COLUMBIA RIVER IMPROVEMENT. While waiting for our new goods to be marked, which are now in the house, we will give you a few things to consider a sort of SALTED ALMOND; something to munch upon during the day or two that will lapse before the pretty things that will crowd our counters will be ready for inspection. The balance of 'our Flannelette Wrappers and Flannelette Shirt Waists Will go 20 Per Cent. Off All Goods Marked In Pluln Figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Telephone No. J. WEDNESDAY - MARCH 7, 1000 Oysters nerved In every stylo by A. KE LLER WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Concert, Wednoaday evening of next week. A tnai) may run into debt hut lie eeldoin coijr'b out of it faster thnn a walk. County court in in session today and is busily engaged in hearing several toad caeee, Jacob S. Hinearson, a pioneer of 1843, sued 8i! years, died in Oregon City Sun day night. Next Saturday the ladiee of the Catholic church will havo cakea nud pies for sale at the Btore of Maior & Henton. Two drunks wore brought before the reconlur this morning and fined three dollars each, which they paid and lieoliurgeil. Nowh readied liVo-diis afternoti were 1 Auil MuLeod, wolLKnown in'MDaUea liail died of heart failure ajr his home in (ioldtindaloX Ihieiness in the land offlce for March at thiti place, is reported far In excess to tlio amount during the corresponding month lust yeur. A regular monthly meeting of the Hook & Iulder Co. will bo held at 8 o'clock tonight in the city hall. It Is Weired that all members attend. Through a letter received yesterday wo learn that our old friend, Harry wnedalo, lina settled in Columbia, Mo., whuro lie is interested in the Columbia Hardware Co. The acoustic properties of Ihe Cong national church are good. It will iimkti an ideal cincert room. No one should fail to attend the concert next Veilnoaday evening. A " luiuram was nounclnn the death of AuwUrk city. Mr. H 01 "re. L, Uorden ui alvanuei! age of 00 1 hero is now talk of a potato starch "ctory nt Salem. The Salem Chamber f Commerce has the matter In hand. w would be a valuable addition to "elr manufacturing industries. The engagement, of Governor Geer and Mrs. Hurry, of Astoria, is announced, ihey are the talloat couple Id the state, mi-. Geer measuring nearly 0J',feet high, ""lie Mrs, Barry Is fully 0 . feet tall. -Jacksonville Timt. hif i.n g,,ttd,no working In Ut.herf8J.gbia,,;. the Bumpier aiilrict. of Kurn Oregon, end ill putting o practical uppliMUon what be learned V . . . ( reeaivau iuay wi- nliJi war thJuther hnXremdhed the ( at the same reduction as last week, PEASE in Dr. Liehman's department ubnut as saying mining ores. Oregon Weekly. The proceeds of the concert to be given in the Congregational church next week will he applied on a new church organ. It is the intention to put in u high-grade instrument, so ns to increase the effectiveness of the music of the church. Again today wo have had a dark, dis mal and rainy day. Our weather for tbo past few days will compare favorably with the average Willamette valley weather. However, a little later in the season we will be ahlo to enjoy the moot delightful and pleasant weather of any place on tho coast. A freak in the duck line is recently shot on Col Portland. It is of tl but white, and it ia, tl Albino for the same re negro or Indian or bla is. It has been mounted anuSpreeented to the city museum at the metropolis. Deputy County Clerk Simeon Bolton states that the regiatration of voters is very slow. This registration should not be overlooked for when election day comes and a great many good, Biibstan iial citizens come to the polls and find they have neglected to register they will feel rather aggrieved that the right of voting is denied them. There was a spaii of fine roadsters taken oil' the Regulator last night and are now comfortably horfsed at the livery stable of L, A. Porter. They were purchased Uv Mr I'orter of a gentleman at AlbanV Ji'liey were sired by "Multnomah," anVpeingfull brother and sister, are porfecAmates. Being standard bred -they arasttraclive oeKlt ia possible lor a teaifi to be Porterw as proud of his purchase as i Upfjjwer his first pair of red top bootsLIt ia needless to ,eay that he espiAa to ride In front this season. v The site for the scouring mill has not oa yet been decided upon. Mr. J. M. Kuaeell, who arrived from Portland lust night, is buay today comparing two propositions that he baa an ydption on. One piece of ground whichyfio seems to think is quite dealrablo uSuuated just east of the Waeco warehoiHe,Nhile the ether, which is more oentrally located, ia the property direct)' back of theNfiret National bank. Whichever seema beat idanted for the purpose nud can be purchased tho moat reasonable, will in all likelihood be selected. March 14th in the date decided upon for the concert to be given by tho Congregational people of thhclty. The steady work of the choyre during the past two week has aeourfed good results, and all who aitenuVmny rest Assured they will epjoy oWof the best ento ments of receoruare, In addiUen to the ohoruiesof mixed voices, kUI be a number leftdered bya UdieapruB of ten voloee. end m mare ohoMs of nine voices. Special vocal numbers will be riven bv the beat talent of the city. No one can afford to mlaa thin musical treat. Clerk &,Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't forget this. a bifd t i lit tf nlmifili aa II 111 U II GIU14)I I .bVefore..cjOrnn N asdn ynjCcn white ckbirfi or eletihant & MAYS Tudee rnr Director. A paper is being circulated today among the taxpayera of this district and ia being signed rapidly. Tiie request ie as follows : To Hon. Geo. A. Liebe: We the undersigned, cjjjzens and taxpayers of school djaffTcp No. 12, urgently request that yon nlow your name to be used aa a candidate for the office of school director fur district No. 12, at the coming election. We make tills request, well appreciating your services as director during the past three years, and we believe it ie the earnest wish of an overwhelming ma jority of tho voters of the district that you remain in office. Judge Liebe has been a moat excellent director and has given unstinted time to school matters. The community, if pos sible, nre desirous of retaining such a erson and are endeavoring to bring cnougt) pressure to near on Mr. Liebe that , he will see Gt to accept the nomina tion lor directorship for another term. Bcliuul Clwrk'i. Keport. Financial statement of Clerk C. L. Schmidt of school district No. 12, of Waeco county, Oregon, for school year ending March 1, 1000: C!ash on hand Mnrcli 1,1809 101 Co ltKCKIl'IK. Bkk:IiiI tax, 1S93 8,37u 70 Delinquent taxes aai 2 County Miliool iunil :i,siH uo Bill tO Hl'PlirllOlllllfllt . . l,-&i M Tuition Wi m Miscellaneous 1U 70 Total receipts . ... 1V.1B iv Grand total 15.C1U C7 DiHllUllSKMKHTH. Teanlierb' salaries f i), 108 75 Janitors' siilitries l.lli! 00 District clerk UOO 00 'I'lione and water rent ; 7.') fio l'rlnting 'i! 15 rininlles iiliil miscellaneous 70S H7 Uepulrs ill Interest 1,MS 'j,' Wood mid coitl 012 'Jo Insurance ra 70 Warrants redeemed 'J-'o on Total . H,1UG Hi Cash on hand March 1, 1U0O 1,1. "J 7(1 - Correct tmlauo; .. 15,01li 07 liKNI-lUl. .STATISTICS. Clitldreu vmunerated, male, 70J; (eninle, 70 J; total, 1 105. Children enrolled during year, male, 510; temale, 507; total, lli:i. Dally atlendanec, male, uXi; female, !I50; toUl, mi. Teachers employed, male, '.'; female, 15; total, 17. Pupils in private schools, St. Mary's ncadaiay, 1L'5; klndurKurteii, 15;, mo. 1.I.11III.1TIKS 01' nlSTIUCT. Hooded ludchtedaess . . . 120,000 00 Notes 5.U0OOO Warrant Indebtedness . 11,155 00 Total 2i,0M oa U'sscash on hand, Starch 1, 11)00. .. 1,1.70 Actual Indebtedness 'J7,o:u ii Taxablo property in district, roll 18W, 1,1'J.V o:m, Special tax levy, 7K mills, hUITMI!S AND MISCKLI.ANKOUH ITKHS. Kellet maps and freight 7110 00 Stationer), as per contract lt;i'l.r Hebindlnx books l!i 00 Hooks and other stationery 45 CO Window shades and mats !W 55 Oils and paints ttMS M ludow Klasa 11 55 Urates repluced 88 70 Mine (' 60 JtidKesuud clerks of election . 7 50 HefondiUK tuition C 75 Trees at Aeademv., .. 85 00 Orudlng and toedlng nrouud 'JOio Care of trees, east end suhool , , , ..... 18 00 Diplomas of itradimtCK -17 8J Chemical engine to reduce Insurance. ... id 'JO Tutors uppues, uroomi'i eie in n Total ... ! 1708 1)7 Indebtedness, Maroh ....IJ9.173 05 Indebleduess, March 1, 1HU0 17,032 21 deduction durliiK year , .f 1,511 11 A Urlilge Acrua lliu UuluwbU. There is some talk of building t bridgo across the river to Est Dalles, bat why wait to lawn wth the Jjiw, Uiilon & Crown Insurano Co? Arthur Seufert, resident agent, 'phone HI. Govemmnnt Official Kxnrena Tholr Views A lloat Rnllway I'roponed Obstruction to Overcome. From the Evening Telegram wo take the following relative to an open rivtr which wo am all interested in : "All Northern Idaho ia intensely in terested in an open Columbia river. Lewiston, Idaho, takes more practical interest in this subject than Portland does ; and yet Portland has twice, thrice, perhaps tentimes as much at stake in an open river as Twiston has. ''The Lewiston Commercial Club has struck tho right kcyuoto in certain reso lutions which it passed recently. These resolutions relate partly to the past, and partly to the future, and in both aspects they express important facts and neces sities. These resolutions recite a state ment made by Captain VV. VV. Harle, recommending the construction, first, of a portage railway ; and stond, of a canal and locks, the first to serve until the second should be completed; both, of course, being under government contro' ; and the railroad, which would not ccst over a quarter of a million dollars, to be discarded as soon as tho canal and locks are completed. Thip plan, be it remembered, has been indorsed! not only by Captain Harts, but by memorials of the legislatures of the states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, to congress. Not only so, but the Chief of Engineers of the United States, General Wilson, has reported that a free, temporary portage railway, to be followed, as speedily as is possible, by cjmal and locks, is the moat feasible means of over coming the obstructions to navigation in the Columbia river above The DalliF, "Work is now going on in the con struction of a portage road on the north aide of the river, and it is reported that it w ill be pushed to completion and be put in operation. But even if this ia .done it will be a private affair, and it ia uncertain as yet bow much of benefit it nrcht be to the producers and ship- j pers of the Inland Empire and the city of Portland. That such a road will be of some advantage seems certain ; but w lint is needed is au open river, one fully open and free to the public. "Portland must take some decided position on this important question, either in indorsement of I lie boat rail way scheme, that still Eeema to be fav ored by the politicians, or in advocacy of a portage railroad to be built by the government, if that can be obtained, or at least of a canal anil locks, as soon as practicable, whether the portage rail way ie bnile or not. "This metropolis should j in hands with Lewiston, Walla Walla, Spokane, Pendleton, The Dalles, Astoria, and other cities of the great Columbia river region, in urging and demanding an open river, by t lie best, surest, most permanent and probably the only prac ticable tueariR canal and lockB, and in the mean time a government portage railway ontheOregon side of the liver," rEUl'LK YOU ALL. KNOW. Fon Batty is in the city from Wapi nitia. F. A. Beatty, of Wamic, is in town today. A. W. Sharrard, of Arlington, ie. in the city. J. M. Kussell returned last night from Portland. W. F. Barzee, of Wasco, is in the city on bueincfcs. W. E. Wojdcock, of Wamic, is in the city attending to business. Frank Hogau, of Grangeville, Idaho, spent the day in the city visiting with relatives. Gaorge A. Young and daughter, Mies Georgia, are in the city from their home at Kidgewuy. Messrs. F. H. Button, D. S. Crapper, Norman Williams and K. T. Millf, of Hood Kiver, are registered at the Uma tilla Home. Mrs. W. L. BradsbVw, whoyMas been in Ashoville, N. C, for tb past few months receiving treatBRiit, returned home on the atternooiHleiu. Site was accompanied oy herrothe Dr. Harry Llttlenelii. Wm. J. Montniino, formerly a resident of The Dalles and Chas. L. Woods, rep me:iting the Paeilio CoaH Investment Co,, a tontiuo savings association with the home oillco in Pottland, are in the city. They will call on our citizens and try and interest them in the mutual profit sharing plans which they will fully explain CASTOR I A For Jufanta and Children. Tin KIM You Hat I Alwaft 8mckt Bears the Signature of CiWof thanks. Mr. and, Mrs, J. P, Agidiua wish to extend their heartfelt ttiariksto'all those wlio ttended'the ftbijl of 'thVia't A. Vuo '(iie'd In 'MMilla tirid Was barled'he're with military honori last Mteety. I "i i till'' 1m"i HIMi Hil''h'''iitl' H' 'l"''M .,,,,".''d''t' LH '1'li.pViWni iinitit' ""f''i'''n'''i "'"I ''i''"S"'i'iiiiitm'nti im t in n'"'ii AVfcgelable PreparattonTor As similating IheFoodandReguIa ting the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digcslion.Checrfur ness and Rest. Con tains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. JiOT NAHC OTIC . Stepe of Obi J)r SAMUEL PITCHSR flafAm Scat JkueSitd Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa fion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. CXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. SEEDS. SEEDS. m Q w W m Q w w m A Spltndid Assortment of Choice Garden. Grate and Vegetable SEEDS IN BULK. Reed Wheat, Seed Oils, Seed ..Rye, Seed Barley, Seed Buckwheat, Seed Corn King Philip Corn, Stovrell's Evergreen Corn, Enrly Minnesota Corn. Kaffir Corn, Egyptian Corn, A maaniScent stock of which will he sold at close and Grocery Store of J. H. SEEDS. SEEDS. Notice. Arriving time of No. 1, west-boon I passenger, is reported daily to' the Seufert & Condon Telephone Co. Sub scribers can get this information by calling central. To secure the original witch hazel falve, a$k fir DeWitt's Witch Hizel Salve, well known as a certain cure for piles and tkin diseases. Beware of worth less counterfeits. They are dangerous. Kfc-gH Fur Salt). Full blooded, barred Plymouth Hock ezge, per sotting $1 .00 and $1 50. For particulars call on or address, Sanduus linos. Box 017. Tile (Miles, Or. Lewis Ackerman. Goslun, Iud., sayp, "DeWitt's Little Early K'sers always bring certain relief, cure my headacho and never gripe." They gentlv cleanse and invigorate the bowels and liver. Wniitetl. A girl or woman to do gei.erai house work in a small family about nine miles from Tjie D.tlles. Inquire at this office. t 7 3t. "I used Kodol dyspepsia Cure In my fimlly with wonderful results. It gives immediate relief, is pleasant to take nud is trulv the dyspeptic'! Lest friend," sh.vs E. Ilartgeiink, Oveiisel. Mich. Digests what you eat. Cannot f.til to cure. Wuiittil. By a young lady, a plac.i to do house work in a small family. Apply to Mrs, Toomey, Now ColumhU Hotel. m2-2w, Experience is the beat Tencher, U?e Acker's English Remedy in unv case of cougliB, cold or croup. Should it fail to sive immsdinti relief money refunded. 25 cte. and 50 cts. Blakeley & Houghton Druggists, S'.ck IIe;idf.c'ie absolutely mid reniii nently cur.'d by u.Jing Moki Tea. A pleasant herbdrlnk. Cures constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, Bleep, work and happy, Satisfaction guaranteed or money bck. 25 ct. and 50 cts. Blakeley k Houghton Drugxtr. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMC CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. I SEEDS. IS U w w fed d GO White Hominy Corn. Enrly Rosu Potatoes, lurlmr,k Potatoes, Spring Vetches, limine liras?, Cheap Chicken Wlieut, Poultry Food, Bee Supplies. Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of prices for CASH at the Keen, Seed CROSS. SEEDS. Volcanic ICruitliiin Are grand, but ekin eruptions rob life of j y. Buckleu's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, iiinnin? and fever sores. Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns,, Warte, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblaluc Hett Pile cure oa earlli. Drives out jialns and aches. Only 'Jo ct". a box. Cure guaranteed. Soli! by Blakeley & Houghton, drug uists. 'i Dirt you ever hear fco'v Mr. , of street camo to huy a YfScel for hLi wife? Well, ho came homo ono eveniug, and saw her fclttlai? on the balustrade of tho porch, as shown in the picture, lie made up his mind then and there that t'10 vrnuld look: just too sweet for anything on a bicycle. And bho does. Hut tho hind of bioyole has iv (rood deal to do with looking swoet. Bo If you want to looli feweet, buv your wheel (aa did Mr. ) of the agent for CRAWFORDS ; Golden Eagle, $25 Crawford . . . $30 Cleveland, . S40 an d $50 We have handled the tttuve line e( wheels for several years. The u'lurantee on the above wheels aro such that no one need to heaitate to buy either uf them. JVIaier & Benton 8oI Agents. AAV AW