From a Pastor "I am tho pastor of the Daptist Church at Tort Jervis. N. Y., anil sometimes am called upon to take part in evangelistic work away iroin nonie. rot long nso 1 went to Sandy Creek, N. Y., which is swept by the damp winds from Lake On tario. Hero I contracted a bad cough, and be came so hoarse that I could hardly preach to my congregation. It was not only distressing in a bodily sense, but extremely cmbarrassingto enter the pulpit in this condi tion. I had heard of Ack er's English Remedy and, after service, I boughtabottlcand began takingit. Tlicr.ext nightmy throat was nearly well, and I deliv ered my sermon without uimculty. In a few clays I was thoroughly cured. I conceive it to be my duty to benefit mankind physically as well as spiritually whenever I can, and am glad to write these words in praise of this grand old medicine. Those with sensitive throatsand those whocatchcold easily should certainly take Acker's English Remedy." (Signed) Rev. Eziu Tebry Sanfohd. Sold at Sc., &. anil II a bottle, throughout tho United States and Canada: and In England, at U.I.1..21.SJ.. it, 6.1. If you nro not satisfied after bus-lug. return the wine to your druggist and get your money tisci. 1I authorize the above guarantee. V- . 1100KKR A CO., Proprietor; Hem York. at PKOPLI THU ALL KNOW. C. W. Elkins, of Lyle, is in the city. J. W. Hudson, of Go'dendalr, wa9 in town yesterday. Rev. Hawk ia conflneJ t ) 1 ia 1j with chicken-pox. R. Balfour, of Lyle, is registered at the Umatilla House. Robert .Maya, Jr., of Antelope, arrived in the city this afternoon. Dr. T. M. Henderson, of the Warm Springe agency, was in town last night. A. Fleishhauer and A. Traverto, (of Cascade Locks, are registered at the Umatilla House. Leslie Butler, accompanied by Mre. Truman Butler, went to Hood River on tho boat this morning. C. M. Elkina, brother or C. W. Elkins of Lyle, and a prosperous merchant of 1'iineville, is in the city. Miss Mary Perry left on the boat this morning for While Salmon, where she will epend a few days vieiiing friends. Louie Comini, the irrepressible editor ot 111" Ltalles tomistone factory, went to the Licks this morning on business. John Fender, of Husnni precinct, Klickitat count), brought Mrs. Fender to this city today to obtain medical treatment. Frederick Eshelman and wife, of Centerville, Washington, are spending a few dvp in this city, visiting their Eon, Dr. G. C. Eshelman. Miss Christina Ntckeleen went to Port land on this morning's boat to visit her eister, Miss Clara, who is attending the uoimee nnsitiess college. I). K Stewart, a well-known business man of I'rinevill, was in the city last iiigntou his way to Liwton, wtiere he is soon to open a general merchandise Etore. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarko & Fnlk have on aalo a full line of paint and artist's brushes. Uee Clarko A Falk's quinine hnlr tonic to keep ilniidrutrfrom tho hend. A full line of Eastman films and sup piles just received by Clarke & Falk. You will not have boils if you take uinrKi! k talk's sure cure for boils. Clarke A Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. M inufacturetl by Clarko & Falk. Pure silver laco.l Wyandott eggs can be secured at J. II. Cross grocery store for $1 per 15. feb28-lmo wkly DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo ia un equalled for piles, iiijuriesfgand skin diseases. It is tho original Witch Hazel Salvo. Beware of all counterfeits. To secure tho original witch hazel salve, ask for DeWitt's WitcfiJJHizel Salve, well known as a certain cure for pilea and akin diseases. Beware of worth less counterfeits. They are dangerous. Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., save, "DeWitt'e Little Early Riaers always bring certain relief, cure my headache and never gripe." They gently cleanse and invigorate tho bowels and liver. "I used Kodol DyspepsiaJlCure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, ia pleasant to take and ia truly tho dyapeptic's best friend,' aays E. Hartciink, Overisel. Mich Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Stockholder Sleeting. Notice ia hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stockhold ers of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co., at their oflics Saturday, April 7, 1900, at 2 p. m., for tho purpose of electing seven directors, and trans acting such other business as may prop, erly come before aaid meeting. By order of tho president. The Dalles, March 15, 1900. L. E. Ckowjj, Secy. Fur 83.00 Cali one dollar and fifty And you can purchase a dollar watch or diamond Liebe'a, in the Von block. diamonds, clocks, jewelry weekly twenty-five at Harry C. Watches, and silver ware at moat reasonable prices. 3-S 3t 0.R.&N. DKIMIIT roR Fast Mall 11:43 p. m. Spokane Flyer 7:03i. m, 8 p. m. 8 p. m. Kx. Sunday Saturday 10 p. m. timx scititnuL. Kkoh Dallks. Salt iJikr, Denver, Kt. Worth. Omahn. Kan saS City, St. Iuls, Chicago ana itast. Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis. St. Paul, i)u In tl, Milwaukee, Chicago ana Knst, Krom Portland. Ocean Steamships. For San Francisco December U, 8, 13, IS, 23 ami Columbia Uv. Steamers. To Astoria and Way Landings. ("i a. m. Kx.bunday 7 a. m. Tues.Thur. and bat, Willamette River. Oregon City. Newbenr, eaiem k way ianu s. Arr:vc From. Fat Mall :M p m Spokane Flyer. 4:a)a. m 4 p. m. 4 p. m. Kx.Sundaj 4:30 p. m. Ex. Sunday C a. m. Tuc.Thur, ana sat WlLLAMCTTK AND YAM HILL IUVKR8. Oregon City, Dayton, and Way-landings. WlLLAMXTTR HlVKR. Portland to Corvallis, and Way-Landings. l.v tllparla dally l.'JO a. ni. Snake Rivrr. Rlparia to I-ewlston. .1:30 P. ni. Mon.,Vcd and Fri. Notice of Dissolution. Notlco is hereby given that tho firm of Fonts Johannson has this day been dissolved by mutual consout, P. K. Fonts retiring from said firm. Tho business, heretofore conducted by tho said Emits A Johannson, will from now on be owned and managed by C. P. Johaiinsun. The mid Johanneen will collect all accounts due said firm and will pay all bills duo therefrom. Dated nt Tho D.tlles, Oregon, this 10th day of March, 1900. P. F. Fours, ml9 lm C. P. Joiiannhk.v. Dissolution of PiirtnorHlilp. Tho business heretofore existing under tho firm name of Lauo Bros., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. L. L. I.nni) will conduct tho business at the old stand, and collect all accounts and pay all bills of tho firm. All parlies knowing themselves indebted to the firm are requested to settle as soon as possible. The Dalles, Or., March 1, 1900. L. L. Lank, N, M. Lank. 4:30 p. m Mon. Wed aud Friday Leave Lxwiston dally 8:30 a. m. Tarlles deslrm? to sro to Ilennurr should uf . leaving me lmiics at i:m p. m making direct connections at Ilennner liinctlnn Kcttirnine maliiniFdlrectcniincntloii at Hennner junction mm no. l, arriving at idc Danes at No. 32, throught freight, cast bouhd, docs not carry passengers arrives a:ou a. m., departs 3:50 a.m. No. '21. local freight, carries nassenren. east uuunu; arrives 4;su p. ni., aepartasiia ti. m. o. '21, west bound through freight, docs not carry passengers; arrives 8:15 p ni., departs No. 23. west bound local frcisht. carries nas ecugera , arrives o : 13 p. m. , departs : M a. m. t or full particulars call on O. R. A N. v.o.'t agent The Dauei. or address W. II. nURLRURT. Gen Pas. Agt. Portland, Or, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Btrayed, A black horse weighing about 1250 pounds nnd bra rid td 25 on the lelt shoulder. S.ime etraytd from the farm of John Hrookhouse, which is situated six miles beyond Dufur. Liberal re ward offered for information regarding .recovery. Address S. II. Wi.vans, mar7-lmw IJufur, Or. Wot. Orr, Niwark, O,, eaye, "Wo never feel fttfo without One Minute Cough Cure in t lie hcuee. It faved my little hoy's life when, he had the pnen nionm. We think it is the best medicine made." It cures coughs and all lung diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and gives immediate results. Itev. W. E. Silzir. W. Canton, N. Y.( writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. I was percuided to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me from the etiirt. I believe it to be n panacea 'or till forms of Indigestion." It digests what yen cat. Notice. After Sunday, March 18th, the barber shops will be kept closed nil day Sun days, lly order ot The D illea Barbers' Union. WlO-24 II. D. Pahkinm, Hue. For Hale Clititp. I offer for fW, cheap for cash, the Gilbouien property on Alvord street joining Mr. Groat's property un the fjiNt.fur the next lew day Inquire for (MM itXiftc Chronicle office. To the Ladles anil Gentlemen. Mr. C. L. Lambert, of Strauss Bros., of New York and Chicago, merchant tailors, has a full line of eamples at the Columbia Hotel sample rooms for a few days taking orders for men and boys' suits as cheap as ready made. ml2-14 Lost. Last (Tuesday) evenin?, between St. Mary's Acidemy and Ninth street bridge, a pair of gold rimmed spectacles, in case. Finder will please leave same at the Academy. ra21-22 Mica 'Axle Crease lightens the load- sliortcna the rood. : the team. Saves wear a expense. Sold every where. HADE JSY STANDARD OIL CO. For Hale. Turkey eggs. Price COc a setting. In qnire of Mrs. W. W. Uawson, on 3-Mile. Ling distance, phone 013. uich21 2wks Eggs retail at 12j. cents per dcztn at Maier & Benton's. Clark & Falk's drug stcck is new fresh and complete. Bicycle sundries andfishing tackle at Maier & Benton'e. 3 lotf Ladles and children's sun bonnets, 25c at ?sew lork Cash Store. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk'i pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Peters few ictor emokelesn shells to be had only at Maier & Benton's. 3 lotf M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., eays "DaWitt's Little Early Risers are th very best pills I ever ueed for costlvenesp liver and bowel troubles." Bigley Bros., have purchased thrjughbred Jersey bull, registered stock. For particulars apply at reei denca on Tenth street, near tho fair grounds. Phone 385. .3 0-lmo Wanted. A glr or women that is a good cook and housekeeper. Good wages to the right party. Inquiro at 282 Third street. mlO-tf Wanted. A girl to do general house work in a small family. Apply at this oflice. tf Mules fur Male. , One span of mules, 5 years old. for sale, weight, each about 1000 pounde. ror particulars address M. K. McLkod, 3.11 lm Four miles east of Kinuslev Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. T. BR0WNHILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notar Puhlifl. CjnUprttnrtu rtrnmntlu mttanAA to.. Money to loan. O. E. Bavard'a of fice, The Dalles, Oregon. I NOTICE Administrator's Sale of Heal Estate. Notice ts hereby Riven that tho undersigned, J. a. rergueson, administrator of the estate of I.ydiaA. KlchurdMjii, decease), In pursuance of unorder of tho Honorable County Court of llio Stnto of OrcRon for Watco county, duly made and entered on the 4tli day of January, lUuO, will from and after tho 15th day of February, 1UOJ, prortiil to tell at prlvute sale for cash In hand, all of the following described real estate, beloiiK Intrto tho estate of said Lvdia A. Itlchutdfcon, dveeatcd,to-wit: The noithuest quarter of ilia bontliweit quar ter, and fcouth half of the nor'hwest iiumtcr and the Foutliwest(uartur of the northeast U4rtcr wi rvru. iuii iini-r in wmiisnm tour (ij south OI rauKe inirtceu (i:ij east i uie Willamette merid ian, in t anon county, Orexon: albo that certaiu pii-c-, or parcel of land particularly bounded and defcrlbol as follows: CommenciiiL' 21 rudanml 12! lect west of tlie foutlieust turner of tin Kiuthwest quarter of m-cUou threo (.'Ii In town-t'ltJCV-'i1" o" of ranso thirteen (13) eait of the illamettu merldiaii in Wutco county, Ore- Ryu, aim iuiiiiiiik iiicncu iiunn one-nun mile theneo west W rods and net; tlieiicuoiith one-half mile, and tlicnco east M nxls aniHU feet to the nlacu at Ix.L.fimlrif. k.iv.. .....i .vto.. therefrom four lots lu Itlchiirdson's Addition to tho lowii ofTyith, which has been heretofore wj.ii huh con ve ei . tue tract abovu dcbcilbol In cluding all of said Klcbardkon's Addlllon to tlie Town of Tyglj, aslaldoiitandplatiedanil ic- luiuvu iii me jui'urijs oi uetils lor Wasco county, Orecon, said real estate above den-ribed vuiimiuiiii; iiu acres, more or less. Any ierfcondcfclrlnDrn'ormattoii with m(r.r,,i.,, losald real estate should call on oradiircsamo at Junction City, OrcKon, or my attorneys, Dufur Uated this 12th day of January, 1909. A. i. i.-i.-iKim.-.nv Adirinlilratorof the Kstatoof l.ydiu A. "it'lcli. aranm, deceased. DUfUlt it JIK.NJIKJJE, Aitorneya lor Admlijlslrator. 13Janll Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James 1 Patton'a sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed foro years. Clark k Falk, agents. in 17-11 Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 eta. and 50 eta. lllakeley & Houghton Druggists. Ordinary Knlllng Kyeilglit Is by some regarded as alarming, by others, treated too carlesaly. All eyes begin to fail at -10 years of age; some have trouble a year or two before that time the majority not until after. From 3G to 45 ia the time you should consult n competent optician in order to start right, otherwise several dangers confront you, among which is that ter rible disease, glaucoma, which leads to total or partial blindness. It is estimated that 00 per cent of all cases of glaucoma are due to the "put ting off" the uee of glasses after failure begins. Scientific examination free by Theodore H. Liebe, optician, next door east of First National Bank on Second street. A FINE SHIRT A fino shirt needs fino laundry work to make it look nice and wear wi-li. Just tho eamo with your other garments. We do not uee any injurious chemicals do not rot out your linen and can save you 'JU per cent of tho wear your gar- mints usually sustain. ulad to have von trv our work. N'n laundry too small. Dam.k.s Lau.vdky Co. 'Phone 311 brings the team. 31-2tf h f f h t if) f I Dalles, On. The Chronicle Job Printers iaiiMiiJumtiUii f and Motors MAKUFACTUIIKM 11V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL 00 Tlie GoiumDia PacKing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTUKKB8 0K Fine Lard Und Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RIED BEEF. ETC. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION, U. 8. La.m Orrice, at Tiik IJallks, . Fkwiiuiiy y, . Nollec is herein- slven that thu fniinivinr. named fccttler haKlliul iiollcoof his intention to make 1 rial tiroof In mit.iur .f l.iu i.... .....i that said proof will Ui muifo before tlie Iteileier and Jtceclver ot The Ualles, Oregon, on Wednes day, Apr! M, I'joo, viz: William C. Clark, oi The Dalles, Or. Homestead Entty No. M7J, for I ho SWU, section 11, i township 1 Kotitli, rmiije 11 east, W, U. Ho names tliofnllnwlni ivIlnruHnii tr f.m,-.. v. iu continuous rcsldeiica iikhi and cultivation of said land, viz: A.,bV,,AT"r"e.r t''na'le 'Joksoii, Charles Hinltli, C. A. Ulbson, all of 1 )io Ddllus, Orci?on. JAY I'. MJi.'AH. Ituaj I Ileiilstcr 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, u"-, THE DALLES, OREGON C C. COOPER, MANlTACTl'llint or High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. ni:.u.Kit in Tents, Wagon Covers, nnd all articles usually kept in a lirst-class harness ahop. iW'w-rcboiiK., THE DALLES, OIIEOOX. This Stamp a Guarantee W MAKER A of Quality. Anrnna sendlni lfflh nnd finr.H..tin ..... niifcklr ascertain our opinion frou ithriln r Jiivi'iitlon H (iroliablr tnti-ntablo. Conimunlr- ........ n iv. i ..ji.iivjciii ini Trade Marks Desionb Copyrights Ac. roo nbctlii-r a' n. fmmmirilr-A Handbook on I'atenti tenia, rvcclvu lviit frep. Olilost iiL-ennr forsocurliiKiiatente. I'niui.ts taken tbrouidi lluiin A to. reccli tprclatnollct, without cliarvc. In tho scientific American. A handsomely llliutrstfl weekly. Iireest c-lr. 'I'crniB. (.1 a dilation ot iniv srlvnilUn liiiirimi rn'ir: Imir moiitlis. si. Koi.i i.v on . I...." MlINN&Co.30'0. New York EXEOUTOU'S NOTICE. Notice Is herl-llV olvptl thill ttm KtwlMral0fi.w1 lias beeu oTily niipohiteil by tho comity court ol tlio statu o( OreKon tor Waseo county, executor With the will annexed nf tlWi luf will .( Kl..n- Jano lleezlev. ilfvauv1. All claims aifainst aaid estate aro thereby notlued:t present them to uio with thu proper vouchers at ray pflloo In The Dalles, Oregon, within six months from iho date thereof. iaiuuceo, i, iuuu. II. H. IIIlVTIVnTAM ebatlt Kxecutor. Subscribe for Tiik Ciimonick. Jff. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Ottlco over French & Co.'s llanlc I'hono C, TIIK IMI.LKB. OllKtidN ADMINIBTBATOU'S NOTICE. hotlco Is hcrcliv olv.n Unit th. I... I has lieen antiinfed "l.v i u in,V" . '.' ""V? .". j.. w. "iiv.i,i ,i iinnuii "omit, tuminiitrator tortho estate of I'atrlck HrowiiJ deew stil All ttitrulliu hntrlitrf nLimu ...... I ... t. ' .... s a . " IVIMI IIUIIIIIU 111 IMITLIIL FtMIll IMHII11U I. tiim.a 1 verilled. to mo at thu nHlrn nf 'r.V.'.r.V.V 111 Ualles Cllv. ore " within k Z 'Vf.1' liated January 23, 1IKW. a'187-'' Administrator, ADMINISTUATOK'8 NOTICE. Notlco la hereby given tliat tlio underslmied SSl.SV 'u'y,l'l'ol'itet artiahilitrator . f tim estate ol J. ;C, Baldwin, oceeaMI. All iKsrVo s bayltiK cltlma against said estate ire 'hilehi Dated tbli HUi day of February, lono. K. II MViiiiir i Irln Fait Yellowstone Park Line. Till: DINING (!AU Winn KJtoji I'OItThANI) TO TIIK UA.4T. TIIK ONI.V DIUKCTI.INi: TO TIIK VKI.I.OW. H'lONi: 1'AilK SOUTH and EAST via Souiw Pacific Ci Shasta Route- Trains leave Tho Dalles lor I'.irtlanl and wJ stations nt n. ni. ami 3 p. m. jKm J Union Depot, Film and I sis No.'.'. Fast mall for Tiifiiufi Seattle, Olyinplii, (iniy'K llarljoriiiul Koulh llend lioints, hpokane, Koss. M wiiiv, ljwlstoii, lluf-I jalolluiiiiiiinlnieoiiu. ry, llclvnii, Jllnneapo lis, HI. I'anl, Omaliii, ha isas City, Ht. Umls .y.iunKo . M M)H east and soiilheast. I'lllnt U.i.i... . UIM lM.ioramaa;;d,Heiu .i.iviiiiiniaie ouith 11:15 A. M, No, 1. Aiimvi:. No, 1 flj.V) I'. II. No. 3. 7i) A. M, Leiivo I'nrtlaud. ..... " Albany ., Arrive Ashland " Haaniineuto . . " Kan Kraiielsco a .ii .mi 7:00p jo a m 10:W pa ll icin in 0!ll) in 7 I I1 in Anivo Ogdon " Denver " KmisasClty. " l.'hleaKo .... ,1 Ham . ys(i a in 7 :' ii m 7 Da in ... . . iiiiiiiiiii iirnr riu.u ...,. ......... . MlmieaiM Is hF. i. ,i V '." 'f'IHJra to without change. -"iri river ixiinta inv.l,p,r'i,,;c,l,p,r&.,J","" "KKiigo onecke.1 lodesllnatloii of tickets A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant tienerat I'assengor Agent. 'a MorrUon HUeet, corner, Oregon. " IId nilililia mum im ONI FOR A DOtl. Arrive Uw Angelei ... 1 ' Kll'aso '' I' ' " Kort Worth f.wia m " City ol Muxlci lloiiston ' New Orleans ,!'i"ll Washington ,' " NewVork K.HI" ll:;Hi!i l;3HW a:15aP lllHn 9.001 m 7::'3m y:30w 7:Wii 6;:M"i 11:55 i l:00' 0:31 iW fi'oi rullnm:i and Tourist caw , . I'M OhalreiirH Hacramouto to "K'11-',1' , Vi NeirOi' and louilst caw to Chicago, Ht UUi f" leans and wasliingion. ConneclliiK at Han ... .....rll Krancisco iv '"ti wifilliwiiMK nt ami t....---- t,,,.tiM. steiimshlii iTiies for Honolulu, J Pa'; rhlll.Iuea, Central mid Houtl" Aiiw- Beo agent at Tlie Dalles UU. r "lr", C. H. MARKHAM) (ioueral Passenger Agent. I'oiUi"11'0'' DH'UKIHHNPOKrV Pliyaician anu sureH Bpeclil attention given lo W aeeeuea. K-b7-ll Rooms at and Tel.w