The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 21, 1900, Image 3

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    Council Meeting;.
In endless variety of stylos and fahrlcs. Yon (-an now fln;l nimoxt nnvii.ii, . .... t.
.tvlu demands in Wash Fabrics for your Spring Shirt Wnlati. Son irnt. v . ? l"''1 tl,?8esl an1
t&X evening and party wear, for your social calls and aftoVnoSnffi. 9 Co8l,mit's- otifc.I
A Charming Line of Ladies' Neckwear, consisting of Bows Scarfs
Tecks, Stocks, Four-m-hands, etc. & 1 ocaris
Our first invoice of Shirt Waists,-that have been admired bv alt who
have seen them, ai e now ready and waiting your sanction.
We always lead in Silks of all kinds, and this season we have sur
passed all preVlOUS records. Wo give you nil a corillal invitation to come and see for yourselves.
The Destiny of Dollars.
The destiny of dollars and how to expend monev wisely, are momcn
made "S. fKntfSX! U,al M
The Well Dressed 6oy.
Every mother la proud of her boy. Every mother wants him to look
well. It iH not Huflioient that bo should Imvo one good suit and the rest of the
tiuiti look liki a "nutter snipe." Von want liitn attractive nlwnjs. We cive
your hoy the heat clothes for all purpose? Sunday Suits, School Suite, Play
Suits. Vou will ho proud of hhn if he wears our clothes.
We are showing u lino of Boys' All Wool Three-piece Suite In all the
latest styles and fabrics at prices ranging from $1,50 to 7.50.
See Windows.
Fout Cardinal Shoe Points. JS&$iZ&L
If your shoes do not contain theee, they are dear at any price. We arn showing specialties in Men's Shoes
Halt contain all theee points.
Men's Vclour Calf Lace, four styles of toes $4 00
Men's Tan Willow Calf Lace, live styles of toes 4 00
MenV Viet Kid Luce, cloth top or all kid 7 ii 00
Men's Chi.colate Vici Kid Lace, cloth top or all kid 3 00
They IH thu feet, and we guarantee the quality. When you buy of us you yet tho beBt.
All Good!) Marked
In Plain KlKiiroa.
the Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone iVn. 1.
I Oysters
KTVCil in
htylu by
fllrl Wftntt'll. In fin ifttnitrnt linnantrnrb .
Inquire ut this olllce. mch20-lwk
Mn'a feather-welLht silk nwoat
craetier hats are only ifl.QO ut New York
Cun Store.
Macks and colors, at New York
tllttfu MnMttxr Mitt lit
, w- WI the wlnnejN tho handsome
"'o altar rn 111 jcfnnt ullit for the
""ffltof the nejSt. PuterVchureh.
"OH, J. H. U'i.ImIi ,, Autnfo .....a
'"''tine u paper In that townhwt Mou
J to find out how many pejSons wanted
'Urtlcipite in the projected excursion
N". llarriu Am ,..,..,lo ...til
. . t,uin nvuin nil.
""ilmvcanew up-to-date plate glass
The old unsightly poroli In front
building has been torn down and
"wiiIiiBs will take Its place.
, l'ortlHiui Chamber of Commoree
! "-'t Senator Simon a letter imlora.
stand tho senator lias taken in
J Ition to the hlurt0 u,01 tttrUr bm
itu"",' Tllu senator is exhorted to
iLT,'1,"1 ilw Congregational
who m mln lrow tt f,,n ,,0"8
! PWeelation waB evinced by their
Pi.r.. 8 Uwt m'llry oveiy P'0 011 tllt)
"WMnn,,, 8llou(1 m wleoref n(ft
U p'orwird the death of AN
ttlUoiu ck Hh1"Ko. the eldest
ibU.1 .. 'm M. AI Bettingen, of
ll. Til ''ceased was saven years
'"o Mine of death whs menlimltle.
The funeral will take place from the
Catholic church next Friday at 11 a. m.
Its a safe bet that the sheep are troitiir
to vote in Eastern Oregon thh year.
Said u well-known sheepman to the
writer today: "I expect to make more
money this year oil' my cheep than
have ever done in my life." That man
will vote his whole band of sheep twice
this year to let well enough alone.
A sheepherdor, whoso name is with
held out of deference to his desire at
this writing to keep in the cool, sequest
ered shade, fell into the hands of the
ulirhUvutohman last night after a wiper
abundance of Irish disturbance had
fallen Into him. Two dollars settled his
bill this morning with Jiecoruer Gates.
Charles G. ltoberts, the well-known
wool buyer for the Theodore JJemheim
Co., of i'ortlamt, stopped over today on
his way up the road. Mr. ltoberts
would not venture to name tho price he
expected wool to reach during the com
ing season, but he was fully convinced
if, would be high enough to make this a
very profitable year for the sheepmen.
Profossor Gilbert left on the afternoon
train for Hood Kivor to attend the First
Annual Commencement Kxercisesof the
Kighth Grade, Larrett school, to be held
tonight at tho Valley Christian chinch.
Sixteen graduates will receive diplomas.
State Superintendent Ackerman will lie
liver an address and Si;perinntuint
Gilbert will present tho dbWmas to the
graduates. '
The well for the teaming mill is down
50 feet and the work of laying concrete
foundations for the machinery and sills,
for thu immense building goes on apace.
If you doubt wo are going to have a
auourliig mill take a walk one of these
flue days to the corner of Hrst and fed
eral. Not that you will bo needed there
for tho job ha? generally u full force of
About seventy pocket knives wore
stolen from a ease in tho front end of
W. A. Johnston's store Monday night.
Tho thief must have been a boy bb he
obtained uceoss to the storo through n
small aperturo In n bock window, koven
of the knives were accidentally found on
tti railroad track near Peters' mill.
No traoo of tho thief ha yet beeu found.
That ho was an amateur Is evidenced by
the fact that a case of razors, much more
j valuable than the knivep, lay close by
! but weie left untouched.
Archie Gilhousen, eon of W. D. Gil-
j housen formerly a photographer of this
I city, now a resident of Kahokn, Mo.,
(arrived in the city last night. Archie
spent his young boyhood days here and
went tofchool with boys and girls, who
are now men and women, haully one of
whom knows him when they meet him.
lie says his father and mother would
come back here in a minute did not
property interests detain them at Ka
li ok a, and t hoy still hope to come back
some day. Archie is a professional
singer, lie studied music in Koston
and has just returned from a profession
al trip to Knglaud where he sang in
London and many of the leading tow lit.
lie is looking after his father's properly
on the bin 1 1' with a view to selling it.
It. I). Cliumley, a well known mining
man from the Greenhorn districts tells
the Dnker City Itepublican that "the
people of The Dalles are doing the best
work of any in tho Greenhorn district.
They seem to be mining in a systematic
and thorough manner and they have
uason to bo encouraged fiom the way
thu Golden Kaglo is looking at present.
The mine is showing slopes of ore which
uuarautee continual running of the mill
for the next twelve months. The com
pany at present have a hu ge force of men
at work on the property, and further
than this, they are about to commence
developments on an extensive scale on
Dick Kelly's famous property, the Im
perial in (Juarl. gulch. The company
has acquired a coutrollng Interest in this
large lediso nud is going to commence
work at once and put it on its feet."
For Infants aud Children.
Thu Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
A girl or womou that Is a good cook
and housekeeper. Good wages to the
rlitht party. Inquire at 282 Third
elreet. 10-tf
An adjourned regular meeting of tho
common council was held last night.
All the members were present except
S. S. Johns.
A petition, signed by T. J. Driver,
T. 11. Liebe. J. P. Mclnerny and about
thirty otherp, praying that the license
on tnale dogs be reduced to one dollar
and on females to two dollars, was read
and referred to the finance committee.
A petition was presented, signed by
six barbers of tho city, asking the
council to paea an oidinanco providing
for the closing of the barber shops on
Sunday. The prayer of the petition
was granted and an ordinance ordered
to be prepared for submission to the
next meeting of the council.
Marshal Hughes and Councilmen
Johnston and Kelly were appointed n
committee to secure, if possible, a gravel
bed for repairing the streets of the city.
The final ordinance for "determining
and declaring the property to be bene
fited by the sewer system heretofore
determined upon and the proportionate
ehare of the cost to be assessed to each
of said properties," a document of forty
pages of foolscap was brought up and
submitted to earnest and protracted dis
cussion but witlrut result. In the
absence of a full board it was finally de
cided to defer further consideration of
the ordinance till the next regular meeting.
Recorder Gates informs U9 that the
estimated cost of the cantemplated
sewer system the highest, that is to
say, that has been made is $30,000.
"I Tulrt Illin So."
Tho following letter appeared in yes
terday's Times-Mountaineer. Its con
tents are precisely In line with what The
CiiisoNici.G has already told our contem
porary. Somebody had led the brother
astray :
Poitri-AXi). Or., March 19. To the
Editor. My attention has just been
called to your recent editorial entitled
"Moody or McCamant," in which you
compliment me by the mention of my
name in connection with the republican
nomination tor congress in the second
district this year. I desire to say that I
am not, have not been and will not be a
a candidate for this nomination, nor do
I think that there is or will beany rival
ry between Portland and Eastern Oregon
on the subject. 1 am of the opinion
that the Multnomah delegation will be j
unanimously in favor of Mr. Moody's
Perhaps I may be permitted to add,
that so far from criticising Mr. Moody for
his vote on the Puerto Rican bill, I am
in accord with the position he has takon
on that measure, and have written a
letter expressing my approval of his ac
tion. Wallace McCamant.
rTiT. rn'rvr!,nniTWTr,v'i;,'t;mnirin!.iiinT'ii:pvri7
. ii. .it ut . ninn i. mm
17 1 ' t 't m( in iiin hiih-iuhmhuIi
AVfcgdable PreparalionTor As
similating HieFoodandRegula
ling ihe Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur
ness and Hcst.Contalns neither
Opium.Moiphme norlmeral.
flx.Sauuz -
JffxntwtC .
ntHtuyrmt now.
Aperfccl Remedy forConstipa
Tlon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
Hiif tifOffTiliTH
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Signature fixr
For Over
Thirty Years
.Nut a "I'ruiniiicuuiiH C'uiullilate."
"I will not allow my name to he used
by either side or by any factions, and
will not allow the subject to take a
particle of my time or thought," said
Governor Geer to the Salem Journal in
answer to a question as to his candidacj
for United States senator to eucceed
Senator McHride. Continuing he said :
"The people have elected me governor,
and have not asked me to run for sena
tor, and it would be unfair for me to do
so, or to do anything else than give them
the best eervico I am capable of in the
position to which I was elected."
That's the kind of a governor Oregon
has. lie still insists on not being a
"promiscuous candidate."
HIh I, I re Whs "uv'(I.
Mr. J. IS. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo,, lately had a wonderful
deliverance from a frightful death. In
telling of it he says : "I was taken with
Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia.
My lnm;e became hardened, I was fo
weak I could'nt even ett up in bed.
Nothing helped me. I expected to soon
die of consumption, wheuvl heard of
Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle
gavo great relief. I continued to use it,
aud now am well and strong. I can't
sav too much in its praise." This
marvelous medicine is the surest and
quickest cure in the world for all throat
aud lung trouble. Regular el nee 50 cents 1
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Ulakeley 1
& Houghton's drugstore; every bottle!
Clrttixl Millinery Open log,
Campbell & Wilson cordially invite I
the ladles of Tho Dalles aud vicinity to '
attend their grand opening of spiing and
.., I III. '.l .. '1-1. 1
cuiiimri 1141111 tin , it Tuficauii. t iituio'
.1.... .1 HI..-,. 1. 01 on 00 wi.n
largest lino of pnttern hats ever shown
in The Dalles. mlU -It
Jtev. W. E. Sitzjr, W. Canton, N. Y.,
wiltes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty
years, aud tried doctora aud medicines
without benefit. I was persuaded to use
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helpid me
from the start. I believe it to he a ,
panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It
digests what yen eat. :
Clark & Kalk are never cloeed Sunday
Don't forget this. j
Ely's Cream Balm
Easy and pleasant to
use. Contafua 110 In
jurious drug.
It is quickly absorbed.
Gives Kelief at once.
It Opens aud Cleanses
iuo xsaeai raesiujes.
Allars Inflammation.
Heals and Protects tho Membrane. Restores the
Senses of Tnste and Smell. Large Size, 60 cents at
Druscitts or by mall ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall.
ELY 13KOTUEHS, CO Warren Street, New York.
For 85.00 Cali
And one dollar and fifty weekly
you can purchase a twenty-flw
dollar watch or diamond at Harry C.
Liebe's, in tho Vo:t block. Watches,
diamonds, clocks, jeweliy and silver
ware at most reasonable prices. .'1 S 3c
To the I.aitit-H mill Gt-iitlenif n.
Mr. C. L. Lambert, ol Strauss Bros.,
of New Yoik and Chicago, merchant
tailor?, Jims a full line 0'. samples at the
Columbia Hotel sample roums for u few
days taking orders for men and hoys'
suits as cheap as ready made. mlJ 14
For Sale.
Turkey eggs. Price 00.; a setting. In-qni-re
of Mrs. W. W. lUueon, on 3-Milo.
Long distance phone 94:5. rnch21 2.vks
S ck Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herbdrlnk. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you cat, 6leep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. 25 cts. and 50 cis.
Blakeley & Houghton Druggist-".
Cutli In Your Cf.evU.
All countv warrants registered prioi
to June 3, I8S0, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Febi uarv. 2.
IMO. O. L. PiiiLues,"
Countv Treasurer.
I. Hit.
Last (Tuesday) evening, helweeirSt.
Mary's Aoideiny and Ninth street
bridge, a pair of go'd rimmed spectacles,
In case. Finder will please leave same
at tho Academy. m21 2J
KxrntjAjxrxrxTxp era u aja j AyjEiATitriq
0' The "Kini'shnn-" atUY i.aio ionn5
black, aro ready for your inspection,')!
fc'arid tho price is only 3 00. To those'B
RjWho have worn them they need 110$
pjntrodiict'on, as they know them to'jj
Cbe equal to any $4 00 hat In the taw -A
P ket and always up-to-date. J,
Eggs retail at 12Jj ceuts per dczui at
Maier & Benton's.
Clark & Falk'd drug Htcck is new
fresh aud complete.
Bicycle sundries andflshing tackle at
Maier & Benton's. : 15tf
Ladles and children's sun bonnets, 25c
at New York Cash Store.
Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk'a
pure concentrated flavoring extracts.
Peters New Victor smokeless shells to
be had only at Maier & Benton's. I! lotf
M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says,
"DeWitt'o Little Early Risers are the
very best pills I ever used for costi ones?,
liver and bowel.troubles."
Bagley Bros., have purchased a
thrjughbred Jersey bull, registered
stock. For particulars apply at resi
dence on Tenth street, near tho fair
mounds. 3 0-lmo
Sul Bcrihe for The Chronicle.
Did vou ever l-.OT IJr.
street can:o to bu? a r.hcel for hia wlfof
weu, no camo noma one evemnj,-, ana saw
her stttlmr on t'JQ beJcn-rr-ilc of tlio porch,
as shown in tho picture. lie rmula up hia
mind then and thero t'-iat sho would look
just too sweet for anything on a bicycle.
And she does. Hut the kind of bloyelo hna
a itood deal to do with looklr.,',' sworn. Bo
If you want to look hwoet, buy your wheel
(as did Mr. ) of tho agent for -
Golden Eagle, $25
Crawford . . . $30
and $50
We have handled the above line of
wheels for several years. The guaranteo
on thu above wheels are such that no
out) need to hesitate to buy either of
IVlaier & Benton
Solo Agents.
Law Union k Crown Fife Insurance Co.
CAPITAL PAID UP $7,600,000. ASSETS 20, 126,030.
Surplus Uond all l.iabilitlcu In United Stales
$521 ,166.28,
ARTHUR SEUFERT, Res. Agt. The&Vor.'