yA'TjT;;'w',tTAT7,r' Advice of a Druggist "Uis proper, I think, to let others know about the popularity ami virtues of Acker's Jinplisli Uemeuy ior v-ousns, vajius aim v.uu- sumptiou. i'rom the moment 1 began lianil liupit.itsolit rapidly, ami Hie snlos Icrp crow ing all the time as fust as people fi n d out what n re-? mnrkiuuc preparation U k The satisfaction it iiivcs is universal. Our best cit- izrns nr it and say it is the Kvt thinp for throat anil lunf; troubles they ever saw. Mr.S. H. Oul Yer. one of our prominent townsmen, says Acker's English Ketutily is the only medi cine that helped 111- chronic coush of many years' standinc. At first it pave relief, and now, after taking a few bottles, lie ii wholly Ciml. 1 buy it by the cross at a time, and my sales arel.irpcr on this one medicine than on any other in my store. It is a great jlcasurcfor me to feel that while I am prosper ing I am also doing so much pood to the com munity in selling such a crand medicine." (Signed K.H.DoruLAS, West field, N. Y. Bold at 25c.. 60c. and II a bottle, throughout Hie United States and Canada ; and in Eng land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., -Is. 6d. If you arenot satisfied after buying, return the bottle to yonr druggist, and get your money back. 1IV authorizt the altovc puaranlte, V. n. UOOKES Jk CO., Proprietors, Xew York. VOR SALE BY Blakeley & Honghton. i f Call lor Repilicifl Coiiity ConYeution. Time for UolitluK l'rliu rl-. The .Republican Counly Convention ol Wasco County, State of Oregon, 19 hereby called to meet in Dalles City, in uml county, on brnlny March IM, ltfUu, at the hour of 10 j'elock a.m. of fcaid day, for the purpose of nominating can didatea for the following county otlicers : county mdire, county clerk, county eher iff, county treasurer, one county com missioner, county assessor, county ichool superintendent, county coroner, and county surveyor, also precinct of iicers for the Severn! piecincts of said tonnty ; and 10 delegatea to the lie pub lican State and District Cnressioni! Conventions, and to transact such otiier business as may properly come before aid County Convention. The conven tion will consist of 100 delegates cho-en by the several precincts, and the several precincts of said county will be entitled to representation in said convention as follows: Antelope 7 ECingsley 3 Bigelow 9 Mosier 3 Buldwin 2 Mountain 3 Bikeoven 3 Nansene Boid 3 Oak Grove 2 rVilnnihfa ..9 I'nniaav 'J Dolor ft South Hood itiver.4 Deschutes 2 lygh Vallev 3 Eist Dalles 9 Trevitt 9 last Hood Kiver..5 Viento 2 Kght Mile 2 West Dalles C Jails 5 West HoodKiver..4 Wamic 3 54 4o Primaries to elect delegates to said County Convention will be held in each of the several precincts in said Wasco County, on March 17, 190U. In East Dalles piecinct too polii for said primary election will be located at the Eiat End Hose Co.'s house, and H. It ice, C. E. Chrisman and L. S, Davis will act as judges at said election ; in Bigelow pre cinct the polls will be Incited at the of fire or Wm. Michel), and J. M. Patter son, F. Faulkner and Wm. Michel! will act as judges at said el'Ction : in Trevitt piecinct the polls will be located at the northeast corner of Third and Union treets, and F. T. Sampson. Frank Vogt and J. Fisher will act a judges at said election ; and in West Da I lea precinct the polls will be located at the City Mills, anil C. L. Schmidt, J. F. Staniels ami C. M. Fouts will act as judges at said flection. The polls in each of said precincts, in taid primary election, will lie kept open from 12 o'clock noon to 7 o'clock p. m, Jor the reception of votes. The polls in web of theother precincts in the county will be located in the usual voting plao.-g in each precinct, and it is reomrriftided shall be opened at the hour of 2 o'clock p. in. on said 17th day of March, 1900, and will be conducted in the usual man ner. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 0 h day of March, 1900. Hknuv L. Kuck. -Chairman Republican County Cen. Com. F. E. Bkoxso.v, Secretary. Itrniarkablo Cures of IllieuinalUui, Tium the Vindicator, Ittithetfordton, N. C. Theedito- ol the Vindici tor has had eceaeioi to test the efficacy of Chamber- Iain's Pain Halm twice with the most ; TCBiirkable remits in each laee. First, t wrUi rhmmaliim in the shoulder from ' which be tu flared excruciating 1 1 in for trsdaye, wli'ch was relieved with two applications of Pain Balm, tubbing the parts itfillctel and realizing instant tenefit and entiro relief in a very short lime, Second, in rheumatism in thigh int, almost proilrating lilm with severe pain, which was relieved by Uo ppli eitions, rubbing with the liniment on .retiring at night, and getting up free Jkom pain. For sale by Blakeluy & Houghton. .JtWlU'd Witch Hazel Salve is un. Mikd. for pile, injuries and fkin irnin. It it the original Witch Urn) , Valve. Beware of all counterfeits. SHOULD COAL GIVE OUT. Klectrlcnl Kncricy nnd Nntnrttl Force Wnatii Supply IMcnty , of I'owcr. Are we utterly dependent upon coal, so that the wheels of industry will stop nnd the forests be consumed for fuel when coal gives out? Of eoursenot.lt is an idle fear. Already we have the be ginnings of a new method of utilizing natural energy which will prove enor mously more effective than conl ever has been, nnd will be practically inex haustible to whatever extent industry may expand, says Ounton's Magazine. Electrical energy, developed by water power, will run the world's industries, furnish its light nnd heat, nnd be the universal substitute for all forms of combustion methods. Water power is practically unlimited, and it will be util ized more nnd more in proportion as the need for it arises and as it becomes, at different places and at successive peri ods, cheaper than conl. The substitu tion will proceed gradually, until, when the coal supply finally is exhausted, no body will have r.nyihing more than a curious or academic interest in the mat ter, and probably not a ripple will be produced in the steady onward How of the world's industry. As the use of wa ter power to develop electrical energy increases to the point of formidable competition with coal, electrical stu dents and inventors will doubtless bring out improvements making it posilile to store the power or conduct it long dis tances at small cost, until our factories, railroads and ships can bo operated by it, our houses lighted and warmed anil food prepared, all at even less expense than is possible to-day with coal. SPRUCE TIMBER SCARCE. I'mior-Mnkem Mny He Driven to the Vhc of Sonic Other AVooil or Miitcrlnl. NOTICE of Applicttion for Liquor License. To all Whom It May Concurs: Notice Ik hereby iilvcu Hint the uudcrtlKncd, J. J Wllev. will nt 10 o'clock In tlie forenoon, on WiMuesdav, the 7th lny of Mnrcli, t HI, the Mine being the regular Mntch Uniterm of coin t, applv to Hie County Court, ol the State ol On Ron, for Wasco County, foru license to spirit uous, iiinU nnd vinous liquor. In lei-i quantities than one trillion. In the town of Slinnlko.lii An teloiio Vrcciuct, In the county and state nfoie sald, for such period a receipt from the County TreiMlicr of Mid county may call for; nnd his petition for said license, which he will present to the said County Court on said date, l licreltiancr ici lorui. Da tcil this Atti day of February, ")J- .., I'd II Ion for Lltjuor i.lvrnc To the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Wnco: Wc, the umlcrtlgnat resldentiand local voters of AuteloiK! 1'iecliict, In the County of Wnsco, and the Stme. of Oregon, respi-etfully petition vnor hnnnmhlo lintlv to irrallt II license to J. J. Wiley to tell spitltiiouj.iiialt and vinous liquors 111 less quauuues. man one-Rainm mnii 'i anauixo, in mm anienqn; r""i ."" tv and State aforesaid, for such period n Ills re ceipt from the county tiensurer of mid county may can ror. 3a McCarthv VY i-colY 1 3 lllbce J II KWer " VVm Hull W C Porter Wm Stanley Howardlionils N A ichmltt D It Kclsay li I Saunders John l.imple Alt Kelsav V W Dunn J W Thompson (! N iturer CW Clark O Cornell J Stephenson Thos Collins Thos Ilryunt AlnnzoTutucr W M McCarthy Him lllnanent CMolrncux S 1' (iamblu H K hillock Iranis' Miller Fnil Miller Kil Shcchaii LU Chapman (i W Sinn WK Dawson J o Wtltsev I) S Hvan bam Work S II Miller' It O Carland Chas Fortune T Heiiticghan J D Tunny I'. C Dickcrsou W U'wis John Malone (1 A l.ratty J it KpNav P llartwlir Jas Warrack W M Pavev K C Uoolwln K A 1-iictldcmami T (i Condon W J Kepler J S Hwunsou J A Tillv J M Itewier W K Kemp A T Ksp'itiR Hoss Allen leo HllUr Albert aultoti KJ (Uisan W II Prose K D Martin K lledfotd Kobert Drier li.tvfil Scott ItJ Pllklneton KM Dial J Malone John Phelps Patrick Itadlsan Char'es blank S A Edmunson D A Howell KJliraves Henry Dice K W Sllvertootli C Miller KCascvKerr Kinley ..Iclleth J Thompson Chas OallaRhcr John (iallnirher KtnnkKliHMlil J W Scarlett Walter CoudClt K II llorLliig (ieorjio Condon John McLennan j uinnk lieo i.ociiian i r. .mcmihh llnrrv AiIhios ('has (ireor II C Itooiivr iTankNspicer KraiiK Irvine Max I.ucddeman -m I'm inner j i nenncii j j hucj 1 I Fiulayson 0.R.&N. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark A F.ilR's drug stcck in new The forthcoming report of S. W. the state of Maine, will contain ohn. frL,'h a'"1 complete. tor devoted to the null) and naiwr m:m.' Clarke & Falk iiave on galea full line ufacturing of the state. A table will of Paint a"'1 arliet's "rushes. De published showing the acreage of Ute ClarkoA Falk'squinine hair tonic spruce timber lands in Maine, the, to keep dandruff from the head, amount of that wood used ench year for , , .. , . -i , manufacturing paper and gie other' A full .me of Eastman nlm. and sup datn concerning the ir.iltistrv. xhe ' plies just received by Clarke & ralk. commissioner will also urge the adop-' Yon will not have bolls if you take tion or some other material, if possible. Clarke & talk's sure cure lor boils irum vwiicn news paper can be made, Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are M, o : , T , , 1 "'8 Ask your 8rocer for them Maine neople are much agitated over the fast depletion of the state forests Ash your grocer for Clarke & Falk's uy paper makers, and it is possible that pure concentrated flavoring extracte. a bill will be intrrulneeil ir, ll.n legislature prohibiting the rntti.,., "f FIoral Iolion wiU care wind chapping spruce for a term of years. It is honed anl eunutD-- Manufactured by Clarke that by this- method the forests will & t'ulk have a chance to gain lost ground in season to nmvnnt lio xnmni,.ta termination of that valuable tree. The' proved Md?azine cyclones at Donnell's paper-makers are, therefore, doinir ur"K 3lore u.uv... min i ng as to wnat course to, 1'aint your house with paints that are thPv win .i, iVT . fjllv B'-aranteed to last. Clarke & Falk tlie will substitute poplar or birch for , 7, spruce timber. uuvu l,,cu' An experiment now being made in Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Missouri with cornstalks for making Wnsco warehouse. Finest kind of aper is ne.ng wntcl.ed with interest chickpn fe(,d mcu25-i, here. It is said that thus far fair sue- cess has been made with Hint material Clarke & Falk have received a carload ami a good iiunlity of paper has been! of the celebrated James E. Patton made. Much of the timber cut in Maine ! strictly pure liquid paints tm' tn Vmt- 1 1 -i .-1, : . ..1 ,,, " .i,iiijstii, c-, iii:i u une mill i Latest thing in cameras are Im alone turns out 240 tons of paper each nay troni spruce timber. IilMolullou of 1'artnerthlp. A HIGH PRICED PIANO. One That Wan 31ale for n Famous IlelKlnn ArtUt nt a Coat of f2S,IHK). A wonderful piano has been made by Jan Van Beers, the Belgian artist, whose portraits of beautiful women are famous. Vhe painter owns one of the most remarkable houses in Paris and lias given years to the study of interior ( lm-dAw decoration, says the .sew lorK loiii The business heretofore existing under the Grin name of Lane Bros., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. L. I- Line will conduct the business at the old stand, and collect all accounts and p.iy all bills of the firm. All parties knowing themselves indebted to the firm are requested to settle as soon as possible. The Dalle?, Or., March 1, 1900. L. fi. Lank, N. M. Lank. mercial Adverthcr. He admits that! euro Headache yuicki- the exquisite instrument which he is, Baldwin's sparkling effervescent Cel going to exhibit at the exposition next ery Soda. A harmless and effective cure summer is pro ba lily tt.e most iieauu- forieadacln r, nervousnes e, sle oplessness, ful piano of ancient or modern t rnes. , , f . Q , ' Of course, only the shell or ea&e is his ; . ,,, . . work; whose make the instrument ! h Clarkc & -'alk' ''"ggtBH. jn24 iv shall be will be determined by the pur chaser. The body of the piano is of "U In Vnur cneokii. to .nine .1, tow), win oe paid at mv office. Interest ceaseH after February. 2, IM)0. C. L. Phillips, Conutv Treasurer. natural wood, tinted green; the legs ' All countv warrants registered prior garlands, Cupids and all the ornamenta tions are of bronze, gilded and chiseled by the ablest sculptor of Louis Ouinze bronzes in Paris. The fine sketches which appear on the sides and on the front of the piano are paintings by the artist himself and represent the four seasons, and a minuet danced in the park in the days of Louis XV., nil after the manner of Watteau. The dinigner has tried as far as pos sible to convert those parts of the piano which are ordinarily ungraceful and awkward into something decorative nnd harmonious. The pedals, which generally represent n lyre, are replaced j by the owner's initials. One bronze Cupid, at the touch of a spring, offers his, wuioncelloabn support for the cover when M. I). Smith, Butternut, Mich., says, "DeWitt's Little Karly Hisers are the very best pills I ever used for costiveness, liver and bowel troubles." Subscribe for The Chronic'e. Kodol Dvsnensia CnrA onen. This cover is lined with I I small plaques of ivory, each surround- DlflOStS Wh&t VOU eat ed by a Louis Quluze frame of bronze,' ' 7 " where some day di-tlngiiished musl t?'lflUi!? cians will write their names, using for SKSffni H. ?t?S2Si?gHi.ireCOn cunid' nt" tise ft, 8he1a.u; r urr a Vsts&sist Cupid nt the left, which have been in ant and tonic. No other oreMratlon geniotisly converted Into inkstand and can approach it in efficiency. It in pen. The music, resting on n small tantly relieved and permanently cure frame of bronze, which glides forward Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, upon a spring, is lighted by two delicate SKVi90' JSr BtontCh, jfauMa. electric flowers, and the musician is BHMMhe,( thus left in an nffreeable halMiirht. ' iPllVJtmiOU. The total cost of the piano will not be " -) 1) KIM 117 Knvt l II 1 1 ! U:b p. m. TIMK rRIIRIlULR, AltlUVK From Dalles. Khom. i 1 Salt I.ak. , Denver. H. Jiit Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mall fas City, St. lmls,i 8:55 1 m ChleaRD and liatt. Blxikane Flyer 7:05 p. m S p. m. 8 p. m. i:-.sunday Battirday 10 i. ni. tin. tn. Kx.bunday 7 a. m, TuenTriur, and itut. I A 9M.I I TheGreat STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON RANGES, Vlje Walla Walla, HiKikane,' MIiiiipiiihiIIk. S-l. I'iiuI,! i) u 1 n t h, Mllunukiv, !: Chleago ami Hast. ' From romnsn. Ocean Kteamshlps. Fur Kan Francln'o December :!, n, 3, IS, 23 and Colunihln llv. Steamers. To Astoria and Way IjiinJIngk. i i. m. i I I p. m. Ex.huuda) Willamettk IttvKR. ii:.p.m. Oregon City. Newben:,1 Ex. Sunday Kalcin ,V way IjuuI's. WlLLAMItTTK ANIl YAM- SlM i. m, 11 ILL KlVKHS. Moil., Will Orecon City, Dayton, and Fri. und Way-IjindliiRs. 6 a.m. I WiLLAMKTTr. Iiivkr. i:.T0 ji. m. Tue..Tliur,l'ortland to Corvallls, Mon.Wni and Sat. and Wny-ljindliiRs. mud Ftiday Wajestie Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. SNAKK IIIVKR. l.KAVK I.v ttiparlal Klnaria to ijwiston. I.kwihtcin rtaliy I dally l.Wn. m. S::Wa. tn. lJenionibei' Unit wo aro soiling tho sumo from $45.00 to $60.00 Wli'ii- i i n snving lo our customers of from 15 to 25 over p co charged by peddlers for inferior ranges. . ,ito for pamphlet, ''Majestic Evidonce." MAYS & COttlE. H IB' P. Parties dcsiiinir tn rro tn Ilenmicr ho,iM take .no. i, leavini; 'inel)ani's at 7:0.) . r.i maUiiiK direct conuecllous at llcppner junction ItcturuliiR maklnKdirectcoiiucctiim at llepiuer Junction with No. 1. arriving at The Dallei at :&ji. m. No. '.', throusht (reluht, emt Louml, doei not carry passengers! arrive!, "J:M a. m., departs 2-Mn.m, No. '.'I, local Ireijjht, carries paenccrs, cat bound: arrives Iimi. ni., departs a:lf p. in. No.'Jl,e.t Ixiiinii through Irclxht, doi-s not carry passengers; arrives h:15 p in., ileiarts 9:00 p. m. No. 23, vet bound hx-al IreiRht, carrle pa.s seiigers; ariives 5:15 p. in., deparLs 8:SU a. m. For lull particulars call nn O. It. & N. Co.'t agent The Dalles, or address W. II. HUKI.HUKT, (ieu Pas. A3t., I'orlland, Or. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland lea vs. 7:00 I'. M. OVKHLANI) KX-1 1 press, Salem, Hot.e uurg, Ainianii, ramento. Oitdeu Francisco. Mol Los Angcle,Kl Paso reir urieaus am: East 1, Kac-1 en, San 1 lojave, ( 8:80 A. ji."oscbutg 8,1(1 ,vay st' 9:15 A. M. I :H0 P. Dally except Huudays Dally except fVta Wondbiira fori I 1 .Mi.Angei, Biivuriou, 1 West ado. Browns- I vllle.rfprlngUcldaud . Sundays, . va.iuil J 1 17:30 A.M.! jS;,,'' 5:fP.M. INDEPENDENCE PA88ENfJEK. Express train Dally (except Sunday). t;S0p.m. (I.v. ...PortUud ...Ar.) 8:25a.m :30p.m. Ai..McMinnvillc..I.v. 5;60a,m 8:30 p.m. (Ar..IndCeiidcnce..I.v.) 1:60 a. m 'Dally. (Dauy, except hunaar. DINING CAUH ON OUDEN UOUTE. PULLMAN BUKKJ5T HI.FKPER8 AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CAKfc Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at tan Kranclsco with Orel dental and Oriental and Pacific mall steamship Hues for JAPAN and CHINA. Balling dates on a' plication. iuuuh mm iicxcis v eastern points and Kit' roic. Also JAPAN. CHINA. IION'Ol.tll.lI -m Al'STHAI.IA. All above trains arrlvo at uud ilciwpt Irum Grand Central Station, Filth and Irving struct YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, loot of Jeilerson street. Ipfivn fnp Hhprlflnn ivfilr .l.ivw at I.9A n .n Arrive itt Portland, 9:30 u. m. t.. nttlllr,.n if,...., 1,... miv iui ikii. uji jitjiiiiuy, r, ijxiuirnUHV aim V.lu. .lU'ln n ... I,.... I In dav, Thursday and Saturday 11 3:05 p. m. Kxcept Sunday. Except Saturday. (I. II. MAIik'lMM AssL U. I'. A Pass. A lit ll.l&llXAIllAItiailAailllttJlllAtAUB&Iaij4a4X2flSSMS4lAMUFll'IIMH 1 """""'"""i'iiirtTnTmnririmrirtSJin imr I f f f f i Th Dalian, Of. The Chronicle, Job Printers. and Motors MANUPACTUUKI) IIV It. KoEL.LEIt, Jianater. S Canada and Kuro can 'bo obtlne4 at , -JXri XMlST U ljOHi W XI JhUjU W J. tt. K1IIKLAND, Ticket Agent. Mluiia Packet, PACKERS OP PORKand BEEF MANUKAOTUHEKS OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JB1KD BEEF. ETC. jyW OKIHBNDOKrrKK rbysiciau and Surgeon, Bpeclal atUntlon given to mrgery, ftoosva 21 and 32, Tel. 828 Vogt Block SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Clrculnra 11 ml purticnlara furnished on application. P. S. GUNNING, Agent, u"- THE DALLKS, OKKG0N C. C. COOPER, MANUF.lUTUIIIill OP High-Grade Stock Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. DKAI.KII IN kept in a Orst-claia liarneii ihon. TI1K DALIES, OREGON. Opimslto Moodya Warobouse, This Stamp a GuarnntM MAKER of Quality. less man 25,0W,