Regular Experiences Life is full of misfits Yao meet U.em every .lay, none el them wore noreliand at oar plHijn. ( yon want m be ilreeeed Willi nood taste, eoree (jive nu llieonper Iran '-"rd-to-llt. and at ..rlcea tliat ill tl, pocket boob, $6.50 to $25. A Boy at the Best When he is well dressed bit clotlii'B should be just right in stylo and nil that good tailoring can umke thi'in. We nrw showing gome Bchool Btiita that are DandleB und ut prices ranging frtim $1.00 to $10.00. Never before did we have bo complete a stock of wearable, well put-to-gether suits. See windows. See windows. No further disappointment. We were disappointed last week ourselves in not getting our SPRING GOODS marked und on our counters for Inspection, hut po many thincs crowded themselves into tbo week that we could not get around to the marking of foods, although many of them were unpacked and all they required was a few Small fiRures to make them more desirable to you thun ever. Wo will not disappoint you nuain in thin par ticular, lor we are just as anxinui) m this matter as you are, und if you will indulge us just a little longer we will repay you for your patient waiting by a display of all the latest novelties in Wash Fabrics that ttie most fasti dious could desire. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone JVo. J. MONDAY MARCH 1'.', 1900 - " I A HIV til ill Oysters J KELLER WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. "ti of a little over half an inch a day. A car load o cattle from Wieser, Idaho, "! fed today at the stockyards. The tattle wure en route to Portland. fhe County Commissioners court ad journed Saturday. Tiiu proceedings will ppear in tomorrow's Ciikoniui.e. It is ertitl that the Kentucky Democrats re going to plnco Governor Taylor on I'ial (or receiving a plurality of the votes O'llieetntt!. Tlio friends of Mrs. O. L. Bradehaw pleased to learn that she has wl? but steadily Improved In health I'nce her return home. W. J. Ilrtrriuuuj, of Kndeisby, deliv N today to Ohrisman Bros. Pi heod'of "'o-jear.ol.l Bteora that had beWcon lrtl for Home ago ut J4.35 jAhun dK gross. Sutty-nlm Japanese, who recently ' on thu Columbia Southern ex ension, nf,,,,. MltUt h t0 Tlu, hMte H passam, on the Regulator this "owing for Portland. Culie quoted at per tou at the ""win Great Itrituin and ut !fL18 per '"Mtlm inli.u I the United States. "e "gurus explain why American coal ' ""Exported to the Mediterranean. 'rim llhunitore," says President l Kinley, ..wll ovor )wmm lhe ope l, A bl'"-tiverned people will ) r permit despotism in ftliv govern ll wlild, they foster und defend." whoV' ,MorK,,l,i of U. S. Navy, Iron, m n 1 rot"r'l to Washington 0111 Manila, thinks a..i..i,i i i.. " "1HIWW IQ lilb III Chi n lnMs has h,eu alleged, but is Home- concealed In the Island of Lueon. . cl"f Marden has nurchaiMl Dm soad BIU SMllO. fx will, open liow town at the In the dlery itock i.. " purcna Kut w i of 00- c 2 ml will continue tl opal,. MUU ". Uoof 6 Li'"1'88 eP in the liPTrlnWMtlngion In- WJ'lncethe Keimbllcani deprlvtd hfm of a chance to injure the gold fctund- j The Modern Woodmen of America, of ard. The Republicans intend to rid him of more foolishness, and when all ib removed there will be no more Bryan. Put Uoltott, one of the solid farmers of Tygh Ridge, is in town. Mr. Bolton says the Ridge never had as Vine ajros pect for a big wheat erorVvBut he naturally complains of the hr( price of this cereal and hopeB Marjr Haruta will start the market before the nextVrop ie ready for hauling. The March report of the statistician of the Department of Agricultural, will show thu umount of wheat remaining in farmers' hand1) March 1, to have been about 158,700,000 bushels, or 29 per cent of last year's crop, us compared with 198,000,000 bushelH, or 20.3 per cent of the crop of 189S on hand March 1, 1899. A lovlier March day than this was, The Dalles never saw. The sun shone out bright and clear in a peift-ctly cloudless sky und the air wih balmy as the month of May. Kurly flowers are ul ready in bloom, fruit and shade trees are putting forth bud und blneeoin, and all nature seems to say thut spring is fully come. Jiev. U. F. Hawk filled his pulpit yesterday, morning and evening, after returning Saturday night from the bed side of his little son in Portland. The lad underwent another operation Wed nesday which he endured with fortitude, but, to add to the poor child's suffering tie lias since contracted the chicken-pox. A correspondent of the Antelope Herald predicts that the Trout Creek mining district, near Antelope, will be the biggest., camp in tlio United States in loss than two years. A Sumpter cor respondent of the Oregonian recently predicted that 10,000 miners will pros pect Crook county us soon as the spring is fairly open. Tho county court has appointed Timothy Brownhill justice of the peace for Thu D.tlloB, vice, C. J5. Bayard, who was obliged to resign on uccountW his health. Mr. Bayard, wo are pleased t learn, Is slowly recovering from Ws recent severe illness and Is able to be out of bed. Mr. Brownhlll will atUiuc to Mr. Bavard's ofllco business till' the N latter's health is fully restored. Samuel J. Vickere diod at bis resi dence in this city at 2:15 yesterday morning. The deceased was n native of Warren county, Kentucky, where he was born December 8, 1850. At the age of 14 ho professed religion and united with the Presbyterian church, and from henceforth till his death he livid a con sistent christian life. The funeral took place from the Oalvery Baptist church this afternoon , Kev. Clifton ofllciatlng. ecnmiuL v AL. TU i&ock ahi rill succeed ompson and Geld for the nearly 50 st a total of was no con- which Mr. Vickera waB a member, took charge of the body at the grave. The election of a school clerk and one director to succeed Geo. A. Liebe was held today commencing at 2 o'clock. For the clerkship tiiere was no opposi tion, so Mr. C. L himself. Messers. Geo. A. Liebe contest uirectorsliiD. At 6 o votes had been cast Jta only 84 last year wIlcii the test. The polls will remainopen till G o'clock. With a view to handling eome con struction material for the Central Navi gation Co. the liegulator made u trial trip yesterday over Three-mile rapids into the big eddy. Tho trip was made with ease and Captain Allien anticipates no trouble in towing loaded scows Into the eddy, bu'. thinks they could not be safely towed back at the present stage of water. The Regulator is the boat that ever crossed the rapids up wards. Some of the copperhead papers are shouting gleefully, "Tho Filipino rebe' .lion is not suppressed." This would be great news to tho Democratic party if it were true, says tho Globe-Democrat. Bryan would whoop for joy if the Fill pinos should mnko an onslaught on the Americans anywhere in the islands and kill them or drivo them into Manila or on to the war-ships. But Bryan will never get a chance to do any whooping on this account. Tho rebellion in the Philippines, which was inetigntcd by tho Democratic party, has been sup pressed. If the copperhead papers have any doubts on this point, let them ask Apuinaldo about it, If they can find him. He will quickly tell them the jig is up for him and for them. That little folks can entertain was fully proven last Saturday atteniogn, when little Nova Dawson, aseistod by her sister, Ertna, received a number of their friends, the occasion bcingln honor of Nova's tenth birthday, sore cards were given end) guest, on which was written the word "Transfiguration," and the object was to trabffigure that word into as many others as possible. Retta EJdon was the fortunate one and secured tho prize. Gaines were played and refreshments served, and the time happily spent by the following: Retta Eddon, Helen Hobron, Edna Sanders, Frances Lake, L'zzio McArthur, Jessie Hosteller, Anita and Crystal Bennett, Drusilla Moody, Agnes Ramsey, Nellie and Lou Hostetler, Norma Dieizjl, Calanthe Reedy, Ertna and Nova Dawson. A DEADLY COMPARISON. A Stronc Inilorntmeut of the McKlnlijr Administration. The brilliant cx senator from Kansas, John J. Ingalls, who certainly will not be regarded as a party hack or politician looking for preferment, gives an inde pendent view of the McKinley adminis tration, prospective and ret'Osp-ctive, and says: "Demagogues are out of a job and the only tramps are volunteere. Something hasEcattered plenty o'er the smiling land. employment ip abundant and wages rise. Agriculture embarrasses the farmer with its riches, and burdens the fleets of the world with its abundance. Commerce thmes beyond precedent. Manufactures multiply and replenish the earth. From Cape Nome to Puerto Rico, from Manila to Maine, forges blaze, EtackB smoke, wheels revolve, spindles hum, and electric lights burn night and day. It is an illuminated chapter from the Romance of Prosperity. Even per capita, tho mysterious and menacing spectre, whose shadow so often darkened the feast, has increased from $22.47 (when McKinley was in augurated) to $25.98 at the close of the third year of nis administration the nioet rapid growth of money in circula tian in our history and very largely in gold. "lhe republicans hold the affirmative on every question before the American people. They have redeemed their pledges, and are not encumbered with ancient platforms. They will renomi nate President McKinley, as the Demo cretes will nominate Mr. Bryan, by ac clamation. One will stand on the dec laration of principles of 1000; the other on the Chicago platform, with codicils and postscripts drawn from a grab-bag, reaffirming undying hostility to govern ment by injunction, which is a night mare; to imperialism, which i9 a chimera, and to the gold standard, which is the corner stone ol the finan cial system of the world." Wuutvil. A girl to do general house work in a small family. Apply at this office. tf Tlio New Yotk Cash Storo is selling ladies shoes at $1.00 per pair. Pingree $ ft j lilililJsBBM IB AVfcgdable Prcparalionfor As similating IhcFoodandReguIa ting (hcStoinachs andBovrels of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. lVOT "NARC OTIC . nape aroid-SAMUELimmn fimfJau Seal' Mx.Senn ' jlaUc Smd t- iKntSrsd- Ctotfot. Vicar MSitrmmrnanr Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stonvach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcverisn ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 31 EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THC CINTAUH COMPANY. NCW YORK CITY. 3i shoes for women are honest and feel best they fee! best because of the supremely good workmanship. For $3. no other make of a ladies' fine shoe can match the Pingree "Composite" either In the style, ser vice, or comfort. A High-grade Shoe SPRING LINES READY. co 1 1 - jr i i'vw.vii Dissolution of Partnership. The business heretofore existing under the firm name of Lane Bros., is this day dissolved by mutual const n'. L. L. Lane will conduct the business at the old Etand, and collect all accounts and pay all bills of the firm. A'l parlies knowing themselves indebted to the firm are requested to settle as soon as possible. The Dalles, Or., March 1, 1900. L. L. Lane, luvdiw N. M. Lane. Mrs. Caivia Ziu: merman, Mileiluiv, a.,eayp, "As a speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and sore throat Or.e Minute Cough Cure is untqualed. It is pleasant for childien to take. I heartily recom mend it to mothers." It is the only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, urippe and throat and lima diseases. It will prevent consumption. ISUmurck'A Iron eive Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualitioi and the succecs they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley & Houghton's drutriiore. '2 To tlio I. mill s and Gentlemen. Mr. C. L. Liinburt, of Strauss Bros., of New York and Chicago, merchant tailors, has a full Una of e.wuple at thu Columbia Hotel sample rojms for a few days taking orders for men and boys' suits as cheap as ready made. ml'J-M Mrs. Harriet Kv.inp, Hinsdale, 111., writes, "I never fail to relieve my children from croup at once by usii g Ono Minute Cough Cure. I would not feel safe without it." Quickly euies coughs, coldf, grippe ami all throat and lungdUeuht's. It's shoes this time: All our spring styles lira hero. Many were waiting and j have supplied themselves with a pair. Hemeinber our prices are the same as lust, year no advance this Is why the people buy so readily. New York Cash Storo. No hose supporters needed with ihu "Fay Stockings," and they mo absolute, ly tho best wearing stoekins made. Try 'em. New York Cash Stoie. I'm' h 5. OO .'iikli And ono dollar und fifty weekly you can purchase a twenty. live dollar watch or di miond at H.uryC. L'ebe's, in tho Vo:t block. Watches, diamon Is, clocks', jewelry and silver ware at most reasonable prices. 3 S-3t Egs Tor Sale. Full blooded, barred Plymouth Hock egJ, per Fotting $1 .00 and $1.50. For particulars call on or address, Sanders Bnos. Box 647. The Dalles, Or. Sick Headtche absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herbdrink. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you ent, sleep, work and iiappy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money hack. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggist-. Lewis Ackermau. Goshen, Ind., says, "DeWitt's Little Early Risers always bring certain relief, cure my headache and never giipo." They gently cleanse and invigorate tho bowels and liver. 1)1.1 you ever 1 . ..r 1 07I.';. , c. street eu:-a tn I "7 i v. ic l v.i.'u? Vi'nll, lie cans !. V'j :-! c., ur..l t 7 her Mttltiff on f-.o l: 1 . tui'o o! v ,.-o'.i, as shown is tiics ijU-.itj. ITt nr.Co up rr.lncl tiicn v.z t'.:ero tUrt t'-.o would loc'j just too Mvcut for rojllrta? an " Weycle. Anrt she i'.'-cs. liut tr h'.r.i! of Wcyclc lirj r.Koort (lcaltOf,.o:!l Jjh'.i;-,' recc, So if yo-j. want to l.oolr i wect. bU7 your vLccl as CM Ut. ) ol io r.c;-.'. fcr CRAWFO Golden Eagle, $25 Crawford . . . $30 Cleveland, . S40 and $50 We have handled the above lino of wheels fur sevet ul years. Tho gnat anted onthenliovo wheels two such that no one need to hesitate to buy either of them. JffciieF & Benton Solo Agonta. INSURE WITH THE Law Union & Grown Fire insurance Co. OF LONDON. FOUNDED 1825. CAPITAL PAID UP $7,600,000. ASSETS $20,126,035. t'urpliu U'jond nil l.lubllitlctf in United dm tea $621,108.28. A RTH UR SEUFERT, Res. Agt. The iwlUf, oil