BUSY Is a.Branl! word which denotes more activity than any word we know except RUSHED and that you may know how wo are preparing to meet you on , MONDAY, MARCH 19th, wc are busy rushing our goods into stock eo that, all departments mav be thor- " oughly represented on that day in their NEW ATTIRE. All Goods Mnrked In Plain riRuros. PEASE & MAYS 1'KOl'IiK TOO ALL. KNOW. T. F. Balfour, of Lyle, is registered at the Umatilla House. Rev. W. O. Smith, pastor of thoM. E. church at Dufur, was in town today. Frank Fulton, of Ulgge, is in the city on his way home from a business trip to Portland." Hugh Jackson, tho veteran etageman, is registered at the Umatilla House, from Arlington. Frank l.ieblin, and old and respected farmer from the Kmgsloy neighborhood, was in town today. Mrs. L. Canfleld, of Dufur, who has spent the past winter in Waso, ia vis iting friends in the city. V. F. Byars, of the Goldendale Sen tinel, spent last night in the city the guest of the Umatilla House. B. Kelsay, a prominent citizen of Fossil, who tiBB large landed interests in Sherman county, is registered at the Umatilla House. A. L. Mcintosh of Crook county, a native eon of the Land O' Cakes and a wealthy sheep owner, was in town last night and left this morning for his home near Paulina. Miss Ruth Cooper left cn the boat this morning for Independence where ehe goes to visit triends. She was ac companied as far as the Cascades by her mother, Mrs. D. J. Cooper, and sister, Mies Mildred. H. H. Davis and J. E. Stewart, two well-known business men of Prineville, arrived here tcday on their way to Port land to purchase a stock of merchandise to be taken to tho new town of Lawton, in Baker county. VV. II. Biggs, Dave Fulton and W. A. Murchie, who have purchased the Col lins' springs below Wind River, went down on the boat this morning with a view of making necessary improvements to prepare the place for a summer re Bort. Miss Daisie Allaway returned last night from Eugene, having been com pelled to abandon her studies at the university on account of nervous pros tration. Her friends hope that the in disposition i3 only temporary and that after n iittle test die will be able to re- i turn and graduate at the end of the term. Itefiurtrd Favorably. the Dalles Daily Chfoniele. Telephone No. J. SATURDAY - - - MARCH 17, MOO ktvvU In Oysters WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Watch Tin CmtoNici.i: for Campbell & Wilson's opening date. 3 lotl Lidies pleaeu call and see the lovely line o( utrt'i't huts at Campbell & Wilson's. 3 lotf Ask for Ilatnllton-Urown 2.60 shoes. They have no equal.. For sale by the Xeir York Cash Store. 111. Key. Wislur Morris, biehon of this episcopal diocese, will hold service in The Dtiliua Episcopal church tomorrow. TiieCiiiionicu: is verv much nleosed to learn that Mrs. W. L. Bradshaw is idling much butter than ehe has for u Iocs time. Mrs. I'hilliliR uihIioh in Inform (if li'iies that she has u very large assort ment of ladies and children 'e street hats now on display. mch 13-2t Tlie New Y lirlf ii fill fstntn fa mtllitwr a t of ladles lino shoes at $2.00 a pair, e orliutton, up-to-date toe, that forineriy sold for $2.00 and 3.00 Why Mints when you can buy James E. "lion's mm proof paints for $1.50 per Won, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & '"k, agente. ,i7. Have you tried tlm "ll,ri,tnin.," .mi. ell'rounveiulHitnd jumpers' Made J Inert den!.,,, double stitched, safety li pocket and more convenient than Were. For fcnu l)y lUv Now York Ctt(lh SmcIh1 ' " ' iiu r viiiserver urooKS in "MlueCinioNin.Btlmt tho mercury "Wilowiitu I below zero ut Omuha, ,! . '(,ell)r,1ay. "d etood 0 above IDodguCiiy, Kansas. 'iei'ortluiH it that Corlles Merritl, late Hick I"l'l",!r QKBtt, mid 0. K. E.itn l'lul,'oy of the Pendleton Oreuoiilnnf UBtubheti a weekly JIpm t shanlko In the near fu- The imi.nl... i i ... forc "h received orders to en tiiat l ,w uriil"ttca ttudcity bovines by tTu , " wt"'t to hunt tholr grub rW? 1 1,10 Mttrch ,noo' wi eeoraiqgiJMOllco n"d gm """""'v" A,?' I' ,Inwk reived Mtfit to. v 21. '" ,,liwk k e ?n , tt,Uo,,Uiu thl' " iatLCllU,ud t0 P6"0"" 'd wu on the poor U, moo., this time cutting into the pelvi?! Mr. congrees Hawk greatly fears the worst as the lnd's condition is very low. C. E. Bavnrd was down town today for the first time hiuGe his recent attack of pneumonia. Ax. Bayard purposes going next weelto a sanitarium in Port land where received considerable benefit on a iormer visit. We are credibly informed that a small force of men have been at work nil winter on Mr. Lytle's projected railroad connecting Lylo with Goldendale. It fs said that Mr. Lytic must have tho road graded against fall or forfeit the right of way. mo oiisiiiess men or Arlington (iiive raised a fund to build corrals and sheds j for the accomodation of sheepmen ut I eheurlng time. They have the assurance I that 20,000 head of sheep will bo sheared j there it proper accomodations are pro vided, j II. J. Palmar, of Prineville, has cepted a position with the linn of & Mavs. of this city. Jud, as familiarly known at home, is a steady, industrious and experienced btifinees man who will make his influence felt for good in Ilia prospective field of labor. A proclamation opening to settlemmt tho northern portion of tho Coiville In dian rervation in Washington has been from year to year for a long time without being acted upon, and fonic of thfin, although meritorious, had been rejected, and vw: have learned with great pleasure and gratitude that Mr. Moody has in a short time, succeeded in obtaining favorable action on most of them. I think this public acknowledg ment of our gratitude is due to Mr. Moody." The fact that Ladystnith received its name in memory of a woman is well known, but the romance of General Sir Harry Smith's marriage lias not been bo widely published. During the Pen insular war two voting British officers j in a Spanish town, which had just been captured bv an English force, were sur j prised by a visit from two very young and beautiful Spanish girls of the better , e!ae. Theeo fair callers begged pro- tection in the alarming circumstances in which they had been placed by tho oc j cupation of the rougher Boldiery. Their I request was, of couise, gallantly granted, Pease j ,U)j jn n short time one of the oflicerij, M0 ie i Captain Smith, found himself desper ately in love. In due time he married the woman whom lie had protected. The marriage proved a happy one. ae- A dispatch received today from Con gressman Moody announces that his bill for the relief of settlers on the public landB has been approved by tho com mittee havinc it in charge, so that the prospects of its passage in the house are altogether favorable. The most im portant feature of the bill is the follow ing provision : "In all cases where parties, as pre emptors or homeUead claimants, have naid double minimum price for land which afterwards has been found not to be within tho limitB of a railroad land grant, or which iB within the limits of any portion of a grant which has been heretofore, or which thai! hereafter be forfeited by reason ot any failure upon the part of the grantee to construct that portion of the rond in aid of which such grant wa9 made, which is adjacent to and coterminous with such lands, the excess of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre shall be repaid, but only to the original entryman thereof, or to his heirs or personal representatives." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. D'enared. but lias not yet received the! signatures of the secretary of the i"i Jfj KM YOU HaV6 AlWajfS BOUgM tlon will be opened six months after the ' Boars tho i proclamation is signed. A largo num ber of mining entries have already been made in the reservation. Joaquin Millers' lecture last night at the M. E. Church drew a fuli house. A verdict of the audience on its merits would probably be mixed. Parts of it were beautiful, parts witty, others simply entertaining and still other Mllleresque and egotistical to the verge of oU'diisiveness. But Joaquin cannot, heln thiV last feature. If hu were not egotistical ho would not be Joaquin Miller. In his latest weekly letter Henry Clews nays: "The new 2 per cent kov eriiinent bouds should bu christened United States consols, especially as they make so favorable a comparison; with tho EngliHh consols, which bear! 2?4 per cent interest and art) felling at , 100-iui whereas tho .United States con sols are 2 per cent end aru now selling I ut 1)7 before issued, ami are now in considerable demand at that price, Thero can bo no better barometer of the high credit of this nation thuu this showing. No other nation has ever be fore been able to float a 2 per cent bond ut 100. This ia certainly u proud achievement for tins country." Annldund rosnected veteran of tho civil war called at this ofllco today and ' Bald: "I want you to say to the rttaders of Tim Ciikonici.u that we old j soldiers tome time ago sent to Congress man Moody u number of local pension cluSiim tlut Imd been kicked about in Siguature of l'or Hul. 40-acro tract, miles from The Dalles, 4 room house, barn, all fenced, orchard of 300 trees, running water, good range for cattle adjacent, 10 acres bottom land line for berries or garden. Pries reasonable, terms easy. Call at this office. nr2l-dwlmo Wuntetl. A girl or women that is a good cook and housekeeper. Gocd wages to the riuht party. Inquire ut 282 Third street. mlfl-tf fen ll tf iinifirMMtum tiltWui'i'mllm iii'Wiiii ihii.inimii- Vegetable Preparalionfor As similating ihcFoodandRcgula liiigtAcStoiMcteaM Bowels of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur ness and Rest.Contains neither Onium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Harc otic . limpe orOUJJrSXMUaPtTCMR hmpAm Seat' Jlx.Stnna Cfmfud Sugar HSttuytvat nanr. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CCNTAUR COMPANY. HEW VOBK CITY. OUR CHURCHES V 1 V Pingree fXQMPOSlfr Shoes for your jeei, women Will fit voar fancy and your finances ; Tfiey are FINE shoes and the? LOOK IT , They are made in the very latest styles by men i who have been making such for over 30 years. Christian Science ni'-eting in small K. of P. hall every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Calvary Baptist church Rev. W. B. Clifton, pastor. Regular services ot 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Voting people's meeting at G:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Lutheran church Rev. V. Brenner, pastor. English services both morning and evening at usual time. German services in the afternoon at 2:30. Young People's meeting at 0:30. Christian church Ninth and Court streets, Rev. G. Rushing, pastor. Preaching morning and evening, at 11 a. in. and 7 :30 p. m. Sunday school at 10. Christian Endeavor at 0:45 p. in. Congregational church corner Fifth and Court streets. Rev. Poling, pastor. Morning service at 11; subject, "At Our Best," by the pastor. Sundav school at 12:15; Junior Kndea.vor, 4 p. m.; Christian Kn leavor, 0:30. Evening service at 7:30. Methodist Episcopal church Corner Fifth nnd Washington, Rev. U. F. Hawk, pastor. Services at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10a. in.; class meeting at the close of morning service; Junior League at 3:30; Epworth League at (1:30. Ileiulillcnii rrltuiirlf h. For the Hist time in nianv years thero was only one ticket in the tiuld at the R -publicm primaries held hero today. The consequenco was, of course, a Unlit vote, which was not complete as we go to press. The delegates selected, an. I as good as elected, are us follows : Bigelow precinct C. F. Stephens, M. Randall, II. L. Ktuk, L. Chrisniau, F. E. Bronson, F. Fisher, W. A. John ston, L. Rorden, C. C. Cooper. WestDalles precinct And vv.Urquhart, P. W. Do Hun", M. Z. Donnell, O. L. Schmidt, P. Stadelman, A. J, Anderson. Trevitt precinct M. T. Nolan. F. W. Wilson, J. S. Wilson, W. II. Moody, W. A. Miller, Max. A. Vogt.Geo, Rucli, W. H.Joues, T. T.Nicholas. Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milustnirj, u , says, "As a spaedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and sore throat 0,.e Minute Cough Cure is nmqualed. It is pleasant for children to take, I heartily recom mend it to mothers." It Is the only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases, It vH prevent consumption. Eg;rs retail at 12Ja cents per diztn tt Maier & Benton's. Clark & Falk'e ("rag stock is new fro-sli and complete. Bicycle sundries andirishing tackle at Maier & Benton's. 3 lotf Ladie' and children's sun bonnet?, 2oc at New York Cash Store. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring ixtracts. Peters New Victor SMidktjle?1 shells to be had only at Maier & Benton's. 3 lotf M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., say?, "DeWitt's Little Eirly Risers ate the very best pills I ever used for costivenes?, liver and bowel troubles." Bagley Bros., have purchased a thrjughbred Jersey bull, registered stock. For particulars apply at resi dence on Tenth street, noar tho fair grounds. 3 G-lmo Sut scribe for Trie Chronicle. Dirt you ever lr r 1 on J'r. , oC street earao to tuy a wSocl for Ills wife? Well, ho oarao homo or.c evcr.ln?. anil f:w her bittins on f:o DaUu.'rr.c'o or the porch, as shown in tho picture. 11". a?.C.c up hta mind then and tUero thst Bio would loo'.c lust too sweet for anytMns cn a bicycle. And sho does. Hut Iko U!r.a of bicycle hr.a a Bood dent to do 7ih looUlr.s? tiweet. So if you want to look t.weet, buv your wheel (as did Mr. ) of Hie tveut fcr CRAWFORD3 Golden Eagle, $25 Crawford . . . $30 Cleveland, . . andjso We have handled tho above line of wheels for several years. Tho guarauteo on the above wheels are such that no one need to hesitate to buy either of them. JUaier & Benton Solo Agonts. "Composites" are no experiment, rtltdble shoe at all Units, f We are sole agents. but an absolutely A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. "We fit your feet no guess work." INSURE WITH THE Law Union & crown Fire insurance Co. OF LONDON. FOUNDED 1025. CAPITAL PAID UP 7,600,000. ASSETS $20, 126,033. Surplus Ix'jond nil Mtibllltlctf la United States 9621,166.26. ARTHUR SEUFERT, Res. Agt. Tiinne 111, 1lv PiilUe, Ur,