The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 09, 1900, Image 2

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    For a Nice
Suit of Clothes.
liern Pacific
Yellowstone Park Line.
the r:x:KG ( ae none rr.osi ror.TLASi'
EirwllT rU end exine ay ttnck ol Ira
yonnj nd D iUc Woolen. A Em U
dec 'rom.
fenlt madelrcclht lrtst price u the nt?b-tcade.
mother country; that they do not
enjoy the same comrnerci&l rights,
and have tbe same privileges In com
mon." Tbe Puerto Itican bill does not
'grant tbe people of tbe island tbe
'ssme commercial risbts as are en
! joyed by tbe "mother country" Rnd
t ...i . it. .v.- t
i ucj uuiei ten ituiies. Aiun.a ubs mc TO THE EAT.
; trade with ibe states. If tbe pend- the only direct line to theyelu"
' ins bill becomes a law, Pnerto Rico ksose park
will not bave free trade with tbisj
conntry. It noes not alter tne
principle to say tbe tariff b tween
t Puerto Kico and tbe United States
is only b per cent of tbe existing)
American tariff. To tbs
are exploiting tbe Islands
methods. "We are making of Puerto
P.icoapsrt, and yet not a part of , llfl0 K fT!S
tbe common countrr. TTe are t&x-i mn inttute rn.
Yoa rjuant.
J"it nmil for Tia.
?c:t!tr. Oljmpli. Gray
lia:to? and SputS Bend
midu, t.ikaae. liwr
lEaa, B. C, Inillutan.
Jio 3. K-r.iIl-1 A. 3i. Jaloilonipnilninrconn
. exiem wej Helcns- aiuneato-
on selfish' i!- h,BL Opuht,
5 OD seiusu , Kant? City, jsi. Lnuii.
Calero and ell point
e-i: sue waiarai
No. a.
(IJ A- il.
Str. Fiefrulntor.
(limited UntlliiK-)
Danes, nnim ft Mdi m. co j
tiuii c ol tlifc ItcnUUir Umc will run an per tlivfol. i
IUK r' I"'""' ' I'""; ..-v....h IlljUl (U ClUUlPC
fcheilulH ultlmut notice. ,9
lit ) A. M.
rt I'urtlaud
, st r. x
l.v I'nrtl.iwl
Hi 7 A. .
Arr ltillc
ut P. M.
Ship yemr
j Str. Dalles City.
I TmohltiR at nil Wny I'olnli.)
I iiows,
' l.v. DhIIck
' nt f.!SO a. n.
1 Monda)-
Regulator Line. SSJ'towi
! (imccrtulii)
I.V. I'nrtlHiiil .3
Arr hull..
J. A. Eberle.
0 OUrj t;,- fir.t-clt.. aai taarltt sltcwrj to
taxinc tbem at both ' pJlul 13,3 3iilMmti rtTer i",5ntl
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ing its people for tbe use
markets, and
, ends of the transaction. 1 .fX? dfrot
Thm hill is r snnin inrw-i-1im ! B;r7e ctrcied to destination trf Hct.
me Din is a squin. impe.i-iism. j -0jtMIa.jriiia5::tdd-rit.2Ttrjri:tcr.
' It weakens our cause with tbe Fili-! Hta- ra- on, etc. wi; on or t
, write ,
pinos, and it lowers us in tbeestima-j A. D. CHARLTON, !
tion Of ourselves and tbe rest Of AlJUntOroernp?r Arm.p Morrison
-:;t. M?wf Third. iur!Laiid. OrKron.
ctvuization. spokesman-iteview.
f 2ew ideaE in Wall Paper here. Such
! wide variety a; we are showing never be
fore traced "a cinele stock. Keal imita
lion creton effects at ordinary prices, i
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
: Elegant designs, tasteful coloring, vonri? i
. for a email price, at oar store on Third 1
street. Also a full line of house paints, i
D. W. VATJSE, Third St.1
r. x t ' ' !'"""", (iitifertaln),3
C Travel br thetmon n( the ItMfiiUtnr Utic. The Oiminv will endeovor to Rlre Its pnt- J
j, i.n.i.u. Tons the bwtMfvleepnulble. For lnrthcr Inlormntloii addrcjis 1 'j!
b-lnd om-c. Oak-atreet Pact. W. C. AULA WAY, Gen. Agt.
One wek f 15
Oae month 50
One year 6 00
Cmtarrti Cannot lv Ccrrd !
with local applications, as they cannot j
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and j
- in order to core it yon must take inter- '
TBIDAT - 3IA.RCH 9, 19CO Dal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cnre is j
taken internally, and acts directly on ;
TEE WORLD'S SEW FISASCIAL bIood aad mnc0Q2 surfaces. Hall's j
CE S'TER. Catarrh Cure is not t quack medicine. I
, It was was prescribed by one of the best )
Tbe loan of 25.000,000 which physicians in this country for years, and j
Bossia has just made in New York Is Picrfption. It k composed
, of the best tonics known, combined with
tmeof many recent evidences that the best blood purifiers, acting directlv,
the world's center of Gnancial gravity ; the mncons surfaces. The perfect
is shifting to this side of tbe Atlantic, combination of the two ingredients is '
Tor many vcars that center was in wbat produces such wonderful results in j
iisbon. Then it went to Amster-1 cnring ctarrf Send for testimonials, :
iree. l
F. J. Chexet k. Co., Props., Toledo O. :
We Put...
F S.
dam. Afterward it traveled to Lon
don, and it remained there tiro find
a nan centuries, isow it is moving!
to New York. j
In many particulars New York
bas been beating London
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills ate the be.n.
DlMulutlon at I'arttieritilp.
every bit of
twenty years experience
and drug knowledge
with every
that's compounded here
Is it anv reason why
our prescription business' J
is increasing
so rapidly?
Ask 3'our pln-sician
if we are reliable.
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agercy for the Greate American .Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
. trtiTRrrv frnm f'.ih to $6.00 nor imllon. '4 to 16 veare oldV) " '
HOrSeShOeinR IMPORTED COGNAC frum ".00 to $12.00 per naflon. (11 to 20 years old. '
0 ' OALirORHIA ERANDIEB Iron. $8.25 to $6.00 per gallon.' (4 to 11 years oUlT"
Wagon Shop,
! Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
: Por. Second ftLaneliliL Tbone 157
0LYMPIA LEER on tlrauKht, and Val Blntr and Olympia Ueer in bottles
T.....r,...,l i 1. ...... I IWlur
p ( . njitdi .kii;(.iu aui.ui.
T-1 . I t t . 1 '
in recent! uasintss ueremiore existing nnticr ;
-r , . ti'e nrm name 01 iine jjros., is tms oar
Tears. London is still ahead of j- , , . . , T ,' 1
" dissolved bv mntual consent. L. L. j
New Yoik in population, though if ' Lane will conduct the business at the i
the entire metropolitan district old stand, and collect all accounts and "
around tbe mouth of the Hudson Pa? a11 bl3ls ol the firm. All parties FRENCH & CO.,
were counted as one citv. as it is m (-"""" .".--.
the case of the bis town on the
Thames, the British city would not
contain many more inhabitants than
firm are requested to sef.le as soon as
. possible. .' pRA-'i
The Dalle?. Or., March 1, 1900.
L. L. La:;e,
the American center. In many par-1
' lin-diw
K. M. Lane.
of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sizht Eicbange and Telegraphic . -
rn t ? j t t m ' i
tlculars, however, the American city 3I. Calvin Z.m.uerman, Milesburir, "S, Sn "A, Inland j f
is gettinp ahead of its nval on the' a.'Ea-Vf' Ae aBrr cure for conghs, : K0R, c3tt!e Wash,, and various points !
, . ... . coias, croup ana sore tliroat Ue Minute in Oregon ana Washington.
OJier side Of the Atlantic. -New fCoagh Cure iennequaled. It is pleasant Collections made at uil points on fav
Tork's imports and exports are great-; for childien to take. I heartily recorc- or'"lf' l;rmg-
..Gjuis. mu-
and Farmers
Keetw on draught the celebrated
COLfllBIA MEEK. ic:inw:.
fcitsfcil tte lat fc in The lalln,
Ettneuittal price. Come In, try
It and bv roavinerd. Alto the
Fint-tt brands ol Wiues, Liquor
and Ci?ar.
ol kll Kind: ahraTS on hand.
Was co Ware house Company
! Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds.
I Headquarters for Feed Grain oi pii kin
'Headquarters for Rolled Grain, a kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, mTllfeed
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
er than London's. The aggregate of j mend it to mothers." It is the only
its bank clearances is much lareer I harmless "remedy that produces im
tban tl, nf Pnrn.r. Tt. mediate results. It cures bronchitis.'
. l . : .i . .
6'u'u i" iulhu resjiecu, too, is disease
Riuch in excess of that of its rival
Administrator's Kale of Keal Estate.
! pneumonia, urinoe snt' throat and Inns ."'i..bVJb&.JMT unrtenlsneii.
J w 1 erLtleirtn. mirriinlilrstnT ff ?ti tt nf
It will prevent consumption. I-5r(1'J a Klchardton, rite . it. j-urtuance of
r anoidirrof tbe Hunoiable 'onrt ol the !
' sine ft ui,mi hit asfo county. atilrmaiJe-
The number of millionaires which it I,u!I Headache, Pain- in various parle nd.teTe un ihs t.b day o j0iir. mo, win ,
contains is much larger,
Ofthehwlv. Sinkinr. at tf. nf thu i "25". "".V. "V'lLr?.'!2VJ'"
j - w r-- w piw-u -y i d k fJiJkniu ui'- jiri ir.JSU Hi imuii r
all of tfrt .ollowlnr licrll?rt ten! estate, bel&nz-
IiUS3ia had the whole world nncn ! t.- , .. Ine to tuee Mie oi laid Lvlia A. Iilenaid.ou,
jAUMiit uau me wjoie worm open , Pimples or Sores all positive evidences. ' as"l, to-trit:
So tnartpr hnv It The noitbtrest oarie-ol tb fiwthwett nuar
- u '""tier nun it rt .,., hn i
... - ... w I "- ,'"I H" I.-. . 1 UI1U
to it, but it came to New York to J of impure
m . i t rr.t i . . ' 1 1 . I t..i
uutti its ijik loan. XUe lOun. WUlCIl . U1:,-a"lu IU 11 UJUKl PUIIU-U oruer to '" mnni un ii iuv norineait quarter
. ' ,.t-.: ...: .1.1 . , t.i j ' iion IbrtvM) In tosrnjhip (our (I, ioutb of
is guaranteed by the government ofOCtm eocU heJlt'1- Ackers Blood rane .biitwn n -.. eatt f the u-nu.nette merM
.. ... ..... . ' Eiezir has never failed to cure Scrofulous tan. in, oiwn. alio that certalo
the czar, is to be paid, principa and " B M,"?u 10 curecroimous pitc ?r w5j ?I ja,u ,rt:cuiaiir Lounrttd ano
. . , 1 or syphilitic poisons or acv other blood 'ln:riua s follrnri coniinencluK Jl r&dand
interest, in American money, and in distatei !" i rrtainiv ttr,n,irf.,i 1 u.,l1 ,w: lfc oihwt earner of the
This is not the first loan remedy and vre sell every bottle on iPi'if?!"'1 "u,t,0,; thirweni3jutof
Of a European government which ' positive guarantee. BlakeJeyA floush. n. and ramiiuK thent nonb one hall mile:
ton's drng store.
Clark & Folk's drug Htoclc
fresh and complete.
has been floated in this country.
The transaction of this sort will un
doubtedly be frequent hereafter.
The United .States is the wealthiest ( -country
in the world. In this re-, yMrmmmtmt m
apect, indeed, it has gone so far be-! ffCflVI I A
yond the United Kinrilnm ir. h
... . r- t -V-I..1.X t-i.! j -. vi v:.?...v".
past twenty 3 ears that its holdings of ,aEtinr SseaeeB, all effects of eelf-' tM.i2tb c7 i January, r..A
property of all soru very nearly , abuse, or excess and indh ! A(J,InUtfntilr of tb0 ElclJ.
equal those of the United Kin-'dom iKsaf cretIon Aiierve tonic untlj araon,dxaitti. '
nrl !.',, ,,.,i 1 , 0 , Wood builder. Brings the ncn-c & JUnerec.
nd trance together, which stand , ft pInk Llow to pale cheeks anc" : Attorney, lor Adminbirator. lajanii
econu and third on the list, respect-, SkL restores the fire of youth. I
ively. filfx By mail 5lc per xx; J boxes
, ttitneeweaUO rult and tl$ net. thcncctoiilh I
one half rail;, and thence M rods and -J14
, ifret uj tne place o: thinning uvc and except
it. tif.-jr , iheKfrorn four lot in lilcfcerdton Addition to
ie Jicn ,tie-0wn nJTTtfh. Which hajl ln hf,fn!i,r,.
i .uldand conteim. the ticlabo'edex:iibediti
1 eluding all of tald Klchardtoim Addition to the
1 i. j Tims, of TjKh, at laid out and plotted and ie-
, eordol in tee I!cajrt of Ueetli for W,co
countr. Oregon, tald real etUle above detcilbed
Rmm-VI TALITt , ' eon tain le 210 acre, more or lew.
. i-PfXV'GOR 1 Arr veroridlrlnrn.'ormtlon with reference
AND MANHOOD l"aidreiletnteiihou:lcrillonoraddrevimcat
Junction citjr. Oregon, or my attorney, liufur
1 lor m2.fU): with n. written rriniritii.
; teo to cure or refund the money. 1
In 1773 Franklin wrote
"rules for reducing a great empire to'
small one." They were published
in the London Public Advertiser,
and were intended for the eyes of the
king and his ministers. One of these
rules lias some application to the
pending mABurc for the government
of Pu to Kieo, and mlcht be coc
Merwl witk profit by President
VeKlaley ami tue Republican leaders
reef. Franklin Mid :
Mfeeeeiel care Ike provinces
awe aever Incorporated with the
. J-'cbruarjr Z, VM. j
Notice It hereby irlren that Dm ir,u,iv,-
! NtRlITA MPHiril r-r 1 n,rawl ve filed noilce of iheir Inten-
j itcnvilA NICUIbAL UU. tlon to make final proof in iupiort of their
some winiw toxxson vn icaqo, iu. Vi" " , " V,'; V'L?' ' .e,7I?
I in , .V. .iFi,M,ijr4iiii tut
unmcKd niMniriKion. ut niionieeln (.olden
dale, Waiblngton.on h'rlrlajr, Mutch IC. UW, viz.
liekiah, widow of Ycachatr. Puss,
deceaaed, an Indian,
Homftteai Kntry No. fWV. for Ibo vtent half of
liorttnrttt ritiarter and lot I, tecllon lC.towmlilii
S north, of rariKClletH, Will. Jfer.
nno name too louovrint: rltnee to rrove
iicr eouiinuoui ini ieii'.e npon, ana cultivation
of utld laud, rlz-
111 It llai na-tfaa, Charlie Wf, Hbbert Way.
weyot , Jeny Hot., all of Columbua I. 0 Waafj.
Iiif Ion.
also Skamiah Jr., an Indian,
Homestfad Entry Jfo. 'Jt)i. for the east half of
iiortbwtit quarter and lot 3. Mellon US, town
bli 2 north, of rae Heart. Will. Mr,
lie names the followlnr wiuat to prove
bitrontinuouf reiidenee utxin pnltl vmUnn
U HIU muu. v it :
AIM IU na ln, Charlie Wic. Robert Wall
weyat, Jeny Mr, all of Col um bug p. ()., Waah
H il W. It. DU.NIMB, Bfliter,
This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
uee: everr Rack is piinrnntt-ffl tn pivh aatinfartian.
We eell our goods lower than any house In the trade, and if you don't think
call and get cur pricee and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
I hare re-opened this "well-kno-wm Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
I .
fill kinds of
Funeral Supplied
Grandall & Biuret
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shoes
Gbuse 1
kelps the team. Save wear aad J
extieiuc. KoLd twvwhnv. aa
UTMHumw oh. 00.
Wagen and Carriage Wark.
Pleh Srethera' Wagan.
rr c cti
...Doalor In...
Dtry Goods, Clothing,
Gents' Futtnishings.
WU, Hlifw. II,lt, , , N(1(II A
lor . J noun nn Hhoe. h
Sfssaifc Tte DaUes, Or.
C. S. Smith,
Up-to-date (Jroeer
Fresh Eggs and Creamery
Butter a specialty.
2d Street. 'Phone 270.
flirt ail J&to. Pkeii59 1
Ofllcc over French & fo.'a llauk
I'hone C,
TjlRKD. W.WILRiim.
J.H. HctlBNK,
First national Baok.
A General Banking Business transit
DepceiU reorivad, anbjeet to Bight
Drafter Cheek.
GollaetioM atade aad proceeds P'OfflrW
MMlLUd oa dav of oolloction. ,
Sight aad TeJejraahlc Kxohngeoia
Hew YdrkTSSa IraacHeo and W
akiacatcyroite)- .
D. P. Tiohnm. JKO. B.
Office ovei Klrit Nat. lun
OAUifi", 0RKQ0M
Eo. If. WiLLUkta, Go. A.
H.M. Biall.