Er 4 . - i For a Nice Suit of Clothes. I'antlns, OvocMtJn- or Fnncj Vesting. V jo-' ' Kindly rail nnd examine my stntk or 1m TTtl and D nestle Woolens. A fine stocfc to , e&u?UImBde from the lowest p:lcc to the high-1 at enule. J. rLrtl,f Fine At fcD8rlu- Tan - "g HIE DALLE ohego.n. . The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ! BUB8CRIFTION FKICE. Oae week $ One month g 0ne year 6 00 ' MONDAY MARCH 12, 1900 SMALLPOX PHILOSOPHER. A Wamic correspondent, who signs himself "No. 9 Smallpox," sends us an earnest protest against certain sons of Belial who, as he alleges, are telling "yarns" on the Wamicites to the effect that the good people of j that neichborhood were engaged in the business of smallpox among Mr. "Smallpox" philosopher in a blames Moro for "scattering the their neighbors. seems to be a small way. He sending over the eggs that batched out 1G smallpox chickens but draws a tine distinction between clean people "contracting the plague," which he indignantlv I deuies,and the "dirty ones catching , , . , the devil," which he modestly alllrms. I To the- philosophic soul of this correspondent even smallpox has its , compensation, for he adds : "That's ' one good thing for the smallpox; it j , , . matte us ciean up once. xuerc is an unpleasant suggestiveness about that little adverb "once" that Wim icdom will justly resent, but the smallpox philosopher's "us" has prob ably, in this connection, the force of the editorial "we." The best thing in the communication, however, nnd, if it must be said, the only good thing, Is the announcement: "We wnnt jou nil to know that we are all well and cleaned up." At the beginning of the century, in the good old time of the "dollar of the daddies" so called because not one daddy in a thousand ever saw one of them before the "mouey power" had stricken down the "money of the constitution, con tracted the currency" and placed the country on the "accursed gold stand- nrfl. Mm "nor rmninm" mrfnlntinn nJ , . ' ' ,, . . , j John Luce used to call it, was 4.99 "per capicia." In 18C0 it rose to I $13.85. When the crime of '7ii was committed it had risen to 18 04. wi... wiiii m..i."!i.. ,.i i president it stood at 8.21.10. Since then, in the teeth of ten thousand j prophecies proclaimed from ten thousand stumps nnd bv twice ten ! thousand Uryanito organs, it ,m8 1 ruen by leaps nnd bounds till it has reached 2G, the highc.t point in the . ' jiuiuijr ui tuu ..uuh. iuui uuat ui,b ,rlllv llt) ,(f,,.0),cv i eit friend," nil, every dollar of this enormous in-1 shvi. K. Urtv!e!inl:, O.-ii-id. Mich, crease nnd every other dollar of the j Digests what yon eat. Ctuniot to nation's currency is ns good us tho, i. ,iii ., mmmm . ! Acker's Luglish Kemedy in any ctee ol ; , , ' coughs, eoltl or c.-onp. Should it fall to hverylbwis indicates that ttojKlvu illlinwiiatt rdief money refunded. Pe,rtp llicon tnrifY bill will be 20 cts. and 50 uts. Ulakeley & HotiBhton "amended" till there wont be any. DruggiBie. tUac left but the i.ieamblu. This' cur. i.iiciie mohif . ic.M it tbould be. AVIiuiover our eoHtitutioaal rigbt to tax the Puerto Hias mny be, tbe Aaieiican people wiU.bave aose ot it. Tbe man is rv - - - v blind who cannot see that .uulic opinion on this subject is practically tmunimous. The people do not enre a (In even if we have a constitutional right to tax the islanders. They say., with practical unanimity: ''We have, no moral right to tax them and that's all there's to it." Sentiment, too, adds its voice to the general clamor ; ami says, as the Chicago Tribune I finely puts it: "As Puerto Ilicans; received Miles' army with ilowers in j stead of bullets, they must ccme into the Union, if at all, 'on the ground floor.' " Senator McBride's bill to pension i the war veteraus of the Tacific coast has passed the senate and gone to the proper house committee whete it will have better luck than its numerous liredecessors of the last i twenty years if it is ever heard of - ,ngain. Meanwhile the veterans them- 'selves, to whom an ungrateful re- jiujjjc rcD(icrs this tardy justice, are passing rapidly to a land where, hap- nilv for them, pensions are not needed Great Britain has had the accursed gold standard for njarly a century and lt has so '-ground her people in lt. -1 alt t.l nM.nHnnll luti g"' vvlu"i mat lass Saturday wuen uiu govern ment opened subscriptions to the war loan, "all sorts and conditions of people" flocked to the Bank of Eng land nnd in less than two hours the entire loan was oversubscribed. Now that the bills for leasing the! public lands have been laid away in their little beds, congress will please let them stay there and stay for nil time. The agitation that has uriseu over their introduction in congress has crystalizcd into the solid aud un qualified opposition of the entire Northwest. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with local applications, ns they cannot reach the Beat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and order to cure it you must take inter- 1 remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure . taken Internally, and acts directly on ho blood and mul.oaB 6luface8. Mn,8 Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine, It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and regular prescription. It is composed of the beat tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiore, acting directly on the mucous surfanee. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drrtiagUte, price 7nc. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 Notice- to tli I ti ii tie. The Columbia Southern KailwBy Com pany will curaplete its line and be ready to receive forward freight and passengers from Shaniko not later than April If), 10Q0. Large warehouses and Block yards will be erected and ready for wool and stock by the above d.ite. Freight rates will be considerable lower than by learn from The Dalle:-. Regular tariff will be published shortly. For further information call on or address C. E. Lytlu, General Fntinht A''eui, Moro, Ore., or the u'Hersiuned. K. E. Lyti.k, feblG tf General .Ma imgcr. Du'' Headache, l'.dn ill VitrioilS arts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the BtoinaBhi o( HI,r)Kli,e, rvveriehness. Pinipks or Sorea all positive evidences. i of impure blood. No matter how it l--aino ' it mint l- purlti-l in order to :btain good health. Acket's 'Wood Klexlr has never failed to cure Scrofulous ', or .Syphilitic poitom or anv other lilood diseases. It i cortalnly a wonderful remedy and wo srill every bottle on 11 fositive guarantee. lilabeluj fc Hough- n'n dra8 atore. "r Ko,lul Vyml Cum in my i fy Jtl. wonderful .e.uitr. It g ves immediate relief, )H pleasant to tuke nnd ' Experiuncu i th Teic'ier. Usb HnMwin'rt uparkling cfTervftcent Cel ery ciodu. A hartult'HS and ( ffeotive core for headache, iiHrvoiisneec, aleepltiMiieif , brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold by Clarke & Falk, drugglete. jan24 6r IF.rKT I TIHK SCUKDULS. AUMVE TOR , FltOM lULLKS. Fl'OM. Vnst igult I.nkr. Denver, Ft, Fmt Mull Worth. Onmhil, Kan- Mull 11:13 p.m. i m City, St. Louis, s-M i m J Chicago nnd Enst. Ft -.kane WhUh Wnllit, "jHiknne,! Spokane Flyer Mlttnenpoli. t. I'huI, Hjer. 7:03p.m. iu lu tli, Milwaukee, t:20n.m Uhlcuzo and East. 6 p. m. t p. m. From Portland. Ocean Steamships. For fcan Francisco December 3, 8. 13, IS, 23 and '.it. Sp. in. 4 p.m. Ex.aunday Columbia Rv. Steamers. Ex.Suuda To Astoria and Way .Saturday Landing. 10 p. m. 6a.m. ' WtLUUETTK RlVKR. i -4:30p.m. Ex.bundaylOrcKon City, Ncwberg, Ex.bunday Salem i Way Laud's.1 "a.m. Willamitt and Yam- S:30n.m. Tues.Thur. nu. Kivkks. Mon.,wed aud Hut. ! Orecon City, Dayton, and Frl. , and Way-ljiudlngs. 6 a.m. Willamette Kiver. '4:30 p.m. Tue..Thur,iPortland to Corvallis,; lon. Wed aud Sat. , aud Way-Umdlngs. and Friday i ! Snake Kiver. 1 Leave Lt P.lpaiial Rlparla to towUttm. Lf.wivton daliy ! , dally l.ijn. m. i S:30n. m. ; I i ' . Panics (lesiTinc to co to Ilenuner should ih lie .mi. 4, leaving I lie Dimes at , :u. p. m makliiK direct connections, at Heppncr junction IteUirului; miikiiigdlrectcmiuection at Heppncr junction with No. 1. arriving at The Dalles at !:& 1. m. No. tliroUKht (relcht, cast bound, docs not curry passengers; arrives u:S0 a. m., departs 3:10a. m. No. '.'1, local freight, carries passengers, east bound: arrives 4 :au p. m depart n: 15 p.m. No. 21, west bound through freight does not carry passengers; arrives h:10 p in., departs 0:no p. m. No. 23. west bound local freight, carries pas sengers; arrives 5:15 p. in., depart 8:30 m m. For full particulars call on O. R. & N. t'o.'f agent The Dalles, or address W. II. HURI.BUKT, Gen l'as. Act., Portland. Or, We Put... every bit of twenty years experience and drug knowledge with every Prescription that's compounded here. Is it an' reason why our prescription business is increasing so rapidly? Ask your physician if we are reliable. BLBKELEY & H0U5HT0H. Reliable Prescriptionists. F s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor, Second & LansMiii. 'Phone 157 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. ItnrtlflclallvdlcrestHthefnorl nnrlnMa -Nature in strenBthenlng nnd recon- dviuuimuk uiiu caiiuublcu ui)(citlVo Ur fans. It is tbe latest discovered dlgest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, .Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. 8lckHedache,Gstralg1a,Crarops,aai( All other results of imperfectdigentMi . Frart4 by E. C DeWht Ce.. Cfclce FHED. W.WIU-ON, ATTOKNKV-AT LAW. THE JJAU.KB, OltEdON OAlee ovei F'rt Nat. Bin. Complete Cii?e of Dm 8 at M. Z. DONNELL, THE:DRUCGIST. BROS. GENEKAL .AND... is Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third anfl Jeffcrnn. PhoneU59 ..GHAs. m- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange. . Keep on tlniUKht the celebrated COl.L'MHIA 1IKKK, iicknow: etlRCd the best beer In The Dalles, at the iiMiul price. Come In, trj It ant! be couvincetl. Alto the Finest brand of Wines, LIUor anil Clears. Saoduxiehes ot all Kinds always on ham!. wm t . . ""1 .Doalor In. Dry Goods, Clothina. Cents' pupnishings. I Iloott, Shoes. Hnti, Caps, Notions. Ai;t. for V, I DouKhw Hhoe. Telephone No, fe8. 131 fctcontl at., Just What You umnt. 'Si Now ideas iu Wall Papor horo. Sucli wide vurlety na we itiofiliowiiiguoviir bo fore Braced a Blnyle Htock. iCeal imita. lion croton efl'uctu at ordinary prlcee, Good papers at cheap papor prices. Elegant designs, tasteful coloring), vonrn for a Hinall price, at our store on Third atroot. Also a full line of house iuint D. W. VAUSE, Third St.' a HOTIIIOTO H 8 wiunw TTUNTJNOTOH A WILSON, H; ATTOKNKYH AT LAW, OSc OTtr Ftft Nat. flauk Biacksmitns Horsesnoe L I ihn n nn fin i if Str. Regulator. (I.lmlicil I.11111II11RH.) Ship your Freight via Regulator Line. ti . DOWN. , I.v. Dalles ut S a. M. Tiii'Mlny , TlmtMliiy ... Srttimlny . Arr. 1'iirtliiml .Btfir. m. nr. l'nrtl:mil III 7 A. H. I.v Monilil WrillH'tilny . Krliliiy Arr. Dulles nt 0 f. M. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, V Travel hy the Stcamem ot the UeKiilitorl.lne. iriiM-tuj " ruim the Iwiit crvlcMMMlhlc. PortlHiitt Oillcc, Ouk-Btreot D.ick. W. IITITIT""-""""'"1"'' C. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY from !.76to $ti.00 wr gullon. (Tto 16 yert old.) ' IMPORTED OOGNAO frtun $7.00 to JIU.OO ir itnllon. Jll toO ywr8oltl., OALirORMIA BRAMDiEB from M.'lb to (MK) ier'yallon. (4 to 11 ypnre old. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEER on drnusht, ami lmportt'd Alo and l'ortor. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oirii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts. ;?t?LVk?Sj Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- FloilT T'1'8 Howr is mnnufactnred expreBaly for family UVJ,X A A v ' uee : evorv pack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our poods lowor tlmn any liouae in the trade, aud if you don't think so call and get cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Crandall DKAI.KHS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS rf EMBALMERS Tho Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ri'.A.NHAUTA KNKUAI.UA.VKI.NO HUlil.VKb Ltittura of Credit issued available in tho Sight KxcimiiKU and ' Telegraphic InwjHfers Hold on New York, Chicago, bt. Louih. ban I r.ini! mm i'r.tiu.,.1 t-i... iron, ficuttlo Waoli,, and various points in Oregon and WnBliington. Co llectiontt nm-Jo ,a a ,,0itB on fuv. viralilo toruib. IP RnloftI VIlf ALITV. KM UUQI V Utwin Li MO MANHOOD CurcH Iuipotcncy, NiKht EmiBaloiiH and vastlnff dlbcaucB, all tultcctB of eolf. ubuiic, or excel and lndls crctlou. Anerve tonic nnd iJhioU bullthir. Brlnpo the pink glow to .ale clicelcH ant1 reatorca the fire of youth. lor $2.50; with a written uimniii too to euro or roftmd tlto mouey. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jokwn SU., OHIOAOO, ILL. I ! I REGULATOR LINE. Dalies, Portlana & Astoria Hav. co.1 to inner of tin. Itcfculutnr l.lnc will run tin pur tlio lol. '3 InwliiK K-liiilitle. the Comiiany worvIiiB the rl?ht to cliuiigo'S fchi'ilulu without notice. ,5 Str. Dalles city. (ToiiohliiR nt MllWiiyl'oit,)' IMIWN. I.v. Pillion lit I'.U'U A. M, Monthly . . Wt-iliii-mliiy . , Frldny Arr. l'ortlinul (uncertain) I.v. I'tirtliuiii A "tfiA. h. 2 Tlll-Mlnv fi in. Thurmliiy HHtnrtlnv Air. Dalit's 3 (iitu-urliiin) ,fl The Ctinnmny will Piidcnvnr to Klve Itn 1(vt- ,3 l or lurthor IntorniHtloii aUtlrcn '3 C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Asrt. . i - Vul Ulutz and Olympla Boor lu bottlei & Burget Hobes, Burial Shoes Etc. C. S. Smith, TIIK tlp-to-dateCroeer Fresh KgRB nnd Creamo'y liuttur a upecialty. 2d Street. 'Phone 370. J.H. HCIUMK, 1'runlduiii, 11. Jl. First National Bank. TUBIUIIBQ - OHUUV" A General Banking BoBiness twMtoW Deposits received, buojuui w Draft or Check . ... Collections made and proceeds nrompwj reutiHM on aav 01 lU4"'"w":l(i c land. D. P. tnoKw5, jioTB. Bps Id. If. WlfctUM, Oao. 4. B. X. 0IA1.b ' 1 111