Nr Lr mm 2 hi m i Oh. the Pain of ?S2US'M f,r Wto CsMtJ Rheumatism! EAST and SOUTH via r"? JLIIC OULtUSUl XIUUIC5 (families are great consumers of beef, 'andwtien they curtail their meat snp 'p'r, I utcbers suffer a fjllingoffia trade. or the The KepabHcan Cocnty Convention ol Wasco County, State of Oregon, is .. hereby called to meet inDallrt City. In J Cniithprn PaPlfin Hnmn V 1900, Kheamatisn often causes the most ia- ware "rif'i? iTr Tbe Alaska market keeps beef prices up ...dconntr. on Fridav March 23 disease, and are ro-dav worse off than ' sa c'rwun, as lhca? tamers ana nortiiern at tne hour ot iU o clock oi eaw Train latreaca art dae to rnvc t mrUind rver. Bheumatism is a blood disease, auventnrcrs uo no: care wnat eei costs, i . 1 ; ' ,"r 1 -j ---j, :g , t-. 1 , ... . .. , didatcs for the fo.iowmg count onicers . ( cause it is the only remedy which can . "CaUle-raisers nave also quit selling ----.. I off their heifers and cows, and this new-mhsioner, county assessor, county JSS 'tS1 departure will sa result in : cboo! that I tar weei, a. I tried ! socked cattle pastures. Therefore, I do .SST ?d ! Krrtral pron.2ci: ; not look for an advance in the present Mnntf ,..! tn rtwt. tn th Rnnb-. didatcs for the following county officers : 1 countv judge, county c'.erk, county btr- iS, county treainrer, one cootty corr.- . r.M prices cf ytri:rg ci'vfi, ?20; or fo: rii-isasd too-their trea' ciuible to pet tte sbcV.- : cattle on f aot, J4 lb per hundred. ess relief. Is fact. TC3H. I cLuaa tcl so pro-r t BUSINESS LOCALS 5rtrs. the djcae fpr?ad j o--mreztirs bocr.i2 Scbicribe for The Cbronicle. K.Ti. ncr to Xirrh t l-t-v t tr.A Clnrk i Fait are never closed Snndav nisy rtert id;ci2. ' r 1 .1,:. Ul&f ggSirii'SiU, -T. fine shoes for men at JJ&E Baldwin .. Bakeoven Boyd . .. Columbia Uie Clurkei Falk's qa;alne liair tocic , Dafar . . . rh of ReUIMii thOTira CUT , w twin li.nHrn'Tffnm K Pri UtflCnUte tines exposed to iarjj and cold wnthfr. " ! East Dalles m Por-lton A-uf " hetphil S A ,nl1 llne ' E45taln nim! nd "P ' East Hool Kiver..5 Viento 2 KtitawAM aw-m. I-P-- DJes 5ir. rece:ve3 bv Curke & Fft!k. j Eicnt Mile .... 2 West Dalles 6 ira isaaeriODeerwiin naeamaiism. . , xr "n s fff Hvl R;r .4 .X A. cieept susiayi c- -. : ' I Vet ci ae relic-red ne. S. S. S. Bcfor- aIloirtff f So sake It. ho-w-erfr, 7 pa.rdia3, irio a chenist. aaa irzed the rraedj. aad prosouaced it fr of (sy.aadia Sirooosthsl arasetirrdconrpieselj-. Thr r-trrp aris !"raiatsLl-.r I have aeTeria?s had a tsai of RaeuasatU thoara saaay , ;o k-en dandruff froai the hed the Ne York Cash Store. Clarke A Fa'.k have on sale a full line jican State and District Ccncres?ion vi Conventions, and to transact such other j , Business as may property come utwic said County Convention. The cenren-! tioa will cossist of 1(M delegates chosen , ; oy the several precinct?, ana me s; ! precincts of said county will be entitled j (. M 1 to representation in said convention as j H1 : ta.Ioirs : .7 Kinpsley. . . 9 hi osier. . 2 Mountain.. ..3 Xansene .. .3 Oak Grove 2! .2 ICamsev 2 n South lloDd River.4 ; .2 Tvph Vallev 31 .9 T'revitt 9 ' OVERUVND F.X-1 rrcjs, lccs, R- I bare, AnhUnd, c-1 I rnacatn. 0dcaa I 1 Fruaciiwo, Mojare, f I Lr Anjxles,t-I f?f. j I N'e urlcaas and I t Et i Richer? al wr ta-M- tioa . . . . ( Via tVoalbsrs tor 1 , Mtncri. silrcrtoa, t 't cio, Brornw- vlUe;-ncf3cldai i, Natrua J :t4 A. M. t.x p. y DUlT CVt sualT. The'Great STEEL and MALLEA- BLE IRON RANGES, (Corralli isatioa.. aai waj yX)Vn. I INDEI'EXUKSCE PA55EKC.EK. Exprvsi trail 3 1 Drily (execr-t sandir,. 3!t:Wn.ia. tLv. I'ntUand Ar.) S3i.u 1 TS.n. iTcMtnaviUr Lv V SiOl S.30 p. Q. ThroTv aside your oils and liniments, as they can not reach your trouble. Don't experiment with doctors their potash and mercury will add to your disabil ity and completely destroy your diges tion. for 01AAI1 TheUlUUU will core perfectly and permanently. It is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no potash, mercury, or other mineral. Books mailed free by Swift 3necific Oo., Atlanta, Ga. You will not have boils if yon take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. lt!r. tDasrr. eirtj! baii3ai MXIXG CAES ON OGDES IIOCTE. PULLMAN BCFFET SLFEPEK5 A.VD SEC0NI-CLAs3 sLEEPINt CAEs Atuchtd So all Throuth Trala. Direct coonecsioa as Jaa rTacico with Oca daScs I? . e 5 1 1? '$ ' 4 4 5 r 4 5 . 4 Waestic Watnic. 54 45 Primaries to elrct delecates to said County Convention will be belJ in each of the several precinct in said Wasra -n Mirrt IT 10-Vi In Fati Dalles prtriact the poll: for said primary ' eitction will be located at the East End Hose Co.'s house, and H. KIce. C. E. Chriiinan snd L. S. Davis will act as n fr.r JAPAN tr.i CHDf A. Saill . 3 ' t T'licatioa. ' Ka:c kad ticleU. to SHEEPMEN IN CLOVER. Good lleportt From the Ransr atrrn Orison Price Are Good ffira nn? tnoa-Ti at ia the metuorv of D. W. EaSsios, a stock dealer, cf Sheridan, has returned froai an exteaJ- ed trip in Eastern Oregon, says Oreronian and reports ttock all kind' fat on the rentes of Gilliam, Whreler, Crook and Grant ccQntie-. a state of a; thie time of the yea: stockmen of that re?ion. Cscally ia March ebeep and cattle dependent on the ranges are thin as in the winter months, for the ground is covered with several inches of snow, which hides the grass. . Tnis season, however, preen .grass and bare ground ruled the winter through, and now mutton sheep are as 1 fat as when they were broneht out of the j Claike & Falk's savoring extracts are the be-t. Ask year crocer for them. Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pare concentrated flavoring extracts. G:rl wsnted to do ptneral honsework. Apply at The Dil'.es Commission Co.'s store. 3-9-tf s.-r u- " judges at said election : in ilitfeiow pre- "Fay.stockmss ,1;',,!,!;, will b loeitd".t the of- New Yotk Cash ' rice of Wm. Michel?, and J. M. Palter- , son, F. Faulkner and Wm. Michel! will T act as iadees at said election : in Trevitt cameras are Im ' ,i k , 'tA , I proved Maearine cyclones at Donneli's , northeast corner cf Third and L'nion and J. Fisher will act as iadjes at said election ; and in West Dalles precinct the j ; pWII " t.I I.C 4Vk-U C . .11.. , tanieis ana act as judges at said deat&I ar.d UrieaU and Pacific in ail tci3alr f ,4 "4 it. II- Did yon see those fjr children at the Store? Latest tk'.nz 1 Eastern foini and F.u rw. ALV)JAlA., utii.A, BU.uui.Lt a ATaTEALIA. I All itTe train arrive at aud depart Iroir j Grand Ccatral statioa. Iltth and Irruic trw:t ! YAMHILL MV1SI0N. I Paic3erITOS,ioo:oi Jeacrsoa ttrcct. Leave lor Sheridan. veeS dart. t p. a Arrive at Porsiaad, 9.33 a. a. LeaTc for AIEL1E oa iloadny, Wed:icsdT ns Fri.iar t.35a.a. Amv 9: Portiand, Tuck diT, "t Larsiaj- and iatardaj is 3.05 p. m. EiMj.t iaadaj. Except satcrdaj-. 5 Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. Remember that we are selling the same from $45.00 to $60.00 Whit- i . a saving to our customers of from $lo to 25 over j- co charged by peddlers for inferior range?. s ,itc for pamphlet, "Majestic Evidence." IVIflVS & CtOUiE. 4 TiTJ.iT.iTXTi G. H. XACKUA.M, A.S.U. I. A Pa. Art E KvE'-lEB, Thraarh Tlsxct Oihcc.lSt Third Hrect. whert th-ocgh ticket to all ia the Eaa:rtJ SUSo, Canada and Enrcr caa tc ohSaiacd ; , lowc&S rate from 1. B. KIP.KL.4Xn, Tictcs Aireat. l i Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at th vasco warenouse. rmes; Kina 01 1 pojjs n ill ;e located at the ichick-pn feed. mch25-u . and C. L. Schmidt, i. F. .... . P V Fnntt the i Fore silver Uced Wyandott ecx? can 7i, ,5 of ; be secured at J. H. Cross' grocery store ! Tne polis in each of said precincts, in for fl pet 15. feb25-laio wk'y ! said primary election, will be kept open Clarke i Falk have received a carload Hotter i Paci u irom 12 o'ciocjc noon to t o clock p. ra ( of the celebrated James E. Patton each 0f the other precincts in the county I sttictly pure liquid paints i will be located ia the Crual voting places . n ihla vc" precicc-., ana u i- reirjuiui-riuea laaies o. ioc Ll.hi . ... t n j t p. m. on said 17th day of March. 190D, ' Yellowstone Park Line. Next Saturddv the ! and will be conducted in the usual man- Cathoiic church will hare cakes and pies for sale a: the store of 31aier i Benton. oer. , , , ' Dated at Dallas Citv, Oregon, this 6:li The prices of bsots and shoes at the day of March, 190D. New York Cash Store are just as low ; L. Kcce. Chairman Republican County Len. Com. THE DINING CAE EOI IE FROM POP.TLANJJ TO THE EAsT. THE ONLY WKECT LINE TO THE YELLOW- Fl ONE PAKE as they ever weie notwithstanding the advance in leather. mnnntaino lat fall. His frm h m,l lo secure the original witch hazel F. E. Beonson, Secretarv. ask for Dr Witt's Witch Hirel ! well known as a certain cure for ! eeveral purchases of mutton wethers t ?a,re for Paeet Sound and Alaska concnip-! a'v'e tion. "Sbeepraiserj hold their stock ' Piles 8nJ e-kin diseases. Beware or worth pretty high, though, on account of the'Iess counterfeits. They are dangerous ool pries expected for wool, and the! presence of numerous buyers from the j Eait," he said. "A good many sheep; are changing hands between the slock- j men themeeives. as many 8aeepra:ser, f Q UQ 4CC0cnt btJt profit t0 tDejdence on 7uiu lu u ititzaj ciuse met vrar, auu Cab tn Voar Cceck. Ali couotv warrants registered prior to June 3, lS9i, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Februarv. 2, 1WW. C. L. PniLUPS,' Conntv Treasnrer. Uejce Bejel, fifii asi 1 sts No. 2. B3gley Bros., have purchased a thrjeghbred Jersey bull, registered Fast asail for Tacoma, rattle, OlTiavla. Gray UaiborsTKl south lK-nd points, spkane, Ko larid, B. C, Pcllman. Jloicoff, Ilto:i. Ba( 11 15 A. M. fkloUurapmialtiscoun trj, Helena. illnuesiKV ils, Sit, Paul, Omaha, Kanna Ciy. hi. Lnul. Chicago ttnd all joint eut and Miutht'as. Pares suand Kxpre II. SO P. JL Jor 7 a com nnd scattlf and iatenntdiat puia No. I. i.r.M. j No. t. No. ; .CO A M. An Bonect Medlcloe for la Grippe. George W. Wait, cf Gardner, Me., I r , , ... , . , . , I , " . ; . . 1 Pullman first elas and touriit t,Ieoifs to cold, chills and grip and have taken lots stock. For particulars apply at reel-j y.innct.olU,st. Paul and Missouri riicr point Tenth street, near,iWF.n. tfje on, th,UJt that faag dQne Dy eastern tjayers in jotw. a wo-y ear old wethers are held at $3.25 bead, after shearing, while yearlings are being eo'.d from $2.15 to$2.S5 each. The Mon tana and Wyoming stockdruvers, whoi a frw wetke ago declared they were Eioucdi. thn fair 3 G-tmo any i good whatever. I have used one bottle of it and the chills, cold and grip have all left me. I congratulate the raana ! facturre of an honest medicine." For eale by Blakeley 4 Houghton. go;n; back home without any ebeep, on account of prices demanded in Eastern Oregon, are now bating in all directions and paying tt.e figures asked. "1 tell yon 6beeptnen are "in it" tbi eeason. With abeep at a good price, wool promisiag foir figures, and the hills ovi-re I with a tine growth of green grass, thsy can be pretty independent and they are. List week (5 a head wee refused for a band of 200Qee:in Gi1 iiatn conntv, the intending purchaser beinira heepman whose range lies in the northern part of Crook county. Trie -offer was made for the purpose of re etock'n? a range vacated last summer in response to what was then considered good prices for Hheep; but they have advanced from 25 lo 50 cents per head .eince then, and bo several eoeepmen uto pot oat of the business last year -are now aoxioas to jtet in again. This $5 a Lead -aas refused bteause the own ers fljurrd oa each Iamb dropped next .tnon!b being worth $! 50, and each ewe -sijear rc ool to the value of $1.25 in j "May. Ttuifcwe, Iamb and fleece, would j fi.ure spa total of after shearing. , "On accouatof.tbe honctifol pastures, eheepowuers are txpctiog a large in crease this Ian hi air, which begins about March 25, and lists for a month. for the MreeH, As every one has been expecting to have thie luxury It will probably be Eome time v-t, but insure with the Law, Union & Crown Fire Insurance Co. as this is no luxury but a protec- Wantrd. By a young lady, a plac to do house work in a small family. Apply to Mrs. Tooiaey, New Columbia Hotel. m2-2w. M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., save, "DeWitt's Little Early P.ieers are the very hest pills I ever used for costiveness, liver and bowel troubles." lien. Arthur phone 141. Paint your bouse with paints that are fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk have them. nee. )Mubald train. I nioa depot connection in all principal citie. Baggage cbeckKl to destination ol ticket. for handsomely hlnst.attd descriptive mottur, tickets, lwj'lng car rencrvatlon, etc.. call on or A. D. CHARLTON, Akllact General PaAser.etr Agent, iV Morrj.-on liee$, comer Third, Portland, Oregon. seafert, resident agent, i Volcanic Eruption Are grand, but skin ernptions rob life of j y. Buckleu's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, j Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on : earth. Drives out pains and aches. ; Only 20 etc. a box. Cure guaranteed. bold by Blukeley Houghton, drug- Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke k Falk. SUMMONS. giste. IN THE CIRCUIT COLT.T OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the Comity of Ujco. Belle McGreerr, plalnUs", v Tbornai McGreevy, defendant. To Thomas McGieery, defendant: In the Name of the state of Oregon, You are THe CoiniQUia PacKingCo.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAN U FACTC AX. Kii OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON x)EIKD BEEF. ETC. 1 i iS 3c The Dulles, Op. The Chronicle, Job Printers. - ! hereby required to appear and answer the ecm-' SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE and Motors Curm Headache Qalcklt'. Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel ery Soda. A harmless and ffective cure for headache, cervonsneee, sleeplessneee, brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold by Clarke k Falk, druggiete. jac24 6w vriti In tVi it'a atitfitlui nt: libin ten day from the date of the kcrrice i For S3 00 Cab And one dollar and fifty weekly you can purchase a twenty-five dollar watch or diamond at Harry C Liebe'e, in the Vo;t block diamonds, clock?, jewelry and Shearing will be done in May, and oevcr ' ware at most reasonable prices. . wai the wool crop in better fix. I did ot see a broken fl-ecc cr a sign of tcab : 3 oe auwinwiy anu pertna ia the thousands of shet-p I cime r.oross , u"nK Mokl Tea' . A tali trip, and I cmrider scab just .bout f1'"""1 hwbilrlak. wiped out in Etstern Oregon. and uidigeeUon, makes you eat. .leeP, -C.UJe-Uer. are fu.tuu.te in 0v work and happy. Salufactiou guaranteed ai.fn. ., n,i.,M. Lt.f,'Or oner '8ck' ct- Dd 50 . of till Eumtnon upon vou, if iterved within tin county: or li eried within any other County of thii State, then within twenty day from the date of the kerrice of thl summon upon you or if fcerved upon you by pubdcaiioa thereof, then on or befoie the List dy of the time prescribed in the order fur pabllcntloti, to-wit. on or before lx week from the date of the iirtt publication hereof and if you fell to to atmver, for want thereof the plaiiitifr will Hpply to the Court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, v-vvit, that the marriage con tract now exittlne between l-Lalutifr and de fendant be forever dissolved xnd that plaintiff J oe uwnrura tue esciuaive runuiuy oi inc minor ennaren oi piainin ana aeiendant. ThI hummon 1 ervcd uion vou bv nubllca- tlon thereof, nurkuant to the order of aid ctr- silver- eul' Court, made and entered ou the liah U?y of . jnuurj, isaj, jtnuirtiij; iie puuucuiiun neteoi 8 ot i for li eoiiafutlve trceo.coninici.'-ini; laiiuory 'JO, IVX). the date of the lirt liublienlion. I Hl'.VmOTON A WILSON, Jan 10 11 Attorney for PLInllrL mm trace Marks Designs Copvrichts Ar. Anyone nrtln a !:etrh nnd description rr.a- MANUFACTIMIKU UV qolcly airertaln our opinion fro In7entlnn I nroiiiiir T..upmihle tioiuMnctlyconudeutlol. llandb-okon 1'atonu Administrator's Notice. Craable i tbey bare very few to tell. I I a treat taasr 2 year-old Heirs ia tall laU, atvraliiBodru beiog fal- aa tafMBtf Prairie-, in. Grant Blakeley k Houghton Druggist'. Kfga For Sal. Full blooded, barred Plymouth Kock es, per attlng 11.60 od $1.50. For r, slaaivj Xifja aot look lor any , particulars call oo or address, farther aliraaia m prTce of beat, at Banhem Buoh. aaa retail arfataaavct goae beyond the Box 647. The Dalles, Or. The underlined l.avlr.f been appoliiied ad rnluiatrator nftheutate of Jonathan Jackaoo. deceaaed, uwUrand by rirtue of ano.-derduly made and enteral In tb County Court of the Male of Ortfor for Waaeo Couaty m the VHX day of December, UV), all pc-rvin harliir claim Slnt ald estate are hereby notified to tire tent the lame with the proper vwueber and duly verified at the oBoe of my attorney, VnA W. Wilton, iu The Iiailea, Ornton, within alz month from tb date of this uottec. Dated The Dalle. Oregon, Jan. U, 110. K. JL bALTKAHbIIE, jan 20-11 AdmluUtraWir. 10'it freo. Oljwt nzenrr for cunn)rjaiefitiii $pteUU naOct, without charire, in tbo reculr Scientific Jftnerkatt. rtandaomclr IHnatPAtMl wvakir. t tillattnn lit aur tcieiitiun tmirnnL T.n,. i jnnr r.uuwi.i u bow Pyull nowarteolur. Y ft. WtahlEIu." V. A handMmoly lllDtraid weekly. AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO i SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS. PRINTING PRESSES. ETC Circulars and particulars furnished on application. Try r-i vwrmwrnvN A mvie X . D. VJ-UXMlN AXICT, Agouii THE OALLKS, 0B EGO" i i i un'JG I audi Ofllct) I A FINE SHIRT A fine shirt needs fine laundry work to make it look nice and wear well, Jnit tbe tamr. with your other garments! We do not ate any iniurloui itlir-mixaU do not rot oat your linen and can save job -m par cem oi toe wear your gar aunta aaaally taataln. Glad to hare you trr our wnri-. laundry too amall. Lavnury Co. Those 341 brings tbe team. 31-2w C. C. COOPER, MAXl'P ACTUitEK OK High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. DEAL, Kit IN Tente, Wagon Coven, and. all article usually kept In a flrat-class haraoM ahop. W.carchoUc, THE DALLES, ORKON. Thla SUmp a Gunrantu I makerjW of Quality. '4" i