The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 14, 1900, Image 4

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whether any members of this honse
have any of these people in their can-
1 cressionitl district, and if they have, let !
us go to war at once and exterminate
I them." JGrcat lanphter.;
Editor Donthit went on a business
trip to Portland by the morning train.
Dr. Hollister, late of this city, now of
Portland, came np yesterday "afternoon
and returned home this afternoon. I
now 01
Congressman Shaforth, of Colorado, 1 Spokane, is n guest at the Umatilla
has sent The Ciihoxicle a copy of a , House.
The l?nltrl Matra Ought In ,imjf the
Tron; of Kvnrj- Knee Wlinac Krji
resetitatlven In Uil Country Can
Vote fur Cinicrcuieu.
A. D. McDonald, a formtr
' farmer of Sherman county,
speech he delivered in conures3 a short
4ime ago on the doty of the United
States to get itself into a mess with
Encland over the Boer war. That is
not quite the title Mr. Shaforth gives
iis speech, but that is what his the
demogocic rant, amounts to. Shaforth,
Jike Bryan and our own O'Day ar.d
D'Arcy, ft hoc genus omne, Ere after
votes. tale the two Oregon statesmen
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday.
Don't forget this.
Clnrke A Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushes.
Use Clarke A Falk's quinine hair tonic
to keep dandruff from the head.
A fulMine of Eastman filniB and sup
plies just received by Clarke A Falk.
You will not have boils if you take
Clarke A Falk's sure cure for boils.
Clarke A Falk's Savoring extracts are
the best. Ask your crocer for them.
Girl wanted to do general housework.
j Call for Republican County Convention,
Time for flattllng Prlmarlx.
John Dethmen. cf Bingcn Springs, I Apply at The Dalles Commission Co.'s
spent last night in the city and was a store. 3-9-tf
noVnT" " h0Uie tlih Floral lolion W'" C"re W'nd c,,BM,lnB
morning. I and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
ExrState Senator C. M. Cartwright J pafc
from Portlaud to his stock rauch iu
Crook countv.
Latest thing in cameras are Im
proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's
John Chambers, W. E. Helm. Steve ! drug store.
Yancey and I. S. Ward ! are on the way! f h crB ked Nebraska corn at the
, from Crook countv with freight teams to 1 ... , . . . . . .
: .. 1 . i,- .. in. mo,i.u,iiaU f,. ttnsco warenouse. rwesi khiu hi
just mentioned are sheading crocoii'ie -
J . , T 1 Pnuevi e. chicken feed. mcn--tt
&cais over the Boers, they have spnse 1
enonsh to know that if thev were in the Miss Louise Ruch and her brother, ; Pure s.lver kced yandott eggs ran
T, , . . 1 " f. w, George, were paaseneers on the boat;besecuredatJ.II. Cross' grocerv store
Boor.-' unrestneted poer for bow lh j fo ,- Cascade Locks. fnr ,, T)Prl- feb"S-ln 0 wklv
twenty-five minutes the Bjers would They were i,, with kodaks and nega- . f0r ' pPr l0, lthm lm "kl-
Imng both of them for bcine Catholics, tives and other photographic fixins' for Clarke A Falk haye received a carload
.Cms. II. Grosvenor, of Ohio, touches 1 taking pictures of the grand scenery of 0f the celebrated James E. Patton
Shaforth off in fine style in a five minute j that place J strictly pure liquid paints
speech in renlv. Mr. Grosvenor said : j. Mr. and Mrs. Y. I. Tallman, of Klick-1 Dewitt's Witch Hazel Salve is un.
... " . , , , itat county, were tmssencrs on the boat . ,, , , ., ... , ..
-'I want to go a great deal farther l)ig umTa for vanconver where Mrs . equalled for piles, injuries and skin
than the gentleman has. I sympathize j Talhnan goes fur a change of climate diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel
with everv nation struggling for iibertv, j that, it is hoped, may benefit her health. ; Salve. Beware of all counterfeits.
and I hop's my countrymen here on this j and Mrs. Tllmajt WJ ret'nts ' j To secure the original witch hazel
floor will give patient attention for five , U e Ualles or e"-hl ear- "g0- .aIvc a;k for DeWitt's Witch Hszel
minutes to a few suggestions I want to I So i:itht m i'siinE. Salve, well known as a certain cure for
The Republican County Convention
of Wneco County, State of Oregon, "is
hereby called to meet in Dalles City, In
said county, on Friday March "'!, 1000,
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in of said
day, for the purpose of nominating can
didates lor the following county officers:
county judge, county clerk, county sher
iff, county treasurer, one county rotn
mitsioner, county assessor, county
school superintendent, county coroner,
and county surveyor, also precinct of
ficers for the several piecincts of said
countv; and 10 delegates to tho Repub
lican "State and District Congressional
Conventions, and to transact fetich other
business as may propni ly coino before
said County Convention. The conven
tion will consist of 100 delegates chosen
oy tl-e ravornl precincts, and tho several
precincts of said county will be entitled
to representation in sa'id convention as
. , . .7 Kingsley !
. . 9 Mosier. . . . "
... 2 Mountain 3
.' Nansene -
....3 Oak Grove 2
...2 Ramsey
.. . 5 South Hood River.4
....2 Ivgh Valley 3
...9 Trevitt
Viento 2
West Dalles
Antelope .
Bakeoven. .
Da fur
Deschutes. .
East Dalles.
East Hood River.. 5
Eight Mile 2
Falls .5
face, J j,jeg flmi fc;n diseases. Beware of worth-
I l. . . IT:.. in Tl..i!r notinn. ' mile. 1 .) l.o. ImaUli It ahr ta It U'l I
cvULfn U US tile 1 lUtailuiE. ijjEii iiauvu- w v ,j ... ....... . w . " .. .
ality has been wipsd out and destroyed. I sickly and all run down, she will be.
A creator outrace, in defiance of human , nervous and irritable. If she has con-
tnake, supplementary to those made by The woman who is lovely in
the gentleman from Colorado, .there: form and temper wi.l always have I ess counterfeits. Thev are dangerous.
v...i. i.i- . i : T7 .. . ! r: , l . -. .. .. i, ..rl u . .nn.T....
was a nine, peaceauie proni; iu .1.. ; inciur, rai uuc nu . uu.u w w , , . f . - . .,-
men r suits leit at rew 1 oric oasn store
regular $10.00 Euits and cannot be
i fin tHintjil ha ta a mnnpi' envinc- nrnti.
rieme, wa never perpeirateu, u iut, st.pauon or Kiuntfj iroauir, u niijiurc 05jjjOIJ at)(j tjouJ(j not he overlooked.
perhaps, it was the destruction ana cu-; Diooa will cause pimp:e?, oiotcnes, ssin
snembermest of Poland; and the statute eruptions and a wretched complexion,
-ot limitation never runs ucainst a crime j Electric Bit'ers is the best medicine in
like that. Russia was engaged in that; ' the world to regulate stomach, liver and
the other nations of Europe Etood and , kidneys and to purify the blood. It
looked on at that. Not only so, but re- j gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth,
velvety skin, rich complrxion. It win
make a good-locking, charming woman
of a run-dow n invalid. Only 50 cents
at Elakeley A Houghton's drugstore.
cently the Greeks were sat down on by
the Turks and a terr.ble outrage, in my
judgment, was perpetrated. The over
whelming power of a semibarbarous na
tion was brought to bear to crush
the life ont of little Greece, and it was
humiliated, taken possession of by for
eigners ard finally eubjected to the dis
graceful and degraded position of a
Light fur the .Mrret.i,
every one has been expecting to
have this luxury it will probably bo
some time yet, but insure with the
Law, Union A Crown Fire Insurance
Co. as tliis is no luxury but a protec
tion. Arthur Seafert, resident agent,
'phone 141,
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
power without nny powet of independ- j in order to cure it you must take inter-
nce or eelf-control. Then the Artntn-1 nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
ians were murdered by the Turks and ' taken internally, and acts directly on
all tiie nations of the world etood by and the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall'e
looked on ; and my friend from Colorado, ; Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine,
eo far as I remember, was absolutely j It was was prescribed by one of the best
eilent. Now I have in my congressional l, physicians in this country for years, and
district some Finlanders anil I have ! b a regular piescription. It is composed
Flue roultrx and Italian Itees.
Catarrh Cannot he Cured rsiiveriaceu yamaoite, cngiisu neu
with local applications, as they cannot , oaP ana K05e umuea Leghorn
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh I chickens for sale. Single birds 1 each.
Eggs for setting ?1 per fifteen.
Italian bees $1 per pound
Greeks in my district, and I have Ar
menians in my district. Laughter and
"I have in my district, Mr. Speaker,
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiere, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
tome Hungarians, and I want to know ' what produces euch wonderful results in
fay what authority Austria crushes the
life out of the glorious independer.cj
rthat Hungary had under Kossuth and
-the great leadere of that day. Re
newed langhter and applause. I have
some Polacks in my district and I call'
.the attention ot the gentleman from
.Colorado, to the fact that the blood of
Pulaski, the brave Pole who fell at
Savannah in the defense of American
liberty, has never yet been avenged, and
Poland has been destroyed and the men
of my district look to me to vindicate
the integrity of their country. (Re
mfwed laughter. And then came that
lireat nation, Germany, that in tiie
struggle among nations, in many caset,
is a leader; but in the same w iy it took
'those two beautiful provinces, Alsace
4tnd Lorraine, and took those people
away and carried them over to a country
that they do not belong to, and here we
are standing silently by. God Almighty
ie looking at us! Great laughter. Why
do not we go and defy Germany? And
Mr. Speaker, there are Germane in my
district, there are Frenchmen in my
be s
Jaughter It was a terrible humilia
tion to France when the German army
:ane there and marched its victorious
columns through the great Arche de
Triumphe at the head of their beautiful
utreet, the Champs Elysee, and camped
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrnggiste, price 7ftc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
jgressional district. There ought to 1 U,,ieH tbal sl,e 1,UB u ver' IarBe
something dnc about this. Great J meDt of ,ladi,e8 an(1 children's at
Early Rose potatoes at Maier A Ben
ton's. Eggs retail at 121.. centa per dozen at
Maier A Benton's.
Men's work shirts as low as 2oc at New
York Cash store.
''Bear Breeches" are selling for 75c at
New York Cash store.
Stetson hate for Spring arrived today
at A. M. Williams A Co'e.
New case of "Matchless" hosiery for
ladies just arrived at New York Cash
A. M. Williams A Co. are opening
some nobby styles in ladies' Spring euits
and jackets.
Those "Summit" working shirts with
double front and back for 50c at New
York Casli etore are extra good valuee.
Mrs. Phillips wishes to inform the
etreet ha'e
now on dieplav. meh 13-2t
For 5.(J0 Cakh
And one dollar and fifty weekly
you can purchase a twenty-five
dollar watch or diamond at Harry C.
Irene's, in the Vo.-t block
bees wairanted purely mated, 75 ceuts
each. Queens sent by mail and sale ar
rival guaranteed. Address
Mks. A. A. Boxxey,
febSMxuo Tygh Vallej , Or.
To the Ladles and Gentlemen.
Mr. C. L. Lambert, of Strauss Bros.,
of New York and Chicago, merchant
tailors, has a full line of samples at the
Columbia Hotel sample rooms for a few
days taking orders for men and boys'
suits as cheap as ready made. ml2-14
Win. Orr, Newark, O., eaye, "We
never feel fafe without One Minute
Cough Cure in the house. It saved my
little boy's life when he bad the pneu
monia. We think it is the beat medicine
made." It cures coughs and all lung
dlseaseB. Pleasant to take harmless and
gives immediate results.
By a young lady, a place to do house
work in a email family. Apply to Mrs.
Toomey, New Columbia Hotel. ni2-2w.
Drying preparations simply devel
op ory catarrh ; they dry up the secretions,
which adhere to the mombrano and decom
pose, canning n far more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and snuffs
and use that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the
COc. size. Brothers, 50 Warren St., K.Y.
Tho Balm cures without pain, does not
irritato or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated arid angry surface, reliev
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed
against Xasul Catarrh cud Hay Fever.
41, a .w'a ,.f Kr.l.wir.a n w! .,...,..! I lill fl I fin fi 0 . IllflfL'tJ iU'wIrtS ant) falluur.
Ihe magnificent forest, then went to the ware at most reasonable prices. 3 8 3t
various historical places at St. Cloud i
and Fontainbleau and desecrated the J'wIb Ackerman, Goshen, Ind., says,
temple of French history. It was an j "Dwi Little Early Risers always
awful thing and we Etood by and never
Mid a word, and there are Frenchmen
in my congressional diattlct. Great
"Mr, Chairman, let ue rise to the oc
m!m I9t oa appoint a commission
I weald iUKgeal a commlaslon of 25, not
i than thirteen of which ahall beloug
i aajr one of the parties in this house;
Mlariea ought to be $20,000 per
r-aad let that comniiaaion go
It) tfc world and ee what haa betn
i WFMjr, and whenever a wrong.haa
Mwrwittad ugainat any people let
bring certain relief, cure my headache
and never gripe." They gently cleanee
and invigorate the bowels and liver.
Uaili In kour Checks.
All conntv warrants registered prior
to June 3, 18P0, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after February. 2,
1WK). O. L. Phillip,
Conntv Treasurer.
Pablie. Collections promptly attended
tn linnav ffi Ina n f. I. Haiari'ii nL
em back and report to thie house J Jce, The Dalles, Oregon,
Copyrights Ac.
Anrnne (ending atiketrli and description ma-
r opinion irue wneinor a
r TintmlLAlila. f'fintmuiilr!.
tlmiaatrlctlreonadeiitla. Handbook on I'atcutJ
qulcklr ascertain nnr opinion fri
llivflTiurm in proDauir iiiuemauie.
tent (roe. Oldeal agency f or Mcuriiitf
l-.iiui.i uiaen inrouun jiuiiu c
ijtelalnotUt, without cbarue, latbc
Co. rec
Scientific JMerkan.
A handomelr lllmtraled weeklr. Irret el
ruiuiinn or nnr acieniiac inumai. uenni. a.1 a
enr: four monttu, L Bold ljrall newidealera.'Brjew Tori
West flood Biver..4
Wamic II
Primaries to elect delegates to said
County Convention will be held in euch
of the several precinct in said Wuaco
County, on March 17, 190u. In Fast
Dalles" precinct the poll" for said primary
election will be located at the Ivist Hnd
Hose Co.'s house, and II. Ulee, C. K.
Chrisman and L. S. Davis, uill act hs
judges at said election; in Bigelow pre
cinct the polls will be located at the of
Sice of Win. Michel!, nndJ. M. Batter
son, F. Faulkner and Win. Michell will
act as judges at said election : in Trevitt
precinct the polls will be located at the
northeast corner of Third and 1'nion
streets, and F. T. Sampson, Frank Vogt
and J. Fisher will act as judges til said
election ; and in West Dalles precinct the
polls will he located at the City Mills,
and C. L. Schmidt, J. F. Staniels and
C. M. Fouts wiil act as judges at said
Tiie polls in each of said precincts, in
said primary election, will bo kept open
from 12 o'clock noon to 7 o'clock p. tn.
for the reception of votes. The polls in
each of theother pncincls in the county
will be located in the usual voting places
in each precinct, and it ie recommended
shall be opened at the hour of 2 o'clock
p. in. on said 17th dav of March, 1000,
and will be conducted in the usual man
ner. Dated at Dalles Citv, Oregon, this O'.h
day of March, 1900.
Hk.viey L. Kt'CK,
Chairman Republican County Cen. Com.
F. E. Buonmj.s',
Ulmiiilutlnn of 1'artneriihlp.
The business heretofore existing under
the firm name of Lane Bros., is thin day
dissolved by mutual consent. L. L.
Lane will conduct the business at the
old'stand, and collect all accounts and
pay all bills of the firm. All parties
knowing themselves indebted to tl e
firm are requested to settle as soon bb
The Dalles, Or., March 1, 1900.
L. L. Lank,
lm-diw N. M. Lank.
Mrs. Calvin Zimiierman, Milesburg,
a., eaye, "As a epeedy cure for coughs,
colds, croup and eore throat O.-.e Minute
Cough Cure ie unequaled. It ie pleaBant
for childien to take. I heartily recom
mend it to mothers." It is the only
harmless remedy that produces im
mediate results. It cures bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung
diseases. It will prevent consumption.
Klmuarck'n Iron -Nuire
Waa the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where elomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities arid the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Fills. They develop very power of
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley
& Houghton's drugstore.
Faint your house with paints thut nre
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
A fine shirt needs fine Inundrv work
to make it look nice und wear well.
Just the samp, with your other gunmints.
We do not use any injurious chemicals
do not rot out your linen and can save
you 20 per cent of tho wear vour gar
mtnle usually sustain.
Glad to have you try our work. No
laundry too small.
Dallkh Laundiiv Co.
'Phone 841 brings the team. ,'U.2w
's 5
Job Pointers.
J Tawawawjwjw
awaHaawawf M n wawawawawaKwaT .. -aawakaL
and Motors
Circulars and particulars furnished on application.
P. S. GUNNING, Agent,
MAM't'.tCTt'KElt OK
High-Grade Stock Saddles ,
and Shop-Made Harness.
Tente, Wagon Covers, and all articleB usually
kept in a firstclasB harness shop.
.Moody' Wurotinusc,
This Stamp a Guarantee
of Quality.
SOUTH and EAST via
Souinern Pacific Co.
Shasta Route
NorthsrD Fa
Yellowstone Park Line,
l.tiuo Portland ....
" Albany . . .,,
Arrive AhIiIiiiiiI
" Hiicrumi'iito
" .Sun rriuichco ,
h:D0 n in 7:10 ) in
I'.'iWuiil );M i,lil
12:.i:i a in ii::i0uin
in I ;.Vi n in
":l'iiin hjliu in
ttle OKdcin
" hviivur .
" KititMiH t;y
" Ciiluduo ...
VrrivulMAiiKului .
Kl I'hho
" Kurt Wortli
' ;ity of Mexico .
" iloimton.
' New Orleium . .
' W iiHliliiKlfiu
Abtv York ,
fi:l!iiim 11:IA a in
:i)0itm 0;W)hiii
" ".'.' a in Tr.'jniii
:Uuiu yiajiim
G:w . in
.. (::) a in
. l:.Vi it in
Lima in
. r-:i ii in
0: l.' ii in
..l'J:i:i. ui
7;ll0n in
fillX) uni
lKMn in
I: Win in
1:'.M. in
liiJu m
CI i in
Office orer french & Co.'s Hank
i'bone C,
Ttte GoiunuDia PacKiog Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Cvrirsif BRAND
Cllui'r'.TK i"!'! T,"".l,t '"r'' '" trrilna.
hto ugfiit ut Tho Hollo Million, or uddru
Ciuimriil 1'annrngir ARciit, 1'orllnml, Or.
11:13 A. M.
No. 1.
11 ;W P.M.
Union Ospot. rinhantt i sis s
Kant mall for Tm'onm,
Harbor and Koiith 1 immI
tlollltH, BpilkllllC. Kl!"
till, 11. 0., l'ntlmnii,
iifMow, uit", mil
fulollutiip ItlllllUK ooilil
try, fluli-nii, MlmieiiiK).
IK Bt. I'mil, Oiimliii.
Kiinu City, Bt. I.oul.
OblciiKo und nil point"
Ortt HIlU HOlHllCMkt.
I'imet Hound ExprwK
for Taconm and beat tu
mid Intermedin") plls
So. 1.
No. 3.
Wiysician aud Surfijeou,
8clal attention glvou to nuniery,
Koomi'JiaudW, lo,. Vot Block
fullmiin nrtela ninl. tmirlit itlnpj
Mlnneai.oliH.Ht.l'uuUiid MlM.url river fot"
without ('limine. n,,ctloii
Vuitlbuled train. Uulon (U-p''t coiiiiw
In all irlnclMil eltlec , ....tpii,
HniiKNge cliecked to det nut i" ",;tw,
Korhanditoinely I hwtiuli' 'bM ri tl "Jo0(
llckelK, ulceplng ear reaurvaiu""!
AiUatant Oeneral FaiwiiKcr'niwn?
Htteet, corner Third, I'orilniKl, 0n-
om roff A DOtl.
KaainM IMklu Buiaiii
m toa ttomu