1 "' 1 . rcorLK too all know. County Clerk Kelsav has returned , from a bniine; trip to Shaniko. Charles DavK one of KJnpslrj'si solid ! farmers, is reentered at the Lniati'.la Hooe ! W. R. Winans and Geo. E. Forsythe are in town today from Winac?, near i Hood River. j H. Taylor Hill, the well known stock-, man of Pnneville, is a guest of the ; Umatilla House. Mr. IT. H. RMdeli left or. this after noon's passencer, on a visit to he mothtr in Portland. G A. Van Aada anl T. F. Woods were passenger on the Regulator this morn im bound for Hood River. ' Hon. T. H. Mclireer and his mother- in liw, Mrs. Murpbv. of Antelopf, 'petit Sunday in the citv vi-iticv' friends. it. i . Miss Per.rl V. ar.i left on the Regulator this morning for Sheldon, Wash., where she ha! accepted a wsition in a luiii'tiery e,oie County 5urveyorGc.it went to Hood River this morninc to survey a proposed conntvroad in the BaldHn neighbor- b-jod." ' Arthur Ker.nedv. a past master of the art preservative, after vrorkinv two years and a haif on the Waco Neas, returned last satnrdav to bis iicme in this city. C. E. D.wson left last Thorsdav for k ! three months trip to the interior. He j represents tne grocery firm of Richi?, of Portland, and A. M. Williams & Co., of thlS CltV. Mr. abd Mrs. Oranee Bri.fiin were in town todav from Victor. Mr. Britain ' has sold his ranch near Victor and in- tends to move to Kiamath county and go into tne cattle uusmess. Frank R. Pt-abody came into town Vi i a nmrr Inft tit(i f 1 nilut inn tll UIUI ataij n a bat .U a.IUt:wWaaa. Dufar's village blacksmith and popu'.ist Etatesman, who has gone on a strictly business trip to Portland. WINTER TRIPS. For winter residence or winter cuting ideal conditions will be found on every band in California. Pienteous early rainfall has this season given to the fiemi-tropic.tl vegetation wonderful im petus; the flirai otferings are more than nsnt; generous and the crop of southern fruits bountiful and excellent. Old ccean possesses new charms at Eanta Barbara, Santa Monica, Long Beach, Carol. nd j and the enchanted isle of the sea, Cilnlinn where fishing, boating, rambling, riding, hunting and loafing uay be enjuyed as nowhere else. Quiet little Bpots, snug and warm, offer themselves at Mostecito, Xordhoff, Pasadeoa, Echo Mountain, San Jacinto, Fall Brook and Paim Springs. For renewing health and vigor, here abound many hot springs, of widely varying constituents and demonstrated rr.eritE ; the dry, ant 1 tic, tonic air of the desert may b- enjoyed at Banning, Indio, Ynma; and, even fartheron, st Phoenix, Tucson, El Paso, exists con ditions equally well indicated for weak tbroate and lungs. Many think nothing in nature more Attractive than the shimmering olive orchards of Santa Barbara and San Diego ; others prefer the etately w alnuts of Ventura and Los Nietos, or the lemoiiBof Fernando; hut for glorions fruit and graceful tree commend us to the golden orange, first, last and always, and it exists in greatest pent ction at Covina, Riverside, Redlands and High-; lands. Equally interesting ie the scientific and tempting fashion in which the sorting and packing of the orange is here accomplished. The faithful were exhorted to eee?1- Mecca and shuffle off; but wiser gener ations will tee California of the south and prolong life. t HOW CHARLES W. BABCOCK Proprietor Lycoum Shell Oyster Parlor;, of Rochester, M.Y. Obtained $2,000 Life Insurance Policy "My business as proprietor of the street :et, Kocnester, is. i., writes nr. diaries w. UaDcocU, "w that my lungs became affected una go to work at some thing outdoors. He said my lungs were in bad .shape, and I knew it just as well as he did. The trouble had been growing on me for a long time. Like most other people, I tried to make myself believe the trouble was not in the lungs. I called it stomach trouble or ner- - , voub disorder, but I ' kept coughing, spitting CSig. aim wasting away rignr. along. I lost in weight, fulling from 140 to 115 pounds. Somehow or other, I got hold of Ack er's English Remedy for Throat and Lung Troubles, and after taking it accordmg to directions, I was as well as any man in New York State. I was healthier and stronger than be fore I took the cold which came so near killing me. I now weigh 150 pounds ten pounds more than over. After recovering, I applied for a life insurance policy. When the doctor began examining me, I was afraid he would discover that my lungs had once been affected, but he didn't. I passed all right, and was pronounced iu a first-class condition. If that isn't proof of the most posi tive kind that Acker's English Remedy is a great medicine, I don't know what jrou call proof. I give it my warmest endorsement. My address is given above. myoa who wishes may write me personally about my case." ''field at 15c, 50c. and $t a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada; m4Jb England, at is. 2d., 2R. 3d., 4s. 6d. Jf you are not satisfied after buying, mtmtB the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back, - . .Ktetfbvfe lUaJxjPc guarantee. H'. 11. HOOKER ie CO., Proprietor: Ktv York. TorBkby BLAKELEY (c HOUGHTON. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark A- Falfc are never cloed Sunday, j)init forget thif. a fc A Fl,kJ d k , new , ... . re" a"" complete. "Ftorsheim" fine shoes for ret n at the New York Cash :ore. ciarfcc & Fak have on sale a fall line of paint ami artist's brushes. re Clarke & Faik's quinine hair tonic to keep dandruff from the bend. A fall line of Eastman alms and sop plies jnst received by Clarke & Fa.k. Yon will not have boils if you take Clark; & Filk': sure cure for boils. Clarke & Faik's finvorinp extracts are the best. Ask your crocer for them, " ,-,-,, r- , Ah your procer for C.arke & Falk a pure conceatiated flavoring txtracts. y Giil wr.nted to do general housewoik. App!y at The D-illes Commission Co.'s 1 store. 3-9-tf j Duj roa itf. tho-e "Far Stockings" i . .... - ,. for children at the .er York Cash .5tort7 , VT io-ioa w5!i care chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke J; Falk. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's arnl- -lore- Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the WasCo ,areilonse. Finest kind of , . . . , to-. chicKf-n feed. nich2o-ti ., , , ... , Pu7e s,!r lswd w .ndo;t eggs can be secured at J. H. Cross grocery store for 1 pes 15. fel-25-lmo ck!y Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Pulton i I 1 ' - J , str,cll" ?1cre "I011' PMU'- The j. H. Liebe, scientific optic.an, is located in the building next door to the ; First National Bank. Eyes txanrned free of charge. 3 S-3t The prices of boots and shoes at the New York Cash Store are just as low as they ever were notwithstanding the : advar.ee in leather. - Rev. W. E. Sitzsr. W. Canton, N. Y , write?, "I had dyspepsia over twentv years, and tried doctors and rnedic'ijf without benefit. 1 was persuaded to use Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me from the start. I believe it to be a pauaeea 'or all forms of indigestion." It digests what vcu eat. CASTOR i A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Boughl Bears the Signature of Llfilit. fur the Mreets, As every one has been expecting to have thie luxury it will probably be some time y-t, but ineurc with tLe Law, Union 4 Crown Fire Insurance Co. as this is no luxury but a protec tion. Arthur Seufert, resident agent, 1 'Phone vVm. Orr, Newark, O., says, "We never etfj fafe without One' Minute Cungh Cure in the house. It saved mv Utile hoy's life hen he had the pneu monia. We think it is the test medicine raade." It cures coughs and all lung , diseases. Pleasant to take harmless and gives immediate resulte. . x- !ir fi, STURDEVANT, . . . Dentist. Otr.ce over French i Co.'i liuni i. THE UALLE3. OP.ECON Poone Lyceum Shell Oyster Parlor, 245 Main as so confinintr My doctor told me I'd have to leave the store Call for Republican County Convention, Tlmr for tlolillnc Primaries. The Republican County Convention of Wasco County, State of Orecon, is hereby called to meet in Dailes City, In said county, on Friday March 23, 1W0, at the hour of iO o'clock a. m. of said day, for the purpose of nominating can didates for the following county officers: county judge, county clerk, county slier, iff, county treasurer, one county eom mitsioner, county assessor, county school superintendent, county coroner, and county surveyor, alo precinct of ficers for the several piecincts of said cosnty; and 10 delegates to the Repub lican 'State and District Congress it. nil Conventions, and to transact such ottier business as may properly come before said County Convention. The conven tion will co'nsis' of 10J delegates chosen oy the several precincts, and the several precincts of said county will be entitled to reprejentalioc in said convention as follows : Antelope Uicelow Baldwin . . Bakeoven Boyd . . Columbia Dafur ... Deschutes . .7 Ktngslev 8 . 9 M osier 3 . . 2 Mountain 3 ...3 Nansene 2 ..3 Oak Grove 2 ..2 Ramsey 2 . 5 South flood River.4 .2 Tvph Vallev 3 . .9 Trevilt 9 East Dalies Est Hood River..o Vieato Eicht Mile ... .2 West Dalles. . . Falls 5 West Hood River. .4 Wamic 3 54 46 Primaries to elect delegate! to said Couutv Convention wiil be held in each of the several precincts in said Waaeo Conuty, on March 17, 1900. In East Dalles precinct tbe polls for said primary election ill be located at the East End Hose Co.'s house, and H. Rice, C. E. ChrUnian and L. S. Davis wiii act as judges at said election; in Bigelow pre cinct the polls will be iocited at the of fice of Wm. Michel!, and J. M. Patter son, F. Fauikner and Wm. Miche'.i wi'l 3d as judges at said elf ction ; in Trevitt precinct the polls will be located at the northeast corner of Third and I'nion streets, and F. I. Sampson, Frank Vogt and i. Fisher will act as judges at said election ; and in West Dalles precinct the polls will he located at the City Mi. Is, and C. L. Schmidt, J. F. Staniels and C. M. Foots will act as judges at said election. The polls in each of said precincts, in said primary election, will be kept open from 12 o'clock noon to 7 o'clock p. m. for the reception of votes. The polls in each of the other precincts in the county will be located in the usual voting places in each precinct, and it is recommended shall be opened at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on said I7tb day of March, 1900, and will be conducted in the usual man ner. Dated at Dalle Citv, Oregon, this 6 h day of March, 1900. Hexkv L. KtrcK, Chairman Republican County Cen. Com. F. E. Bnoxbo.v, Secretary. Volcanic Eruption Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life , of joy. Buiklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, iioilB, felons, Uorns, warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. " 'J Saab In lour Ccecki, All countv warrants registered prior to June 3, 18, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Februarv. 2, 1WK). C. L. Phillipb," Countv Treasurer. Bagley Bros., have purchased a tbrjughbred Jersey bull, registered Block. For particulars apply at dence on Tenth street, near the reel fair grounds. 3-C-lmo Wanted. By a young lady, a place to do house work iu a email family. Apply to Mrs. Toomey, New Columbia Hotel. ui2-2w. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says, "DeWitt'e Little Early EiBere are the very liest pills I ever used for costiveness, liver and bowel troubles." Paint your house with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke 6c Falk have them, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I', S. I.akij Office, nt Tin: !n;.u:s. Oi:r..,j Kr.HKCAIiY u, 1'joo. I Notice la hereby given that the following named settler hun Hied notice of his Intention to make final nroof iu aupiiort of hi claim, and that tiald proof will he made before the P.exlsier and ltecefver at! he Dalits, Oregon, on Wednes day, April I, PXO.viz. William C. Clark, of The Dalles, Or. Home-dead Entry No, :r,i, fur the BWJ4, kectfon II. towiiahlti 1 totith, ranKCll cant, W, 31. He narnea thefollowIuK wltneitiea to prove his coutinunux residence uj-on and cultivation of tald land, viz: Albert Turner, Charles Gouon, Charles ijtnlth, C. A. Gibson, all of The Dalle, Oregon. JAY P. MJi:.lB, 11021 I Itc-Klnter Administrator's Notice. The utiilersined liavli.K been a)jliiterl ad mluUtrHtor of the estate of Jnuathun Jurkwui. dtccased, under and by virtue of an o iler duly made and cutereil in the County Court uf the mate 01 ureon mr uco uounty on the '.Hid day of IKreeniU-r, WfJ, all iH.-ron having cluirne Kalnst said estate are hereby liotllii to pre sent thesamu with the projier vouchers arid duly verified at the olllce of rny attorney, Fred M, Wilson, In Ihe liallea, Oregon, wUhlu six months from the date of this notice. Dated The Dalle. OrcKou, Jan. In. I'M. it. E. HALTMAKHIIK, Jan 2011 AdmlnUtraUir. Y)' UKlHBNUOKrrKK Physician and Sargeon, BicUl atteutlou girea to vurcery. Mooms 21 and 22, Tel. 328 Vog t Block EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or Tits Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and arc due to errlvc at I'ortlMid LEAVE. "? .' OVEKI.A2n KX-1 press, talcm, Kee- tjtlein, Kce- , Ashland, Sac- I I iU, OKdeinr-an I , itvn, Mojave, f . , raiucntii t:15 A. M. I Angeles, Kl f'aso, j 1 Sew Orleans and I I Kait ) I tlnnj 1:30 I'. Ai Pally cxeojit Sunday. C Via Wnodtiur.! for i MuAnrel. riilvertnn, J , ' Vwt fcln, Brown-) vl!le,rirt:iracldiiid 1 Natrou j j Iaily except Sundays jt:jo a. it. )SS,.w,tf iBtaoi-.J'. i IXDEI'KNDKNTE PASSENGER. F.iprot. trats I Daily (except riunday). ' l:Vxi. ra. (Lv. .Portland Ar.) 8:25 a. ro .7. sup. m. Jai UcMiunviUe I.v. :n, ra (t:3ap.tn. Ar..lndcjK;!idetiee..l.v.) l:rfln. ra 'Dally. fDany, tiecpt Miiiaiir. HIKING CARS ON OGDEN KOETK. ! I'CtXMAK nPFFET SI.5 El'ERS j AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAIts Attached to all ThrouRh Trains. ; I IMrect connection at san rnuictKCO with Orel 1 dental curt Oriental and 1'rcIUc tnall atcamahlp line (or JArAN and CHINA. iilllnc date on ItAtp Ktid Intel to Eiitem pnlntx and Eu jrope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU uu( i At'sTKALIA. I Ah above train arrive at and depart Iron Grand Central Station. Fltlh Rnd Irvmj ntreei ! ' YAMHILL IUVI5ION. j l'Hfe:irer leot, loot oj JeUersoii utrecL j 1 Ieave for Sheridan, wcet day, at 1:30 p. 2r. I Arrive et Portland, 9:30 a. in I Leave lor AIP.UE on Monday, Wtdtieday anC . Friiisy at&:a')a.ra. Arrtv at Portland, Tum. I dav, Thursday and oaturdai u 3:05 p. a. Except ounday. "Except Saturday. j U K EEIt, ti. II MAUKIUU. jlanaier. AL It. F. A Pass. Apt Throuch Ticket OSirc, ISI Third street, whert thrnuch tleiieo to all jioint In the Eaaterc State!., Canudn and Euroj can he obtained at , lowest rates lrotn J B. EIP.KLANH, Tlctet A?ent. Yellowstone Park Line. THE DINING (Alt IlOt'lE FKOM POUTLANP ! TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIItECT LINE TO THE YELLOW I STONE PAP.K Dbioj Dejot, Fifth and i sis aukivk. No. 2. fast mall for Turomn,, No. 1. .-eattle, Olrmpln, Gmy h' HHthornr.d couth llend points, 5jiukane, Km-' land, It. C., Pullman, Mmcovr, U: laton, lluf 11:13 A. M. lalciHiimiiralnliiECoun- 5;.V) P. 31. try, Helena, MimieHiiu lis, at. Paul, Omahu, Kansas City, St. UmU. Chicago and all ln!v in.t and ituutliciist. No. a. Pueet hound Exires for Tacnma nnd Seattle T:C0 A. 31. and intermediate tUh No. 4. 11 ;50 J'. 3 I Pullman first-class nud tourlit alecpcn to 3:irmeanlin, at. Paul and 3!h.iourl river iutnt I without clinnse. Voatibuled tmlns. Union dejxit comiectloiih 1 In all iirinciiHtl citk-. I!iiWKe cliccVi.il In destination of tickets. Kor handomely lllii)tateil(lierliitive matter. , tickets, sleeping-car rocrvatlons, etc., tall on or write A. D. CHARLTON, Aniistant General Piiisencer A'cnt, 'i" Jlorrlaon fatreet, corner Third, Portland, Orvcnii. tub CoiumDia PackingCo., PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF 31ANUKACTUKKK8 OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RI F.D BEEF. ETC. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks JCSICNC Copyrights Ac. Anyone sendlnic askotoli ntid dtncilptlnn ma' iiilekir ns'rtairi our orioiifni fritn firh.r n qntnklr ascertain our opinion freo whether a Invnntifin Is tirohablr tiatfiitnhlr. fi.,.i,nt..iA Invention la (irotiably luteritnliie. Cormuunlf tions stric-tlr coiitldoiitial. Handbook on Patenu 1'nlei.M Uken throuch Jktunii It Co. recalvs tpitUUtvitice, without cbamc, Intho Sckmmc American. A handsomely lllnitrated wefkly. Iw1rso.1t rlr. mlatlon or any clcntllle Journal. '1'oriiu. t.'l a r'ilr.vli;l?rmon""11 Holdbyall newsticaler. MUNN ft Co.36iBro.d.r.New York A FINE SHIRT A fine hhlrt needs fine laundry work to make It look nice and weur woll, Just the aamrrith your other liarinonta, We do not ute any injarioue clieiiiicale do not rot out your linen and can nave you 20 per cent of the wear your iriir oatnti OMuUly auttain. Glad to have you try our wort. No laundry too wall. Dali.kh Lau.vuhy Co, Thone 341 bring! the team, 3L2k If ita Pile i iiyii TheGreat STEEL and MALLEA- BLE IRON RANGES, JWajestic Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. He member that wo are selling the same from $45.00 to $60.00 Whiy.i i a saving to our customers of from 13 to 25 over j) co charged h peddlers for inferior ranges. ,ite for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence." JVIflVS & Cf0ttlE. r. , jj tiiiiiixiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiVatiiiJMiiiiiJirtiiiittatiiriiiisiiiii"i - - TnrrinnmmnrrmirftrrnriiniriTTtTnmTTTTfirn'TnT wrTTmm. rnTmt-TTrr'Ttni rrrrrt'TriTTrrTrrTrT r-;-iTTrr-r' ptTl '3 1 6 ? t 1 ! viV.wwv;;jiViViwviy;w,r.v,'jVj;wjytfM MANUKACTt'ltEO I1V AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO ' SUITABLE FOR DRIVING 1 GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, 1 ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC r j Clrculam and particulars furnished 011 application. ! F. S. GUNNING, Agent, uuliG C. C. COOPER, MANITACTUUKU Of High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. UK A I, Kit IK TentB, Waitau Coven, and all articles uiually kept in a urat-claaa haroeii ihop. ' 0i.OHtt iloody's Wareliotuc THE DALLES, to The Ootteo, Or. Chtbnicle, Job Printers. ', "'l'' M mm Vim and Motors THE DALLES OKEGOS This Stamp a Guarantee WON. of Quallty I I ( . MAKER