The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 15, 1900, Image 4

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Dead St Id Lake County.
A wagon hat been dif covered in Abelt
Lske, a larce Smly of water, situated
.. t 1 .1.,.!.. I
about lorty mrc norm iro.n i.,.: ,
in Like county. Tot; ;on is in the
lake near the eastern shore, n about
twenty iet of water, and just under thej
rimroefcs. it is sappo?eu to nave iesn
there twenty year or more, but lnwit,
i . i t
pot there nobody knj5. Ills difficult
to reach that locality, as the trail to the
desert lies on the opposite of the hike.
Tnisiakejss retnatKaoie one. it is
another Dad Sea. It is about twenty ,
miles lung, from on- to ten m.-es wide,
. . . i
ir i tffi nv a muniter o: snricizE anu,
smalt streams nci creeK?, anu me
Chewaucan river, but it has no outlet
ud fall is fcircelv perceptible, '
raters are so heavil'v imprecnated
its rist- ant
.nil its waters are so heavilv imnrec
ilii alkali that no animai can drii.k or
live in it. At the month of small
streams that fijw into it, hundreds of .
dead fish are found that have drifted ,
into its waters and died. At the mouth
of Cbewancan river tons of fish can be
fonnd, and the shores are composed of
firh bones.
Ducks and ceeso enly approach its
waters at the month of fresh-water
stream?, and no living animal is ever
found on or in the body of the lake
of several unman bain-?. Tne land has !
leen occupied as residence property for1
manv vears anil a tiouse unilt in tne i
early 60r now stands ou the lots. The
u-fi. t-rMtn flnrr Hnirtt EPt-crul fpt MiA I
louno human tiunes. apparently several
skeletons. Buried with liie bodies were
arrowheads and other weapons of early
One old fashioned cap and a .
.. . . . i -"m u-M eQua leu lor pile?, linaneB anu sKin
WbUe. force ofmenReretS:ivatng ..Dt;W5lt,s L5tl,e E,y Riserfi are the,5ea?es. n i. the oriBinl Witch Hel
lor the new residence of George J very best piljs I erer used for costivenes?, ' gajve Beware of all counterfeits.
hitehonep. in W alia alia, a cemetery Hver Hnj bowel troubles." , .
t diFcavcred the lemains 1 To secure the original witch hnr.el
all pistol was found in good condition, j Interest ceases after February. 2,
., . ... ..... , ..1100. C. L. Phillips,
msidering the time it had been lost in t Conntv Treasurer.
the earth. It is suppoied that in early
days the Indians used the place es a( nnriiiiMiiii
bn'riftl Fpo: for their dead aod when j BROWINHILL
forts i to vacate bv civilization failed to . '
mark the citv of their dead. Then the ' J.L".5TI9.EOF THE PEAC,E- "otar-v
" . .1 t .1 . . Pauiic Collections promptlv attended
city came and r.o one thought that itjfo Money to loan. C. E. Bavard's of
was occupying ground which has been . fiee, The Dalles, Oregon.
tised lor any sucn purposes. Ihe bones
were gathered up and taken care ol by
the authorities'
Early Rose potatoes at ilaier A Ben
ton's. Etgs retail at 12,J.j cents per dozen at
Maier A Benton'd.
Men's work shirts as low as 25c at New
Turk Cash etore.
"Bear Breeches" are selling for 75c at
Kew York Cash store.
Stetson hats for Spring arrived todav
at A. M. Williams A Co's.
New case of "Matchless" hosiery for
ladies just arrived at New York Cash
A. M. Williams A Co. are opening
'wnie nobby styles in ladies' Spring suits
and jackets.
Those "Summit" working shirts with
double front and back for 50c at New
York Cash store are extra good values.
Mrs. Pliiilips wishes to inform the
ladies that she has a very large assort
ment of ladies end children's street hats
now on display. each 13-2i
Lewis Ackerman, Goeben, Ind., says,
"DeWitt's Little Early Risers always
bring certain relief, cure my headache
and never gripe." They gently cleanse
and invigorate th bowels and liver.
Advioo oi m
"It is proper, I think, to let others know
bout the popularity and virtues of Acker's
English Itemedy for Coughs, Colds and Con-
From the
moment I
began hand
linplt.itsold rapidly. and
the bales
keep crow
ing all the
time as fast
as people
find out
what a re
in ark able
ft is. The
it given is
Our best cit
Tin i
izens use it
and say it is the best thing for throat and I
lung troubles they ever saw. Mr.S.H. Cul
ver, one of our prominent townsmen, says
Acker's English Remedy is the onlv medi-
cine that helned bin chronic cou"h nf mniiv
Ssara' atand Sd Mfitit nvi rr ,.f a S
..v ...u.ij
fjsved. J buy it by the gross ut a time,
nd my sales are larger on this one medicine
Maan on any other in my store. It is a treat
also doing so much good to the cum
in selling such a grand medicine."
R. It. Dovulas, Westfleld, N. Y.
aUataec.. 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout
at INaUed BUtea and Canada : and in Eng-
aUJs. xa., Z. Ski.,in. va. iryouurenot
alter nuying, return tne nottie to
, ana get your money dsck.
We auUttrju,tke above guarantee.
MOICKU'CO., Joprieton, Arw York.
BlklX It Houghton.
For Infants and Children,
y lt-MrLI
ror 5.oo ca.h ',
one dollar and fifty weekly !
( And
you can purchase a Ucnty-five '
dollar watch or diamond at Harry C.'
rti ,. ;n .VniMork. Watches.
diamondSi csCcfc, jewelry and silver-;
wjre at reasouube ,,rices. 3 S 3t
Prnn-intifui is iHm Utt TpHphpr. Use.
-- 1. , . . , ,
coughs, com or croup, snouiu it mi. to
C've immediate relief money refunded.
25cte. and 50 cti. Blakeley A Houghton
Cure. Jlcmlaclir fjulclilj.
Baldwin's spaikling effervescent Ce! -
ery Soda. A harmless and tffective enrej
for headache, net vousness, sleeplessness, ,
brain fatigne. 10 and 25 cents, sold
by Clarke A Falk, druggists, jar.24 6w
Bagley Bros., have purchased a
tlirjughbred Jers-y bull, registered
istock. For particulars apply at resi-, on Tenth street, near the Mr j
g'ounds. S-G-lmo,
ESB ror j
Full blooded, barred Plymouth Heck ,
--! -... ...fc v -w ...
particaiars can on or auaress,
Bos 6J7.
The Dalles, Or.
Zxb lu lour CbecK.
All cocntv warrants registered prior
to June 3, 1SSG, will be paid at my
Administrator's Sale of Real Estate.
Notice is hereby siren that the nr.dcrslijned,
J. s. 1-ergueson, administrator oi ihe estate ol
Lydla A. Klcbnrd.on, deceui-e', iu pursuance of
an order of the Uororable County Court of ihe
State of Oregon lor Wawo county, duly made
and entered on the 4th day of Jnouaty, 1'JUJ. will
from and after the loth Uiiy of hebruary, IKrl,
proceed to ell at private Bale for cush in hand,
all of the following described real estate, belong
ing to the estate of said Lvdia A. KlcliarCion,
defeased, lo-wlt.
The northwest onarler of the southwest "uar
ter, and fcouth hall of the norbweat quarter and
the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter
of Motion three (J) iu townshiii four (Ij south of
ranee tliirteeu ttii east i f the Willamette merid
ian, In Wasco comity, Oregon , also that certain
pitcu or parcel of laud particularly bounded and
detcribed as follows' Commencing 21 rods and
12j ieet went of the southeast coiner of the
souuiwesi quaner oi tection inree (s in town
!hl'i four (I, south of range thirteen til east of
tne n.uumette menuixn iu sco county. Ore-
con, and running tuence north one-bait mile
thence west 60 rod aud 4li leet thence tomb
one-half mile, and east w rods aud I'i
feet to the nlace oi besinninz. save and eicerit
therefrom lour lots iu hichardson a Addition to
the Town ofTygh, wWch ba been heretofore
sold and cornered, the tract above described in
cluding rll or fcaid Kichaidon' Addition to tae
Town o. lygb, as laid out aud platted arid re
corded in tue ltecorda of leeds for Wasco
county, Oreion, said real estate above described
containing -iu acres, more or less.
Any terson desiring nformation with reference
to Mid real estate should cull on or addre.s me at
Junction City. Oregon, or my attorneys, Dufur
a. .ueneiee, ai i ne vmies uregon.
Dated this 12th day of January, 190).
j. s. fergdj:-o.v.
Adrrinlstrutor of the Estate of Lydla A. l'.ich
ardsou, deceased.
DurcB i iSKHzrzt,
Attorneys for Adminlitrator. 13janil
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the county court of
the state of Oregon for Vaco county, executor
witn ibe wi,i annexed oi the last will oi Mary
Jane lleezley, deceased. All persona having
claims agulust aaldeata'e are hereby
pretent them to me with theproper vouchers at
my omce in j ne uniies, urfgon, witnin atx
montns rrom me aaie mereJi.
Dated Feb. ?1, lifJO.
feb2l-il Executor,
U. B. Lanii OrncE, at The Dalles. Our.., I
KtBUfiKY 9. 1900. I
Notice Is hereby given that the Jollowing-
named tettler h riled notice of bis internum to
make llnal pruol In auiipnrt oi lila i.-laim, and
that smid iTooi" will ie made before the J'.tslster
ana ticeiver at J ne uaiisa, urejon. ou .vine
day, April i,VM, viz:
William 0. Clark, of The Dalles, Or.
Homestead Entry No. 527 , fur the HWly4, taction
11. ton-mhip 1 ninth, ruriKe II eaat, Yi. it.
He name. th" following vrituatMai to prove rila
continuous rtfidtnce ujKin aud cultivation uf
tald luml. viz.
Albert Turner, Cbnriea Comon.C'hnrlci Smith,
JAY 1' l.Ul'AR.
1 Khtei-
, J-ouce is ncreuy given that the undetslgoed
hu api-JllMuil by the county court, of the
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
iuiiuv mi ui rnirick mown, accvafea. All
tersous having claims against said caUte arc
I hereby notified to preterit laid nlatins, properly
nf1'1,1'":?' to 'ne at theoiticeof einiiottAHIniiott,
i' l'f le'ti'). Ore., within six mouths from the
DatW Jauuary 25, l'XU,
Koike la hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed administrator of the
estate nf J. C. Baldwin, aeoeased. All persona
having claims against tu!d estate are hereby
notified to pretext the same, irroperlr verified,
to me or to my attorneya, Dufur A- Menefee, in
The Dalles, Oregon, within six montns from the
date of this notice.
Dated this Utb day of February, 1'juO.
...... . . i. 3icitniL,u
Administrator of the estate of J, C, Baldwin,
dsctaaed, febl7-ll
Clark A- Fait are never cloeed Sunday.
Don't forget thit.
Clarke & Falk have on sale a hill line
of paint and artist's brushes.
Uic Clarke A Falk's quinine hair tonic
to keep dandruff from the bend.
' A full line of Eastman alms and sap-
1'lles just received by Clarke A Falk.
You will not have bolls if you take
W"" ' ".re cure ior uu....
Clarke A Falk's tutoring extracts are
luwt uk i-mirrmw inrthem.
Gitl wanted to do general houscwo.k.
A , at The nMn Coa,mj9!i(in Co.'s
store. U?Ml
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
. & Falk.
j lMesi ,hin
g in cameras are im
- T .
proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's
j drug Store.
! Fresh crarked Nebras-ka corn at the
yasctJ vrarehouse. Finest kind of
ehicfcen feed. mch25-tt
Ture silver Itced Wyandott eggs can
be secured at J. H. Cross' grocery store
j f0r f 1 pei 15. feb25-lmo wkly
j Clark & Falk have received a carload
nf ,, inv1P.tB(i j,mwi K. Paiton
strjctlv pure liquid paints
...... c .
UV M iu c (luil uci:t corn, in uu-
salve, nsfc fur De ill's Mlch Hazel
Salve, well known as a certain cure for
mnnm wuuikki:-- utumsumuiiir
' . f ..: . Tt .1
! Only a lew oi ttiose iM anu fs.oo
men's suits left at New York Cash store
regular $10.00 suits and cannot be
I duplicated this is a money saving prop-
; osition and should not be overlooked.
Llglitu fur the Mrrtls,
As every one has been expecting lo
have this luxury it will probably lo
some time yet, but insure with the
Law, Union A Crown Fire Insurance
Co. as this is no luxury but a protec
tion. Arthur Seafert, resident agent,
'phone 141.
Floe foul try aud Italian lie en.
Silverlaced Wyamdotte, English Red
Cap and Rose Combed White Leghorn
chickens for sale. Single birds $1 each.
Ezcs for Betting f 1 per fifteen.
Italian L rs $1 per pound. Queen
bees warranted purely mated, 75 cents
each. Queens sent by mail and sale Br
rival guaranteed. Address
Mns. A. A. Bonne y,
feb21-lmo Tygh Valley, Or.
To the Ladles and Gentlemen.
Mr. C. L. Lambert, of Strauss Bros.,
of New York and Chicago, merchant
tailors, has a full line of samples at the
Columbia Hotel sample rooms for a few
days taking orders for men and boys'
suits as cheap aB ready made. znl2-14
Win. Orr, Newark, O., says, "We
never feel fafe without One Minute
Cough Cure in the house. It saved my
little boy's life when he had the pnea
monia. We think it is the best medicine
made." It cures coughs and all lung
diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and
give immediate results.
By a young lady, a place to do house
work in a small family. Apply to Mrs.
Toomey, New Columbia Hotel. tu2-2w.
Drying preparations simply derelV
op dry catarrh ; Uiey dry up the secrsucnat,
which adhere to the membrane and decom
pose, causing a far more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs
and use that which cleanses, soothes and
nealH. idyls Cream liaim is such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be
nailed for 10 oents. All druggists Mil the
50c. sue. Ely Brothers, 5C Warren St.. N.Y.
The Balm cures without pain, does not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surface, relicrr
incr immediately the nainful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm you are arxued
against aeai Catarrh and Hay t ever.
trade marks
Anyona sending asketrh and description ma'
quickly oscertAlii our opinion froo whether I
luTentlon Is erobaulr rxiientab
liana atractLveonfldantlAl. Hnnd
tlaadboofc on Patents
sent free, uldeat airenrr for eeeurtng
airenrr lor aaeunna' oaten
I'atefata takes tbroaaii Munn A Co. reoalvt
1'atat.ta takes tltroaati Munn A
mtelaltuAU. without coarse, la toe
Scientific jftttiCM.
A nanaaomeif uiaatraiea weeny, jjirtraai nr.
rutatloii of any aelontlOe lournal. Terms, fl) a
rear: four months, It, Bold by oil newadealera.
Ofice over French Co.'s Bank
faoss 6, TilJC PALLU, OH&QOM
I Call for Republican County Convention.
Time for flolillnc Trlmarlra.
The Republican County Convention
ol Wasco County, State of Oreeon, is
hereby called to meet in Dalles City. In
said county, on Fridav March ".". 1S0,
at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. of said
dav, for the purpose of nominating can
didates ior the following county officers:
conntv judge, eminty clerk, county sher
iff, county treasurer, one county com
missioner, county assessor, county
school, county coroner,
and countv surveyor, also precinct of
ticers for the several piecincts of said
countv; and 10 delegates to the Repub
lican "State and District Ccncressional
Conventions, and to transact such other
business as tnav properly come before
said County Convention. The conven
tion will consist ol 1UU ueiejrnits cnusci
bv the several precincts, and the seyeinl I
precincts of said county will beentitlt h
to representation in said convention ns ,
follows: , I
Antelope. .
Bigelow. . .
Bakeoven . .
Columbia .
, . .7 Kinpsley i
. . .9 M osier
.. 2 Mouo a 3
...3 Nrnsi-t a -
..3 Oak Grove 2
...2 Uamsev
. .fi South Hood ltiver.4
ncphntP9 2 Tveh Valley . 3
East Dalles 9 Trevilt 0
EaBt Hood Kiver.,5 Viento -
Eight Mile 2 West Dalles C
Falls 5 West Hood Klver. .-1
Wamic 3
Primaries to elect delegate! to eaid
Countv Convention will be held in each
of the several precincts in said Wasco
County, on March 17 100U. In East
Dalles precinct the polls for said primary
election will be located at the East End
Hose Co.'s honse, and 11. Ilice, C. E.
Clirisman and L. S. Davis will act as
judges at sitid election; in itigelow prr
cinct the polls will be located at the of-
ificeolVwn. Miction, aml.l..M. ratter
i son. F. Faulkner and Wm. Michell will
act as judges at said election; in Trevitt
precinct the polls will be located ut the
northeast corner of Third and Union
streets, and F. T. Sampson, Frank Voet
and J. Fisher will act ns judges at said
election ; and in West Dalles precinct the
polls will l.e located nt the City Mills,
and C. L. Schmidt, J. F. Staniels and
C. M. Fouts will act as judges at said
Tiie polls in each of said precincts, in
said primary election, will be kept open
from 12 o'clock noon to 7 o'clock p. m.
for the reception of votes. The polls in
each o the other precincts in the county
will be located in the usual voting places
in each precinct, and it is recommended
shall be opened at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. in. on said 17th day of March, 1000,
and will be conducted in the usual man
ner. Dated nt Dalles Citv, Oregon, this Gth
day of March, 1900.
Henkv L. Kuck,
Chairman Republican County Cen. Com.
F. E. Buonko.v,
Dlasolntlnn or I'artnernUlp.
The business heretofore existing under
the firm name of Lane Bros., is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. L. L.
Lane will conduct the business at the
old stand, and collect all accounts and
pay all bills of the firm. All parlies
knowing themselves indebted to the
firm are requested to settle bb soon as
The Dalles, Or., March 1, 1900.
L. L. Lane,
lm-daw N. M. Laxk.
Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milesburg,
a., says, "As a speedy cure for coughs,
colds, croup and sore throat One Minute
Cough Core is onequnled. It is pleasant
for cbildten to take. I heartily recom
mend it to mothers." It is the only
harmless remedy that produces im
mediate results. It cures bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung
diseaaes. It will prevent consumption.
Btamarck'a Iron Metre
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order. If
yon want these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley
& Houghton's drugstore. 2
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke &. Falk
have them.
A fine shirt needs fine laundry ork
to make it look nice and wear well.
Just the samr, with your other garments.
He do not use any injurious chemicals
do not rot out your linen and can save
you 20 per cent of the wear vour gar
ments usually sustain.
Glad to have you try our work. No
laundry too small.
Dam.kk Lauxdhy Co.
'Phone 841 brings the team. 31-2w
Tite GoiiimDia Pack:iogGo..
Fine Lard and Sausages
Inks of WMHAND
'3?' ,
asaflsar .
Circulars and particulars
High-Grade Stock Saddles
aud Shop-Made Harness.
Tents, Wagon Covers, and all articles usually
kept in a Grst-class harness shop.
Moody's Warehouse,
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dalles lor Portland and way
(tatloiis at 1 a a, rn. mid 3 p. in.
U-wvo Portland . .
" Alljttiiy
Arrive Ashland
" fiacriiiwnto
" Ban Krniiclsco
8:30 am 7:H)pm
r.':Muiu 10:00 p m
.12:2:ia m ll::i0am
Mm p in -cat am
. 7:i.'ipm 8:15 a ra
" Denver ... ,
" KuliSHSClty
" C'hluaHO ...
fi: IS a m 11:15 am
J'Ma in U:(Ma m
":Wum 7:'J5am
7:13 am tcaOuiu
Arrive Uis Augclin .
" Kl I'mso . . .
" Port Worth
" City or Mexico .
" Houston. .. .
' New Orlcatih .
'' WnshliiKUiu
" !H Vork.......
1 p m
:) p m
:; a m
. li. 'Mil m
d:'jr a m
on-.' ii m
l.':i:! pin
7:U)a in
0:U0 p in
:Ma m
4:00 m
0: p in
fi't'a in
i'Ji;i p m
lllll,.,,.n ,,. , .
See agent at Ihe Dallw atallon, or address
(iuneral I'ssstnger Ageut, I'ortland, Or.
Physician and Surgeon,
BpecUI attention glron to urery.
KoomiSlandW, Vsjt Block
Soon Pacific Co
Job Pmntetts,
and Motors
furnished on application.
S. GUNNING, Agent,
ThlB Stamp a Cuarantse
of Quality.
Yellowstone Park Line,
tup niviKn nAit ROl'TK F110M K0KTUMI
mt. yiur.i.i w.ip
. . .. ....... . . ..... trt Till. 1 p.i.uc
ualon Depot, ririliaiid I sis
No. I.
No. 2.
Tast mall lor Turoina,
Seattle, Olympic Oray s
Uarnor and huutli lieiid
points, 8p.ikuiie, Koss.
lilld, 11. C, t'llllinali.
ii. sroiv, lIstoii, Uul
lululltiinii uiliitugcoun
try, Helena, Mlnnn'
Ha, Bt. I'atll, Oin.iho,
Kansas City. St. 1niU.
CblcaK" i(1 11,1 l"1'""
eaat and soul heitkt.
,..- u,.i,,iil PxiirehS
P. M
11:15 A. M.
No. t.
11;S0 V. M
for Tacoina and hoattlct 7;1
and Intermediate pulnte.
' a. i M
Pullman tlrat claaa and tmirlit !',.
ft!llincai)IU,Ht. Paul and Mlu" '"'
without change. .. . ,,tloi
Vostihulod trains. L'tiion ne
iu all principal cinev ... . . ,,,kfu,
tickets. alceiiliiK car reservations, eH w
Assistant (loneral PaaaetiKur Atteni, ?,,,
. .mi unrruv.
btteet, corner -jniru, in ,
Hal Pi