WM m im B9 1: For a Nice Suit of Clothes. Tasting, Orcrcjatit- or Foncj Vesting. V Trti and D k' tic Woolens. A fine stock to .i1., , , irct h. tn the hich est grade. j. A. Eberle Tailoring. IDEOALLG , uiiEGO.v The Dalles Daily Chronicle.;0;; 5UD8Cr.irTION TKICE. One week $ 15 Oac month 50 One year 6 00 MAKGH 16, IBM ' THI DAY The Republican party has re- deemed its pledges for financial reform and the financial bill UBS i , . i , -i 1 ' teen signed by t:ie president and is now a law of the land. The result: will instifr everv claim made bv the' will justuy eer ciaim maue o party in tbe last national campaign, The result, by anticipation, has done tint nlrpulr Finanfinl ranics will mat nireauj . rinanLini .J.mt.s hi , 1... .....u .1 up r.irp. imil siimiifi Liiev utiuiu luen ' ' , , , , 1 coming wilt not oe caused oy me dread of a degraded currency. In-1 terest will be lower than it ever was J and money more abundant both per i , , tv i ' capita and, as Cushman of Wastuna-' 1 ' - ton would say, per pocketa. ) , . . . . i On which side soever our sympa- tbies may lie in the South African . contest, there is no denying the fact ' that a British vieloiy means better 1 treatment and greater liberty for tbe ' Boers than the Boers have ever ac- ; corded or would accord to the British. Under British protection to . life and pronertv South Africa has tbe possibilities of the greatest coun Jry in the world. "W. B. Presbj", of Goldendnle, is mentioned in a Vancouver piper as a candidate for superior judye of the district included in Klickitat, Ska mania and Clark counties. While not bating a jot of admiration for the present incumbent, Judge Miller, , ,, ouuuiu mi. i ic:uj iuiniiu jiitt tbe district will secure a good man and a scholarly and able lawyer. The Republican National Conven. Hon will meet in Philadelphia .June , , ,. . , ' ! 19; the Populist National Convention j in bioux i-al'8, b. D., 3Iay 9; the! King. This Etartling assertion ie bus Middle of the Road Populists in Cin-ceptihle of proof. We have it In the cinnati on the same dav: tbe Pro- i form of lHtter8 from n11 cesses of people hibilionists in Chicago, June 27, and the Democratic National Convention in Kansas City, Jul' 4. ! It is a fact not easily explained j that in spile of the prosperous times j we have bad &incc 189G the hosts of1 lusion and confusion will vote next fall to restore the soup-bouse regime' Inaugurated in 189U. The Demo- oratic voter is n stranpe bird. i I T'jb Democrats are still buntin " vfor fome solid ground to stand upon IHm the auproaeliing national cam-, paign. Cheap money, nnti-expnn- too and pro-Iiocrism have proved i t be quicksands. I General Wheeler returns from the PWlif pints impressed with the com- UJ .dv.ntMa nf tbo Ulnnrl.. of advantage, of the Islands j of ..!. of no account but profit to the jgft dSSpSSSA vine that 'the United States ! vt'',,lo Cliambertaln's cough Remedy can approach it in efficiencyIt in--aT-nt i1" t,IB on,-v thl,,K tbttt ,,0 do ny ftantly relieves and permanently curat smmI believing :wrfm v u.,,.. dHBl4 proafierity." o Jfs) hwi have jet baea granted iMTfMutyr abaep apoa aay of the rratioM aitber ia Oregon, WaaMagUM mt etbar aUtas, and tbe in Debs and Harriman is the latest presidential ticket nominated prcvi ous to going to press. They rcpresen tbe Social Democrat aggregation. 'Little Boba" weighs onlv a little over 100 pounds but, as Sam Jones' ' used to sav of Senator Mahonc, 05 . pounds of it is sulid backbone. Kentucky sowed Goebelism and i reaped anarchy. It dethroned the j ballot and enthroned hades on the rums. WINTER TRIPS. For wln'.er residence or winter outin? ; idea! conditions will be found on ererv : band i California Plenteous earlr J ! Pe!,1S: lhe floral "re more lhan jncnwiKy penerous and the crop of i southern fruits bountiful and excellent. j Q!d ccean ncseeoe" new charms at I . ... .. " ,. T isnnta I.nrbara, santn Monica, Lone, I I- , -I. ,1 iX.n nn.k.nluJ Sat., i ; vuiiiniuu 1 J . .lie cuuiiauicu - he sea, Cntalina where fishinp, Dff, rambling ruling, hunting and loafing way lie enjoyed as nowhere else, Quiet little spots, snue and warm, j offer themselves at Montecito, ordhoff, ; Pasadena, Echo Monntain, an Jacinto, ) Fall Brook and Palm Springs. abound mBnf fcot sPri,1S5 of widel.v YlirVIULT L'UIlSLlLUtTUtS HilU UCU1 U 11 S ICU j merits; the dry, ant ! tic, tonic air of the desert may be enjoyed at Banning, 1 indi0, Yuma;" and, even farther on, at ! PhoeniS, Tncson, El Paso, exists con- ritlnnc bnnilr tri.ll fnriini'uA inr upak ditions equally well muica.ea lor weaK 1 'thinkthin- in nata-e more ' notnin. n naiJ.e more , , immerini? olive 'orchards of Santa Barbara and San j Diego ; others prefer the stately wainuts f Ventura and Los Metos, or the lemoilB of Fernando; but for CloriOtIS matter is still under discussion tbc department. fruit and graceful tree commend us to the golden orange, firs!, last and always, and it exists in greatest perfection at Covina, P.iverside, Kedlands and High 5a,'ds- Equally interesting is the scientific and tempting frfchion iti w hich . ' . , . tbe sortint: and packing of the orance is hure BCCOmpliahed. The faithful were exhorted to see MeKa im(J ghufBtf off. but whe. cener. atioRg wp.i eee California of the south and prolong life. t 111 Life V ai -avt-il. ilr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately bad a wonderful j deliverance from a frightful death. In ! ol he save : "I was taken with 1 ,7.u,u 'Vc" , i'"c"luuu,a My lungs became hardened. I was so weal: I conld'nt even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon , die of consumption, when I heard of j Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle j gave g-eat relief. I continued to use it, and now am well and eiroi g. I can't 1 say too much in its praise." This marvelous medicine is the surest and , quickest cure in the world for all throat : j and lany trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents ' !. Trml bottles free at Blakeley , ;S: Hougnton s drugstore; every bottle guaranteed Bturlllug Clulum, Eighty-five per cent of all persons de i(:,Rre!i .'"curable or given up to die by. - , pnysicians can oe enreo, or ineir lives 'rending far and near" who are de- i lighted to ll-alifv In the rnarvtniu film. tive pov,ere o thU BtHBt ,, m09t per. fee ted homo oxygenating instrument. For eale by J. M. Filloon, The Dulles, Ore. ml-lwdli A fioctl Cuufch .tleillulnu fur Children "I have no hesitancy in recommend-! ' , , . greatly prolonged by the beneficent ; I 4T1 TTl tTICi powerg of the- ..perffclP(M OxmiwrlWUUUAUJ5 ln Chp.fr-berlain'e Cough Keinedv." . Pnp noinn c t anfIhlin IDhnna U7 baye F. I'. Moran, a well known and'1'"1' mM U LdUHUUll, fCOIlU 151 popular baker, oi;i'eterslnirg, Va. "n i'ave, ,ul,ve" , ,t1 l" 0,,r tch,l,Uen heu troubled with bad conghf , ali?o whoop- J '"f couiib, i.nd it has alwnj s given per- i fo'tf Liit Ll-iiti in T ti t a t ... w... .1 tn i i t (. lt ' medicine for children ai It imiituliuiil tin opium or other hanufnl drug." Sold by , BIl:ley & Houghton. An II one At Meclluluc for I OrJpe, George . Wait, of Gardner, Me., B.iys: -l navH nan mo worm cougn, cold, chills and grip and have taken lots . trash of no account but nruflt to the . h.,ere. T l,ave e(l one bot,, it and u,B t.,,i,B C0U -n(1 gflp ,IJlve all left me, 1 coogrutnlate the mana factur rs of an honest medicine." For sale by Ulakeley A Hoofihton. Clark & Fitlk's druz stock is new fresh aud complete. .R.&N. - DKP SKI TOT. Tins fCHEnrLK. Fuo: luucs, Aunivs riut.. i Mail J1:IJ p. ni. inlt Ijitr, Denver. Kt. Fr.t Worth. Omnha, Kmi- Mall fas City. St. Louis, 2:3ft p tn Chicago unci East. oknrte ' Walla Walla. Rpofcr.nc,' Srwiknac Fiver ! Minnenttous. ri. ram,, rijvz. iMiluth, SlllRUtce., :21a.tn Ql-.lcaso r.ucl East. r:05p. tn ? p. tn. 4 p. m. From I'ocTLAjin. Ocean Slcam."-hlj. For tau FriiiicNep i Irtcnibvr 3. .. IS. li, 23; S p. rn. ' Saturday T "ugtlu'g? lop. m. , ta.m. Willahettk River. 4:30p.m. Ex.suudcyiOrcpon City. NewberE, Ex.sumlaj Suiein A V' ay Land's. . t . m, Wiu.axttk and Yah- 3:30 p. m. hul i and Wsy-I-oiidixiirii. C a. m. Willamette Kivek. 4 p. m. , andsat. end Way-LandliiRs. ,end Friday i Lr Rlp-iria Snaze River. Kiparia to IjcwUton. Leave LEWIfTO.V daily a. m. S;S0u. ra. FarUes deslrinctoco to Ueiuuicr should ....... V . , 1 .. I. . . I ... 1 1 ... .n. M makini; direct connections nt HeMincr luuetinn KeturnlnR mHUnsdlrtctcotinectlon at Ilepiuer ,I1L.tlon wUh.Nof i. arriving at The Dalies at '"'sas? thronsht (retebt. ent bound, doc, not jcuisers; arrives 2:J0 u. m., depart 1 3:c0a. m. 1 ur'J j C( 'Jfp i 9:atp. m. ' ' ( ;;0. 23. west bound locat frcipbt. carries pas- , senders: arrives5 15n. in.. cenart6&:Sua. in. For full particulars call mi O. R. & X. Co.' a?ca: ine Utiles, or naare? W. II. HU P.I.BURT, ' fieu Pas. Art., l'ortland. Or. I We Put... every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. Is it any reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLRKELEY & HOUGHTON. Pieliable Prescripiionists. F- S. Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartiflciallydlgeststhefoodandalds - nature in Btrengtaening and recoil tructing the exhausted digestive or f - iV" l,"c ''Vf ncoverea aigesv DvSDerisla. Indlireatlon. nrt.hnrn Fatulence, gour Stosoacb, Nausea! SlckHeadacbe, Gastralgla.Crasas.aal all other resulUoflsnperfactdlceat lorn. , Prtfind by t. C DcWKt a Ca., c(laa FKKU. W.WJUON, ATTOKKEY-AT LAW, , TllK UKU.HU, OKEUON O&lee oyci rint Net. iStuik. Complete of Dm2s at M. Z. DONNELL, THE:DRUCCIST. .-nt; A A A-. A AI A I A I A I ATA'TATHTJ rTATJ B$OS. I g c i r. b ' J. jf K 5' Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. ! V t Third aiifl JeffcroD, PiionB'!159 txa r : T,i.r tr . tjjtixx ..GflAS. PPM-- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draueht tlie eelebrntel COLl'MIUA 11KEH, ncklinw: edKtd the Unt b-er In Tlie Iiallen, ct the usual price. Come In, try It and be convinced. Alto tlie Flnt-kt brand-i ol Wines, Ll-juur and Clears. Sanduuiehes of all Kinds always on baud. Er2 C. p. Stephens ...Dealer In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Hoots, Shoes, lints. Cups, Notions, lor W. I bougliift Hlioe, Act. Telephone No. m. Tbe Dalles, Or, l.il hcfoini HI., You uaant. New ideas in Wall I'apor hero. Sucli wide variety ua wo are ehowini; never be fore yraced a oinule stock. Real iinitu tlon creton effeuta at ordinary priuee. Good papers ut cheap paper prices' Elegant deeiiciiB, tasteful coloriiiKf, vourn for a small price, at our store on i'hird street. Alio a full line of house paints P. W. VATJSE, Third St HUKTIMOTOX nUNTlNOTON WILSON. H S WILSON XI ATJOKNEYH AT LAW, 0ot oter Flnit NL Uak 4 GENERAL BHiit ...AND... Horsesnoers fain in M'litdiilf, I 1 IowIiir oelu'riute without Str. RoBulntor. iMmitcit IjttiilliiK-.) Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. ' R nowx. 5l.v Hull . VI'. l.V. I'irll:tiul n' 7 A. M. Momlii; Wertncilnj' FtMny Arr Dulles ntf r. . i f nt .S a. )t. TuoMliiy i( Sittiirdiiy. t; Arr. I'nrtluml S,ntrl'. ii. l FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ? Travol lis-t ie steamers ni 1110 i.ckiikii"!- i.ui. , "1,"u, ;oiih tin- Ik-M Hoivico iiot,lllc. PortUnd 0111-e, Oak Street D.ick. W. C. J. STUBLING Wholosalo und Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. 1 WHISEEY Irom h to Ki.OO per gallon. (4 to 15 fears old.) J" IMRTED vlOGKAO tfrom f".(IO to tl-'.OO jier gallon. (11 to years old ? 0ALIT0RKIA EEAHDIES bom W.'X ONLY THE PUREST LIQUOES SOLD. 0LTMPIA BEEE on draught, and Imported Ale mid I'orter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIG-ARS. i Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Feed Grain ot Fii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ISe'd Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. We sell our goods lower than any hotme in the trade, and if you don't think bo call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds 'of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Grandall&Barget DEALERS IS JJq fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. Tho Dallos, Or. f" (FRENCH & CO., ; BANKERS. TUANBACTA KNKKAI.11ANKINO lIUhlNKb Letters of Credit iuHiied available in the i Klllltnrn Ktnti.u Klght Exchanito and Tolegraphit Irane ers Hold on Now York, Chicago, bt. LouIh, ban hrnciHto, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Vflh and various point '"9V.'B? u,,(l WRHhinistou. Lo lections ma-le at all points on fuv orablo tonne. MERVITAtS- I I fl AND MANHOOD Cures Impotcncy, Nljrht Emiiisions and '-"""g atseaaes, all effects of cclf- uuuse, or excess and indio crction. Aiiurvetonlonud blood builder. 13rinH the pink tflow to jialc cheeks am restores the lire of youth. nnr Imvi Mt 1......... a,7i iiax. ' ,7. wo to euro or reftintl tho money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jaokson Bta., OHICAQO, ILL. REGULATOR, LINE. Dalles. Portlaiifl & Astoria Kav. go. I t tlm Iti-Ruliitnr Line w III run us per tM. (i, 3 the Comimny recrvlnR tliu rlglit to chimes 3 notice 'A Str. Dalloa city. V iiiv.niiifi m mi i iiy rolutu ) )j MlWN. l.v. Diillen nt C.:.l0 a. .v. Mnmliiy Wf-dneoiiuy . Friday Arr. l'ortliitid (iitiecrlHlti) Lv. Purtluiiii,! nt c a. u. i 'f lIKilny 3 llilimiltiy 3 Saliirilnv '3 !! Arr l)nllm3 (uncertain) j i. ui mvc hh put For further Information nddrurn 1 C. ALLA WAY. Con. Ajt. to 0.00 fer gallon. (4 to 11 yeurs olil. Val lUutz and Olympia Beer in bottles ThiH I-lour ih manufactured exjireefily for fumllj uett ; evurv pack is cuuranteed to give oatisfaction. C. S. Smith, THK dp-to-date(iroeer Frueli EgBS and Crcauiory flutter a speulnlty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J. 8. HOHMNK, l'rcnldt-nt. il. M. IIHAJ",! Cusliltl First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Basking Baslness trAnsacted PapoaiU raeaivad, aabject to Sight Draft or Check. OoUactloas aaada and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of oolleotion. Blcbt aad Takgrapble Exchange sold o Kaw YorkTSaaWaaelaeo and ovt land. D. P. TaoJE5!CT Boaawft Ko. M. William, Qao. A. Lisss. H.M, Bsall.