For a Nice Suit of Clothes. ranting, Ovcrcoatln- or Fsncj Vesting. Kindly rail and examine my stock of Im j . ( r i.lln U'nitl0nK A tine tOCii tO i 'ported and D trestle Woolens. A tine stock to i Bolts made Irom t he lowest prices to the high j cat trade. J. A. Eberle Fine ' Tailoring. THE DALLE . UllEGOS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUBSCRIPTION PHJCK. One week $ . 15 On? month SO One year 6 CO TUESDAY . MARCH 13, 1900 Thomas Harlan, late of Mosier, in this county, who joined the Populists in 1896, after a series of unsuccessful attempts to obtain office at the hands of the "Wasco county Republicans, lias flopped again and landed this time plump in the camp of unterri fied Democracy. The old man is out in a circular admonishing his late Populist conferees that "there is no place for the Populist party in the present contest" and that the only result of their existence as a separate party will be "to afford aid and comfort to the Republican party." In his new-born zeal Mr. Harlan pre tends to believe that the Democratic party, which has not a single cohesive element iu its make up except oppo sition to everything Republican, is "the only party sufficiently organized to be potent for public good." Boaringly sarcastic as this must ap pear to every man who has an ounce of memory or perception Mr. Harlan gives it to the world with oracular solemnity, and it is a touching sight to see Tony Noltner, -the veteran war horse of the Multnomah Democ racy, metaphorically patting the bald spot on ins ne-born brother's pericranium and with- tears in his voice tenderly whispering in the old man's ear: "Correct you are, Brother Harlan." The Oregonian prints another Ions installment of Senator Simon's speech on the Quay contest which is simply a defense of the methods employed at the legislative session of 1897 to defeat Senator Mitchell. Better n thousand times the Oregonian had "killed" the entire speech. It may do for foreign consumption but it is not adapted to Oregon stomacln. Mitchell held up the legislature and ; prevented its organization! (jorj)elt I never spent a bean to defeat Mitchell I i 3iah! Who furnished tbe money to buy the entire Populist delegation? j U'Ren openly owned that every man. jack of them, himself included, wits bought nnd paid for uby the enemies of Mitchell." Who furnished it ft ' funds to run the harcra for the grosser beasts and nil the other btirnulanls J nnd concomitants of royal revelry and debauch? Bury this old stench ! out of siht for ever, Mr. Oregonian. ! , . . Tlie more you and Mr. Simon stir it , tbe more it polities the air. ! ' President Hammond, of the Astoria Ar ni,lmi,in ntvnr r..iirn,.,i. 6'iva' i, 1 IfooHS tbe men whom Paul claims to be his backers in the tral Navigation Company's pioject oo the other ide the river and he believes "they arc iccoguizetl as Wtrnrhi ii good financial standing." Am impression of this kind seems to fear percolated through tbe dull braise of hi Dallesitei for some time. Mr. Mohr is spcnfling money on his road like water, nud if he is not tap ping liis own barrel he must havo . easy access lo a tolerably big one of somebody else. Cotton touched nine cents a pound in New Orleans a few days ago. This is an advance equivalent to fc'-JO j a bale over the values that ruled a j few years ago when the mesmerized , cohorts of Lryanism were swearing j by all the stars in the firmament that nothing but tree silver could save the nation from commercial bank ruptcy. It is thus that the accursed gold Standard is everywhere gettirg in its deadly work. Catarrh I'unnot be Cured ocal applications, BS they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and 'n ortler to cnre von must tnlie 'n,er nal remediee. Hall's Catarrh Cure n taken internally, and acts directly ou the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall'e Catarrh Core is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular pie'scription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh, bend for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo 0. Sold by drniBRists, price 7,"c. Hall's Fa mil v Pills are the best. 12 Notice tu the Public. The Colutnbin Southern Railway Com pany will complete its line and be ready to receive forward freight and passengers from Shaniko not later than April 15, 1900. Large warehouses and stock yards will be erected and ready for wool nnd stock by the above date. Freight rates will be considerable lower than by team from The Dalles. Regular tariff will be published shortly. For further information call on or address C. E. Lytle, General Freight Acent, Moro, Ore., or the undersigned. E. E. Lytle, feblC tf General Manager. DlDiulutluu or I'urtuersUlp. The business heretofore existing under the firm name of Lane Bros., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. L. L. Lane will conduct the business at the old stand, and collect all accounts and pay all bills of the firm. AH parties knowing themselves indebted to the firm are requested to settle as soon r.e possible. The Dalles, Or., March 1, 1900. L. L. Lane, lm-dAW y. M. Lane. Dull Headache, Pains in various parte of the body, Sinking at the pit of the ; Btomach, Loss oi appetite, Feveriehness, i Pimples or Sores all positive evidences, j of impure blood. No matter how it I became eo it must he purified m order to j obtain good health. Acker's Blood . Elezir has never failed to cure Scrofulous j or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly a wonderful j remedy and we sell every bottle on , a positive guarantee. Blakeley & Hough ton's drug etore. j "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my i family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is trulv the dyspeptic's beat friend," save E. IJartgerink, Overitel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot fail to cure. Mrs. Calvin Zimiucrman, Milesbur;.', a., says, "As u speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and sore throat Or.e .Minute ' Counh Cure is uncqualed. It is pleasant for childien to take. I heartily recom- hnrinll!Ea tvinx!lly t'hat ,)r0(luCB8 lm. mediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, erippe and throat and Inn diseases. It will prevent consumption. JllHiuarck'N Iron .hivh Was the rosnlt of his splendid health. Tnilnniitntilu u'ttt nnd (rnmunlAdQ miac t "4 W ' "'' klWUIWIIUUMU Ullt'l K J 1 t. 1 ...I ,.l .-1. 1! ki(,nev8 nnJ bowul9 aru out of or,,Brt n ! you want these qualities and the success j thi-y bring, use Dr, King's New Life I,lle- T"e' develop every power of ',rft'n M 0,,1-v 25e ul UluM & Houfchton'u drugstore. 2 K F;K'lttear '3 bM,1 'f eBBher- Ub Acker's Lnjli8h Remedy in any c.tse of hb. ol or croup. Should it fail to v" """" ".i Haldwiii'H epatkling ffhirveRcent Cel- ery Soda. A harndte and ffective cnre , , , . i , for headache, nervoiisneee, eleeplegeneer, by Clurke & Fulk, druggists. jin24 6w Faint your booie with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Fulk have them. i 'la i'Ib. and 6U eta. li ake ev & llouu iton Hirucuntr ine exnuusiea a ifest ve or- i wiuu variety ua wu are hiiowiiil' never lm. in t . . Mohr . Drue Iste fans. It is the latest discovered digest- 'ore rucftU a einl0 Htouk- lmlt-1 wi,t r "'ii 3 "'Knt KmlBalons and , urut,;.iB. , ant and tonic. No other preparation Hn u"'0" "t ordinary prices, i"" dlseasea, all ellecta of cul ten- cure. iioaUadiB nmnkiy. can annroach it in Gfflclencv. It in. Good papers at chean miner Drlr,i. i iQH uhuse. or cxcukh nnd InrllK. D.R.MI nsr Atvr ror. TIKE IttltKDUl.K. FROM IUM.KS. Af.RtVE FHOU. Fut Irinlt I.nkr, Denver. H., ln!l Worth. OmiiliH, Kan-' UMi. iu.( City, rtt Louis., i Chicago r.nd East. Fat Mill :&. in Spokane Walla Wulls, Svokatie, tpiUnc Fiver MiniK-apolls. St. J'huI,, Hjer. 7:05' p. m. iniluth, Milwaukee,! 4:!M a. m Clik'HEo and Kast., 4 p. m. From Foktuakp. Ocean Steamships. . For San Francisco December 3, 8. 13, IS, 23 mid 'J. 8 p. m. 4 p. m. Ex. Sunday Columbia Rv. Steamers. Ex.sundu To Astoria and Way Saturday Landing. 10 p. m. 6 a. m. WlIXAltETTK KtVKR. ! 4:S0 p. m. Ex.SundayiOreston City. Newbvrc'Ex.sundaj Sulcm it way Land'n. 7 a. m, Willamette and Yam- 3:S0t. m; Tucs.Thur. kill IUVKks. Mon.,ed and ShI. , OrcRon City, Dayton, and Frl. and Way-Iiudiugs. 6 a.m. , Willamette I;ivek. 4:50 p.m. Tue..Thur,:i'ortland to CorvallU, Mon. Wrd and Sat. j and Way-Luud!up. land Friday Snake River. I.eavk Lv Ripatia Riparia to Lewlston. LewistoN dally dally 1.2 J a. in. MSOa. m. I ; Parlies desiring toco to P.cpruter thould nike.Nn. i, leaving 'lite Danes m i:vo p. ra making direct connections at Heppner junction Returning uiakingdlrectconucctiou at Heppner junction with No. 1. arriving at The Dalles at 'J:55p in. Mo. throucht freight, cast bound, does not carry passengers; arrives U:50 n. m., departs 3:Ou. in. No. ".'I. local freight, carriex paengers, cast 1 bound: arrives 4:a) p. m departs h:15 p. m. No. ai, west bound throUKh freight, does not carry passengers; arrives s:15 j m., departs 9:30 p. m. No. 23, west bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. in., departs S:C0 a. in. For full particulars coll on O. R. & N. Co.'i agent The Dalles, or address W. H. HURUiURT, fien Pas. Art.. Portland, Or, We Put... every bit. of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with eveiy Prescription that's compounded here. Is it amT reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. LRKELEY & UlilflH, Keliable Prescriplionists. F- S. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor. Second & LansMin, Tfione 157 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. it artificially dlBest the food and aids 2 ' Hircngiueping, ana recon iBtantly relieves and permanently cures . Kr?.De,p9m' paiuemoa, HeartDurn, 'Flatulence, oour Btomach, Nausea, BickHeadache.GastralglVcramps.aiii 11 other results of imperfect digestion. rraporta ty c. c. oewr.'. Co.. Cblcaf. FRED, W.WllJiON, ATTOKNKV.AT LAW, TJIE XJAM.EB, OKEGON Ofllcc ovei F'rt Nut. Ji'inn. Complete Cii?e of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, THEDRUOClST. BROS. C5ENERAL Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. rnhinil nnA TnfTrrmnn Dhnnnv1fl 11111 U QUU JUUbHll. lllUUU.'lja ..GHflS. FPNH- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps nn ilrtiuclit the celebrated C'Ol.UMHI A BKEK, iicWlimv: 1k.h1 the liest beer In The Dulles, at the usual price. Come In, try It nml be t'ocvlnred. Alto the Fluent brands of U'lnes, Ll-juor and C'leurs. Sandrjuiehes oi all Kinds always on hnnd. C. p. Stephens .Dealer In. tpy Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings. Just What You uuant. Si Si ftuw lueas in wall Taper hero, finch Eleirant desieiiB, tastefn colorini-o. v,,,u for a email price; at onr store on Third1 Bireui, a i to a tun line oi nowjo paints D. W. VAUSE, Third St.' P 8 JIUKT1NQTON V IIMTIVHTAU X. U.'l f Ow? M H W ILK ON XX AT30KNKY8 AT LAW, oac over nnt Nut. UALlti RlQntromitnc : iiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiii AND... i Horsesnoers I u , i; ' Iloota, Slifxif). Hntx, Ciiijs, NiitUius. Agt. f' C 1 for V. I.. UouKliih bliu'.'. f , ; i Msss Tbe Dalles, Or. i! J - - - - 1- -' I Ml W mm n i tMimrs nvlng icliidiilc, hctltitu without low! r Str. RoRiilntor. (Limited Umllngi.) Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. I Hows. I .v. Dalles ntS A. St. Tucdiiy TlimfcllilV . . . i:i'. I.V. l'nrtl.uul a' 7 a. M. Mnmlay . WedlicilHj' Frlilay Arr. Italic uto r. M. ' Saturday . .rr. I'lirtinmi at ft r. m. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, K Travel by the Steamers nl tho Rcculatnr I.lnc. r, irauui 1,11 the best ncrvlco itosbllilv. Portland OlII?e, Oafc-Strwt Dock. W. c. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from t0 i'lM! Ir K'dlon. (4 to 16 yeare old.) lldPlTRTED 00GNAC I from 7.00 to $11!.IK) per trallon. (11 ioXQ yeRrold., OALirORNIA BRAKBIES from S.'-'o to tti.OO per chIIoiT. (4 to li yt-are old.' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. S i 0LTMPIA BEEE on draught, and 5 1 Imported Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Ware house Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot fii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, of MILL FEED Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. This Flour use; eve rv We sell our poods lower than any lioime in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get our prices aud be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Grandali & Burget DEALICHS IS JjobeS, All kinds of undertakers Burial Shoes Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. m Tho Dalles, Or. ; FRENCH & CO., I BANKERS. rUANHACTA KNKIUUSAWKINO llUbl.NEH bitterH of Credit ifimied availuhlo in the iuiHtern States. binht Exchange and TelcKntphit lraiiufere Kold on Now York, OhiciiKO, bt. J.ouin, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, heattlo WhhIi,, and variouK points ''V. r,V"" 0,1,1 WaHhinuton. UI(.(!ttona inado at nil poltite on fuv irahlo torins. mmik Rjilore VirALITY. LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD cretioii. Aiturvotoninuitd blotMl bttlider. Urines the pink elow to tale checks ant restores the lire of youth. UvmallrtO. for $a.nO; with a written uimruii. I 4g m i te AH a. j.. w vmo ur rciuuuiue luouvy NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Bts., OHICAOO, ILL. REGULATOR LINE. I Danes, pcriiana & flsloria Hav. co. of tlm Regulator l.lnc will run iik pir llio f. '1 tlio Cmnpnny rcservliiB tho right to rlimigo '3 notice. S Str. Dalton city. (Touching at all Way Point,.) 'i IIOWN. I.V. Dallcx at m:to a. it. Monday WVdncKday . . Trlday Arr. l'ortland (uncertain) I.V. Piirilnii.i H Hp ".J fi '3 iloiiny g I hurMlar 1 Hutu,.!..:. "S Arr. Du11m9 (uncertalii) J -A The Company will eiidcavo.- to give Its put- ,fl For (urthur Intormatloii address 'd C. ALUAWAY, Qen. At Val Blatz and Olympia Beer in bottles is manufactured expressly for family nack In guaranteed to give satisfaction. C. S. Smith, Tin-: iJp-to-date(iroeer Fresh Eggs and Crentno-y Uutter a speoinlty. 2d Street. 'Phone 270. J.H, HCIIKNI, I'rcNlduiit, First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transteW Deposits received, subject to blgm Draft or Check. ... Collections made and proteedd proinp" remitted on dav of w,on. Bight and Telagraphlo Exchange solo New York, San Francisco sud pori land. D. F. Taouraoii. J"o. B; 72,, Ed. U. Williams, Gio. A . U H.M. Biau..