I'KOl'I.K TOD AL1, KNOW. ( 1,. nnd William I'ieice, of Golden dnli1, wire iti tow n today. Mrs. AdihL .Sheltou. of Eugene, is vieitins her broil er, J. 1'. Lucas. Kd GtitHn, of Naneet e, "ixnt last . night in the city the uuest of Will Cates. H. J. Palmer, n pn-inlnent citizen of Princviile, arrived here today from thnt city. Geo. T. nnd Mrs. Prdther cune up today from Hood Itiver and were guests of ttie Umatilla House. Jnyne P.Iodeett, of the Oehoco Gold Jilinitii: Co. of Crook county, is reg istered at the Umatilla House. Sirs. W. C. L'liltnm. of Pnfur, hrnucht to town today tier Utile son of five year? ,to consult a physician about his health. Robert Snodsrras, sii old and respect- rd resident of Hovd, is in the city nc- companlcd by John L Hudley of the i I3int' place. Dr. V. Gesner, of San Jose, late a I well-known resident of l'Kui'ville, nt-j rived in town today on a business nip! to his old home. Hon. N. D. Brook, of Goldendale. is in ttie city today on lectil lui?ines. Mr. Brooks is actinc n- attorney for the Paul Mohr company in seciirinc rights of way between Coluxbu? and The Dalles. M. J. Anderson, tlie village hliiek emith and erstwhile Populist Btatesiuan of Pnfor, spent last night in the citv. W J. is mkiug monev so fart on iiis i new weed-destroyer and cultivator that he pretends to have abandoned politics Jor pood. IK) UN. Testerday afternoon at farm en$t of tow n, to the Cnsliinc, a daughter. the dishing wife of Wm. Homicide in Klickitat County. George R. A. Ferris, a Klickitat farmer, shot and killed a man named Wnrrfll last Monday afternoon on Fer ris' farm east of Goldendale. Wurrell had-rented the farm of Ferris nnd the latter surrendered himself to the Klicki tat sheriff Wednesday and claimed he idled Warrell in self-defense. The evidence at the coronet 'g inquest showed that five bullets had entered the dead mans body, and that after thei killin.- Ferris had hitched up a team J and dragged the corpse to a place of ' hiding. Ferris was hound over without j ban. The slayer of Wurtell is an old i offender. About ten years ago Judge j Sol Smith, of the superior court of, Klickitat county, sentenced Ferris to j ten years for horse stealinc. Judge ; ijmith was blamed for the sentence on j the ground of seventy, and uiter serving i femi years in the state penitentiary at "Whlla Walla, on petition of the people of Klickitat county, Ferris was pardoned, j The pardon was one of ttie last official nets of Governor McGraw and was gen-! ..... i eraiiy approveu. it would now appear that Judge Smith decided better than Mtiicliliiililrm Mertlng. Notice is hereby given that theru will be nn nni ml meeting of the stockhold ers of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co., nl their oflics Saturday, April 7, 1000, at 2 p. in., for the purpose of electing ?tven directors, nnd trans acting suoh other business ns may prop erly come before said meeting. By order of the p-esldent. The Dalles, March 15, 1!)00. 1.. E. Cnown, Secy. Illxiiliitlin of 'urtner'lili. The business heretofore existing under the firm nnmcof Lane Bros., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. L. L. Lane will conduct tho business nt the old stand, and collect nil nccounts and pay ull lulls of the (inn. All parties knowing themselves indebted to the linn are requested to settle ns scon ns possible. The Dalles. Or., March 1, 1000. L. L. Lank, lm d.iw X. M. Lank. l'ur S3. DO dull And one dollur and fifty weekly you can purchase a twenty-five dollar watch or diamond at Harry C. Liebe's, in the Vo;t block. Watches, diamonds, ulncks, jewelry and silver ware nt most reasonable priceE. o S-ot j Cure Ilt-niluch)' Oulckly. i Baldw in's spaikling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure fi , . . , i iur iieiiiiuuue, nervousness, sleeplessness, i g Drain latigue. 1U and L'j cents. bold by Clarke & Fa!h, druggists. yn24 6 k AVuiiteil. A g'r or women that is a good cook and housekeeper. Good wnges to the richt party. Inquire nt 282 Third street. mlC-tf Bicylcs repaired at Maier & Bun ton's. 3 15tf Esgs retail at 12-s cents per dozen at Maier & Benton's. BUSINESS LOCALS . Clark A Fall? are nevor closed Sunday. Don't forgot this. Clarke & Fnlk have on sale a full line of paint nnd artist's brushes. U.o Clnikoit FnlkV qu'nino hair tonic to keep dandruff from the head. A full line of Eastman films nnd sup plies just received by Clarke it Falk. Yon will not have boils if you take Clarke S: Falk's sure cure for boils. Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your grocer lor them. Girl wanted to do general housewoik. Apply at Tho .Dalles Commission Co.'e store. I!-9-tf Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke A Falk. Latest thing in cameras are Itn. proved Magazine cyclones nt Donnell's drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mcli25-tt Pure Eilver laced Wyandott eggs can he secured at J. II. Cross' grocery store for ?1 pei 15. feb2S-lino wkly Clurke & Falk have received a carload Pro in the moment 1 hcgnii hnud liuttit.itsold rapidly, nod t li e .s ales keen crow- ot the celobrnteu James t,. fatten Ung nil the Itlmiiitrrk'ii Iron Svtr Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys nnd bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities anil the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25o at Blakeley t ilouhtnn'H diugsiorn. " Experience is the bent Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any cue of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley A Houghton Druggists. Paint your house with paints that nrc fully guaranteed to last. ClaikeiV Falk have them. Advice of a Druggist '' It is proper. 1 think, to let others know I Illioui lilt' popularity mm viiim' ui jukn a , English Itemed)' ior Coughs, Colds and Uon- , Mimptin n. Bicycle sundries andfishirtg tackle nt Maier & Benton's. 15 lotf Watch The Ciikoniclk for Campbell k Wilson's opening date. 3 15tl Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring ( xtrocts. Peters New Victor smokeless shells to he hud only at Maier & Benton's. 3 lotf Ladies please call and see the lovely line of street hats nt Campbell & Wilson's. 3 15tf Ask for Hamilton-Brown $2 50 shoes. They have no r qu.il. For sale by the New Yoik Cash Store. The New York Cash Store is Gelling a lot of ladies fitia shoes at 42.00 n nair. lace or button, up-to-date toe, that i formerly sold for $2.50 and ?3.00 ! Have you tried those "lightning" pat- opinion is much in- ! c" ' epiuu vermis uiiu jumpers.' iiuuu censed against Ferris and this last scrape 1 ui t finest denim, double stitched, safety he knew. Public 3s liable to send him to the gallows. A(iterllH(l l,ett:ri. following is the list of letters remain ing in the postoflice at Tho Dalles un eilled for March 10, 1000. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they were advertised: watch pocket and more convenient than others. For sale by the New York Cash I Store. ! Mrs. Phillips wishes to inform the ' ladies that she has a very large assort ment of ladies and children's street hats j now on display. mcii 13-2t Bagley Bros., have purchased a strictly pure liquid paints DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is un. equalled for piles, iujuriesnnd skin diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel Beware of all counterfeits. To secure the original witch hazel salve, nsk fr DeWitt's Witch JH izel Salve, well known as a certain cure for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worth less counterfeits. They are dangerous. Lewis Ackerraan. Goshen, Ind., sayp, "DeWitt's Little Flarly Risers always bring certain relief, care my hendacl.e and never gripe." They gently cleanse and invigorate the bowels and liver. Only a few of those $7.50 and $S.35 men's suits left at New York Cash store regular 10.00 suits nnd cannot bo duplicated this is a money saving prop osition nnd should not be overlooked. "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic's best friend,'1 says E. Ilartgerink, Ovurisel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. time as fast us people ti u d out what n rc-; murk able C preparation it is. Tho satisfaction i t pives is universal. Our best cit izens use it and say it is the best thing for throat nnd lung troubles they evcr.Miw. Mr.S. II. Cul ver, one of our prominent townsmen, mivk Acker's English Itemed) is the only medi cine that helped hi chronic cough of many years' .standing. At first it cave relief, and now. after tnkiui: n few bottles, he is i hol'y j cured. 1 buy it by the gross at a tune, and my sales are larger tyi this one nu'dieine I than on any other in my store. It i a great pleasure for me to feel that while I am prosper ing I r.ni also doing so much good to the com munity in selling such n grand medicine '' (signed Jl. K. Douglas, estiield, . l . Sold ntSricoOc. and Jl a bottle, throughout the United State. and Canada ; and in Ens land, at Is. 2d.. 2s. ltd.. Is. (Id. If you a-enot Batislird nfter buying, return the bottle to your druggist, nnd get your money back. Hi' iwxihmiv. the nhmr (iimranter. II'. . UOOKVA: it CO., J-rniiricton, .cw urk. Vim SALE IIY Blakeley & Houghton. m HtM I 1 31!' t:i , it:'1 2!j r f f f i is Jis (US Tho Dallas, Op. The Chronicle, dob Printers ,5 i S 'I i S i a :1 i ' ' ft i ? i !3! a: ,1 nit ivtif it tri until XTitmrf tt 1 1 run lu-il'IUlUUirMUItLIUlllJyiUJtiluUiiUUtt li . ,, ' I A nu:&. j thrjuglibred Jereey bull, repietered JJaker, Miea Pearl Dennett. Mise Itetta ! stock. For imriieulars apply at reti- uinrii, ,urs. u.iie ary, .urs.joun deuce on Tenth street, near t lift fair Crtblon, Mrs. C. E. Gibson. Mre. Marv Dily, Mre. Louise Miller, Mrs. William j -Mill, Miss JNoia 1 nomas, Mrs. v. L. OnNTLKJIEN. urounds. Andrews, C. B. Arbnckle, W. H. 35nrn, C. J. Caseidy, John liunakin, Calvin JBtinistnn, Ed. (unison, Ciias. Knnpp, John AlcGilberv, Mr. Myers, S." O.'iif, IJobert 3'ickens, L. F. Turner, is. C. Bade, H. C. Baxter, Sam BriguB, Angel Dniihip, W. L. Davidson, Del! Fargon, C. J. GHjsoii, Wm. flown, Jake Lantry, Thomas Macombe, John Mnhrhill, J. D. Stevens, Ilenry 3-C.lmo Canton, N. Y., H. II. ItlDDKLL, P. M. Jve laughs at county clerks as well as locksmiths. James Wiihart, of Hoed Oliver, and Clara Woods were united In nedioclc nt Stevenson, March 7, as we learn from the Glacier, and herein Jiangs a tale. Jim brought Ills intended , Jide here about that date nnd applied I - j Rev. V.'. E. Sitz-jr. W writes, ' I had dyppepsia over twentv yeare, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. I was persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me from the start. I believe it to be a panacea 'or nil forms of indigestion." It digests what ycu eat. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., soys, "DeWitt's Little Early Rieers are the very best pills I ever used for cosliveness, liver and bowel troubles." Kiec l or Hale. Full blooded, barred Plymouth Rock egg", per setting $1 .00 and $1.50. For particulars call on or address, Sa.niu:i!s Buok. Rox 017. The Dalles, Or. 3tli In luur CUhcKh. All conntv warrants registered prior Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Miles!. uv, a., says, "As u speedy cure for cuuirbs, colds, croup and eore throat O :e Minute Cough Cure is uiiequaled. It is pleasant fur childien to take. I heartily recom mend it to mothers." It is the only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, crippe and throat nnd lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. I.lclitu for the Strut!! , As every ono has been expecting 'o have this lusury it will probably bo some time yet, but insure with the Law, Union & Crown Fire Insurance Co. ae this is no luxury but a protec tion. Arthur Seufert, resident agent, 'phone 111, Finn I'oultry unit JihIIhii lines. Silverluced Wynmdotte, English Red Cup and Rose Combed White Leghorn chickens for sale. Single birds .$1 each. Egus for setting $1 per fifteen. Italian bees ifl per pound. Queen bees warranted purely mated. 75 cents each. Queens sent by mail and tale nr rival guaranteed. Address Mns. A. A. Bo.v.vev, feb21-lmo Tygh Valle , Or. To tho I.ttitlt-K and (jeiitletneii. Mr. C. L. Lambert, of Strauss Bros., of New York and Chicago, merchant tailors, has a full line of samples at the Columbia Hotel sample rooms for a few days taking orders for men and iioyo' suits ns cheap ns ready made. nil2M Win. Orr, Newark, O., save, "We never feel fafe without One Minute Cough Cure in the house. It saved my little boy's life when ho had the pneu monia. We think it is the best iupdiclue made." It cures coughs and all Iiiiik diseases. Pleasant to take harmless ami A FINE SHIRT A tine thirt needs fine laundry work to make it look nice and wear well. Just the saint: with your other Lurmcnts. We do not nee any injurious chemicals lo not rot out your lineu and can save you I'U per cent ol tho wear your gar mints usually sustain. Glad to have you try our worl . No i laundry too small. ' i Dai.i.kh L.u'xiiky Co. I 'Phono 341 brings the team. Hl-Uif I ! MA.vrrAcrntKi) m ! Impulse Wheels and Motors AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO ETC Te Goiuiia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF It AN V KACTU UKKS OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD BEEF. ETC. ui. 20 SUITABLE FOR DRIVING ENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, Circulars nnd par'.icnlnrs furnished on application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, THE DALLEs, OltEGOS C. C. COOPER, .m.m rant uki: OF High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. KKAt.Ui: is Tents, Wagon Covers, and all articles usually kept in a llrst-cluss harness shop. Orpohite MimjiI) iin-housc, THE DALLES, OHEGOX. Thlu Stamp a Guarantee MAKER of Qunllty. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE SOUTH and EAST via I RTni4l amm Tl n mil a. ... III II III II 1111 llllllll q paciric go. iui tuciii rdum (CI TriACE Markb Jesions COPVRIGHT3 &C. Anrono iifinrtlnc n uliclrli nml rtescrlntlon nm finlcldr iwrortiilu our (iiiiiliin fn;o whialinr it tiivi-iitlmi H iinilmblr imtciimiilc. iiiiiiiiunlw tloinatrlctlrronlliloiitlnl. Ilaiiifliookiin 1'iitciiU mill run. Olden nut-wy for ncciirinir iatiu. r.jO'i.t" ,,"- tliroiiKh .Miiiiii a Cu. n-clv k.M. f.,, n ,11,111,1. III llU 50 the county clerk for cenee. The 0"' ie pain at my .,.,. i,,,,,,,.,, ...,. iiuereai ceaseH aner renruarv. a, i lady wiib under age, hut Jim had pro filled for that contingency by obtaining proof of the conmnt of her parents. Jim, however, tliongntleBely gave in tho lady's residence en in Washington and the elerk refused to grant the liceuee. Jndge Mays was appealed to hut de elined to Interfere. Jim said he was going to jret spliced that very day if he ind to go to Portland. He and his in tended took tho first train for the Lccks, rrtweed over to SleveiiEon nnd had hardly truck earth In the metropolis of Sku Mania before the knot was tied and Jim was as happy as a clam at high lid. Notice. After Sunday, March 18th, the barber tbopa wil be kept closed nil day Son By order ot The Dalles Barbers VMm. irJ II. D. Pakkinb, Sec. . JEarly Rote potatoes at Maier A'Ben- ofliee. IU00. C. L. PllIM,II8. fVinntv TrPrtHiirnr. : T. BR0WNHILL, I JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Notarv I'uolic. Collections promptly attended i to. Money to loan. C..E. Bayard's of- , m-e, i no wane, uregou. - MICA "ur I (Crease 1 I helps the team. Saves wear and H c.jcnse. Hold everywhere. M fBA uaijc ur aP STANDARD OIL OO. A Waiitrd, By a young lady, a place to do house work in n small family. Apply to Mrs. Toomey, New Columbia Hotel. m2-2w. Wunteil. A girl to do general house work in a small family. Apply nt this office. If Drylun preparations (.imply dovol op dry catarrh ; tlioy dry up the sucrolioim, which adhere to tho incinhrano nnd decom pose caiwini' n far more fiorlouu tronhlo tlmn tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. itig inhnlaiits, funica, r.mokcH and wiutra and ubo that wluuh cleanhcH. aottthcH nnl heals. I'ly'a Cream Bnlm i:i iiucli a ronicdy nnd will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A triul alzo will bo mailed for 10 touts. All drufjHistH sell tho COe. size. Ely UrothorH, 5(i Warren HI., K.Y. Tho Balm curtu without puin, does not irritato or canso snoflzin,;. It spreads itself over nn irritated and angry Hurfaco, reliev ing immodialoly tho painful inflammation. With KJy'H C'roain Balm you nro armed ueaiust Knsal Catavrh.nud Huy Fovor. Scientific Mmimm. A Imrnliomclr llluitrnti-il wpoklf. Ijirtfoit rlr. nilatliiii nf imr kPlontliin Jimrnal. 'JV.Tiim. ti n tViilrtl'li'? )oll"','',ll iicwsitcnliiM. MUNN&Co.3C1B'63dNew Yck Urxncli itnloi isi y m , Wusliliii",!,, J. l' J Shasta Route ll l.t'HVC t'llltlnlill .... " Albany .. .. Arrive A.iMmiil " HiMifiiiui'uUi " hull t'taw.Uuu . S;,"I0 n in r.';:w a m U:rtl ii m fi:() p in 7: IS i in H' STURDEVANT, Dentist. Olllce over Kroncli A Co.'s llunlc f" 1 UK DAI.M;.-', OKKtiON ADMINIfJTIlATOK'S NOHCK. Niitlce Is hereby ulvim that the iiiuIcthlKntil Iiiik bet'ii iii.,(,Hiteil by the county eiii r . Vr i ,, fortho citato of Citrlek Hrnvvn? ViV l !,1lr".V T, AnheOKiimi ... , " Denver . ... " ICinisiu City " Uhiemio Arrive li.s Ani!ec " III I'llKI " Kurt Worth ' Uyof Meleo . ' lloiiiton. Jji'W Orleium KSlllllKtOII " .NewVnrl; fi: II a in UiW) ii in ":'-'. a in ";I5 u in I :Vfl i m t'lU) p in ii:iiuiu . U.'M n in I.IJOll III . t':'.'.i a in 'i:l.'u in . p in 7:Ul in 10;.V . in ll::cn n in 1 ::t a in h:lf.ii in 11:1.', m m JUa) II III 7:,..'i ii in ii.-::u it in 7;im ii in I'M) p in r:'M it in !':.V. a in I am a in ii in D'l ! ii in I'J'U pia Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING t!A It IIOI'TK I'ltoM I'OHTUND TO Tin: KAHT THK ONI.V HlltKCr LINK TO Till VUU.0.V' H'JONK I'AltlC I.KAVK. leiiiiminU WiikhliKtim. ' '' ,I,B' Ur- (liilu therenf. Jhited Jiintiiiiy !H, ItKii. UU27-II i'KMA C. IIIIOWN, AflnilulHinitor, with hfvtrnl "in, t'hliiii, HjrmuiH hiiyliiK elumiK nunlnkt Milil' eut',. 1 tereuv iioiii i'i: in iiiij.iit Uii,i ,,i, u f,,,,,,,.,i .. dale therenf. " ' A ,"""l"s "" I ' '""I'l'lllM, l.entri.l , noil til A iiii'i-if'i ficunuuiit t TI,o IMlu. ajiHti,.,,. or niliIrM C H. MARKHAM, ieiiorl I'fiHiuiaerAKeiit, I'orlliii.d, Or. )" "KiHKNIMIHKKKU i'liysiciaii and Siuoou, Hpeoinl iittoiitloii K(vcu to Mirgery, 'i.m si mm !, -iH No. Union Depot, I'irtli and I sis Aimivr. KmkI in ill I for Tiii'oinii, , Heiittlo, Olyiailn,iiriii I llaiboraiid houtli lleiul Ipoiutn, Hpiikiine, 1 1 - -lliiliil, II, ('., I'lilliiin" '.Mommiw, li!tlntiill, Bui 11:15 A, IV f it 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i i in 1 1 1 1 1 1 i-r t.'iiu i try, lleleiiii, MIiineii lllx, hi. I'tiul, Oiniiliii KniihiiK City, Ht, I.OH'- UilciiKO line nil )eiin eint mid Hoiithciixt ! 1'iiKet HiiiiikI Kxpic ' M.i for Tiieonm ami bni'tlc mid liiturnuillntu pniiiix No. 1, No. I. D;.V) I. M. No. 3. 7J0UA.JI. ADMINiSTitATOU'ri NOITUK. intu u of J, (;. Jliiiiiiviii. neceiised. ah ... .,...! ' ."Ji. ,Ki ,Un "aid enbitii tu 'j ,., .'.y notlllut to prm-nt the mine, ,ro,erly vir i f lo ine or to my iittornevK, Imf, r a m ,' The J).i le. Omnia, within NX mont i,V 1 1 m'ti, (lute ill t ll 1m notlee Diittu" thlk Dili iluy of rehruiiry, m ': !' MKItltll-l,. .mmiuaiiiuur III U.U UHe (if J. (j, ,u,i Iehl7 If ductiiKil. Votct lllock I'lilliaiin HiHt olimn nnd touri t hlw g .VIiiii(:ioll,Ht. raiiluinJ MIsMiuri rher I""11" without cliunne. , ,,, Vuktllmled tniliiN. Union iU''t loniKCtlun hi all prlncliuil olttef . , ,., .... lliigKiiBO cheeked to (le.-itllliitiou ' Vr1, . i.tier. ror liiiudMiinuIy lilimtnteilileif.'ti, ; 'J t clielH. kleeiilnir eur reherviitliili . ele , WM"1"" wrltu A, D. CHARLTON, AHklklmit (iuncral I'linseiiger Anunt, M"1'0 Hlieet, corner Third, rortland, OiW"- ONI FOR A DOIE. Hkinoro PIihiiIm, I'r.iTdtit Ij IIoiijiiom, lurlfy thuillimi). -'. MUAIIkOIIU kill UmPl . II , ... IT...!. nw.il itlierur iu nor i'5"i, f VTu '&"' " ' '"ll 'Mi"" '" "'ial!Jfit.$L B.iuldbjraullUU. UH. B08ANK0 CO.PW1 PILU