Regular Experiences Life is full of misfits Yon meet them every .lay, but none of tl.etn were purchased at our piano. If you want to bo dressed with Rood taste, come give us the onpor irori " ltnrtl-to-fc, nnd at prices that fit tho pocket Look, $6.50 to $25. A Boy at the Best When he is well dressed clothes fihoulfi be just right in etyle and nil that good tailoring can niiike tht'in. Wo nre showing some school eult.i that aro Dandies and at prices ranting from $1,00 to iflO.OO. Never before did we havo eo complete ittocl: of wearable, well put-to-getber suits. See windows. See windows. No further disappointment. Wo were disappointed last week ourselves in not getting our SPRING GOODS marked ntiil oti our counter for inspection, but bo many things crowded themselves into tho week that we could not i:et around to the marking of coods, although mny of them wero unpacked and all they required wbb a few small figures to make them more ileeirablo to you than ever. We will not disappoint yon nvaiu in thin par ticular, for we are just aa anxious in thiH matter bb yon are, and if you will indulge us just a llttlo longer we will repay you for your patient waiting by a dlBplay of all the latest novelties in Wash Fabrics that the most fasti dious could ilfBire. All Coods Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS ON THE LECTURE PLATFORM The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. 1. ifEDNKSDAV MARCH lT, 1000 - !A H'tvi'd Iti Oysters ( . . WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Concert 1 Concert! ' Concert ! ! I At Congregational Chuich tonight You can't uirord to uiiea the musical event of the Beaton, l'rogram will begin tonight at 8 o'clock. lie on hand in time- for the opening number. Look over the program for tonight and no II you can alfbrd to inles hearing the entire eonce-t. Oa account of the concert tonight the "Hular Wednesday evening dance is postponed. The Wind Wvor Rod & Gun Club, A. A. Jayne, president, held their regu "meeting at the ollice of K. B. Dufur last evening. The liepublican primaries, as every ol Uepubllcan ought to know, will be hero next Satu-day, the Seven- wuiot Ireland. A carload of line horses be nry Ithule, of U Grande, ocw yards this mornl y to Capo Nome. Tl... ueinit (,f n.,..,.. i,.. i......,i .1 . r III1D UI1II;CU "eir meeting nights to the second and 'Ui We.lnefcday of each month. Reg Ulr meeting tonight. -1. .Schmidt, who was Mondav re- tod" mil'01 Clurk' aM aow a,lt "y with the county superintendent ,niOBum of if'iO.OOO. Iiol 1" f ludu,lt8' Wtorary Club will not nU ruKulr lbatenext Friday on account of the lecture of Jo lain Miller at the M. E, Church. "eputy Sheriff 8ton took to the ZT 'r1"1' Ulu young man, Peter Jud W89 tt(JJ'ied Insane by alonl" ye3t0rday, T,,e 'd'8 'tUer Kumor haslt that a propoiltloo will Eu?n 1,16 panic o! itia Co- W, looklog to bridglBg 'the sytx i ijv rrti nging to re feil at their at the narrows above town nnd making The Dalles a central point cf operation. A representative oi the company is in town looking over the situation. Joaquin Miller, his Klondike lee Friday night, will furs, tho buttons gets and the co (Wini tureXoc whlftj uSt u-i,:..i the delivery of the M. E. church a suit of A he k u i are gold nug- wae $1100. This is the night of tho concert at the Congregational church. If you miss it you will miss a treat. It will ba the musical event of the season for the Congregational folks never do things by halves. It is understood tbat tho Paul Mohr portago road company have their esti mates made up and ready to submit to the people of The Dalles for bridging the Colombia at the narrows above town an A Tll Tlrtllaa tpr III I M tl 3 . I Walter I. Johns and Mla Nora Turner, a hlchly eBteemed young couple who frot have grown citv, were united this morning, bride's tnothe Calvary the weddln hildhood in this n marriage at j:iu the residence of the lev. V. Ii. Clifton of hrch olliclating. After the bride and groom took the train or l'ortlandvhere they will spend a short honeymoon, and returning will make their borne in The Dalles. There is at the ollice of tho county superintendent 3000 of "iliibbell'e Mathematical Combination Cards" for ubb In tlie primary grades of the public schools of this county. Uv tho use of these cards the combinations in ad dition, subtraction, multrfilication and division can be a en u I redin one-half the time usually spentHnjmlu number work. City SuporinttmdenLutiderti will dis tribute over 800 In Tliv Dalles Fchools und County Stmerintendit Ollhei t will distribute th rest throughout the cninty free of cost to the pupils. The cards are now In usu In I'oitland, San Francisco and all const cities, Tom Farger, of Tygh Itldge, had tho misfortune the other day to lose twenty two fat hogs whose Hggreg.ite weight waH estimated at 7,H0O pounds, net. Mr. Fargher had engaged men to kill tho hogs und after they wero slaughtered their livers were found diseased and their flesh so much tainted that he had them removed to a distance fro-n the farm buildings where they were piled in a hep, wood and brush thrown around them, and tho whole turned into ashes. It was a strange procedure for they were probably worth a hundred dollars for oap grease, but, fortunutely, Tom fa well of! aud can stand the loss. Dick Slgman, of Dufur, came into town today to attend to some business at the court house. After asking the oouoty clerk for iouih warrants that had been issued in his favor, he was handed one was issued March 10, 1893, seven years ago. and signed J. B. Croe Biu, clerk, by El. Martin, deputy. The warrant had lain uncalled for during all these years. Dick insisted the county should pay him interest, but Alie of ficials could not see it in that light. The board of delegates of the fire de partment have decided to make an ef fort to put in n universal transmitter. This instrument is virtually n fire alarm box that will ring any number desired. Under its operation tho whole city, above the hlull'as well as below, will be districted aud numbered and the in strument will be operated from the the telephone office. It will not inter fere with, but bo supplemental to, tho present fire alarm boxes. The instru ment will eott in the neighborhood of $175. A committee will call on the cltiz "ns in a few days to fully explain the matter and solicit subscriptions. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Biguature of Joaquin Miller In Chranterlntlc. terentlnr TnlK, In Joaquin Miller, "the poet of the Sier ras," delivered his lecture, "Lessons Not Found In Rook?," and narrated his ex periences In "our Artie Empire" to b large and appreciative audience, last evening, at First Raptlst Cliurcji, says the Orcgonlan. Ilia discourse was char ncteristlc of the man as he is known to tho world. He followed no continued line of thought, but scemlnely allowed his thoughts to wander as they would. For a moment ho would speak in the faniliar tones of a story teller relating his adventures to a number of friends. Then in tho midst of it he would drop tho easy, colloquial style and paint the beauties of a bit of nature or the horrors of some fearful experience in language most vivid and thrilling. Hi: ppoko as a poet, a dreamer, n frontiersman nnd a man of the world. Ho carried his hear ers in a breath from the sublimo tj tl e ridiculous and from laughter to the most touching pathos. The poet came forward unannounced, a tying that he preferred, with Mark Twain, to introduce hlmEelf, eo as not to leave out any of the fact?. "I was in Pns," he said, "during the Franco German war. Food was scarce. The people were reduced in provender to the point where a good fat rat was eaten with a relish. I was invited to a chicken dinner one'day, and what do yon suppose was served?" A voice from she audience called out "Rats!" "No," calmly proceeded the speaker, "not rats, but chicken. I ex pected chicken, and I cot it. We usual ly get what we expect in this world." Miller tolJ of his home on the heizhts back of Oakland. Cal., and described the eetting ol the sun behind the mountains opposite the Golden Gate in language of exquisite beauty. The recital of several of his best-known poems was not the least enjoyable feature of the evening. Joaquin told of his life long resolution to write nothing in praise of valor that would incite to war, but, nevertheless, his next selec tion wns the recitation of a poem heart ening the Boers to give the British Knch welcome with Mich will As Uoston Rave in battle's wlilrr That rcl dread day ut Hunker JIf II. Leaving the platform for a moment, the poet reappeared in the garb of furs that he wore on his famous trip to the Klondike. With entire freedom from the restraints of conventionality he diew tho mlnieter's chair from its place back of the desk and rested his foot on its velvet while he held forth on the neatness of the Indian workmanship displayed by his leather moccatir.s. "Shall I go to the Klondike?" Tho speaker said ho always answered the query in this way: "Alaska is the treasure-house of the world. I never knew a man to spend a reasonable time and effort therj without amassing a reasonable fortune. But no man etays there a reasonable length of time with out bringing away frost in his hair and beard that no brush can remove. To tho man who is in trouble love, for example and does not far bard knocks, Alaska holds out an inviting hand. Tiie terrible hardships endured on tbat first mad rusli for the Eldorado of the north are now a thine of the past, but hard work and lots of it are still necessary to success In that frozen land." A Much AftllctKl family. The family of Samuel Vicker?, who was buried here Monday, in addition to the loss of husband and father from typhoid fever are all three window and Pinsxee 3. shoes for women are honest and feel best they feel best because of the supremely good workmanship For $3. no other make of a tadtes' fine shoe can match the Vingree "Composite either In the style, ser vice or comfort. A High-grade Shoe "We fit your feet no guess woik," "'-.j'a' i"'"t"t'"'1.' y j v.' .y 1 1 i it ht'mi i ri7i!VY4tMiti f inn t if'1- i' mi "( in'iiit'it MiKiVit'i'iHt i ilim.liiiti AVegclabJe Preparatiortfor As -similaling tlicFoodandRegula ting the Stomachs und Bowels of Promotes DigeslioaCheerfuF uess and Rest. Con tains neither Opium.Morphine norIincral. Hot IN arc otic . JtotpeofOldJb-SAMVELPtTCmR flmfltm Seal' Alx.Smna RocUlU Site -jIaueSted f MlntfStPd. tymfoiSagK? hTntaymn nanr. Aperfecl Remedy forConsUpa non, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness nnd Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature oF NEW YORK. exact copy or wrapper. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Ait a Air n In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YOHK CITY. two children prostrate with this fell disease. The daughter is verv low and raav not recover. Mr. Vickers was a member of the local lodge of MoJern Woodmen of the World and carried 2000 insurance, one thousand in his wife's name and five hundred each in those of his son nnd daughter. This sum will be received by the afllicted family in due time but the Woodmen have done and are doing all in their power to meet expenses as they havo arisen, eo as to save as much as possible for tho survivors. An appeal was made to thM public yesterday which realized about $18, but aj two nurses are in constant attendance, not to speak of medicine, food anil medical attend ance, this sum would not suffice for a week's expense. Any further assistance rendered will be appreciated by those who have taken a special interest in this afllicted family. The deceased Mr. Vickers had the reputation of being a worthy man. The family live at tho Ninth street bridge, the last house on tho north side. Timothy Healy, the well Irish leader, lately said in the house of om moni in reference to the English : "You are as God made yon. We suspect you." Tne next morning tho London Daily News came out with the following epi gram : Tis very tue what Tim avers. And handsome of him really If God, then, made the Britishers, Pray, who made Mr. Healy? Sick Hcid iche absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A. pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 23 cts. and 50 cte. Blakeley & Houghton Druggist--. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., say?, "DeWilt'e Little Early Risers are the very hest pills I ever need for costivenes?, liver and bowel troubles." Cougrecatlutiul Concert rrocrnm. The following is the program of the (jjneert to be given at tliojeongregational church this eveningMarch 14th : Chorus Somk of ' lore ) Tiii;ar"(r'rom"Il Trovn- VettU OontrultoMilonrrvil) "OiieSweetly.folemn '1 nought '. . llarrte jW V. Il.-liivii.rr (i Chorus-"SiirliigThae" yLiSult Solo "IJIrd on the WIuV' Auiiuste Mrs. K. O."Je0oj Solo ''CliaiiKOless" . . Mrs. U. T. I'Arr. Ti oleic (loiiiet Malechorus-"Moonllght Orytho IjUc". .. White Solo-"My Little Darllne'V Mis. II. S. Rrfiitiiik'tiin. I.miles chorus "Sonrof tho lllrds' . .... Mewl. Wlllliiurf, rrr, IlniitliiK'liiii, lioune. Ciroiit, TayloJ M Uses. .Schmidt, dishing. Choru6-"Oh IliiU Us Ye Kree." Verdi ...lit "Oh Vo Tours" Mh Oils JtiK anil Malo ((u.irli't, Selections from CiinfVii, "Hither". .. . Ilrailbum tjiiffii Mrs. IIiiiitDwtiiii: MorUi-cal Mr. ruling. Biii'Oiu(i ijjviiioru. X llass solo 'Asleep In the I)c?y" I'ttile ur. (j. ii. limn Ith violin obllgnto, by Clf reuco (illheri DU1 you ever hcrr ho-7 ?!-. , o" street carao to buy a vrieel lor hii wtfo? Well, ho ccaio homo one evcr-a?, n:l tiaw her bitting on tie lialw.:rai"o of tho porch, asbhown la tho picture. IIo ruade up his wind tnen nnd thero that s'.io 7ould looU Just too sweet for anything on a hleyclc And she does, lint the hind of bicycle hn n rood deal to do 7lth lochici avrcct. So If you want to look tweet, buy your wheel as did Mr. ) of the ascr.t fcr CRAW FORDS Cornet solo Choius-llcl!s of St. MIel f..V. K. Slmontoii Ms" Mrs, .1, M, I'iittorson, t'uoinp.inlst. I). , rollug, eouditor. Iiagley Bros, have purchased n thrjughhred Jersey hull, registered stock. For particulars apply nt resi deniM on Tenth street, noar the fair gioundu. :).(. luio Golden Eagle, $25 Crawford . . . $30 Cleveland, . S'VO ancl.$50 Wo havo handled tho nhovn line of wheels fur several years. The uuarantet (inthenbovo wheels arc such that tin onu need to heeitato to buy either of them. JRaieF & BentoD Solo Agonta. MIMMM INSURE WITH THE Law Union & crown Fife Insurance Co. OF LONDON. FOUNDED 1826. CAPITAL PAID UP 7, 600,000. ASSETS $20,126,030. Surplus U'joiul all I.lHblllllcn in Uullod Slntcs $621,166.20. ARTHUR SEUFERT, Res. Agt. They'll"', ol: ii