Sacrificed to Blood Poison. Those whohnvo never had Blood Pol eon can not know what n desperate con dition it can produce. This terrible disease which tho doctors are totally unable to cure, is communicated from one generation to another, inflicting iti taint upon countless innocent ones. Somo years ago t ras Inoculated with poison by a nurse who Infected my babe vrlth blood taint. The little one was unequal to the struggle, and Its life was yielded up to the feArtul poison. For six long years I suf fered untold misery. 1 was covered with sored and ulcers from head to foot, and no language can cspress my feelings of woe during those long years. 1 had tho best medical treatment. Sev eral iihvsielflns succes sively treated me. but all" to no purpose. The mer cury and potash seemed to add fuel to the awful flame which was devouring me. 1 was advised by friends who had seen wonderful cures made by it. to try Swift's Specific. We got two bottles, and I felt hope again rovive in my breast hope for health and happlnesa again. I Improved from tho start, and a com plete and perfect cure was the result. S. S.-8. is the onlv blood remedy which reaches des perate cases. Mrs. T. W. Lkk, Montgomery, Ala. Of the many blood remedies, S. S. B. is the only 6Aq which can reach deep seated, violent cases. It never fails to cure perfectly and permanently the most desperate cases which are beyond the reach of other remedies. C Cfor Blood The is purely vegetable, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no mercury, potash, or other mineral. Valuable books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. rKOPLE TOO ALL KNOW, James Ward, theKtngsley merchant, is in the ctty. M. P. Tsenberp, the Hood River ora tor, politician, statesman and all-round good fellow nrrived here this morning. Robert McKatney, of Mount Hood. T. A. Gilinore, of Centeiville, and William Gilniore. of Grass Valley, are registered at the Umatilla House. Jim Brown, of Tyiih Valley, left on the beat this morning with twenty eight head of fine work horees which he will try to dispose of in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. .1 no. Johnston, of Dufur, were in the city last nigh!, the guests of the European hotel. They were on their way home Iront a trip to Portland. Tongue on I'uertu Itlco. "The Washington dispatch published in the Oiegcnun of the 15th does not properly represent my attitude cn the Puerto Rictn hill," saye Representative Tongue. "I voted in the caucus and in the House to reduce the tariff from 25 to 15 per cent, and to limit the operation of tho bill to two years. I was one of the most ttrenuous advocates of the lat ter amendment. But it Is asserted by the opponents of the hill that this small tariff upon the necessary food products in Puerto Rico will he oppressive to the poor people of that island. I have said that if this is true, it might be well for the senate to consider a proposition to admit such articles duty free, and in crease the tariff 25 par cent on sugar and tobacco, a3 the entire crop of these articles, it is said, has been cought by the trusts and speculators. "Tho only reason that justifies the House bill or that eccured. the votep necessary to pass it, including my own, is the necessity of raiting revenue to maintain government in Puerto Rico, temporarily, until the people can re cover 'romjtheir present distressed co;. ditione. With normal conditions re stored, end other revenuo measures en acted, commercial intercourse between Puerto Rico and tho United States should and will ho as free as between Oregon and California.'' CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Siguaturo of Grand .Millinery Optnlrg, Oatnph'jll & Wilson cordially invite the Udiea of Tho D tiles and vicinity to Jii 1 . . i ! . r l summer millinery, WtdcesJay, Thti day sud Friday, March 21, 22, 23. The largest line of pattern hats ever shown in The Dalles. rolO 4t Bev.AV. E. Sitzyr, W. Canton, N. Y write, MI had dyspepsia over twenty yfte, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. 1 was pertutueu to use Kodol Dyipeptia Cure aud it helped me from the start. I believe it to bo a bmiw tor all forms of Indigestion." It dljrwU what ycu oat. Notice. ,tfr SriRdajr, March 18th, the barber -topa will ba kaat. aiad all day Sun Brofdaral ThVD-tllea Barbers' ml$2i H. D. Pabkins, Sec. BUSINESS LCCAL8. CUrko & Falk have on sale n full line of paint and artist's brushes. Use Clurko& Falk'squinino hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. A full lino of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke Sc Falk. You will not have bolls if you tako Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke fe Falk's flavoring extracts are tho best. Ask your grocer for them. Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke & Falk. Pure silver laced Wyandott eggs can bo secured at J. H. Cross' grocery store for $1 pet 15. feb28-lmo wkly DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is un equalled for piles, injuriesJSand akin diseases. It is tho original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of nil counterfeits. To secure the original witch hazel salve, ask for DeWitt'a WitchSJIIizel Salve, well known aa a certain cure for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worth leas counterfeits. They are dangerous. Lewis Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., says, "DeWitt'u Little Early Risers always bring certain relief, cure my headache and never gripe." They gently! cleanse and invigorate the bowels and liver. "I used Kodol DyepepsiaCure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is trulv the dyspeptic's best friend," says E. llartgetink, Overisel. Mich. Dizests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Stockholders Meeting. Notice is hereby given that there will be an annutl meeting of the stockhold ers of The Dallos, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co., at their ofiic3 Saturday, April 7, 1900, at 2 p. m., for tho purpose of electing seven directors, and trans acting such other business as may prop erly come before said meeting. By order of the president. The Dalle?, March 15, 1000. L. E. Cuowc, Secy. For 85.00 Cash And one dollar and fifty weekly you can purchase a twenty-five dollar watch or diamond at Harry C. Liebe's, in tho Yoit block. Watches, diamonds, -clocks, jewelry and silver ware at moat reasonable prices. 3 8 3t To tho Ladles Hint Gentlemen. Mr. C. L. Lambert, of Strauss Bros., of New York and Chicago, merchant tailors, has a full line oi sampled at the Columbia Hotel sample rooms for a few days taking orders for men and hove' stilts as cheap as ready made. ml2-14 I. ust. Last (Tuesday) eveninz, between St. Mary'd Academy and Ninth street bridge, a pair of gold rimmed spectaclee, in case. Finder will please leave eame at the Acideiny. mLM.22 For Halo. Turkey eggs. Price 60c a setting. In quire of Mrs. W. W. Rawson, on 3-Mile, long distanco phone 943. mch21 2wke Eg?s retail at.12 cents per dczen at Maier & Benton's. Clark & Falk's drug ptcck is new fresh aud complete. Bicycle sundries and'ushlng tackle at Maier & Benton's. 3 lotf Ladies and children's sun bonnets, 25u at New York Cash Store. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Peters New Victor emokelesp shells to he bad only at Maier & Benton'e. 3 lotf M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the very best pills I ever used for coslivenes?, liver and bowel troubles." B.igley Bros., have purchased a thrjughhred Jerapy hull, registered stock. For particulars apply nt resi denco on Tenth street, noar tho fair grounds. 3 0-(tno Wanted. A g:rl or women that la a good cook and housekeeper. Gocd wages to the right party. Inquire at 282 Third street. mlG-tf Wanted. A girl to do general liouso work inn email family. Apply at this office. if Stolen for Haiti, One span of mule?, 5 years old, for eale. Weight, each about 1000 pound?. For particulars uddiesa M. K. MoLkow, 3-14 lm Four miles east of Kiniceley Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. T. BR0WNHILL, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notary Public. Collections promptly attended to, Money to loan. O. E, Barard'a of fice, The Dalles, Oregon. wcghctebhi DRV ART TOR timr fcititnui.x. Knox Arrive From. Vnxt Mnll Bail Line in:iivi;r, n. Worth. Omaha, Kan-, i . . . ... Fat Mall 3:55 p m 11:45 . m. ran city, bt. ixniis, Chicago and Knst. Broknnc Iyer 7:01 . ni Walla Walla, Spokane, Minneapolis. Ht. l'atil, i)u In tli, Milwaukee. Chicago and Knst, Spok Fly 'Iyer. 4:20 a. in S p. m. 4 p. m. From 1'okti.amd. Ocean Steamships. For San Francisco December 3. , 13, 18, 2.1 and -M. 8 p. m. Ex. Sunday Saturday 10 p. in. 4 p. m. Hx.Siinda) Columbia Hv. Steamers. To Astoria and "Way Landings. ( a. ni. WlLUkUKTTK KtVXR. 4:30 p. m. lix. Sunday Kx.bumiay Oregon City. Ncwtx-nr,! saicm & ay i-ana s. . a. m, TuesThur. and fiat. WltLAMTTTE AND YAM III LI. KIVERS. Oregon City, Dayton, and Way-ljuidlngs. 3:.T0 p. m. Mon.,wcd and Frl. fi a. m. Tuc.Thur, aud Sit. Willamette Ihvkr. fortlanil to Corvallls, aud Way-LandlURs. I::p. m. Mou. Weil and Friday SiAKE Hivku. Itiparta to liCtTliston. Leave LEWISiTON dally 8:30 a.m. Lv Riparla onny l.'JOa ni Parlies deslrine to eo to llennncr thould tate .o. i, leavlnu 'l lie Danes at 7:o.i p. m making' direct conucctloiiN at Ileppncr Junction Hcturnliij; niaktnsdirectcnnncctton at Ileppncr junction v llli No. 1. arriving at The Dalles at J:55i. m. No. ft!, tliroueht frclplit, east bound, docs not carry passengers; arrives 'J:60 a. r.i., departs 3:.V)a. w. No.'Jl, local ftclsht, carries passensers, cast bound: arrives l:3up. m departs :15 p.m. No. 21, west bound through freight, does not carry passengers; arrives 8:15 p in., departs J:S0p. ui. No. 23, westbound local freight, carries pas sengers; anlves 5:15 p. in., departs 8:30 a. ni. For full particulars call on O. 11. & N. C'o.'t agent 'Die Dalles, or address W. II. HOKI.llUIlT, Gen Pas. Ast., Portland, Or. Mica lightens the load 6bortcn3 Axle Crease the road helps the team. Saves wear and expense, bold cverywlicrc. HADE by STANDARD OIL CO. NOTICE Administrator's Bale of Real Estate. Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned, J b. Fergueson, administrator of the estate of I.ydia A. Ulchardson, dcccni-oj, in pursuance of an order of the Honorable County Court of the Stato of Oregon for Wasco county, duly made and entered on the 4tli day of Janunty, luOO, will from and oftcr tho 15th day of tebruury, 1000, proceed to sell at private; sale for cash in hand, an oi mo louowiug ucscriocu real estate, belong ing to tho estate of said I.vdiu A. Itlchutdson, ueccascu, lo-ivii: Die northwest riuurler of Ih.i Eoulhwcttuuar tcr. and south hall of tho nor'lnvest nuaiter and tho southwest iiiartcr of the northeust UJrter Of section three (1) in toriishli four (I) south of rango inineen (i.i; easn i uic yuiuuiciio merid ian, in Wasco countv. Orecon : also that euriain ulee j or narcel of land niirticulurlr bounded unit described as follows: Cominenclni! 21 rods and 12J.J feet west o: tho soulhcjst corner of the southwest quutter of section three (;ii In town ship four (1 south of range thirteen (1.1) east of me n :iiunii uierioiu ill u n usco co univ. urc- Kon.and running thenco north ono liall mile: thencowestto i wis and . icct; thenco miilli ouc-hnlf mile, and thence east 5i) rods and I'i i to i. ui uiepiucuoi ucguiuiaK' save iinu except therefrom tour lots iu Itlchanlson's Addition to the Town of Tyuh. whieli lins betn hereioforo soio anil coneru; iuc iraciao'ivonesciiueiliu eluding allot sjld ilichuiiJsoii's Addition to thu 'lowi: oi J ycli, aH laid out and nlaticil and re corded in tue Hecords of Deeds for Wasco county, Oiegon, said real estate above described containing 'iw acres, moto or less. Any person desiring n.'ormatlon with reference to said real estate should cull on oruddressmu at Junction City, Oregon, or my attorneys, Dufur a .'lencue, hi 1110 nanus, tiregou, Dated thlslilli day of Juiiuury, JSO0. J. 8. KKHOflO-O.V, AdirinistraUirof the Ktatoof l.ydln A. Itlch- aidfon, dcceaicd. Dcrtit iV Mknkikk, Attorneys for Administrator. 13Jaiiil NOTICE FOti PUBLICATION, U. S. hA.Sil Okiick, at TlIK DAI.LK.1, Ork( KlillKUAKV 'J, 1WK), I Notice Is hereby given that tho following named settler has filed uoticoof his Intention to insko final proof in support of his claim,-aud that said proof will be iimdu beforo tho Heglster and Itecelver at Tho Dalles. Oreuon. on Weducs. day, April 4,11)00, vl2; William O. Clark, of The Dalles, Or. Homestead Kntry No. .127), for tho SU'ij, section 11. towuihlp 1 south, range 11 cast, W. II, Ho nuuies tlm following witnesses to nrovo his continuous residence iiKn and cultivation of euld laud, viz: Albert Turner. Charles fjosson, Charles rjmlth, C. A, Gibson, all of 'Die Dalles, Oregon, JAY 1'. I.UOAH. feb28 1 ItenUter EXEOUTOU'S NOTICE. Notice lit hereby alveu lliut tho umlertlifiiu has boen duly Hppohitcd by tho county court ol with the wlllannoxed of tholutt will of Mury Juno llct-zluv. deccutixl. All wruoiiH huvlnir cUltna Klnst Hldeitittasre hereby notlnodlto vrcienttbemtomoivlttilboproiier vouobera at my olilee in Tho DsIIon, UreKOii, within tlx months from the date thereof, vaieareo, vi, ivw. 11. H. HUNTlNflTON. febai-ll Kxecutor, Subscribe for Tim Chkoniuk. Nation of IHMnlutlon. Notico is hereby given that the firm of Fonts it Johannseu has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, P. F. Fotito retiring from said ilrin. Tho business, heretofore conducted by tho said Koute & Johannson.will from now on bo owned und managed by O, P. JohannBeii. Tho said Johannseu will col'ect all arcotintn duo said firm and will pay all bllla due therefrom. Dated nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, thlrj 19th day of March, 1900. P. F. Fout.s, tnl91m C.P..loitANNai:.v. Dissolution of rnrtnoralilp. The business heretofore existing under the firm name of Lane Bros., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. L. 1.. l.ano will conduct tho business at the old etatid, and collect all accounts and pay all bills of tho firm. All partie.3 knowing themselves indebted to tho (inn are requested to settlo as soon as possible. The Dalles, Or., March 1, 1900. 1.. L, Lank, lm-dAw N. M. Lank. Why pay if 1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's sun proof mints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Falk, agents. nil7-2 Experience is the beat Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in nny case of coughs, cold or croup, Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 els. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Ordinary l-'ulllni; Uyexlirlit Is by some regarded as alarming, by others, treated too carlessly. All eyes begin to fail at -10 yentH of age; tome have trouble a year or two hefore that time tho majority not until after. From 3G to -15 is the time you should consult n competent optician in order to start right, otherwise several dangers confront you, among which is that ter rible disease, glaucoma, which leads to total or partial blindness. It is estimated that 90 per cent of all cases of glaucoma are due to tho "put ting ofl" the use of glasses after failure begins. Scientific examination free by Theodore II. Liebe, optician, next door cist of First National Bank on Second street. A FINE SHIRT A lino shirt needs fino laundry work to make it look nice and wear well. Just the same witli your other garments. We do not use nny injurious chemicals do not rot out your linen and can sive you 20 per cent of the wear your gar mtntH usually sustain. Glad to have you try our work. No laundry too small. Lauxixiy Co. 'Phono 341 biings the team, :SI-2w Ttie coiuiia PacKi Ga., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANDKACTUKKR8 0K Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON )RIKD BEEF, ETC. Trace Marks JC3IQNG COPYnlClHTS &.C. AiiTonoaenrtlnif nitkclrh ami doccrlr'tlon ma" nnlckly lucertaln our oMnion r,co wdcilior u- hivciillnn ji probnbly pntvntoljlo. ('i)inimirilr I loin strictly coM!l-.!cnt l.-il. Ilundbook tin I'nUntt iiintfreo. Oldest nuency for iccuiliift iiatt'uts. I'.iloi.ta taken tlirouu i Mumi A Cn. ri.i-niT.i tyceiatnotict, without cliarKO, In tho lhttrt('(1 wpnklr. I.nrccut fir li.ti of nny KcltnlUlo Jnurnal. Tcrnm, t.'l u fimr months, 1, BolJ Lyall niTlf,alor. llrtoieh Uflleo. CSi V Et , Washington, 1). C JJ. 8TURDEVANT, Dentist. Olllco over French A Co,'), Hunk fhono C, THE DA1.I.I53, OltEdON ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. , Notice Ih hereby (Iv'en tlmt tho iiiiileidiifunl lias U'fll aiMxMllliil by thocoiintv rnuri. f n. Htato of Oreiion.for Wunco county .'iiiliiilnMriitor lorthootato of t'atrick Drown, ilwuiinvl. All lvraiiB unvuiK uininia UKnliidi Hani eiltftu nr! lereby notified to inehent nhIU cIhi 1I1K. lirrtttnrl,. verliled, to mo at tho olllco of Siniiott & Klnnotf, in IJulles Clly.Oro.. within tlx lmmtiia ir,,,,, ti.,; Ugtud January T, HKiO. DK1.IA C. IlilOWN, an27-ll Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice Ih hereby given that tho understand baa been duly unpointed odmlnutrutor of tho cUle of J. C. Uoldwin, oecciued. Alt tiorsona bavin claims against mid esUto are berehv notlUvd to present tbo same, protvrly verlfleif to mo or to my attorneys, Dufur. : Meuefee, In The Ualle, Oregon, wltbln six months (rum tho date of this notico. I)led this llth day of February, l'joo. Administrator of tbo estate of J, c, lialilwin dectiued. fCbKVjj I J 1 If !!' :" :4 1 I f I f 1 I I t t ChroniGle, 1 Ifi , Job Printers. 1 I f ft . ft ? m I ft ' ' I I I If I ill i I i S ' i 1 I i J 1 ! 1 M ! I i 1 li ' f ' f ! I 1 M.VKUr.U'Tt'lli:!) 11V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL 00 SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulars iitid particulars furnished on triplication. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, un20 C. C. COOPER, MANi'iAt-ruium or High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. Ill.'AI.I.It IN Tents, Wagon Covers, und nil articles usually kept in a lirst-class harness shop. 0iprite .Moody' Wiirelirjuse, THE DALLES, Yellowstone Park Line. Tin: DiNi.vti cau Hor n; kiiom roitTi,.Ni) to Tin: TlIK O.NIiY DIltl-tiT LINK '10 Till'. VHI.i.OW HlO.Ni; I'AltK i.pavk. Union Depot, rirthaod I sisj l'i'kt mall for Tiicomii, Sfllltl0,Olyilp,,(iry'H lliillioriUHl Houth llend luiiiU, hi..kuiio, Kohs.i I'Uid, II, t! I'ulliiiaii, AIIIUVK, No. 'I, 11115 A. M. No. I. ii;w p. m. No, 1 t,;M I'. M, No, ;i, 7;00 A. M. "lolliimpniliiliif; coun try, llelvnii, .MIiinvaiHi Is, Ht. 1'uiii, on,,,!,,,, Katihin CHy, fit. Imls (.hloiiKo anil all lKjintK oaktaml soiiilu'init. j I'uicet Koiimi -;XireH lor Iiif-oimi ,1, i L.-....i.. ami IntcriJiLiltiito MlntH I'ulliiiiiii llrstrla. mnl lourht alcuiM.ra in V'i'ktlhllltul truh.u h. irwiHcliiTcltlw. ' nem "fiKuKuuiilVKUl IO lle.1 lm loll 1)1 tlfknln wrltu """" v"' ' vviyuwouit, eio call on or A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant (Jonvrul riisseimur Aient "1 unu HUect, corner J ,V ,J -r t lffs"l J Orwm. u" FOR A DOII a niVi'r.'1:,,'"P!, If II I' V ?IUO Vltli ;Mtrr UQUQ Msanr ATniitliniin Dnnifin! SOUTH and EAST "'" and Motors THE DALLES, 0KKG0N This Stamp n Guarnntoo OIIEIiOX. of Quality. , ffl Pacini Shasta Route Trains lenvo Tbu DalleN for i'orll.iirl ami war stutloiiH nt l;'i') iu m. anil :i i, m. I.CAVU I'Ottlllllll " Albuny Artlvo AnIiIiiiiiI " Hucriiii';iito . . " Kail Krauvlsco ..l'j:a0iini I0;50p .li::sn m .. ;.:(- p m lij""1 .7 1, ,m 8!B Artlvo OkiIoii " Dc-uvur " ICiinsasClly. " CIllO 11(0 ,v n in Hi""1 7; I il HI U:JJ iW Artlvo U))i AUKi'lot ' Kl 1'iiKo " Kurt Worth.... " City uf Jloxleo " Houston,. ' New Orleans . " Wiishlnxtoii. .. " Now York lt'.flpm li;KI p m , 0;:mii ui U!,VSa 111 ;m)alii , . . II :'.!." il in (i: U ft in rJ.i:im 7;00ttHl r,:iiOiw ii;:uam u:Maro liuoam ii'iiaw J'lilhnitn and Tourist curs on b lb '" (JhiilreurN UuarNmoiito to Onl "' " S1' 0r. iindlourlstcflrstofhloaKO, Ht luli KiiliN mid WaslilUKtou. Coniifotlntr at Han Kmncjwo llf J steamship iTnen for Holiohliil, J' 1; LU,U rhlllpplaex, Central nud Hoiilh Amerim. fscu uKeut at Tho Dullea station, ni's't" C. H. MARKHAM, OouerttlFssfiterAKC"t. rortlnd,or. jyn UKiNMNDUHrrKii Phyflioian and sunsewn Bpeclal ttUntton given t" 'wr' MAKER J 1 ItoomsataudW, W.m vui'