The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 13, 1900, Image 1

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1) e Dalles
NO 181
Surgeon's Description of the Battle of
Sufferers Lay in the Mazing Sun All Day
Witlinut Relief Bullet Wounds
Clean, Shell Wounds Horrible.
i.tjeta a : jw jet AA'ijea.vjnjev. m
Knows the merits of the
Lomion, March 15. (Correspondence
of tin- v-HJci.ili'd Prees.) For reul ghust
linos?, fur n glimpse into the 'gory Tvnli
tics of war mill the horrora of the battle
field, thu private loiter of n young
medical officer at Spion Kop, printed hi
the Daily Graphic, can scarcely be
beaten ;
"1 selected n pass," ho wrilep, "over
jump hy steep clay hank?, on the top of
which 1 got up a lied UroHS Hag. Cases
now began to pour down from Splon
Kop on atrutrhers. Tlio Boers opened
liru on iih, and throe tnilletB ".went into
the fire, knocking the Hticks.bout. The
reason for this fire was not the Red
Cross flag, hut owing to some Tommies
who were strolling over to it. I prompt
ly ordered them uway. A few .minutes
after thu Boera let fly live shells in quick
tuccesslnn in uiy direction, but they fell
eliort and did no harm,
"From this time to 1 io'clock next
morning the wounded came through my
drcesing station, as the pnaa woa the
only exit from the hill. I saw every
c;iae, and hoiuo of them were mutilated
beyond description. Fully 330 wounded
nnd dead, who had died on the way,
passed through my hands. Many a poor
chap shot in the morning in the front
trendies who could nut be reached lay
in the blazing bud all day.
"Onu old Colonel In Thorneycroft'e
walked down leaning on hid rifle, his
chin, neck uiul choat aleo ehot rlirough
by others, and his hack and legs torn by
hells, hu came in and aaid lie juat
dropped in to let me take his finger off
9 it was bo Bhattered lie could not pull
the trigger of his rifle, Taa it got in the
way of the next finger, which he could
use, for hu wanted to get Lack up the
lilll to pay the Dutchmen back. Of
courae I would not lot him go back. The
bullet wounds ure beautifully clean, juet
a round hole, nnd as n rule do not do
much damage, aa they often go through
the bone withoutahaltering It, and they
uo not blued much. Tlie shell wounds
re hideout.
"It wiib now frightfully dark, and I
Put onu of the luuterna on a stick aa a
directing light to my pnsa ; one of a group
of eoldiera returning to tlio hill tried to
urn nway with it. Shortly after this
both liinterna went out, and I had a
pretty haul time of it, aa the paaa often
Rot blocked with wounded. Finally I
could Bund no more wounded ocroaB the
d'i't, and had to stack them with the
lead in rowH on tlio graaa. I collected
a'l the wounded ofllcera on stretchers
wound me nnd Knve them brandy and a
hypodermic of morphine.
"Commandants Uatha and Burgese,
ho weie tho Door generals, came up at
daybreak. Tho former, who waa the
cl'M general, was a small, thin mau,
w'lh yellow beard nnd hair, and had a
'"BBiilfleent mi,,, beautifully carved
h hln name nnd a text from the Bible.
o had a couple ol Kafllrs, carrying his
"miMiitlun una water bottle, nnd an
nterproter. 10 seemed, however, to
JJ'wrstnml English, though he relused
epi'uk It. There were quite a number
, , e,r,mi" "Ulcers. J heard ono of them
beoi, killed. They let our meu
"fell tllll denil fnr tl.ol. U..iln.ll..n
- - aw. ft.iu.l lUVUWUURMVIi
ll.ll...,. I r. .
thu n. " money, nevern. oi
$50. $35. $25.
Mnny new features for 1900 which you cannot afford to overlook.
Complete Line of "1900" Sundries.
found!'''8 lm"ded ln HU,e th,,l, tbey
NUrtHpg Claim,
c-ighty.nvo per cent of all persona de
'M Incurable or given up to die by
irif.ii Uftn be cured or lnelr Um
,ey prolonged by the beneficent
powera of the "Perfected" Oxygenor
King. This etartling assertion id bus
ceptible of proof. We have it In the
form of letters from h11 clssses of people
"rending far und near" who are de
lighted to testify to the marvelous cura
tive powers of this latest nnd most per
fected homo oxygenating instrument.
For sale by J. M. Filloon, Tho Dalles,
Ore. ml-lwd2w
llorr HjinjittlliUern.
New Yoiik, March 12. The New Yurk
committee to aid the United Republics
of South Africa, with former Judge Geo.
M. Van lloesen chatrman, will hold u
mass meeting on Thursday night in
Cooner Uni"n. Resolutions will be
adopted cnllinc upon President McKin
ley to offer his services toward media
tion. Representative Champ Clark, of
Missouri ; United States Senator Black
burn, of Kentucky; Former Secretary of
the Navy McAdoo, aud Montague White,
former minister of the TranBvaal at
London, will he among the speakers.
The initiative will be tuken at this
meeting to get up a big petition, expres
sing sympathy for the fighting Boers.
Au Iloneit Meillclue fur I. Urije.
George W. Wait, of Gardner, Me.,
anye: 'I have had the worst cough,
cold, chills and grip aud have taken lota
of trash of no account but profit to the
vendor. Chamberlain's cougli Remedy
ie the only thing that has done uny
good whatever. I have used one bottle
of it and the chills, cold and grip have
all left me. 1 congratulate the manu
facturers of au honest medicine." For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Win. Orr, Newark, O., save, "We
never feel fafe without One Minute
Cougli Cure in the house. It eaved my
little boy's life when lie had the pneu
monla. We think it ia the beat medicine
made.'' It cures coughs and all lung
diseases, Pleasant to take harmless and
gives immediate results.
But it is Said That Warrants Are Out
For Arrest of Republican Legisla
tors, and Leaders Express Grave
Fears as to Outcome.
Fiiaxkfokt, Ky., March 12. TLe war
scare hns again apparently flattened, al
though leaders in both bides still ex
press grave fears as to the ultimate out
come. The belief, among Republicans,
that attempts will Le made to arrest
Republican Legislators in connection
with the assassination of Goebel, has
resulted in several members leaving
town. The Democratic officials refuse
either to confirm or deny the accusation,
and the reports that such warrants have
been issued, although it is admitted
more arrests will take place within a few
It is asserted that Taylor is being
urged to move the executive offices to
London, where he will be eafe from
possible arrest, but that so far he has
refused to entertain the idea. Botli
houses of thu legislature met in the
Statehouse this morning. In anticipa
tion of u possible attempt by the state
troops to prevent the meeting, quite ft
crowd gathered around the Statehouse
equare, at the hour of the meeting, but
members of the Legislature were allowed
to meet without molestation. The equad
of militia, under Lieutenant Peack, who
were started for London Saturday aa an
escort for Secretary of State Powera and
Captain Davis, returned to Frankfort
this morning. Outside of this, however,
no reinforcements arrived, and it is
stated now that no more are expected.
$ i .oo per month.
Strictlv first class local and long
distance telephone service within
your homo.
Lines do not cross-talk. Your cou
versation will be kept a secret.
No cost for installing.
You get the standard Hunnlug
Long Distant Instriuueut.
Continuous day nnd night service.
We will accept your contract for
ten years and allow you to cancel
same on giving us thirty days writ
ten uotlce,
Gatacre is at Betbnlie Bridge, Only 100
Miles Soulli of Robert's Forces.
Roberts Forces Only Twenty-Five Miles
From the Free Stats Capital.
London-, March 12. At the present
rate of progress, Lord Roberts should be
in Bloemfontein March 14, though all
calculations may be upset by the develop
ment of more strenuous resistance than
the Boers have so far attempted. The
distance between Roberta and tlie Free
State capital is now so email only about
twenty-five miles that it is apparent
the Boers either contemplate making a
determined stand on tlie outskirts of the
town, or for strategic reasons best known
to themselves are allowing Lord Roberta
to occupy, after merely harraseing bis
advance. The numerical superiority of
the British troops leaves no doubt in the
minds of the critics here that Lord
Roberts will accomplish his immediate
objective he occupation of Bloemfontein.
The Commander-in-Chief's latest dis
patch announcing that General Gatacre
is at Betbulie Bridge and the specials
saying that Gatacre commands the
bridge approaches, puts the Boers in
that vicinity between two British forces,
Asvcge Kop, whence Lord Roberts sent
his last cable message being 100 miles
almost due north of Bethulie. However,
there is a large plain between them and
the main body of the Boers now con
fronting Lord Roberts, with its ceaseless
activity, may be quite able to cover the
retreat of the burghers confronting Gen
eral Gatacre. Once the British are in
control of the railroad from Betbulie to
Bloemfontein the junction at the Free
State capital of General Gatacre and
Roberts would be a matter of a very few
Commenting on the fact that Lord
Roberts found the Boers holding a posi
tion in a pait of the country supposed to
have been left onsn, the St. James
Gazette says: "No more damaging in
dictments were ever preferred against
any cavalry."
Rumors of the relief of Mafeking con
tinue to circulate, but fail of any con
firmation. From Natal, which General Buller so
erroneously declared was free of Boers
aud from Cape Colony, where General
Kitchener's atern hand is upon the
rebellion, there is no news of any im
portance. No IttKlit to Ucllnc".
The woman who h lovely in face,
form and temper will always have
friends, but one who would be attractive
must keep her health. If she ia weak,
sickly and all run down, sho will be
nervous and irritable. If she has con
stipation or kidney trouble, her impure
blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin
eruptions aud a wretched complexion.
Electric Biltera ia the best medicine in
the world to regulate stomach, liver and
kidneys and to purify the blood. It
givee atrong nerves, bright eyes, smooth,
velvety skin, rich complexion. It wi
make! gccd-looking, charming woman
of a run-down tn valid. Only 50 centa
at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore.
A Uuoil Co uk n Mvdloluu fur Children
"1 have no hesitancy in recommend
ing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,"
says F. P. Morau, a well known and
popular baker, of Petersburg, Va. "We
have given it to our children when
troubled with bad coughs, also whoop
ing cough, and it has alwajs given per
fect satisfaction. It was lecom mended
to me by a druggist as the best cough
inediciue for children as it contained no
opium or other harmful drug." Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton,
Clark & Folk's drug
fresh aud complete.
stock is new
Made by
Detroit Mich.
A shoe that impresses you with it'a
individuality, and upon closer acquaint
arcs convinces you of it's superior merit.
The "Governor" is a higJi grade shoe
all the makers claim it to be.
Tan and $ A
T mm
Blacfc (
"We fit your feet no guess work."
! A. M.
&. CO. I
Spring is Here
and So Are We. WITH A I'ULl. LINE OF
Elegant Stock of
Wall Paper
to Select From.
Washington Street,
between Second and Third.
A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and
Seed Wheat, Seed Oats,
Seed Rye, Seed Barley,
Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn
King Philip Corn,
Stowell's Evergreen Com,
Early Minnesota Com,
Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Corn,
White Hominy Corn.
Early Rose Potatoes,
Burbank Potatoes,
Spring Vetches,
Bromu Grass,
Cheap Chicken Wheat,
Poultry Food, Bee Supplies.
A magnificent Btock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of
wliich will bo sold at close prices for CASH at the Fecit, Seed
aud Grocery Store of
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