4' ALASHAN EARTHQUAKES . ..,,...-.. d Thn nvcr r.rrorp Reported . ! The seven carthouul.es that Uiookthe' coasts of Alaska on September 3 and 30 were unequaled in the historic pe- riod in that replon for the extent ol coast lice affected. Reports of the shocks have been received from various wnVfit wlwrn Jiitipnn nnd the Aleil don chain, a distance of over COO miles. It is veil known that the effects of , . .-- ere often felt in the far interior of itisnotatal unbke ly continents, and that these shocks extended hundreds ct miles inland. In a region like Alas- ka, wlicr" large ureas are uninhabited., severe earthquakes may sometimes oc- cur without the facts ever becoming fcnovn. It is said that a number of islands slonp the coast near Yakutat bay. in the neighborhood of Mount St. Elias, t.Tic become submerged or have settled in the water, and that the adjoining coast line has perceptibly sunk, while a little distance out at sea the ocean bed eppears to have risen. While these re- ports need confirmation, it may be said ic -nM ,.T.ommnn fn rnncMrr. ... .... , sble sreas oi me cms; oi me csrtn to siuk as the result of an earthquake. One example that may 1 cited from ovr own history is the New Madrid earthquake of 1SS1. when the subter- rancan tiisturnances resimeu in xne subsidence cf about 5,000 square inileG rtliivinl 1nT!t1s nlrmr- the Miss ss nn nvcr in what is now southeastern Mis- aouri nnd northeastern Arkansas. The imVddence was about ten feet and the river poured into some of the depres- A few hundred miles north of the re jrion where this sudden subsidence and elevation is said to have occurred in Alaska the earth's crust has been rising for a considerable period. Behring sea is slowly becominc; shallower. If this tendency is continued, the time will come when Behring sea, or large parts d it, will be dry land, and thus Asia zz.C North America may yet be united above the sea level. The kne-wn earthquakes in Alaska, as in the present instance, have occurred along the line of volcanic cones, and partic-'arly in the Aleutian chain.' Over -J of these hocks have been re corded by the Russians and cur own reople. When we bought Alaska we zenuired an addition to our earthquake territory. Canada throughout its great domain has comparative immunity irom this sort of visitation, while we record from 30 to -50 earthquakes in a year, most of which, however, do very little damage, if any. N. Y. Sun. AFTER ALEXANDER'S DEATH, : jl Ncrr Ordor of Thine AVn Intro- dnccd in Greece lir the Orent t Macedonian Cuucineror. When Alexander came upon the arene Greece was still the old Greece, the composite of autonomous cities and cantons. Jn this form it was past the bloom, nnd was ripening to seed. All Hint the little enmmtmitipK cmiirl nn- complish for historv through living for themselves had been accomplished. In ' the miniature life of these isolated val- t .... ., . , , leys, opening to the sea, thev had de- Teloped a social system in which, as' individual achievements directly count-; d, and individual responsibility was directly assessed, personality gathered lo itseii unwonted consciousness oi , power, ao u was tiiai nere man iirt, i xs it were, discovered himself nrst raw with clearness the power nnd the i right of the free human soul. Man as a base-line for measuring the universe, man as u source of governing power, arose in Greece; it was Greece that shaped the luw of beauty from which Tame the arts of orm, the law of spec ulative truth from which by ordered eWrvutions came the sciences, the law f liberty from which came the demo cratic state. This was what the old Greet held in keeping for the world. Alexander was the strong wind that scattered the seed; again, he was the -en'Hiug hnnd of the sower. When he . planted 70 cities of the Greek type! an orfental soil he ncted with jilan nnd jturpose. The city was Hellenism in the concrete. As n principle of social wtler, Hellenism was the government f communities of men loentrd in ter-j,.0 jntnry, and the source of authority was 2rom within; orientalism was the gov- j (eminent of territory in which lived i xwn, end the source of authority wuh Irani without. , The story of Alexander has become ' a story ot dentil, ile died liimHOlf be fore Ms time. With his life lie brought the old Greece to its end; with his tfcaifi tiu; state he had founded. But they oil three, Alexander, Greece, the pjuurt empire, each lifter its sort, set forth. ns history judges men and things, the. inner value of the saying; "Excejit strain of wheat full into the eitrtlinud dfc, ft aUMetli alone." Prof. Wheeler, io Century. Blrayed. A block horse weighing about 1250 rwnd and branded 25 on the left feskler. Same strayed from the farm fJutiH Brookliouse. which ie aituuUd " tic imIIb beyond Dufnr. Liberal ro- riefiEred for information regarding Address 6, R. W1XAN8, I-lsaw Dufur, Tll Life Has Tfri. Mr. J. E. L'lly, a prominent citiren of ' Hannibal, sio., lately had a wotulerlnl deliverance from a frightful death. In lti - l!?PirnfitKPnvt lttttalrrntrith Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia. ' My lun.'! beaimc hardened. 1 wag so j weak 1 cou'.d'nt even sit up in bed. , Xothing helpcu tne. I expected to soon ; dje 0f consumption, when I heard of 1 nr. Term's NW ni.rnvj.rr. Om iwttlp' j conlfnned t0 n?e t ' t . " " . l oa- , . . marvelous ineuicme is me surest ana qnkkest cure in the world if -all 1 throat j authors trouble ; Rn'" I and f 1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley j x nougnton s orugstore; every iraiuc guaranteed. EiM B suth Cnder WeM mn SnMr . , , rEvr io2K, Aiarcn to .me incnee l sleet and snow c?vcr the streets of New Yo k today, and 4000 men are battling with it in Manhattan, 3000 more being at work in Brooklyn. Traf fic ,ms l)t.n partial: v paralvzed in some 6mions 0, thtt citv ;iace ea"r,v momin?. T , , , , . , . . IJUl,"t- u uuut-. tratnc was practically blocked, sieeton the third rail sunolviiiE electric power . -rr . , io inr uriuge ;;tui uu mc v-uncui, nd a general blockade was the result. The fall of snow in New Jersey was j,eavjer than in the citv. Trams were deavd bv the storm " and mails were several d urs o a n i m uieir ue.ne-r. i . i t i . L r .i-.it -,u i-wiiuee iiuuj mc i.uiu .c n me city, oui me eiauon nouses ami charitable institutions with homeless. were crowded i A Gticd CourIi Mrdlclnr fur Children "I have no hesitancy in recommend-j inj Chetr berlain's Coush Remedy," . ays F. P. Moran, a well known and i popular baker, of Petersburg, Va. "We j have civen it to our children when, troubled with bad cough?, also whoop-j ii g couch, .nd it has alas given per fect ta'.iefcc:ion. It was lecammended to me by a druggist as the best cough medicine for children as it contained no opium or other harmful drug." Sold by ja;t.!ev & Honrbton. S ck Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, mekes you eat, sleep, ; work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money hick. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggist'. To the Ladlf and Gentlemen. Mr. C. L. Lambert, of Strauss Bros., of New York and Ci.icago, merchant tailor?, bus a full line ol samples at the Columbia Hotel sample rooms for a few djys taking orders for men and boys' ?n)"ts aE ct)eap afc reiid v maie. Ull2 14 Rev. W. E. Siizer, W. Canton, N. Y write", 'l had dyspepsia over twentv years, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. I was persuaded to use Kodo! Dyspepeia Cure and it helped me from the start. I believe it to he a panacea 'or all forms of indigestion." It digests what. run eat. ,.,. . lor 8S.no Cu.h AnJ one do''ar and fift.v weekly you can purchase a twenty-five dollar watch or diamond at Harry C. Liebe's, in the Vo;t block. Watches, aiamonue, ciccte, jewelry ana silver- ware at most reasonaDle prices, a-b-iii Notice.. After Sunday, March 18th, the barber hops ,ikvb will be kept closed all day Sun- By order ol The Dallee Barbers' Union. mlC-24 II . D. Pakki.ns, Sec. Eft Fur Sale. Full blooded, barred Plymouth Rock egf, per setting 1 .00 and 41.50. For particulars call on or address, Samiekh Biscb. Buz 617, The Dalles, Or. Mre. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111., writes, "1 never fail to jelieve ray children from croup at once by ueir.g One Minate Cough Cure. I would not (eei 8afe without it." Qjickly cures bfj cM aad lhroat an(j jungdiseasea. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday D.in't forget thie. T. BROWNHILL, .insTinR riPTHH vv.xr.v. v.itan.- Puolic. Collections promptly attended lo. Money to loan. C. E. Bayard'i of- nce, 1 lie ualles, Uregon. Mica lightens the load shortens 'Axle Crease the road. helps the team. Saves wear and cspeusc. toia every wnerc HAI'K lit STANDARD OIL. CO. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clarke fc Falk have on eale a fall line of paint and articl's brushes. U Clarke A Falk' quinine hair tonic ,0 Kee' canuruu rom lne tie,a- A full line of Eastman films and sop - 11 received by Clarke ft talk. Yon will not have boils if you take Clarke ft Falk'e sure cure for boils, C!nrfc A: Falt's fivnrini niracte are the betU Afik vonr crpcer for tl)em i Floral ,olion wi cnre wim' caPPin8 and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke ii Falk. Wco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. nicb25-U Wyandott eegs can Cross' grocery store feb25-lrno wkly Pure silver kced be secured at J. H. for $1 pei 15. Clarke x Falk bare received a carload of the celebrated James E. Pattou strictly pure liquid paints DeWitt's Witch Ilarel Salve is un. equalled for piles, injuriesHand skin diseases, it is ine original v iicn uazei Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. , to secure tne original wucn nnrei r1v aak fnr DeWitt'g WitehHizel . ... . . salve, well Known as a certain cure lor Salve, well known as a c piles and skin diseases. Beware of worth less counterfeits. They are dangerous. T oirit A ntrtirrrton CZnahcn Tnrl cni'B "DeWitt's Little Early Risers always , . ,,; .iSf m u, I UtlllK LCI ktu Lllt.ll WUIU muuuwui. nn( .. Th .,.. canBe j and invigorate the bowels and liver. "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives ... ,. , ., u i immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is trulv the dvspeptic'fi best friend," ,HVi e Uartceiink Overiel Mich. says ii. iiartgenn, uvtri-u. licri. Digests what you eat. Cannot fiil to pur. WINTER TRIPS. For win '.er residence or winter ou'.ing ngl am also doing so much gootl to the com 'i . -ii , ; i I muuitv in sellinc sttrh n cranil medicine, j ideal conditions will be.found on every (g. n Wcstndd, N. Y. hand in CaiHornia. rienteons early , Sol(lalo-K:..lc.nnd?labottlc. throughout rainfall has this season given to tl.e . the United States and Canada ; and in Eng-semi-tropical vegetation wonderful im-' land, nt ls.2d.,'1...3d..4s.Btl. If you nrenot f , . . satisfied after buj-ing. return the bottle to petus ; the fljra! onerings are more than y0Ur druggist, and get your money hack. usually generous and the crop of Vr aulhnrizr thr afmrt ouaranlre. southern fruits bountiful and excellent. Old ccean possesses new charms at Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Long Beach, Coronado and the enchanted isle, of the sea, Catallna where fishing. boating, ramblin?, riding, hunting and loafing uay be enpyed as nowhere else. (':iet little spots, snug and warm, offsr themselves at Mostecito, Xordboff, Pdadend. Echo Mountain, San Jacinto, Fall B'ook and Palm Springs. For renewing health and vigor, here abound many tot eprings, of widely varying constituents and demonstrated merits: the dry, ant I tic, tonic air of the desert may be enjoyed at Banning, ! Indio, Yuma; and, even farther on, st Phoenix, Tucson, El Paso, exists con- j ditions equally well indicated for weak ( throate and lunge. Many think nothing in natnre more ( attractive than tbe shimmering olive: orchards of Santa Barbara and Sun Diego; others prefer the stately walunte of Ventura and Loe Nietos, or the lemons of Fernando; but for glorious fruit and graceful tree commend us to the golden orange, first, laet and always, and it exists in greatest perfection at Covina, Riverside, Redlands and Hiuli lands. Equally interesting is the scientific and tempting fashion in which the sorting and packing of the orange is here accomplished. The faithful were exhorted to see Mecca and ehufne off; but wiser gener ations will see California of the eouth and prolong life. t Stockholder Sleeting Notice ie hereby given that there will be an annual meeting of the stockhold ers of The Dallee, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co., at their ofBcj Saturday, April 7, 1900, at 2 p. m., for the purpose of electing seven directors., and trans acting such other business as may prop erly come before said meeting. By order of the president. The Dalles, Marcli 15, 1000. L. E. Ckowk, Secy. Vulcanic Krujitloni Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of j'oy. Lucklen'a Arnica Salve cures them; also old, running and fover sores, Ulcers, JJoils, Felons, Corns, Wurte, Cute, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on (earth Drives out pains and uehue. Only 25 etc a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & KietH. Houghton, driij;- Drying preparations Mmply devel op dry catarrh j they dry up the becretion, which adhere to the tnembrono and decom- i03&, cuiiHiny a fur rnoro herious trouble than the ordiniiry for.-:i of catarrh. Avoid all dry iug inhulauti, fuiiiex, Hiuokes and hiuiTh and lino th.'it vlnuh clcaimeu, fcoothes and heals. Lly'w Cream Jlahn iu uch a remedy and will uuro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleaiantly. A trial aize will bo mailed for Jl) cents. All druiatH sell tho COc. aizo. KlyljrotherH, M Warren St., N.Y. The lialui curcu without pain, docs not irritate or caniio Buoezlnj;. It upreada ibself over nn trritnled nnd angry surface, reliev. in immediately tho pr.iuful inflammation. With lily's C'reatn Jlnlin vou are ariuod against Nusal Catarrh aud Hay fever. ItUmnrrk' Iron ! Wh the rcpnlt of hi? splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous cnerey ktt,n,v, Niwei8 arn ou, 0i or,iPr. f i you want the?e qualities and the euccees - they brinsr, ti?e Dr. Kinir's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley A Houghton's drugstore. - Esperience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's Enplish Remedy in any cafe of j cough-, coKt or croup Should it fail to Rive immediate relit t money reiunueo. 25 ets. and 50 cts. Blakeley A Mouchton Drupgists. t Paint your house with paints that are fully jruaranteed to last. Clarke Jc Falk have them. Advice of a Druggist " It U nrnter. 1 think, to let others know ' alKiut the itoptilarity and virtues of Acker's , English Remedy lor Coughs, Colds and Con- sumption. 86$ , raomcnt I Ho?anhand- liticit.it sold , raptdly.and 1 1 h e sales cm) crow jt,R ni the time as fust SV( n'? What Q fe- t Swaratlon it f Th i - - a no universal. Hnr YiiKt ? i,,.,,. ,,, u , and say it is the lest thine for throat nnd lung troubles they ever saw. Mr S. H.CuI- vcri"one of our prominent townsmen, says Acker's English Remedy is the only medi- cinc tbat "ilrf 1" clironle coupli of many vears. staiidincr. At first it gave relief and now, after taking a few bottles, he is wholly 1 eiired. 1 buv it bv the cross at a tune. and my sales arc larger on tins one medicine than on any other in my store. It is a great I picasurcior me to tceitnuiwmiei am prosper H . 11. llUUhu: is: tv., jToimaurt, .tew l art. FOR &.11.E BV T-1 1. 1 P TT V A FINE SHIRT A fine shirt needs line laundry work to make it look nii'e and weur well. Just the samr, with your other garments. We do not iue any inj'irione chemicals do nit rot out your linen and can save you 20 per cent of the wear your gar mt tits usually sustain. GUd to have you trv our work. No j laundry too email. j D.U.I.KS I.AfXUIlV Co ' 'Phone 341 brings the team. 81 2w me Columbia PscKing Co., PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANDKAtlTUKKHH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JKIKD BEEF. ETC. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 'in iriACC MAFIK8 JCSICNB C0PVRI0HT3 &C. Anroneacndlnc a xUplcti nnd rimrrlntlnn m qulcklr afortmn our oiiliimri true lyfiutliKr a lituntlnn l iirohnhl? intlrmnlilc. Ciiinniuiilr tlnnatrlctlf cijiillilRiittnl. llnniUxmlcuil I'nlonU vnt freo. (Jlcle.it nueiirj fur iiecuriiicputeiiiii, I'.itm.ta toliun tlirnuuh Munn ic Co. retelrt, tpteUil notice, without chnruc, m ttin Scientific American. A tiantlionmlr lllnatrnlml wnoltlr. lJirBCt fir. tulalloii if mif k.-li-ntliln lnurnol. Triii. 13 a M'S.t'ir ni.nitln, IV ma bjrull noirideiilcr MUNN &Co.361B. New York krsDCh Otfios 123 I' ft. Washloitlun. I). ( JJ STURDEVANT, Dentist. Otllce over Krunoli & Co.' lluuk I'bnne C, TIIK DAI.I.KS, OKEOON ADMINISTBATOK'S NOTICK. K f III i i I I c.tlce in licret.y Klveii thut the iiiidciMitntil f , r,tltt i f"'"' rum 011 both trnlim. Uli appoiiifed ;y the county court, of cli 1 iVuVl t,.i ir! i". "V.'fV l" l),ul' 1 l'"o :u of ri'uii.f.ir HM.'o r.,ui,ty,.,diiil.iUtr,.tc,r I- ,1 A " 'm . V t'"K"' ht tM,i Or heeatutu of I'ntiick llrown, cUcviih-cI a 11 ; "IU " ""I'lnuton. noun Imvlni! clnlliio m-Mlimt tnlil i L.V. ,. him lorttie imoii liaylne clMiirm 111,-iiliut MM i-nt.tc hih hereby iKilllieu In piewnt ol.ilinii, i.roi.crlv verllied, to me lit tint (illlcc ul Mimic, tt ,v hlnniitt In DHllei. flu. Ore., within klx m ,., 1,. fViV. '.'f''. date tburetif. Huted Juuuary Zl, into. . DK1.IA C. 1IHOW.V, ng-H AdiiiliiUtnitcir, ADMJNIsfllATOH'MjHcicy Notice Is liftthy trtven ttiit tlie iinilcrslmiccl linn U-en duly iii.Hiliilid ailmlnutriitor ul tt u c.tlu if J. C. llMlclw-lii, oc ciiHd. All KtcuiH imviiiff eldiiiiH iiKiiiimt Mtld cxtute ntu licrchv notllled to iiretent the miicic. iiroM.rlv v i..r 10 ine or to my uttorneyic, Duliir.V Mem-fir. 1,1 The ltille, Oieaon, within nil months from the date of thin notice. 1 11 JJuted tliU llth day of Felirnnrv, VM). AdminUtrutor of the i-tutii of j'jl' i.'.V.i.. ,.. ftbini , a I 3;: Sf 1 1 3b a' fx n M 31 3? 5t: ts;- si ' 5S t t: ( i rfi i.iiltil'-'lll'Ill'tll-l'il.lItltilillXll.IUUlilJJ'JJll.'iJl dlMftCr Imniilnn I I I MA.VfrAtTtKKI) 1IV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circulars and particulars F. !"'-G C. C. COOPER, .MANlKACTlltKi: Ol- High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. IlEAI.KIt IX Tents, Wagon Covers, nnd nil articles usuallv kept in u first-class harness thop. THE DALLES, .Moody h Wurehmme, i SOUTH and EAST via Souifieffi Pacific Co. Shasta Route LtJt'!?.lM,,!.t'".u.'T,',',,rtll,?,,,r '""ftUnJ and hhj ulnlloilH tit I i) 11. in. mid II p. 111. I l.enve I'ortlimiJ I " Allmny . .. j Arrive Aslilnnd . " fineriimi'iitii . I " Kan rrmiiMieo h:l5) 11 in VI-.Wh in UlKlli m 'KM ji in . . ":!.' ill 7:C4 j, , ID:,') p 111 ii::a in I i-'l'i n 111 b:!5 u 111 Arilvc Ogdon " licmur " Kiiiihiiituty " (Jtiicdffo .;. f: n ii in UiWJ 11 m " 11 111 7: 15 11 111 11:15 a 111 UlWIit 111 7:'.'d a in j-;m h in Arrive I-os AiiRelin . " hi 11100 " fort Worth " ;U'"f Mexico. " HlllllltClll. ,. . ' .New Orli'iilio . ' VtiiNlilliKtcili " New Vork. . ., 1 .".11 pin I'.W i 111 . Cr.'M 11 m i:M in l.lJiiu III r-:ir, u m 1.' 11 in . ': i;( p til n in 11:10 i 111 r;:ai a in U:.nnin 1:00 11 in (:- p III ti 1 11 111 I'M pill lilllMdi.ei., Cuntrnt mid boutli Amirlc-ji. Keo uh-ont Ht The Ihill Mntlou, r uddrth C. H. MARKHAM, (ieiicrnl I'aMuiger Agent, I'orthitid, Or. JI'.UKIHK.MKUtKKKK Physician aud Surgeon, 8cJmI uttcntlon Klveii lo ll, ''1 nd !H, lul, 3U VoKt block to The Chronicle, Th Delias, Op. Job Printers. and Motors furnished on application. S. GUNNING, Agent, THE DALLES, OREGON This Stamp a Guarantee OREGON. of Quality. Yellowstone Park Line, I TIIK DINING CAlt KOL'TK KK0M i'OKTUND TO TilK KAST THE ONLY UIKKCrr LINK TO TIIK YKIXOtt'- 810NK I'AKK LEiVK. Union Depot, rilil and I sis arwvj No. '1. Knict mull for Tiiwimi. PeHttlo, Olyitiplo. tiniv llciilmr ci'id Hoiilh Ih iiil iHlllltH. hllllklllll1. ltOM' .So. 1. iHiid, 11. c, ritiiiim- Mm-iv, U'ltoii, llllf liilolliiinpiiiliitiiKeoiiii try, lleli'im, Miiiin,ii"J Hit, bt. I'mil, Olimtiii, Kiiiimik flly. rt. l-",ui. OhleiiKO mid ntl l"jlnt eiut mid houtlii'iixt. Pici.if Mmmil l-:xiiri't ilMl'.M. ,S'0.3. 7;(X)A.M. 11:15 A. y,. No, I. U;S0 I'. M. for Tneomn nnd heattln nnd Ititoriuedicito 'iulx I'ulliiiiiii ilmt-elHim mid tnurlit 'lXnU !liiiioii1ol,St. J'liulimd .lliittl rlu-r !" without rlmiiKv. , , , ........ectloBi In nil irliiulnil eltlei". , ,,c-i.ti IIiikkkko ohwkiil to deattiuil J'' 0 niatter. I'orliiiiidM.inely 1 1 ltlt . tc ilcMUll'tue iw tlekuti., hloet.liiK cur reoerviitloin'c eti'.i tJ" write A. D. CHARLTON, AhMMaiit Ooneriil 1'iwneiijti'r Am'iit. Bliuet, comer Third, rorlhiml. wns'- DR.GUNN S ONE FOR A DOSE. Koraofo Pimp c. Pruti llllnujuii, I'urUjf tliuUlu Luro IIiiMtoohw am) l)yu' tent iucin, A inuffiHBiit of tho LowiiU tyk WZ Kit. ."..BS!S 'Jtgr"t "111 mll iiil'l !'"MJi "oMLn i' hui iniiiiib!, tut tut r nit's mi. r a.. V v MAKER .J lit i'B Fai i mi v rltkS