The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 21, 1900, Image 1

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NO 188
yi x a.T
Wjurarily Destroyed Roberts' Means of
Crossing Rivers ai rare
and Krooustadt.
Considerable Interest is Attached to tlie
Fate of the Cit of Johannesburg-
Jlorc Talk of Intervention Cape
Colony Insurgents J.aying Down
Arras Voluntarily.
Knows the merits of the
$5p. $35. $25.
Mnny now features for 1900 which you cannot afford to overlook.
Sent Dig Battleships Into the Interior
of China It Was a Matter of
t'u'K Town, March 120. Tho Boers
hue blown up the liriiles north of
Bloemfontein, including tlitno ut Wind
bargand KrumiHtadt, and are now re
treitiiiK to tlio north.
CtlINO til ItllM'lllflllltflll.
Bloemkuntkin', Mnnduy. The IloerH
b!ei up thu railroad bridge over tho
MoJJer rivor, fourteen miles north,
jeitenliiv. Tho law courts wore ro-
ipneil today.
Itiill.if of SlnfnltlltB-
J-o.Niiox, March 20. For all tho news
thu reached huro yesterday and today,
Great Hrituin might nlmoHt as well have
tiMn at fwitni. in mntirmi&tiln tn tin
lieve that thu roliuf ot Mafeking may bo
fieiril fit nnv limit-.
General Kitchener hua entered Brlee-
l,Capo Culony, without opposition,
thoiniurgents laying down their arms,
which merely cnullrma thu pruviouB ro
ports of tlivir willingness to hii built.
General s Huberts and Uullor are still
ioiclire, ponding developments at the
(better of war.
Cootiderablu intureHt is attached to
the fato of Johannesburg. Commenting
cd the reported consultation between
Secretary I lay and thu Gurman Am
butador at Washington aa to a proposi
tion that both belligerents, be asked to
leave Johannesburg alone, the Pall Mall
Gtt tavs :
"This time Dr. Leyds has, aa wo may
without impropriety assume, put in cir
cuUllon the tale to the (fleet that the
German Ambassador at Washington and
tbeAmorlcan Consul at Pretoria are con
wting a little scheiuo of German inter
vention. That is really a glorious yam
"done which shows to what desperate
'halts tho uneiulea of this country oro
reduced, Juat imagine a government
Mch has formally declined all outalde
intervention, permitting Gormany to
dicUle the course of Lord Huberts'
ttcli to Pretoria. Tho German foreign
Ece knows bettor than to invite the
nb it would receive if it ventured to
lper eo preposterous u proposal in
"Miilng btrout."
Kiuulu' MiMvrr In KriiKr.
""UllS, March 20 Thu Sf. Iilruliiiru
WTMporidont ol the I.okal Anzulgor tele
t'Wt that tho Minister of Foreign At
Irs has prepared an offlulal communl
W w ic, will ho published within the
jwtdaynr two. It contains Russia's
nwr to I'rosidont Krugor'a request for
Hie coiMiiini, !,, i... i .i
bo knowledge ami consont of
'neoand Germany ami has received
"6 approval of tho Czar. As regards
'cotuents, ,,u tlmt tl0 corr08)ondent
lidl Hbl" 10 loiUn i8 tl,Bt 1,10 ,,oto
Fni 'i'1 Wltl' (,uo l)reoionfl ginst
wilt an1 ilu lonB u vory serious and
,,ut ,tt11 to n,Hke a duep
Mlliiitr'i. IToolHinatloM.
Hill MlU0 80.-8lr Alfred
, Governor of Cape Colony and
h, 2 c?,n",lf8lonor of South Africa,
the u , ,,roc!ttl,'tion declaring that
In u ? KOVor'ent will not recog.
olDrnJ. or efrect' ny olienatious
or nZ y.' .wl,t)ll'' l lands, railroads
C!?," 11,0 TnVMl, or Orange ;
" or any interest therein or
I Complete Line of "1900" Sundries. J
r ur-iTxar,; tit i .i'T.i stjm.
encumbrances, or any concessiom
granted by the said governments.
Gerinmiy Aliirl, Oiintiernert.
Nkw Yokk, March 20, Much concern
is being shown by the German govern
ment in the threat made by Montagu
Whito that thu Doere will destroy Johan
nesburg to prevent it being made the
base of thu British operations against
i'rutoria. The Berlin authorities will
Btronely oppose euch action, because of
thu damage which will bo dune to
property owned by Germans.
In accordance with the instructions of
his government, Baron von Ilolleben,
German Ambassador, has gone ao far. as
to Bound thu United States touching its
views of Mr. White's threat. It is not
thought ttiat tho United States will take
uny action or join In any representations
to tho Boer government on the subject.
If Germany wishes to prevent tho city
Iroin being razsd to thu ground it is said
she should herself make representations
to thu LulligcruntB. The interests of the
United States in Johannesburg ore com
paratively email, while Germany is
largely interested In the mines there.
In view of Germany's Inquiries on the
subject, it is thought not unlikely that
alio will make un effort horeelf, if she is
unable to induce other powers to jnn
her, to have the belligerents to agree to
protect f jrelgn property in Johannesburg
nt least.
JSugtuuit'a I'lan.
Nkw Yokk, March 20. A dispatch' to
tbe World from London says: Apart
of tho Britlah plan for tho pacification
of South Africa la now apparent in the
announcement that a!l tho British au
thorities there will make every effort to
induce tho resorviste, tho time-expired
men, the volunteers and tho colonials
from abroad, to settle there us soon aa
the war Is over, by giving them 2-10
acres of land each, provided they will
occupy tho land for 10 years.
It is paid that the men who do not
wish to take up land will be made
tempting offers to enlist in the Chartered
(British) South Africa Company's field
force, under General Carrington. It is
declared officially that the war office
will not sanction or encourage transfers
from the colonials, volunteers or yeo-
tniinrv to the establishment of tha-
British army.
t:oiitril American Governments Object.
Nkw Youk, March 20. A special to
tho Herald from Washington Bays : It
can be stated authoritatively that the
statu department has been informed
that all of the governments of Central
AaTerica are opposed to the Davis
amendment to the Hay-Pauncefote
In the opinion of tho governments des
ignated, the amendment places entirely
new phase upon the deeigns of the Unit
ed States in connection with the con
struction of the canal. The neutrality of
the waterway would, to acertaiu extent,
have deprived the powerful republic of
thu north of an incentive to acquire their
territory. Since the war with Spain and
the consequent expansion of tbe United
States some apprehension haB been ex
expressed by the Southern countries
that tho United States would next turn
Its atteutlon to them. The Hay-Pauncefote
treaty was consequently hailed by
the Central American notions as a
guarantee that they would not be mo
lested, as the international neutrality of
the canal would prevent interference in
isthmian affairs by other governments.
The Davis amendment, however,
places in the hands of this governmeut
tho right not only to take measurea for
its own defense with leference to the
canal, but permits it to use force "for
the maintenance of public order."
By a young lady, a place to do house
work in a small family. Apply to Mrs.
Toomey, New Columbia Hotel. m2-2w.
$j.oo per month.
Strictly first class local and long
distance telephone service within
your home.
Lines do not cross-talk. Your con
versution will be kept a secret.
No cost for installing.
You get the standard Hunning
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and night service.
We will accept your contract for
ten years and allow you to cancel
samo on giving us thirty days writ
ton notice,
New Yohk, March 20. A fpecial to
the Herald from Washington says: It
developed today that Germany stands
rady with troops to protect American
missionaries in Shan Tung province. It
was further ascertained that the Berlin
government, to the gratification of the
United Statee, recently difpatched an
expeditionary force from Kiao Chou to
Ichon Fu for tbe protection of American
missionaries. This force suppressed the
rioters at Icbon Fu, arrested the ring
leaders, who have been punished, and
taught the anti-foreign crusaders a les
son. Tbe State department has been in
formed that the German government
contemplates another expeditionary
force to the interior of Shan Tung, where
most of tho American missions are
located, but it fully understands Un
willingness of the German authorities to
take such action. In fact, I learned in
a high diplomatic quarter that the Ger
man governor at Kiao Chou has stand
ing instruction's to take such measures
for the protection, not only of German
missionaries and other interests in Shan
Tung province as may seem necessary,
but of American missionaries as well.
Becaino of the peculiar relation in
which Germany stands to the province
of Shen Tung by reason other acquisi
tion of Kiao Chou and of court property
rights in the promontory, she is particu
larly desirous of preserving order in the
territory. It is for this reaeon that her
troops arc ready for service at any point
within the province where there is
danger of attack upon foreign interests
by Chinese fanatics. To a certain ex
tent Germany const queutly dominates
the province and she undoubtedly
would rather use her own troops to pro
tect foreigners than to allow a third gov
ernment to land a force to protect its
own citizens, wi.en such action might
lead to its remaining permanently in the
territory, which its forces temporarily
Ttie fact that Germany dispatched
troops to Ichou Fu to protect American
missionaries has never hitherto been
published. The offer of Germany to
send a fotce to thie point was received
with pleasure by the authorities, who
do not contemplate any detigna what
ever on Cliiuese territory, and who are
consequently very glad to assent to the
German proposition.
Minuter Wu Ting Fang, the diplo
matic representative of Ch'na here, ie
inclined to look upon the reports of
trouble in China as exaggerated.
r Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat
ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agree,
ably aromatic. It is received through tha
nostrils, cleanses ond heals the whole sur
faco over which it diffuses itself. Druggists
sell tho 50o. sizo j Trial size by mail, 10
couts. Test it and you are suro to continue
tho treatment.
To accommodate tboBO who aro partial
to tho use of atomizers in applying liquids
into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou
bles, tho proprietors propare Cream Balm in
liquid form, which will uo known as Ely's
Liquid Croom Balm. Trico including the
spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by
mail. Tho liquid form embodies tlie med
icinal properties of (ho Bolld preparation.
Cure Uruduchu Quickly.
Baldwin's spaikllng effervescent Cel
ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure
for headache, nervouenese, sleeplessness,
brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold
by Clarke & Falk, druggists. jan24 OvV
Kfg Vor Bale,
Full blooded, barred Plymouth Hock
eggs, per eetting $1 .00 and $1.50. For
particulars call on or address,
Sandkkm Bitos.
Box 017. The Dulles, Or.
A girl to do general house work in a
small family. Apply at thU office. tf
Mules for Bale.
One span of mules, 5 years old, for
eale, Weight, each about 1000 pounds.
For particulars address
M. K, McLeou,
3-14 ltu Fcur tulles east of Klngeley
A. M. Williams & Co.'s Store News.
This Morning
White Swiss, Lawn and
India Linen Dresses for Girls.
We have taken pain3 to make selections especially
suitable for
First Communion Wear,
Easter Sunday.
Ami takft pleasure in asking interested parlies to
call and view our assortments.'
from $2.50 to $10.00.
We expect another lot soon, which will include
White Dresses as cheap as $1.50.
No need to take the time or pains to fay nothing
of the extra cost of making these dresses at home. You
can save money, time and trouble by buying them
Three Styles quoted from as many dozen:
Lot 601. Dress of India Linen, made full waist with
bolero jacket front, embroidery rumes at revere, col
lar and sleeves: ntted unaerwatst at
tached ; deep hem
Lot 604. Dress of white India Linen, full front
trimmed with insertion, wide embroidery revere;
. collar and belt ot insertion, embroidery Qtt
ruffles at sleeves, fitted nnderwaistattch'd JV.0J
Lot 608. Dress of white Swiss made with all-over
lace yoke, fitted underwaist, pointed shoulder lapels,
and revers edged with valencienne insertion and lece,
yoke and bvi finished with narrow satin ribbons
and bows; petticoat and underwaist at- dQ Kf
tached tfO.OU
These goods may be peen in the Ladies' Cloak and
Suit Department upper floor.
Men's Department.
The New Stetson Hats )ariived Saturday
The New Lion Hats nd are now
The New Big Bear HatsJreftdy'
The Best Hats on Earth at respectively :
A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and
Seed Wheat, Seed Oats,
Seed Hye, Seed Barley,
Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn
King Philip Corn,
Stowell's Evergreen Corn,
Early Minnesota Corn,
Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Corn,
White Hominy Corn.
Early Rose Potatoes,
Burbank Potatoes,
Spring Vetches,
Brome GraBS,
Cheap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, Bee Supplies.
A msgulflcent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of
which will bo sold at close prices for CASH at the Feed, Seed
and Grocery Store of
is ,
i. n
I 1L