1) e On II co Cljrmrijde. II VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY. MARCH 17. 1900. NO 185 ft ROBERTS TO ENTER PRETORIA Galacre's. Clcmml and Brabant's Forces Will Occupy Bloomfontcin. CASUALTIES AT DRIEFONTEIN Remnants of Free State Army May Be Cnulit Before They Get Around Hliirnifoiiteiii to Join Joultert's Command. EVERYBODY Knows the merits of the COLUMBIA HARTFORD $50. $35. $25. Many new features for 1900 which you cannot afford to overlook. u fs ho.vins, Mari-li 10 Lird Robertb' encce.'s in hiuidlnu' the civil problem) fit llloemfinteln and tint manifest equa ninilty with which residents of the capital of the Orinmo Free Stnto accept British occupation momentarily replaces the interest in the military situation. It Is believed hero Unit Roberts will soon jiusli on 10 I'retoriii, tint Grout llritiiin Is quite content to l'sten for a few days to tliu mu'liiintiti Mis of the people of lilocmfontein mid permit the troops to enjiy a le.v days' rest before expecting further success. lto'terts madon quaint speech to the Ciiartle ut llloumfonteiu today, when in tils liret congratulatory words lie ex pressed pride in their splendid march of thirty-eight miles in twenty-eight hours, and gave ample assurance of his ultimate design. "Through a small iniotuke," paid Rob erts, "I I Hive not been able to march in to liloeiiif mteln at the head of the brig ade, ne 1 intended. I promise you, how ever, that I will lead you into Pretoria." Gem-rul Gatacre is holding Bethueil, and the whole line of railroad Bonth of llloemfonteiu is now in the hands of the British, and General Brabant's column liavitiir crossed Orange River, after a forced march to Aliwal North on Sunday, and General Clement's column being acroeeat Vanr.yl, the three columns will form an army of 12,000 to 15,000, which is expected to replace the forces of Rob erts at Bloeuifontein, as he pushes north ward, Just where the Boers will at tempt to oppoio that match is tin im portant question, but it cannot le easily answered until General Joubert is more definitely located. Further news has reached the outside world from Mafeklng, dated Friday, March 9, showing that though the garri on was In hr.id straits, they were Buoyed up by the knowledge that their plucky fight was appreciated at home. Hubert I Nut IdlK, New Yokk, March 10 A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: General Hoberts is not allowing the grate to grow under his feet. He put three trains in notion, equipping them with engine drivers and firemen from from his own troopp, unil sent General Pole-Carew, with I'OOO guardsmen and a small body i mounted infautry, southward. He "ported iua midnight bulletin that I'olo Oarew had reached Bethany during tie afternoon without opposition, and "'at the force was expecting to join "tnerals Gatacre and Oiemente. GatHcre bad crossed the Orange Hiver in the morning and occupied Bethulie. General Yemeni's advance has probably taken place simultaneously. It is reported "'at the Dutch rearguards are retreating join the river, and it is possible that 'Iwy may ho caught between the columns "'''eh arc advancing toward Spring lonteln, Gonural Roberta has allowed three dl vialorjB to ,t nt Bloemfontoin, but he ' not Idlu himself. Ho has created tlie '"I'reseion that the Free Slato govern Ulf't linn surrendered its capital and " military government 1ms been "Bitlluted for It. President. Btevn, since nw arrival in Kroonstadt, is issuing pro nations and striving to rally Ills 'oopBln defense of the republic, but im "llHlgus fall, his forces are rapidly "'jPPMriug from the Held. th. p Vldt"11 ,r0,,, 1,10 l!reBB dlepatchea General Itoborts' first work will be MlwilnBol the railway southward to jS; Complete Line of '1900" Sundries, i the Orange Hiver and the abandonment of the convoy Bystetn of supplies from Kimberley. The entire district south of Bloemfontein can be cleared of the t-nemy in the course of a few days and railway traffic restored. Dispatches from General Gatucre's headquarters state that his patrols are in touch with General Clement's lines westward and witii Brabant's eastward. Watren's forces are not needed on Orange Hiver, and have returned to up per Natal. Military men do not expect n vigorous renewal of operations bv either General Roberts or General Dul ler during the next week. French's cavalry with Tucker's division may ad vance slowly northward in the direction of Winburgand Kroonstadt, hut it is not likely that there wiM be serious fight ing until General Roberts is ready to cross the Vaal River and advance to ward Johannesburg and Pretoria. The onlv direction in which veteran officers here expect to witness immediate activity is towarus waiesing. Hti'jn :u Disfavor. London, March 10 The Times pub lishes the following from Bloemfoutem, dated Tuesday : Contempt for the fl ght of the tree Staters is universal, many people B6serting that President Steyn would have been shot it nls intention to flee had been known. More harm has been done to the Dutch cause by the sur render than is convmcible, and despite the statements of the brother of Steyn, it is doubtful that there will be auy more resistance south of the Vaal. ItlltlKll CHUUAltlrl. London, March 10. It was officially announced today that British casualties at Driefontein on MarchlO were sixty two men killed and U21 wounded, in cluding one Canadian wounded. Crooned Oraugv ICIrer. Cai-k Town, March 1C When the British forced a passage of the Orange River, they surprised the Boer forces. The Britons occupied a position on tl e north Bide of the river with little op position. l!ot-r t hrcatR. Pabis, March 10. The possibility of the Boers destroying the mines ia caus ing some anxiety among French finan ciers, who have one-third'of the shares. The Gaulois devotes un article to the tsul ject today, and calls upon the finan ciers of Europe to furnish the Boers witii the means of resisting the British invasion. Cecil Itliodrft' Ojilnlon. Cai-k Town, March 15. Ia an inter view published in the Cape Argus, Mr. Cecil Rhodes is quoted as saying: "I feel strongly that we cannot have peace in South Africa eo long as we have in the Republics a rallying ground for disloyalty and disaffection. I go farther. 1 do not think we can eafely federate till e have had some years of crown colony government. Personally I have done with the Bund." Catarrh Cauuut be Cured with local applications, as they cannot reacii the Beat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what nroduces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggiste, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 Bicyles repaired at Maier & Ben ton's. 3 15t' $i.oo per month. Strictly ilrst class local and long distance telephone service within your home. Lines do not cross-talk. Your con versation will be kept a Becret. No cost for installing. You get the standard Hunnlng Long Distant Instrument. Continuous day and night eervice. We will accept your contract for ten years and allow you to cancel same on giving us thirty days writ ten notice, PA0IFI0 STATES TELEPHONE COS. ALLEN'S RESO LUTION DEFEATED Sought to Extend Constitution to Puerto Rico Vote Was 36 to 17 Against It Quay Case to be Taken Up Shortly. Washington, March 10 At 10 o'clock this morning the senate convened to conclude, if possible, between that hour and noon, the formal reading of the Alaskau code bill. Only two or three senators were present during the earlier part of the session. Carter, who re ported the bill, was in the chair, and Bate, ot Tennessee, who kept close at tention upon the reading of the meas ure, did not leave his seat until the last word of the bill was pronounced. The reading was concluded at noon. Hoar renewed his request of yesterday that a date be fixed for taking up the Quay case. He H9ked that the time be two weeks from next Tuesday. Galling er, who had some hot worde with Pen rose yesterday, said he was astounded at the charge that those who were opposed to Quay were employing parliamentary tactics to obstruct vote on the case. The order proposed by Hoar was agreed to by unanimous consent. After morning busintes had been dis posed of, the senate took up the Puerto Rico appropiiation bill. Amendments of the eenate committee, limiting the appropriation to revenues collected prior to January 1st, last, having been agreed to yesterday, a vote was taken on Al len's amendment, declaring the Consti tution extended over the Islands. The amendment was laid on the table by a vote of CO to 17. Jones withdrew the amendment he off.-red yesterday, and iu its place offered an amendment propos ing 're 1 trade between the United States and Puerto Rico. Food fur 1'uertu Itlcaua, Washington, March 10. Five hu. dred tons of ric, codfish and bacon were shipped on a transport to Puerto Rico today by the war department to relieve the suffering. Too shipment is made in response to an appeal some time ago from General George Davie, military governor of Puerto Rico, to Acting Sec retary of State Meikeljohn for aid for starving Puerto Ricins. General Davis' letter depicts an awful situation on the island. He explained that he intended to discontinue the dis tribution of food the first of this month, but owing to the distrsss ho asked for tills shipment. He also says that it Ib Imperative that a further shipment of 600 tons of the same articles he made on the next transport following this ship ment. KeJolclUK at Vu Colony, Cai'e Colony, March 10. Tuera was great rej licing throughout the colony upoD the receipt of the news that Bloem fonteiu had been occupied by the British. The first intimation of the news at Port Elizabeth was the firing of '-'1 guns at 11 o'clock in the evening. The inhabi tants hastened to the streets and carried the mayor on their shoulders to the Town Hall, where a demonstration was held. Today will be observed as a gen eral holiday. There is great rejoicing at Bloemfon teiu, whose women and children have been shut off for months. Great com plaint is made of the harsh treatment by the Boers during the occupation. Rebels are coming In daily with their arms from the south. A number of other rebel leaders have been arrested. No Itlght to Uglllum. The woman who H lovely in face, form and temper will always have friend, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, sho will be 1101 vena and irritable. If she has con stipation or kidney trouble, her Impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, bkin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters Is the beet medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kldueyB and to purify the blood, It gives strong uervee, bright eyes, emooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It wi make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-do n in valid. Only 50 cents at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore, A. M. Williams & Co.'s Store News. ADVANCE SHIPMENT OF Spring Jackets ARE READY. Not our entire stock, but a goodly portion including some of the real swell things. These garments will be found on display to Cloak Section rear of upper floor. Our eales-ladies will take pleasure in showing you the line, when you can fit on as many as yon pluB6e and whether you buy or not, you're ju9t as welcome. EMTIRE. or English Box Coat in a Vtiy beautiful shade of light brown Broadcloth strapped and and stitched seams velvet collar, satin lining $12.00 EATON JACKET of light tan Ven etian Cloth ; made d o u b I e-breasted, dip front, pearl buttons, satin re veres and lining $1000 LIGHT TAN WHIP CORD Covert Cloth Jacket fly-front, farmer satin lining to match; exception 1 value at $5.00 VENETIAN CLOTH JACKET, in a very pretty shade of tan ; made it y -front, with velvet collar to match, and lined with near-silk in a beautifil shade ol violet. $6.00 Other Styles. In addition to these here illustrated, we show others in the new b ue. gray herring-bone stripe and castor; 111 covert, Ve netian and broadcloth. $7, $10 and $12. ( 8375 84oc TAN COVERT. FLY FRONT JACKET, beau tifully finished with three rows 'stitching at all seams and around edge good auality of satin lining to match. Special $10.00 BLACK BROADCLOTH JACKET, tly-froiit, lined witii gnoil quality black eat in ; value if 10. $8.50. Girls' Skirts Are amoni: the new at tractions. Sizes for from 0 to 14 years. Cadet blue cheviot, $2.75. Navy blue with black overplaid, $2.95. Ready for Inspection : TAILOR-MADE SUITS, TAILOR-MADE SKIRTS, UNDERSKIRTS, SHIRT WAISTS. SPRING STYLES. A. M. WILLIAMS SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. Ul A W W Ul p w w A SpUudid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Seed Wheat, Seed Oats, Seed Rye, Seed Barley, Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn King I'hilip Corn, Stowell's Evergreen Corn, Early Minnesota Corn. Kafllr Corn, Egyptian Corn, White Hominy Corn. Early Rose Potatoes, Hurhank Potatoes, Spring Vetches, limine Grass, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Poultrv Food, Bee Supplies. A magnificent stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of which will be sold at close prices for CASH at the Feed, Seed and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS. s d Ul d Ul SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. Subscribe for the Chronicle. rifi I m . !. i r -i s a! 7 r 'i m u I if ' J4 "3 3 1. 1 V 4K) 1 '