I m .. - ... - . " , "w Mi ll 1 MS if Tot a Nice Suit of Clothes. ranting, Overcoatlu- or Fancy, Vesting. Hjb L i JClndlr call and examine my stock of lm--ported nd D t:eUc. Woolens. A flue stock to select from. . traits made from t he lowest pi lees to the high cat grade. and is as follows: "It is strnnj.0 tbnt men with bis ability would lose their balance wheel and fly off into long linir, freak cabins and strange . I ....... n - A .1 tl.n.fi icrsuuui UKiuwin cio. jum 1111:31; it not the only strange things into which Jonquiu Miller has fallen, but we ( shall leave the rest unsaid. The ' old gentleman has nil the eccentrici ties of the poet, and lie is odd enough to be one. Lord Mncnulcy says that ; no man can be n poet or even enjoy I poetry without a certain unsoundness j of mind. If Macauley was right, j Jcaquin Miller ought to shine in the j renlni of poetry.'" O.R.&N. IlEr.lRT tor timr ochedulx. Fhou Dallks. ARP.IV Fast Mllll t ll:i.m. Spokane Flyer ;:0Jp. re, s i'. m. J. A. Eberle Fine Tailoring. 1BE DALLE-, UltEGO.N. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. STJBBCItll'TION I'KICE. Oaeweok ? 15 Oao month F0 Oae year 6 00 HON HAY MARCH 19, 1900 SOMEBODY STUFFED ITI3I. The Times-Mountamcer Inst Fri Hay published a short editorial on 3Ioody or McCamant" that perhaps ileacrves a passing notice. Our con temporary says there is every indica tion of "a fight to a finish" between Mr. Moody and Mr. McCnmant for Ihe coming congressional nomina tion; that Portland and Multnomah county Republicans claim they are entitled to name the candidate be cause they furnish the most votes; tlint these folks have "razors out for Mr. Moody's scalp" because he voted lor the Puerto Rico tariff bill, and lbt for these reasons (and others Hit no Republican would ever think of) there is going to be a high old time in the district convention. This is all a dream; a dream, how ever, that the Democrats would like to be true. Mr. McCamant is not in the rare. It is not many weeks since Ite came out in the Oregonian, over hia own signature, saying he was not s caudidate for congress, could not "be nominated even if he desired the . -nomination and would not accept the nomination if it were tendered Tiim. Hot is there any better ground lor the assertion tha Republicans want to date for congress because they have the most voles. They will do a3 they 3iave always done, concede the nomi .nation to au Eastern Oregon tnnn and cast tneir ballots for the man whom Eastern Orrgon Republicans shall name. Nor will the "razors" that are supposed to be "out for Mr. "Moody's scalp," because- of his vote on the Puerto Rico tariff bill, ma terialize to any alarming extent. Mr. Moody voted with the majority of his party, as he had a perfect right to do. The United States is under no constitutional obligation to open our porta to free exchange of commodi ties with our new possessions. If there is any obligation in the matter His moral, not constitutional, and the expediency of a tariff is a question that must be determined by enlightened intelligence. lie that as at may, to vote for a tariff of only 15 per cent of the Dingley rates, (when jpTeuue in some form is absolutely .accessary) under the express condi Hoc that every cent derived from it, either in our own ports or in those f Pserto Rico, shall be spent on the IsJasicrs themselves, the United State, oot even deducting the cost of rtlection, is an offense, if offense it fc,t utterly vernal for any intolll -unprejudiced ronn to treasure politically against nnntlicr. S p. rn. Ex.;uudy Patimlny 1U i. m. I p. in. Columbia Rv. Steamer. Kx.Muuln) To A&TOHiji nnil Way LtmUIugj. The Republican primaries held in this county last Saturday have settled beyond the shadow of a doubt the question of Mr. Moody's rc-nomina-tion, as fur as Wasco soiinty is con cerned. Those who have taken special interest in the result arc con fident that a solid Moody delegation will attend the sUte and district conventions from Wasco county. The harmony so far evinced is ex ceedingly gratifying to the friends of Mr. Moody and to Wasco count Republicans eenerallv. nltoccthcr anart from the interests of anv oue ' Tue..'Th'ur. Portland to corraii'u. sion. wni " BI..I C.. . .. .1 It ... I .....11.. .-...1 I', 1. 1.. Salt likr. Denver. Ft Worth, Omaha, Ksn mo City, St. 1-ouls,! Chicago nnil fcitsu Ft Mall Walla Wnlla, Spokane, Spokane .MtntiOHilU. St. I'nul,' Flyer. i u 1 u t h, Mlhvaul;ix'. a. in Chicago nnd Fast. FRO FOKTLAVri. Ocean Steamships. For S-an Krniielseo December 3. 8, la, IS, 21; ana i p. m. C . m. WiiXAUETTi Kivcn. I 4:30 p. m. Es.buudayiOrcKon Cltv, Xuwbcrg, Kx.bunJay Salem A Way Land's. 7 a. m, Willamcttk and Yam Tues.Thur.. hill Kivehs. Moii and Sat. Orccon City, Dayton, and FrI and Wr.y-IjUHlluss. 3:30 p. m. ,W1 man. Now that II. B. Miller has re signed the office of president of the State Board of Horticulture we sug gest the name of Hon. E. L. Smith, of Hood River, us his successor. Mr. Smith has large horticultural interests in Hood River and if he would accept the office there is no ! I." Rlparla daily I l.iw c m. i Snake I'.ivnn. Uijiarin to I-cwhton. i Ijsavk 1.EW1ST0N dully 8.30 a. m. 2'arUes deslrmctoco to Hemincr should rae.M). , leaving 'ine Danes at 7ttu p. ra mnklni; direct connections at Itapjwer Junction Returning mulciiif-dlrectcounecUon at Ileppucr junction vlth.No. I. arrlvlns at The Dalles at l':65 1- m. So. 22, throucht freieht, east bound, docs not pnrrv ,u.vpnnri: nrrti-PK n. n.. rttnuirts man in Eastern Oregon who would 3:M a. m. o ircai ireiRoi, carries pa'seiigeis, casi bound: arrive- A.'M p. m., depart h: 15 p.m. No. Ill, west bound through IreiRht, does not carry passengers; arrives S:1S p m., departs 9:00 p. m. So. 23, west bound local freight, carrh-s pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. m., departs 8:30 a. m. fill it with greater acceptance or cth ciency. Wasco county Republicans have set an example to The Old Sod in the way they can celebrate St. Patrick's da' and hold Republican primaries at the same time without having a shindj . Kemarkitblr Curun f Ktittuiualliini. From the Vindicator, Kutherfordtou, N. C. The editor of the Vindicator has had occasion to teat the tfiieacy of Chamber Iain's Pain Balm twice with the most remarkable results in each case. First, with rheumatism in the shoulder from which he suffered excruciating pain for ten daye, which was relieved with two j applications of Puin Balm, rubbing the parts afilicteil and realizing instant liennOt and entire relief in a very short time. Second, in rheumatism in thigh joint, almost prostrating him with severe pain, which was relieved by two appli cations, rubbing with the liuiment on retiring at uight, and getting up free from pain. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Dull Headache, Pains in various parte ' For full particulars call on O. R. & X. agent The Dalles, or address Co.'s flen w. n. nrnLBURT, Pas. AsU. Portland. Or. We Put... every bit of twent' years experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. Is it -any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. ft Complete Cipe of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, THE:DRUCCIST. Str. Regulator. (Limited I-anillliRs.) REGULATOR LINE. Dalies. Portland & Astoria Hay. Co I..IM.M i.t ttii. flltUMln. I llm u.ltt " run ns per tliu fill. lowing schedule, tho Company reservliiR the right to clmni M hcdule without notice. 50 J DOWN, l.v Dalles lit S A. M. Tuesday , Thuiwliiy . Hutiiritav . ' Arr. 1'ortland it or. m. tif. I ,". I'ortliind 111 7 A )l. Monday Wediieiiy rihlny Arr. Iwllea at 0 v. . Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. Str. Dallos city. Tlillnhltif. 1 11... .. . IHIWN, l.v. Dalles at ivrn a. v. Monday Wtdnesilay Frldav... ... Arr. 1'ortland (uncertain) 1 & 'v. I'ortlniid J in i A. m. " TllMll.. , Thiirsilnv ! Suttitilni Arr, Dnllm (Hiiccruiii) FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, , Travel by the Steamer ol tho ttcKiil.itor l.luc. Th ; W'ny ' V"?V",v.or 10 l It- J !, Fortlaiul Olllce, Oak-Htreet D.m:W. W. C. ALI.AWAY, Oon. Agt. lasrarrxTirrj cr BROS 3. J. STUBLING Wholosale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agcricy for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from -'.75 to $11.00 mr cnlltm. (4 to 15 ymtro old.) ' ' Imported Cognac imtn ..tio to $12.00 per trniioh. in "toao yt-arH oiii. OALirORlTlA BRANDIEB VLl? itim '"'r t-'"1101'- "( yt'yw old.'"" ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. gesm:i:ai. BiacKsmiins 0LTMPIA BEER on tlraiiKlit, 1 ...! I 1.. .....I 1).1.. j linjiUi iiru Jiin uiiii i. iui nnil VhJ Bluts and Oljmpta Ileer in bottlea AND. Horsesnoe ID m . V JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. if Wagon and Carriage Work, j' Fish Brothers' Wagon. I Third and JelTcrnn. Plionc;i59 '1 r jw2xr2 Ylf UT I w. w y Miil i IT? Wr ) numc iho candi- ii,ples or Sores nil positive evidences. 1 of impure Wood. No matter how it j became so il must l,e purifnid in order to j obtain good health. Acker's Blood i ..cfljis. mu- Butehers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draiiKht tho celebrated C01.L'.MIIIA IIEi;it, iicknow: ed(?ed the best beer In Tho Dalles, at the muni price. Come In, try It and bo convinced. Alto the Finest brands of Wines, Ll juor and Cigars. Sandwiches of all Kinds alKayx on hand. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of rll kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, u kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, iffi Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle- tOU FlOUr 'r','B lonr 19 manufactured expreenly for UmRj wu' umb: every puck 1b Rtiaranteed to give Batiefactlon. We cell our poods lower tlinn any lioiit-e in the trade, and if you don't think w call and jet cur pricoe and he convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whsat, Barley and Oats. Cunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Reliable Prescriptionists. Elex'tr has never failed to cure Scrofulous ; or Syphilitic poisons or any otlier blood , dieeases. It is certainly a wonderful 1 rH rnnipilv Hnil ri.!I prprv hnffli. nn i a positive (juarantee. Ulakclerdc Elouh ton's drug store. HtartliiiK CIuIiiik, Eighty-five per cent of all persons tie clared incurable or ptven up to die by physicians can be cured, or their lives ' KreJt'y proloimed by the beneficent powers of the "I'erfictnl" Oxyptnor Kinj,'. This startling flsiorlion ie sus ceptible of proof. We have it In the form of bitters from all classes of people "rending far nnd near" who are tie lighted to testify to the marvelous cura tive powers of this latest acd most per fected homo oxygeuating instrument. For sale by J. M. Filloon, The Dallep, Ore. ml-lwd2 Flue I'oultry and Italian Itees. Kiiverlaced Wyamdotte, EnKlieh Red Cap and Rose Combed White Leghorn chickens for sale. Kinglo birds ?l each. Ega for setting $1 per fifteen. Italian bees ?1 por pound. Queen bees wat ranted purely mated, 75 cents each. Queens et ut by mall and sale ar rival guaranteed. Address Mhh. A. A, Uos.nkv. feb2Mmo Tygh VhIIbj , Or. Win. G.-r, Newark. 0., save. "We i i i DEALERS IX fill kinds of Funeral Supplies P Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor. Second & LangWin, Tiioue 157 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. F. Stephens ...Dottier In... Diy Goods, Clothing, Cents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes, llnta, Citu, Xotloii. lor W. I. Uouglii!) Shoe. Teleiihono So. tH i J,j 131 Evcond Ht L Crandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS ,js EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Ete. The Dalles, Or, Just What You uuant. TW'jk)bny Dcinocral's esliujutc $mloyant Po()t of the Sier- t.ii uch iu Jine with ours, 1 JC I I ..l.l l r . never ii-ci imu viiiiioiH une .ninuie can at) Cough Cure in the houer. It saved mv 11011117 ItartlflclallvdlirestKtbpfAnHonHaMo !Haturo In Btrcngthenlng nnd recon-'j Nuw ideaB 1,1 VVu11 ,,nP" licro. BbiuuiiuK nio fximusiea aigestlve or faun, ib is inemteHb discovered digest- uu niiu luiiic. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. FRENCH & CO., I BANKERS. j riUNHAOTA KNKHAUIANKINO llUfc'INKH Letters of Credit issued available in the i r.asiiirn Htates. blKht UxchntiBB and TeleKraphit Iransfers sold on New York, Chicauo, HlUBA, k"" ""Cisco, 1'ortland Ore on, faeattlo Wash,, and various points ' 7, ,VK0' "aHhinuton. ! Collections made at all points wn.uitj turiuu. points on fnv wide variety as we arcs how niMinvn- I 1 I I . . -----o t;u' iuru uruttiu u Hiiigiu siocK. Keal im ta HIAbIIWB I ft AND MANHOOD CurcB Imjiotency, Nlfht Euilfisioiifi and little boy'e life lien he had the Liieu monia. Wo think it is the beet medicine made." It cures coughs and all lung diseases. Pleaiant to take harmless and gives immediate results. Early Hose potatoes at Maier A Benton's, d tonic. No othM p emtioi tion 'creton effects uordl.Iary cee! ' want in7 ulsuaKeH -ill TT r u proachit in efficiency "it i ' l'"!10'8 t PPr prices J jmL rilT'M jlTccta B? ' f relieves and permanently cureB fclgnnt designs, tasteful coloriinrs'yoiirH pW"1'1'11?' or exceeu and Indln. DlSDODSia. Indiireatlnn. Heart t, urn ' for a small price, nt our stor r.i, ti.u.i FJatulence, Sour Btoroach, Nausea 1 8trut- Also a full line of house paints. flPni,D. W. VAUSE. Thirrl 1 WW. allother results of ImperfectdlgMtion. LPnmnii by E. C OtWh. Co.. Cblca. TpRED. W.WIU'ON, T AITOKNUY-AT JiW, .... . , , THE DAM.KB, OltKUOH OOlee nvci Flrt Nt. llnnK. B I HUWTINOION k h WILlinN AY10UNEYK Al'l,AW, OSoeov.rFtr.tN.t.ff UKUjtH' cruttou. Anervoloniimml inoou utiuuur. UrlriKB ths pink flow to tale clieelcBam rcHtoren the fire of youth. ii ii.it kjw.- ...... .-. "w"' " wo to euro or rofuudUto inouoy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jaolwon Sti., OHIOAQO, 114. C. S. Smith, T1IK dp-to-date(groeer Fresh Eggs nd Creamery Butter a specialty. 2d Street. J.H.HCIICHK, rruKiuont. 'Phone 270. First national Bank. nfinntl THE DALLES - - - urn.. A General Banking Bo"lB" ,f!5Si OwpoiiU) received, aunjucv vu flrmft or Check. .. Oolleetions made and proceeds prouip'7 remitted on dv of "olloction. Bight and Telegraphie JSxobangf w New Xork, Ban Francisco anw land. DIREOTOK8 B--, Bo. M. William, u0