111 J A Boy Regular Experiences Life is full of misfits .1. ',"mt'tll'',v?r' !'"!' b"1 "e "I tlirm worn pnrebunl l oor . II yon ,,, I,, b, ,l,ef,l wtm mod tt,, corns Btv ,5 , h SZ. . m l.y, lor ru 11,0 l.,3.li, ,! ,t ,io, .!,, lit ,l,o ,Uk CKJ, $6.50 to $25. at the Best When he is well dressed his clotheB should be just right in style and all that (rood tailoring can imiliu them. We nre showing some ectiool euita that are Dandies and at price? rariinc from 1.00 to f 10.00. Never before did we have eo complete o stock of wearable, well put-to-getber suits. See windows. See windows. No further disappointment. " We were disappointed last week ourselves in not getting our SPRING GOODS marked nu! on our cotintere for infection, hut so many things crowded themselves into the week thnt we could not eet around to the marking of foods, although many of them were unpacked and all thov required was a few small ficures to make them more desirable to you than evei. Wo will riot disappoint you again in thin par ticular, for we are jut-t as anxioun in this matter as you are, and if you will indulge us just a little longer we will repay you for your patient waiting by a display of all tlie latest novelties in Wash Fabrics that the most fasti dions cuti hi desire. All Cooda Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE &, MAYS The Dalles Daily Chroniele. Telephone No. 1. TUESDAY MARCH Hi, 1900 - Ife - served in Oysters J KELLER . WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Men's work Blurts as low as 25c at New Votk Cimh store. "Hear lii-wmlum' ,,.,, o,.llt.,,. i. rr.,. . i. i.l ti.u ..I J DVIUII I Vi I ( 1JU N'eiv York Cash store. Stetson ImtB fur Spring arrived today A. M, Williams & Co's. New cute of "Matchless" hosiery for '"lies just arrived at New York Cash store. A M. Williams & Co. aro opening some nobby myles jt) ludlus' Spring suits anil jackt'tH. Those "Suininit" working shirts with donblo front and hack for 50c ut New ork Cash stole are extra good values. Mrs. A. A. Jaynu will, in nbout ten ,la'.oam a millinery store in the build '"SoiiSecunilHtroet lately occupied by Vi euiimlut as a grocery store. M. I'hiilipH wishes to inform tlie ''lies that Hhu has u very laigu assort m"tof ladies and children's street hats o on dlppiny. Hch Ja.2l Jt- C. Walllf), of Sherman countv, Jt to Portland on this morning's boat "it i seven head of the finest draft horses "'thavoIeftthiB town for many a day. Ju' 03"no,1-v' " known in Oregon utlie N'Jrtliw.'Ht generally as "Peter Fi l .t't'" Bt 01,0 uclitor of the ,,' f ' ",,w imtdiing tho pencil on the i"irna Hms rCfiltlmimi j.t r r in i . ... . (j0.i . " jwenarup, oi d " Hulale, nB of lhu uui(i80llleel ' iiniifl in the city, was destroyed by ,,ratfS':'UVU,'1,,t;! l0EB'000' liinI',". i1'1111" ""d I'VquherlacItae PN Iron, The DulleVErnlng a ,ran load of !...... i. A. Do.. ",,W,P chVge of '-VII0()8l lerk ynstnrfi .., r.l ; v 1!" voleH. The v ur 'Mil! io, 107 , Ul . xiiouipidn Phona KCr' ' Dufur- reue,veJ l th , i ,B8nK0 yerdy a.u.ounc lfUl8 deaih of hie younger brother ectad T coifxe M V school sltion, re- it for dl- r Geo. A. Fre.1, at It i e home in Molala. Mr. Klinger, accompanied by iiis wife, left on the early morning train this morr. in? to attend tlie funeral. J. II. Shearer announces his intention of allowing all wool teams during the coming eeasonJo passbver his toll road free. This wiik lessen the expense of the trip by an a wage of about $3, and will have a BtEongMendency to bring wool here by team that would naturally be shipped by rail from Shaniko. Tho number of persons seeking regis tration has increased somewhat during the last two or three days. From .Big low precinct 110 persons have registered j from East Dalles 107; from Trtvitt 1015, and from West Dalles 10S. This iB con siderably less than half of the voting population. No returns from tlie coun try are available as the registration is being done in tho local precincts. I'eter Dunn, son of George IJunn of this city, was examined today by Dr. Shackelford and adjudged insane. Young Hunt) I about 21 years old. He returned two weeks ago from a trip to China nud Japan and was in his ueintl mental health till four days ugo when his strange conduct attracted the atten tion of itis family. The young man is not violent and good hopes are enter tained that tlie aberiuiou is only tempo rary. Mr. Hugh Glenn had a letter the other day from a gsntlemiin interested in the (lour milling business, who s.iys that ho has been informed thnt "some partius in The Dalles are eanvat-eing tlie proposition ot putting in a large flour mill" hero and that if the proposition is ripe enough lie would "like to talk busiueBS," Mr. Glenn, like ourselves, is not aware that there has been any seriuus talk hereon this line but wishes tliero were, Mr. Glenn will bu more than pleased to show the letter to any one interested In this matter. Leslie Duller expects to open his bank nt Hood River about tho first uf April. Tho style of the firm will be Uutlor k Co., and Mr. Dutler's sou, Truman, "ill be associated with his father In the t uei ness and act as cashier, with Mr. Leslie Duller as president. It is an act of simple justice to say of the Messrs. Duller that they are men of the highest reputation, morally, socially and com mercially. Tho father was in business here for the period of eighteen years, during which no built up a largo and profitable business, Truman is a Dalles boy who has been associated with his father since he left school, excepting the few years he was purser on the Regulator. It le doing the sou honor to tay he is a chip oil" the old block. They may not make a fortune banking in Hood Diver but they will change mightily if they do not establish a reputation for honorable dealing that will endure when banks and all that in them are shall have vaniehed into eternal nothingness. Ccmgrt-Katliinnl Concert rrocram. Tlie following is tho program of the cjneert to be given at the Congregational church tomorrow evening, Marcli 14th: Chorus Soiik of "Xluuura" (Krom "Jl 'J'rova- tore") Yenll Contralto MilniHtcretl) -'OtivSuvutly Solemn jiarrie J'insiitt Auyiiste . Ttotere .. White . . . Gomes Doaue, 'lliouubt .Mrs. W. II. Taylor. CburuK "SprliiK Tltim" Solo-"Wru on tlio WIuk" Mr. .. O. McCoy. Solo-"CliHtit;elcs" Mr. W. T. l'urr. .Mule chorui-- "Mii'Millght On the Lnku' teolo "My Little Diirllnir" Mr. !1, S. lliiiitlnu'tnii. Ladles r liorus "?oiik of the Biids" Mol. Wllliiiins, rarr. Ittintitiirtou lirout. Thj lor: Ml.sses Snlniildt. (Juslilnir. ChorU!.-"lili Hull I'k Vo Free," Verttt "Oh Ye Tearb" Ml Mian CiistiliiK und MnleCjtiurtct. oelH'tloiis f i fun Cantiita, "hMlier". Hrtuibury Ont'eli .Mrs. IlmitingUm; Mordeeul Mr. l'olllig. 8il)iorteil by Choius. Ila! solo "Ableon in the Deep" I'ttrle Dr. O. I). Dunne. With violin oMIgatu, played by Clarence Gilbert Cornet Milo W. K, Slmonton ClioiUs-"Ilells of St. Michaels" Mrs. .1. M. Patterson, accompanist. U. V. 1'ollnj;. condneto'. See window displav men's shoes nt New Votk Cash store anything you want there either in heavy or drees shoe from if 1.23 up. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS IIIIIm Allowed Not I'rnvldml For It) Law !'i!iltlon Clrantetl nml Sew .ImtlcrK Aii'ilntcil. Liquor licenses wer'o granted to T. W. Badder, of Caecade Locks, anil .1. .1. Wiley, of Sbaniko. On petition James C. Johnston was appointed jnstlco of tho peace for De schutes precinct and F. S. Flemming for Uakeoven precinct. The voting place for Mountain precinct was located at Fairview school house Tho voting placo for South Hood River precinct was located at Markham's hall. The following are the bills allowed at the March term of the county court, which are not provido.l for by statute: H S Crocker & Co. supplies $ 17 33 Davenport Lumber Co., lumber. 22 88 Geo. Kuch, groceries for pauper. 4 80 Dr. GelseudorlTer, exam patient. 5 00 W M Labor, cash expended. . . . 2 50 Chronir-le Pub. Co., printing and supplies 278 23 Times-Mountaineer, nrinting... 2 50 Dufur Dispatch, publishing 2 50 D S Dufur, copy of testimony etc. 28 75 C.arence Gilbert, map Watco Co. Hood River Sun, notice to voters Hood River Glacier " " Irwin-Hodson Co., supplies .... Glass & Pru'lhomms, supplies... finsley & Fialey, lumber Irwin-Hodson, supplies sheriff. .. " " " assessor... Mrs. Agnew, care Alice Wright. . F S Gunnine, blacksmithing. . . . Win Michell, burial 3 persons.. Chrisman Bros., meat fur paupers O D Doane, visiting pauper 5 00 5 00 5 00 79 CO 47 CO 8 93 37 25 20 00 18 00 2 30 Co CO 4 50 5 03 Clarke & Falk, medicines 79 30 Ward Bros., lumber, 30 02 Robert Kelly, postal cards 20 00 Dr. H Logan, medical attendance inmates of jail 30 50 A S Blowers & 6oa, mdse pauper G 50 O T & T Co., telephone 21 50 J B Goit. services surveyor 55 00 Ward & Robertson, hauling grand jurors 4 00 Waid & Robertson, conveying paupers to poor farm. ...... 12 50 Johnston IiroB., mdse 13 75 Jacob Wettle, 2 load9 manure. . . 1 00 Chronicle Pub Co., printing 17 00 M Zi Donnell, drugs for pauper.. 20 05 C L Gilbert, work on tax roll 100 00 J T Peters & Co , wood pauper. . 4 00 . i. i 4 00 a a a a go 1 1 ii ii ,i it o oo i ii ii ii o oo Maier & Benton, wood 8 00 L Oakes, drayage 2 50 Columbia Packing Co., meat for pauper 1 50 E J Collins, sup for pauper, 35 20 Tlie Dalles Lum Co., lumber 3 45 Clarend( n Res., meals for jurors. 3 25 Antelope Herald, pub 4 00 Henry Hudson, deputy sheriff 1898 election C 00 19 00 13 00 2 50 24 00 8 00 CASTDRTA AVfcgefable Preparation for As -similaling thcFoodandncgula Ung (he Stomachs and Bowels of Promolcs Digeslion.Checrfur ncss andRcst.Contains neither Opium.MorplUne nor Mineral. NotHarcotic, firry af Old fir SAMUEL PfTCHKIi Umipltln Seat' yflx.Smna JtnueSerU f- ItSctpSmd Indarrten. flanK Aperfccl Remedy forConstipa flon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CCNTAUR CO MM NY. HEW YORK CITY. ' 150 00 Pease & Mays, mdse Robert Mays, relief pauper Mrs. J Forward, mdse Miss H L Taliaferro, services. .. Robert Mays, board pauper. . . . Drs. Logau & Geisendorffer, med ical tervices Austin & WeBternCo. road grader 275 00 I H TaO'e, rebate on taxes 13 20 Dalles Lum Co., supplies 0 95 Lane Bros., work county road... 11 10 Mrs. L IS Wilder, nursing pauper 18 00 Appropriation for bridge and biidgeway 100 00 New York Cash Store, indee for panper 1 91 Dulles City Water Works, water rent 19 44 'Wrltln' liletlierN fiat' 1 lie Newspn jilts, The scribe of Tjik CmtONici.E met on the streets of Tlie Dalles this afternoon an old Tygh Kidge friend of more tlian 20 years ago, who located back in th? seventies on a ranch that is now ouuod by Congressman Moody Robert Grier een, by name and as good a man as ever hailed from tho "land o' cakes." Mr. Griersen's career, since he left tho Tjtih Ridge, bus been a checkered one hut lie is still at the age of three score and two, hale and hearty and full of (lu te) munition to go back to Alaska and seltle in the neighborhood of Atlin. Robert's kindly greeting of the witter was characteristic. "An they tell me you're writin' for a newspnper. Eh mun that reminds me of what a Scotch ac quaintanc3 said aboot Tuitnaa Carlisle, 'There's John Carlisle' said the Scotch man, 'that feeds and sells inair swine than ony man in the toon of Eccelfechan while his brother Tarn is in Lunin, writin' blethers frae the newspapers.' " The Old Monumental .Mine. I Ping ree $ COMPOSITE shoes for women are honest and feel best they feel best because of the supremely good ivorkmanshtp. For $3. no other make of ,i Indies' fine shoe can match the tPingree "Composite" either in the style, ser vice or comfort. A High-grade Shoe $ jjjj "We fit your feet no guess work." mm . Chas. S. Miller, who gave his name to Miller's Btidge, and wbo has been lost to old Wascj county acquaintances for years, lately uuderwent an operation in Portland which ha9 resulted in his rei teration to health. As Charley,ick or well, could not be idle, he is said to have enlisted Portland capital in his old Monumental mine, in Grant county, and that work will soon be resumed on the property so long idle that ft has been almost forgotten. The Monumental i3 a mine with a history, and the story tells of many ups and downs, covering a period of a quar ter of a century, for it was in about 1870 when the mine was equipped with a stamp mill. During all these years Mr. Miller has been so inti mately associated with tho property th'it hia liame has been tho synonym of tho word Monu mental. It is a silver property, and for that, reason the mine lias encountered more drawbacks than falls to minimi property as a rule. Jiover disheartened and ever hopeful, Mr. Miller lias kept his nerve and it is not unlikely that with tho general interest now attracted to the mines in Grant county he iias succeeded in blinking to his support the necessary funds by which lie will be enabled to show tho true merits of tho Monument al property. To tlio I.iicIIcm nml fii'iiUi'iiii'ii, Mr. C. L. Lambert, of Straiics Ilros., of New Yoik and Chicago, merchant tailor?, h.isa full line of sample at tho Columbia Hotel sample minis for a fi-w tljye taking orders for men and bob' suits ascheap as lemiy made. nil2-14 Mrs. Harriet Evans, Ilinftlnle, ill., writes, "I never fail to relievo my childieu from croup at oneu by usir.g One Minato Cough Cure. I would not feel safe without It." Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippo and all throat and lungiiiscase:!. Ltebe's, in the Vo:t block. Watches, diamon le, c'osks, jewelry and silver ware at most reasonable prices. 3 8-.'J; Eggs For Sale. Full blooded, barred Plymouth Rock eigs per setting $1 .00 and .fl.50. For particulars call on or address, SAxnmts Bitos. Box 617. The Dalles, Or. Sick Heidiche absilutely nn4 perma nently cur.-d by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herbdrink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggist?. Lewis Ackerman. Goshen, Ind., says, "DeWitt'e Little Early Risers always bring Ct-rtain relief, cure my headache and never gripe." They gently cleanse and invigorate the bowels and liver. rf Ulrt you ever 1 v.r l-o'v Ut Ktreet cava to -"y a vVU for Hi '.'.c1 Well, ho cusie I; ao '::n t"7C!-ia?, r.K'l suvr lier Elttln:,' on t'-;o -.!rt:(;e vi thu po:c!i, na shown la tc r'xtme. IZn narto en his mind then awl tuoro t": :t fcio woulrt look just too Ewoct for r.i.j'tMca n " bloyeie. And she ilea. llta l!:o k'.r. of tloyclci t.na a irood dual to do vrpij locl:lr.r: t.5?oet. Ho It you var.t to look f.'vnct, tuv your i-heel (as did f ir. ) of the a-;cat for CRAWFORDS I'or V5.0U (,'iuli And one dollar and fifty weekly you can pnehitse a tuenty-five dollar watch or diHiiiond nt Hairy C. Golden Eagle, $25 Crawford . . . $30 Cleveland, . S40 and $50 Wo lit) vo handled tho wheels fur several years, on the ahnvu wheuht aio one need to hesitate to them. above lliu of Tho guarantee sucli that no buy either of JffaieF & Benton Solo Afionts, .O. II INSURE WITH THE Law Union & Grown Fire insurance go. OF LONDON. FOUNDED 1826. CAPITAL PAID UP $7,600,000. ASSETS $20,120,036. Surplus bcon nil l.t.iblllllc.,' in United etutos 621,166.28, ARTHUR SEUFERT, Res, Agt. The mwl oil cm