While waiting for our now goods to be marked, which are now in the house, we will give you a few things to consider a sort of SALTED ALMOND; something to nmnch. upon during the day or two that will lapse before the pretty things that will crowd our counters will be ready for inspection. The balance of our Flannelette Wrappers and Flannelette Shirt Waists Will go at the same reduction as last week, 20 Per Cent. Off. All GoocIb Mnrkocl In Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS Telephone Afo. 1. FRIDAY .... MARCH 0, 1900 !A - MTVl'd 111 Oysters r J KELLER - WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. nieicw mrKuaB.i btore ib selling ladies shoos at if 1.00 per pair. Love imd friendship are both plants which thrivo uiidur cultivation. Girl wanted to do genorul housework. Apply nt Tin) Dalles Commission Co.'b tiore. a.-tf Cnainicy Cumminge has boon tip pointed postmaster at Diamond, Hurney onnty. The comity court tuia appointed James 0. JoliiHun juatici of liio peacB for Djfclmtca precinct. Members ol the club will bear in mind Hint the regular dance will bo held to. night in the Baldwin. Tlieo. H. Liobe, Bciontlflc optician, Is located in the building next uloor to the Ht National Bank. Eyes examined free of charge. 11 8 !5t The crossings are again in a deplorable condition and the authorities should take eoino means to have them placed to a useable condition. hi. McUlulvey was arrested last night 'or boing drunk and disorderly. Tills morning he was fined $2.50 which he paid nnd was discharged. A lettar received from Hev. Hawk savs t liia little eon, Raymond, who is Mceivlnis treatment at the hospital in Portland, U not improving very much. Man may U3aat 0f UB Bperl0r cour se, but whenever any peculiar noises "reheard around the house at night, it always the woman who guts up to cliool dls- tlio follow II. Calvin ; and Mrs. ,uit for them. At Hie annual meeting Ins: ollloerh were oleote Bh.l 1.1 . J -neat Jordan, dfroctd wie llelatt, clork. Mill advices from Honolulu stato w the piaguo situation in Honolulu in eli Improved. Ual one susplolouB ling developed since proviom od lc6. At lIUo no now cases had oc curred and none wore expected. tA81',,iur. who had boon in tlto wr nt ' 6 1 "'I'l'l'lnee, was arroated last even- ' 1)uln 'Iruuk, and placed in the uOJrlor Gto fined him Wdollirj this morning but remitted town"""0 " con(J,Uon tn ue leT0 The recommendation of the board of J tp. of Altorla( iMxm Qts U , . !ld ded w , ybei0ceei1 fay theoounoH. yotferirig the boanly the anthorltl 10 inUrsst boyi and OuImoisb la the crusade of extermination, and the belief is expressed by phyeiclans that the ncmber of rolents will bo greatly lessened. It's shoes this time: All our spring styles are here. Many wore waiting and have supplied themselves with a rulr. Kumember our prices arc the same as last year no advance this ie why the people buy so readily. New York Cash Store. Time 8:15 on next Wednesday even ing. Place Congregational church of this city. Occaeion Concert by a chorus of eighteen voice,9 selected from tho congregation. Proceeds To bo applied on the purchase of a church organ. Don't fail to attend. Tho smallpox patient, who is confined at the poathouae in tho pines, httB had the disease very light, and is almost well. He was not confined to his bed a single day but apparently was in perfect health. It Is expected that he will be diecharged in a day or so. The Red Men, of Astoria, have taken definite action upon tho proposed erec tion of a monument to perpetuate the memory of their late brother, the late Sheriff J. W. Williams, who came to such an untimely end at the hands of the deperado, Willard, at Seaside, a year ago. Paqnet'a yard in Portland will soon present a sceno of unusual activity. Within two or three days ho will lay the kfels for two new boats for tho Paul Mohr Transportation Company. A large force of ship carpenters will bo employed, and tho boats will bo pushed through. George Gray, a well known sheep buyer, who goes horseback nil over the country, returned to Heppner last night from o ten days' trip through the aheep langes to the south and west. Ho made several purchases of mixed yearlings nt $2.50 a head, nnd found a general dis position among growers to hold their yearling ewes. Henry St. Kayner, attorney for Frank McDanlel, who was on trial for the murder of Olalre Eitch in Cycle Park in the outskirts of Portluud, yesterday filed a motion for a new trial, alleging ne grounds, first, misconduct of the jury in returning u verdict of manslaughter Against the defendant, without any evi dence to justify such verdict; second, misconduct of Juror O. P. Maaten, who was summoned as a talesman on the special venire. Wool dealers are sending out circular letters to sheepmen advising them to consign their wool this year Instead of selling at home. They claim that wool is likely to go very high and the grower would receive (he benefit. The best and safest bonefit the grower can recelvo is to Bell at home, and let dealers make the profit on the raise. We believe the woolgfowers fully understand the bene fits derived by selling at homo and for cash in hand. Rural Spirit. Work is being pushed with all possible peed on The Dalles, Portland & Astoria NttflgaHori Company's uew boat, Rell. see, at Sopple'a yard on the East Side, in Portland. The boilers and engines nre all Bet and the old Inland Flyer ie being hauled out so that her shaft can be removed. This will be placed in the Reliance. One side of the new boat has been caulked and the other will bo Cn ishe I in a week or 10 days. The boat will be launched about the 20th of the month. Now that many persons are going afield to look for the flowers that bloom in the spring, they should beA In mind that it ie at this time poisotj oak is the most virulent, nnd take cate that while looking for flowers they au not find this pest. As the leaf budsare just swelling now, they aro more tolly charged with poison than the leaves when lully ex panded, and it is more difficult to recognize tho noxious shrub, so great care should be taken jiot to come in con tact with it. The Columbia Hose nnd Chemical Engine Co., held their regular monthly meeting laat night in the city hall. A large attendance was present and many routine matters was disposed of. It was moved and c.irried that the com pany pay tho secretary of the Board of Fire Delegates, three dollars per annum for eervicsa rendered to the company. Five applications for membership were read and nccepted. Thecompany is in a very prosperous condition, having plenty of funds on hand and is rapidly tilling up the number that is allowed au engine company. It was reported this morning that tho Paul Mohr Transportation Company, Bays tho Telegram, lias dee'ded to ex tend the portage road from the big eddv to a point directly opposite The Dalles, where immense warehouses and wharf boats will be built and the terminus grounds located. For several days past, a number of teams have been engaged in hauling heavy timbers lroin The Dalles to a point opposite. The people of The Dalles and residents along the middle and upper Columbia are enthusi astic over tho prospects and are doing all they can to further the enterprise. This morning work was begun on the scouring mill. Mon are biuily engaged in blasting and removing some large rocks which have been land marks since Mt, Hood was a hole In the ground. The building will bo erected just as soou as the material can be socurod and placed on tlto ground. Mr. Russell in tends to purchase all the material he can from Dalles merchants, and the building will bo constructed by Hugh Glenn. No repairing will be done on tho brick building until after tho cor rugated iron building, which will be two etory, has been completed. This morning n blaut was tot oil' on the property that is being cleared for the scouring mill, and it sent email rocka flying promiscuously. They fairly rained on the adjoining buildings, nnd for a moment occupanJB hardly knew what had happened. W. A. Johnston's delivery horse anil wou were standing at the rear of thVbullding when the blast was fired, butllie horse becoming alarmed at iJ rwort and doubly frlchtened whs the roakt began to hit him, came to the conclusion that It was safer for him at some other place, so started of his own accord, and at no slow pace. However, he wns stopped near Porter's livery stable before any damage whb done and wns taken to a more secure and secluded plf.ee. Tho Pacific Northwest Woolgrowera' Association met Wednesday morning in Boise, Idaho, with a large attendance from the Northwestern section. It was called to order by the president, Dr. Withycombe, of Corvallis, who opposed the leasing of grazing lands that are a part of tho public domain, but advocated a head tax on. sheep grazing on public lands. He favored an effort to increase the grasses on the ranges, and urged the sowing of brome seed. Secretary Bailey, in his annual report, said the outlook for the industry wa9 never be fore so good. He gave it as his opinion that high prices for wool will continue through the coming season. The question of leasing grazing lands cropped up when Secretary Martin, of the Na tional Livestock Association, sent up a bulletin setting forth the action of the Fort Worth convention. The matter went over, however, being mado a special order for the following morning. THE MOHR LINE BOATS. Preliminary Arrangements for Hielr 'outructlon Completed. It is understood that necessary ar rangements for the construction of the boats to be used on what is known as the Paul Mohr transportation lin?, have been made and that activo operations will be commenced at ence, eays the Morning Astorian. The dimensions of the boat will be: Length, 200 feet; beam, 32 feet ; depth of hold, 8 feet. One will be fitted es pecially for passenger traffic. Her cab ins will be equipped with all the modern conveniences. The other will have first class passenger accommodations, but will be able to carry a greater amount of freight. Both boats will be equipped with high pressure engines of great power. Their boilers will be capable of standing a high steam pressure and will probably use coal for fuel. From Portland it ib reported that a knock-down boat, the timbers for which have bean recently Eawed at Johnson's mill, is being loaded on the cars on the O. R. & N. switch on the East Side. It will be shipped to a point opposite Columbus on the upper river, and there put together. The boat which will be built at tint point will be 105 feet in length, 32 feet beam and C feel depth of hold. It is understood that tiie boiler and engines are now on the .'ground, Captain Cochran having brought them from Chicago. The steamer Fredrick Billings, which was recently purchased from the Northern Pacific, will be sup plied with a new boiler and will go into commission immediately ae a construc tion boat. The report is current that the next move on the part of the com pany will probably be the construction of a first-eiass, light-draught boat on Snnke river, at some point above Riparin. For about three or four months In each year, Snake river is navigable from Pasco to Grand Ronde. The remainder of the year boats can operate only be tween Riparia and points a few miles above Lewiston. The Mau Wlio Can. There is but one straight road to suc cess, and that is merit. Tho mau who is successful is the man who is useful. It cannot remain undiscovered because it is sought by too many anxious to utilize it. A capable man on earth is more valuable than any precious de posit under the earth, and the object of a much more vigilant search. Whoever undertakes to build a house, to cultivate a farm, to work a mine, to obtain relief fiom pain, to maintain a legal contro verey, or to perforin any function of civilized life, is actively searching for other men qualified to aid him. To ap preciate the thoroughness of the tearch it Is necessary only to realize the number of persons engaged in all these pursuits and undertakings throughout the world. From such a search, no form of ability can remain concealed. If the possessor of capacity sought to hide himself, he would be discovered and induced to em ploy his ability for the benefit of those who need it. To ho successful, then, one lias but to qualify himself thoroughly for some oc cupation. Every man has some natural aptitude. In these days, the training by which natural aptitude is developed into effective ability can bo obtained by every youth, No man can hope to be best In Any field of labor, but everyone can hope to' be among the best. Time occupied in worrying about opportunl ties, openings and staf t, is time wasted. -Valla Walla Statesman. Bagle'y Bros., have purchased a thr jaghlired Jersey bull, registered stock. For pirffeulant apply at reel dWce 6h teiiili street, near the' fair igtottna. a o uno I 1CASTDRIA mnni.T'l'' uiililtii'tlit)iiWtH"tiiiit ' i it'HiiniTjr' nitTTniMi AVfcgelable Preparationfo'r As similating ihcFoodandRegula ling (tie Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digcslion.Cheerfur ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not 31 arc otic . rumpkut Seal' Mx.Smtta niOrtenakJUk amilud&tmr hhtmptm nam: A perfect Remedy for Cons lipa Tlon , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLFEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CCNT4UH COMPANY. NtW YORK CITY 1 SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. W P W W p w A Splendid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grass and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Seed Wheat, Seed Oits, Seed Kye, Seed Barley, Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn King Philip Corn, Stowell's Evergreen Corn, Early Minnesota Corn, Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Corn, White Hominy Corn. Erly Rose Potatoes, llurbaiik Potatoes, Spring Vetches, Brome Grass, Cheap Chicken Wheat, Poultry Food, Bee Supplies. A magnificent Etcck of Staple nnd Fancy Groceries, all of which will be sold at close prices for CASH at tho Feed, Seed and Grocery Store of J. H. CROSS. 0Q H a 'OB d '02 SEEDS. SEEDS. SEEDS. vsL INSURE WITH THE Law union k Crown Fire ipraiei Co. OF LONDON. FOUNDED 1825. CAPITAL PAID UP $7,800,000. ASSETS $20,126,036. Surplus liejonil all Liabilities In United States $521 ,105.28. ARTHUR SEUFERT, Res. Agt. 'Phnne ill, The Dalles, Or. 2 Etfgs Pot Sale. Full blooded, barred Plymouth Hock egg?, per setting .1 .00 and 1 50. For particulars call on or address, Saxjikhs Bros. Box 017. The Dalles, Or. Low-is Aekerman, Goshen, Ind., says, "DeWitl's Little Early It sers always bring certain relief, cure my headache and never gripe." They gently cleanse and invigorate the bowels anil liver. WkiiUiI. A girl or woman to do general house work in a email family about nine miles from The Dalles. Inquire at this otllce. 7 Ut. "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my family with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic's best friend," says E. Hartgetink, Overisel. Mich. Digests vsliat you eat. Cannot f.iil to cure. Wuntril. By a young lady, n plac-j to do house work in a small family. Apply to Mrs, Toomey, New Columbh Hotel. m'J-2vv. Experience la tho best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded. 26 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley A Houghton Druggists. Cures Heartache QucUy. Baldwin's sparkling tlTerveecant Cel ery Soda. A harmless and itTective cure for headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, brain fatigue. 10 and 25 cents. Sold by Clarke & Flk, druggists. jan24 Ow Did you ever hcrr t-o-v , c f street came to tey;vc '- l"? V : vltci Well, lie catno hemo cnr q'-c-.'. . j r. I saw ber bitting on tso baluv.rr.t'e cf U:o porch, as fchown la tlio picture, Ka raai'.o up nU mind taon and there tjwt p'-.o would Isclr Just too sweet for nnythit:;? on r. fcleyelc. And film does. Hut the U'.r.rt of lilcvolo hns a good deal to do wltti lockinit uwoul. Ho It you want to look bwect, tv.y your wncel (as did Mr. ) of the nuent for CRAWFORDS Golden Eagle, $25 Crawford . . . $30 Cleveland, $40 and $50 We havo handled the abovo line of wheels for several years. The guarantee on the above wheels are such that no one need to hesitate .to buy either uf them. IWaiep & Benton Sol Agents.