The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 19, 1900, Image 3

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    u endless vnrlety of stylos rind fabrics. Von
,lv!o demands in YVnsli tabrios
tli'lnKB for evening nnd party wear
A Charming Line of Ladies' Neckwear, consisting of Bows Scarfs
Tecks, Stooks, Four-in-hands, etc. fa OOW8 ocaris,
Our first invoice of Shirt Waists, that have been admired by all who
have seen them, are now ready and waiting your sanction.
We always lead in Silks of all kinds, and this season we have sur
passed all preVlOUS records. Wo give you all n cordial invitation to come and see for yourselves.
The Destiny of Dollars.
B n,.u- "J11, B,vo yourself a few tlionirlitrn! m..u.ents on this question of
a ran bpiing Suit, wo are curtain yon will find our goods und prices the best.
Tim dostinv of doll.trs nnd how lo expend money wisely, are tnomcn-
Wo nro showing a lino of Men', Suits
made garment, and at le3 than half the pi ice.
that are tibial to any custom-
r w
i j r t
The Well Dfessed Boy.
Every mother is proud of her boy. Kvery mother wants him to look
well. It Ih not dilllcient that ho should have one good suit and the rest of the
time look like u "nutter snipe." You want him attractive alwajs. Wo five
your boy the best clothes for nil purposes Snndav Suits, School Suite, Play
Suits. You will be proud of him if he wears our clothes.
We are showing a linn of Boyh' All Wool Thiee-pinm Suits in nil the ttylcs and fabrics at prices ranging from $1..V) to $7.50.
See Windows.
Four Gardinal Shoe Points.
If your shoes do not contain ttiute, they are dear nt any price. We are showing specialties in Mtn's Shoes
that contain all these points.
Men's Velour Calf Luce, four styles of toes $4 00
Men's Tan Willow Calf Lace, live BtyleB of toes 4.00
Men's Vicl Kid Luce, doth top or nil kid 3 00
Men's Chocolate Vici Kid Lace, cloth top or all kid 3 00
They lit the feet, und we guarantee the quality. When you buy of us you get the best.
Alt Goods. Marked
In Plain Flguroft.
Ihe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Telephone No. I.
- - M UtOI! lit, 11100
nerved In
ntyk liy
Kgv. A. J. Gnodfrlend, lute pastor
oltlio Presbyterian church ut Golden-laic-,
id now located nt Dallas, Polk
We regret to learn that the little son
0 Mr. ami Mrs. Al ltctlhien, of this
w, Is very seriously ill with melnin-
The river in rising rapidly for this
1 mo of the year, mid much of the wood
Piled on the beach has had to bo carted
tok lo higher wound.
J-A. Hunt, mi iCmt Portlnndcr, bus
rntul the Ilettingon building on Second
'"N't i next door west of ttnrrtnii'M
Huie, and is fitting It up with ft
tock of new nml second-hand furniture.
MoremlleHof rallmnd were built in
" united States during lust year than
"'I'ini: any year since lfeOO. The Kail
r Arm. says moro will bo built this
' tlm" lt, mid that 00,000 tnlles of
roa,l ore projected.
have lived in Southern California
threa years" said ft 0l( Oregonlnn
"u Uiiiiniulk man today, "and I
ti.H (low" l,U!ro a,,y March
rill n P(,,ml t0 w'ftt wo nro having
'Wit Imru In Tlfi l)nM."
vivm i,.,,,i mm nrn lint.. l.JJ t.t
dan. ,U,"Ct,1vry Baptist church
I, ',7 "l)lHtor. Elder C. IVBalley
ter . 1 . tu r,'m,l'r nBsistanee the Int
cnL.Wf' T,.Moil8er w,th ,l18 Mrirtant,
Dr Hn ml Ht l,,u Utlll Home.
btfoi.r'ma viBl,uU oy
Wind. I u" ",B,,y old Ptenti nd
specialty and cures without the use of
a knife.
Tomorrow (Tuesday) evening at 7
o'clock the raflli for u handsome home
altar, by the ladies of the Catholic
church, will take place at HerbringV
store. All ticket lioldera are requested
lo tm present.
Two victims of the cup that cheers
und raises pandemonium, after having
occupied tho bridal chamber of the
Hotel de Hughes last night, this morn
ing contributed two dollars each to the
city exchequer at the suggestion of Jte
corder Gates.
A prominent Condon lawyer Is in the
city visiting old friends and oll'ering to
bet that Gilliam county will go Demo
cratic this year. His legal brethren are
deliberating on the propriety of inakhig
him the eubjtict of a lunatico inquirendo.
W. H. Laswell, a former Dtilles boy
nnd stepson of tho late Rev. W. L
Mclv.van, formerly rector of St. Paul's
ICplscopal church of this city, died of
pneumonia last Friday at UuUe, Mon
tana. Tho deceased was quite famous
in Portland nnd Itutte as an athlete.
The family of the lute I' red Vlckers
will potilion the county court to appoint
Fred Guinther administrutor of the eti
lute and guardian of the children of the
deceased. The estate coneistsof n ranch
nt Mosier nnd $2,000 insurnnco in the
order of Modern Woodmen.
F. Saarl, who has been working on
thu Paul Mohr road und who quit work
under the apprehension that somebody
was seeking to kill him, wits today ex
amined by Judge Mays nnd adjudged
Insane. Saarl is ubout 34 years old and
claims to hail from Montana.
In the circuit court today Judge
Drudshuw granted ft decree of divorce
In tho case of Minnie Johnson vs llei
man Johnson. Tho plainllll's name was
restored to her maiden name, Minnie
Julian. Ned Gutea appeared for the
plaintiff. The defendant did not appear.
A pile of huge chunks of rock salt lies
on the wharf boat awaiting shipment lo
Johnston llroa., of Dufur. Tho odd
looking stuir, odd,, that Is to euy, to
those not familiar with it, is supposed
by many to bo some kind of ore on the j
way to i smelter, und the knowing ones
ure not always anxious to correct the
James W. Current, a Goldendale mem
ber nf C'. K. 35th U. S. Volunteers,
writes to the A-jriculturitt from ttalnnga,
a town of 30,000 inhabitants about sixty
five miles north of Manila, und save the
island of Luzon "id one of the grandest
spots of the world."
A strict quarantine is still maintained
between the towns of Wasco and Moro.
The poftollice inspector still refuses an
exchange of mail and even tho sheriff
was not permitted to enter Wasco to
serve legal papers the other day till he
had obtained the consent of thu city
L. Gerlinger, president of the Colum
bia Valley Railway, tells a Portland
reporter that the hridgo across the
UHrrows above this city, will undoubtedly
be built nnd that he expecta work on
the structure to commence in May,
Iit us hope that President Gerlinger
knows what lie is talklna about.
rrom tho Ornnt County Newa wa
learn that L. L. Hill, of thfo city, lias
struck a ledgo of very rich free-milling
re in his mine near Canyon City. Mr.
Hill tells tho News man that ho would
not exchange hit property for the Prairie
Wrings, which were last week bonded
to Sampler capitalists for a large sum
He also states that he is more than con
vinced that Grant county is to bo tho
coming mining center of Eastern Oregon.
Mr. Leslie Butler says that tho rumor
here of the danger of tho smallpox
spreading in Hood River, is without any
reasonable foundation. While In Hood
River a few days ago tiie doctor assured
Mr. Uutler that the only cmscs of Email
pox inai nan ncen tuero were in one
family, whom the Hood River author!
ties promptly quarantined in a pest
house, so completely isolated that there
i9 not the slightest apprehrnaton of the
disease spreading from that source.
About 6ixty-five friends and neighbors
of Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan, of Five
mile, assembled at their residence yes
terday in honor of the 42nd anniversary
of their marriage, bringing witii them a
largo number of useful nnd valuable
presents. The host and hostess gave
them a royal welcome nnd treated their
visitors to a spread that would have
bankrupted an ordinary restaurant.
The day was spent in fellowship and
pleasantry, and the parting came with
hearty wishes for "mny returns of the
The High school graduating class of
1900 held their regular fortnightly meet
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Nielsen, last Saturday. About twenty
members were in attendance and it gois
without saying that they enjoyed them
selves hugely, and that music and fun
ran fast and furious. Mrs. . J. Col
lins presided at the piano and in re
sponse to a rtquest from Mr. Nielsen,
in honor of St. Patrick's day, the class
song"l lie W earing ot llie ureen ' in a-
manner that would have made a native
of the Eoil wild.with delight. yr
Geo. R. A. Ferri?, who killed Abe
Worrell in the Goodnoe Hills east of
Goldendale ou the 12tliInst., was evi
dently determined on making a thorough
job of it. At the coroner's inquest the
examining physician testified that he
hud found no less than thirteen bullet
holes in the body, four of which were
each fatal. The holes indicated that the
shooting had been done with a 45 calibre
rifle. The eavage must have emptied a
whole magazine into his victim. There
were no witnesses to the killing and
Ferris, ot course, pleaded self-defense.
The Commercial Club, of Astoria, haB
asked the Push Clubof that place to ap
point a committee of three to co-operate
with a like number from tho Com
mercial Club in making arrangements
for a j lint excursion to The Dalles. The
News says' the idea of the excursion
has met witii much favor and is to be
carriedout. The date of Maich 6. next
Mondty, lias been named for the excur
sion. Xlie purpose oi tiie tup, that will
be made in a specially chartered steam
er, is to make a personal inspection of
the Paul Mohr portage railroad. We are
sure the people of Thu DalleB will be
delighted to welcome the Astorians.
Grtiil Millinery Oiictilou,
Campbell & Wilson cordially invito
tho ladies of The Dalles and vicinity to
attend their grand opening of spiing und
summer millinery, Wednesday, Thurs
day and Friday, March 21, 22, 23. The
largest line of pattern hats ever shown"
in Ttie Dalles. ml!) 4t
'u itttt iiiiH n'tlt'i mu.ii"ttiii?i'iiTiiipiiiti.'i) hu mmumiUii'i-itiMi.-
WSvm. .ritog-- ;ftJatH
Age(able Pr cpnralionfor As
similating IhcFocdandReguia
liiig (he Stomachs andBowels of
Promotes Digeslion.Cheerftir
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic .
Xtope off)UJirSMUa.mVHR
Uockrtl SalU -jinise&vtt
CtatfttdSamr iVbtuyrtm. rutvtr.
Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea
f Worms .Convulsions .Feverish-
ness nml Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Want to lliar Tliem AKnhi.
Shoes for women Vpill fit
your feet, your fancy and
your finances;
They are FINE shoes and they LOOK IT
They are made in the very latest sty fes by men
'who have been making such for over 30 years.
The following explains itself:
Tho D.ille., Or., March 19, 1900.
To the Musical Club of tho C-ingrtgu-
tional Church :
We, the undersigned, most respect
fully ask that you repeat the cmeert
given last Wednesday evening, urging
as our reason that if repeated many
would attend who ould not before, and
further, that bucIi a rare treat will bear
repetition :
A S Kob -rtF, R F Gibhoiv, John Ml-
chell, El M William-, W H Hobson,
George C Blakeley. E C Pease, H W
French, John II Weigle, Charles E
Miller, J S Foster, and twehty-flve
Tho Dalles, Or., Marc'i 19. 1900.
Messrs. A. S. Roberts and other?:
In response to your kind invitation
we will repent tho concert given nt the
Conirregation-U church last Wednesday
evening, with a slight change in tin
program, tomorrow (Tuesday) evening,
March 20th, at 8 o'clock. In view of
the very liberal patronage of ihe concert
whoa first gnvn, we deem it best to
make the admission 25 cent4, children.
lo cents. D. V. Pomng.
Urdlimiy lilllic ICj. slclit
la by tomu regarded as alarming, by
others, treated too carlesslv. All oves
begin to fail at 40 yeais of age; some
have tronble a year or two beforo that
time tho majirity not until after.
From 30 to 45 is the time you should
consult a competent optician in order
to sturt right, otherwise several dangers
confront you, among which is that ter
rible ditoase, glaucoma, which leads to
total or partial blindness.
It is estimated that 90 per cent of all
cases of glaucoma are due to tho " ut.
ting otT" the use of glasses after failure
begins. Scientific examination frto by
Theodore II. Lielw, optician, nrxt door
eaBtof First National Bank on Second
a. & ,, M,
There will Le a regular communica
tion of Wueco Lodge No. 15, A. F. & A.
M., this (Monday) evening, at 7:f0
o'clock, at whi.'h lime the lodge will n
ceive nn "visit from the grand
master. All members and viWting
bretheni aru lequested to ho present.
By order ol the W. M.
O. D. Dqaxk, Sc.
fill Hul.
Turkey eggs. Price (iOj a setting. In
quire of Mrs. W. V. Uawson, on :t-Miln.
1jng dlat ince phone 913. mel.2l 2.ka
Egi? re'ail at l'i1... cents per dcxn at
Male & Benton's.
Clark & Falk'a drug stock is new
frjsh and complete.
Bicycle sundries andflshing tackle at
Maier& Benton'e. 3 15tf
Ladies and children's sun bonnetr, 25c
at New York Cash Store.
Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk'a
pure conceutiatcd flavoring extracts.
Peters New Victor smokeless shells to
be had only at Moier & Benton's. 3 lotf
M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says,
"DeWitt's Little Early Risers nro the
very best pills I ever used for'.,.
livor and bowel troubles."
Bagley Bros., have purchased' a
tbrjughhred Jersey bull, registered
stock. For particulars apply at resi
dence on Tenth street, near tho fair
grounds. 3 0-lmo
Sul scribe for The Chronicle.
Diil you ever hcrr l-o7 JZt. , of .
street cawo to ury n v. ?csl f Ui vrito?'
Well, he carr.o h i&z ono cv:r.i:!" nivX saw
her sitting c-j fao Ltilu. traa c j thu porch,
as shown in liic rlctu.'c. lla nsrto up !ii3
mina then avx faca t" i ' tlio wouM look
just too sweet for n.nthi!VT on n L-iercie.
And she ('.oes. ISut t:io ot l !oyo!o r.ns.
n nood deal to do with 1 .cU'j KV7act. Uo
if you want to look i v;ect, bur your wheel
(as did Jlr. ) ci tho c.z;.n icr
Golden Eagle, $25
Crawford . . . $30
Cleveland, .
We have handled the
wheels for n'veral years,
un the uhovo wheels aro
one need to hesitate to
abovo line of
The liuarantec
such that no
buy either of
JVIaier & Benton
Sole Agents.
"Composites" are no experiment,
reliable shoe at M times.
We are sole agents.
but an absolutely
"We fit your feet no guess work."
Law Union h Grown Hie insurance Go.
CAPITAL PAID UP $7,600,000. ASSETS $20,126,036.
Surplus bejond nil l.lubllltic In United States
Tlinne III.
The Dullus, Ur.