WE ARE NOW PREPARED to show our cus tomers a full line of the Choicest of Wash Fabrics, Cotton Shirt Waists, Laces and Embroideries, Flounces, Tuckings and Puffings. Our stock of Silks, Satins and Velvets is more complete than ever before, and Dress Trimmings of every description are now on exhibition. We would deem it a great favor if you would come in and look these various lines over while they are yet complete. All Cooctn Mnrkod In Plnln FlKiires. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle; Telephone No. 1. THURSDAY MAKCH 22, 1000 - a served In 1 Oysters f? WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Girl wantml, to do general housework. Inquire tit this of lice. mch'JO-lwk Men's feather-weight Bilk Bweat crasher hats lire only fl.00 nl Now York Cash Store. Late arrival of men's hate, till the hteit, blocks nnil colors, at New York Ciih Store. To protect their crops from the rav gee of the jack rabbit, Gooso Lake ranchers, in lake county, are obliged to build rabbit-proof fences. The lailiea of tho M. E. Church will have pies nml cakes for sale at Cross' (loreSatiinl.iv. The proceeds will go to the bentilit of the oburch. The returns from the Sherman county Republican primaries are not nil in yet, but enoiiKh is known to place it beyond doubt that Sherman county will send a eolld Moody delegation to the state con vention. Wo I). 1 & a. N. Company' new Mat will M riJaay for founding i ,, lew days. Tho long shapely hull, says theOreKoiiiati, reate upon the blocks for lh pliiiiga, At present work Ih in progress on the second cabin. A dispatch received from Pendleton today BVM t)0 reauU of yetor,hyB Primaries in Umatilla county, so far as y e,reut tlie fortunes of Congressman Jwjly, in these words : "Primaries all y A .Moody delegation assured." l'xank Nuw, eon 0f S, Et Nowof Mngilay, ucil mt ,,jrly yearBX wa6 "jrtw yesterday afternoon Ih tho JV tloali.i. ...v, vciuuiuiy, Tiio deceased sue Jjoioci to (i,.0I)By (lor ft prot,Mtod ". I In formerly conducted a hotel Mngiluy and was highly rospcuted ll who knew him". of1!."' n 1,1,11 1)nvl(,8n. tlio young wife bur , 'wvhlson, of Hood Rlvor, wbb U"W at thai place yesterday. Tho de- iM 1,10 yuK08t Ldaughter of du , ; I'ottor.of Ilolmont. 8ho 2, ,n 1,ortllnd after undergoing an Lb.i i 'or "lptndlcttle. She leaves a jT,Da ono child born About six ago, wnV:'..Cittrroleon-Dr' W' E' Grret docB, W"y' ftnd the doo,or hM tue mi .. ,0 ,,rovo It-exhibits in lili J how window, a mother and four b,bea o, tl0 pug p,riUMl0Ji U(lt ,22 ogBllMct th tnion of the '""Vi who with tender gate watches the frolics of tiie babies and tho almost human tenderness of the mother. Before going to u tailor for the selee tion of a spring suit or overcoat, step in hero and try on a few of the high-grude garmuiitH wo are showing. Wo guarun teo you will he satisfied and Iho saving will ho about halt. Pease & Mays. "Dad" Butts is playing a lino game. In view of running a fourth time for coroner ho some time ago sent to Wash ington, and under a government frank, got two sacks of sugar beet seed. lie is oil'ering u pint of tho seed to every man who votes for him in tho convention. This is tho only case of attempted bribery tho Republicans of this county ever had. Tho Astoria common council has passed an ordinance for tho payment of a bounty of live cents u scalp on rate. Tho rats may bo caught in traps, poisoned, shot or allured to their doom by the ancient and more diplomatic method of putting Bait on their tails, or in any other old way. If tho shot gun process Is adopted tho shooter will he fined $2. ami the council will come out 1.05 aheud on each scalp. Senator Simon Is the father of a bill before the United States senate that will permit tho cutting of timber upon all reserved mineral lauds of California, Oregon and Washington. This bill pro vides that no one but citizens of tho United States or bona fide residents of the states named or of othor mineral districts will bo permitted to cut such timber, and may only be taken for build- ing, agricultural, mining or other do mestic purposes. From tho Astoria News wo learn that Next Monday, 20th inst., is tho date fixed for the Astoria excursion to Tho Dalles. Tho names of CO excursionists had beon secured on Tuesday and 100 porsons are expected to make tho trip. Tho News adds: "Tho Astorians who wllLgo to Tho Dalles aro assured of a pjeosant visit as tho people of tho up--fiver are noted for their hospitality." Lotus givo our friends at tho river's mouth such a recaption as shall not disappoint their expectations. Mrs. Whltton, mother-in-law of J. D. Whitton, of Kingsley. died at tho resideneo of her eoninlaw Tuesday, 20th instant, and was buried In tho Kingsley comotory yesterday. Mrs. Whitton was over 01 years old. Sho was a native of tho North of Ireland and had beon an earnest, devoted member ol the Presbyterian church for 76 years. Her death resulted from old uo. Iho caudle of lifo had simply burned out and she went to rest as a child tirod and weary goes into a pleasant sleep. Announcement is mado of tho ap pointment of Georgo J. Mohler us super lntendent of construction ol ino Colum bia Southern, at the hands of President Lytle, says the Orcgonlan. Mr. Mohler la a brother of President Mohler, of the O. K. & N. He was formerly general agent of the latter company at Chicago. When the ottloe there and at uutie, Mont., wore closed, owing to the close alliance of the Union Pacific and O. It Mr. Mohler came weBt and was subsequently giveu his present position. A party last Sunday morning hired an iron-grey team of 900 pound horses a mare and a gelding a blaek-bodied bug gy with red wheels, and a black calfskin robo with red lining, from Su'ith BroB., of Grass Valley. The outfit had not been returned at 8 o'clock last night and the Mossers Smith fear there is some thing wrong. Any information on the subject would be gladly welcomed by Smith Bros., of Grass Valley. m22-2t W. II. Moore, of Moro, tells the Lead or that 100 persons arc employed on different works in progress In the new town of Shanlko. They all board and sleep in tents. There is only one wood en building yet erected and that is a mere temporary shack which is used by Julius Wiley as a oaloon. Men and ma terials are pouring into the new town every day and a large number of lots hayo been sold at good prices. A num ber of people have gone to Shaniko from here, chiefly mechanics and others em ployed on tho works. Supplementary articles of incorpora tion of The Dalles Southern Railroad Co. were filed in the office of the county clerk yesterday, says the Oregonian. The corporation proposes, in addition to its original purposes, to construct and operate a railway and telegraph line between Burns, Or., and Prairie City; from a point near Canyon City to a poiut near Ontailo; from a point in Oregon, near the mouth of the Deschutes river, and what is known aB Freo Bridge, up said river to a point at or near Crooked river. Tho incorporators are: E. E. Lytic, W. II. Mooro and May Enright. The O. R . & N. steam shovel and crow, that have been operating at Lat ourollo sinco tho first of January, paasod through town today ou tho way to Colfax, Wash. The crew consists of about 75 men, and whilo at Latourelle $12,000 wero paid tho men in wages, a large portion of which was spent in the town. A steam shovel and crew, that have beon operating for some time iu Hast Portland, will soon bo placed on tho road between here und Summit and will probably make Tho Dalles their headquarters for some months. Theeo crowB aro doing fine work straightening tho road bed and filling in bridges and trestles and doing other work along the lino. Harry Adams and Joo Smith, two veteran teamstere from Antelope and Prinovlllo respectively, arrived In town yoBtotday. They came over the new grade that Mr. Shearer Is building on tho DeschutoB hill, and they oro very enthusiastic in its praise, Tho new grade goes around tho worst part ol the hill, uamoly that portion of it just above abovo the old McAteo place. Messrs. Adams and Smith said their horses walked up the grade without turning a hair, in foot two horses would have pulled tholr wagons as easily aB six did a while ago before the o!d grade had dried out. Mr. Smith says all the wool men in Crook county, with a possible exception of tho Hay Creek Co., will have their wool hauled by team to The Dalles instead of by rail Irom Shanlko. We are trying to make our business so broad, so good, eo safe that whenever a Dallesite thinks of a place to buy his own or his boy's wearables our namo'll pop right into his mind. How? By giving you the best goods made in tho United States, by asking you tho lowest prices consistent with the "highest quality" of wearables. All tho weaves in spring fabrics are represented in this showing Imported plain and f.ncy cheviots, English tweeds, homespuns and oxfords, the herringbone effects and an elaborate display of the always popu lar bine serges. There's an important feature about our blue eerge suits. Our guarantee of fast colors goes with every one of them. They arc all here on (lis ploy that would be a credit to the largest establishment of any city in the United Stalee. If you want quality in your clothes, if you want economy in your expenditure we can interest you. I'ease & Mays. Republican County Convention. The delegates to the Republican coun ty convention, to be held here tomorrow, are arriving hourly and most of them will probably be here before twilight Then in the big billiard room of the Umatilla House, far into the night, the merits of the several candidates will be discussed and their respective fates in a large measure decided. There will be no lack of candidates for the various county offices, and Wasco county Re publicans can ulways afford to chose the best for a Republican nomination is practically equal to an election. We give below the names that are spoken of aB candidates for the several offices. If any others aro talked of The CmtoNicLE has not heard of them. We have heard of no one definitely men tioned in connection with tho county school superintendency although, as we are advised, Mr. Gilbert, the present incumbent, may have 'opposition "Dad" Butts is the only one who has no rumored opponent. "Dad" has been coroner for three terms. The last two conventions gave him the nomination by acclamation and it looks as if it would be that way in the coming convention. "Dad," however, sayB if no one will run against him he will maybe get mad and resign, but he wont. It is far more likely that he will hold the office for life and then, dying, will it to his son. The following aro all the names The Cukonio'e has heard mentioned up to the hour of going to press ; For Sheriff Robert Kelly, T J Driver ; for clerk Simeon Bolton, A E Lake; for treasurer C L Phillips, Charles Haight, Henry Darneille, G J Farrelly, S S Johns, George Miller; for usseesor W H Whipple, O L Schmidt, Asa Stogs dale, F J Flemming; for surveyor J B Goit, W E Campbell ; for coroner W H Butts; for school euperintendent C L Gilbert; for commissioner P A Kirc heiner. A New Antl-Sataulc l'arry. A prohibitionist politician this morn ing handed to a politician of the old, standard grade variety a card containing the following application for member ship in the prohibition party, with space for applicant's name, precinct, county, street and post office address : "I desire that you should enroll my name as in favor of the annihilation of the saloon business, und, therefore, as a member of the prohibition party." The old liner filled tho blank spaces on the card with his name, precinct and so forth, added two or three words, erased two or three and handed it to the prohibitionist who read: "I desire that you should enroll my name as in favor of tho annihilation of the devil, siu, death and hell, and, therefore as a member of the Anti-Satanic party." Advertised l.ettore. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the poslofllce at The Dalles un cancel mr jyinrcu zz, iuuu, rersona calling for the same will give date on which they wore advertised: ladies. Beard, Mrs. S M Burns, Mrs, Mary Clark, Mrs. Mary(2)Glbsou, Mre. Mary Chase, Mrs. Martha Haiuou, Annie Kellar, Mabol Smith. Josio Williams, Mrs. II M GENTLEMEN, A m an nd, Thomas Bach, R C Bailey. Frank 1. Baur, Harry Connelly, Walter Davidson, Albert Kennedy, J is ftiurpuy, Jonn Miller, Isaac Miller, George II McLallen, L Mclidden, Donald Nixon, George Nisson, Huns K (2; Pierson, Gustave Phaley, Kd Reeves, Charles Robinson Bros. Richardson, N Stephenson. Pearl Sieforth, Andrew Shelly, William Scott, Walter Webb, C 3 H. H. Riddkll, P, M. VauteU. A girl to do general housework, In quire of Mrs. A. R. Thompson. m21-3t g 'll'IVl ' " "' ' ' I' I '! Ill IHIIHMMI1 lilt Mllllll ANfegcf able Pr cparalionfo'r As -slmilating (heFoodandHeguIa ting theStoinachs andBowels of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfuf ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine not-Mineral. Hot "Nauc otic . Tiny of Old Dr SAMUEL PtTCIOR . PunyJu Seal Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Fion, Sour Stonrach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YOHIC. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought I Bears the Signature yXr W For EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. In Use Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CCNTAUR COMPANY. NCW VOHK CITY. Drying preparations Bimply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to tho membrane and decom pose, causing a far moro serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fames, smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanses, soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho COc. size. Ely Brothers, CC Warren St., N.Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. and 50 cte. Blakeley & Houghton Druggist1-. . . of "atb Id Your Cfceoka. All countv warrants registered prior to June 3, 1890. will be pah' at niv office. Interest ceases after February. 2, law. u. Li. riULLips, Conntv Treasurer. The "Kingsbury" stjff hats, 1900'g block, are ready for vour inspectlon3 k' i I l.a Von. V,.1. r..r,l, U. I gnv wig t-jn A vii A vnou OIUIC, nilu II1DH nrlne is onlv n 00. Tn the have worn them they re d no introJ ductlon, as they know them to leS equal to any $4 00 hat in the maike' q fand always up-to-date. See window Did sou over hear how Mr street came to huy a vrhcol for his wife? WeU, ho came homo ono evening, anil saw her sitting on tno balustrade of tho porch, as shown In tho picture. lie mado up his mind then end there that b'.io would look Just too sweet for nnythins on a bicycle. And she does. Uut the kind of bicycle litis a good deal to do with looking sweet. So If you want to look sweet, buy your wheel (as did Mr. ) of the agent for VCRAWFORDS, Golden Eagle, $25 Crawford . . . $30 Cleveland, . S40 and;$50 We have handled the above lino of wheels for several years. The guarantee on the above wheels aro such that no one need to hesitate to buy either of them. JVlaiei7 & Benton Sole Agents, SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. w Q m w Q H W A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Gracs and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Seed Wheat, Seed 0.ts, Seed Rye, Seed Barley, Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn King Philip Corn, Stowell's Kvergreen Com, Early Minnesota Corn, Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Com, White Hominy Corn. Early Hose 1'otatoes, Burbank Potatoes, Spring Vetches, Brome Grass, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Poultry Food, Ueo Supplies. A magnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of which will bo sold at close prices for GASH at the Feed, Seed and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS. d w H H d SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. INSURE WITH THE Law Uoion & Crown Fire insurance Go. OF LONDON. FOUNDED 1826. CAPITAL PAID UP $7,600,000. ASSETS $20,126,036. Surplus bejond nil Mobilities In United Slates $621,166.28. ARTHUR SEUFERT, Res. Agt. Phone HI. The Dulles, Or.