rKtit'i.r. you ai.i. know. T. T. Cook, of Canyon City, is In town today. Win. i. elope. Hon. fiuiktt ii in town Irom An- I Scrofula to Consumption, C. M. CartwriL'h,of Hay Creek,! ia in the city. I 1 t i rv 1 .. Fnii A. Younai. in the city ou his never uo nenuny anu vigurou. niw war to hi home at Uidgetvay. i taint in the blood naturally drifts into .Mr. C. AlUkr returnd home last 1 Consumption. Being such a deep-seated night Irom n short ttip m Portland, blood disease, Swift's Specific is tho P. D. Djvid'nn, nt the Lost Lake i only known cure for Scrofula, because lumber Co. of Hood River, is in the city it is the only remedy which can reach tjday. the disease. . N C. Evan, county commissioner, is &tfelMlui in the Cltv Irom bis liome at Hood ,!lor breailns out it $prad rapidly all OTer Itivur itier bodv. Tnc icoa the .sore. would peel Ijfl on thi sll2hlM toush.and the odor that W. H. sears and Ii. I: Itoliertson, ol : would arise made tneai Hood Hiver. are registered at the Umatilla House. i trie dueate next attached , ,. , . . thPPTM.and we feared she Larry Likin and Win. Martin, two n-oaid line her Jigh:. Km tonular traveling salesmen, wereiu ihe inent physicians from the .,' turoittndtnR country were clt toihiy. , :onu!tfit, but could do ' I aothinc to relieve the lit- l tie lnn'Xent. and save It ! is their opinion that the iftse vras hotwles? and Im possible to save the child's oyeilght. It wis begun to "like" his wife, nnd would hnve come to entertain si stronger feel ing for her if she had behaved lit n rcnsonnble way. t'nfortumitely. Atiim Mnrin had neither rhyme nor retison in her composition. The entertaining Marville savs that the niri'nrity of la- Any one predisposed to Scrofula can iiios married to men of tri-niii are .r. YHIIl (12 Wit' llllllllll'?. "I im'll Jliiaiiiiilti" that tiiey nre frruucntly insufirrtible. O.R.&N. BUSINESS LOCALS. Clark & Fnlk are never ciosed Sunday D.in't forget this. i That medicine at once made a sceetlrand com . (pletecure. she Is now a voune lady, and his . Clark & Falk s drug stcei 1 new uever had a alga of the dise u return. j -., i ,, Mas. Kuth BcBKEtr.r. ! ire;n auu Luuijicks. I sauna, Kan. Clarke Jc Fa'.k have on sale a full Jinej Scrofula is nn obstinate blood disease, of paint and artist's brushes. ami js beyond the reach of the average Ute Clarke A Falk's qumine hair tonic , blood medicine. Swift's Specific to .keep dandruff from the head. The Blood BIG GALAPAGOS TURTLES. The Hcpvlent AVuiRheil 0O I Uili nnd Wan Wurtli for Selentlllc lf.i 6T.UU. From the Galapagos islands the schooner Julia Whalen has brought ten of the immense turtles for which the islands are noted. The biggest shell back of them all weighs GOO pounds and is soid to be the largest ever brought ffom the islands. Unfortunately, the monster reptile was accidentally killed two weeks out from the islands. A sharp piece of timiicr fell on the deck ; and pierced the animal's luntrs. The A full line of Eastman Sims and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. Yon will not have boils if you take Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. . , , i .i taint. It is purely vegetable, unu ia the best. Ask your erocer for them. ; t. 0 n,,. nr,,nt0pH tn Ash vour grocer for Clarke & Falk's contain no mercury , pofash or other ; pure concentrated fUvoring tracts. j jnl tancehatev. , i-iorai lotion win cure winu cnappmg . Company, Atlanta, ueorgta. ana sunburn, ilanufactured by Clarke A Falk. Latest thine in cameras are Im proved .Mazazine cvclones at Donnell's j drug store. Paint your house with paints that are f illy guaranteed to last. Clarke &Talk iiave them. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kfnd of chicken feed. mch25-ti Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton etrictly pure liquid paints DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve ia un equalled for piles, injuries and akin diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. Geo. Barbe, Mendota, Va , says, '"Nothing did me so much good as Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure. One dose, relieved me, a few bottles cured me." It digests what you eat and cures dyspepsia. Mrs. J. K. Milier, Newton Hamilton, la., writes, "I think DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo the grandest salve made." It cures piles and heals everyihiinr. All fraudulent imitatione are worthless. W. S. Philpot. Albany, Ga., save, "DeWitt'ri Little Early Risers did me more good than any pills I ever took." The futnous little pills for constipation, biliousness and liver and bowel troubles. J. B. Clark, Peoria, III., says, "Sur--geous wanted to operate on me for pile?, but I cured them with DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve." It is infallible for piles and skin diseases. Bear2 of counter fits. "I had dyspepsia for years. No medi cine was so effective as Kodol Dyspij sia Cure. It gave Immediate relief. Two bottles performed marvelous refulls," writes L. H. Warren, Albany, Wis. It digests what you eat and cannot fail to Hut Pratt llnrdn was tint a Ir.dy of that kind. The world had emphatically proclaimed hrr husband n genius, but to Mnrin It wasquite immaterial wheth er he wort- a robbler or an arliist. Nay. t-hc even committed the incredible srime of using tbp composer's manu script R'fires for curling paper, as un derlays for pastry, and udmilnr things! She was gay etiough with it all. ton. When Haydn went from home sh' would send him the most cheerful little notes. "Should you die to-day or to morrow." ran one of these missives, "there is not enough money left in the house to bury you." At another time, when Ilnydn was in London, he re ceived a letter in which Mnrin wrote that she had just seen a neat littc house which she liked very much, nnd that he might lo himself the pleasure to send her 2,NX gulden with which to 1 buy it. so as, to have in future n "wid- oh's home." I'!eaant rending this i for the genial composer! In tne first I ease he wrote, without a trace of anger: j "Should this be so. take my ninnu ; scripts to the music publisher. I guar ! atitee von that thev vtill he orth mm DEF.ir.T FOR Vast .Vail 11:1V . in TIUK nlKMUK. f'aoM Daixki. Suit jtt , Denver. Vt. W.irth, Omahn, Kti as City. tit. Uiiil. Chicago nnd Ka.it. AMU vie Vhom, Vk1 JUI1 2:Vi p m Spokane ' viycr ; 7:05 p. m. ( Walla Wall. Spotine, Sfoialic Jlintiea))ll. St. Paul,' Fljer. iu lu t h, lillnukce. a. la p. m. M'.m. I !. tn. i K.T.siinil7!Columbl P.v. Fteamcrs.'Kx.hunila Vrok l'or.TLANn. Ocean Stcumihlpi. For aan Franclei J iK-centticr S, S. 1J. IS. 3, and 2i. i I p. m. I I . in. Patunlay 10 p. m. 'To AS70KJA and Ioiudliiir. Way 6a.m. WttLAiiETTr. F.ivKn. i l:Mp. m. Ex.auiiday'orrenn City. Ncvrbcrs, Ki.huiulrtj Salcra i Way 1-aud's. monev enough to defray my funeral ex- is the only remedy equal to such deep-' penses." In the matter of the "widow's seated diseases; "it goes down to tho, home," he thought it would be best to very foundation anu lorces out every 1 arranire things himself, l ltimatelv lie i linuht the house, and m spite of .Mnria s frequent suggestions of his coming dis solution, he lived in it for nine years ; after she had been dead. I-'rau Haydn saw out her 70 years, but some time be fore that the pair had agreed to live apart as the best way of ending a union i Ta. m, WtlJjiKrTTK as:d Yam Tucs.Thur. jntx inverts, and int. OreKmi City, Dayton, and Way-UmdlnK. 3:3) p. m. Mo ii., wed and Fri. I 6a.m. WiiAAMEnr. Iiiver. 4:mp. m. TucThur,. Portland tn Co.-vnllls, Mnn. Wd ana Nit. and way.juidlns. mini Friday I.v Rlparia dnliy l.JJa. m. i Snake P.ivrr.. IllparU !u Inlitou. i5' IS. lm, 4 i 4 IS 4 4 I - I i. 4 5' I 4 I ja;a;;j;J;"7T i- The Great STEEL and MALLEA BLE IRON RANGES, jVTajestie I.r.Avr l.r.wi.vro.v dully s.SO a. m. Are MADE TO LAST A LIFETIME, and are ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. KonicMiiber that we are soiling the same from $45.00 to $60.00 Winy. i i a saving to our customers of from 15 to $25 over p ce charged by peddlers for inferior ranges. ,ite for pamphlet, ''Majestic Evidence." JWflYS & C$OLUE. ..... . ..i Wmm Ti.ill.w .U.l n A r. tl......i.n. 1.4 which hail nroven utterlv unuearalile ' v-i"v,V-".v"u-V"!:". " ".V,,:,:.V i . . itrnviiiir i lit. unuir ni to the composer. Cornhill Mngny.ine. A :(V i. in malcinu direct connections nt Hcnimcr imictlon Itctumlnt; ma'tingdlrcctcnttnectlnn at llcppncr junction with No. l.urrlvinr at The iMlloat Slnillnrlt j k'..Vi, m. Jlr. .Tnckson Chnsin' a woman i. jes , -s'o. , throucht freight, cat Ixiiind, doe not like elms' " trolley car; after you've oa.,ut.i!C,,gcr!!- nrrivcs W a' m" aclslrti caurht her vou've got to put vonr hand No L'l, local frclsht, cariies Hengers, cjist right downhi your pocket and pull out ' j.rTbimlhWh' 'no, some monev; (.carry passengers; arrives e.15 p in., deiwrli .Mr. lolinsnn Yes; and lucky if you don't find you've caught dc wrong car, after alt! Puck. John Dirr, Poseyville, Ind. .... .i ii. m. iiurr u.irn , w. i i .1 i.i (ii.. says, "I never mid anything so good as One Minute Cough Cure. We Bre never without it." yuTck!y breaks up coughs turtle couched blood for awhile, and a,,u cotu- ures auwrni anu lung an attempt was made to planter up the I troubles. Its nse will prevent consump hole, but the injured tortoise died in a ti'Jn. Pleasant to take. fortnight. As scientists estimate the r J 77- I . average life of these turtles at 200 years, , P r laced y,,do:t eeg enn .lonti, ,. ;ti,i f,.n ...l.. f .... ii.,. ne s-i:ureu it j. xi. oross grocery stoie is practically instantaneous for tl j for $1 pei 13. feb2S lino turtle. It is said in the islands that no turtle has died a natural death in the memory of the oldest inhabitant. J)ur-, ing the two centuries that scientists have allotted it to live some accident ( generally Details tne turtle. .Many liavc met their deaths by falling over preci pices, and a number have been over taken by the lava liows of these vol canic islands. In fact, the turtk brought back dead by the Whalen shows marks on his shell of having been Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure. carries ia.v lenders; arme o:io p. m., acparia a. m. For full particular call on O. It. & X. Co.' agent The bailee, or addrA W. II. HUP.I.IILM'.T, Oon Pas. Act., Portland, Or. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THE I Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland LEAVE. ,' OVKKLAKD EX-1 1 nre.t. Sjtlnm. Uft. ' t i bun;, Ashland, Sac 7.0) P.M. -I! ramctito, (Kden,Han I . f: 0.15 A. M. i r 1 Kranclseo, ilojave, Is AtiKelva.Kl Vi Urleann diO, and Digests what you eat. Tt.art.lflrilallOrllrrocf ctVin tA ..J.IJ. I some nery now. l Here are ,. ;'' "'"rv.1" 7"-luuu uu aJ!i , senrs on his shell, allowing that the lava n,"0cZ "Wt,; . moved more quickly than he, of cactus leaves was brought schooner as food for the turtles. ! can UDDroach it in effloipnrv. '4iZ0 A. 21 tially except Hundaya . v-mwauKuaau liOLu ll l u rr ll w ill a ton jang, it is the latest discovered digest-1 on the ant anil tnnlr. n nth op npanavolni f 7 r .'30 A. f in mnt-.-. t i It in- I New I L"a.it llovebua' and way sta llions C Via Woodbura .o. i i Mt.Anscel, Hllverlon, West hcio, lirowim- y villcdprlUKtlcIdaiid i I Natron ; . (Corvallls Mtatloim. I:S0 I: ii Dally cicopt riunday. and wayj l5:MI.v. I tut p. ra. 7;Uj p. m. 8:30 p. m. fi.v. .U (Ar. .Portland Mclllnnvlllc . lndeuiidencc., I.V.J S ;.', m l:.'0 a. m "After doctors fniled to cure me ol fineuiiiouia 1 tired One Minute Cough Cure and tnree bottles of it fined me. It is also the bsat remedy on earth for wli- oping cough. It cured my grand children of the worst casef ," writes Jno. Merry, L'igitntcin, Pa. It is the only barmless remedy that gives immediate reeulie. Cures cougiie, cold', croup and throat and lung troubles. It prevents roneuinption. Children ahvuya like it. Mothers endorse it. it. E. Snodgrnss, an instructor in , Btantly relieves and permanently cures inuei'endence i-asenokk. Exprcs train zooiogy at rjininorii universitv. anu i-.. uysuuiMia, xnaigeAtion. iiearthurn. vi"' 'i"y;. Heller, a xoolocical student there, went Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, on the Whalen for the purpose of rank-' SiCKHeadaclie.Gastralgla.Cramps.and ing scientific observations. One of the ' aU' JItlffi'R512P' t"geBti0H. giant tortoises belonged to them, and j "'f " CI),eQB iin- ii.i-.i.- in iiuiiiiiuii iau viirieiies oi fish. Sixty-two varieties of fish were 1.. 1 .1..., !..! iiiicuiM iviiuu ii uh iuviv isiiiiius, wnien i f iit.,:. t j . r- are ren.i.rkubly rich zoologically. Of! f Applicitionjorj.tqoor License the fish brought back to Stanford. 'JO T Whom It May C'o.ncekn specimens are new to science. The cn - , ."UVS "eff,5r.'!,Vcl! ,,ne '""der kii1, , . , . , . , , "' Hey, ulll at 10 o clock iii Ihc forenoon, legions bring also a most complete col- on Wednesday, the :th day of Mirch, 1 w. the I NOTICE Dally. tfaliy. except buimar. IIININC! CAltlj ON OGIIEN UOUTE. 1'tJI.UlAN I1UPKET Hl.FEI'EKS AND 8ECOND-OI.AS3 HI.KKPI.Vli (,'AKt Atuched to all Throuch Tratut. Direct connection at Snn rmnoiirn uiiii n.i dental and Oriental and Paclflc mall iiteamnhip ! lines for JAPAN and CHINA, fealllne daU on I plication. -jitiuiJiiiiixttii4iAiti4iiiiiilsixutAiiiVa TMnrTnrnmrnninrrmirrtnniTnTTrTin"rcnrmr JU4U4UttJtXtXXlttlIIJlAtli rninnnimni.iimTnmirtnTtnmMI 3E 25 4 1 ! ? si I v M i f a i (its to The Dullca, Of. I The Chronicle, Job Printers. 't a.lmnarclt'K Iron .Siv Was the result of his splendid health. Inilouiitiible will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys nnd bowels are out of order. If j you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. Kiiijt's New Life ! I'tlle. They develop every power of j ' brain and body. Only 25c at Dhikeley ! A Houghton's druiiore. 'J ' 'I hud bronchitis every winter for! years and no iiiediriii g.ive me permn .tient relief till I In-gJii to take One .Min ute Cough Cure, I know it Is the best cough medicine made," says J. Kontilz, Corry, Va. It quickly cures coughe, colds, croup, asthma, grippe end throat mud luii u troubles. It is the children's favorite remedy, Cures quickly. Hick Headache ftbaolutely and permit ,Mitly cured by iHiiig Moki Ten. A jilMMNt herbdrink. Cures constipation mat latfigettion, makes you eat, sleep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed r ttoaay back. 25 eta. nnd 60 cts. Ukalay Iloughton DrsMiif. nf wlili. h liml mwi. ic v.. ,-.. mi.. 1 'v, iiifiiimernisiuii ieiiienniiil wi v ot vwin.li linn once its ht-panite npecies, .nielo Pieciiict, in the (.ounty of w, the turtles nre c;:tinct. The inhab- "d the hiate of Oregon, rc-spt-etnilly pi .... . ' vmtr hririfirniiif. lMl. t.i urt.fit u If......... ... lection of insecta, mnnv of them nncins-1 "nl1t 'i'".8 'h.e 'ellI,".r Mutch lfltcrm of emitt, t , , , ,i . . ' Ji'i' i" uiv t.iiiui i.uijii, oi iuo nuiii' oi tire- sifit'd, and a line collection of birds ami xon. forWaicoi.Wiity,f..riiliceiitctoi.Mt"pirlt- riMltill.ti TliMV linvr. n crir.r.i no.n nt n ' IIOIl. ma! t nd ViflOUS HotlOIk 1 11 Iillilll I III.- . . , . , ! than one fiallori, in Hie town of nlnmlLo. In An- mnrine iguanu, or sea lizard, six feet I tclop,; Prwinot. in the count" and "tato ,,fwi. long. alrl, for such peri'-.l hj. ids" receipt from ihe , . County Trea.iiier of nld county may call for: I lie college men report that the tnr- and lib petition for said llcemc, which he will tics, though still numerous on Albe- j ElTein5fierH'ltrtb0U"V Co,,rt M"1 d,,c' ' marie, hnve disappeared from the other j Datwl this Mh day'of February, ".05. islands, e.scept on Duncan island, where ; J.J.WH.EV: one specie of the testudn family still, I'ctitlun for i.tijoor i.1uhk. exists. There nre three ij;ecies on Al- To the Ilonorablu County Court of thehl.itcof bemnrle. but on the other islnnds, ench 'J''0"' ,(")u' Coa",' "' w""?o: c, me iiiioernisiuii icmik-ih.h itiiu leX'U voter 11 IIK'O, your honorable tody to if runt a IIcuiuh to J. .1 Ley to K'll M'iriPiouMniilt and vinous llrpiom in le (planum: Ihmi onu khIIoii In the town of bhaiilko, in said Anleloi: prtcinct, In tho Coun ty wild ntatcaforeiald. for such k.tI(j1 at ht rc- i-.in irom me cuuiuy neuturvr oi mill county may call for. Jas McCarlhy W ficnlt U 3 lllsbeo J II Klder Wm Hull W c i'orler Wm Hlanlejr ilownrdUjomis N A t'chmllt I) It K'ly It I) eauiiders John temple Alf hcl.ay K WDuiin J V Thonipton ( W ilurer (J V Clark O Cornett J Htepbeiikou Thos Collins Tho Hryant AloiunTuiuer W il licCarthy ham llluaneiit C Molyneux fi P (ininblo II p w hillock Frank Miller Friiiillller Kit rihechan I. O ChUMiitui (i W hllill W K I'awtotl J O Wlluey D S lian bum Work H II Miller It O (.'arlnnd Chin ivmnnn i jieiincKiiun j i iiimiy W liuiN John aluloiiu Jilk'eUay V HhUmIk w ii navey r. V (ioodwlll itants of the islnnds kill the turtles for their oil. and the supply is steadily growing less. The turtles brought buck on the Whalen are worth from $200 to S3C0 apiece. There were ten, some of then bound for museums, some for zoological gardens and more for the soup kettle. -San 1'rnneif.co Chronicle. Hate fclld tickets to Eastern tllnu. and Ku. rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA. HONOLULU ant APriTP.AI.IA. All abovo trniliK nrrlvt nt niwl i1..r....t (.. Grand Central Station. Filth and Irvine strveu YAMIUI.I, DIVISION. Passenger Dep.)t, foot of Jerierson street. Leave for Hberldan. week days, t -1:30 n. ro Arrive at Portland, 0:20 a. m Leave for AIICI.IK on Monday, Wnlnewlay and Iriday ats.a'ia. rn. Aniv nt Portland, Tufcs- 1 dav, Thursday mid Haturda) u3:Mp. in. Except Hunday. Except Balnrday. K. KoKl.U:k, (1, ll, MAItKHAM, Maniucr. Assu i. P. A Paw. Ak't Throiiuh Ticket OKicc. lsi Thini tinwt nu ' throiiKh tlckcu, to till point In tho Kantern States, Canada and Europe can bo obtained ul lowest rates from J. 1). KlIiKLANI), Ticket Agent. mlk ImmilsR 9tB0SlKK''". 'BBBBKiaBSMA') and Motors MA.Vl'FAl'TUUUI) I1V HAYDN'S UNHAPPY WIFE. Slurried Her Iiutcnil of Her Slater Jleruly In (HiIIkc IIIn Fn-tlifr-lii-l,w. Hnyln mnrrled, not the girl lie wns EC Dickerton O A Cralty Jas Warrack FA Lueddeiiianu J 8 Kwausoii W K Kemp (ieo fuller sold I'nther Keller, the barber, and. O'M f.W. 0,1 M'U",?"....... iJ . '?.. as Keller hud done n good deal for I David ocott JU filkliiKtoii F M Dial m . 'unu. iieips raincif nauiiran ..imi.iJi iiiuii n , r.uinuiisoii it a unwell in love with, but her sister. "Hnvdn.i ,.!?,n i you should take my oldest du'uulitor." i AT r.ilnu itoss Allen stilil I'ntlu.r lv..llni. 1,nrl,.r AlU-rthllttOIl f.J (lliau Jlnydn, tho composer felt that he must sacrifice his direction on the altar of duty mid oblige the old mnn. At the time of the marringe, in 1700, Ilnydn was 2J, while Ills Anun Mnria wns .'12. There does not uppenr to hnve been much Jqvc on either side to Htart with, but Ilnydn declared that he hud rcully h J ( raves llenrv lliin V W Hlivrinnth O Miller K Casey Kerr Flnley JlcIJclh J Thompson ChasOnlUKher John (ialUiiber FrankKlncald J tscarlult Walter Condell r llUoniliiK (Jeorn Condon John MoLcnuan J Mlank (ieo Cochran D K McKlnna Harry Adams Cbus (ireer II U Koouer i.'?,nk.'?l',cer ?a'!fc ,r,1"o Max Luettdeman U K Miller J T lienuett J J Wiley J 1 Flu la) ton Tne coiuiia PacKiDo Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTUKKB8 OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JR1KD BEEF, ETC. J-K- UKISBNDOKrrBB Pliysiciau and Surgeon, Special attention ilveu to urycry, KoomJ21aod2i, Tol.ttS Vott Block AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL 00 SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC Circulnra nnd particulars furnlaliud on application. P. S. GUNNING, Agent, THE DALLES, OREGON unltf C. C. COOPER, MANUFACTUIIKIl OF High-Grade Stook Saddles and Shop-Made Harness. DK.M.KIt IN Tunte, Wagon Coyora, and all artlclea usually koj,t in ft flrat-clasa harnesa ihop. V W-lrwaNtaua.. THE DALLES, OREGON, This Stomp u GuoranM r MAKER of Quality