1) e Dn I ! co Cyanide. VOL. XII SHAMROCK- EV THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY. MARCH 19. 1900. NO 180 ERYWIIERE iui of Si. Patrick's Day in Urn Mei Kington. IRISH TIMES ALL THE VOGUE Eollitisiasin in London Some Disor der in Dublin At the Garrison Towns. London, March 17, Shamrock day prouiifi"! tu vie with I'rimroso day, judg ing from Hie ei.thutiuMn with which for tho first limit i ho history of the nation loyalists all over thu United Kingdom Mecelobrat'iip, nnd everywhere green io conapictioiif. From Windsor Castle, vdiuro the (J icon observed the liny hy waring 11 sprig of shamrock, to the East End of the rluiiis of London, where tho ringed urchin glories in hit) morsel of peer, weed, nearly every one sports toaietl.h.g in tliti hliupo of a green favor. A word from Her Majesty hue turned the emblem of sc ml-uhiloyalty Into a biil)fo of honor, and hue made the Bhnin rack tlie mtist prtr.jd of all plants in tho llritisli Isles. The ancient ceremony of "trooping colore at Dublin (Justin" was especially plcturecquc. It was performed today in tho presence of tho Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the Karl of Cadogan, and the Moot Cuiiniiught, commander-in-chief of the furcuH in Ireland, together with a brilliant assemblage. All tho troops woroBlmmrock. Moat of the govurnment oflicea hoisted the Irish Hag, and the clubs were simi larly decorated, the officials nil wearing the green. In the churches the preachers rtlerred to tho occasion, thanking Frovi- wice that tho English had learned to love and respect their Irish fellow sub Jcctim tbey never knew them or re pected tliem before. Tho Lord Chief Jmtice.I.ord Russell, set the example in (he taw conrtH, and all the judges fol lowed his exmnplo, wearing the attain wk below their ermine collars. The thuttterH were all prepared to mark the day in the same way tonight. On the Slock Exchange the enthusiasm tiown in celebrating the day gave the worn the appearance of a greenhouse. Hie shamrock was everywhere, and fliers was more toasting of healths than flt. As a result, prices were better, "'oubIi nobody knows why, The scenes t Aldersuot were charac teristic of the celebration of St. Patrick's day, and in all the other garrison towus, shamrock was donned by all the 'wps privileged to weur it. At reveille ' Irish bands made tour of the bar ityi,iK -Garry Owon," ".St. Fat Jjck'g Day l t10 Morning" uml "The wyjofWexfunl." In front of tho ofti ' mess they played the national an and cheered the Ouecn. "is iimlei stood thbOiieiin liuvinir iir- Dovcd the proposed formation of a regi "wt of Irish Guards, will soon make """inoiiiiceinoiit. "e Usual JWk Pluco in Dublin today. The Lord "jor of iL.(HHt Uld the Mayor of Cork( I ""'PaiCll. lmt ,, miinlinr nf Niillnnid EVERYBODY Knows tho merits of the BICYCLES COLUMBIA HARTFORD PATEE CREST $50. $35. $25. Many new features for 1900 which you cannot afford to overlook. Complete Line of '1900" Sundries. ABANDONS W. J, BRYAN Eugene V. Brewster Takes Exception to His Anti-Trust Views. JVIflYS & CfOttlE. bitterness felt in loyalist circles in Ire hind at the outward exliibitation of dis respect of Her Majesty, keep the officials guessing as to what is likely to occur at thu Irish capital next month. An offi cial in the office of the chief secretary for Ireland, Gerald Did four, eaid he was not surprised at the nationalists' opposition to the address of welcome, w hich nec essarily was hypocrisy, and will go far to stop the flow of American contribu tion's. Speaking of the Queen's visit, the eameofiiciul said he had little doubt that "wiitfl would litter Dublin green" before the visit was concluded. HAVE FREED THE PEONS Governor Leory Issued an Emancipa tion Proclamation No More Slavery in Guam General Wheeler Reported to the Nary Department on Conditions in the Ladrones. Wabiii.noton, March 17. The follow ing proclamation has beeti issued by the Governor of the island of Guam : "To the inhabitants of Guam: In issuing this decree, the Government de sires and earnestly invokes Divine bleeB- iug and guidance in its official action and in thu daily pursuits and occupations of the eltizeus of Guam. By the cession of the Isle of Guam to t lie Uuited States of America, nil of the authority, power und responsibility of sovereignty were transferred to this government, and in transforming und organizing the new political power, the surest and speediest route to success, prosperity ana luippi uess for the inhabitants of this island is by benevolent assimilation to tiie funda mental principals that constitute the basis of free American government. "Honest labor, with just compensa tion, dignified hy faithful consideration of the mutual inteiestP and welfare of all concerned, should insure prosperity to this community ; whereas, the existing labor-degrading system of human bond age and unjust, indefinite servitude of peonage, permitted during tho late Spanish control in the island, was in fact a system of slavery, and aB such was subversive of good government, an ob stacle to progress, civilization, a menace to popular liberty and violation of the sacred provisions guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. "Now, therefore, by virtue of the authority vetted in 're hy His Excel lency, the i'resideut of the United States, I, Richard F. Leary, Captain United States Navy, Governor of the Island of Guam, do hereby announce and publicly proclaim absolute prohibition and total abolition of human slavery or peonage in the Island of Guam an end after the 2ld day of February, A. D., 1900, and all persons are hereby commanded to com ply with the requirements of this pro clamation. "In witness whereof, I tiereunto set my hand and have caused the seal of the United StateB Naval Station, Island of Guam to be uflixed, "Kiciiaud F. Leahy, "United StateB Navy, Governor." A Oouil Cough Medicine rur Children "I have no hesitancy in lecummend ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," says F. F. Moran, a well known and popular baker, of Fetersburg, Va. "We huve given it to our children when troubled with bad coughs, also whoop ing cough, and it has ahvaj a given per fect satisfaction. It was lecommended to mo by a druggist as the best cough medicine for children as it contained no opium or ottier harmful drug." Sold by Ulukeley & Houghton. lit t 'yors ..(fused to accent the Lord ii0,,J"v,,,l,,on totak P'tln t'e f. Ha. chief magistrate met with railed lect'nii,.., .u riy scones at aeveral points along 'Wool the parade where the car " atoned. 4nsi.,1tttriuk'M ul,urcH London, was ,la 'f l'Bckl when Bishop Bringle, Booth 1? ai" of th0 Brlt," 'oroB lB bl,h , ea' u,nltml ta pontlflolal Vwii "8 11,0 l,r"oe ol Cardinal ire T' AM ll,u clork"y and the con- ,,W0,B 11,0 B"'oW, and th tl ' ' UlB Ordinal slowly moved up Won J. ielu uliiK lue oougrega- very ImnreealvB. Hnk..I!le,lml Blrlfu ,n H'0 natlonallitlc itU', )y Dublin Corpo. $i.oo per month. Strlctlv first clasR local and long distance telephono service within your homo. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will be kept a secret. No cost for installing. You get the standard Hunuirig Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night service. We will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel same on giving us thirty days writ ton notice, PA0IFI0 STATES TELEPHONE 00S, New Yoiik, March 17. Eugene Brewster, of Brooklyn, who was toast maMer and chairman of the Bryan dol lar-dinner, and who has boon probably the most conspicuous man of the so called "Chicago-platform Democracy,' has written a letter to W. J. Bryan, in which he says that ho cannot support Mr. Bryan for ttie Presidency, and that ho now abandons all efforts to "effect union of reform forces" under Bryan 'i leadership. Mr. Brewster, in a discus sion of the general question of trusts and machinery, says: "Tho trust question, to which you ore j devoting most of your attention, involves the very greatest and really the only problem that the A met icons have to solve. Regretfully, you seem to see only one side of tho case, and, seeing onlv evil on this side, you would unhesita tingly destroy the trust, ion do not Eeern to realize, dear Mr. Bryan, that the same argument that you apply to the trust also applies equally well to im roved machinery, and yet you would not destroy that. I have carefully studied the conditions and the many remedies offered by various parties and factions, and it seems to me that co-operation-socialism is the only practical and the only possible remedy." Mr. Brewster expressed his discontent of each of the principal existing political parties, and announces Ills adherence to Eugene V. Debs. He tells Mr. Bryan that with Iub brilliancy and oratorical powers he would sor n "bring the world to his feet" if only he would believe and speak as does Deb?. II.h I.iro Wan Saved. Mr. J. E. L'.lly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it he save: "I was taken with Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. 1 was so weak I could'nt even 6it up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. , One bottle gavo great relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and strong. I can't say too much in its praise." This marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all tlnoat and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore; every bottle guaranteed. Kant uml riuutli Under Sleet and Snow. New Youk, March 10. Nino inches of sleet and snow cover tho streets of New Yo'k today, and 4000 men are battling with it in Manhattan, 3000 more being at work in Brooklyn. Traf tic luiB been partially paralyzed in some sections of thu city since early morning. During the early iiours, Brooklyn bridge traffic waB practically blocked. Sleet on the third rail suppljing electric power to the bridge cars cut of! the current, and a general blockade was the result. The fall of snow in New Jersey was heavier titan in the city. Trains were idelaytd hy the storm and mails were several hours behind iu their delivery. No fatalities from the cold are reported in the city, but the station tiouses and charitable institutions were crowded with homeless. Nu HlKht to Ugllnetti. The woman who if lovely in face, form und temper, will always have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, sho will be nervous and irritable. If she has con stipation or kidney trouble, tier impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion, Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood, It gives stroug nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It wi make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down iu valid. Only 50 cents at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday Don't forget this. A. M. Williams & Co.'s Store News. r t t t Ready This Morning White Swiss, Lawn and India Linen Dresses for Girls. We have taken paina to make selections especially suitable for First Communion Wear, Easter Sunday. And take pleasure in asking interested parties to call and view our assortments. WHITE DRESSES from $2.50 to $10.00. We expect another lot soon, which will include White Dresses as cheap as $1 .50. No need to take the time or pains to Fay nothing ol the extra cost of making these dressps at home. You can save money, time and trouble by buying them ready-to-wear. Three Styles quoted from as many dozen: Lot 601. Dress of India Linen, made full waist with bolero jacket front, embroidery rufiles at revers, col lar and sleeves; fitted underwaist at- dQ KA tached ; deep hem Cp.Ov Lot 604. Drees of white India Linen, full front trimmed with insertion, wide embroidery revers; collar and belt ot insertion, embroidery d QC ruffles at sleeves, fitted underwaist attch'd ipTt.OO Lot 608. Dress of white Swiss made with all-over lace yoke, fitted underwaist, pointed shoulder lapels, and revers edged with valencienne insertion and lace, yoke and belt finished with narrow satin ribbons and bows; petticoat and underwaist at- dQ bf tached tpO.OJ These goods may be seen in the Ladies' Cloak and Suit Department upper floor. Men's Department. The New Stetson Hats ) anived SaturdBy. The New Lion Hats and are now The New Big Bear Hatsreftdy The Best Hats on Earth at respectively 5.00 3.50 2.50 wiLuepis SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Graes and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, Seed Rye, Seed Barley, Soed Buckwheat, Seed Corn King Fhillp Corn, Stowell'a Evergreen Corn, Early Minnesota Corn, Kaflir Com, Egyptian Com, White Hominy Corn. Early Rose Fotatoed, Burhank Fotatoes, Spring Vetches, Drome Grass, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Foultry Food, Bee Supplies. A magnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of which will be sold at close prices for CASH at the Feed, Seed and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS. SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. s s ku mo vfueen, anu me