l)c Dalles Cljrimfck. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON. TUESDAY. MARCH 20 1900. ILL INTEREST IN MAFEKING Forces How Cohtop Toward That Pit Arc Supposed to Have a Double Responsibility. TO ADVANCE ON PRETORIA llrilisli I'lisiiiicrs at Pretoria Will He in Danger From Roberts' Fire All Danger of Intervention Is Now He lievcil to lie Past. EVERYBODY Knows the merits of the BICYCLES COLUMBIA HARTFORD PATEE CREST $50. $35. $25, Many new features for 1900 which you cannot afford to overlook. t QUEEN VICTORIA TICKLED IRELAND Her Action Regarding the Shamrock Was One of Wisdom Ends Bitter ncss of Years. London, M.weh H). Neither the ad- M vinco by w ny of Fourteen Streams nor!j( Cblunul riiiinor h movement nus yet re culttil in bringing news of Mufeking's re lief. From Itloeiufontein mid Natal there ure it i patently no Berlous develop ments, mill public interest learning centered in Colonel Hnden-Powell'e force. However, it appears likely thnt the converging of the troops toward Mnfo- king indicates it much inure Herious pur ple tliuu merely Kb relief. Judging from Lord Mettiut'ii't) picscncc at War rentuwu nml the capture of the nour-by piKnge of the Yuul lit Fourteen Streams, keen oliuervoru heliuvo Lord Roberts nieditnti'B mi advance in force on Pietoria by way of Kiistenborg. This might Blurt either from Fourteen Streams or Klene- dorfaml would probably coincide with in advance by wny of Hloumfontuin iind Kttl. Thus lird Methuen may be given tlio I'huiKui to redeem his reputa tion as Imi General Gatncra. Comuiitndunl Olivier has nccompllBhed Mother feat in his retreutrom Northern Cpo Colony, evacuating ' Koucheville mil goiiii; towards Krooiutadt, where President Stoyn is. PrcturlH l'rlNuiir Alovoil. Nmv Vouk, March til. A dispatch to Hie Tribune from London enye: The Hritiali ollieers now in Pretoria have n removed from the priton where Winston Churchill left them, to new qwtors in tlu outskirts of the town under Dasporb ridge. Tlio reasons lor tills cliannu are not etuto.l, but it is eiident Hint General Roberta' army will hve to expose a number of British prionorB to cxuentionul dimmer when Pretoria is invested. Complete Line of "1900" Sundries. MAYS & C&OCUE. A'o Umiutir ut Intervention. NW YoitK. March It). "Grnak Brit. Mt diclunUion thut she will not tolerate the Intervention of unv lower tfTectnally nie vents EtirniiH from ut. tempting to end the hostilities In nro- fesfliiS.iuth Afiloa." "113 Statement una mail.. Ir.ut ,l,.lit In iliington by a well-informed diplomat, "t'ulmdenr. fu'ly followed international WntstrniiHpirlii. In thu O'.d World. 'TIlO Fui'tMllMlll linrtvnn." Iu pnn. tinaed'is remarkably clear for England. i intervention been contemplated cion vvoul 1 li ""Ish prestige had nniT.,rmI me.h u evera blow by tho reverses of General "Her before l.tidysmlth ; of General uiUcre ut s.ioriiii...... ::.,. ,-..i . . Willi UtUVIKt "'lliuen ut tin. M.wi.to. .iiia. Ti... r., - -' wmv.wi iivvii AUC ink, j " IluBBlu did not at that tuoineut Were shows conclusively, I believe, o truthfulnees of the peace Bontlments iertained by tlu Czar, which he en cored to Imvo Incorporated Into Inter iional law by the conference held t " ""Hue. I think it may be Mt down "Molutely correct that Kuaaiu dooa Bill t i 80 10 lttko dvntR of Great 1 present preocoupatlou in South lily put in circulation by persons desirous of distracting attention in England Irom events occurring in South Africa, "It ie to be expected that the Presi dents of tho South African Republics will endeavor to secure peace through diplomatic menus. They probably fully understand by now thut there Is no pros pect of a second Majuba Hill and thut if peace comes before their governments are wiped out, it must be achieved by diplomatic negotiations. Just iiow this is possible, however, in view of Great llritiun'a positive declaration, I cannot say. The note from the United States enabled Lord Salisbury to plnv a strong card at the right time. His declaration Iiub done much to clear thu ntmosphere for Great Britain and has shown the world the intention of the British gov ernment to deetroy the two Republics. "Undoubtedly the governments of Eu rope have discussed the prospect of com pensation, but there is no tall: of con certed action at present. It seems to me that had the decision been at all serious, action would have been inaugu rated by tho other powers when the English troops were in such a desperate plight in South Africa. The Boers now seem demoralized ; the English have an Immediate force with which to conquer them and it is hardly probable that the rebuffs sustained some weeks ago by the British troops will be repeated." B'ito'i Africa. Per n," "mt 11,0 ,0n ia,t wde t0 will increase her Influence with W.f' Tlmt IoM..howeiwr,U not ""lo tlio Km, n. ., ticnn 1 1 rt,cn war. negoua lot. i 8ulcrpuw wre begun be k, "ie vrrco,me'oed, Great Britain rWti.? 1 b,udid not lrt0 Pvent "from obtninlns the money Irotn Im untrue that Russia has Alihinl. "K lroop' 00 Ul rout,er of l,Un 'i'lioie renorti ware oroba- A Ooad Cough Mcillcluu rur Chlldreu "I have no hesitancy in recommend ing Chp.mberlain's Cough Remedy," kuv8 I. P. Moran. a well known and popular baknr.of Petersburg, Va. "We have given it to our children when troublud with bad coughs, also whoop ing cough, and it has ahvuj s given per fect satisfaction. It was lecommended to me by druggist us tlio best cough medicine for children as it contained no opium or other harmful drug." Sold by lllukelev & Houghton. Ci'lrliratet! lu South Africa. Cam: Tows. March 10. St. Patrick's day was celebrated with extraordinary enthusiasm throughout South Africa. In a message to Irishmen nf Cape Town, the Queen Faid : "I have always felt confident that the spirit, courage and allegiance whicn have distinguished the Irish soldiers in the face of the enemy would not be spared by tiieir bretbern in the Colony in support of the authority of my gov ernment." On the initiative of Lord Roberts, a newspaper has been started at Bloem fontein for the edification of the troops. Rudyard Kipling contributed to the in augural edition the following lines: O Terrence, dear, and did you hear The news that's goin 'round? The shamrock's Erin's badge by law ' Where'er her sons are found. From Hloemlontein to Ballybank, 'Tis ordered by the Queen, We've won our right in open fight, The wearing of the green. Ills Lire tin Haveil. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he says : "I was taken with Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia. Mv lungs became hardened. 1 was so weak I could'nt even e!t up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gavo great relief. I coutiuued to use it, nud now am well end strong. I can't say too much in its praise." This marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all throat unci lung trouble. Regular Bizes 50 cents and ifl.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley A; Houghton's drugstore; every bottle guaranteed. Clarke & Falk hayo received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly pure liquid paints $ i .oo per month. . Strietlv first class local oud long distunce telephone service within your home. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will be kept a eecret. No cost for installing. You get the standard Hunulug Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night service. We will accept your contract for ten yeara ond allow you to cancel same on giving us thirty days writ ten notice, PA0IFI0 STATES TELEPHONE 00B, New Yokk, March 19. T. P. O'Con nor, M. P., in the London Daily Mail writes : "I am asked to state my views with regard to the momentous announcements as to the proposal by the Queen of the wearimr of tho shamrock by Irish soldiers and as to Her Majesty's visit to Ireland. "As to the wearing of the shamrockj it is a tribute to Irish natiomtlity which will be greatly appreciated. The symbol ical things ol life are all apparently in themselves email things. Tiie shamrock materially is a small plant, but the w ear ing of it means to an Irishman centuries of eacred memories and country's wron::? resisted, hopes maintained. The sanction of the wearing of It by the Irise soldier, then, is a concef sion I had almost called it a tremendous concession to Irish sentiment by the British throne, which must have vast consequences. "But, Epeaking assuredly in no spirit of carping objection, but as an illust:.. tion and a lesson, may I point out that theconduct of English ministers towr 1 this 3mall question is a very remarka' 'e and significant example of the slowness and dullness of wit, the want of nnagina tion, insight and sympathy which have characterized all relations between Eng land and Ireland? While the Scotch soldier could wear the thistle without interference, while the Welsh soldier could wear the leek, the Irish soldier year after year was sent by some 6tupid officer to prison btcause he wore the emblem of his nationality. "And wtien an Irish member, BfESion after session, called attention to the fact in thu House of Commons, he was howled at by many English members, and re ceiveu eittier an abrupt or positive ans wer from the minister. And now, after all the bitterness of these years: after the imprisonment and the snubs and all the rest, the trouble is ended by order of the highest and gieatest figure in the realm. I will not say, as can be said about so many other concessiono to Irish feeling, 'Too late, too late,' but assuredly tho concession has not come too soon. "And now as to the visit of the Queen to Ireland, I find this act a touching and, if I may use the word, a statesmanlike and eloquent proof, added to the many others, that the present sovereign is one of the wisest that ever ruled these lands." A. M. Williams & Co.'s Store News. Spitting Blood I Ut'tl to coiifjli a arent deal and j-pit blood, a u tl my neighbors in Dayton. Old ). where '.'.'I live, said among them selves that I h ad c o n -biimption, al though they did not tell me so to my face, for fear ot'innldnmo despondent. I k opt o n coughing nud trying differ ent sorts of incdicincs.hu t not hint: seemed to reach my trouble until I got iioiu oi a uouio ot AcKer s MM Remedy, KlIL'lish I prayed for health all tho time, and my prayers wero unswered as soon as I begun taking this celebrated Eng lish expectorant nud tonic, Since my re covery I have told hundreds of sufferers from coughs, colds und weak lungs that Acker's English Remedy would cure them. Sonio of them won't try it, und It does seem to mo terrible when unyone deliber ately refuses to bo cured, There ought to be a law compelling consumptives to take it. Even if they don't euro for their own lives, tho public's welfare should bo consid ered. Don't you think so too? I hope such a law will soon bo enforced." (Signed) Mits, Richardson, UaI.1 .1 Ma KAa n C I n ,tta I. -.iii ..!. ..... IT., I...,, W,U WUi . W. MM. . .. UU.HWl .... UH.IIIIU, .1,11 ! ,11.,. Stulca nml L'uimtlu mid in KniMtinil, At II. 8il..l!a. 8-1., 1.M. If you r not initittecl ufter buylnir.rt'turu lb bottle to your uruniiUt nud get your tuoiu-y back. H' authorke the above guarantee, '. , HOOKER A CO., Proprietor, Kcw York, FOR BALE BY Blakeley & Houghton. Clark & Falk are niver close! Sunday Dou't forget this. ' t i i Ready This Morning White Swiss, Lawn and India Linen Dresses for Girls. We have taken pains to make sekctions especially suitable for First Communion Wear, Easter Sunday. And take pleasure in asking interested parties to call and view our nssortiueuts. WHITE DRESSES from $2.50 to $10.00. We expect another lot soon, which will include White Dresses as cheap as $1.50. No need to take the time or pains to say nothing of the extra cost of making these dresses at home. You can save money, time and trouble by buying them ready-to-wear. Three Styles quoted from as many dozen: Lot 601. Dress of India Linen, made full waist with bolero jacket front, embroidery ruflles at revers, col lar and sleeves; fitted undorwaist at- d0 tif tached ; deep hem tpw.uU Lot 604. Dress of white India Linen, full front trimmed with insertion, wide embroidery revers; collar and belt ot insertion, embroidery dA QtS ruflles at sleeves, fitted underwaistattch'd tpr.OO Lot 608. Dress of white Swiss made with all-over lace yoke, fitted underwaist, pointed shoulder lapels, aiid revers edged with valencienno insertion and lace, yoke and belt finished with narrow satin ribbons and bows; petticoat and underwaist at- tncnea , CUllll IIUUVUO l: $8.50 These goods may be seen in the Ladies' Cloak and Suit Department upper floor. Men's Department. The New Stetson Hats Lriived Saturday The New LlOn HatS and are now The New Big Bear Hats) ready' The Best Hats on Earth at respectively 5.00 3.50 2.50 LI WILMS 3 SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, Seed Rye, Seed Barley, Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn King Philip Corn, StoweU's Evergreen Com, Early Minnesota Corn, Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Corn, White Hominy Com, Early Rose Potatoes, Burbank Potatoes, Spring Vetches, Brome GraBS, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Poultry Food-, Bee Supplies, A magnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of which will be sold at close prices for CASH at the Feed, Seed and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS. d 3 SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. 3 t