a child through their tender ekin or eoft muscle, of the impropriety of careless penmanship. And this system we must suppose was applied to other studies as well as copy book exercises. Yet this must be said, tliut In Margaret Camp bell's case, the system did good work. What she knew bIio knew thoroughly, and In overy department of life that she waa called on to till, was well fitted for her work as wife, mother aud home maker. During her residence in The Dalles, she was a devoted member of the Con gregational church, of this city. She came to Oregon iu 1855, by the Hudson Bay trails, with her brother-in-law, Mr. James Sinclair, and her slstor. Mr. Sirclair waa killed at the Cascades dur ing the Indian outbreak of that year. Miss Campbell and her elster having been left here, were paved. Dull Headache, Pains iu various partB of the body, Sinking nt the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, Pimples or Sores all positive evidences, of impure blood. No iniutor how it became so it must bo purified in order to obtain good health . Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood dlaeases. It Ir ceitainly a wonderful remedy and wo sell every bottle ou u positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough ton's drug store, lllHiuurtiU'H Iron Netve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found whero stomach, liver, kidneys and bowols are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life PiIIb. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. 2 (Concluded from yesterday's paper.) After the nomination of county offi cers recces wa9 taken to give tho dele gates of the several precincts tho op portunlty of nominating precinct of ficers. Tneee were reported as follows and formally ratified by the convention. Committeemen: Antelopo, H. 0. Hooper; Bakeovcn, F N Jones j Tygh, J L Elwood; Falls, Hood River, F L Stranahan Hood Itiver, C L Rodgers; Hood River, C E Markbam ; ;West East South Bald- win, H H Tomlinson; West Dalles, M Z Donncll ; Trevitt, Max J'ogt; Big elow, Chas Stephens; East Dalles, II Rico; Mosier, E B Wood ; Eight-Mile, H Mnhear; Columbia, H Gilpin ; Viento, Chas T Early; Dufur, P W Khowles; Ramsey, W H H Dufur; Boyd, II Hud son ; Nansene, F C Clausen ; DiiechutcF, J C Johnson; Kingsley, E Williams; Mountain, O L Walter; Wamic, John End ; Oak Grove, 0 L Paquct. Other precinct officers : Btldwin Justice of tho peace, Gcorgo Dimmick; constable, Bert Sandman; supe'rvieor road district No 35, A B Bill ings; No 7, Warren Cooper. DeEchntes Justice of the peace, Gus Neiderberger; constable, supervisor, J P Bolton. The Dalles Justice of the peace, T T Brownhill ; constable, Frank Hill ; super visor road district No. 13, A P Vance; No. 10, Alec Frasier; No. 25, Andrew McCabe; No. 8, Peter Agidius. Mosier Justice of the peace, L J Davenport; constable, -Chas R Stark; supervisor road diiatriet No. 0, V C Young; No. 10, Robt Dinsmore. Tygh Justice of the ptace Asa Stog dill ; constable, M M Morris; supervisor road district No. 28, Jae Gilmoie; No. 29, C L Morris. , Viento Justice of tho peace, J W Wallace; constable, R J Tucker. Nansene Justice of the peace, F C Clausen; constable, E L Craft; super visor, E A Uaynes. Falls Justice of the peace, W Lahy; constable, II Wicks ; supervisor, Boyd Justico of che peace, J L Rich ards; constable, ; supervisor, J D Bell. . Mountain Justice of tbe peace, D Nelson ; constable, J C Matney; super visor road district No. 14, W H Wolfe. EaBt Hood River Justice of the peace, CJ Hay ncs; constable, E S Ollinger; supervisor, Sam Harbison. West Hood River Justico of the peace, same; constable, same; super visor road district No. 2, Warren Miller. South Hood River Justice of the peace, T J Cuming; constable, Harry Bailey; supervisor road district No. 4, Fred E Bailey ; No. 5, D S Crapper. Wamic Justice of the peace, E II Wheeler; constable, John Ledford; supervisor road distric No. 3, J E Ken nedy. Kingsley Justice of the peace, ; constable, ; supervisor road district No. 27, L Patenude ; No. 20, L Rondeau. Dufur Justice of the peace, L B Thomas; constable, Amos Gregg; super visor, Sam Edmondson. Ramsey Justice of tbe peace, ; constable, , super visor, J M McConnell. Eigtt-Mile Justice of the peace, T W Fligg ; constable, J W Dixon ; super visor road district No.. 10, W Endersby. Columbia Justice of the peace, constable, ; supervisor, . Oak Grove Justice of tho peace, L B Kelly; constable, 0 L Paquet; super viBor, It A Laugblin. M P Isenberg, in a neat compli mentary speech, nominated H L Kuck for re-election as chairman of the county central committee and the proposition was carried with a whoop. The following resolutions were sub mitted and carried with great enthusi asm : Resolved : That this Convention in dorse the time-honored principles of the Republican party and point with pride to their exemplification in the present unparalleled prosperity of the country. Resolved: That the indomitable on ergy displayed by Congressman M. A. Moody iu behalf of tho people and the gratifying success that has hitherto crowned his labors, entitle him to re nomination at the hands of tlte Repub licans of tho Second Oregon congression al district. A vote of thanks was then extended to the chair and the other officers of tbe convention; somebody called for three cheera for "Old Glory," and thus ended the most harmonious political convtn tiona ever held in The Dalles or any whero els?. Cuugruliilutlons mi (I Tliauki, The following telegram was received today : Washington, D. 0., March 23, '00. F. E. BitoNHON, The Dalle?, Extend my hearty congratulations to tho county nominees. Express to the members of tho Convention my grateful appieclation of their valued endorsement, M. A. Moody. Girl wanted, to do general housework. Inquire at this office. mch20-lwk ii'i n mim.iliilint tin iH'U'H ti h imtm.iuu.Kititiiinn.t i V- - 5 - fltTiiitm'ti in itTni'ii i Miiii'iiV't't' Afccfable Prepnralionfo'r As similating ihcFoodandBeguIa ting (he Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digcslion.Chcerfur ness and Hest.Con tains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Hot Ti arc otic . terpe aroUHrSAKUELPtKHCR HanJan Seal' Mx.Senna AditUtSmltt- H&rpSrtd CtatRtiSttMr hhlnyrm ftrnvx Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa Hon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK". EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. lasal In all its elageo tliero should bo cleanliness. Ely's Creani Balm cleanses, soothes and heals the diseased membrane. It cures catarrh and drives away a cold in the head quickly. Cream Balm Is placed into the nostrils, spreads over tho membrane and is absorbed. Relief is Im mediate aud a cure follotvs. It is not drying docs not produce sneezing. Large Size, 50 cents at Drug gist? or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall. B!V IXWniERS, 50 Warren Street, New York. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Ten. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes ycu eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggist'1. Wanted. A girl or women that Is a good cook and housekeeper. Good wages to the right parly. Inqniro at 282 Third street. mlU-tf Early Rose potatoes at Maier & Ben ton'e. V The "Kingsbury" stiff hate, 1900'S unblock, are ready for your inspection,')! kat the Now York Cash Store, and the'S Kprice is only $3 00. To tlice wh'5 Khave worn them they need no introOj Eduction, as they know them to lej Bequal to any ft 00 hut in the maiket j IVanil ulvflfa nn.fn.ilufn Rim ulni1mr & .v. ote winnow SEEDS. CASIUR1A SEEDS. m P W W P w A Splendid Assortment of Choico Garden. Grats and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Seed Wheat, Seed O.its, Seed Hye, Seed Barley, Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn King Philip Com, - Stowell'a Evergreen Com, Karly Minnesota Corn, Kaflir Corn, Egyptian Corn, A magnificent stock of which will be sold at close and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS. SEEDS. SEEDS. r INSURE WITH THE Law Union & Clown Fire insurance Co. OF LONDON. FOUNDED 1826. CAPITAL PAID UP $7,600,000. ASSETS $20,126,036. Surplus U'jond nil Liabilities in United Stutcs $621,166.28. '1'lione ill. ARTHUR SEUFERT. Ra. Agt. The uUeb, or. ' CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the t Signature rv Jfv In hjr Use vJ For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CCNTAUN COMPANY, MCW YORK CITY. Did you ever hear bow K; street came to buy av?iiccl for liU'wife? weu, ue cams nomc one evening, nna saw her Bitting on tho balustrade of the porch, as shown In tho picture. Ho made up his mind then and there that, tho would look just too sweet for anything on a bicycle. And she docs. Hut tho kind of bicycle has a good deal to do with loolilr; sweet. So If you want to look rsweet, buy your wheel (as did Mr. ) of tho agent for - CRAWFORDS Golden Eagle, $25 Crawford . . . $30 Cleveland, . S40 and.$50 We hnvo handled the above lino of wheels for several years. The guarantee on the above wheels are end) that no one need to hesitate to buy either of them. ciieF & Benton Sole Agents. SEEDS. GO fed d ux 9 w fei fed a w White Hominy Corn. Early Hose Potatoes, Utirbank Potatoce, Spring Vetches, liroinu Grasp, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Poultry Food, Hco Supplies. Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of prices for CASH at the Feed, Seed SEEDS. 1 si si 5 9