r mi mm m Mm Mm mm 9! !5 i For a Nice Suit of Clothes. rtstiuF- Oweotir.-. r rsc Yutp. : and Pendleton, And. after (peaking at several point in Washington, return . ing to Portland and winding up at j Engenc. It will be seen Tbe Dalles 'a left out in the cold and the more 'is the pity. There arc dozens of things we should like to hear the ! colonel explain, in view of the fact jthattheieis not a single prophecy (be made four years ago that the 'logic of events has not knocked higher than Gilderoy's kite. 0.R.&M. i WINTER TRIPS. KlDfilr rati tad exactse v rtoek of la jctC ied D luetic W coitus. Aaetocklc elect !rwri. . . . , Srdtt caie Iron : -C k-ret Trtt to tbe t:g t eatrraae I For vla'er reiidecee or winter eaticpt ideal conditions ;'.! be foacd on trerr j band in California. Plenteous early J rainfall his this season pivea to the semi-tropical vegetation wonderful im- j petes ; the Ssral cferiats are more than , nsniliy jecercus and tbe crop of otstbern frnits bountiful and excellent, ', i -. ' . " J j. A. Eberle. TBI DALLE , OllEGOX. mh nut nrtCLi. Aaurt roa Flo Diutt. TroB. ra: a!t Lkr, .Varer. n. Tat SifcJl Worth, Osaia, Kan- 11 5 p. - a Citr, St. Lolt.. SJij C-ictpo end EtiU rioktae Watla Will, Sjokaae, Sr-itaat rlj-cr SlnswToH Flrer. :-S;. iiolclb, Mtlankrc. 4.; i r CUeaco aaa Kasi. !-! ;!. Ocran wattl;. Tor MS Francisco tVcraitr S. t, 11. 1U 3. t aai 2n j ; ! i i p . ! p.s. ' Ex.-tsi-T Colc-nUa Kt. ?:e-rv x.s2tj TO ASTOKla aai Wit Sarcrday La-jUst. 10 Ct.c. wniAicrm Rrrra. -.p.ia-Ercadar Orrjroa Cltr. Nrwtrrc, Ex-ssofiaj -iJeia 4. wt Liai'i. T a. ia. rae.Tss: Kine Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Long ; Tailoring. . BCJCjjf Coronado atd tbe encbaated isle : of tbe sea, Cataliaa where binp, , boating, rambling, ndiag, hunting and ! loafing uit be enjoyed as nowhere else. -1 Qaiet little spots, snag asd warm,. , i t M At. 1 oS-T tbemselres at Moatecito. Nordhoff, ' The DalleS Daily CHrOniele. Padea. Ecbo Mountain. San Jacinto, ' Fall Brook and Palm Springs. THURSDAY . - - MARCH 15, IftX) For renewing health and rigor, here , : abound many tot springs, of widely AS OLD SLAVERY LOCTRISE RE-1 varying constituents and demonstrated 7T PotJ anSSr riVED. merits; tbe dry, ant 1 tic, toaic air of ' E1U. KlTtt-V. Oreron Cltr, DrU tad WtT-IiOillari. aa Fri. ft Complete Cipe of Drjs at M. Z. DONNELL, THE:DRUCCJST. Str. Regulator. tUmltctl lAndinK.) REGULATOR LINE. Dalies, Portland & Astoria Kav. Go. I t?m met tfct KffulatftT Unc will run a per thfJol Ijw.rp i.-hrdulc, the company rwcrvlnB tbe tight to ehnnce'd hfhrauic imotii noiicr . ,4 -i lb W'. ja tA. x. ; l TucJr ' 5, Thntnlir k turdJ IT. I.t. l'ortlmd at 7 a. . Mondny Vednr3y rrldy Arr. Dllo Kt 5 I', v. Ship your Freight via bows. I.v. lhiUe Pit C'SO A. M. I Mondty . . , "inciy . . Regulator Line. : m"fcvff- (uncertain) (Touchlnic at all Way rolnU 1 3 atA vS Arr. DMIr, .1 (uncertain) ,9 i Arr. Portland i f , at b r. x. if. ' ;l FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, I Travel br tbe ?teamer of the Reculator Une, The CompariT will en ict ivor to Elve Its put . , travel oy ioe J(0lble. f-or jarther lntormatlon address j f , TortUnd OSire. 0V-?trce: Djct. W. C. ALL AW AY. Can. Agt. rAxmwHwiwwfiiwmnnii nm c. WniAicrTTr iirrxv 4-.3Pp.ra. ; the desert may enjoyed at Banning Mr. Brvan. it is said, comes here Indio. Yuma: and. even farther oa, it ditioas equally well indicated for weak; i--ja-:. tbrosts and iuacs. ; Many think nothing in nature more ' attractive than tbe shimmering chve lo teach ns that the constitution fol- faoentx, incson, r.t raso, exists can-. isliy lows the flag. What Mr. Bryan means is that the constitution of its own force ex proprio vigore. as the Ssaei Eivrt. Lxiri j daily K tM J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowsione Sour Mash Whiskey. LiAflE BROS. GENERAL ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. Parties derfnac to ro to Hetwer fboald uteNn. 4, leriat Ibt Dallet at T.05 p. cs lawyers out it operates in all United orchards of Sinta Barbara and San HetsmiatsttinedircctconaectioaatHeppaer' n- .i. . r .lBnt, JnaeUoa 5ta New 1. arrinas at Tie Dalle at : States territory apart from anv art Diego; others prefer tne stately walnuts jy,,-, . of entura edq Los ieto, or tne No. Si thrOTrht Jreirbt, et5t bocaa. doe aot ' OI congress. inii was xne OlU COD- , , , . - c ckrry j.cate, amres 2.X . aa., depart , ? . , . ., , s lemons of Ftrnando; bat for giorions zuk. ta. t lention oi Jonn cainoun. it WS;frnit and cracefel tree commend ns to , No local ireictt, carriw isenFer. eat r.iT-vic..i' ' . bound : arrive K 3) p. ra., depart" 15 m. ' the doctrine Of tbe i)reu scott ue- tbe golden orange, firs:, last and alwavs, .va ei, wert boaad throata fmrct. doe aot f cision which led tin to the civil war. and it exists in greatest perfection Sg,"H,sen: xti : 15 Q- "iS, j . .j.j . . ... , fv,r;r. Pirprtirff lifedland and Hicb No. 2S. wtt tonad local freitbt. carrit pa- i f It was invented to denv the usht of Lovma, Kiversiae, r.eaiana. ana mju t njT5-.i6p.ri. .ceparus: ;30a.i. it new territories to legislate asainst 1 ! -.. -c-"il"-, '"--'"b '"'i For full particular cxii ra o. E. S. Ca' scientinc aaa tempting lesnion in wnicn i ea: Tbe iauea. or adore tlavery. The slaveholders contend- the sortinf and packiDg of the orange is j ed that the constitution, which pro- here accomplished. I . . ..i . , 1 . . .un . .. . 1. Tl-fa,Vifnl vara t.Tinrt(yl tn i followed the flag, just as their lineal -,Jf 8D DOi:e ?f w,8r seaer' VV P K 11 1 Kiiuus ill r cr i.auujuii u ruuiu i w t BiaGksmnns ..AND... Hon is J WHISZEYJromf2 76 to fti.lH) jH-r gallon. 4 to 15 years old.) iMPOBTfp 00GNA0 from "7.(K to $12.00 per gallon. "(11 to 20ytarold. 'OALIFO.BlilA BEAHDIIS tom to 6.(0 r gnllon. (4 to 11 years old. H OLYMrlA BEER on draught, and Val Blati and Olympia Beer in bottles Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. II na O. IL 4 S. Ca' 5 fc W. H. HCBLBCP.T, Pas. Ac-, l'ortlaad. Or. ' ,;lwJl descendants do now. r and nrolocz life. cans met tms contention in tu. piat- form on which Abraham Lincoln was , first elected in these words: i r 111 Life a STed. ; llr. J. E. LUly, a prominent citiren of Hannibal. Mo., latelv bad a wonderful . Tbe new dogma that the consti- deiiveraccs from a frightful death. In ! tution, of its own force, carried telling of it be says : "I was taken with j slavery into any or all of the tern- Typboid fever, that ran into pneumonia. J tones of the United Stales is a vicious MylBaiJ became hardened. I w to. we&c l coma ni even eii up in iea. i ? i i. : . t. . i. . iMuuii ueresa, io taniuiiw uu me SotWn8 belpe3 me j expected to soon explicit provisions of that instrument a,e 0 consumption, when I heard of, itself, with contemporaneous expan- f Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle sion and with legislative and judicial gave great relief. I continned to use it, ; , - , . . and now am well and strosg. I can't precedents, and is revolutionary m ny t00 macn ia Jte praise. Thii ; tendency and subversive of the peace marvelous medicine is tbe surest and and harmony of the country." ' 'quickest care in tbe world for all throat j Whatever standing the decision of ; ud lanS trouble. Regular eiz-s 50 cents ; i..a . t.. i.,i t i iand1.00. Trial bottles free at Blakeley . Judge Taney had in constitutional Houghton's drugstore; every bottle i law that decision was reversed by the ; guaranteed. guns of Grant at Appomattox. And ! startup ciim, tbe sum of the whole matter is. Eighty-five per cent of all persons de that we can govern our new pos 'flared incurable or given up to die by j sessions in any way tuat justice, ( H".'"a" ucm.c, u. mc.i jcs every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every ' Prescription that's compounded here Is it any reason wiry our prescription business) is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLfiKELEY & HODGHTOH. ..ghas. fUM- Butchers and Farmers ...Exchange.. Keep oa draneht the celebrated COLCMBIA BEEE, nckamr:. e4red tbe bea: beer la The Dalles, attaeciael price. Come la, try it and be coarinced. Alo the Fnet breadj ol Wine, Liquor aad Clean. Sanduiiehes o! all KJods always on baad. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot Fii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, s?tSLk feed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- FlOIll ,1S 0Dr 18 manufactured expressly for famllj iwixx. use. every pack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any honse in the trade, and if you don't ttiitik eo call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. humanity and prudence may suggest. greatly prolonged by the leneficent ' Reliable Prescriptionists. if! powers of the "Perfected" Oxygenor ... ., .., . . King. Tbis startling assertion is ens- A thoroughly responsible citizen . ceptible o proo We have h In th of The Dalles informs The Chkon- : forui of letters from all classes of people ' iclk that while in Portland a few "rendtr-g far and near" who are de-! da38 ago a Democratic friend of lighted to testify to tbe marvelous cura- pronounced ascendancy in Demo-, Uve 01 tb, late" acd most ! ., . , , , . , fected home oxygenating instrument, i crat.c councils informed him that the For M,e by : M FJo9IJ The DlUei Multnomah county Democrats were ore. ml-lwd2 erinnlv tliinkinfr of runnincr Thnmns e A Oonl iiarlan, tbe ex-Bepublicao ex-Pop-1 F- s. Gunning, Cough Medicine fur Children "I have no hesitancr in recommend- ulist and pro tem Democratic States-, ing Chpir berlain'e Cough Eemedy." man, late of Mosierj forongress to ' says F. P. Moran, a well known and succeed Malcolm A. Moodv. Old popular bakr,of Petersburg, Va. "We Tom has assured his Multnomah brethren that he Democratic state have given it to our children when! troubled with bad cought, also whoop-1 Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. C. F. Stephens .Dealer In... Dry Goods, Clothing, Booti, Eboe. llata. Cpi, Notions. Act. Jor W. L. PouglaB Shoe. Telephone No. NS. Second fit., THe Dalles, OrJ PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Just What You uaant. DEALERS IN i ;A11 kinds of 'Funeral Supplied Crandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS iP EMBALMERS The Dalies, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. solid Wasco county delegation at his to me by n druggist ae tbe best rough , back. And why not? To he sure medicine for children as it contained no j tbe old man isn't much of a sprinter but be ubb a record as a flapper that would capture the cake from General Wearer. Our DalleH friend earnestly econded Mr. Harlan's nomination opium or other harmful drug." Blakeley & Houghton. Sold hr Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. i FRENCH An Jloue.t Medicine fur La trlr. George W. Wait, of Gardner, Me., ea;e: 'I have had the worrl caugli, cold, chilis and eritt and hare taken lots MO predicted mat me ex-OJ osier of trash of no account but profit to the ( statesman would sweep this congres- vendor. Chamberlain's cough Itetnedy ' atonal diotrict like a Kansas cyclone'18 t,,e thI,,t' tLat ,ia8 doi,t; any . ItartlflciallydlgeststbefoodaDdaids , .... ,. . 'j)od whntover. I have uccd one bottle J;atu'',0 In 6tren(ftbeniDg and recon- acd I'.trrv nil tils rihl nfillttoftl finn- . strnrtlnrr tlm (.rh.no jinMn., ... ,u iolU nd the chili?, cold and grip have ft Is the latest disV feree.over to the camp of Bryan. ' Mt (ne , cor.,riltulftU! tll0 mana. Jlldx creton fffecte ut ordinary price.. Tbat afttles Malcolm ate, sine die, ; fBClur rt of an lionet med:clne." For can approach it In efficiency. It in- S?d p8Pe!8 at. ctt' f;at'r prices. stantly relieves aod permanently cure f-,rK"' lac.ui wiunuue, yours Dvspepsia, Indigestion, Haartburo, f?r ""aJ ''rIcf,0Ur f?' on Third 'Flatulence, Sour StOBJacbT Naaaeii! 1 trLet Aiwa full line of houee imlnU. ul D. W. VAUBiiJ. TnlrdRt. & CO.. BANKERS. j TKANSAUT A KSEKALBANKI.no BUel.NKb Lettere of Credit issued available in the ! c , KaBtrn Ktatee. cigiu Jiicbange and Telegraphic id $a K?w Chicago, h?nrjila"i...)V,?.fihV an vari0" Point. CollectlotiB made at ml point? on fav mw(c bin Ule, C. S. Smith, THE New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide vatiety ae we are snowing never be rt'ERVIFA as Ji jrere. We advise him to Ihrow , sale by JSlakeley & Houghton. sf) tbe sponge tny -r CuL Bryan is billed to mukc Ave iuiuiediale relief, in pleasant to take and ar'ate siieecbei in this sUte com-!''1 ,ru,v t,,e drpt!c'B bebt friend." lit Albany March 28th and J " "l, ' ' rl , taarc to Salem, Portland cure. "I aacd Kodol Dvyufnla Cure in family with wonderful reeultfi. It gives '?i.cK?MUGMtralgIa,Cra.Hlj)S,l 1?UEl), W.WllOS, 1 ATTOiiNEy-AT LAW, THE JJALI.EH, OKEGO.V OlUce c?ei K'nl at. fi-ui. S t HCHT1XOTOM TfltVTftfnTnM IV If u,u ATIOMNEYH AT LAW, THE UA1.I Khi lli,:,i. OSjoe OT tr Klrat Kat Wank Ruiorea VITALITY, LOST VIGOR ' AND MAWHOOD Cures Ixnpotcncy, KiKht Emissions and wasting diseases, all ellects of eelf. uuusc, or excess and India cretloti. Aiiervotoiiicund lilood builder. JJriiifjs the pink glow to pale cheeks ant rcfatores the lire of vnnth. raNF By mall Oe per box; O boxes for $2.50: with u. wHttm. ..,... ICO to film iw ..'..... d,... ti t w iiaoji ! " 'vuu wiw uiuuuy. NEBVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jackson aHs., CHICAGO, ILL. Up-to-date Qroeer Freeh Eggs and Creamu-y Butter a ipecialty. 2d Street. 'Phono 270. J, H. HCHKMK, I'realdcut. II, M llWy (.'aalilel First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Baslnese traueacUd Deposits rsosivsd, subject to higbt OoUectloas mads and proceeds prompt rsmlttsd on dav of nolloction. Bight aud,Tslsgraphlc Exchange sold ci New York, Ban Francisco aiu land. DIBlBCOXOKa D.P.TBoaraow. . Jno. B. Eo. m. Wiixii xs, Gao. o a. m. usalih .,JT '