DESCRIBES LUZON LIFE. SPRING GOODS In omlloHH vnrloty of stylos and fabrics. Yon can now1 find almost nnvitiini. iht u 1.1., , ndfl i" VVtiflh Fabrics for your Spring Shirt Waist" SenS si?,?, ni t r n ?'ouI1 e","IPf,l "ml fi;S evening n.l party oar, for your social culls and So?S F,,U Co8t' Bontlfal A Charming Line of Ladies' Neckwear, consisting of Bows, Scarfs Tecks, Stocks, Four-m-hands, etc. & uW&, ocans, Our first invoice of Shirt Waists, that have been admired by all who have seen them, ate now ready and waiting your sanction. We always lead in Silks of all kinds, and this season we have sur passed all preVlOUS reCOrdS. We glvo you all a cordial invitation to como and see for yourselves. The Destiny of Dollars. ....u-lUi," wm.,,vo J,0refclf thouirhtfnl moments on this question of .Spring Suit, we are certain you uil! find our goods and prices the beet. Tho destiny of dollars and how to expend money wisely, are momen- v Wo urn Minvini n linn nt Mun' c:i. u.. . ,. mailo garment, und at less than half the price. if k J The Well Dressed Boy. Kvery mother ia proud of her boy. Kverv mother wants him to look well. Ji 1h not Htillioicnt that lie should have one good suit and the rest of tho time look like a "gutter snipe." You want him attractive always. We eive your boy the best clothes hir all purposes Sundav Suits, School Suits, Play SuilB. You will be proud of him if he wears our clothes. We are showing a lino of !ob' All Wool Three-piece Suits In all the latest t-tylcF and fabrics at prices ranging from $1.50 to !".o0. See Windows. Fouf Cardinal Shoe Points. If your shoes do not contain these, they are dear at any price. We ate showing specialties in Men's ShoeB tliat contain nil these points. Men's Velonr Calf Luce, four stylus of toes $4 00 Men's Tan Willow Calf Lace, tho styles of toes 4 00 Men's Viol Kid Lore, cloth top ofnU kid 3 00 Men's Chocolate Vici Kid Lace, cloth top or nil kid 3 00 They lit the feet, and we guurunteo the quality. When you buy of us you pet the best. All Gootfo Marked In Plain Flguros. PEASE & MAYS the Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telrjihone No. 1. TUKSDAY - Vy AUoTl 1!0, HMO a Kurveil In I Oysters J KELLER J . WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Concert repented ! Concert repeated ! 1 Concert repeated ! 1 1 Tonight at Congregational church. Girl wanted, to do general housework, '"'luire at this ollko. meh'JO-lwk tegular dance wm tak0 ,ittC0 toinor 'o evening at the ISuldwin. Men's feather-weight silk sweat crnahor hats are only if 1.00 ut Now York wli Store. Iit arrival of men'a lints, all the West, him,, and colors, nt New York will Store. "a in your seat Ht 8 o'clock ub the Prori,i for tonight's concert will bugiii l8:15 sharp. ''flies' ne,. dressing Btoeks, jibots ' eilk pulley collars have Juat arrived ,u- M. Williams & Go's: The delegates oleoed to the Hepub 'n conniy eonveiitiVfroin Oak Grove '"Wftiiktiabel lUiddSih Jvl. pother consKiuint of those 8o mid i'. ,m",',, I'V'rtora nuil square crown gJ. Just received ut New York Cusli IMvim 0,1,1 ,,ro ,lftly C0''K i t A. w IliaiiiB a Go's, Prominent among iB.i . il "r" ,nllo'--n euilB, skirts JtiOB1IlU.loii t(j Mjoort ton,Blt good !mU of "U wh0 I'Prednm win,. nriil atlmlsslou, 25 "WWrun.iBcenU. ta'uV Tt with Ida assistant, bt ftt tho Umtlll House, UfiJr.r.,,M v,B,leJ t,li8 ,ocluy W Iuih mny 0a p,tent8 aml friends here. He makes Kuptiue a specialty and cureB without the use of a knife. The male quartet who e" up "The Flay Without a Stain" so acceptably last week will tonight render "Old Ulaek Joe." This cannot fail to please. In addition to the special numbers of the last program, Prof. Lundoll will sing a really bass solo tonight, one that requires a voice of raredeptli ni.d power. Yesterday Shrrlll' lvelly sold a Email picou of property on the blulFnear the Gates residence. Is was pui chased by the mortpit;ee, Mrs. Ann Fitzgerald, for $120. Ttio Herald thinks Antelope should have n bank, a wniehouso for storlnt' wool, and a feed yard. It thinks each of these would pay u good dividend on the invesliuent. Thtro have been 60tnuuIuuiKesmede in the pronraui for tcnight'e concert. A solo and chorus from tho cantata "The Haymakera" will take the place of "O Hail Us Ye Free." Twickenham, n postolllco on the John Day, lu Wheeler county, is to have a newspaper by Editor Shutt, of the lleppner Times. Twickenham is n candidate for the county seat of Wheeler county. All neighbors of Cedar Circle tiro re quested to ineotut their hall Wednesday afternoon (tomorrow) to complete ar rangements in regard to attending the funeral of our late neighbor, Mrs. Hun uaker, ut 1 :!10. Reud the program to bo given tonight as published in this issue of tho Citnon ioi.ij, mill ho convinced that, you will never have tho opportunity again of hearing its equal for tho price of to night's admission. Tho verdict of a great many of the musical critics present ut tho last concert was to tho ell'oct that the chorus "Niagara," from "II Trovatore," whs itself worth tho price of admission. This will be repeated tonight, and four others of equal merit. Congressman Moody writes to H. O. Hooper, of Antelope, that sheep will be admitted into tho Cascade reeorvo this yenr on the euuie terniB ns Inst year ex cept that charge of two or three cents u head will be made. Mr. Moody made an effort to have them allowed in free, hut without success. From n letter to Mr. Simeon Bolton, received this morning from Kev. U. F. Hawk, we learn that the operation on his little son Itaymond occurred yester dny morning and at the time of writing the lad was still asleep. Of the result of the operation Mr. Hawk speaks as fol lows : "The Doctors found somo diseased bone. I nm well-pleased with this opera tion. They have found the seat of the trou bio and we are no longer working in tho dark. They found the trouble in the spot I have been saying they would find it. I think, there is a good chance for tho boy. Ho is very pale and weak, but if the trouble is removed he will booh get strength, Mrs. Hawk is feeling real well nnd is very hopeful." A liootl Wnniiin Ciiino, We have to chronicle the passing away of Fannie Sargent Hunsnker, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs, I. N. Saigent, at tho homo of her father this morn ing, at 2 o'clock. She had spent tho last two weeks with her parents, nnd feelinit unusually well last evening she mot a few of her friends, and not until within u couple of hours of her deatli was it icalized that the end was so near. All that physicians and kind und loving friends could do, was dono for her, and she passed from this earth, like the falling asleep of a child. Fannie Sargent was born nt Mineral Point, Wisconsin, July 3, 1850 and crossed the plains with her parents in 180'-'. film wiib married at their home In Mitchell, Nov., 4, 1880 to Mr. Frank Hunsaker, by whom she had two sons, who have now reached maturity. Tho funeral will tako pluuo from the residence of Mr. J. N. Sargent nt 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. The services nt tho gravo will bo conducted by the Women of Woodcraft of which society she was uu honored member. After Sunday, March 18th, the barber shuns will be kept closed nil day Sun- diiyn. By order ol The Dalles Barbers' Union. inlU-24 H.jD. Pabkinb, Sec. l'ortlnnd Vetlnsry Burgeon Tplln of A vrrl Womrn DrerN In I.oiihr Sclc nil ftmoko Strong Clsnrft. F. J. Knepper, veterinary surgeon, U. S. A., from Apirri, Luzon, to his wife in Portland, under date of January 17, says: "Apatri is situated on tho north coast of Luzon, And la considered the coolest and healthiest spot of the ieland. It has good drainage, eandy soil, and is sur rounded by a most beautiful and pro ductive country. Theclimnto eo far jest suits me is not too warm of nights to sleep under blankets. It rains about every other night but soon dries off. "This is a groat tobacco port. Theto wore four ships here loaded with the weed waiting to go out when we arrived on the (ith inst., ami the boats that are here cannot handle all that Is ready to hi taken to Manila. This wili be a rich and productive port of tho islands when Uncle Sam gets things straightened out, and the natives understand our good intentions. ' The city has a public square, or plaza, with a bandstand in tha center, sur rounded by two-story stone buildings. About one hundred such buildings stand iu the place. The nativea have huts made of bamboo, built in sections five and sis feet high. The natives are now returning from the interior, many coin ing in every day. There are a number of wealthy Spanish families here, but they are preparing to return to Spain. Major Wood's Wife is the only American woman hero at present. "Tho authorities are having the city cleaned up in good shape. The natives work with wooden paddies for shovels, and some have only split bamboo, sharpened at the end. One man w ith a shovel would do as much work in one hour as 10 of these will'do in a day.-We had our kitchen whitewashed, and it took two of them two davs. Thev took the biiucks off a cocoanut and pounded it soft on one end and used it for a brush. "The natives are well dressed for this country. The women wear long, loose sacks nnd skirts and smoke cigars a foot long nnd one inch thick. Tho wealthy women of A pari i pnradethe streets with long trains and flue embroidered ekirts ; they all smoke, children included. The markets are now run by the native women. They have for sale meat, fish, and a variety of nice green vgetables, chickens and eggs, but prices are high. One dollar in Mexican or 50 cents in American money will buy a dozn eggs. Fruit is cheap. Pineapples sell for 2Jo cents each, and bananaB for 5 cents a dozen. The merchants here are China men, and they have just opened up since we came here, as this port has only been open to trade since January 1. I am boarding witii a Spanish family, and pay $1 per day. They try to cook as Ameri cans do, as much as possible, and give very good meals. Several of us expect to start a mess as soon as we can get things arranged. We bought a Btova from a Spsniaid yesterday, and are get tint! up u dish here and there. The commissary will soon have everything for tli i soldiers' comfort. Wo catch rain water for use, as the wells are only four or, five feet deep. Wood is very scarce nnd high. It is about 12 miles to the mountains, and the natives do not seem to understand cutting and selling fuel. The wood is split very fine nnd is sold by (lie stick. Any man coming here and starting a small saw mill would have a bonanza, for there is none in this part of the island. All lumber has to be sawed by hnnd. There are many ways n man with u few thousand dollais could reap a fortune. The na tives have money. One would think so, to go out to the cockpit Sunday after noon and see them bet on trie different roosters. One cannot understand where they get their money. It is tho reuulnr Sunday sport among tho natives. Thsy were almost wild with txeitement and surprise when we landed the first mules und horses from the Ivjnnox. They beat u snare drum to call them together, and they came from all directions. When I showed them the shoes on the horses' feet that capped the clininx. "Our city is illuminated with oil lamps. This Is said to be one of the most healthy parts of the bland, aud the officers who have been up tho valley or river 50 or 100 miles say there are some of the richest lands tlioy ever saw. Corn, in all stages of growth can be seen, lliey grow three crops u vear. It is no troublo to raise chickens anil hogs here, but I have seen only a few cattle. The Filipino army drove them off for meat. Tie carriboo, or water buffalo, are quite numerous, Four com panies of the Sixteenth leulais ate stationed here; the rest of the regiment Is at different points up the river." 11 auk from Die "Oulil Hurt," Pat Fagan returned yesterday from a trip to his old home in the north of Irtlaud which lie had not visited for thirty years. He ia perfectly enthusiastic over the condition in which he found things in general in The Old Sod. He lihTiltltMBil llll - I I w HU'l ill r"mnl.i.inii Afcgc(able Preparalionfor As similating llicFoodandReguia ling the Stomachs and Bowls of Promolcs DigcslionXheerfur ness and Itest.Contains neither Opium.Morplune norMiueral. lVOT "N ARC OTIC . flnye oTOUJirSSMVELPtrcmR lnpluu. Sceil' tlx.Smn ytttief Sted f Clanfud Sugar hVikrpmn flavor. Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Tion i Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverisn ness ami Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Sujialurc or NEW YORK. CXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. OASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Eears the Signature of My In Use For Over Thirty Years OASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY NEW YOftK CITY. has traveled extensively over the north of Ireland and visited Glagow, Sotland and found everywhere abundant evi dences uf prosperity. But t he condition of the people of Ulster surprised him most. Wages had increase 1 wondeiful. ly since he was there and while in Belfast on one Sunday ho watched a big crowd of working people and their families as they strolled through a pleasure resort of the city, and he avers he never saw a lot of better dressed or more respectable looking people in his life. The landlords Lave nothing to say to the farming population any more as to their hohlinzs unless the rent is un paid, aud the government has fixed the rent so low that Pa. nays he gets more rent for a little house he lias up on the bluff in this city than he would have to pay for a good sized farm in tho old country. hong as the time is since he left home ho met a large number of old acquaint ances, who knew him on sight, and in one case when he visited uu old filend of 8!i. his aged, bed-ridden wife in an adjoining room cried out, "Is that Pat Pagan?" She had recoirniz-d his vnic-i after an interval of ,'J0 years. Pal's brother Tom, who is weli known over in Wheeler county, and who went back t Ireland last fall, is getting good wages at. his old trade ( f 11 -tx dressing and told his brother he would not eonio back here if they gave him all of Wheeler county. UoiiKreuutlouiil Conceit rrograin. The following is the program of the concert to be givt-n at tho Congregational church this evening. March 20th: Solo and Chorus j(j' "ltXC Meadow," Prom "The Ilaymakeis" (by Hoot . Solo.."J.ii!t lloso of Summer" Ptevcnsnti Mrs, .McCoy. Chorus "Ppi lug Soiik" "OhVoTYiirs" ;. Miss dishing and Quartet. .I'lnsull Abt Solo "Tile Two Hoses" .Mis. Parr. "Souk of the Itlids" 1, utiles' Chorus'olr HrliiKworth Oliorus-"ltells of t. Michaels". Hush solo -"Tliu Souk of llylnlus the Cre tan" KUiot Prof, l.uudell. Egf3 retail at l'J'ij cents per dczin at Maie & Benton's. Clark A Falk'a drug stock is new fr jfii and complete. Bicycle sundries andtishing tacklo at Maier & BentonV. .' lotf Ladies and children's sun bonnets, 23o at Xow York Cash Store. Ash your grocer for Clarke A Falk'a pure concentrated flavoring extracts. Peteis New Victor smokeless shells to be had only at Maier &. Benton's. 3 lotf M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., Eays, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the very best pills I ever used fur costivenes?, liver and bowel troubles." Bagley Bros., have purchased a thrjughbred Jersey hull, registered stock. For pariicular8 apply at resi dence on Tenth stieet, naar the fair grounds. 3 C-lmo Sul scribe for The Chronicle. .of Did vou ever hcr.r fco7 M:v street cume to buy iv wbccl for h!n wife? Well, ho eamo bono one evening, anil taw her slttlnR on t!io bslc.'raclo ol tho porah, asfchown In the picture. Ho muAo up his mind then nncl tsoro t,So would lool: just too sweet for anylblnj on a bicycle. And she does. Hut iha Uir.rt of bicycle has a good deal to do 7lth looUlct; swoct. So if you want to look i.wect, buy your wteel (as did Mr. ) ol the ccer.t for . CRAWFORDS "MoonllKhton I lie I.iilui" Male Chorus. -Whlto Solo -"My I.itUe DurlliiK" G nines Mis, UuniiiiKtoii. Selections from Caiitutii, "Ksthei" Mrs. Huntington, Mr. Poling am! Chorus, Solo "Ablccp lu t ho Deep" I'etrio Dr. O, D. Doaue. (With violin oblltjutoby Cluioneo Gilbert' MaltMiuurtet -"Old Itlaek Jou" Messis. Lamlers, Poling .Slmoiiton, lam dell. Chorus -"NliifTaia" (Prom "II Travatoru") Golden Eagle, $25 Crawford . . . $30 m-rnlrmA S40 Uiovciauu, . . and.$50 We have handled tho abovo line of w heels for several years. The ituarantea on the above wheels aie such that no ono need to hesitate to buy either of them. JIIaieF & Benton Solo Agonts. . INSURE WITH THE Law Union & Crown Fire insurance Co. OF LONDON. FOUNDED 11325. CAPITAL PAID UP $7,600,000. ASSETS $20,120,030. Surplus le on J till I.lHbllltJe.- iu United Stutcs $621,166.28. 'Phone 111, The lnllt-, Or. ARTHUR SEUFERT, Res. Agt.