The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 07, 1900, Image 1

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NO 176
She Dalles
Her Exporters Send Out Goods
taining Adulterants,
Administration Finds That It Will lie
Mnsv to Retaliate in Event of
Cicriiiany's Discriminating Against
American ('mods.
Ni.w YoitK, March 0, A special to the
Iieru.d from Washington suye: Though
tin; Administration ctnuot protest
against injurious legislation pending in
lliodermun Legislature, it haa devolopcd
that It hna been making n j uiut invest!
cation to ascertain the extent of the
adulteration of German importations in
to the United States. This investigation
litis extended to the imports of othar
European governments which impose
restrictions upon American goods. In
the ease of Germany, tho information to
lie obtained will be of value in determin
ing the course this Government shall
adopt should the meat-inspection bill,
reported by the Reichstag committee, be
enacted into law.
This investigation, which has beon
going on for some little time, has de
veloped that the objection raised by the
German governmont against American
products also exists in German goods.
This discovery ia very gratifying to the
ollieiula, as it furnishes them with an
excellent weapon to be employed in case
of need. German wines are said to con
tain adulterants, and the President,
should he determine to do so, can take
measures to exclude them.
Examination of a statement of the pro
visions of the bill reported by the Reich
stag committee shows, the authorities
say, that American meats can be entire
ly excluded. The press dispatches in
dicated that the conditions relative to
inspection had been modified, but
Ambassador White's dispatch announces
that the hill contemplates an imperial
inspection at the port of entry, and a
local Inspection in the province which is
tliudcstination of the meat. In addition,
thuro is tho prohibition of American
canned and corned beef and sausage. It
is tho contention of this government and
Ambassador White has been so advised,
that one inspection should bo sufficient.
With an imperial and local inspection,
tlm cll'uct would be, it is stated, to con
demn practically nil American meats
which might be imported into the Ger
man Umpire.
In answer to a complaint registered by
this government at the refusal of the
local authorities of tho German Empire
In give information to American Consuls,
Hie Gorman govornirmnt has announced
that all such information must come j
hum the foreign olllce, and communica
tions requesting it should bo sent to the
Minister of Foreign Allaire. In principle!
this, according to the department, must
bo accepted, but there is no intention of
I'unnitting such discrimination against
American Consuls as is apparent from
tlm secret instructions to German officials
t Dessuldorf, as published in the Herald
this morning.
liupresontatlonB made to Secretary
Hay announce tho desire of the German
Kovornment to modify the pendtug bill,
nd its purpose to have it amended
wlien considered by the Bundesrath.
UnUrrli Cannot be Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease Catarrh
ja a blood or constitutional disoaao, and
in ordur to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Haifa Catarrh Cure is
tkon internally, and acta directly on
liio blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure ia not a quack medicine.
was was prescribed by one of the best
Physicians in this country (or yeare, and
la a regular prescription. It is composed
o the best tonics known, combined with
Makes the food more delicious ai id wholesome
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the iuucoub surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. .1. Ciiijxey & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 7nc.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
They Ask Markets For Their Products
and (let Charity Opinions of
Spanish Press.
Citv of Mkxico, March fi. The press
here, both native and foreign, condemn
the policy of the United States Congress
toward Puerto Rico. The papers printed
in English are severe in their criticisms
on the treatment of the annexed island,
and predict trouble ahead. The Spanish
Colonies organ, Corerro Epanola, says:
"McKinley, having taken pity on
Puerto lt'co, has asked Congress to
authorize him to devote to the relief of
the island which has been converted
by famine into a new British India a
sum equivalent to tne uustora -House
duties paid by tho merchants of Puerto
Rico on its introduction into the United
States. It is said that half a loaf is
better than no bread, hut we are of the
opinion that this measure is worse than
nothing. Instead of converting the in
habitants of the island into mendicants,
they ought to be loft free to develop
their natural resources and sell their
products, to which end exportatione,
now in a state of stagnation, should be
facilitated by means of free trade.
"What Puerto Rico needs rather than
degradation, almost, which is insulting
to human dignity, is to be able to soil
its sugar and tobacco. But this would
not suit tho American producers of sugar
and tobacco; it would run counter to the
protected interests which havo great
influence in the Federal Congress, and
McKinley. in order not to offend those
interested, has found a way out of it by
offering charity."
Ill Life Waa Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful
deliverance from a frightful death. In
telling of it he says : "I was taken with
Typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia.
My lungs became hardened. I was so
weak I could'nt even sit up in bed.
Nothing helped me. I expected to soon
die of consumption, when I heard of
Dr. Kinii's New Discovery. One bottle
gavo great relief. I continued to ubo it,
and now am well and strong. I can't
gay too much in its praise." This
marvelous medicine is the sureBt and
quickest cure in tho world for all throat
and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents
nnil ftl.OO. Trial bottles free at Blakeley
Houston's uruaatnre: every uome
Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, MilesLurg,
Pa., save, "As a speedy cure (or coughs,
colds, croup and sore throat One Minute
Cough Cure is unequaled. It is pleasant
forchildion to take. I heartily recom
mend it to mothers. " It is tho only
harmless remedy that produces im
mediate results. It cures bronchitis,
pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung
diseases, It will provent consumption.
No Hlght to Ugliness.
The woman who Is lovely in face,
form and tomper will always have
friends, but ono who would be attractive
must keep her health. If ahe is weak,
sickly and all ruu down, alio will be
nervous and irritable. If ahe has con
stipation or kidney trouble, her Impure
blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin
eruptions and a wretched couaplexlc.
Electric Bitters is the best medicine in
the world to regulate stomach, liver and
kidneys and to purify the blood. It
gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth,
velvety skin, rich complexion. It will
make a good-looking, charming woman
of a urn-down linvalid. Only 50 cents
at Blakeley & Houghton's drugstore.
startling Clulnm,
Eighty-five per cent of nil persons de
dared incurable or given up to die by
physicians can be cured, or their lives
greatly prolonged by the beneficent
powers of the "Perfected" Oxygenor
King. This startling assertion is sus
ceptible of proof. We have it in the
form of letters from all classes of people
"rending far nnd near" who are de
lighted to testify to the marvelous cura
tive powers of this latest acd most per
fected home oxygenating instrument.
For sale by J. M. Filloon, The Dallee,
Ore. ml-lwd2v
Ad Iloiictt Medicine rur La Grippe.
George W. Wait, of Gardner, Me.,
says: ' I have had the worn cough,
cold, chills and grip and have taken lots
of trash of no account but profit to the
vendor. Chamberlain's cough Remedy
is the only thing that has done any
good whatever. I have used one bottle
of it and the chills, cold and grip have
all left me. 1 congratulate the manu
factur rs of an honest medicine." For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Notice to the l'ubllc.
The Columbia Southern Railway Com
pany will complete its line and be ready
to receive forward freight and passengers
from Shaniko not later than April 15,
1000. Large warehouses and stock yards
will be erectad and ready for wool and
stock by the above date. Freight rates
will be considerable lower than by team
from The Dalles. Regular tariff will be
published shortly.
For further information call on or
address C. E. Lytle, General Freight
Agent, Moro, Ore., or the undersigned.
E. E. Lytle,
feblC-tf General Manager.
A Good Cough Medlclue for Children.
"I have no hesitancy in recommend
in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,"
says F. P. Moran, a well known and
popular baker, of Petersburg, Ya. "We
have given it to our children when
troubled witli bad coughs, also whoop
ing cough, Mid it has alwaj e given per
fect satisfaction. It was lecommended
to me by a druggist as the best cough
medicine for children as it contained no
opium or other harmful drug." Sold by
Blakeley & Houghton.
rri-Nldciit Lincoln und the Flower.
President Lincoln, with his great,
kindly nature to which children and
music appealed so Mrcnuout-ly, was, of
course, pattionately fond of iluwers,
and during his administration the con
servatories assumed n form very sim
ilar to their preMMit appearance. Very
often when Lincoln wished to be abso
lutely alone he sought the solitude of
the conservatory, and those about him,
as soon as they became appreciative of
this fact, exercised the greatest care
that Ills wish for privacy should be re
spected. Often when the cloud of war
and desolation hung darkest over the
country the old gardener in charge
would come suddenly upon the presi
dent standing dejectedly nmong the
folinge, his eyes bedimmed with tears.
Wnldon Fnwertt, in Woman's Home
Wnric Th n n Murder.
Among the Pnrsees u murderer is
punished with 00 stripes on his bnre
back, while a master wlio neglects his
dog receives 200 atripes. Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Win. Orr, Newark, O., says, "We
never leel fare without une Minute
Cough Cure In the bouse. It eaved my
little boy'a life when he had the pneu
nionia. We think it is the best medicine
made." It cures coughs and nil lung
diseases. Pleasant to take harmless aud
gives Immediate results.
Subscribe for Tan Chroniok.
General 'Gatacre Has Occupied Storm
berg Without Serious Opposition
and Is Now in Close Communica
tion With General Clements at
Lo.vdok, March 6 The Boers in
Northern Cape Colony are in fall retreat
to the Orange Free State. The possession
ofStormberu puts General Gatacre in
railroad communication with General
Clements at Colesberg, for though the
Boers partially wrecked the railroad, it
is understood that it can be quickly re
paired, and thus the entrance of ad
ditional British troops into the Free
State will be facilitated.
From Osfontein, wh&re Roberts is op
posed by a good-sized body of Boere,
there is still no news except reports of
minor ekirmishes.
The position gained by General
Brabant at Dordrecht is reported to be
exceedingly strong. According to the
Times correspondent, the Boers' numbers
alone enable them to retreat from
Dordrecht, practically unhindered. He
also reports a' violation of a white flag by
the Boers, they having deliberately fired
at cIoeb range on a stretcher party.
General White's garrison has begun
to leave Ladyemith and is arriving at
the Mooi River camp, where the troops
will remain several days, after which
they will go farther south. They are
emaciated and exhausted and say the
road to Colenso presents ecenes that ex
ceed in horror those depicted in Dante's
Inferno. Dead men and animals are ly
ing mutilated and putrefying in the
trenches formerly occupied by the Boers,
and filling the air with a sickening
stench. In cases where hurried burials
had been attempted, the rains have
washed the earth away and out of the
earth stick ghastly legs and arms of dead
A dispatch from Osfontein says that
according to the Boer prisoners, an im
portant British success will cause Presi
dent Steyne to flee to Pretoria, leaving a
provisional government at Bloemfontein,
which is likely to make peace overtures,
those Free Staters not wishing for peace
treking toward the Transvaal and help
ing to make a stand which most of the
Britieh military critics now point out
will constitute the most difficult and
deciding feature of the war.
The recent rains have afforded Robert b
good grass and copious supplies have
reached him. News of bis advance is
eagerly awaited.
Iryin preparations simply devel
op dry cntimh ; thoy dry up the secretions,
which adhere to the membrane aud decom
pose, causing a far moro serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes aud snuffs
aud uso which cleanses, soothes aud
heals. Ely's C'roam Balm id such a remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho
50c. size. Ely Brothers, Cli Warren St., N.Y,
Tho Bnhu cures without puin, does not
irritato or causa snoozing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and nngry surface, reliev.
ing immediately tho painful iullauiination.
AVith Ely's C'roam Balm you nro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fover.
Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111.,
writes, "I never fall to relieve my
childreu from croup nt once by using
Ono Minate Cough Cure. I would not
feel safe without it." Quickly cures
coughs, colds, grippe aud all throat and
lung diseases.
JSUuiurck'it Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels-are out of order. If
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, use Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley
& Houghton's drugstore. 2
Rev. W. E. Silzer, W. Canton, N. Y.,
writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty
years, and tried doctors and medicines
without benefit. I was percuaded to use
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me
from the start. I believe it to be a
panacea 'or all forms of indigestion,' It
digests what ycu eat.
Opening Sale
White Goods
and Summer
Wash Goods
The cream of this season's production and an
assortment which would do credit to a "city store."
Still we show only half the spring stock the' balance
is yet on ihe way, and due here the latter part of this
Nainsooks, 2" ir.cht s wide, checks and stripes, from 10c to 30c yard
Nainsooks. 32 inches wide, plain, from 12l2c to 25c yard
Dimities, 30 inches wide, stripes and checks, from 15 to -10c yard
India Linens, 30 inches wide, an elegant line, 5c to 50c vard
Ling Cloth, 45 inches wide, No. 600, 20c; 800, 30c. Special prices on bolts.
Cambrics, 36 inches wide, none better than these at 10c. 12l.'.c and 15c vd
White Organdies, 68 inches wide, per yard. . .50c, 75c, 85c, $1.00 and $1.25
White Pique, Welts and Cords, in the newest weaves; Lace Corde,
Sitin Stripes, Corded Checks, Fancy Cords and Crepon Stripes.
The width is 28 and 29 in. ; prices, 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c and 40c.
White Dotted Swisses, in a range of twelve different sized dots; from
the pin-head to the coin dot. Width 30 inches; price per yard, 25c and 30c
Figured or embroidered Swisses; imported high grade novelties, which
you must not fail to see; 32 inches wide, per yard 50c.
Black, with black dots; 27 incheB wide, per yard 35c
Black, with black dots; 32 inches wide, per yard 50c
Black, with Lavender and Cerise dots, 31 inches wide, per yard 50c
White, with black and red dots, 29 inches wide, per yard 40c
Silk Organdies, Cream, light blue, pink and nile green, 52 inch width,
per yard "50c
26 inches wide, ornamented with several rows of puffing, lace inser
tion or hemstitching. Three prices, $1.25, $1.35 and $1.50 a yard.
for Yokes, etc., new patterns; stripe6 and bow knots white and cream
18 inches wide, 65c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 a yard.
14 to 6 inches wide 5c to 85c a yard
New in Silks.
PUFFED and CORDED TAFFETTA SIKS; 18 inches wide, red,
cerise, turquoise, French blue, pink, p.ile blue, cream, corn, $1.25 a yard.
BENGALINE SILKS $1.00 a yard
PLAIN TAFFETTA SILKS, new shades, 19 inches wide, per yard. . . .Soc
CORDED HABITOU SILKS, in the leading color combinations, 19 inches
wide, per yard "5c
a.m. WILLIAMS ico
Spring is Here
and So Are We,
Elegant Stock of
Wall Paper
to Select From.
rams, oils, wmp.
Washington Street,
betweeii Second and Third.
Notice Is hereby given tliat the uudci'stgucd
has been duly appointed administrator of the
estate of J. C. lluld win, deceased. All pcrnon.
having claims against bum estate arc Hereby
notilled to present the same, properly verified,
to tne or to tny attorneys, DtiluriV Menefce. In
The Dalles Oregon, within six months from the
date oi tuts notice.
Dated this 11th any ol February, luou.
K. 11. MKKKIM.,
Administrator of the estate ot J, O. lialdwin,
deceased. febl7-it
Notice Is hereby irlvcn that tho undeisltrued
has beeu appointed by the county court, ot the
Ktute of Oregon, for Wavco county, administrator
ot me estate oi raincK mown, uet-euseu. aii
arsons having claims against said estate arc
ierubv notified lo uresent paid claims, properly
verified, to me at the office of Sitiuott & Bluuott,
In Dalle City, Ore.
uaie iieruoi.
Dated Jauuary 25, 1900.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been duly appointed by the county court of
the state of Oregon for Wasco county, executor
with tho will annexed of the last will of Mury
Jane lleezley, deceased. All persons havltitr
claims against said estate are hereby untlllcd;to
present them to mo with the proper vouchers at
my ottlco In The Dalles, Oregon, within six
months from the date thereof,
Dated Feb. i'l, UW0,
feb2Ml Executor.
n niiuiuA l0
KemoT Pimplei, Pr.f.nt
eh dii U iKuuif
MB lu ll IKUUn
uoralefcn. Tunm.
fr,o fall Eos I
MZ&IrA&71iJPlWuJ,PiS 6for
w b' MUta. ml aoiAftab CO. fUa. fa.