Foul-Smelling PUERTO RICANS Catarrh. MUST BE FED Xhic? 13 Eit szi tnil tzzail xad praisr ? Si. Cxtirra if s of se 204: blinx:e J diss.-, aad tZK tie lacsi dfc5:silt ; 't.f'r, - T1- .a It ' t Ctsur ef tit bbsi Titre I Tbe difres i? ia tie bleed, aad all tie J rpczjf-. "srah aad lakiMog raiztere-s ( ia tls Tvc'i ran hire zy juTmts&si ec: rfcatertr cpoa it. Sii.'t'j Ste- ' eiSr cers Cttirri p?rasx5tty. for it : the cesly resaedy -which, cis reikis tie ie.?Xl fw it fcos thbk:d. K.-B.P. MeAlhi-. ol Hirr-iiimir-, Kt., fcti Cxtarrb f :r yexrs. He -nte: Ss Hsd Mrctfc. CoTis, p.5kJ-, K-diis k RgfiKitt! CtiltT CiHYcStiJE. f ixsds. Eqsxlly iatrticc it the 5 ff U-Jdr rMtsl, tciratiac xad lessptias f shioa is htch ( tL wtiac xptckiastbecrxapf L' p.wKi,w r.,tr r.r,tioa a! WirvCicatT. Stxt- "of OffSODi 1i were xaartei to t " Lirebv exiled to rnet in Dx!iet City. ,n( Jleccx xad i.s2 on; bat iter centr- sud rocaty, 03 Fridu Mxrcb -. 19A. tb oc:h Er o! iu octets j. n w ' ' ixy. for the parpoee oi zjoaaiaatinc cxn dfcixte for the iottoiir. f wsaly racer : esstr jsijre, ceoaty c'erk, coonty shtr- . if, cttcsty treatum cne eoaety coai- saitticaer, conatv assessor, eooaty her xceiaipfisbed. Tbe fxithfa! l'.iosi wi'.l if CxHfer BUSINESS LOCAl 5 S.-;-a i:j 1 a3T---. dr-j.rfs- i3( wstbsnt xr ccc?ptt:o3Ci iaeoi of top- ;r;-'?;?5i-:5S tort. i V -: thr x- ejrtti:tsnri -.- i. m! t ti." r5a;sc to rIi ittt routt-er, wit ia To eootiaastiertrwxssjntfor., . . ... ... , .'rt;E'jr-tser. ad rew:T. ina district, ti n a5tb:az See ti rr.- objt: irbsteTer czod Ii pnrap-tly rsebei Ctirri. sad cerer fill? to cere evrs tir Z2CJt ZCmtZd ArS- Tor RIaaH TheUIUUU LJocdreiedy TOtrtateed to cortii no Eiis nsUed Ire' br 51ft specks Co?i37, Atlinti. Georrit- CSxrk A FxtV ire sever ckd SsadiT. , cbc-t i3priaada:, cocnJr, CUrk A Fxlt biTt or. x fall 1: . castr ; xsd 10 df!-fi: to the Rpab-Krs-Terr, Mxrcli It Accxa.MSTjsj p-t iai ruti brssts. Krtc 5te xad Diitiict C-n2rei;k.n'i t&erfjort of Brift,Hr-Gr.erl DitL. pj, . pjf Cc:is biir tostc ! CcsTtatioa. ad to lrnet ocb other toVr-pcxadrttiroatbs bJ. ? jud Coaoly Ccawtiin. Tbe waves-. & fell lis oi Histaixa alsai xai cp- ties ciciii oi KU de!-;itei cbofn f Jss rectlrtc br Cirte A FxiV. J t"","1 .Jf"50?' rf "J",1 h J ' prcsscts oi Mtdcasaty i;J Nseatuled Ycq not hire itiJ! if yia rise JO rpreeatxi&c ia fxd convention dir'ce A Fxlk'i rare cere tar boiif. loi)nx : CJxrt A Fxit'f 5Toritc txtrxctixr Aatt'o; .. " Kisctley. .X tie be:. Ait ar rr ior tbtrs. taw t I Bxl-ivts 2 Moa&ui: 3 Gir! inted to da jecerxl b:2evoji. Bikeov?3 . ...3 .Vmwse 2 AsjiJr it Tbe Diliti Coiiis-ci: Co.'i Bafd . . . .-3 0kGrore ... , ore afar S Sonth MooJ Rirer.4 , FisrsI ".OlJOr. Trill care wiai cbi?;g Licbate . ..2 1 rjh V Alley . S j xsdiaabr. Mxai'tciured br Oxrie Eut DU! .9 Trtvit! ; x. Ewt Hcxl P.iTer.-5 Vitsii . 2 , -EfttMil 2 Wen DxHei .. 6; Lx:t :hi; ia citzi xre I- ;FxU 5 W: HoJKir..i prortd JiiTxsise cydote it Daaell'i " Wxraic 3 drar itore. j Frrtb crtritd Nebrxic. rs it tb ! Gsreraer-Geserx! o. Paitto Fm, ia it rxrd to ti sitcitica ic tke ii!xd, Is . report aside Vy Crtxla K. 5- Bufcop, cd tbe F.ftb Cxvilry, ititicce-i it Mxai:, ia he sties 2. itrcsr ip;xl fi. Cr "ii: Siib'Opititei that tbe prsistue c rt-hri roppiie it freiter todsy tbxa i ii btiie the bsrriciae. Tbe iartr ,-T-t.".- i s-icitrr jive erapkrynieat to caly a e ;o;r to ext. Bxaxcxs &liatxir.i iw no: bi redy fsc frca :o to fear sjoatb. I: tbe rxtisaj xrt a-t caatiaaed, Cxpttia Biibop iit, tbf re ii ilraort ceritia to be xs oatbrexx of Ixxleiiaeii tad xa Primaries to elect drlerite to it'yd Pare tslver iteed xrefare. r:atft t:: iaer?eof : isefi lai tbe de:b rxte He ixvs be bid bor-ed to redare the rxtioii. bat reroiti 'raca til eectioas ci l tbe ciitiict iadscite sacrrxted deitiic- tioa oi tbe ceiebrxted Jxaiei Geeri: DTii iUter tbit rceb oi tbe itrktly ;are lqcvi piiatf -xJ.ij-ti ml tbe ftterx! precftict- w w xtco Coanty, oa Mxrcb IT, HIJ. In Exit Wyxsdatt ejr? rxa DxJlef'uririact tie toaU for i.iid nrjtusry be ieccred it J. H. Cretis riwerr itore eltttSon iil be ircxtf i t the Eiit Hod ' . . . . ... . . . T JtirfS-lSSO i'.V : KOi UO. i tJOOie. 4DC II. It.C. V- X. . " '" f!iirirr!in. nd I 5. Drj Mli: XCt a Girts A FxI'k bxve received a tirlosd Wr-f t 'aid election: ia Bieiow prt- j x'ittca aac: the pi: ni: te :cxtea at tr.e o: SceofWts. MiCbei". xadJ. M. Pxtter- s, r- Fxa'saer xad Wo. Micbe'S wi'I a- 4 Th Dalle, Or. The Chronicle, Job Printers. 3E 3S 31 33 ' ninimirnn PSOFLE TOC ALL KNOW. & trip to Portltad ii. T. Xws siade jesierdx-. KlJrjini H. stiitf , of Dafsr, 5fat ixrt rirbt ia tee city. Ho. P. P. Msyr cxrae cp J irt rrrbi Jrcoi Portiaad oa 2 fbort bcjiaeii trip. F. C. Roi irf: this asoraic; oa Tbe lufies City 02 a bcrtatis trip to Via-. oarer. CjJ. F. M. MtEoae. oat of :L btr ie-ta;ti: of Moatxsx, is it tbe Uaixtiila Mrs. H. P. Lee xad brr another, Mr. : Cstws, left oa tbe b5it tbis aioraiar oa x viijt to friecds ia PortUad. Brn Ailes & psest of tbe Usitillx Boni-e last aigbt xad left for Prisrr-nSe tu tbe moraiag's stxje. T. Clay 2eece, of Mora, is ia the city. Xt. Xeece ssys the erxia prospecti ia Sbtiaiia csaaty are tbe best be bs ever pet 2. F. C. Savsr, trsveliag azeat of tbe Cb;eo A Korth ee tera, 'ras a paesrr ta Tbe Di.'les Citv tbis aoraiar &cad ior Portlaad. Isaac tad Geo.-se Jo!es will leave ia tbeiaorniajrf jt Aatoae, WbeeJer eaaaty, ire-a: pa. I a loirBiaia ti;: aext fall operatiag tbdr Hcabtoa. Iiafsrr u;jae; at place. J'd.a H. Cr&dicbaosb arrived bere oa tbe Hcraooa ptiseacer Iron bis raia la Bit-.-ccoatr. Mr. Crad tbanzb a?i tbere is five feet of sair cp bere be Bret. tbe rovbisb xad eeds ia tbeir fr'dr. btviar ascaey to piy tbeir bia-ss, bive liii tbes. cr. Wortaea aad tbeir ixsiiirr. lickiar taoae y to live, ire drift- :ar iata tbe tosras, drasiadia? Geaerx'. Davis isks for seat ol -:JU Kas o: bicca, ia csaai proporticas, to flioT ' tbe 503 toa; to jo oa Mxrcb 15 DrWitt's Little Eir'y Risers xre tbe very test pilis I ever csei fr cc-sttTeaeis, 1'ver xad biiil troabiei.'" reWi:t'. Vitcb Utz-l Silve is a- e;caiitd C35r-p-aters ts csa:d bive tjexrei ap M. B. Smith, Bctu.-aat, Mica., iy?, lc: ti ja-es xt said ejection; in 7rev:U pieciact tat f;s "i.J be locate1 it f e aortbexst coraer d Third aad ln: a itreets, xad F. T. Sampeoa, Frmt V ;:' xad i. Fisber i!l xct xs jodes at sa-.d eleetioa: aadia We: Dxlief prec act U.e p-sJJs -a ill U locat-d xt iae City M.:.s-. sad C. L- Scheldt, J. F. SiisiiiL-! C. M. Foots xct x judges at saii elc?ka. ihe polls :a excb c: said rrf-c:act, ia said priaaxjy eirction, wi.i re teat opea froas 12 o'dock naoa to 7 oVioct p. n? far tae receptioa oi vales. The po..s in firh n? ihenJlifr rirt-rinpi. in lh? eonntv prroas. ! t kcale-1 in tbe nrcal votic? plact-s tK T V S .1.1. 1. r." . j . .1 . ' xo,..t - saaii ie oiwara i i;ie osar o ; o cinrs for aiirs. iaiaries xad ska a hckc ibir j;,. t. ;2 .v. r;i- trtii rice, eodfsb xad 1 s -,ri p. v .1 -irf-.;? To secare tbe oririaxl witcb hi rti ;sive, ait :-r DW;tti Witcb liz,- EfnirUblr Ckih of lib cmilinn. j Siive, ireli ii-ora a certiis care !t: Ti'i is Viaiitaaiir. Il'sitericcitsa, C. pi'es aad stia diseases. Be xre of arortb- Tbe editor of tar Viadiextcr Las bid, lets eaaterfeits. Tbey xre da occxixra to test tae eajcicy o: iaxa;aer-: Oajr a j-w c: and Motors fa's sails ieit at iCei icrt Cash store ;aiai Piia Bala: tuice with tbe satst rtaiirtabie rtsai'.s ia eici ease. First. . recixr i0 CO fails aad caaaot be viui ibtaroatisai ia tbe sbsalder froaa d a plicated tbi is a ajoaey savicj prop srbicb be scf-red tscrcc'.atiar ptia lor oitioa aad sbsaid cot be overlooted. tea days, Lca s rrlieved itb t-o, Bj,Uj Er05 f hiTe p-j appiicatioas of Pxia Balra. rabbiag tae .jejabred Jersv bail, rtrfistered parts iicted xad reaiirg iastaat iUc. jbJ rticalars apply at resi beaft aad eatire relief ia a very shct ; desci oa Trath ilzM .tJu. the ur tiiae. Seciad. ia rbecmatisa: ia taijh . cla:;;j.. 5C-la:o j iia:, alaiost prastratia? bias ?ri:b severe ' paia, Lich was re'ievei bytotpp;i-! Ci.s ia loor ctKii. catioas, inbla? yjtfa tbe liaisjeat oa aatv rriat rey:stred prior rfJrir;? at ai?at. tad rtti7 ca free I w jaZ . lira, :i. ae paia at 237 For st'e bv B'.afcelev A Isra, srji. ae paid at Iaasreft etiees after rearcsry. 2, C. L. Patt-txps, Cosatv Treasarer. Hit Lile TV k ;iTd. 1 E. L'liy, 2 piciaiarat citiatn of ! Mr. J Haaaibal, Mo., lately bad a oaderfnl dehveraace froai a frijsbtfaS detb. Llcbtt for the itrttit, is tvery oae ba beea extectiaf to have this Icrary it mill probably be p. si. oa said !7tb day of Mxrcb, IKK). ad i:l be coadacted ia tbe cscai aiaa cer. Dited at Dailes Citr, Orefoa, this 6:b ' diyof March, KC0. Htynr L. KrcK. CbaiiEia Repablicao Coonty Cea. Coai. F. E. Beosso.t, Secretary. 1 'A FINE ' : SHIRT : A 5ae shirt aeeds fioe laBadry vtcrfc to asxte it loDk aire aad ea"r ael. Jest tbe sasjr i!b yoor other carmeats. We do aot Ofe any injiriocs cbe.uieals , . do nt rot oat yoar i:aea and csa save yoo 20 pet ceat of the wear yoor yar ; oitnts csaally scftxin. ; Glad to bave yoa try oar n-ort. o (lxoadrv too small. Dalius LxrsifEv Co. MAN'l f'ACTt'nEI) BV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC Circulars and par'lcular furnished ou application. F. S. GUNNING, Agent, oi-.O THE DALLE-, OREGOK telun? of it be says: "I was ttkea with j ijj", Typhoid fever, that ran into paearaotix. ti tj,jf j, D , Mvlaazs became bardeaed. I was so! Amos Daraeiile, an old aad respected rtMOt-iit of Waaiic, Js srendiag a short time jth nis sou Hearr. :n this cs:v. ... ... . ... tsoa. t,;,. in -...t;,.,,, t,. m.ii M.lweac 1 cocM'a t even sit op in 12.'. pe.-EjiDtt hoae. yotbias beiped me. I ez peeled to eaoa 1 r . r t t-. l ' I tiie u. cuatuajpui-a, ea x iiarc ci Cioma Fire Iascraace no laxarr bet a protec- ' Artbcr Seafirrt, resideat ageat, ' pboae 141. j 'Phoae341 briaps the team. 31- i . trwud. j Are graad, bat ekla erpptions rob life , . 7 rontinnfcd ta u ir. I more ia a small fainilr. Aaalr to Mr. ! S3 - b -; - - Volcanic EnipliDLi Bncklea s Arwca auve cares D"ow tKl WeI, aad Kf0Btfi tlenj ; also old. rcnaia? aad fever Botes, ccn In 5u "Dlo-ri, Boi, Feloas, Coras, Vart?t : Cats, Braises, Bcras, Scalds, Chipped Hands, Cciibiaia. Best Pile care oa tranh. Drives cat pains and aches. Only 25 ct. a lor. Care gcaraateed. 5d by Blateley A Hocgbtoa, drcjr-fitt- 2 Ecropii TV kiit War to Stop. vts- Yoec, March 12. A speeUJ to the World ftoai Wisbiajftoa saj-s: B&roa Gevers, tbe new minister from U,- 2fetheriaadi, will be ofSciaL'T re riTfd eted bodri a st iork Tli- E'jt r? Lrfitbf r r,f th Hnl! I caa't j Tosa:ey, em Colaabi Hotel. Tbi CASTOR i A For Infant! and Children. Tfc KM Yiv Have Always Bovghi C. C. COOPER, mam KAcrt ntn or High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. LiEALLI: IX Tents, Won Covers, and all articles utuallr kept in a fuel-class harnees shop. 'tr.jf.:e ! xaIj t W rtbouc THE DALLES, OREGON. This Stamp a Guarantee MAKER J of Quality. marvelous raediciae is the earest aad ' qcickest care ia tbe wor!d far ail threat z and loi.g troabie. Eeyalar sizes 50 cen'f ; n" and il O'J. Trial bott!e- free at BikfceW v ! A Hosyhtoa's drogstore; every botte: Iryixi A girl to do peaeral boase work in a ' fasoiir. Apply at tbis office. I NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. V. . luxo Omcz, tt The piixtj. Ore , f IIKElAEV.', !.:' " I Notice it jHrrrfr riren ihii the foii-iwini-. , atmwl Metier h aitrf aout ol hu inleaaon it. SOUTH and EAST via zaarnteed. WINTER TRIPS. i?inz preparations ua.aly dVveJ-' SSSwiSSl wV'ta'e'1.. oa Cry esiana , tbey cry ap tbe tecreiioaa, aad Kmmth t Tae ltlie. Orvjon, ou v.dce Brbich adhere to the raeatbraae aad d&ooai- ' -,r a fill , ly!, viz j pose, caasiagt. far laore Mrloastrvabltthsa Wiliiata C. Clark, t f The Da!!ef, Or. tae ordisiry lora. catarra. Avoid all dry. Homesteaa Entrr So. 527 1. ibt s i., kectiun souine f! d Pacific Co . - lien Fa Shasta Route Fo' wln'e- residace or min'er cntia? S laaalaatx, laiaes. traoies nad iaoS i .wcmiip aouio. raD u t-n, . ii ro. ia.e. retueace or oawag .hi. cWw. sor.tLts ar-5 ' Me," tbIoUmtiii: wit!ce vo j.iove bit idel cmditioas :il be foaad cn everv ftf, VTV ctaes aaa wau-DUW2, letistace ua ad cuitirmioa ol ' " . " , , . 4'-"'. - heals. Dy 8 Creara iJs-a: is each a reasedy txia 1d4. vlr hind in California. Pienteons ear.y ; tad will cazz cs.ti.rrh or coldiaths Lt-d AltrtTnreer.Ctjrlf C'KMin.ctiirlo Smuii, . u.. .s..t ... . . . . ' .ni . m ..... ii a. ..ti v . ..i. . w;11'' i copie. of the three treaties era- . tfafc fl r6i cfftriDZS fcre aore lfcaa Bl.J fh'.3"; ! . ' ,5:2 ! f.a a? tbe aeree,eats of Tfte H.oe nnii;r nfcr0Dt aad tbe oa of " : : 15 NOTICK. j. . ' . - coafeietce, . hieh he will !e with - fita L-.nntifr.l ftrd rll-nt. ' over as irritated tad taVrr Earfaee. relier- ' VZ'lU ? .Vi? "2e,.S . .V ' ? !? "39 m ate departtaeni. ; Old ccean possesses new charms at tpadmtlr the jA.a'f-a iaaataiaatioa. jif: ). W'untf. bdro'lnUirau.r j " Ban' ... TMipm b:l5am .w., ,t,rS- - ... r. J' ..o , ,.,e ga---xw-'T-aiaayirever. aerrty noticed to trei uid cliIIDt. womlr . Arrive Odon ol the tea, CauIIca xhtre fifcbis. Yellowstone Park Line. Tra::ii ,"rf Thp IjbIIph r Pnrtl.i.i" nn1 u . i . .... uuohf tllit. tn. ana a n. m. " THE DINING CAB BOl'1 E JT.OM rOKTUSf THE ONLY DIKKCT LINK 1" i'"- iaadm aaitLe two peopJe are boaad bostin? , ramblin?, ndinr, bentiajr and Vt the sttonjest -s cf blood and Iater- tMirK. I an; a& awate of any aerotie tkiasbetmeea Earojera pomtr lookinjr to ltd iaterTeation. The state of af Jbir. DahsppiJy, U irocli that in ail prob ability it aoald be itapossibl for any loafing' tiay 1 eij'yed at nowhere else. Qalet httle spott, snag and warm, offer themselves at Moatecito, XordhoJ, PitaJraj, Echo Mocataia, Han Jacinto, Kail Block and Palm spring.. For rene iny health and vigor, here SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE -Eatu&z power to approtcb Great abound many hot spring?, of widely arittan witnoot danger 01 rebate. raryin? ctastitueate and demonstrated -Jfme catit-a, on tense of corditl rceiitt; tbe dry, aut 1 tic, tonic air of fatiarr were to lin the LeotUth ns tik desert tcy be enjoyed at'ag, ami open the way, I fee. cccr.nred Ibat IaJio, Ya oB; and, evea fartheron, it all garope wooli the plan." phoenir, Tocsod, El Paso, exittt con- Met. W. K. RHz,f. W. Canton, N. Y . idli,ioDt tl1 weak , uirosie aau louge. TRACC MARKS COOTfUSKTS 4C. fit I In tiallea Cltj.Ore.. mltbln tix uoutbt Iioia tbe , dete themif. Hates Jtuaarr 2j, YSJj. bEUA ( BROWN. i xn-H AdiulEiMmu, " t. BROWN HILL, ; , JUSTICE OF THE PKIACE. .Votarv iPao:ic. CoiJecti'jns prjtnptly allended J to. Money to lon. C E, Bajard's of- idw, iae ianes, tjitgon. Ihoixtt KnnKai Cltr Cbluo ... Winn f:lJ a tu ":S3 u ra a ro Arrire 1m AtiRtilt Kl 1'.M) . . . " J-Virt Worth " Uty ol Mexloo . Houston. ' Syvc Orlcuin WMkUlrirUm " Ntw York 130 pin C:fO (i m . fi:'iHia 9:5 a in i.lrmtu C: u in ". Ii H 111 Jt! : 18 i m T:Ul j. in 10;M p m 11:15 a in :Wa m 7:a ra 7.()n in C:(j0 p in 0;:Ja tn U:5i h iu 4(0 11 111 0:'.'j p in C Iia in 1' -1J p in Arret ie&d!nr a fcc!r!i and Aterivtm sir '.vXT aetaiu rmr vt:itn free vbother a" tl'jnj Knctir tmtiii. IlaadbbOkonPateliK Km (roe. Oiiar- irT lor aocvrmir wltaii. I'tt.u tsj.i iiirvsrii lieu A Co. tvxil ttitw.Jrrrratrst4 wklf. Irsttir. rciatum f anr ycmii. Itrmt, (3 roar: nrfrjtui. ta 6oul frail bevMMScr. writ, "I had dreptia over iwentr ytft, ud tried doctors tad icti.c ntt MCBt beaefit. 1 w pertaaded to ate ! Drip;! Care aad it he!;ed tae tike Urt. I be.iere it to be a er all ferns ol tadlgestioo." It 1 vast yem eat. year grocer tor Clarke A FalkV aaaeaatrataa iarariaf eztractt. iaa Many think nothing in nature more attractive than the ehhataeriog olive orchards of SVnta Barbara and Eao Diiga; others prefer the stately walnut of Ventura and Lo Victor, or the Iezoout of Fernatdo; bet for gloriooi fruit and graceful tree comraend at to the golden orange, firit, last aad alwayi, and it exitti in greateii perfection at 1 rbus t, JJ A. STUHDEVANT, Dentist 0ix over frtnth & Co.'i Haak 1 HE VJilAJCM, OKCtiOV ullina:i and TourUt tart, ou both truliit and tourit car to Clilcag.j, LouU slw u?L lean and Wo.biiiBioti. ' , c r at'vcrul TKe ColumDia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF HXJCDACTOltlike Or1 Fine Lard and Sausages Cirttsif BRAND HAMR & BACON I,h'8iciau au(1 Sureon, , 8icUl attention given to urcrr. JBIFD BEEF, ETC. K x,u a .ad , w Block (OIlI.UlllllV lit tat. V. f . ... KfflM iaV" V uTJ-i-S. Chin . 1 btllplka, Central wud feoutti Amirlci. i cc aaut UU- Dalle, Matlou, or addriM ; C. H. MARKHAM, General Kmuijur Agent, I'ottUod, Or. HI ONE 1'AHK LE1TE. ( UeioB Depot, Firt& asd ' sts No. 2. ' JfarnnillorTutoir.a, 'Feattle, Olrmpl" ori") j 1 iiatbor and ikiuth ltond Mliita. Spokuiie, Ko util. 11. ., r!"..". No. 1. il. vflV. lltllll. H" ' 11:13 A. M. faloIlumpinlnliiKW" ll, Bt. I'aul, Ojuii'in , Xanana CUV. Ht. lu C'blcogo mid all " I'1 k N'o. 4. cji.t und foullll n.l. t'uset Bound Kxe . , . , 11;00 I'. M. Ior Tatoma and bvat'li' ,wa.' aud IbtcrintdUtv pol'i No. 3. 1'ullinan tlrt cl. und toiirl t 'idu !lmicpoll,iSt. l'BUluud H" ri rlur Uifliriiir rhHiitft. .tt..r.i Votlbultd train, t'ulo" lt'll cn,m" 111 ill principal el tier, , ,ti,.u HagKaxv cliefkH todetllil on of cer, Kor haiidMimely liltutiutH ilecrl'tl 'J11,,, tlckttn, alevplng tar Kwrvatloiu, U.. ww write A. D. CHARLTON, Altaut liencrat l'M-nR'r Apnt MJJ"1 bUt, corner TUlrd, i'orirund, 0W1 ONI FOR A DOM. nil I C aad I Aih I Virt-aiaioU'ri: